12 January 2011 
The  Board  of  M&G  Equity  Investment  Trust  P.L.C.  (the "Company") hereby 
announces  recommended proposals  for the  reconstruction and  winding-up of the 
Under the Proposals: 
  * Zero Dividend Shareholders and Package Unitholders will be able to roll over 
    some  or all of their investment by electing to receive Securities in one or 
    more  of the Rollover Funds (namely M&G High Income Investment Trust P.L.C., 
    M&G  Corporate Bond Fund and M&G Global  Dividend Fund), or to realise their 
    investment for cash payable to them in the liquidation of the Company; 
  * Capital  Shareholders will  be able  to roll  over any value attributable to 
    their  Shares by electing to receive package units in M&G High Income, or to 
    realise  any value attributable to their Shares  for cash payable to them in 
    the liquidation of the Company; 
  * Income   Shareholders   will,   given   their   nominal   potential  capital 
    entitlements,  receive any entitlements in the liquidation of the Company as 
    cash payments. 
Securities  in the Rollover Funds  shall be issued at  the Rollover Price of the 
relevant  Rollover Fund, which shall be calculated by reference to the net asset 
value of the relevant Rollover Fund. 
Rolling  into the Rollover Funds should not,  under current UK law and practice, 
crystallise  a gain or  loss for UK  capital gains tax  purposes for UK resident 
Capital Shareholders, Zero Dividend Shareholders and Package Unitholders. 
A  circular  dated  12 January  2011 providing  details  of  the  Proposals, and 
convening  general meetings at which the  Resolutions required to implement them 
will be proposed, will shortly be posted to Shareholders. 
Further details of the proposals are set out below. 
Nathan Brown, Numis Securities: 020 7260 1426 
Jonathan McClelland, Secretary: 020 7548 3027 
Introduction to the Proposals 
The  Board of M&G Equity Investment Trust P.L.C. has today announced recommended 
proposals for the reconstruction and winding-up of the Company. 
The Company was launched as a closed-ended investment trust on 8 March 1996 with 
a planned winding-up date of 8 March 2011. Under the Articles, the Directors are 
obliged  to convene an extraordinary general meeting on 8 March 2011, at which a 
resolution  to place  the Company  into voluntary  liquidation must be proposed. 
Liquidation  without  rollover  options  would  result  in  all Shareholders and 
Package  Unitholders receiving cash for their investment and, depending on their 
individual  circumstances, incurring a potential  liability to capital gains tax 
or realising an allowable loss. 
The  Proposals have been designed to provide Capital Shareholders, Zero Dividend 
Shareholders and Package Unitholders with a choice of realising their investment 
or continuing it through one or more of the Options listed below. 
In respect of Income Shares, given their nominal potential capital entitlements, 
any  entitlements due to  Income Shareholders in  the liquidation of the Company 
shall be met automatically as cash payments. 
Considerations for ISA investors and managers 
Please note that the Securities in the Rollover Funds are qualifying investments 
for the purposes of continued holdings within an ISA. ISA investors must consult 
their  ISA manager as  to whether the  rules of their  particular ISA will allow 
them to hold Securities. 
Persons  who hold  an interest  in Shares  or Package  Units through  an M&G ISA 
should  read  the  additional  documentation  sent  to  them  together  with the 
The Proposals 
Under the Proposals the Company will, for operational reasons, be wound up on 4 
March  2011 rather than the planned winding-up date of 8 March 2011 as stated in 
the  Articles. Zero Dividend Shareholders will (on the assumption that there are 
sufficient  assets  in  the  Company)  receive  the amount that they should have 
received were the Company to be wound up on 8 March 2011. Other Shareholders and 
Package  Unitholders will have their  entitlements calculated on the Calculation 
Date,  but  it  is  not  anticipated  that  this  will  materially  affect their 
entitlements relative to a winding-up on the planned date. 
Capital  Shareholders, Zero  Dividend Shareholders  and Package Unitholders will 
have a choice between continuing their investment by electing for one or more of 
the  rollover  options  listed  below  and/or  realising  some  or  all of their 
investment for cash under the Cash Option. 
The  Options for  Capital Shareholders,  Zero Dividend  Shareholders and Package 
Unitholders are as follows: 
For Package Unitholders          * the  Package Unit Option - to receive M&G HIT 
                                   Package Units; and/or 
                                 * the  M&G  Corporate  Bond  Fund  Option  - to 
                                   receive   M&G  Corporate  Bond  Fund  Shares; 
                                 * the  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund  Option - to 
                                   receive  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund  Shares; 
                                 * the  Cash  Option  -  to  receive cash in the 
                                   liquidation of the Company. 
For Capital Shareholders         * the  Package Unit Option - to receive M&G HIT 
                                   Package Units; and/or 
                                 * the  Cash  Option  -  to  receive cash in the 
                                   liquidation of the Company. 
For Zero Dividend Shareholders   * the  Package Unit Option - to receive M&G HIT 
                                   Package Units; and/or 
                                 * the  M&G  Corporate  Bond  Fund  Option  - to 
                                   receive   M&G  Corporate  Bond  Fund  Shares; 
                                 * the  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund  Option - to 
                                   receive  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund  Shares; 
                                 * the  Cash  Option  -  to  receive cash in the 
                                   liquidation of the Company. 
Given  the  nominal  capital  entitlements  in  respect of Income Shares, Income 
Shareholders will not be entitled to make Elections under the Proposals and will 
be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option under the Scheme. 
Advantages of the Proposals 
The  Directors  believe  that  the  Proposals  are  in  the  best  interests  of 
Shareholders and Package Unitholders taken as a whole because they offer: 
  * greater  choice and  flexibility than  if the  Company were simply wound up, 
    since  the Proposals enable Capital Shareholders, Zero Dividend Shareholders 
    and  Package  Unitholders  to  roll  their  investment,  (in a tax efficient 
    manner,  under current UK law and  practice for UK resident Shareholders and 
    Package Unitholders ), into one or more of the Rollover Funds in addition to 
    being able to realise their investment for cash under the Cash Option; 
  * the  opportunity  to  elect  for  M&G  HIT  Package  Units, enabling Capital 
    Shareholders, Zero Dividend Shareholders and Package Unitholders to maintain 
    their  exposure to UK equities within a listed closed-ended investment trust 
    under  the management of M&G following a similar investment strategy to that 
    of the Company; and 
  * the  potential to  avoid certain  dealing and  other costs associated with a 
    share purchase in the secondary market. 
The  choice between the various Options available  under the Proposals will be a 
matter  for  each  Capital  Shareholder,  Zero  Dividend Shareholder and Package 
Unitholder  to decide and  will be influenced  by their individual financial and 
tax circumstances and investment objectives. Capital Shareholders, Zero Dividend 
Shareholders  and  Package  Unitholders  should  accordingly,  before  making an 
Election, read carefully the information on the Options in the Circular, as well 
as  the Prospectus published  in relation to  M&G High Income  and, in addition, 
Zero  Dividend  Shareholders  and  Package  Unitholders should, before making an 
Election,  read carefully the Key Features Document published in relation to the 
M&G  Corporate  Bond  Fund  and  the  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund (including, in 
particular, the risk factors set out in those documents). 
Shareholders  who are in any doubt as to  the contents of this document or as to 
the  action to  be taken  should immediately  seek their  own personal financial 
advice  from an appropriately qualified  independent adviser authorised pursuant 
to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. 
Default Provisions 
Zero  Dividend Shareholders  and/or Package  Unitholders who  do not  make valid 
Elections  for the purposes of the Proposals  will be deemed to have elected for 
the  Package Unit Option, unless unavailable in the event that the conditions to 
M&G High Income's participation in the Scheme are not satisfied (see the section 
headed  "M&G High Income shareholder approval" below), in which case Elections 
made  by Zero Dividend Shareholders and/or Package Unitholders (including deemed 
Elections)  for the Package Unit  Option will be deemed  to be Elections for the 
M&G Corporate Bond Fund Option. 
Capital  Shareholders who do  not make valid  Elections for the  purposes of the 
Proposals  will be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option. In the event that 
the  conditions  to  M&G  High  Income's  participation  in  the  Scheme are not 
satisfied,  Elections made by Capital  Shareholders (including deemed Elections) 
for the Package Unit Option will be deemed to be Elections for the Cash Option. 
The Rollover Funds 
Under  the  Proposals,  Capital  Shareholders,  Zero  Dividend  Shareholders and 
Package Unitholders have the choice of electing for Securities in one or more of 
the  Rollover Funds. Information  on each of  these Rollover Funds is summarised 
below and detailed in the Circular. In addition, full details of M&G High Income 
are  set out in the  published Prospectus and details  of the M&G Corporate Bond 
Fund  and the M&G Global Dividend Fund are set out in the published Key Features 
M&G High Income 
M&G  High Income,  a UK  investment trust  managed by  Nick Evans (also the fund 
manager  with  primary  responsibility  for  the  day-to-day  management  of the 
Company's  portfolio), invests  primarily in  UK equities  quoted on  the London 
Stock Exchange, with the aim of achieving an above average and increasing income 
over the 20 year life of the company (with a planned winding-up date of 17 March 
2017) while  at the same time seeking to achieve capital growth. In March 2011, 
Richard  Hughes, Nick Evans' predecessor as fund manager of both the Company and 
M&G  High  Income,  will  resume  primary  responsibility  for  the  day  to day 
management of M&G High Income's portfolio. 
M&G Corporate Bond Fund 
The  M&G Corporate Bond  Fund, managed by  Richard Woolnough, aims  to achieve a 
higher  total  return  (the  combination  of  income and growth of capital) from 
investment  than would be obtainable in  UK government fixed interest securities 
(i.e. gilts) of similar maturities. 
The  M&G Corporate  Bond Fund  invests mainly  in sterling denominated corporate 
debt instruments. The fund's exposure to corporate debt may be gained by the use 
of derivatives. Any currency exposures within the M&G Corporate Bond Fund may be 
managed by currency hedges into sterling. 
The M&G Corporate Bond Fund may also invest in other assets including collective 
investment  schemes, other  transferable securities  and other  debt instruments 
(including  corporate debt and  government and public  securities denominated in 
any  currency), cash and near cash, deposits, warrants, money market instruments 
and other derivative instruments. 
M&G Global Dividend Fund 
The  M&G Global Dividend Fund, aims to deliver a dividend yield above the market 
average,  by investing mainly  in a range  of global equities.  The Fund aims to 
grow  distributions over the long term  whilst also maximising total return (the 
combination of income and growth of capital). 
The  fund's  exposure  to  global  equities  may  be  gained  through the use of 
derivatives. The Fund may invest across a wide range of geographies, sectors and 
market  capitalisations.  The  Fund  may  also  invest in other assets including 
collective  investment  schemes,  other  transferable  securities, cash and near 
cash, deposits, warrants, money market instruments and derivatives. 
Costs and expenses 
The  Company has limited its exposure to  the costs in relation to the Proposals 
by entering into the following arrangements with M&G Securities. 
The   Proposals   have  been  structured  such  that  Shareholders  and  Package 
Unitholders  will bear a fixed cost in relation to the Proposals (the "Standard 
Adjustment"), with further costs (the "Rollover Adjustment") being borne only 
by   those   Capital   Shareholders,  Zero  Dividend  Shareholders  and  Package 
Unitholders  who elect (or are deemed to elect) for Securities in one or more of 
the Rollover Funds. 
A  Standard Adjustment of  GBP325,000 shall be  deducted from the Net Assets of the 
Company in calculating Shareholders' and Package Unitholders' entitlements under 
the Scheme to reflect a reasonable estimate of the costs which the Company would 
need to incur in any event in relation to its liquidation. 
In addition, each Capital Share, Zero Dividend Share and Package Unit in respect 
of  which  an  Election  has  been  made  (or  is  deemed to be made) to receive 
Securities  in one of  the Rollover Funds  pursuant to the  Scheme, shall bear a 
Rollover  Adjustment when  calculating their  entitlement under  the Scheme. The 
Rollover  Adjustment shall be 1 per  cent. of the Cash  Terminal Asset Value for 
each  Package Unit, Capital Share and Zero Dividend Share in respect of which an 
Election has been made (or is deemed to be made) to receive Securities in one of 
the Rollover Funds pursuant to the Scheme less the Rollover Adjustment Deduction 
being  an amount by  which the Rollover  Adjustment can be  reduced in the event 
that  the Scheme  Costs are  less than  what would  otherwise be  the sum of the 
Standard Adjustment and the Rollover Adjustment. 
The  Company will pay  an amount equal  to the Adjustments  to M&G Securities in 
consideration for which M&G Securities has agreed to meet the Company's costs in 
relation  to the Proposals. In the event that the Scheme is not implemented only 
the  Standard Adjustment will be paid to M&G Securities and any additional costs 
of the Company in relation to the Proposals shall be borne by M&G Securities. 
Contribution by M&G Securities 
As  noted  above,  M&G  Securities  has  agreed  to  meet the Company's costs in 
relation  to the Proposals, in consideration for  which the Company will pay the 
Adjustments to M&G Securities. In addition M&G Securities has agreed to meet M&G 
High  Income's costs in  relation to the  Scheme (other than  the stamp duty and 
SDRT  to be borne by M&G High Income in respect of the transfer of assets to M&G 
High Income pursuant to the Scheme). 
Management and administration agreements 
The Company has given notice for the termination of: 
  * the  existing  agreement  for  investment  management services ("Investment 
    Management Services Agreement") between the Company and M&G; and 
  * the   existing   agreement  for  administration  services  ("Administration 
    Services Agreement") between the Company and M&GFS, 
such  notices to take effect  on the Effective Date  and M&G and M&GFS have each 
waived  their  right  to  receive  any  termination  payment  in relation to the 
termination   of   the   Investment   Management   Services  Agreement  and  the 
Administration Services Agreement respectively. 
Entitlements under the Scheme 
In  calculating Shareholders'  and Package  Unitholders' entitlements  under the 
(i)         each Capital Share, Zero  Dividend Share and Package Unit in respect 
of  which an Election has been made (or  is deemed to have been made) to receive 
Securities in one of the Rollover Funds pursuant to the Scheme will be valued at 
its  Rollover Terminal Asset Value and Securities in the Rollover Funds shall be 
issued  at the  Rollover Price  of the  relevant Rollover  Fund, which  shall be 
calculated by reference to the net asset value of the relevant Rollover Fund; 
(ii)         each Capital Share, Zero Dividend Share and Package Unit in respect 
of which an Election has been made (or is deemed to have been made) for the Cash 
Option, will be valued at its Cash Terminal Asset Value; and 
(iii)         each Income Share will be valued at its Cash Terminal Asset Value. 
Since  the Rollover Adjustment is  being applied to Shares  and Package Units in 
respect  of  which  Elections  are  made  (or  are deemed to be made) to receive 
Securities  in Rollover  Funds pursuant  to the  Scheme (see  the section headed 
"General" above), the Rollover Terminal Asset Value will be less than the Cash 
Terminal Asset Value. 
Please  note, as  described further  below, it  is possible  depending on market 
movements  until the Calculation Date that  the Final Terminal Asset Value could 
be  less  than  the  final  entitlement  per  Zero Dividend Share, in which case 
Capital  Shareholders  and  Income  Shareholders  would not receive any payments 
under the Scheme. 
Each Package Unit will be valued as the sum of the relevant Final Terminal Asset 
Value  of  one  Zero  Dividend  Share  (in  respect  of  the Zero Dividend Share 
contained  within it),  the relevant  Final Terminal  Asset Value  of one Income 
Share  (in respect of  the Income Shares  contained within it)  and the relevant 
Final  Terminal Asset  Value of  one Capital  Share (in  respect of  the Capital 
Shares contained within it). 
Capital  Shareholders and Income Shareholders should note that, due to the value 
of  the Net Assets  and the entitlements  of the Share  classes, had the Company 
been  wound up at 12 noon on 6 January 2011 the Capital Shares and Income Shares 
would have had no entitlement to cash or Securities under the Scheme. 
Shareholders  and Package Unitholders considering electing to roll over into M&G 
High  Income should note that the market price  of the M&G HIT Package Units may 
generally  represent a discount to  their net asset value  and that the level of 
discount  may vary. By way of example,  on 6 January 2011, the level of discount 
was 8.46 per cent. and for the period between 1 January 2010 and 6 January 2011 
the  discount has  ranged from  0.48 per cent.  to 10.42 per  cent. Accordingly, 
Shareholders  and Package Unitholders  electing for the  Package Unit Option may 
not subsequently be able to realise their investment in M&G HIT Package Units at 
the net asset value of their M&G HIT Package Units at the time of disposal. 
The  Directors currently intend to  pay the Second Interim  Dividend on or about 
11 February  2011 to Income Shareholders and Package Unitholders on the Register 
on 4 February 2011. 
Furthermore,  under the  Proposals, the  Directors will  declare a Third Interim 
Dividend  equal to  their best  estimate of  the revenue  profits of the Company 
(including  accumulated revenue reserves) available  for distribution. The Third 
Interim  Dividend is  expected to  be paid  on or  about 2 March  2011 to Income 
Shareholders  and Package Unitholders  on the Register  on 21 February 2011. The 
Directors  currently intend, based on estimates as at 12 noon on 6 January 2011 
and subject to market conditions, that the Second Interim Dividend and the Third 
Interim  Dividend together total 1.30 pence per  Income Share (or 1.30 pence per 
Package Unit). 
If a Second Interim Dividend and Third Interim Dividend totalling 1.30 pence per 
Income Share (or 1.30 pence per Package Unit) were paid, the total dividend paid 
by  the Company in  respect of the  eight month financial  period ending 4 March 
2011, including the Second Interim Dividend and the Third Interim Dividend would 
be  3.30 pence  per  Income  Share  (3.30  pence  per Package Unit), which would 
compare  with the total  dividend of 6.0 pence  per Income Share  (6.0 pence per 
Package  Unit), which was paid  by the Company in  respect of the year ended 30 
June 2010. 
Any  balance remaining in the Company's  revenue reserve after the Third Interim 
Dividend  has been paid  will be taken  into account when  calculating the Final 
Terminal Asset Value of the Shares. Where the Final Terminal Asset Value is less 
than  the  final  entitlement  per  Zero  Dividend  Share provided for under the 
Articles,  any amount  of undistributed  revenue profits  of the Company will be 
attributed to the Zero Dividend Shareholders. 
M&G High Income shareholder approval 
In  order to satisfy Elections for the  Package Unit Option, it is necessary for 
M&G High Income to put an enabling resolution to its shareholders. The necessary 
meeting has been convened for 23 February 2011. 
M&G High Income's participation in the Scheme is conditional, inter alia, on the 
passing  of the M&G High Income Resolution.  In the event that the conditions to 
M&G  High Income's participation in the  Scheme are not satisfied, all Elections 
by   Zero  Dividend  Shareholders  and  Package  Unitholders  (including  deemed 
Elections)  for the Package Unit  Option will be deemed  to be Elections for the 
M&G Corporate Bond Fund Option and all Elections by Capital Shareholders for the 
Package Unit Option will be deemed to be Elections for the Cash Option. 
Liquidation Fund 
Under  the  Proposals,  before  transferring  the  assets  of the Company to the 
Rollover  Funds,  the  Liquidators  will  set  aside  sufficient  assets  in the 
Liquidation Fund: 
(i)        to cover an amount equal to the Adjustments which it shall pay to M&G 
Securities  to  be  applied  by  them  to  settle  or  defray such costs as more 
particularly  described  in  the  section  headed  "Costs and Expenses" above, 
including the Company's costs in relation to the Proposals; and 
(ii)            to meet  its known  actual and contingent liabilities (excluding 
those  covered by (i) above but including  those described in the section headed 
"Potential recovery of VAT" below). 
The  Liquidators will also provide in the Liquidation Fund for a Retention which 
they  consider sufficient to  meet any unascertained  and unknown liabilities of 
the  Company. The  Retention is  currently expected  to amount  to approximately 
Whilst  assets comprising the  Liquidation Fund are  expected to mostly comprise 
cash  and near cash, the Liquidators have agreed to take into account in respect 
of  the  Retention  the  dividends  from  underlying investments which have been 
quoted  ex-dividend, but which the Company has  not received as at the Effective 
Date subject to M&G providing an indemnity to the Liquidators in respect of such 
dividends.  Any  balance  in  the  Liquidation  Fund,  after  settlement  of all 
creditors  and after settlement of the  entitlements of Shareholders and Package 
Unitholders  in accordance with the  Scheme, will be paid  by the Liquidators in 
one  or more cash  distributions to Shareholders  and Package Unitholders on the 
Register  as at  the Effective  Date in  accordance with  their rights under the 
Articles  and provided that no payments of less  than  GBP5.00 shall be made to any 
Shareholder  or Package Unitholder.  Any such residual  amounts shall be paid to 
Help  for Heroes,  a charity  with Registered  Charity Number 1120920, formed to 
help  those who have been wounded in Great Britain's current conflicts. All such 
distributions  shall be paid by cheque only. The decision as to when to finalise 
the liquidation shall be at the entire discretion of the Liquidators. 
Potential recovery of VAT 
The  Company  has  issued  proceedings  against  HMRC  whereby  the  Company has 
submitted  a claim regarding the recovery by investment trusts of VAT previously 
paid on management fees. Any such amounts (net of any costs of such recovery and 
of any tax) will be distributed, in cash, by the Liquidators to Shareholders and 
Package Unitholders in accordance with their rights under the Articles. 
The pursuit of recovery of further amounts of VAT and interest may result in the 
liquidation  being kept open in the order  of five years. It is anticipated that 
the  additional  costs  of  doing  so  will  be  approximately  GBP20,000 per annum 
including  liquidator costs,  registrar's costs  for maintaining the shareholder 
register,  custody  charges  and  any  potential  tax compliance costs (plus any 
applicable VAT thereon). In addition legal fees in relation to the VAT claim and 
registrar's  fees in  relation to  making the  distributions at  the end  of the 
liquidation  are expected to  be approximately  GBP40,000  (plus any applicable VAT 
thereon).  The remaining outstanding VAT the Company is seeking to reclaim is in 
the  region of  GBP2,300,000 together with  any applicable interest that the court, 
if it rules in favour of the Company, may award. 
Shareholder meetings 
Shareholders  are being asked to vote on the Proposals because the Directors are 
required  to obtain the consent of the Shareholders to the Proposals pursuant to 
the Articles. 
At  the General Meeting of the  Income Shareholders, the Income Shareholders and 
Package  Unitholders, with respect to the Income Shares comprised in the Package 
Unit,  will be asked to  vote on a Special  Resolution to approve the passing of 
the  Special Resolution at the  First EGM, the special  resolution at the Second 
EGM  and any  variation to  the special  rights attached  to their Income Shares 
resulting  from  the  amendments  to  the  Articles  proposed  pursuant  to  the 
Proposals.  Each Special Resolution will require the approval of 75 per cent. or 
more of the votes cast at the relevant Meeting, whether in person or by proxy. 
At the General Meeting of the Capital Shareholders, the Capital Shareholders and 
Package  Unitholders,  with  respect  to  the  Capital  Shares  comprised in the 
Package, will be asked to vote on a Special Resolution to approve the passing of 
the  Special Resolution at the  First EGM, the special  resolution at the Second 
EGM  and any variation  to the special  rights attached to  their Capital Shares 
resulting  from  the  amendments  to  the  Articles  proposed  pursuant  to  the 
Proposals.  Each Special Resolution will require the approval of 75 per cent. or 
more of the votes cast at the relevant Meeting, whether in person or by proxy. 
At  the General  Meeting of  the Zero  Dividend Shareholders,  the Zero Dividend 
Shareholders  and Package Unitholders, with respect  to the Zero Dividend Shares 
comprised  in the  Package, will  be asked  to vote  on a  Special Resolution to 
approve  the passing  of the  Special Resolution  at the  First EGM, the special 
resolution at the Second EGM and any variation to the special rights attached to 
their  Zero  Dividend  Shares  resulting  from  the  amendments  to the Articles 
proposed  pursuant to  the Proposals.  Each Special  Resolution will require the 
approval  of 75 per  cent. or  more of  the votes  cast at the relevant Meeting, 
whether in person or by proxy. 
At the First EGM, at which the Shareholders and Package Unitholders are entitled 
to  vote, a Special Resolution will be proposed to: (i) reclassify the Shares in 
accordance  with the  Elections (made  or deemed  to be  made) and  to amend the 
Articles  of the Company for  the purposes of implementing  the Scheme; and (ii) 
sanction  the Scheme  and authorise  its implementation  by the Liquidators. The 
Special  Resolution will  require the  approval of  75 per cent.  or more of the 
votes cast at the Meeting, whether in person or by proxy. 
At the Second EGM, at which Shareholders and Package Unitholders are entitled to 
vote,  a Special Resolution  will be proposed  to approve the  winding-up of the 
Company   on  the  Effective  Date,  appoint  the  Liquidators  and  confer  the 
appropriate  powers on them. The Special Resolution will require the approval of 
75 per  cent. or more of the votes cast  at the Meeting, whether in person or by 
If  any of the Special Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meetings or the 
Special  Resolutions to be proposed  at the First EGM  or the Second EGM are not 
passed,  an Ordinary Resolution will be proposed  at the Third EGM, at which all 
Shareholders  and  Package  Unitholders  are  entitled  to  vote, to wind up the 
Company  voluntarily. At  the Third  EGM, Shareholders  entitled to vote and who 
vote  in favour of the winding-up  resolution shall collectively have such total 
number  of votes on a  poll, as is one  more than the number  of votes which are 
required  to be cast on such  a poll for the said  resolution to be carried. The 
Liquidators  shall  seek  to  realise  the  assets  of  the  Company  as soon as 
reasonably  possible and, after paying all creditors, will make one or more cash 
distributions to shareholders on the Register on 8 March 2011. 
Further  details of the Proposals and  the Scheme pursuant to which Shareholders 
will receive their entitlements under the Proposals are set out in the Circular. 
Conditions to the Proposals 
The  Scheme  which  provides  for,  and  which  will  effect,  the  Options,  is 
conditional inter alia upon: 
  * the  passing by the  Shareholders of all  Resolutions to be  proposed at the 
    General  Meetings,  at  the  First  EGM  and  at  the  Second EGM (or at any 
    adjournments thereof); 
  * the UK Listing Authority consenting to the amendment to the Official List to 
    reflect the reclassification of the Shares as Reclassified Shares; and 
  * the Directors not resolving to abandon the Scheme. 
If  any of the Special Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meetings or the 
Special  Resolution to be proposed at the First EGM or the Special Resolution to 
be  proposed at the  Second EGM are  not passed, an  Ordinary Resolution will be 
proposed at the Third EGM to wind up the Company voluntarily. 
As  explained more fully  in the Circular,  the receipt of  Securities under the 
Proposals  should not, on the basis of current UK legislation and HMRC practice, 
trigger  a disposal  of Shares  for the  purposes of  UK capital gains tax where 
these are held as an investment. A subsequent sale, redemption or other disposal 
of  the Securities  acquired will,  however, constitute  a disposal  for capital 
gains   tax   purposes   and   may,  depending  on  a  Shareholder's  particular 
circumstances, give rise to a liability to capital gains tax. 
Shareholders  who are UK resident individuals  benefit from an annual exemption, 
which  for the 2010/ 2011 tax year  exempts the first  GBP10,100  of any gains from 
charge  to capital  gains tax.  Shareholders are  advised to  read carefully the 
section  headed  "Taxation"  in  the  Circular  and  to consult an independent 
professional   adviser  immediately  if  they  are  in  any  doubt  as  to  your 
Action to be taken 
Details  of the action  to be taken  by Shareholders and  Package Unitholders in 
relation  to the  Proposals are  set out  in the  Circular. It is important that 
Shareholders  and Package Unitholders read Part II of the Circular carefully and 
return  their Forms  of Proxy  (for certificated  holders) or CREST Proxies (for 
uncertificated  holders) as soon as  possible and in any  case no later than 48 
hours before the appointed time for the relevant Meeting. 
In  addition,  Capital  Shareholders,  Zero  Dividend  Shareholders  and Package 
Unitholders with certificated holdings wishing to return their Forms of Election 
should  do  so  for  receipt  no  later  than  4.30 p.m.  on  21 February 2011. 
Shareholders with uncertificated holdings intending to make CREST Elections must 
similarly  do so not later than 4.30 p.m. on 21 February 2011. Failure to make a 
valid  Election will result in the relevant Zero Dividend Shareholder or Package 
Unitholder  (other than Restricted Persons), as the case may be, being deemed to 
have  elected for the Package  Unit Option or if  the Package Unit Option is not 
available in the event that the conditions to M&G High Income's participation in 
the  scheme  are  not  satisfied  (see  the  section  headed  "M&G  High Income 
shareholder  approval"  above),  in  which  case  Elections  (including  deemed 
Elections)  for the Package Unit  Option will be deemed  to be Elections for the 
M&G  Corporate Bond  Fund Option.  Failure by  Capital Shareholders  (other than 
Restricted Persons) to make a valid Election will result in the relevant Capital 
Shareholder being deemed to have elected for the Cash Option. 
Restricted Persons 
Restricted  Persons will not  be entitled to  make Elections under the Proposals 
and  will therefore not  receive a Form  of Election or  be entitled to submit a 
valid  CREST Election. Restricted Persons will be deemed to have elected for the 
Cash Option under the Scheme and will (unless the Directors determine otherwise) 
receive  cash in accordance with the Scheme directly from the Company in respect 
of  their entire holding of  Shares or Package Units  unless they have satisfied 
the  Directors that it is  lawful for the Rollover  Funds to issue Securities to 
them under any relevant overseas laws and regulations. 
Expected Timetable 
|Friday 4 February 2011               |5.00 p.m.  Record date  for entitlements| 
|                                     |to the Second Interim Dividend;         | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Friday 11 February 2011              |Expected payment date for Second Interim| 
|                                     |Dividend;                               | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Wednesday 16 February 2011           |Date  from  which  it  is  advised  that| 
|                                     |dealings  in Shares  should only  be for| 
|                                     |cash  settlement and  immediate delivery| 
|                                     |of documents of title;                  | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Thursday 17 February 2011            |Expected   declaration   of   the  Third| 
|                                     |Interim Dividend;                       | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Monday 21 February 2011              |4.30 p.m.   Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of Forms of  Election and CREST| 
|                                     |Elections   from  Capital  Shareholders,| 
|                                     |Zero  Dividend Shareholders  and Package| 
|                                     |Unitholders;                            | 
|                                     |6.00 p.m.  Record Date  for entitlements| 
|                                     |of  Shareholders and Package Unitholders| 
|                                     |under the Proposals;                    | 
|                                     |6.00 p.m.  Record date  for entitlements| 
|                                     |to  the Third  Interim Dividend expected| 
|                                     |to be paid on or about 2 March 2011;    | 
|                                     |6.00 p.m. The Company's Register closes;| 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Tuesday 22 February 2011             |11.00 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies  for the General  Meeting of the| 
|                                     |Income Shareholders;                    | 
|                                     |11.05 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies   for  the  General  Meeting  of| 
|                                     |Capital Shareholders;                   | 
|                                     |11.10 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies  for the General Meeting of Zero| 
|                                     |Dividend Shareholders;                  | 
|                                     |11.15 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies for the First EGM;              | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Thursday 24 February 2011            |11.00 a.m.  General  Meeting  of  Income| 
|                                     |Shareholders;                           | 
|                                     |11.05 a.m.(1) General Meeting of Capital| 
|                                     |Shareholders;                           | 
|                                     |11.10 a.m.(1)  General  Meeting  of Zero| 
|                                     |Dividend Shareholders;                  | 
|                                     |11.15 a.m.(1) First EGM;                | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Wednesday 2 March 2011               |Expected  payment date for Third Interim| 
|                                     |Dividend;                               | 
|                                     |10.00 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies for Second EGM;                 | 
|                                     |12.00 noon Calculation Date;            | 
|                                     |12.00 noon   Calculation  of  the  issue| 
|                                     |price  of Securities in  M&G High Income| 
|                                     |to be issued pursuant to the Scheme;    | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Thursday 3 March 2011                |8.00 a.m.   Opening   of  the  Company's| 
|                                     |register of Shareholders and dealings in| 
|                                     |Reclassified  Shares on the London Stock| 
|                                     |Exchange expected to commence;          | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Friday 4 March 2011                  |Effective Date for the implementation of| 
|                                     |the Proposals;                          | 
|                                     |7.30 a.m.   Dealings   in   Reclassified| 
|                                     |Shares suspended;                       | 
|                                     |10.00 a.m.                              | 
|                                     |Second EGM                              | 
|                                     |Company placed into liquidation;        | 
|                                     |12.00 noon                              | 
|                                     |Calculation  of the issue  price for M&G| 
|                                     |Corporate  Bond Fund Shares  and the M&G| 
|                                     |Global Dividend Fund Shares;            | 
|                                     |Issue  of  the  M&G  Corporate Bond Fund| 
|                                     |Shares  and the M&G Global Dividend Fund| 
|                                     |Shares;                                 | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Sunday 6 March 2011                  |10.00 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies for the Third EGM;              | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Monday 7 March 2011                  |Confirmation   letters   despatched  for| 
|                                     |Securities issued in uncertificated form| 
|                                     |in  respect  of  the  M&G Corporate Bond| 
|                                     |Fund  Option and the M&G Global Dividend| 
|                                     |Fund Option;                            | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Tuesday  8 March 2011 (or  as soon as|CREST  accounts  credited  with  cash in| 
|practicable thereafter)              |respect of the Cash Option;             | 
|                                     |Cheques  despatched  in  respect  of the| 
|                                     |Cash Option;                            | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Tuesday 8 March 2011.                |10.00 a.m. Third EGM;                   | 
|                                     |Securities  in  M&G  High  Income issued| 
|                                     |pursuant to the Scheme;                 | 
|                                     |Securities issued in uncertificated form| 
|                                     |credited  to the stock accounts in CREST| 
|                                     |of   the  persons  entitled  thereto  in| 
|                                     |respect of the Package Unit Option;     | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Monday  14 March 2011 (or  as soon as|Certificates  despatched  for Securities| 
|practicable thereafter)              |issued  in certificated  form in respect| 
|                                     |of the Package Unit Option;             | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|By Friday 2 March 2012               |Listing  on the London Stock Exchange of| 
|                                     |Reclassified Shares cancelled.          | 
|                                     |                                        | 
Note  (1): or as soon thereafter as the immediately preceding meeting shall have 
concluded or been adjourned. 
The information in this announcement should be read in conjunction with the full 
text  of the Circular. Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall, unless 
the context otherwise requires, bear the meaning given to them in the Circular. 
Copies of the Circular have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and 
will shortly be available for inspection at www.hemscott.com/nsm.do. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: M&G Equity Investment Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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