RNS Number:9958N
ISIS Asset Management PLC
28 July 2003

To:             London Stock Exchange

Attention:   RNS

Date:         Embargoed until 7am on 28 July 2003

From:        ISIS Asset Management plc (the "Company")

Interim results for the six months to 30 June 2003 (unaudited)

Financial and business highlights.

*       Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs
        - 5.62 pence.

*       Operating margin rises from year end position to 31.9%.

*       Unchanged interim dividend of 4.0 pence.

*       Assets under management rise to #60.8 billion.

*       Integration of Royal & SunAlliance Investments (RSAI) now substantially
        complete and ahead of target in all respects.

*       Net revenue - #51.8 million.

Full interim report together with analysis on assets under management at 30 June
2003 follows.


Howard Carter, Chief Executive - Telephone: 020 7506 1168 / 020 7506 1103

Chairman's Statement

At the time of writing last year's interim report I referred to two major issues
facing the company: the stockmarket environment and the significant task facing
senior management in terms of integrating the business of the company with that
of Royal & SunAlliance's investment management business  ("RSAI").  My annual
review also referred to the tough stockmarket environment and the fact that the
company was well positioned to participate in any industry consolidation that
might occur.

Turning to each of these issues, I am pleased to report progress.  Stockmarkets
appear to have stabilised and passed their worst, albeit I believe it is highly
unlikely that we will see any return to the heady days of the 1990s.  Regarding
the integration of our business, I can report that, with the exception of the
rationalisation of our retail funds, which is on track to be implemented by 30
September 2003, the overall integration has now been completed.  My thanks go to
our staff for the efficient way in which this task has been handled.  We
continue to seek out ways which would enable us to further develop our business,
both organically and by acquisition, if appropriate.

Last year we departed from our previous interim reporting format of only having
a Chairman's statement in order to enable our Chief Executive to update
shareholders on operational issues surrounding our acquisition of RSAI.  We have
decided to continue with the format of dual reports as we believe it provides
the right balance of reporting and creates greater transparency in terms of the
business and the operational issues surrounding its management.


The group profit before tax, before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional
costs, for the six months ended 30 June 2003 totalled #11.4 million (2002 -
#12.7 million).  Earnings per share, before amortisation of goodwill and
exceptional costs, fell 7.7 per cent. from 6.09 pence to 5.62 pence.  Net
revenue totalled #51.8 million (2002 - #35.3 million) and administration
expenses excluding amortisation of goodwill totalled #35.7 million (2002 - #24.6
million).  Net revenues and expenses for the half year to 30 June 2002 related
to the period prior to the acquisition of RSAI and, as such, are not directly
comparable.  What is of more relevance is our operating margin which has risen
from 28.2 per cent. for the full year to 31 December 2002 to 31.9 per cent.
reflecting the efficiencies we have achieved in our business through extracting
synergies and other management actions.  Furthermore it should be borne in mind
that this margin improvement has been achieved against a background of
significantly lower stockmarkets.

Interim Dividend

We have again declared an unchanged interim dividend of 4.0 pence per ordinary
share - which will be paid on 5 September 2003 to shareholders on the register
on 8 August 2003.  Our policy of maintaining the level of dividend during recent
years, when we have experienced significant declines in stockmarkets and thus
revenues, underlines our commitment to delivering shareholder value.

Financial Performance

Six months to 30 June                 2000              2001              2002              2003

FTSE-100 Index                        6313              5643              4656              4031

Operating Margin*                     38.2%             29.1%             32.4%             31.9%

The above table sets out the operating margin of our business for each of the
stated six month periods to 30 June and the level of the stockmarkets at 30 June
in each year.  Although precise direct comparison is not possible due to
structural changes over the period, it is relevant that during a prolonged
period of falling markets our operating margin has been reasonably stable.  This
single statistic masks a number of changes within our business, both in terms of
acquisitions and the way management has refined the operating platform to
address the changing environment.  I have in recent reports dealt with these
issues and do not intend to restate them in this report.

* Group operating profit before amortisation of goodwill expressed as a
percentage of Net revenue.

Regulatory Environment

The UK financial services industry is one of the most highly regulated
industries in the world and, while I fully support the principles of good
regulation, transparency and investor protection,  I question the balance of
some of the recent consultation papers issued by the Financial Services
Authority.  Their content and direction is in some cases questionable and the
additional administrative burden and costs which would be involved do not seem
to be justified by improved investor protection or other benefits for the buyer
of investment products.

 I urge policy makers and regulators to focus on good regulation and investor
protection and to avoid seeking to become involved in interfering with proven
business practices and defining how the commercial environment should work.


As I look forward there are significant challenges which face the fund
management industry as well as those which are specific to our company.  As an
industry we are encountering a period of significant change, both business and
regulatory, and this will pose both threats and opportunities.  We have been,
and will continue to be, pro-active in addressing industry issues, seeking to be
informed and involved in a constructive manner with regard to planned

On the business front the challenges are the achievement of superior investment
performance and organic growth.  These, together with the final completion of
the RSAI integration process, will be the main focus of management during the
second half of the year.

Meantime, I look forward with some confidence to reporting further progress in
my 2003 Annual Review.

Sir David Kinloch

28 July 2003

Chief Executive's Report

In my annual review I set out in detail our strategy and reported on the related
activities which support the development of our business model and create
shareholder value.  It is therefore pleasing to report that not only have we
made good progress against the goals that we set ourselves, but we are also
encountering a more favourable stockmarket environment than we experienced
earlier this year.

Stockmarket Environment

The first half of the year has seen strong fixed interest markets and while
fixed interest represents over half of our assets under management it represents
a somewhat smaller portion of our revenues which come predominantly from

The UK stockmarket, being the best proxy for the equity funds we manage on
behalf of clients, has risen strongly from a low of 3287 at 12 March 2003, as
measured by the FTSE-100 index, to a level of 4031 at 30 June 2003.  While we do
not foresee a return to the sustained market rises experienced during the 1990s
we do believe that some of the uncertainty has been removed and that equity
markets have passed the low point in the current cycle.  This improved level of
markets, together with some degree of stability, has provided a more positive
backdrop for asset management company valuations.  This has contributed to the
recent move in our share price, which has risen during the half year from a low
of 114 pence to 196.5 pence.


At the year end I gave a full report on what had been achieved on the
integration and indicated that we were on schedule to meet or exceed our
targets.  It is pleasing to report that we successfully migrated onto a single
back office platform in April and by the end of June had terminated the shared
services agreement with RSA, completing another phase of the integration
process.  The only remaining integration task is the consolidation of our retail
product range by the end of Quarter 3, the work for which is currently on track.
  We are also taking the opportunity to change the outsource arrangements
regarding the pricing of our retail products during Quarter 4 and this will
provide additional financial benefits which will be realised during 2004 and

In our last annual report we stated our target of achieving a 30 per cent.
operating margin by the second half of this year - providing that the FTSE-100
was above 3500.  It is pleasing to note that we exceeded this operating margin
in the first half when the FTSE-100 averaged 3807, but before the full cost
synergies of the transaction had been realised.  These further cost synergies
partly flow from a post-integration review which has identified a number of
areas where our original analysis was conservative and where we have
subsequently taken action to reduce headcount or remove costs.  Furthermore, as
part of the ongoing process, we have a discipline of regularly reviewing our
business model and, where appropriate, making changes to ensure we focus on our
core business and deliver client and shareholder value. We continue to believe
that the acquisition and its integration has resulted in a scaleable business
structure, capable of taking on additional funds under management at relatively
little additional cost.

Employees on Payroll

The move to a single operating platform for investment accounting and the
termination of the shared  services agreement has allowed us, as indicated in
the annual report, to move our headcount towards our year-end target of 500. The
position at 1 January 2003 and 30 June 2003 is detailed below:

1 January 2003                                                      559
30 June 2003                                                        513
Target by 31 December 2003                                          500

Investment Performance

Meeting or exceeding client expectations on investment performance is likely to
become an even bigger differentiator going forward, impacting the ability to
generate net inflows into asset management companies.

Our fixed interest and private equity performance is excellent, resulting in
inflows across institutional and retail funds.  Commercial property returns have
been relatively good, as have those on some of our specialist equity retail
funds.  Our medium-term record on balanced funds has been below average for some
while, partly due to over-adherence to a growth investment style.  The changes
in approach and structure introduced by our new Chief Investment Officer - such
as the introduction of a dedicated pan-European equity research team - are
starting to have an impact.  Investment performance has been more stable over
the period since the acquisition and a programme of meetings has been conducted
with investment consultants to explain the revised approach.  Inevitably it will
take some time for these efforts to bear fruit.

New Business

The poor stockmarket background over the last three years has undermined
sentiment in the retail market.  Our market share was broadly static in the
first half of 2003, but overall business volumes were again down on the previous
year due to depressed conditions.  Venture Capital Trust ("VCT") new business
has collapsed as investors with gains to shelter are few and far between,
although we have been able to secure around 20 per cent. of the VCT new business
during the first half of the year, principally through a 'C' share issue of our
Baronsmead VCT.  Our new private equity 10 year Limited Partnership has reached
#150 million and has a target of #175 million for its final close due in
December.  We won two institutional fixed interest mandates, totalling just
under #200 million, in the period but the assets will not be under our
management until the second half of the year.  These relatively positive trends
have been counterbalanced by insurance outflows and by some institutional losses
influenced by the continued trend away from balanced mandates to core/specialist

                                                               Inflow          Outflow                Net
                                                                   #m               #m                 #m
Life & Pensions                                                   N/A              N/A            (1,534)
Retail Products - Third Party                                     129             (93)                 36
Investment Trusts                                                   -             (37)               (37)
Institutional Clients                                             118            (363)              (245)
Limited Partnerships                                               26             (10)                 16
VCTs                                                               10                -                 10
                                                                  N/A              N/A            (1,754)


We launched our new ISIS brand during Quarter 3 of 2002 and recent research has
not only confirmed our original views as to user acceptance but clearly
indicates that the Company's position and profile in the marketplace are gaining
recognition.  Once our fund rationalisation has been concluded in Quarter 3 of
this year and our retail products are all under the ISIS brand, we believe we
will be well positioned to increase our share of the retail market in line with
our strategic objectives.


With stockmarkets showing a degree of stability and our integration now almost
complete, we have the platform to further develop our business both organically
and by acquisition if appropriate.  Subject to market levels, we anticipate the
second half of the year will demonstrate further progress in respect of the
development of the business to meet the challenges that face our industry.

Howard Carter

28 July 2003

Consolidated profit and loss account

                                                                 6 months         6 months               Year
                                                                       to               to              Ended
                                                                  30 June          30 June        31 December
                                                                     2003             2002               2002
                                                   Notes             #000             #000               #000
Group and share of joint venture                     2             52,647           36,866             90,041
Share of joint venture                               2                  -            (488)              (721)
Group turnover                                       2             52,647           36,378             89,320
Selling expenses                                                    (878)          (1,046)            (1,744)
Net revenue                                                        51,769           35,332             87,576
Administrative expenses

 - excluding amortisation of goodwill                            (35,726)         (24,633)           (64,101)
 - amortisation of goodwill                                      (11,702)          (3,576)           (15,280)
Total administrative expenses                                    (47,428)         (28,209)           (79,381)
Other operating income                                                495              754              1,241
Group operating profit                                              4,836            7,877              9,436

Share of operating loss in joint venture                             (15)             (30)               (33)
Total operating profit: group and share of                          4,821            7,847              9,403
joint venture

Exceptional costs:
Reorganisation costs post acquisition of Royal
& SunAlliance Investments
                                                     3            (7,741)                -           (19,169)

Other finance (expenditure)/income                                   (88)              171                351
Interest and investment income receivable                             611            1,161              2,473
Interest payable                                                  (5,678)             (31)            (5,924)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before                       (8,075)            9,148           (12,866)

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities          4              (614)          (3,591)              (286)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after                        (8,689)            5,557           (13,152)

Dividend on Cumulative Preference Shares                             (15)             (14)               (26)

(Loss)/profit attributable to ordinary                            (8,704)            5,543           (13,178)
Interim dividend                                     6            (5,994)          (5,996)            (5,996)
Final dividend 2002                                                     -                -           (10,494)

Retained loss transferred from reserves                          (14,698)            (453)           (29,668)

Earnings per ordinary share before amortisation
of goodwill and exceptional costs
                                                     5              5.62p            6.09p             10.36p

(Loss)/earnings per Ordinary Share                   5            (5.81p)            3.70p            (8.80p)

Interim dividend per Ordinary Share                  6              4.00p            4.00p              4.00p
Final dividend per Ordinary Share                                       -                -              7.00p

Consolidated balance sheet

                                                      30 June            30 June              31 December
                                                         2003               2002                     2002
                                                         #000               #000                     #000
Fixed assets

Intangible fixed assets                               324,230            128,211                  335,932
Tangible fixed assets                                   9,231              5,841                    7,932
Investments in joint venture:
    Share of gross assets                                   -                275                      168
    Share of gross liabilities                              -              (178)                     (80)
                                                            -                 97                       88
Other investments                                          96                  6                        6
Insurance assets attributable to unit-linked          899,917          1,244,196                  952,878
                                                    1,233,474          1,378,351                1,296,836
Current assets

Stock of units and shares                                 738                373                      740
Investments                                             6,800              6,606                    6,714
Debtors                                                43,676             24,491                   35,951
Cash at bank and in hand                               18,074            273,549                   30,242
                                                       69,288            305,019                   73,647

Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)      (70,258)           (65,704)                 (70,491)

Net current (liabilities)/assets                        (970)            239,315                    3,156

Total assets less current liabilities               1,232,504          1,617,666                1,299,992
Creditors (amounts falling due outwith one year)    (180,003)          (180,252)                (180,002)
Provision for liabilities and charges                 (3,822)                  -                  (3,637)
Insurance liabilities attributable to unit-linked
                                                    (899,917)        (1,244,196)                (952,878)

Net assets excluding pension deficit                  148,762            193,218                  163,475
Pension deficit                                       (5,972)            (2,480)                  (5,972)
Net assets including pension deficit                  142,790            190,738                  157,503

Capital and reserves
Called up preference share capital                        390                390                      390
Called up ordinary share capital                          150                150                      150
Share premium account                                  17,060             37,060                   17,060
Other reserves                                        124,437            127,290                  133,459
Profit and loss account                                   753             25,848                    6,444
Shareholders' funds
Equity                                                142,400            190,348                  157,113
Non-equity                                                390                390                      390

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                             142,790            190,738                  157,503

Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                      6 months        6 months             Year
                                                                            to              to            Ended
                                                                       30 June         30 June      31 December
                                                         Note             2003            2002             2002
                                                                          #000            #000             #000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities         8          (3,764)          11,823            7,569
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                        (5,112)           1,002          (1,866)
Taxation                                                                   236         (2,761)          (5,392)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                           (2,780)           5,420            2,535
Acquisitions and disposals                                                 (4)            (76)        (209,749)
Equity dividends paid                                                 (10,494)        (10,467)         (16,463)
Cash (outflow) / inflow before use of liquid resources
and financing
                                                                      (21,918)           4,941        (223,366)
Management of liquid resources                                               -               -                -
Financing                                                                9,750         200,824          185,824

(Decrease) / increase in cash for the period                          (12,168)         205,765         (37,542)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
(debt) / funds
(Decrease) / increase in cash for the period                          (12,168)         205,765         (37,542)
Cash inflow from increase in debt                                      (9,750)       (200,000)        (185,000)
                                                                      (21,918)           5,765        (222,542)
Other non-cash changes                                                      86              43              151

Movement in net (debt)/funds in the period                            (21,832)           5,808        (222,391)
Net (debt)/funds as at beginning of the period                       (148,294)          74,097           74,097
Net (debt)/funds as at end of the period                             (170,126)          79,905        (148,294)

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses ("STRGL")
                                                                      6 months        6 months             Year
                                                                            to              to            Ended
                                                                       30 June         30 June      31 December
                                                                          2003            2002             2002
                                                                          #000            #000             #000

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation                    (8,689)           5,557         (13,152)

Exchange losses arising on consolidation                                 (110)            (80)            (435)

Actuarial gain/(loss) recognised in the STRGL (net of
deferred tax)
                                                                            94         (2,248)          (5,608)
Total recognised gains and losses                                      (8,705)           3,229         (19,195)

Notes to the interim financial statements

1.    Basis of preparation of interim financial information.

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of accounting
policies set out in the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31
December 2002.

2.   Turnover and segmental analysis
                                                                   6 months        6 months            Year
                                                                         to              to           Ended
                                                                    30 June         30 June     31 December
                                                                       2003            2002            2002
                                                                       #000            #000            #000

Investment management fees                                           52,936          36,683          89,996
Net (loss)/profit on OEIC and unit trust trading                      (289)             183              45
                                                                     52,647          36,866          90,041

Turnover was earned from clients in:
  United Kingdom                                                     51,615          34,523          87,022
  Rest of Europe                                                        895           1,461           2,060
  North America                                                         102             117             143
  Far East and Australia                                                 35             277              95
Group turnover                                                       52,647          36,378          89,320
Joint Venture:

  Far East and Australia                                                  -             488             721
Turnover of group and share of joint venture                         52,647          36,866          90,041

Turnover was earned by operations in:
  United Kingdom                                                     52,647          36,378          89,320
Joint Venture:
  Far East and Australia                                                  -             488             721
Turnover of group and share of joint venture                         52,647          36,866          90,041

As disclosed in the 31 December 2002 Report & Accounts, ISIS Joint Venture
operations in the Far East were discontinued in the 2nd half of 2002.

3.  Exceptional costs: Integration, rationalisation and reorganisation of the
business on acquisition of Royal & SunAlliance Investments

As disclosed in the 2002 Annual Report & Accounts the group initiated a
substantial integration, rationalisation and reorganisation of the business
following the acquisition of Royal & SunAlliance Investments.  At 31 December
2002 #19,169,000 of exceptional costs were expensed.  A further #7,741,000 of
exceptional costs were expensed during the period ended 30 June 2003 as the
fundamental restructuring of the group continued.  The directors consider it
appropriate to disclose the following integration and restructuring costs as
non-operating exceptional expenditure relating to continuing operations:

                                                                      6 months to  6 months to Year Ended 31
                                                                          30 June      30 June      December
                                                                             2003         2002          2002
                                                                             #000         #000          #000

Redundancy and other related staff costs                                    4,059            -        12,139
Premises costs                                                                689            -         2,830
Information Technology and related costs                                      560            -         1,104
Rationalisation of the retail business, re-branding, administration
and client servicing                                                        2,063            -         1,665
Consultancy and other costs supporting the restructuring process              370            -         1,431
Exceptional costs                                                           7,741            -        19,169
Taxation credit in respect of exceptional costs                           (2,322)            -       (5,751)
Net effect of exceptional costs                                             5,419            -        13,418

4.  Taxation

Corporation Tax has been provided at a rate of 30% of profit before taxation
(year ended 31 December 2002 - 30.0% and period to 30 June 2002 - 30.0%).
Several adjustments are made to the profit before taxation to arrive at the
taxation charge for the period.  The most notable adjustments are adding back
the goodwill amortisation and eliminating the other operating income, which is
already stated net of tax.

5.   Earnings/(loss) per share

(Loss)/earnings per share at 30 June 2003 is based on:

i)  the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 0.1 pence in issue during
the six months, excluding those held by the group ESOP Trust, being 149,868,403
(year ended 31 December 2002: 149,764,724 and 6 month period to 30 June 2002:
149,618,222); and

ii)  earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders as shown below.

Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs (net of
tax) is based on:

i)  the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 0.1 pence in issue during
the period as stated above; and

ii)  earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders before amortisation of
goodwill and exceptional costs (net of tax)  as shown below.

                                                                     6 months to   6 months to      Year Ended
                                                                         30 June       30 June     31 December
                                                                            2003          2002            2002
                                                                            #000          #000            #000
(Loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                      (8,704)         5,543        (13,178)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                  11,702         3,576          15,280
Exceptional costs net of tax (note 3)                                      5,419             -          13,418
Profit before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs               8,417         9,119          15,520

6.   Interim dividend

The interim dividend of 4.0p per ordinary share is payable on the Ordinary
shares in issue at 30 June 2003. The group ESOP Trust held 69,700 shares in ISIS
Asset Management plc at 30 June 2003.  The ESOP Trust has agreed to waive its
dividend entitlement.

                                                                                            Ordinary shares


Ordinary shares held in the market                                                              149,839,137
Ordinary shares held by group ESOP Trust                                                             69,700
Total issued share capital at 30 June 2003                                                      149,908,837

7.    Acquisition of Royal & SunAlliance Investments ("RSAI")

As disclosed in the 31 December 2002 Annual Report and Accounts the acquisition
of RSAI  included a provisional consideration price, provisional fair value of
net assets and provisional goodwill amount.  No adjustments have been made to
these numbers at 30 June 2003.  It is anticipated that following agreement of
the Completion Accounts, the final consideration and fair value of net assets
acquired and the resultant goodwill will be reflected in the Annual Report and
Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003.

8.   Reconciliation of group operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities
                                                                   6 months        6 months             Year
                                                                         to              to            Ended
                                                                    30 June         30 June      31 December
                                                                       2003            2002             2002
                                                                       #000            #000             #000

Group operating profit                                                4,836           7,877            9,436
Amortisation of goodwill                                             11,702           3,576           15,280
Depreciation charge                                                   1,706             928            2,131
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets                             (156)               -              (3)
Gain on sale of investments                                               -           (731)            (735)
Increase in debtors                                                 (7,530)         (3,481)            (531)
(Decrease) / increase in creditors                                  (8,224)           4,392          (7,489)
Decrease in stock of units and shares                                     2               7               70
Increase/(decrease) in provision for liabilities and charges            191              (1)           1,905
Increase in investment provision                                          1               -                -
Cash outflow related to exceptional costs                           (6,292)           (744)         (12,495)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                 (3,764)          11,823            7,569

9.   The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for
the full preceding year is based on the statutory accounts for the financial
year ended 31 December 2002. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an
unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

10.   Copies of the Interim Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders
and will be available for inspection at the registered office of the Company at
80 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3BU.



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2003 which comprises the Consolidated profit and
loss account, Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated cash flow statement,
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses and the related
notes 1 to 9.  We have read the other information contained in the interim
report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4 "Review of interim financial information" issued by the
Auditing Practices Board.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not
accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our work,
for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A review
consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

Ernst & Young LLP
28 July 2003

ISIS Asset Management plc

Report on assets under management as at 30 June 2003.

1.  Assets under Management                                    30 June                 31 December

                                                                  2003                        2002
                                                              #billion                    #billion
Life & Pensions                                                   52.9                        52.6
Institutional Clients                                              4.4                         4.4
Open Ended Products - Third Party                                  1.8                         1.5
Investment Trusts                                                  1.3                         1.2
Limited Partnerships                                               0.2                         0.2
Venture Capital Trusts                                             0.2                         0.2
                                                                  60.8                        60.1

2.  Assets under Management                                    30 June                 31 December

     by Asset Type                                                2003                        2002
                                                              #billion                    #billion
Fixed Interest                                                    31.4                        31.2
UK Equities                                                       15.6                        15.4
Overseas Equities                                                  5.4                         5.3
Property                                                           4.6                         4.6
Liquidity                                                          3.3                         3.2
Private Equity                                                     0.5                         0.4
                                                                  60.8                        60.1

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange