Statement of Results for the year ended 31 December 2010 
| FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS |    2010 |    2009 |     % | 
| Revenue              | EUR262.2m | EUR260.5m |  +0.7 | 
| EBITDA               |  EUR53.6m |  EUR50.7m |  +5.7 | 
| Operating Profit     |  EUR40.9m |  EUR26.5m | +54.3 | 
| EPS  Basic           |  156.8c |  102.4c | +53.1 | 
| EPS Diluted          |  155.7c |  101.5c | +53.4 | 
| EPS Adjusted         |  121.0c |  107.7c | +12.3 | 
| EPS Adjusted Diluted |  120.2c |  106.7c | +12.7 | 
| Net Debt             |   EUR6.3m |  EUR21.7m | -71.0 | 
| Net Pension Deficit  |  EUR17.5m |  EUR27.2m | -35.7 | 
|                         |  2010 |  2009 |      | 
|                         |  '000 |  '000 |    % | 
| Passengers              | 1,538 | 1,427 | +7.8 | 
| Cars                    |   367 |   376 | -2.4 | 
| RoRo Freight            |   178 |   196 | -9.2 | 
| Container Freight (teu) |   406 |   397 | +2.3 | 
| Port Lifts              |   167 |   165 | +1.2 | 
Commenting on the results Chairman John B McGuckian said, 
 "Irish Continental Group delivered a strong set of results in 2010 with EBITDA 
up  5.7% to EUR53.6 million and EPS of 156.8c up 53.1%. Key factors in the results 
included  a strong  performance from  the passenger  side of our business, where 
revenue  was up  12.3% and, the  profit on  the sale  of the vessel Bilbao (EUR9.4 
million)  partially offset by a weakness in the freight side of the business due 
to  the sharp reduction in economic activity  in Ireland over the last number of 
years, and the effects of ship overcapacity in the market. 
For  2011 we are  facing into  an uncertain  year with  the combined  effects of 
higher  fuel costs and  austerity programmes in  Ireland and the  UK providing a 
challenge. Nevertheless we have made a solid start to the year and with a strong 
balance  sheet  to  support  us  we  look  forward  to the rest of the year with 
Irish Continental Group (ICG) is a leading Irish based maritime transport group. 
ICG  carries passengers and cars, Roll On Roll Off freight and container Lift On 
Lift  Off freight, on routes between Ireland, the United Kingdom and Continental 
Irish  Continental Group plc produced a strong result in 2010, during one of the 
most  difficult periods in Ireland's recent economic history. After two years of 
decline  in turnover, revenue  in 2010 grew 0.7% to  EUR262.2 million. Within this 
there  was a marked difference between  passenger revenue, which grew 12.3%, and 
freight  revenue, which  fell by  5.2%. The rise  in passenger  revenue reflects 
growth  in  passenger  numbers  and  yields  while  the  fall in freight revenue 
reflects  the effects of ship  overcapacity in the  market place at  a time when 
economic activity has only just stabilised after two years of decline. 
For  the year as a  whole EBITDA was up  5.7% at EUR53.6 million, operating profit 
(before  a non trading  credit of EUR9.4  million) was up  18.9% to EUR31.5 million. 
Group  wide fuel costs were up 31.4% at EUR41.4 million. Basic EPS was up 53.1% at 
156.8 cent while adjusted EPS which excludes the pension interest charge and the 
profit on sale of the vessel was up 12.3% at 121.0 cent. 
In addition to the strong operating performance, the Group completed the sale of 
the  vessel Bilbao  in December  at a  profit of  EUR9.4 million, including a EUR0.8 
million  currency translation gain, after redelivery of the ship in October from 
P&O following its long term charter. The vessel had been a steady contributor to 
EBITDA  since 1993 but the proceeds of sale  (to be received over five years and 
nine  months to September 2016) will adequately  compensate for the reduction in 
charter  income. Profit  before tax,  including the  non trading  credit of EUR9.4 
million  arising from the sale of the vessel, amounted to EUR40.1 million compared 
with EUR24.9 million in 2009. 
The  Board is proposing a final dividend of 100 cent per ICG unit which compares 
with 100 cent per ICG unit in 2009. No interim dividend was paid. 
The  results  must  be  seen  in  the  context  of  an ever changing competitive 
backdrop.  In the Ferries Division, additional competing capacity in the form of 
two  larger vessels  introduced on  the Dublin  to Liverpool route during 2009, 
continued  to affect the Group's freight  volumes during 2010. Also on the ferry 
side  of the business, a new competitor on the Cork to Swansea route clearly had 
an  impact  on  the  Group's  revenue,  particularly on the Rosslare to Pembroke 
route,  given that there were no  capacity constraints prior to the introduction 
of the new service. 
The  Ferries division employed  six owned multipurpose  ferries on routes to and 
from  the Republic of  Ireland and on  charter. Over 4,000 sailings are operated 
annually by Irish Ferries. 
Turnover  in  the  division  was  3.2% higher  than  the previous year at EUR153.7 
million  while earnings before interest and  tax was EUR24.5 million compared with 
EUR18.1  million in  2009. The increase  in profit  was due  principally to higher 
passenger  revenue which  more than  compensated for  lower freight  revenue and 
increased  fuel costs. Fuel cost in the  division was up EUR7.0 million (33.5%) to 
EUR27.9  million.  Revenue  in  the  first  half  of the year was up 3.8% at EUR68.0 
million while in the second half the increase was 2.6%, to EUR85.7 million. 
Irish   Ferries'   passenger  numbers  carried  were  up  7.8% at  1.538 million 
(2009:1.427   million)  while  car  numbers  were  down  2.4% at  367,000 (2009: 
376,000). This  was a  strong performance  given that  total visitors to Ireland 
(air & sea) were down approximately 15% in 2010 versus 2009. 
In  the first quarter of the year there was some delay in commencing the service 
to  France following winter drydocking  which adversely affected carryings. This 
was offset by the transfer of passengers from air to sea during the volcanic ash 
disruption  in the  second quarter.  Overall, in  the first  half, our passenger 
volumes  were up 12.0% and the car numbers  down 1.4%. In the second half of the 
year  the growth in passenger numbers  was 4.5% while car numbers fell 3.1%, the 
principal  reason being additional  competing capacity. Yields  were up compared 
with 2009. 
It  is estimated that  the Roll on  Roll off freight  market grew by about 3% in 
2010 following  a fall of 14% in  the previous year, and  a fall of 4% in 2008. 
Irish Ferries Roll on Roll off carryings for the year were down 9.2% to 178,000 
freight  vehicles. There was some reduction in the rate of decline in the second 
half of the year where Irish Ferries' freight volumes were down 5.7% on the same 
period  in 2009, compared with  a decline of  12.6% in the first  six months. In 
fact volumes in the second half were 5.5% higher than the first half. During the 
year,  Irish Ferries  faced additional  competing freight  capacity on  both the 
Holyhead route and on the neighbouring Dublin to Liverpool route. After the year 
end  there were  a number  of adjustments  to competing capacity which partially 
offset  the increased  capacity put  in place  in 2009. Also,  on the Ireland to 
France  route, there was  an intensification of  competition into Cherbourg with 
the introduction of newer tonnage on that route. 
Both  the Bilbao and the Kaitaki remained  on bareboat charter to P&O during the 
period  although, as previously announced, the charter  of the Bilbao came to an 
end  in October 2010 after a period of almost 18 years. In December an agreement 
was concluded for the disposal of the vessel to St. Peter Line of St. Petersburg 
in Russia for operation on a new route between Stockholm and St. Petersburg. The 
proceeds are receivable under a bareboat hire purchase agreement over five years 
and  nine  months.  This  resulted  in  a  profit of EUR9.4 million which has been 
reported  as a non-trading  credit. This profit  includes a currency translation 
gain  of EUR0.8  million recycled  to the  Consolidated Income  Statement from the 
translation reserve. 
The  division includes Eucon and  Feederlink's intermodal freight services which 
offer  both door-to-door and  feeder services. Within  the division we operate a 
fleet  of container vessels ranging in size from 400 - 1,000 teu capacity (teu = 
twenty  foot equivalent unit,  the standard measure  in the container industry), 
employing 2,800 owned containers (equivalent to 5,250 teu) and our strategically 
located container terminals in Dublin and in Belfast. 
Turnover  in the division fell by 2.7% to EUR109.8 million. Turnover had been flat 
in  the first half of  the year but in  the second half of  the year we chose to 
forego  some  traffic  flows  because  of  inadequate  rates  on offer. With our 
flexible  chartered fleet we were able to adjust capacity to the volume of trade 
we accepted. Operating profit in the division was down 16.7% at EUR7.0 million due 
mainly to higher fuel costs (up 27.4% to EUR13.5 million) and higher restructuring 
costs  (up  EUR0.9  million).  Overall  container  volumes shipped rose by 2.3% to 
406,000 teu  (2009:  397,000 teu)  with  a  rise  in volumes to and from Ireland 
offsetting a fall on the North Sea. 
Containers  handled at the  Group's terminals in  Dublin (DFT) and Belfast (BCT) 
were  broadly unchanged at 167,000 lifts  (2009: 165,000 lifts). During the year 
the  expansion  of  DFT's  Dublin  terminal  was  completed  which  involved the 
lengthening  of the  quay wall,  which enables  the terminal  to handle more and 
larger  vessels calling at Dublin Port. We also took delivery of a new 400 tonne 
harbour mobile crane for our terminal in Belfast which will allow BCT to service 
bigger  vessels. The outlook  for the division  is dependent on  world trade and 
also  exports and imports to and from  Ireland. An increase in input costs, e.g. 
ship  charter costs and fuel costs is  already apparent. This will require Eucon 
and Feederlink to pass on these cost increases to their own customers. 
Turnover  for the year  amounted to EUR262.2  million (2009: EUR260.5 million) while 
operating  profit  amounted  to  EUR40.9  million (2009: EUR26.5 million). Principal 
variations  on  the  prior  year  include  group  wide  fuel  costs  which  were 
substantially  higher in the year at  EUR41.4 million (2009: EUR31.5 million). There 
was  a non-trading credit  relating to the  profit on the  sale of the Bilbao of 
EUR9.4  million. The  net interest  charge was  EUR0.3 million  (2009: EUR0.3 million) 
before  a  net  interest  charge  from  defined  benefit pension schemes of EUR0.5 
million  (2009: EUR1.3  million). Because  of the  volatility of  the net interest 
charge/credit  from the pension  scheme, it is  excluded from the calculation of 
adjusted  earnings per share as  is the non-trading credit  of EUR9.4 million. The 
tax charge of EUR1.1 million compared with a credit of EUR0.3 million in 2009. 
Adjusted EPS (i.e. before non-trading items and the net pension interest charge) 
amounted  to  121.0 cent  (2009:  107.7 cent).  Basic  EPS was 156.8 cent (2009: 
102.4 cent). 
During  the year a final dividend of 100 cent per ICG unit was paid for the year 
ended  31 December 2009. The Board is proposing a final dividend of 100 cent per 
ICG  unit  (no  interim  dividend  had  been  declared).  Subject to shareholder 
approval  at the  Annual General  Meeting, the  dividend will  be paid on 8 June 
2011 to  shareholders on the register at close of business on 13 May 2011. Irish 
dividend withholding tax will be deducted where appropriate. 
EBITDA  for the year  was EUR53.6 million  (2009: EUR50.7 million).  There was a net 
outflow of working capital of EUR4.7 million, due mainly to a decrease in payables 
of  EUR3.5 million and an increase in  receivables of EUR1.3 million. The Group made 
payments to the Group's pension funds in excess of current service costs of EUR2.8 
million. There was also a non cash curtailment gain of EUR1.8 million arising from 
restructuring  and with  other cash  outflows of  EUR0.5 million, this resulted in 
cash generated from operations amounting to EUR43.8 million (2009: EUR53.4 million). 
Net  interest paid was EUR0.3 million (2009: EUR0.3 million) while taxation paid was 
EUR0.6 million (2009: EUR0.1 million). 
Capital  expenditure  was  EUR7.2  million  (2009:  EUR4.8  million) which primarily 
included  the annual refits of  the vessels as well  as payment for the new 400 
tonne harbour mobile crane in Belfast. 
Arising from the cash flows set out above and a dividend payment of EUR25.0 
million, net debt at year end was EUR6.3 million (2009: EUR21.7 million). This is 
the lowest level of net debt in the Group since 1993. 
The  economic environment in 2011 remains  challenging. Austerity programmes are 
in  place in Ireland and the UK. These will have an impact on the levels of both 
tourism  and trade. The tourist industry  in Ireland is targeting renewed growth 
following a number of years of decline. With improvements in the competitiveness 
of the Irish economy, there has been an increase in value for money in the Irish 
tourist  product. New attractions  in Dublin, including  the National Convention 
Centre, the Grand Canal Theatre and Aviva Stadium, enhance the attractiveness of 
Dublin  as a destination.  In the year  to date, to  5 March 2011, Irish Ferries 
passenger numbers are up 4% on last year while car carryings are down 1%. In the 
freight market, it is reassuring that the market has grown during 2010 albeit at 
a low rate. Further recovery will depend on a continued growth in world trade as 
well as a return to economic growth in Ireland. In this market there has been an 
increase  in shipping  capacity generally  over the  past number  of years  in a 
period  where demand has fallen. This  has proven unsustainable and recent route 
closures  have been the result. In the year to date RoRo freight volumes carried 
by  Irish Ferries on the  Irish Sea are up  11% compared with the same period in 
2010. In  the container division containers  carried in the year  to date are up 
1% with  the same period in 2010 while containers lifted at our terminals are up 
The  recent increase in the  world price of fuel,  which has been exacerbated by 
concerns  over supply due to  events in North Africa,  will be a headwind in the 
current   financial  year.  With  continuing  focus  on  cost  containment,  our 
substantial  investment in modern tonnage and terminal facilities and our strong 
financial  position, we  are well  placed to  compete vigorously in this tougher 
John B. McGuckian, 
| Eamonn Rothwell | Chief Executive Officer | +353 1 607 5628 | 
| Garry O'Dea     | Finance Director        | +353 1 607 5628 | 
As previously announced on ()09 March 2011, the Company will make a presentation 
of  the results to  investors at the  offices of NCB  Stockbrokers at 3 George's 
Dock,  IFSC, Dublin  1, at 08.00 a.m.  on 14 March  2011. In addition, a dial-in 
facility   will   be   available  for  overseas  investors.  Attendance  at  the 
presentation  will be strictly  limited to investors  who register in advance to 
attend.  To register  to attend  the presentation,  either in  person or via the 
dial-in  facility, investors should contact  Triona Conway at +353 1 607 5628. A 
copy  of the presentation material will also be posted on the Company's website- 
Irish  Company Law  requires the  Directors to  prepare financial statements for 
each  financial year which give a true and  fair view of the state of affairs of 
the  Company and of  the Group as  at the end  of the financial  year and of the 
profit  or  loss  of  the  Group  for  that  period.  In preparing the financial 
statements, the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and 
  * prepare  the financial  statements on  the going  concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate  to presume that the  Company, and the Group  as a whole, will 
    continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper books of account which disclose 
with  reasonable accuracy at any time the  financial position of the Company and 
the  Group  and  to  enable  them  to  ensure  that the financial statements are 
prepared  in accordance with  IFRS as adopted  by the European  Union and comply 
with  Irish statute comprising  the Companies Acts,  1963 to 2009 and as regards 
the Group financial statements Article 4 of the IAS Regulations, and the Listing 
Rules  of the Irish  Stock Exchange. They  are also responsible for safeguarding 
the  assets of the Company  and the Group and  hence for taking reasonable steps 
for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and financial information included in the Company website. 
The Directors of ICG plc acknowledge these responsibilities and accordingly have 
prepared  this consolidated Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2010 in 
compliance  with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002, regulations 4 
and  5 of Statutory Instrument 277 of 2007 of Ireland, the Transparency Rules of 
the   Irish   Financial   Services   Regulatory  Authority  and  the  applicable 
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. 
The Directors also confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
  * the  Group consolidated financial statements  for the year ended 31 December 
    2010 have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with the applicable International 
    Financial  Reporting Standards and give a true  and fair view of the assets, 
    liabilities,  financial position  and profit  or loss  of the  Group and the 
    undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole as at that date; 
  * the   Business  Review  includes  a  fair  review  of  the  development  and 
    performance  of the  business for  the year  ended 31 December  2010 and the 
    position  of the  Group and  the undertakings  included in the consolidation 
    taken as a whole at the year end; and 
  * the  Report of the  Directors provides a  description of the principal risks 
    and  uncertainties which may  impact on future  performance of the Group and 
    the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole. 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2010 
|                                       | Notes |  2010   |  2009   | 
|                                       |       |      EURm |      EURm | 
| Continuing operations                 |       |         |         | 
| Revenue                               |       |   262.2 |   260.5 | 
| Depreciation and amortisation         |       |  (22.1) |  (24.2) | 
| Employee benefits expense             |       |  (24.0) |  (28.0) | 
| Other operating expenses              |       | (184.6) | (181.8) | 
|                                       |       |    31.5 |    26.5 | 
| Non-trading credit                    |   4   |     9.4 |       - | 
| Operating profit                      |       |    40.9 |    26.5 | 
| Investment revenue                    |       |    11.6 |    13.4 | 
| Finance costs                         |       |  (12.4) |  (15.0) | 
| Profit before tax                     |       |    40.1 |    24.9 | 
| Income tax (expense) / credit         |   3   |   (1.1) |     0.3 | 
| Profit for the year: all attributable |       |         |         | 
| to equity holders of the parent       |       |    39.0 |    25.2 | 
| Earnings per share - expressed in EUR cent per share                | 
| From continuing operations:           |       |         |         | 
| Basic                                 |   5   |  156.8c |  102.4c | 
| Diluted                               |   5   |  155.7c |  101.5c | 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year ended 31 December 2010 
|                                                                  |2010 |2009 | 
|                                                                  |   EURm|   EURm| 
|Profit for the year                                               | 39.0| 25.2| 
|Cash flow hedges:                                                 |     |     | 
|Fair value gains / (losses) arising during the year               |  0.1|(0.2)| 
|Transfer to Consolidated Income Statement - net settlement        |     |     | 
|of cash flow hedged                                               |    -|  0.9| 
|Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations         |  3.7|  5.6| 
|Actuarial gain / (loss) on retirement benefit obligations         |  5.9|(6.0)| 
|Deferred tax movements                                            |(0.5)|(0.3)| 
|Exchange difference on defined benefit schemes                    |(0.3)|(0.9)| 
|Currency translation differences recycled to Consolidated Income  |     |     | 
|Statement on disposal of vessel                                   |(0.8)|    -| 
|Other comprehensive income / (expense) for the year               |  8.1|(0.9)| 
|Total comprehensive income and expense for the year:              |     |     | 
|all attributable to equity holders of the parent                  | 47.1| 24.3| 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
as at 31 December 2010 
|                                  | Notes |  2010  |  2009  | 
|                                  |       |     EURm |     EURm | 
| Assets                           |       |        |        | 
| Non-current assets               |       |        |        | 
| Property, plant and equipment    |       |  194.0 |  223.2 | 
| Intangible assets                |       |    0.9 |    1.1 | 
| Long term receivable             |       |   23.4 |      - | 
| Retirement benefit surplus       |   8   |    4.0 |    2.4 | 
|                                  |       |  222.3 |  226.7 | 
| Current assets                   |       |        |        | 
| Inventories                      |       |    1.9 |    2.0 | 
| Trade and other receivables      |       |   33.6 |   28.2 | 
| Derivative financial instruments |       |    0.1 |      - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |   6   |   17.2 |   17.0 | 
|                                  |       |   52.8 |   47.2 | 
| Total assets                     |       |  275.1 |  273.9 | 
| Equity and liabilities           |       |        |        | 
| Equity                           |       |        |        | 
| Share capital                    |       |   16.8 |   16.6 | 
| Share premium                    |       |   51.8 |   48.7 | 
| Other reserves                   |       | (21.3) | (23.9) | 
| Retained earnings                |       |  130.7 |  110.9 | 
| Equity attributable to equity    |       |        |        | 
| holders of the parent            |       |  178.0 |  152.3 | 
| Non-current liabilities          |       |        |        | 
| Borrowings                       |   6   |   22.8 |    0.9 | 
| Trade and other payables         |       |    1.1 |      - | 
| Deferred tax liabilities         |       |    4.2 |    3.4 | 
| Provisions                       |       |    0.3 |    0.5 | 
| Deferred grant                   |       |    1.0 |    1.1 | 
| Retirement benefit obligation    |   8   |   21.5 |   29.6 | 
|                                  |       |   50.9 |   35.5 | 
| Current liabilities              |       |        |        | 
| Borrowings                       |   6   |    0.7 |   37.8 | 
| Trade and other payables         |       |   41.6 |   44.1 | 
| Current tax liabilities          |       |    3.5 |    3.6 | 
| Provisions                       |       |    0.3 |    0.5 | 
| Deferred grant                   |       |    0.1 |    0.1 | 
|                                  |       |   46.2 |   86.1 | 
| Total liabilities                |       |   97.1 |  121.6 | 
| Total equity and liabilities     |       |  275.1 |  273.9 | 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 December 2010 
|                                     | Share | Share | Other  |Retained|      | 
|                                     |Capital|Premium|Reserves|Earnings|Total | 
|                                     |     EURm|     EURm|      EURm|      EURm|    EURm| 
|Balance at 1 January 2010            |   16.6|   48.7|  (23.9)|   110.9| 152.3| 
|Profit for the year                  |      -|      -|       -|    39.0|  39.0| 
|Other comprehensive income           |      -|      -|     3.0|     5.1|   8.1| 
|Total comprehensive                  |       |       |        |        |      | 
|income for the year                  |      -|      -|     3.0|    44.1|  47.1| 
|Employee share options expense       |      -|      -|     0.3|       -|   0.3| 
|Share Issue                          |    0.2|      -|       -|       -|   0.2| 
|Exercise of share options-           |       |       |        |        |      | 
|                                     |      -|    3.1|       -|       -|   3.1| 
|shares issued at premium             |       |       |        |        |      | 
|Dividends                            |      -|      -|       -|  (25.0)|(25.0)| 
|Transferred to retained earnings on  |      -|      -|   (0.7)|     0.7|     -| 
|exercise of share options            |       |       |        |        |      | 
|                                     |    0.2|    3.1|     2.6|    19.8|  25.7| 
|Balance at 31 December 2010          |   16.8|   51.8|  (21.3)|   130.7| 178.0| 
|Analysed as follows:                 |       |       |        |        |      | 
|Share capital                        |       |       |        |        |  16.8| 
|Share premium                        |       |       |        |        |  51.8| 
|Other reserves                       |       |       |        |        |(21.3)| 
|Retained earnings                    |       |       |        |        | 130.7| 
|                                     |       |       |        |        | 178.0| 
Other Reserves comprise the following: 
|                                   |       | Share |       |           |      | 
|                                   |Capital|Options|Hedging|Translation|      | 
|                                   |Reserve|Reserve|Reserve|  Reserve  |Total | 
|                                   |     EURm|     EURm|     EURm|         EURm|    EURm| 
|Balance at 1 January 2010          |    2.2|    1.9|      -|     (28.0)|(23.9)| 
|Other comprehensive income         |      -|      -|    0.1|        2.9|   3.0| 
|Total comprehensive                |       |       |       |           |      | 
|income for the year                |      -|      -|    0.1|        2.9|   3.0| 
|Employee share options expense     |      -|    0.3|      -|          -|   0.3| 
|Transferred to retained earnings on|      -|  (0.7)|      -|          -| (0.7)| 
|exercise of share options          |       |       |       |           |      | 
|                                   |      -|  (0.4)|    0.1|        2.9|   2.6| 
|Balance at 31 December 2010        |    2.2|    1.5|    0.1|     (25.1)|(21.3)| 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
|                              | Share | Share | Other  |Retained|      | 
|                              |Capital|Premium|Reserves|Earnings|Total | 
|                              |     EURm|     EURm|      EURm|      EURm|    EURm| 
|Balance at 1 January 2009     |   16.6|   48.7|  (30.6)|   117.5| 152.2| 
|Profit for the year           |      -|      -|       -|    25.2|  25.2| 
|Other comprehensive income    |      -|      -|     6.3|   (7.2)| (0.9)| 
|Total comprehensive           |       |       |        |        |      | 
|income for the year           |      -|      -|     6.3|    18.0|  24.3| 
|Employee share options expense|      -|      -|     0.4|       -|   0.4| 
|Redemption of redeemable      |       |       |        |        |      | 
|share capital                 |      -|      -|       -|  (24.6)|(24.6)| 
|                              |      -|      -|     6.7|   (6.6)|   0.1| 
|Balance at 31 December 2009   |   16.6|   48.7|  (23.9)|   110.9| 152.3| 
|Analysed as follows:          |       |       |        |        |      | 
|Share capital                 |       |       |        |        |  16.6| 
|Share premium                 |       |       |        |        |  48.7| 
|Other reserves                |       |       |        |        |(23.9)| 
|Retained earnings             |       |       |        |        | 110.9| 
|                              |       |       |        |        | 152.3| 
Other Reserves comprise the following: 
|                              |       | Share |       |           |      | 
|                              |Capital|Options|Hedging|Translation|      | 
|                              |Reserve|Reserve|Reserve|  Reserve  |Total | 
|                              |     EURm|     EURm|     EURm|         EURm|    EURm| 
|Balance at 1 January 2009     |    2.2|    1.5|  (0.7)|     (33.6)|(30.6)| 
|Other comprehensive income    |      -|      -|    0.7|        5.6|   6.3| 
|Total comprehensive           |       |       |       |           |      | 
|income for the year           |      -|      -|    0.7|        5.6|   6.3| 
|Employee share options expense|      -|    0.4|      -|          -|   0.4| 
|                              |      -|    0.4|    0.7|        5.6|   6.7| 
|Balance at 31 December 2009   |    2.2|    1.9|      -|     (28.0)|(23.9)| 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
for the year ended 31 December 2010 
|                                                      |     |  2010|  2009| 
|                                                      |Notes|    EURm|    EURm| 
|Net cash from operating activities                    |  7  |  42.8|  51.3| 
|Cash flow from investing activities                   |     |      |      | 
|Interest received                                     |     |   0.1|   0.4| 
|Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment |     |   0.5|   0.1| 
|Net proceeds on disposal of vessel                    |     |   1.6|     -| 
|Payment received on long term receivable              |     |     -|   4.3| 
|Purchases of property, plant and equipment            |     | (6.9)| (4.6)| 
|Purchases of intangible assets                        |     | (0.3)| (0.2)| 
|Net cash utilised by investing activities             |     | (5.0)|     -| 
|Cash flow from financing activities                   |     |      |      | 
|Redemption of redeemable shares                       |     |     -|(24.6)| 
|Dividends paid to equity holders of the Company       |     |(25.0)|     -| 
|Repayments of borrowings                              |     |(17.4)|(64.7)| 
|Repayments of obligations under finance leases        |     | (0.8)| (1.4)| 
|Proceeds on issue of ordinary share capital           |     |   3.3|     -| 
|New bank loans raised                                 |     |     -|  28.0| 
|Inception of new finance lease                        |     |   2.3|     -| 
|Net cash used in financing activities                 |     |(37.6)|(62.7)| 
|Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents|     |   0.2|(11.4)| 
|Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year|     |  17.0|  28.5| 
|Effect of foreign exchange rate changes               |     |     -| (0.1)| 
|Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year      |     |      |      | 
|Cash and cash equivalents                             |     |  17.2|  17.0| 
Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
1. Accounting policies 
The  Group did  not adopt  any new  International Financial  Reporting Standards 
(IFRS)  or Interpretations in the year that had a material impact on the Group's 
Financial Statements. 
2. Segmental information 
The Board is deemed the chief operating decision maker within the Group. For 
management purposes, the Group is currently organised into two operating 
segments - Ferries and Container & Terminal. 
|                      |           |               | Net Assets (equity | 
|                      |           |               +--------------------+ 
|                      |           |               |  attributable to   | 
|                      | Turnover  | Profit Before |       equity       | 
|                      |           |      Tax      +--------------------+ 
|                      |           |               |      holders)      | 
|Analysis by class of  |     |     |     |         |     |              | 
|business              | 2010| 2009| 2010|     2009| 2010|          2009| 
|                      |   EURm|   EURm|   EURm|       EURm|   EURm|            EURm| 
|Ferries and Travel    |153.7|149.0| 24.5|     18.1|157.6|         147.3| 
|Container and Terminal|109.8|112.8|  7.0|      8.4| 31.6|          30.7| 
|Intersegment Turnover |(1.3)|(1.3)|     |         |     |              | 
|                      |262.2|260.5| 31.5|     26.5|189.2|         178.0| 
|Non-trading credit    |     |     |  9.4|         |     |              | 
|Net interest / debt   |     |     |(0.8)|    (1.6)|(6.3)|        (21.7)| 
|Other liabilities     |     |     |     |         |(4.9)|         (4.0)| 
|                      |262.2|260.5| 40.1|     24.9|178.0|         152.3| 
|Analysis by origin    | 2010| 2009|     |         |     |              | 
|                      |   EURm|   EURm|     |         |     |              | 
|Ireland               |118.7|113.2|     |         |     |              | 
|United Kingdom        | 60.7| 60.7|     |         |     |              | 
|Netherlands           | 54.8| 55.9|     |         |     |              | 
|Belgium               | 14.8| 15.5|     |         |     |              | 
|France                |  9.2| 10.0|     |         |     |              | 
|Other                 |  4.0|  5.2|     |         |     |              | 
|                      |262.2|260.5|     |         |     |              | 
3. Income tax expense / (credit) 
|                                            | 2010 |  2009 | 
|                                            |   EURm |    EURm | 
| Current tax                                |  0.8 | (0.1) | 
| Deferred tax                               |  0.3 | (0.2) | 
| Income tax expense / (credit) for the year |  1.1 | (0.3) | 
The Company and its Irish tax resident subsidiaries have elected to be taxed 
under the Irish tonnage tax method. The Group's Dutch subsidiary elected to be 
taxed under the Dutch tonnage tax system, effective from 1 January 2009. Under 
the tonnage tax method, taxable profit on eligible activities is calculated on a 
specified notional profit per day related to the tonnage of the ships utilised. 
Domestic income tax is calculated at 12.5% of the estimated assessable profit 
for the year for all activities which do not fall to be taxed under the tonnage 
tax system. Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates 
prevailing in the relevant jurisdictions and range between 25.5% and 28% (2009: 
25.5% and 28%). 
The total expense / (credit) for the year is reconciled to the accounting profit 
as follows: 
|                                              |  2010 |  2009 | 
|                                              |    EURm |    EURm | 
| Profit before tax from continuing operations |  40.1 |  24.9 | 
| Tax at the domestic income tax rate of 12.5% |   5.0 |   3.1 | 
| Losses not recorded as deferred tax asset    | (1.2) |     - | 
| Net utilisation of tax losses                | (0.4) | (0.9) | 
| Unrealised foreign exchange (gain) / loss    | (0.2) |   0.8 | 
| Difference in effective tax rates            |   0.3 |   0.4 | 
| Effect of tonnage relief                     | (2.7) | (3.2) | 
| Other items                                  |   0.3 | (0.5) | 
| Income tax expense recognised in             |       |       | 
| Consolidated Income Statement                |   1.1 | (0.3) | 
4. Non-trading credit 
During 2010 the Group completed the sale of the vessel Bilbao (formerly "Pride 
of Bilbao") to St Peter Line of St Petersburg in Russia. The transaction is in 
the form of a bareboat hire purchase agreement under which the vessel is 
chartered by ICG to St Peter Line and is treated as a finance lease terminating 
in 2016. 
The vessel had been on charter to P&O European Ferries since 1993 and following 
notification of termination of charter the vessel was redelivered to the Group. 
|                                                                ||  2010||2009| 
|                                                                ||    EURm||  EURm| 
|Consideration                                                   ||      ||    | 
|Consideration received in cash & cash equivalents               ||   3.0||   -| 
|Finance lease receivable                                        ||  27.5||   -| 
|Total consideration                                             ||  30.5||   -| 
|Gain on disposal of vessel                                      ||      ||    | 
|Consideration                                                   ||  30.5||   -| 
|Disposal costs                                                  || (3.1)||   -| 
|Net proceeds                                                    ||  27.4||   -| 
|NBV of vessel disposed of                                       ||(18.8)||   -| 
|Currency translation differences recycled to the Consolidated   ||      ||    | 
|Income Statement on disposal of vessel                          ||   0.8||   -| 
|Gain on disposal                                                ||   9.4||   -| 
The gain on disposal of the vessel is included in the profit for the year and is 
disclosed on a separate line in the Consolidated Income Statement 
5. Earnings per share - all from continuing operations 
|                                     |  2010 |  2009 | 
|                                     |  cent |  cent | 
| Basic earnings per share            | 156.8 | 102.4 | 
| Diluted earnings per share          | 155.7 | 101.5 | 
| Adjusted basic earnings per share   | 121.0 | 107.7 | 
| Adjusted diluted earnings per share | 120.2 | 106.7 | 
The  calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the 
ordinary equity holders of the parent is based on the following data: 
|                                                                |  2010|  2009| 
|Earnings                                                        |    EURm|    EURm| 
|Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings per share -         |      |      | 
|Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent|  39.0|  25.2| 
|Earnings for the purposes of diluted earnings per share         |  39.0|  25.2| 
|Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings per share -         |      |      | 
|Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent|  39.0|  25.2| 
|Effect of non-trading credit                                    | (9.4)|     -| 
|Effect  of  expected  return  on  defined benefit pension scheme|(11.5)|(11.7)| 
|assets                                                          |      |      | 
|Effect of interest on defined benefit pension scheme liabilities|  12.0|  13.0| 
|Earnings for the purposes of adjusted earnings per share        |  30.1|  26.5| 
|                                                              |  2010|  2009| 
|Number of shares                                              |  '000|  '000| 
|Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of|      |      | 
|basic earnings per share                                      |24,874|24,617| 
|Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares: Share options   |   170|   222| 
|Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of|      |      | 
|diluted adjusted earnings per share                           |25,044|24,839| 
The  denominator for the purposes of calculating both basic and diluted earnings 
per  share  has  been  adjusted  to  reflect  shares  issued during the year and 
excluded treasury shares. 
The earnings used in both the adjusted basic and diluted earnings per share have 
been adjusted to take into account the non-trading credit together with the net 
figure for the expected return on defined benefit pension scheme assets and the 
interest on defined pension scheme liabilities. 
Management consider the adjusted earnings per share calculation to be a better 
indication of the continuing underlying performance of the Group. 
6. Net debt 
|                               | Cash |  Loans | Leases |  Total | 
|                               |   EURm |     EURm |     EURm |     EURm | 
| At 1 January 2010             |      |        |        |        | 
| Current assets                | 17.0 |      - |      - |   17.0 | 
| Creditors due within one year |    - | (37.2) |  (0.6) | (37.8) | 
| Creditors due after one year  |    - |      - |  (0.9) |  (0.9) | 
|                               | 17.0 | (37.2) |  (1.5) | (21.7) | 
| Cash flow                     |  0.2 |      - |      - |    0.2 | 
| Foreign exchange rate changes |    - |  (0.7) |      - |  (0.7) | 
| Drawdown                      |    - |      - |  (2.3) |  (2.3) | 
| Repayment                     |    - |   17.4 |    0.8 |   18.2 | 
|                               |  0.2 |   16.7 |  (1.5) |   15.4 | 
| At 31 December 2010           |      |        |        |        | 
| Current assets                | 17.2 |      - |      - |   17.2 | 
| Creditors due within one year |    - |      - |  (0.7) |  (0.7) | 
| Creditors due after one year  |    - | (20.5) |  (2.3) | (22.8) | 
|                               | 17.2 | (20.5) |  (3.0) |  (6.3) | 
The loan repayments have been made under the Group's revolving loan facilities. 
7. Net cash from operating activities 
|                                                          | 2010  | 2009  | 
|                                                          |    EURm |    EURm | 
| Operating activities                                     |       |       | 
| Profit for the year                                      |  39.0 |  25.2 | 
| Adjustments for:                                         |       |       | 
| Finance costs (net)                                      |   0.8 |   1.6 | 
| Income tax expense / (credit)                            |   1.1 | (0.3) | 
| Retirement benefit obligations - service cost            |   1.7 |   1.5 | 
| Retirement benefit obligations - payments                | (4.5) | (7.2) | 
| Retirement benefit obligations - curtailment gain        | (1.8) |     - | 
| Depreciation of property, plant and equipment            |  21.7 |  23.4 | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets                        |   0.5 |   0.9 | 
| Amortisation of deferred income                          | (0.1) | (0.1) | 
| Share-based payment expense                              |   0.3 |   0.4 | 
| Gain on disposal of vessel                               | (9.4) |     - | 
| Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment        | (0.4) | (0.1) | 
| (Decrease) / increase in other provisions                | (0.4) |   0.4 | 
| Operating cash flows before movements in working capital |  48.5 |  45.7 | 
| Decrease / (increase) in inventories                     |   0.1 | (1.2) | 
| (Increase) / decrease in receivables                     | (1.3) |   9.9 | 
| Decrease in payables                                     | (3.5) | (1.0) | 
| Cash generated from operations                           |  43.8 |  53.4 | 
| Income taxes paid                                        | (0.6) | (0.1) | 
| Interest paid                                            | (0.4) | (2.0) | 
| Net cash from operating activities                       |  42.8 |  51.3 | 
8. Retirement benefit schemes 
The principal assumptions used for the purpose of the actuarial valuations were 
as follows: 
|                                      | STERLING  |           EURO            | 
|                                      |           |                           | 
|                                      |LIABILITIES|        LIABILITIES        | 
|                                      | 2010| 2009|         2010|         2009| 
|Discount rate                         |5.50%|5.70%|        5.50%|        5.60%| 
|Inflation rate                        |3.60%|3.50%|        2.00%|        2.00%| 
|Rate of increase of pensions in       |     |     |             |             | 
|payment                               |3.35%|3.25%|1.80% - 2.00%|1.80% - 2.00%| 
|Rate of general salary increases      |4.60%|4.50%|3.00% - 3.50%|3.00% - 3.50%| 
The long term expected rates of return at 31 December were as follows: 
|          |  2010 |    2009 |  2010 |  2009 | 
| Equities | 7.80% |   7.50% | 7.40% | 7.50% | 
| Bonds    | 3.60% |   4.10% | 4.40% | 4.50% | 
| Property | 6.80% |   6.50% | 6.40% | 6.50% | 
| Other    | 3.80% |   4.00% | 2.50% | 2.50% | 
The average life expectancy used in all schemes at age 60 is as follows: 
|                  |          2010           |          2009           | 
|                  |    Male    |   Female   |    Male    |   Female   | 
| Current retirees | 23.8 years | 26.6 years | 23.8 years | 26.6 years | 
| Future retirees  | 27.2 years | 30.3 years | 27.2 years | 30.3 years | 
The amount recognised in the balance sheet in respect of the Group's defined 
benefit schemes, is as follows: 
|                               |  SCHEMES WITH   |   SCHEMES WITH    | 
|                               | LIABILITIES IN  |  LIABILITIES IN   | 
|                               |    STERLING     |       EURO        | 
|                               |  2010  |  2009  |  2010   |  2009   | 
|                               |     EURm |     EURm |      EURm |      EURm | 
| Equities                      |    6.9 |   23.2 |   103.2 |    93.9 | 
| Bonds                         |   12.0 |   23.2 |    60.9 |    58.6 | 
| Property                      |    0.3 |    1.7 |    11.1 |    11.0 | 
| Other                         |    0.2 |    0.8 |     5.7 |    11.0 | 
| Market value of scheme assets |   19.4 |   48.9 |   180.9 |   174.5 | 
| Present value of scheme       |        |        |         |         | 
| liabilities                   | (27.4) | (58.1) | (190.4) | (192.5) | 
| Deficit in schemes            |  (8.0) |  (9.2) |   (9.5) |  (18.0) | 
|                             |  2010  |  2009  | 
|                             |     EURm |     EURm | 
| Opening (deficit)           | (27.2) | (24.7) | 
| Current service cost        |  (1.7) |  (1.5) | 
| Employer contributions paid |    4.5 |    7.2 | 
| Curtailment gain            |    1.8 |      - | 
| Other finance expense       |  (0.5) |  (1.3) | 
| Actuarial gain / (loss)     |    5.9 |  (6.0) | 
| Other                       |  (0.3) |  (0.9) | 
| Net deficit                 | (17.5) | (27.2) | 
| Schemes in surplus          |    4.0 |    2.4 | 
| Schemes in deficit          | (21.5) | (29.6) | 
| Net deficit                 | (17.5) | (27.2) | 
9. Related party transactions 
Transactions  between  the  company  and  its  subsidiaries,  which  are related 
parties, have been eliminated on consolidation. 
During  the year ended  31 December 2010 there were  no material transactions or 
balances between Irish Continental Group plc and its key management personnel or 
members of their close family, other than in respect of remuneration. 
10. General information 
The  financial information in this  preliminary announcement does not constitute 
full  statutory financial statements, a copy of  which is required to be annexed 
to  the  annual  return  to  the  Companies  Registration  Office. A copy of the 
financial  statements in respect  of the financial  year ended 31 December 2010 
will  be annexed to the annual return for 2011. The auditors have made a report, 
without  any  qualification  on  their  audit,  of  the  consolidated  financial 
statements  in  respect  of  the  financial  year ended 31 December 2010 and the 
Directors  approved  the  consolidated  financial  statements  in respect of the 
financial   year   ended  31 December  2010 on  11 March  2011. A  copy  of  the 
consolidated financial statements in respect of the year ended 31 December 2009 
has  been annexed  to the  annual return  for 2010 to the Companies Registration 
The  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been prepared in accordance with 
International  Financial Reporting Standards  (IFRS). The consolidated financial 
statements  have also been  prepared in accordance  with IFRS as  adopted by the 
European  Union  and  therefore  the  Group's  financial  statements comply with 
Article  4 of the  IAS Regulations.  The consolidated  financial statements have 
also  been prepared in accordance with the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2009, and the 
Listing Rules of the Irish and London Stock Exchanges. 
The  consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost 
basis except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments. 
11. Subsequent events 
The  Board is proposing a final dividend of  100 cent per ICG unit in respect of 
the results for the year ended 31 December 2010. 
There have been no other significant events, outside the ordinary course of 
business, affecting the Group since 31 December 2010. 
12. Board Approval 
This  preliminary announcement was  approved by the  Board of Directors of Irish 
Continental Group plc on 11 March 2011. 
13. Annual Report and Annual General Meeting 
The Group's Annual Report and notice of Annual General Meeting, which will be 
held on Wednesday 01 June 2011 will be notified to shareholders in April 2011. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Irish Continental Group plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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