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NoHo Inc (PK)

NoHo Inc (PK) (DRNK)

Closed March 06 4:00PM

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clam man clam man 6 hours ago
Rumors of what? Can you elaborate a little
Jackthehorse1926 Jackthehorse1926 8 hours ago
Hearing rumors! HODL !
musicman 1 musicman 1 4 weeks ago
I'd did to my bro. ...... a year and a half ago. I never seven check the status of this stock any more. I said good by to my money along time ago. 
JakBqk JakBqk 4 weeks ago
What a crappy day nobody wants this. Even thought I saw it selling for under .0001 for a moment.

Guess They are only posting minimum requirements for pink limited qualification. Rashad must be so busy he can't keep up with paperwork??

I stopped caring 😆
Good luck 🤞😃
BFarb BFarb 4 weeks ago
Agree, they are very afraid right now. They could be slapped with enough lawsuits to put them out for good. Why not say solething just to appease us though? Has to be a bigger reason for the silence...

What else do they have to file to get back to pink current?
Jackthehorse1926 Jackthehorse1926 1 month ago
Hard to imagine anything that is not in line with the Trumps agenda is not gonna go well. I do like them in manufacturing but not sure if the carbon credits advantage is even available. I mean right now it's like "are these carbon credits in the room with you now?".not sure what to think about the silence. Let's hope they do something!
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
They got exposed in a bad way and are now in freak out mode and refusing to disclose anything to anyone. Imo.
Rocker Funder won't even talk about them.

Where's the after shot royalty money?
Dilution money?
Down payment rent money?
Lots of money they need to explain what they are doing with it besides making plans and business expenses. There should be specified transactions. Annual report for business info. is nothing but old regurgitated bs. Numbers copied and pasted unchanged.
Money coming in and going out and nothing to show for it while they hide behind safe harbor statements.

What exactly had Davis done to earn his salary besides filing late paperwork?

Did Smog Armor cash in all the sibannac warrants instead of giving them to shareholders on record?
Why did they lie about the name change?

We have a crap load of suspicious activity within that looks fishy. The way the company is handling the matter makes everything even more suspicious to me. I hope for the better they just drop the scam, lose rocker funder, and focus on doing things openly and honestly and realize they were given a second chance to do shareholders right. Jmo
BFarb BFarb 1 month ago
Yea we really need specifics of what smog armor actually does, if anything. Who works there besides Rashad? All the other execs have moved on. Monarch carbon solutions needs a facility or news of forward progress. That's their only means of future revenues through carbon limit licensing agreement and carbon credits. At least Tim sperry still owns a large portion of shares of Smog and wants it to also succeed. Hoping to see pink current soon. 
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
Meant to say staff/employees instead of faculty, but y'all get what I'm saying right?
There's simply not enough people to make it happen. Carbon Limit has a team and is growing. People who have been around SA from the beginning are resigning. That's a red flag imo.
Throw in the damn near ,6 months of silence and nothing but copying and pasting the sos(same ol shit) in annual reports ,who the hell knows what's really going on...
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
Meant to say staff/employees instead of faculty, but y'all get what I'm saying right?
There's simply not enough people to make it happen.
Throw in the damn near ,6 months of silence and nothing but copying and pasting the sos in annual reports ,who the hell knows what's really going on...
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
Who's they? Everybody quit but Rashad right? Looks like nobody wants to be associated with Davis and they made swift moves to distance themselves from Smog without hiring anyone as a replacement.
What about the massive share dumps recently??

Imo Best thing for shareholders now would be a full company buy out by a larger entity. Offer y'all a fair price for your shares and be done with this butterfly BS.
How is 1 CEO going to do everything by himself, it's impossible jmo. How can he lease any production facility with no faculty?
Jackthehorse1926 Jackthehorse1926 1 month ago
I'm good. Who knows could still work out. Maybe they will switch to a Trump friendly thing? Carbon Credits is not the way to go. 
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
"as long as there's bids"
Moments later...
No bid w/ .0001 Ask I'm posting this. 420+m sell 3m buy
Mr jack.Horse are you okay?
I'm fine,Just watching to see what the CEOs next strategic move is. 🤭
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
As long as there's bids the market will make its own range to stay tradeable but we won't lose any zeros next time I'm afraid. Retail sentiment is sour, nothing like before the monarch countdown .That was strategically planned and exercised 😉
It would have to be huge news to reach any new highs now. Maybe a save the spotted owl campaign... or save the whales 😆
Last time I looked today around lunchtime 260+m sell
2m buy . 🤢
No demand.
BFarb BFarb 1 month ago
I'm just explaining the next narrative. Has the makings of a huge pump. Could care less if they make money, the stock will be pumped regardless on facts or nonsense. You prob said the same thing last time it sat at .0001 and then jumped 10x. Penny crap stocks aren't for believing, just about timing. It's like Vegas but more fun 
👍️ 1
musicman 1 musicman 1 1 month ago
No way do you truly believe that.......OMG
Just splash some cold water on your face like I did and realize we've all been screwed. 
This is a .0001 stock and never will be higher than .0001
👍️ 1
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
Carbon Limit has been engaging in concrete shows and the like for the last few years now, there's been several write ups also. Why doesn't Smog Armor go to these shows and have a booth or a rep present? Are they blazing so many trails they don't need to do anything else like trade shows and such?😆Their Revenue
and current pps says hell no they desperately need exposure and sales.
Tim and Carbon Limit mentions other companies they work with all the time,post pics with potential clients and contacts, but Smog Armor gets nothing of the sort, no tags in tweets from Tim, nadda.
Why doesn't Tim ever mention Smog Armor on social media why is there a lack of effort to get any smog recognition? Why hasn't Rashad used his social media for months? WhY does my previous post make even more sense now 😐
Smog Armor Smells like 🦆 💩 to me 😆but I'll still play the pd of course, catalyst plays are over imo, next attempt will be another "plans to" pr🔮
JakBqk JakBqk 1 month ago
What's next now that all the employees quit? The founders are gone. Davis is all there is now? Wouldn't be surprised to see bankruptcy soon as a way to get out of their scam. Seems someone scared the shit out of these fools when they were called out on their BS and lies about Casa Grande... there never was a deal was a lie imo. Ask the people who own the building there and the city employees if they know who Rashad Davis is.. they've never heard of him. Now where is all that deposit and dilution money really?? I bet it's in Davis and Sperry bank accounts.
Davis was surprised I was able to dig so deep to find information, and that was the last conversation I had with him or Tim.
This turned out to be just another pump and dump crap stock. MERSKY screwed drnk shareholders with this deal. We got royally fuk'd. Never got my snnc shares from 4 years ago either. Blockbuster deal my ass 😆
They weren't expecting someone to be looking into and investigating their "strategic" plans so soon, they were planning on fully diluting the OS before I questioned their true intentions.jmo. Once they found out people were watching their every move the og's all quit, and went silent, zero communication.
Il be watching for the next pump and dump especially if rocker Funder is involved😆 again. How's those ducks ??🦆🦆🦆
BFarb BFarb 1 month ago
I think they're just being quiet until they have something actually confirmed. Got themselves into trouble with all those announcements last summer. Carbon limit is going places and smog will greatly benefit from the licensing agreement and profits from carbon credits. 
👍️ 1
clam man clam man 1 month ago
I made the exact same mistake. Around same pricing. I’m confident it’ll pump again. They didn’t go through posting financials to stay current for nothing. Not an if. Just a when
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Tennis Pro Tennis Pro 1 month ago
I hope there is another pump. Biggest mistake I did was not selling this when it reached .0010. Could have gotten my initial investment at .00085 back.
👍️ 1
BFarb BFarb 1 month ago
Wait for the next pump I guess. If they pull through with a new lease at a different location to start generating these carbon credits and pulling in some licensing money through carbon limit contracts we will see another 1000 percent gain or more. 
👍️ 1
musicman 1 musicman 1 2 months ago
How do I get out of this worthless piece of crap stock?
👍️ 1
BFarb BFarb 2 months ago
Annual report out. "Tim Sperry resigned as a director during the quarter ended September, 2024, to avoid any conflicts with Carbon Limit Co". Not great in my opinion. Although he is still a majority stakeholder in Smog Armor.

Carbon Limit shall pay a royalty of 5% of net sales for all products sold under the CaptureCrete brand to Smog Armor

Nothing about the name change. New share issued to multiple investor management/consulting groups per usual.
musicman 1 musicman 1 2 months ago
musicman 1 musicman 1 2 months ago
U can say that again....I've been stuck in this rediculous stick for a melinium 
BFarb BFarb 2 months ago
Squeak squeak. You've been here a lot of years. I hope you caught at least one of the pumps over that time. Not too late to catch the next one. 
musicman 1 musicman 1 2 months ago
I seriously can't believe you guys still think this is a real stock with real people running thee show. It's a scam. Always has been, with two guys who only check in on their scam every few months to see if any mice are in the trap. 
Jackthehorse1926 Jackthehorse1926 2 months ago
Happy New Year 🎈 
JakBqk JakBqk 2 months ago
Like you said there will be another time eventually. I have a notification on if they choose to disclose their report. For sure want to see that.
Interesting isn't it 👀
BFarb BFarb 2 months ago
The accountant got Covid haha. That's the funniest thing I've seen since the earth day butterfly countdown. 
😷 1 🤣 1
JakBqk JakBqk 2 months ago
There won't be any on time filing. Late Notifications have been disclosed. Covid is the excuse. 😂
This company now has a defined material weakness in reporting. Who thought this would happen after the money was made in dilution and pumping 😂🔮. Jak saw there was going to be an excuse to not file and now we have one. Glad I got out of this when that disclosure came out. The stench in the air was obvious. Jmo
BFarb BFarb 2 months ago
They only exist on paper hah. Need current financials and a big reveal for new plans very soon. Not worth selling at this price either way. Big reward if they can pull through with this name change and partner with Carbon Limit as they seem to be gaining traction on all fronts.
JakBqk JakBqk 2 months ago
Smog Armor doesn't exist.
I'm out.
Happy New Year! 🥳🎉🛸
JakBqk JakBqk 2 months ago
Will gladly eat the broker fees right now just to get the f'outta this 😂😂
I do not like what I'm seeing/finding that's not being disclosed.
No way I'm getting stuck in this when it goes dark. Shareholders were real time witnesses ,to the reasons everyone involved in this CEO's strategic share dump have disappeared for the last 5 months. Once he got his hands on the cash every party involved went silent.Do your own due diligence. Jmo
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
50 weeks into 2024 and all that happened was a pump and dump and a massive share increase of billions
Thanks for all your hard work Rashad , your strategy was a success. . resign immediately you're terrible. Shareholders deserve better communication and someone who can perform the role successfully. What has Rashad Davis been doing for the last 11.5 months? He can't even complete the official name change since 2023 ,and doesn't even bother to take 2 minutes to tweet why not.
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
Those poor Monarchs 🦋
How many died this year that could have been saved had Rashad Davis not made such a f'up 😆
Obviously I'm disgusted , and recently I've changed my mind about Sperry too.
No pr's or 8k's for months now.
Tennis Pro Tennis Pro 3 months ago
This company and u use the term very lightly went from one obvious scammer to one lazy scammer.
👍️ 1
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
Thanks for your input. I wish there were more opinions posted with as many watchers here not speaking.
Not much to discuss I guess that hasn't already been asked.
I'm going to run with my new exit plan, but keep drnk in the watchlist.
BFarb BFarb 3 months ago
I feel like they will still pump this big again. That's what crooks do. So you should get more return than .0003. The Carbon Limit connection is still new and presents more opportunities for them to manipulate, sell shares, etc. I think the silence really is because they finally realized they should quit running their mouths until they actually get something done. The recent success of CL most likely caused them to change the aspirations they already announced and are hopefully working on a name change to reflect that.
👍️ 1
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
The more I dig the more I find that I don't like. I was searching through state business licenses and registration information and it Seems the monarch Carbon Solutions manager is already busy in court for a breach of contracts with other companies defending his own business that he has.
Why would Davis hire someone who's being sued for breach of contact to co manage the Monarch thing ? I'm assuring you people care about their investments more than you realize. When they bump this up to 0003 I'm closing.
BFarb BFarb 3 months ago
No one else seems to really care or we would have seen a lawsuit by now. Certainly fraudulent but not a ton to do about it 
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
Was just thinking it's been over 5 months since I've heard anything from Rashad or Tim.
I have been trying believe me. They owe us a shareholder meeting required by sec law. They can either do their fiduciary duties and responsibilities,, or shareholders can contact the county court system where Smog Armor is and let them handle it.
Does Sperry/Davis not understand how a public traded company is supposed to function??
The whole thing reaks of ignorance or fraud , maybe both.jmo
Think about it, not 1 8k for anything in over a year.
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
I'm about one uptick away from selling because many many times I've seen it when companies pump their stock and then go totally silent and then dark and defunct with no explanation.
BFarb BFarb 3 months ago
All we can hope it that they are still working something legitimate behind the scenese and just staying quite about it until it actually pans out to avoid more embarrasment and potential lawsuits. With everything going for Carbon Limit and the known partnership with Smog Armor, I can't imagine nothing is being done.
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
Imo Smog Armor's Rashad Davis and Tim Sperry are scared to death someone is going to sue them over that Monarch f'up. All parties involved have gone silent and will not acknowledge shareholders concerns. Just goes to show how unprofessional these two CEOs really are. They can't even address the elephant in the room with a simple tweet because they are sweating bullets right now because they know this needs to be addressed Jmo
The fact there has not been 1 8k filing with disclosure of anything in over a year says something is seriously wrong within the company.
Catmandoo Catmandoo 3 months ago
So glad I bailed when it hit 9 months ago on that fake pump. Goodbye to all those butterflies and cement bullshit.
👍️ 1
JakBqk JakBqk 3 months ago
Seems every few weeks there's new info about Carbon Limit. Stumbled across a write up about 3d printing companies using Capturecrete. 2 new partners for their coolcrete and Rashad Davis CEO Smog Armor can't even take 30 seconds to tweet a 2 sentence update on anything ..
Imo Davis is giving the middle finger to drnk holders.
I wonder why Tim NEVER mentions Smog Armor in any interviews or presentations ?

How come Rashad isn't doing anything to advertise SA product? Why isn't he attending or speaking at any carbon tech conferences or a booth display like Tim does with CL?

What the hell does Davis do month after month besides paperwork to stay pink? Evidently he does nothing else.

More unanswered questions...
retired early retired early 3 months ago
SNNC is all that is left. The no fumes expensive paint didn't pan out.
Gametime22 Gametime22 3 months ago
Maybe the $DRNK shut down in fears of law suits.

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