RNS No 6103e
8th September 1998

                   HERCULES PROPERTY SERVICES PLC ("Hercules"):
             30TH JUNE 1998

                             H I G H L I G H T S

*  Proposed acquisition of the business and assets of a long established 
   Manchester based surveyor and commercial property consultancy Dunlop 
   Heywood for #5m, payable in cash
*  Dunlop Heywood also operates from West End and City of London together 
   with franchise offices in Leeds and Bradford
*  Dunlop Heywood complements Hercules' existing activities, increases 
   exposure to commercial property market and expands geographical coverage
*  Placing and Open Offer to raise #5.15m net of expenses
*  Pre-tax profits of #2.65m reflecting 210% increase over preceding 
   15 month period
*  Earnings per share increase by 64% to 29.3p
*  Final dividend of 4p per ordinary share recommended making a total 
   of 5p per share for the year - a rise of 66%

   "I believe the acquisition of Dunlop Heywood will add a further exciting 
   dimension to Hercules' range of highly integrated and profitable 
   services. Our results demonstrate the success of our acquisitions 
   programme, the full benefit of which has yet to be felt, which 
   reflects the truly synergistic nature of the operating companies 
   within the Group. I am sure this latest acquisition will prove 
   equally as exciting and complentary to Hercules as our previous 
   purchases," Larry Lipman, Chairman.


                 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE, 1998


The Board of Hercules announces that the Company has entered into a 
conditional agreement to acquire the business and assets of Dunlop 
Heywood, an established property consultancy and surveying business. The 
consideration payable in respect of the Acquisition is #5 million in cash 
plus the assumption of the trade creditors of the Dunlop Heywood business. 
#0.75 million of the consideration will be settled on the ESOP Trustees 
who it is intended will then utilise such funds to subscribe for the ESOP 
Shares at the Issue Price.

The cash element of the consideration for the Acquisition is to be funded 
from the proceeds of the Placing and Open Offer. In addition, the Placing 
and Open Offer will raise a further #0.9 million (net of expenses) in 
order to provide additional working capital for the Enlarged Group.

The new Shares will represent approximately 24.4 per cent. of the issued 
ordinary share capital of the Company on Admission, and will rank pari 
passu in all respects with the existing Shares save that they will not 
rank for the final dividend payable in respect of the year ended 30 June, 

The Board also announces the audited results of Hercules for the year 
ended 30 June, 1998.  These show a profit before tax for the year of 
#2.65 million, an increase of approximately 210 per cent. over the profit 
before tax achieved in the fifteen months ended 30 June, 1997. The 
preliminary results for the year ended 30 June, 1998, along with the 
Chairman's statement and Review of Operations, are set out below. The 
report and accounts of the Company for the year ended 30 June, 1998, 
which contain the notice of AGM, are expected to be sent to Shareholders 
later today.

Application will be made for the new Shares to be admitted to trading on 
AIM.  It is expected that trading on AIM in the new Shares will commence 
on 7 October, 1998.


Hercules has conditionally agreed to acquire, through a wholly-owned 
subsidiary, the business and assets of Dunlop Heywood for #5 million in 
cash plus the assumption of the trade creditors of the Dunlop Heywood 

Pursuant of the terms of the Acquisition Agreement, #0.75 million of the 
cash consideration is to be settled on the ESOP Trustees who it is 
intended will utilise such funds to subscribe at completion for the ESOP 
Shares at the Issue Price.  The ESOP Shares will be available for 
allocation to senior employees of the business of Dunlop Heywood in due 
course in accordance with the performance criteria stipulated in the trust 
deed or as otherwise specified by the ESOP Trustees.

The Acquisition is conditional, inter alia, on the passing of resolutions 
1 and 3 to be proposed at the EGM and on Admission.


Dunlop Heywood provides a wide and integrated range of property services 
including professional advice, property management, agency and specialised 
services.  It operates out of three offices situated in Manchester, the 
City of London and the West End of London. In addition, there are 
franchise offices in Leeds and Bradford. Its clients cover diverse 
sectors, including banking, insurance, manufacturing, investment and 
the professions, as well as Government departments, local and public 
authorities and trusts and charities.

In a recent survey of UK surveying firms by an industry journal (source: 
Estates Gazette, January 1998) Dunlop Heywood was ranked in the top 50 UK 
surveying firms by turnover.

Summary financial information on Dunlop Heywood is set out below:

                                                    Year ended
                                         1 March      1 March  28 February
                                            1996         1997         1998
                                            #000         #000         #000
                                       _________    _________    _________

Turnover                                   5,391        4,858        5,951
Operating profit                             526          328          680
Dunlop Heywood currently has in excess of 90 employees (of which 
approximately 60 are Manchester-based and the balance are London-based).


The Board believes that the Acquisition represents a significant step in 
the Group's development as a supplier of property-related services and 
will offer the potential for enhanced profitability. The Directors believe 
that the principal benefits of the Acquisition for Hercules will include:

*  the acquisition of an established, profitable business, the activities 
   of which complement the Group's own; 

*  expansion of the Group's geographical coverage, particularly in the 
   north of England given the presence of Dunlop Heywood in Manchester, 
   and Bradford and Leeds through franchised offices;

*  the potential for increased cross-selling of services within the 
   Enlarged Group, with particular emphasis on the opportunities for 
   increasing the property portfolio insured by Heritage and auction 
   business put through Harman Healy;

*  the addition of a significant portfolio of managed commercial property, 
   thus improving the balance across the Group between managed commercial 
   property and managed residential property; and

*  an enhanced profile for the Group. 


The general policy of the Company with regard to acquisitions is to allow 
the businesses it acquires to maintain and develop their own identity 
within the Group. The Company aims to utilise the expertise available at 
Board level in order to maximise the performance of the individual 
businesses within the Group and their contribution to the Group's growth.

The business and assets of Dunlop Heywood will be purchased by a wholly-
owned subsidiary of the Company. The new subsidiary will be consolidated 
into the Group's accounts from the date of completion of the Acquisition, 
and the senior management will report to the Board.

The Board intends that the business of Dunlop Heywood will form an 
integral part of the Group's activities and will also benefit from the 
other operations comprised within the Group. In order to promote these 
objectives, the Board will seek to develop strong links with the senior 
management of Dunlop Heywood. Such an approach will, in the opinion of the 
Directors, assist the Enlarged Group in taking advantage of the greater 
cross-selling opportunities which will exist within the Enlarged Group as 
a result of its broader range of services and geographical presence.


The Company is proposing to raise approximately #5.77 million gross 
(approximately #5.15 million net of expenses) by the Placing and Open 
Offer, which has been fully underwritten by Guinness Mahon.

Pursuant to the Placing, which has been arranged by Raphael Zorn Hemsley 
Limited, as agent for Guinness Mahon, the Open Offer Shares have been 
conditionally placed with institutional and other investors at the Issue 
Price subject to clawback by Qualifying Shareholders. Safeland PLC, which 
is a related party to Hercules pursuant to the AIM Admission Rules, on 
account of its shareholding of approximately 13.89 per cent. in the 
Company, has undertaken to subscribe for up to 303,678 Open Offer Shares 
pursutant to the Placing. The Directors, who have consulted on this matter 
with Guinness Mahon, consider that the terms of Safeland PLC's 
participation in the Placing are fair and reasonable so far as the 
shareholders of Hercules are concerned. In addition, N Brown Group PLC has 
agreed to subscribe for 83,334 Open Offer Shares pursuant to the Placing. 
Qualifying Shareholders will be given the opportunity to subscribe under 
the Open Offer for the Open Offer Shares at the Issue Price free of 
expenses, pro rata to their existing shareholdings, on the basis of

             2 Open Offer Shares for every 7 existing Shares

held at the close of business on the Record Date and so in proportion for 
any greater or smaller number of existing Shares then held. The amount due 
in respect of each application for Open Offer Shares is payable in full on 
application. Entitlements to Open Offer Shares will be rounded down to the 
nearest whole Share. Fractional entitlements will not be allotted and will 
be disregarded. The maximum entitlement of a Qualifying Shareholder is 
indicated on the Application Form, which is personal to the Qualifying 
Shareholder(s) named thereon and may not be transferred except to satisfy 
bona fide market claims.  Applications for Open Offer Shares in excess of 
such maximum entitlement will be treated as applications for the maximum 
pro rata entitlement. Any Open Offer Shares not taken up under the Open 
Offer will be subscribed for pursuant to the terms of the Placing and 
otherwise in accordance with the terms of the Underwriting Agreement.

The Open Offer will close at 3.00 p.m. on 30 September, 1998. 

The Open Offer Shares will be issued credited as fully paid and will rank, 
at the time of issue, pari passu in all respects with the existing Shares 
save that they will not rank for the final dividend payable in respect of 
the year ended 30 June, 1998.

The Placing and Open Offer are conditional, inter alia, on:

  (i) the passing of resolutions 1 and 3 to be proposed at the EGM;

 (ii) the Underwriting Agreement becoming unconditional, save for 
      Admission, by no later than 6 October, 1998 (or such later date, 
      being no later than 20 October, 1998, as the Company and Guinness 
      Mahon may agree) and not having been terminated in accordance with 
      its terms; and

(iii) Admission.

Dealings in the Open Offer Shares, fully paid, are expected to commence 
on AIM on 7 October, 1998.


The Directors are pleased to report that profit before tax for the year 
ended 30 June, 1998 increased significantly to #2.65 million (fifteen 
months to 30 June, 1997: #0.85 million) on considerably improved turnover 
of approximately #7.1 million (fifteen months to 30 June, 1997: #2.70 
million). This improved profit before tax represents an increase of 
approximately 210 per cent. on that achieved in the fifteen months to 30 
June, 1997. The corresponding undiluted earnings per Share for the year 
ended 30 June, 1998 was 29.3p (fifteen months ended 30 June, 1997: 17.9p).

With the demonstrated success of the Group and the expected contribution 
from the business of Dunlop Heywood, the Directors remain positive about 
the future prospects of the Enlarged Group.

The preliminary results of the Company for the year ended 30 June, 1998, 
along with the Chairman's statement and Review of Operations, are set out 
below. The annual report and accounts of the Company for that period are 
expected to be sent to Shareholders later today. Copies of this document 
can be obtained from the Company's offices at 340 Gray's Inn Road, London 


The Company has declared both a maiden interim dividend (being 1p net) and 
a final dividend (being 4p net) for the year ended 30 June, 1998. It is 
the Directors' intention that the Company will continue to pay both an 
interim and a final dividend in forthcoming years. The level of future 
dividends will reflect the Directors' policy that the Company should 
retain sufficient of its earnings to facilitate the Board's plans for 
the continued growth of Hercules both organically and through acquisition.


The rules of the Hercules Share Option Scheme currently limit the number 
of options that may be granted to any individual. The limit is that the 
amount paid or payable by an individual on the exercise of options 
granted to him under the Hercules Share Option Scheme and under any 
other discretionary share option scheme established by the Company in 
the previous ten years must not exceed four times his basic annual salary 
and bonuses for the current or preceding year of assessment. In the case 
of two of the Directors, Larry Lipman and Paul Davis, this limit has 
become unduly restrictive as a result of those Directors only receiving 
nominal remuneration from the Company. Accordingly, it is proposed that 
the opportunity be taken at the EGM to seek Shareholders' approval to 
amend the rules of the scheme to permit the grant to each of Larry Lipman 
and Paul Davis of 180,000 and 96,984 options respectively at the Issue 
Price (such grants providing each of Mr Lipman and Mr Davis with such 
number of options which, when aggregated with his current holdings of 
options, have a total value equal to four times notional commercial 
market salaries of #150,000 and #85,000 respectively).

The Association of British Insurers has indicated that they would support 
proposals for the grant to Directors of options to a value of four times 
commercial market remuneration notwithstanding that Directors were not 
receiving remuneration at that level.

In addition, the Company wishes to seek the approval of Shareholders at 
the EGM to amend the rules of the Hercules Share Option Scheme to enable 
the Company to 

-  make arrangements to collect tax and national insurance contributions 
   arising as a result of participation in the Hercules Share Option 

-  clarify that share options can be adjusted to reflect the variation of 
   the Company's share capital pursuant to an open offer;

-  reflect the fact that due to recent tax changes, options granted under 
   unapproved schemes can now be exercisable for up to 10 years from the 
   date of grant without adverse tax consequences; and

-  make certain other minor amendments.


Safeland Holdings Corporation, Jonathan Radgick and Larry Lipman have 
given irrevocable undertakings to the Company not to take up the Open 
Offer Shares to which they are entitled given their respective holdings 
of existing Shares on the Record Date of 1,144,204 Shares (representing  
approximately 17.0 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital 
of the Company).  Accordingly, the Open Offer Shares to which they are entitled
have been conditionally placed at the Issue Price by Raphael Zorn Hemsley
Limited, acting as agent for Guinness Mahon, with institutional and other


An extraordinary general meeting of the Company has been convened to be 
held at 11.10 a.m. (or immediately following the conclusion of the AGM, 
whichever is later) on 1 October, 1998.  At the EGM, three resolutions 
will be proposed, the first and third as special resolutions and the 
second as an ordinary resolution, for the following purposes:

1. (a) to increase the authorised share capital of Hercules from #440,000
       to #750,000;

   (b) to confer on the Directors authority under section 80 of the Act to 
       allot, inter alia, the new Shares; 

   (c) to empower the Directors to allot equity shares for cash other than 
       pro rata to Shareholders in connection with the Placing and Open 
       Offer and in respect of a further 445,238 Shares representing 
       approximately five per cent. of the enlarged issued share capital 
       as it will be following Admission; 

2.  to approve and amend the rules of the Hercules Share Option Scheme as 
    described above; and

3.  to authorise the Directors to issue Shares to the ESOP Trustees.

If resolutions 1 and 3 are passed and the Proposals are implemented, the 
Company will have an authorised share capital of 15 million Shares of 
which 8,906,555 Shares will be in issue.


A notice convening the annual general meeting of the Company for 
11.00 a.m. on 1 October, 1998 is set out in the report and accounts 
of the Company for the year ended 30 June, 1998.  At the AGM, resolutions 
will be proposed, inter alia, to approve such report and accounts and to 
re-appoint those Directors who are due to retire in compliance with the 
Company's Articles of Association. 


A prospectus detailing the Proposals is to be sent to 
Shareholders (except certain overseas Shareholders) later today.  
Copies of the Prospectus will be available to the public, free of 
charge, from the offices of Guinness Mahon & Co. Limited, 32 St Mary at 
Hill, London EC3P 3AJ for a period of 14 days from the date of publication.



Record date for the Open Offer                                   28 August

Latest time and date for splitting Application 
Forms in respect of the Open Offer (to satisfy 
bona fide market claims only)                       3.00 p.m. 28 September

Latest time and date for receipt of AGM 
Forms of Proxy                                     11.00 a.m. 29 September

Latest time and date for receipt of EGM 
Forms of Proxy                                     11.10 a.m. 29 September

Latest time and date for receipt of completed 
Application Forms and payment in full in respect 
of the Open Offer                                   3.00 p.m. 30 September

Annual General Meeting                                11.00 a.m. 1 October

Extraordinary General Meeting                         11.10 a.m. 1 October

Dealings commence on AIM in the new Shares                       7 October

Definitive share certificates for the new 
Shares despatched by                                            14 October

Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 1998
Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to be able to report on a year that has been both exciting 
and tremendously rewarding and reflects not only a number of successful 
corporate acquisitions concluded during the 12 months to 30 June 1998, but 
also a high level of organic growth in all businesses.

Hercules' activities have been expanded through the acquisition or more 
than #12 million of complementary business since the beginning of June 
1997.  These acquisitions have helped fuel investor interest in Hercules - 
reflected in a near 55% share price growth - and an impressive profits 
growth - demonstrating the synergy of the strategic acquisition programme, 
and the growth in all divisions.

For the period under review profits before tax more than tripled to #2.65 
million compared with the #853,000 reported for the 15 months to 30 June 
1997.  It is a pleasure to report that this leap in pre-tax profits is not 
solely due to the acquisitions but also to the healthy progress of the 
existing Group companies.  All the companies owned at the start of the 
year contributed higher than forecast profits.

As an example of this, Heritage's operating profit has risen from 
#534,000 in the 15 months ended June 1997 to #1.02 million in the current 
year and likewise Harman Healy's operating profit has almost doubled 
from #213,000 to #416,000 over the same period comparison.

As a result, earnings per share increased to 29.3p, a 64% rise over last 
year's 17.9p.  The Board is recommending a final dividend of 4p per 
ordinary share which makes a total for the year of 5p a share, an increase 
of 67% over last year's 3p a share.  The final dividend will be payable 
on 4 January 1999 to shareholders on the register as at 4 December 1998.

In the past 12 months we have sought to expand Hercules' range of 
activities within the property services area and expect this trend to 
continue for the foreseeable future.  The acquisitions completed since the 
beginning of June 1997 reflect our corporate strategy of ensuring that 
there is clear synergy between Hercules' existing businesses and any new 
company joining the Group, whilst broadening the range of services 
offered, all capable of generating a high quality of income stream.  
It is our belief that as true synergy exists between all the Hercules 
businesses, there are greater rewards to be reaped and our ability to 
increase profits is substantially enhanced.

We believe this philosophy is clearly demonstrated by the acquisitions 
completed during the past year.  The largest acquisition was that of the 
AIM listed property management company DGA which we purchased last July, 
for #8.3 million through the issue of 3,285,660 new ordinary Hercules 
shares.  Based in North West London, DGA specialises in the management 
and insurance of residential property on behalf of the freeholder or 
residents' association.

In June 1997 we announced the acquisition of a smaller residential 
property management and chartered surveying practice, Simmonds.  Simmonds 
is performing extremely well and is now fully integrated into Hercules.

Last February our residential management activities were further expanded 
through the #4 million purchase of the contracted property management 
business of Brighton-based PCL.  At the same time we acquired a 51% 
shareholding in Waterglen, the company that owns the freeholds of the 
flats and houses managed by PCL.  By acquiring this majority interest, 
we secured the property management and ground rent income stream in 

As a result of acquisitions made over the past year Hercules is now 
responsible for the management of in excess of 18,000 flats and houses 
as well as providing a range of professional property services.

In addition to these acquisitions it is worth noting that we also 
purchased the minority interest in our auctioneers Harman Healy previously 
owned by Jonathan Radgick and we acquired the property insurance book of 
DAH Insurance Services Limited for #40,000 cash.

While activity has been vibrant on the corporate front, I would like to 
emphasise that our existing businesses have all performed well during the 
year with Harman Healy achieving record auction sales averaging more than 
#10 million per auction while our property insurance company, Heritage, 
now secures insurance cover for more than #2 billion of property, and 
continues to enjoy strong growth.

Over the past year the bias of our acquisition programme has been towards 
the residential sector of the property market.  Partly to redress the 
balance, but, more importantly, to open up new areas of activity for the 
Group we have today announced details of an #5.77 million placing and open 
offer and the proposed acquisition of the long established commercial 
property surveying firm of Dunlop Heywood & Co. Limited for #5 million.  
Based in Manchester and London, Dunlop Heywood & Co. Limited operates in 
all the main aspects of commercial property surveying including 
professional services, such as valuation and portfolio management, agency, 
investment and property management activities.  I believe this is a very 
exciting addition to our range of property services and will create 
further opportunities to enhance profitability through cross-selling 
with other members of the Hercules Group.

Now that all the past year's purchases have been successfully integrated 
into Hercules and all the Group companies are trading profitably, the 
latest acquisition looks set to take us into the next stage of our 
development.  Against this background I firmly believe the future for 
Hercules continues to look extremely bright and I regard prospects for 
further expansion of profitability as being very encouraging.

Larry Lipman                                              8 September 1998

Review of Operations

Last year saw the Group's greatest period of expansion since gaining its 
AIM listing in May 1996 with the acquisition of two companies, a majority 
stake in a third, and the business activities of a further two companies.  
Our total expenditure since the beginning of June 1997 amounts to in 
excess of #12 million including the purchase of the minority interest 
in Harman Healy, our auctioneering subsidiary.

It is pleasing to report that despite the increased level of activity we 
have successfully integrated all these new businesses into Hercules and 
that they are enjoying strong growth independently whilst exploiting 
profit potential as a result of cross-selling thus ensuring that, 
wherever possible, the maximum level of profit remains within the Group.

Auctioneers, Commercial Property Managers, Valuers and Surveyors

Harman Healy remains one of the country's leading commercial property 
auctioneers and during the last year the firm has benefited from the 
increase in commercial property activity.  There has been a substantial 
uplift in the number of lots offered at auction, from 420 to 512, while 
auction sales have averaged more than #10 million per auction during the 
year.  In turn the fee income generated from the auctions has risen by 
over 25% to in excess of #1 million compared with #799,000 for the 15 
month period to 30 June 1997.

Although it is better known for its auctions, Harman Healy also has a 
thriving management and professional practice.  These areas have grown 
well during the year, as the firm has been able to attract new clients 
as well as servicing the needs of its existing customer base. 

Through its increased level of auction activity, Harman Healy has been 
able to introduce new business not only to its own divisions but also to 
other parts of the Group such as Heritage.

The other major event at Harman Healy was the purchase by Hercules of 
Managing Director, Jonathan Radgick's outstanding 25% minority interest.

Property Insurance Intermediary

From incorporation less than five years ago it is pleasing to be able to 
report that over the past year the amount of property for which Heritage 
secures insurance cover has passed through the #2 billion barrier.  This 
is more than twice the level we reported a year ago and reflects the 
amount of progress we have been able to make on this side of our business.

Clearly Heritage's performance, in part, demonstrates the benefits of our 
acquisition programme.  Approximately 50% of the uplift in the amount of 
property insured derived from the DGA and PCL acquisitions.  The 
remainder, amounting to about #550 million of property, has come 
from existing inter-group referrals and new clients.

Chartered Surveyors, Valuers and Residential Managing Agents

Acquired in June 1997, Simmonds is a highly focused chartered surveying 
practice that specialises in managing blocks of flats and associated 
professional services such as valuation.  Although a relatively small 
acquisition, Simmonds has been able to take on all the professional work 
generated by DGA thereby demonstrating the synergy of our acquisition 

During the year the firm has increased its own client base and has 
taken on the management of additional residential buildings as well 
as generating new professional services business.

Residential Ground Rent Managing Agents and Surveyors

Primarily a ground rent manager, DGA became part of the Group in September 
1997.  It manages more than 13,000 residential units and as a result is a 
leading name in residential ground rent management.

DGA's activities were further enhanced in February through the acquisition 
of the business of PCL which manages the ground rents of approximately 
4,100 residential units.  PCL's business has now been amalgamated with DGA 
with the consequent saving of overheads.  At the same time there has been 
a continuous stream of new instructions.

As part of DGA's expansion plans, the firm has moved into new and larger 
premises.  In addition, there has been an investment in the latest 
available computer hardware and software as the company strives to 
maintain efficiency and effectiveness.

Although the rate of expansion has been dramatic over the past year it is 
the ability of all the companies in the Group to do business with each 
other that is both exciting and pleasing.  It is the level of inter-group 
activity which, we believe, demonstrates the benefits of our acquisition 
programme as well as the high degree of true synergy between all the 
companies within the Group.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                          Year ended      Year ended       Year  15 months
                        30 June 1998         30 June      ended      ended
                         (continuing            1998    30 June    30 June
                         operations)  (acquisitions)       1998       1997
                               #'000           #'000      #'000      #'000

Turnover                       4,691           2,404      7,095      2,699
Cost of sales                 (1,699)           (312)    (2,011)      (929)
                             _______         _______    _______    _______
Gross Profit                   2,992           2,092      5,084      1,770
Administrative expenses       (1,566)           (802)    (2,368)      (954)
                             _______         _______    _______    _______
Operating profit               1,426           1,290      2,716        816

Interest receivable and 
  similar income                                            153         50
Interest payable and similar charges                       (219)       (13)
                                                        _______    _______
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation             2,650        853
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                       (886)      (305)
                                                        _______    _______
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation              1,764        548
Equity minority interest                                    (19)       (76)
                                                        _______    _______
Profit for the financial year/period                      1,745        472
Equity dividends                                           (338)       (99)
                                                        _______    _______
Retained profit for the financial year/period             1,407        373
                                                        =======    =======

EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE                               29.3p      17.9p
                                                        =======    =======

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                           1998       1997
                                                          #'000      #'000
Fixed Assets
                                                          2,754        507
Tangible fixed assets                                         -        394
                                                        _______    _______
Gross Profit                                              2,754        901
                                                        _______    _______

Current Assets
Work in progress                                              -         34
Debtors                                                   2,524        545
Cash at bank and in hand                                  1,741        496
                                                        _______    _______
                                                          4,265      1,075

Creditor: amounts falling due within one year            (3,702)      (919)
                                                        _______    _______
Net Current Assets                                          563        156
                                                        _______    _______
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                     3,317      1,057

Creditor: amounts falling due after more than one year   (4,915)      (231)
Provisions for Liabilities and Charges                     (310)      (250)
Equity minority interest                                   (186)       (74)
                                                        _______    _______
NET (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                                 (2,094)       502
                                                        =======    =======

Capital and Reserves

Called up equity share capital                              339        165
Share premium account                                    10,244      1,621
Profit and loss account                                   1,912        505
Merger reserve                                           (1,339)    (1,339)
Goodwill reserve                                        (13,250)      (450)
                                                        _______    _______
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' (DEFICIT)/FUNDS                     (2,094)       502

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                           Year  15 Months
                                                          ended      ended
                                                        30 June    30 June
                                                           1998       1997
                                                          #'000      #'000

Cash inflow from operating activities                     2,292      1,067
Returns on investments and servicing of finance             (66)        37
Taxation paid                                              (245)       (74)
Capital expenditure and financial investment               (165)      (847)
Acquisitions and disposals                               (4,166)      (274)
Equity dividends paid                                      (165)       (75)
                                                        _______    _______
Cash outflow before financing                            (2,515)      (166)
Financing                                                 3,760        277
                                                        _______    _______
INCREASE IN CASH IN THE YEAR/PERIOD                       1,245        111
                                                        =======    =======

Notes to the statement for the year ended 30 June 1998

1. The above results for the year ended 30 June 1998 are an abridged 
   version of the Group's statutory financial statements which have not 
   been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The balance sheet, profit 
   and loss account and cashflow statement do not constitute statutory 
   statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Act.

   The results for the 15 months ended 30 June 1997 have been extracted 
   from the financial statements for that period which have been delivered 
   to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors have given an 
   unqualified report.

2. Earnings per share
   Basic earnings per share of 29.3p (1997-17.9p) are based on the profit 
   for the financial year of #1,745,000 (1997: #472,000) and on 5,959,712 
   ordinary shares (1997: 2,630,751 ordinary shares) being the weighted 
   average number of shares in issue throughout the year.

3. Segmental Analysis

   The analysis of turnover, profit on ordinary activities before taxation 
   and net assets attributable to the different classes of the Group's 
   business all of which were carried out in the United Kingdom after 
   consolidation adjustments were as follows:

                                              Year Ended   15 Months Ended
                                            30 June 1998      30 June 1997
                                                   #'000             #'000
Management services                                2,901               218
Insurance                                          3,014             1,642
Auctions                                           1,074               799
Other                                                106                40
                                                 _______           _______
                                                   7,095             2,699

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
Management services                                1,397                79
Insurance                                          1,076               753
Auctions                                             445               113
Other                                               (268)             (92)
                                                 _______           _______
                                                   2,650               853
                                                 _______           _______

Net assets/(liabilities)
Management services                               (2,210)              402
Insurance                                            943                52
Auctions                                             584               140
Other                                             (1,411)              (92)
                                                 _______           _______
                                                  (2,094)              502
                                                 _______           _______

4. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                    1998              1997
                                                   #'000             #'000

Profit for the year                                1,745               472
Dividends                                           (338)              (99)
                                                 _______           _______
                                                   1,407               373

Other recognised gains and losses                      -                 -
Issue of shares                                    9,014               553
Acquisition/merger expenses written off             (217)             (191)
Goodwill written off                             (12,800)             (450)
Net (reduction in)/addition to equity 
shareholders' funds                               (2,596)              285
Opening shareholder's funds                          502               217
                                                 _______           _______
Closing equity shareholders' funds                (2,094)              502
                                                 _______           _______

5. Equity Dividends
                                              Year ended        Year ended
                                            30 June 1998      30 June 1997
                                                   #'000             #'000

Interim equity dividend paid of 
  1p per share (1997: nil p)                          66                 -
Final proposed equity dividend of 
  4p per share (1997: 3p)                            272                99
                                                 _______           _______
                                                     338                99
                                                 _______           _______

Copies of this announcement will be available to the public, free of 
charge, from the offices of Guinness Mahon & Co. Limited, 32 St Mary 
at Hill for a period of 14 days from the date of publication.

The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless 
the context otherwise requires:

"Acquisition"                     the proposed acquisition of the business 
                                  and assets of Dunlop Heywood by a wholly-
                                  owned subsidiary of the Company, 
                                  pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement

"Acquisition Agreement"           the conditional agreement made on 7 
                                  September, 1998 for the purpose of the 

"Act"                             the Companies Act 1985 (as amended)

"Admission"                       the admission of the new Shares to 
                                  trading on AIM becoming effective in 
                                  accordance with Chapter 16 of the Rules 
                                  of the London Stock Exchange Limited

"AIM"                             the Alternative Investment Market of 
                                  the London Stock Exchange

"Annual General Meeting"          the annual general meeting of the 
or "AGM"                          Company convened to be held at 
                                  11.00 a.m. on 1 October, 1998, notice 
                                  of which is set out in the report and 
                                  accounts of the Company for the year 
                                  ended 30 June, 1998

"Application Form"                the application form relating to the 
                                  Open Offer being sent to Qualifying 

"Company" or "Hercules"           Hercules Property Services PLC

"DGA"                             David Glass Associates plc

"Directors" or "Board"            the directors of Hercules

"Dunlop Heywood"                  Dunlop Heywood & Co. Limited

"Enlarged Group"                  the Group as enlarged by the Acquisition

"ESOP"                            the Employee Share Ownership Plan to be 
                                  constituted at completion of the 
                                  Acquisition by Hercules in accordance 
                                  with the Acquisition Agreement

"ESOP Shares"                     the 250,000 new Shares to be issued to 
                                  the ESOP Trustees at the Issue Price

"ESOP Trustees                    the Trustees of the ESOP

"Existing Shares"                 the 6,732,896 Shares in issue as at of 
                                  the date of this document

"Extraordinary General Meeting"   the extraordinary general meeting of
or "EGM                           the Company convened to be held on 1 
                                  October, 1998

"Group"                           Hercules, its subsidiaries and it's 
                                  subsidiary undertakings

"Guinness Mahon"                  Guinness Mahon Co. Limited

"Harman Healy"                    Harman Healy Limited

"Hercules Share Option Scheme"    the Hercules Property Services PLC 1996 
                                  Unapproved Executive Share Option Scheme

"Heritage"                        Heritage Insurance Services Limited

"HPS"                             HPS Property Limited, the immediate 
                                  holding company of Heritage, Harman 
                                  Healy and Resolute Property Management 

"Issue Price"                     300p per new Share

"new Shares"                      together the 2,173,679 Shares to be 
                                  issued pursuant to the Placing and Open 
                                  Offer and the ESOP Shares

"Open Offer"                      the conditional open offer by Guinness 
                                  Mahon on behalf of the Company to 
                                  Qualifying Shareholders of the Open 
                                  Offer Shares at the Issue Price and on 
                                  the terms and conditions set out in the 
                                  prospectus of the Company due to be sent 
                                  to Shareholders later today and in the 
                                  Application Form

"Open Offer Shares"               up to 1,923,679 new Shares which are to 
                                  be made available to Qualifying 
                                  Shareholders pursuant to the Open Offer, 
                                  and which have been conditionally placed 
                                  by Guinness Mahon pursuant to the Placing

"PCL"                             Property Connection Limited

"Placing"                         the conditional placing by Guinness 
                                  Mahon on behalf of Hercules of the Open 
                                  Offer Shares at the Issue Price, 
                                  pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement, 
                                  subject to full clawback under the terms 
                                  of the Open Offer

"Proposals"                       the Acquisition, the Placing and 
                                  Open Offer and the allotment of the ESOP

"Qualifying Shareholders"         holders of Shares on the register of 
                                  members of Hercules on the Record Date 
                                  (except for certain overseas 

"Record Date"                     the close of business on 28 August, 1998

"Shareholders"                    the holders of Shares

"Shares"                          ordinary shares of 5p each in the 
                                  capital of Hercules

"Simmonds"                        Simmonds & Partners Limited

"Underwriting Agreement"          the agreement relating to the Placing 
                                  and Open Offer


Hercules Property Services PLC                         Tel: 0181-203 9099
               Larry Lipman, Chairman 

Guinness Mahon & Co. Limited                           Tel: 0171-623 9333
               Jagjit Mundi, Director

Baron Phillips Associates                              Tel: 0171-224 1302
               Baron Phillips



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Hercules Props. (LSE:HPS)
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