RNS Number:4050D
Gippsland Limited
28 September 2004

28 September 2004

                                 ANNUAL REPORT

                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED

                                  30 JUNE 2004



The Board of Gippsland Limited is responsible for its corporate governance, that
is, the system by which the Company and its controlled entities ("the Group")
are managed.

1.  Board of Directors

1.1 Role of the Board and Management

The Board represents shareholders' interests in continuing a successful
business, which seeks to optimise medium to long-term financial gains for
shareholders. By focusing on long-term gains for shareholders, the Board
believes that this will ultimately result in the interests of all stakeholders
being appropriately addressed when making business decisions.

The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Group is managed in such a way to
best achieve this desired result. Given the current size and operations of the
business, the Board currently undertakes an active, not passive role.

The Board is responsible for evaluating and setting the strategic directions for
the Group, establishing goals for management and monitoring the achievement of
these goals. The Executive Chairman is responsible to the Board for the
day-to-day management of the Group.

The Board has sole responsibility for the following:

   *Appointing and removing the Executive Chairman and any other executives
    and approving their remuneration;
   *Appointing and removing the Company Secretary / Chief Financial Officer
    and approving their remuneration;
   *Determining the strategic direction of the Group and measuring
    performance of management against approved strategies;
   *Review of the adequacy of resources for management to properly carry out
    approved strategies and business plans;
   *Adopting operating and capital expenditure budgets at the commencement of
    each financial year and monitoring the progress by both financial and
    non-financial key performance indicators;
   *Monitoring the Group's medium term capital and cash flow requirements;
   *Approving and monitoring financial and other reporting to regulatory
    bodies, shareholders and other organisations;
   *Determining that satisfactory arrangements are in place for auditing the
    Group's financial affairs;
   *Review and ratify systems of risk management and internal compliance and
    control, codes of conduct and compliance with legislative requirements; and
   *Ensuring that policies and compliance systems consistent with the Group's
    objectives and best practice are in place and that the Company and its
    officers act legally, ethically and responsibly on all matters.

The Board's role and the Group's corporate governance practices are being
continually reviewed and improved as required.

1.2  Composition of the Board and New Appointments

The Company currently has the following Board members:

Robert John Telford Executive Chairman and Managing Director
John Morrison Chisholm Non-Executive Director
John Damian Kenny Non-Executive Director

The Company's Constitution provides that the number of directors shall not be
less than three and not more than ten. There is no requirement for any
shareholding qualification.

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size, nor are its
affairs of such complexity to justify the appointment and further expense of an
independent Non-Executive Chairman and additional independent Non-Executive
Directors. The Board believes that the individuals on the Board can make, and do
make, quality and independent judgments in the best interests of the Company on
all relevant issues.

If the Company's activities increase in size, nature and scope the size of the
Board will be reviewed periodically as well as the optimum number of directors
required for the Board to properly perform its responsibilities and functions.

The membership of the Board, its activities and composition is subject to
periodic review. The criteria for determining the identification and appointment
of a suitable candidate for the Board shall include quality of the individual,
background of experience and achievement, compatibility with other Board
members, credibility within the Company's scope of activities, intellectual
ability to contribute to Board's duties and physical ability to undertake
Board's duties and responsibilities.

Directors are initially appointed by the full Board subject to election by
shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting. Under the Company's
Constitution the tenure of Directors (other than the Managing Director) is
subject to reappointment by shareholders not later than the third anniversary
following his last appointment. Subject to the requirements of the Corporations
Act 2001, the Board does not subscribe to the principle of retirement age and
there is no maximum period of service as a Director. A Managing Director may be
appointed for any period and on any terms the Directors think fit and, subject
to the terms of any agreement entered into, the Board may revoke any

1.3  Committees of the Board

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size, nor are its
affairs of such complexity to justify the formation of separate or special
committees at this time. The Board as a whole is able to address the governance
aspects of the full scope of the Company's activities and to ensure that it
adheres to appropriate ethical standards.

The Board has also established a framework for the management of the Group
including a system of internal controls, a business risk management process and
the establishment of appropriate ethical standards.

The full Board currently holds meetings at such times as may be necessary to
address any general or specific matters as required.

In the absence of an audit committee, the Board when required sets aside time at
Board meetings to deal with the issues and responsibilities usually delegated to
the audit committee so as to ensure the integrity of the financial statements of
the Company and the independence of the external auditor.

The Board in its entirety reviews the audited annual and half-yearly financial
statements and any reports which accompany published financial statements.

The Board in its entirety considers the appointment of the external auditor and
reviews the appointment of the external auditor, their independence, the audit
fee and any questions of resignation or dismissal.

If the Group's activities increase in size, scope and nature, the appointment of
separate or special committee's will be reviewed by the Board and implemented if

1.4  Conflicts of Interest

In accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and the Company's Constitution,
Directors must keep the Board advised, on an ongoing basis, of any interest that
could potentially conflict with those of the Company. Where the Board believes
that a significant conflict exists the Director concerned does not receive the
relevant board papers and is not present at the meeting whilst the item is

1.5  Independent Professional Advice
The Board has determined that individual Directors have the right in connection
with their duties and responsibilities as Directors, to seek independent
professional advice at the Company's expense. The engagement of an outside
adviser is subject to prior approval of the Chairman and this will not be
withheld unreasonably. If appropriate, any advice so received will be made
available to all Board members.

2.  Ethical Standards

The Board acknowledges the need for continued maintenance of the highest
standard of corporate governance practice and ethical conduct by all Directors
and employees of the Group.

2.1 Code of Conduct for Directors

The Board has adopted a Code of Conduct for Directors to promote ethical and
responsible decision-making by the Directors. The code is based on a code of
conduct for Directors prepared by the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

The principles of the code are:

   *A Director must act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of
    the Company as a whole.
   *A Director has a duty to use due care and diligence in fulfilling the
    functions of office and exercising the powers attached to that office.
   *A Director must use the powers of office for a proper purpose, in the
    best interests of the Company as a whole.
   *A Director must recognise that the primary responsibility is to the
    Company's shareholders as a whole but should, where appropriate, have regard
    for the interest of all stakeholders of the Company.
   *A Director must not make improper use of information acquired as a
   *A Director must not take improper advantage of the position of Director.
   *A Director must not allow personal interests, or the interests of any
    associated person, to conflict with the interests of the Company.
   *A Director has an obligation to be independent in judgment and actions
    and to take all reasonable steps to be satisfied as to the soundness of all
    decisions taken as a Board.
   *Confidential information received by a Director in the course of the
    exercise of directorial duties remains the property of the Company and it is
    improper to disclose it, or allow it to be disclosed, unless that disclosure
    has been authorised by the Company, or the person from whom the information
    is provided, or is required by law.
   *A Director should not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon
    the Company.
   *A Director has an obligation at all times, to comply with the spirit, as
    well as the letter of the law and with the principles of the Code.

The principles are supported by guidelines as set out by the Australian
Institute of Company Directors for their interpretation. Directors are also
obliged to comply with the Company's Code of Ethics and Conduct, as outlined

2.2  Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Company has implemented a Code of Ethics and Conduct, which provides
guidelines aimed at maintaining high ethical standards, corporate behaviour and
accountability within the Company. A summary of the Company's Code of Ethics and
Conduct is also available on the Company's website.

All employees and Directors are expected to:

   *respect the law and act in accordance with it;
   *respect confidentiality and not misuse Company information, assets or
   *value and maintain professionalism;
   *avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest;
   *act in the best interests of shareholders;
   *by their actions contribute to the Company's reputation as a good
    corporate citizen which seeks the respect of the community and environment
    in which it operates;
   *perform their duties in ways that minimise environmental impacts and
    maximise workplace safety;
   *exercise fairness, courtesy, respect, consideration and sensitivity in
    all dealings within their workplace and with customers, suppliers and the
    public generally; and
   *act with honesty, integrity decency and responsibility at all times.

An employee that breaches the Code of Ethics and Conduct may face disciplinary
action. If an employee suspects that a breach of the Code of Ethics and Conduct
has occurred or will occur, he or she must that breach to management. No
employee will be disadvantaged or prejudiced if he or she reports in good faith
a suspected breach. All reports will be acted upon and kept confidential.

2.3 Dealings in Company Securities

The Company's Securities Trading Policy imposes basic trading restrictions on
all employees of the Company with 'inside information', and additional trading
restrictions on the Directors of the Company.

'Inside information' is information that:

   *is not generally available; and
   *if it were generally available, it would, or would be likely to influence
    investors in deciding whether to buy or sell the Company's securities.

If an employee possesses inside information, the person must not:

   *trade in the Company's securities;
   *advise others or procure others to trade in the Company's securities; or

* pass on the inside information to others - including colleagues,
family or friends - knowing (or where the employee or Director should have
reasonably known) that the other persons will use that information to trade in,
or procure someone else to trade in, the Company's securities.

This prohibition applies regardless of how the employee or Director learns the
information (eg. even if the employee or Director overhears it or is told in a
social setting).

In addition to the above, Directors must notify the Company Secretary as soon as
practicable, but not later than 5 business days, after they have bought or sold
the Company's securities or exercised options. In accordance with the provisions
of the Corporations Act 2001 and the Listing Rules of the ASX, the Company on
behalf of the Directors must advise the ASX of any transactions conducted by
them in the securities of the Company.

A summary of the Company's Securities Trading Policy is available on the
Company's website.

Breaches of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may
include termination of employment.

2.4 Interests of Other Stakeholders

The Company's objective is to continue to develop and ultimately aim to commence
production from the Abu Dabbab Project in Egypt. As the Company embarks upon the
development and production phases it will aim to ensure the highest standard of
environmental care is achieved in all its operations.

To assist in meeting its objective, the Company conducts its business within the
Code of Ethics and Conduct, as outlined in 2.2 above.

3. Disclosure of Information

3.1 Continuous Disclosure to ASX

The continuous disclosure policy requires all executives and Directors to inform
the Executive Chairman or in his absence the Company Secretary of any
potentially material information as soon as practicable after they become aware
of that information. The Company's Continuous Disclosure Policy is available on
its website.

Information is material if it is likely that the information would influence
investors who commonly acquire securities on ASX in deciding whether to buy,
sell or hold the Company's securities.

Information is not material and need not be disclosed if:

a)       A reasonable person would not expect the information to be disclosed or
is material but due to a specific valid commercial reason is not to be
disclosed; and

b)       The information is confidential; or

c)       One of the following applies:

i.      It would breach a law or regulation to disclose the information;
ii.     The
information concerns an incomplete proposal or negotiation;
iii.      The information comprises matters of supposition or is insufficiently 
definite to warrant disclosure;
iv.      The information is generated for internal management purposes;
v.      The information is a trade secret;
vi.      It would breach a material term of an agreement, to which the Company 
is a party, to disclose the information;
vii.      It would harm the Company's potential application or possible patent 
application; or
viii.      The information is scientific data that release of which may benefit 
the Company's potential competitors.

The Executive Chairman is responsible for interpreting and monitoring the
Company's disclosure policy and where necessary informing the Board. The
Executive Chairman or the Company Secretary is responsible for all
communications with ASX.

3.2 Communication with Shareholders

The Company places considerable importance on effective communications with
shareholders. The Company's Shareholder Communications Strategy is available on
the Company's website.

The Group's communication strategy requires communication with shareholders and
other stakeholders in an open, regular and timely manner so that the market has
sufficient information to make informed investment decisions on the operations
and results of the Group. The strategy provides for the use of systems that
ensure a regular and timely release of information about the Group is provided
to shareholders. Mechanisms employed include:

   *Announcements lodged with ASX;
   *ASX Quarterly Cash Flow Reports;
   *Half Yearly Report;
   *Presentations at the Annual General Meeting/General Meeting's; and
   *Annual Report.

The Board encourages full participation of shareholders at the Annual General
Meeting to ensure a high level of accountability and understanding of the
Group's strategy and goals.

The Company also posts all reports, ASX and media releases and copies of
significant business presentations on the Company's website at

4. Risk Management

4.1 Identification of Risk

The Board is responsible for the oversight of the Group's risk management and
control framework. Responsibility for control and risk management is delegated
to the appropriate level of management within the Group with the Executive
Chairman and Chief Financial Officer having ultimate responsibility to the Board
for the risk management and control framework.

Arrangements put in place by the Board to monitor risk management include
monthly reporting to the Board in respect of operations and the financial
position of the Group.

4.2 Integrity of Financial Reporting

Commencing 30 June 2004, the Company's Executive Chairman and Chief Financial
Officer (or equivalent) report in writing to the Board that:

* the consolidated financial statements of the Company and its
controlled entities for each half and full year present a true and fair view, in
all material aspects, of the Company's financial condition and operational
results and are in accordance with accounting standards;
* the above statement is founded on a sound system of risk management
and internal compliance and control which implements the policies adopted by the
Board; and
* the Company's risk management and internal compliance and control
framework is operating efficiently and effectively in all material respects.

4.3 Role of Auditor

The Company's practice is to invite the auditor to attend the Annual General
Meeting and be available to answer shareholder questions about the conduct of
the audit and the preparation and content of the Auditor's Report.

5. Performance Review

The Board has adopted a self-evaluation process to measure its own performance
during each financial year. Also, an annual review is undertaken in relation to
the composition and skills mix of the Directors of the Company.

Arrangements put in place by the Board to monitor the performance of the Group's
executives include:

   *a review by the Board of the Group's financial performance; and
   *annual performance appraisal meetings incorporating analysis of key
    performance indicators with each individual to ensure that the level of
    reward is aligned with respective responsibilities and individual
    contributions made to the success of the Company.

6. Remuneration Arrangements

The broad remuneration policy is to ensure that remuneration properly reflects
the relevant persons duties and responsibilities, and that the remuneration is
competitive in attracting, retaining and motivating people of the highest
quality. The Board believes that the best way to achieve this objective is to
provide Executive Directors and executives with a remuneration package
consisting of fixed components that reflect the person's responsibilities,
duties and personal performance.

The remuneration of Non-Executive Directors is determined by the Board as a
whole having regard to the level of fees paid to Non-Executive Directors by
other companies of similar size in the industry.

The aggregate amount payable to the Company's Non-Executive Directors must not
exceed the maximum annual amount approved by the Company's shareholders.


The Company is committed to implementing the highest standards of corporate
governance. In determining what those high standards should involve, the Company
has turned to the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Principles of Good
Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations. As consistency with the
ASX guidelines has been a gradual process, where the Company did not have
certain policies or committees recommended by the ASX Corporate Governance
Council ("the Council") in place for the entire reporting period, the Company
has identified when such policies or committees were introduced.

Where the Company's corporate governance practices do not correlate with the
practices recommended by the Council, the Company does not consider that the
practices are appropriate for the Company due to the size of the Company and its
current operations.

To illustrate where the Company has addressed each of the Council's
recommendations, the following summary cross-references each recommendation with
sections of the Corporate Governance Statement. Details of all of the
recommendations can be found on the ASX Corporate Governance Council's website
at http://www.asx.com.au/about/CorporateGovernance_AA2.shtm.


Gippsland Limited has adopted systems of control and accountability as the basis
for the administration of corporate governance. Some of these policies and
procedures are summarised below.

The following additional information about the Company's corporate governance
practices is set out on the Company's website at www.gippslandltd.com:

* Corporate Governance Statement including disclosures and explanations;
* Summary of Code of Conduct for Directors and Key Executives;
* Summary of Securities Trading Policy;
* Summary of Continuous Disclosure Policy;
* Summary of Shareholder Communications Strategy; and
* Summary of Company Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Explanations for Departures from Best Practice Recommendations

During the financial year the Company has complied with the majority of the Ten
Essential Corporate Governance Principles and the corresponding Best Practice
Recommendations as published by the ASX Corporate Governance Council ("ASX
Principles and Recommendations"), and as detailed below:


Council Principle 1:
Lay solid foundations for management and oversight
Council Recommendation 1.1:
Formalise and disclose the functions reserved to the Board and those delegated
to management.
The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 1.1 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 2:
Structure the Board to add value
Council Recommendation 2.1:
A majority of the Board should be independent directors.

The Board considers that a majority of its Board is independent and it does
comply with Recommendation 2.1. Refer Section 1.2 of the Corporate Governance

While the Board strongly endorses the position that boards need to exercise
independence of judgment, it also recognises (as does ASX Corporate Governance
Council Principle 2) that the need for independence is to be balanced with the
need for skills, commitment and a workable board size. The Board believes it has
recruited members with the skills, experience and character to discharge its
duties and that any greater emphasis on independence would be at the expense of
the Board's effectiveness.

Messrs Kenny and Chisholm are Non-Executive Directors of the Company. Both
Non-Executive Directors are considered independent within the ASX Corporate
Governance Council's guidelines.

It is noted that Mr Kenny is a solicitor at Blakiston & Crabb, the major legal
providers for the Company. Mr Kenny has been directly involved in the provision
of the legal services by Blakiston & Crabb however the undertaking of this role
does not constitute Mr Kenny or Blakiston & Crabb as being material service
providers to the Company. Mr Kenny does not participate in the discussions
regarding the provision of legal services and his knowledge of the law is a
skill that the Board considers necessary to have on the Board.

Dr JM Chisholm is also a principal at Continental Resource Management Pty Ltd,
geological service providers for the Company. Dr Chisholm has been directly
involved in the provision of the geological services by Continental Resource
Management Pty Ltd, however the undertaking of this role does not constitute Dr
Chisholm or Continental Resource Management Pty Ltd as being material service
providers to the Company. Where required Dr Chisholm does not participate in the
discussions regarding the provision of geological services and his knowledge of
this specialised field is a skill that the Board considers necessary to have on
the Board.

At present the Company believes that the individuals on the Board can make, and
do make, quality and independent judgments in the best interests of the Company
on all relevant issues. Directors having a conflict of interest in relation to a
particular item of business must absent themselves from the Board Meeting before
commencement of discussion on the topic.

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size, nor are its
affairs of such complexity to justify the expense of appointing additional
independent Non-Executive Directors.

Council Recommendation 2.2:
The chairperson should be an independent director.

The Company's Chairman, Mr Robert John Telford, is considered by the Board not
to be independent in terms of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's definition
of independent Director. However the Board believes that the Chairman is able
and does bring quality and independent judgment to all relevant issues falling
within the scope of the role of a Chairman.

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size, nor are its
affairs of such complexity to necessitate the appointment of an independent
Non-Executive Chairman.

Refer Section 1.2 of the Corporate Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 2.3:
The roles of chairperson and chief executive officer (Managing Director) should
not be exercised by the same individual.

While the Board recognises the importance of independence in decision-making, it
does not comply with Recommendation 2.2 as Mr Robert John Telford, the current
Executive Chairman is not an independent Director. Although Mr Telford has a
substantial interest via his substantial shareholding, the Board believes that
his extensive industry experience and previous record as Chairman makes him the
most appropriate person for the position. It is recognised by the Board that Mr
Telford has been a major force in the Company's success. In addition the Board
considers that as the Company enters its next growth stage Mr Telford's
industrial experience and strong and effective leadership will be beneficial.

Refer Section 1.2 of the Corporate Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 2.4:
The Board should establish a nomination committee.

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size to justify the
formation of a nomination committee. The Board as a whole undertakes process of
reviewing the skill base and experience of existing Directors to enable
identification or attributes required in new Directors. Where appropriate
independent consultants are engaged to identify possible new candidates for the

The Board acknowledges this does not comply with Recommendation 2.4 of the ASX
Corporate Governance Guidelines. If the Company's activities increase in size,
scope and nature, the appointment of a nomination committee will be reviewed by
the Board and implemented if appropriate.

Refer Section 1.3 of the Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 3:
Actively promote ethical and responsible decision-making.
Council Recommendation 3.1:
Establish a code of conduct to guide the Directors, the chief executive officer
(or equivalent), the chief financial officer (or equivalent) and any other key
executives as to:

3.1.1 the practices necessary to maintain confidence in the Company's integrity;
3.1.2 the responsibility and accountability of individuals for reporting and
investigating reports of unethical practices.

The Company complies with this recommendation and has a Code of Conduct to guide
the Directors and key executives. Refer Section 2.1 of the Corporate Governance

Council Recommendation 3.2:
Disclose the policy concerning trading in Company securities by Directors,
officers and employees.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 2.3 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 4:
Safeguard integrity in financial reporting
Council Recommendation 4.1:

Require the chief executive officer (or equivalent) and the chief financial
officer (or equivalent) to state in writing to the board that the Company's
financial reports present a true and fair view, in all material respects, of the
Company's financial condition and operational results and are in accordance with
relevant accounting standards.

The Company complies with this requirement. Refer Section 4.2 of the Corporate
Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 4.2:
The Board should establish an audit committee.

The Board considers that the Company is not of a size, nor are its financial
affairs of such complexity to justify the formation of an audit committee. The
Board as a whole undertakes the selection and proper application of accounting
policies, the identification and management of risk and the review of the
operation of the internal control systems.

The Board acknowledges this does not comply with Recommendation 4.2. If the
Company's activities increase in size, scope and nature, the appointment of an
audit committee will be reviewed by the Board and implemented if appropriate.
Refer Section 1.3 of the Corporate Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 4.3:
Structure the audit committee so that it consists of:
- only non-executive directors;
- a majority of independent directors;
- an independent chairperson, who is not chairperson of the board;
- at least three members.

Refer Council Recommendation 4.2.
Council Recommendation 4.4
The audit committee should have a formal operating charter.
Refer Council Recommendation 4.2.


Council Principle 5:
Promote timely and balanced disclosure of all material matters concerning the
Council Recommendation 5.1:
Establish written policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with ASX
Listing Rule disclosure requirements and to ensure accountability at a senior
management level for that compliance.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 3.1 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 6:
Respect the rights of shareholders and facilitate the effective exercise of
those rights
Council Recommendation 6.1:
Design and disclose a communications strategy to promote effective communication
with shareholders and encourage effective participation at general meetings.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 3.2 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 6.2:
Request the external auditor to attend the annual general meeting and be
available to answer shareholder questions about the conduct of the audit and the
preparation and content of the auditor's report.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 4.3 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 7:
Establish a sound system of risk oversight and management and internal control
Council Recommendation 7.1:
The Board or appropriate board committee should establish policies on risk
oversight and management.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 4.1 of Corporate
Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 7.2
The chief executive officer (or equivalent) and the chief financial officer (or
equivalent) should state in writing that:
7.2.1 the statement given in accordance with best practice recommendation 4.1
(the integrity of financial statements) is founded on a sound system of risk
management and internal compliance and control which implements the policies
adopted by the Board;
7.2.2 the Company's risk management and internal compliance and control system
is operating efficiently and effectively in all material respects.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.


Council Principle 8:
Fairly review and actively encourage enhanced board and management
Council Recommendation 8.1:
Disclose the process for performance evaluation of the board, its committees and
individual directors, and key executives.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 5 of the Corporate
Governance Statement.


Council Principle 9:
Ensure that the level and composition of remuneration is sufficient and
reasonable and that its relationship to corporate and individual performance is
Council Recommendation 9.1:
Provide disclosure in relation to the Company's remuneration policies to enable
investors to understand (i) the costs and benefits of those policies and (ii)
the link between remuneration paid to directors and key executives and corporate

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 6 of the Corporate
Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 9.2
The Board should establish a remuneration committee.

The Board considers that the Company is not currently of a size, nor are its
affairs of such complexity to justify the formation of a remuneration committee.
The Board as a whole is responsible for the remuneration arrangements for
Directors and executives of the Company.

The Board acknowledges this does not comply with Recommendation 9.2. If the
Company's activities increase in size, scope and nature, the appointment of a
remuneration committee will be reviewed by the Board and implemented if

Refer Section 1.3 of the Corporate Governance Statement.
Council Recommendation 9.3
Clearly distinguish the structure of non-executive directors' remuneration from
that of executives.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 6 of the Corporate
Governance Statement.

Council Recommendation 9.4
Ensure that payment of equity-based executive remuneration is made in accordance
with thresholds set in plans approved by shareholders.
The Company complies with this recommendation. The Company currently has no
equity-based remuneration plan.


Council Principle 10:
Recognise legal and other obligations to all legitimate stakeholders
Council Recommendation 10.1:
Establish and disclose a code of conduct to guide compliance with legal and
other obligations to legitimate stakeholders.

The Company complies with this recommendation. Refer Section 2.2 of the
Corporate Governance Statement.

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                               DIRECTORS' REPORT

The Directors present their report on the Gippsland Limited ("the Company" or
"Parent Entity") and of the consolidated entity, being Gippsland Limited and its
controlled entities, for the financial year ended 30 June 2004 and the auditor's
report theron.


The names and details of the Directors of Gippsland Limited during the financial
year and until the date of this report are:

Robert John Telford
John Morrison Chisholm
John Damian Kenny


Robert John Telford (Executive Chairman)
A.W.A.I.T (Chem.) M..R.A.C.I.

Mr Telford holds an Associate degree in Pure Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic)
having graduated from the Institute of Technology of Western Australia (now
Curtin University) in 1967.

Mr Telford has been a major shareholder in technology-based industries for some
30 years in the capacity of chief executive officer ("CEO"). He has been
involved in the pharmaceutical industry having been a past chairman and major
shareholder of the company Inovax Limited. Mr Telford has held the position of
CEO in companies involved in inorganic and organic chemical manufacture for some
15 years. He has been involved in the international resource industry for some
15 years via private and public companies and in the main is responsible for
securing the Company's interest in its Egyptian resource projects.

Mr Telford has an interest in 13,788,124 ordinary shares and 6,658,280 listed
options to acquire ordinary shares exercisable at 9 cents each on or before 31
December 2007.

John Morrison Chisholm (Non Executive Director)
B.Sc (Hons), PhD., FAusIMM, F.AIG

Dr Chisholm is a consulting geologist with a wide experience in exploration
geology and exploration management having worked as a lecturer at the University
of Western Australia and Curtin University prior to working for various
international mining companies.

In 1984 he joined Western United Mining Services Pty Ltd during which time as
managing director he managed a large group of geoscientists and was involved in
the discovery of the Transvaal and Bounty mines.

Dr Chisholm formed a private geological consulting company, Continental Resource
Management Pty Ltd in 1989, which specialises in exploration management,
resource estimations, structural geology and applied geochemistry. He was
formerly an adjunct associate professor in economic geology at Curtin

He is a Fellow of both the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy with Chartered Practising status
in Geology. Dr Chisholm was one of the first geologists in Australia to have
been awarded Practising Chartered Status in geology by the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy which is the highest level of recognition
that can be attained by professional geologists.

Dr Chisholm has an interest in 50,000 ordinary shares and 2,260,000 listed
options to acquire ordinary shares exercisable at 9 cents each on or before 31
December 2007.

John Damian Kenny (Non-Executive Director)
B. Com (Hons), LLB

Mr Kenny practices law with Blakiston & Crabb, a specialist corporate and
resources law firm. He is also an executive director of investment bankers
Chatsworth Stirling Pty Ltd, the corporate advisors to the Company. Mr Kenny has
a specialised interest in venture capital, initial public offerings and mergers
and acquisitions. He has extensive experience in public equity fundraisings and
the pricing of equity, debt and derivative securities.

Mr Kenny has an interest in 2,250,000 listed options to acquire ordinary shares
exercisable at 9 cents each on or before 31 December 2007.


The principal activity of the consolidated entity during the financial year was
the prospecting and exploration for commercially and economically viable mineral

There were no significant changes in the nature of the consolidated entity's
principal activity during the year.


The consolidated loss after providing for income tax for the year ended 30 June
2004 amounted to $1,411,990 (2003: $754,635).


No dividend was paid or declared during the year and the Directors do not
recommend the payment of a dividend for the year ended 30 June 2004.


A detailed review of the Company and consolidated entity's activities during the
financial year is set out in the section titled "Review of Operations" in this
Annual Report.


During the year and to the date of this report, there has not arisen any item,
transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of
the Directors of the Company, which may significantly affect the operations of
the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the
Company, in future financial years other than:

(i)  On 5 August 2003 the Company issued 14,000,000 ordinary
shares at an issue price of 4 cents each and 14,000,000 free attaching listed
options raising a total of $560,000 (before issue costs) for the purpose of
furthering the bankable feasibility study for the Abu Dabbab Project;

(ii) On 5 December 2003 the Company issued 6,000,000 ordinary
shares at an issue price of 5 cents each and 3,000,000 free attaching listed
options to sophisticated investors raising a total of $300,000 (before issue
costs) for the purpose of furthering the bankable feasibility study for the Abu
Dabbab Project; and

(iii) On 8 March 2004 the Company issued 25,000,000 ordinary
shares at an issue price of 6.8 cents (2.8 UK pence) each to private and
institutional investors in conjunction with the Company being admitted to the
London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") raising a total of
$1,701,052 (before issue costs) for the purpose of furthering the bankable
feasibility study for the Abu Dabbab Project.


No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year
which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the
consolidated entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of
the consolidated entity in future financial years except:

Bankable Feasibility Study - Abu Dabbab

Subsequent to the end of the financial year the Company has completed its
Bankable Feasibility Study ("BFS") on its Abu Dabbab Project.

The BFS is based upon a design throughput of 1.26Mtpa and evaluated the Project
for the first 20 years of its mine life. The study determined that the Project
is anticipated to produce in excess of 412,000 pounds of tantalum pentoxide
("Ta2O5") per year along with some 980 tonnes of tin metal during the first 20
years of production. The Company has executed a Heads of Agreement with two
major tantalum consumers for the off-take of 412,000 pounds of Ta2O5 per annum
for a 4-year period. Tin output will be sold via the London Metal Exchange.

Based upon a capital expenditure of US$65.5 (A$93.6 ) million dollars, the
Project is scheduled to generate an operating margin of US$112 (A$160) million
over the 20-year period covered by the BFS.

The Project is calculated to have an internal rate of return ("IRR") (based on
an all equity structure) of 11.2% over the 20 year period covered by the BFS.

Most significantly the US$65.5 million capital expenditure for the 1.26Mtpa
operation makes allowance for the over-sizing of a number of major components
including jaw crushers, SAG mill and thickeners, to enable throughput to be
expanded to 2Mtpa in a short time-frame. No additional mining equipment would be
required to expand the operation from 1.26Mtpa to 2Mtpa. The additional positive
cash flows that shall arise due to the expansion from 1.26Mtpa to 2Mtpa are not
reflected in the above IRR.

Additionally, the BFS is based on the production of Ta2O5 and tin alone and does
not take into account 1Mtpa of ceramic grade feldspar which may be produced as a
co-product to the tantalum and tin production. The additional positive cash
flows that shall arise due to the sale of feldspar are also not reflected in the
above IRR. Testwork undertaken in Italy demonstrated that the Abu Dabbab
feldspar is ideally suited to the manufacture of high-quality ceramics such as
floor tiles and sanitary ware. The Company has executed a Heads of Agreement
with a large European group for the off-take of 2.65Mtpa of feldspar for
delivery over a 5-year period.

The Directors instructed its engineering consultants to proceed with the BFS on
the basis of Ta2O5 and tin production alone to enable the commencement of
production in the shortest possible time-frame. Following start-up, priority
will be given to the production of ceramic grade feldspar as the revenue from
this product has the potential to equal that of tantalum.

In light of very recent developments within the tantalum industry, the Company
has been urged to consider expanding the Project to 2Mtpa. Accordingly,
Lycopodium Pty Ltd has been instructed to quantify the effect of increasing
production to 2Mtpa, as the resulting economies of scale are expected to
materially increase the projected IRR of the Project.

The Abu Dabbab Project capital requirement of some US$65.5 million is expected
to be funded by a combination of debt and equity. During the past year, the
Company has kept a number of international and domestic resource project banks
appraised of the progress of the BFS and the Abu Dabbab project in general.
Having completed the BFS, the Company will commence negotiations with such banks
in order to secure project funding for the debt segment of the Abu Dabbab
Project capital requirement.


Information as to likely developments in the operations of the Company and the
consolidated entity and the expected results of those operations in future
financial years has not been included in this report because, in the opinion of
the Directors, it would prejudice the interests of the Company and the
consolidated entity.


The consolidated entity's operations are not subject to any significant
environmental regulations under either Commonwealth or State legislation.
However, the Board is committed to achieving a high standard of environmental
performance, and regular monitoring of potential environmental exposures is
undertaken by management. The Board considers that the consolidated entity has
adequate systems in place for the management of its environmental requirements
and is not aware of any breach of those environmental requirements as they apply
to the consolidated entity.

The consolidated entity is required to carry out its activities in accordance
with the Mining Laws and regulations in the areas in which it undertakes its
exploration activities.


No person has applied for leave of Court to bring proceedings on behalf of the
Company or intervene in any proceedings to which the Company is a party for the
purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the Company for all or any part of
those proceedings.

The Company was not a party to any such proceedings during the year.


One of Gippsland Limited's investee companies is Here2win.com Pty Ltd in which
Gippsland Limited owns a 90% interest. Here2win.com Pty Ltd is the owner of
various Internet horse racing gaming concepts. On 14 August 2000 Gippsland
Limited announced to the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd that the services of the
Chief Executive Officer of Here2win.com Pty Ltd, Mr Alex Aguero, had been
terminated. Mr Aguero, through Highforce Investments Pty Ltd, continues to hold
a 10% equity stake in Here2win.com Pty Ltd. Mr Aguero has commenced litigation
against Gippsland Limited seeking payment of what he alleges is unpaid
compensation for his services rendered while CEO. The statement of claim filed
by Mr Aguero with the Supreme Court of Western Australia claims, amongst other
things, damages or alternatively the sum of $1,840,000 plus costs. Gippsland
Limited holds the view that the claim is completely without merit and
accordingly the claim is being vigorously defended.


Listed Options

As at 30 June 2004 and the date of this report the following listed options were
on issue:

Option expiry date                     Exercise price           Number on issue

31 December 2007                             9 cents               43,771,393

During the financial year a total of 17,000,000 listed options exercisable at 9
cents each on or before 31 December 2007 were issued as securities in
conjunction with share placements undertaken. In addition 100,000 listed options
exercisable at 9 cents each on or before 31 December 2007 were issued as part
consideration for consultancy services provided. During the financial year there
were no listed options exercised.

Unlisted Options

As at 30 June 2004 and the date of this report the following unlisted options
were on issue:

Option expiry date                     Exercise price           Number on issue

8 March 2007                            2.8 UK pence                2,790,567

During the financial year a total of 11,000,000 unlisted options exercisable at
14 cents each on or before 11 July 2004 were voluntarily cancelled for no
consideration. The options were cancelled in order to simplify the Company's
capital structure prior to its AIM listing on the London Stock Exchange.

On 15 February 2004, 250,000 unlisted options exercisable at 20 cents each and
250,000 unlisted options exercisable at 30 cents each lapsed and were cancelled.
During the financial year there were no unlisted options exercised.


During the financial year, 8 meetings of Directors were held. Attendances were
as follows:

                                                 NUMBER OF             NUMBER OF
                                                MEETINGS              MEETINGS
                                                ATTENDED             ELIGIBLE TO
Robert John Telford                                    8                     8
John Morrison Chisholm                                 7                     8
John Damian Kenny                                      7                     8


The Company's policy for determining the nature and amount of emoluments of
Board members and senior executives of the Company is considered by the
Directors following a review of the market rates and performance.

Non-Executive Directors are remunerated on a fixed fee basis for the performance
of services as a Director.

Details of the nature and amount of each element of the emoluments of each
Director are as set out in the following table:

Consolidated Entity and Parent Entity

      Name         Director's     Consulting and      Superannuation     Total
                    Fees ($)    Management Fees ($)

Robert John                 -           169,220 (i)                -   169,220
John Morrison          15,000            18,000 (i)            1,350    34,350
John Damian Kenny           -            36,000 (i)                -    36,000

The consulting and management fees include fees paid to related parties of the

(i) During the financial year the Company entered into a consulting arrangement
with a company controlled by Mr RJ Telford to carry out management and
administration services on behalf of the Company based upon an annual fee of
$175,000. A company in which Dr J M Chisholm has an interest supplies geological
services to the Company (Refer Note 17). The Company has an arrangement with a
company associated with Mr J Kenny to supply corporate services to the Company
at normal commercial rates and conditions (Refer Note 17). There are no other
contracts to which a Director is a party or under which a Director is entitled
to a benefit other than as disclosed in these financial statements.

Other than the Directors there are no executive officers of the Company or
parent entity.


During or since the end of the financial year, the Company has not given an
indemnity or entered into an agreement to indemnify, or paid or agreed to pay an
insurance premium for Officers and Auditors indemnity. The Constitution of the
Company allows for an indemnity in respect of legal liability for damages and
legal costs arising from claims made by reason of any omissions or acts (other
than dishonesty) by them, whilst acting in their individual or collective
capacity as Directors or Officers of the Company or its controlled entities.

Dated at Perth this 17th day of September 2004.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board.


                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                               AS AT 30 JUNE 2004

                               Consolidated Entity            Parent Entity
                                2004          2003          2004          2003
                  Note             $             $             $             $

Cash assets          5     1,050,459        91,013     1,050,359        90,913
Receivables          6        46,343        17,492        46,343        17,492
assets               7        15,249             -        15,249             -
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

ASSETS                     1,112,051       108,505     1,111,951       108,405
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

Receivables          6             -             -             -             -
assets               7             -             -           300           300
plant and
equipment            8        13,476        11,859        13,476        11,859
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

CURRENT ASSETS                13,476        11,859        13,776        12,159
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

TOTAL ASSETS               1,125,527       120,364     1,125,727       120,564
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

Payables             9       218,014        60,892       218,014        60,892
Provisions          10         5,042         6,489         5,042         6,489
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

LIABILITIES                  223,056        67,381       223,056        67,381
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

LIABILITIES                  223,056        67,381       223,056        67,381
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

NET ASSETS                   902,471        52,983       902,671        53,183
                             =========     =========     =========     =========

equity              12    14,203,912    11,942,434    14,203,912    11,942,434
losses              11   (13,301,441)  (11,889,451)  (13,301,241)  (11,889,251)
                             ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------

TOTAL EQUITY        13       902,471        52,983       902,671        53,183
                             =========     =========     =========     =========

  The statements of financial position are to be read in conjunction with the
                accompanying notes to the financial statements.

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

                                  Consolidated Entity        Parent Entity
                                       2004       2003         2004       2003
                          Note            $          $            $          $

Revenues from ordinary
activities                   2       14,539      9,577       14,539      9,577
Unrealised foreign
exchange gains               3       79,950          -       79,950          -

Employee expenses                   (68,313)   (65,182)     (68,313)   (65,182)

Management and
consulting expenses                (134,269)  (205,715)    (134,269)  (205,715)

Exploration and
feasibility expenses               (941,081)  (367,040)    (941,081)  (367,040)

Corporate office
expenses                            (47,922)   (63,024)     (47,922)   (63,024)

Depreciation expense         3       (6,465)    (7,366)      (6,465)    (7,366)

Provision for
non-recovery of loans        3      (59,039)         -     (126,687)         -

Provision for
diminution in the value
of investment                3      (59,039)         -            -          -

AIM administration
expenses                            (66,229)         -      (66,229)         -

Other expenses from
ordinary activities                (124,122)   (55,885)    (115,513)   (55,885)

                                    ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------

Loss from ordinary
activities before
income tax expense               (1,411,990)  (754,635)  (1,411,990)  (754,635)
Income tax expense
relating to ordinary
activities                   4            -          -            -          -
                                    ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------
Net loss attributable
to members of the
parent entity               13   (1,411,990)  (754,635)  (1,411,990)  (754,635)
                                    =========  =========    =========  =========

Total revenues,
expenses and valuation
attributable to members
of the parent entity
and recognised directly
in equity.               12(a)     (299,574)         -     (299,574)         -
                                    =========  =========    =========  =========
Total changes in equity
other than those
resulting from
transactions with
owners as owners
attributable to members
of the parent entity.            (1,711,564)  (754,635)  (1,711,564)  (754,635)
                                    =========  =========    =========  =========

                                                                  ===        ===
Basic loss per share
(cents per share)           16         (1.2)      (0.8)
                                    =========  =========          ===        ===
Diluted loss per share
(cents per share)           16         (1.2)      (0.8)
                                    =========  =========          ===        ===

 The statements of financial performance are to be read in conjunction with the
                accompanying notes to the financial statements.

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

                                  Consolidated Entity        Parent Entity
                                       2004       2003         2004       2003
                          Note            $          $            $          $


Other receipts                       83,653     44,704       83,653     44,704
Interest received            2       14,539      9,577       14,539      9,577
Payments for
exploration and
expenditure                        (808,168)  (403,744)    (808,168)  (403,744)
Payments for
expenditure                        (528,973)  (299,912)    (520,364)  (286,075)
                                     --------   --------     --------   --------

Net cash used in
activities               14(b)   (1,238,949)  (649,375)  (1,230,340)  (635,538)
                                     ========   ========     ========   ========


Payments for
investment in
Tantalum Egypt LLC           7      (59,039)         -            -          -
Loan to Egyptian
Company for
Mineral Resources            6      (59,039)         -            -          -
Loans to
subsidiaries                              -          -     (126,687)   (13,837)
Purchase of plant
and equipment                        (8,082)         -       (8,082)         -
                                     --------   --------     --------   --------
                                          ---        ---          ---
Net cash used in
activities                         (126,160)         -     (134,769)   (13,837)
                                     ========   ========     ========   ========


Proceeds from
issue of shares                   2,561,052    469,634    2,561,052    469,634
Transaction costs
from issue of
shares                             (316,447)         -     (316,447)         -
                                     --------   --------     --------   --------

Net cash provided
by financing
activities                        2,244,605    469,634    2,244,605    469,634
                                     --------   --------     --------   --------

) in cash held                      879,496   (179,741)     879,496   (179,741)

Effects of
exchange rate
changes on cash                      79,950          -       79,950          -

Cash at the
beginning of the
financial year                       91,013    270,754       90,913    270,654
                                     --------   --------     --------   --------

Cash at the end of
the financial year       14(a)    1,050,459     91,013    1,050,359     90,913
                                     ========   ========     ========   ========

The statements of cash flows are to be read in conjunction with the accompanying
                       notes to the financial statements.

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been
prepared in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group
Consensus Views, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting
Standards Board and the Corporations Act 2001.

This financial report has been prepared on the basis of accounting principles
applicable to a going concern, which assumes the commercial realisation of the
future potential of the consolidated entity's assets and the discharge of its
liabilities in the normal course of business. The financial report has been
prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take
into account changing money values, or, except where stated, current valuations
of non-current assets. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration
given in exchange for assets.

The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated.

The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the
consolidated entity in the preparation of the financial report.

(a) Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of
Gippsland Limited and all of its controlled entities. A controlled entity is any
entity controlled by Gippsland Limited. Control exists where Gippsland Limited
has the capacity to dominate the decision-making in relation to the financial
and operating policies of another entity so that the other entity operates with
Gippsland Limited to achieve the objectives of Gippsland Limited. A list of
controlled entities is contained in Note 7 to the financial statements.

All inter-company balances and transactions between entities in the consolidated
entity, including any unrealised profits or losses, have been eliminated on

Outside interests in the equity and results of the entities that are controlled
are shown as a separate item in the consolidated financial report.

(b) Income Tax

The consolidated entity adopts the income statement liability method of
tax-effect accounting. Income tax expense is calculated on the operating result
adjusted for permanent differences.

Timing differences which arise due to the different accounting periods in which
items of revenue and expense are included in the determination of accounting
profit and taxable income are brought to account as either a provision for
deferred income tax or as a future income tax benefit at the rate of income tax
applicable to the period in which the benefit will be received or the liability
will become payable.

Future income tax benefits are not brought to account unless realisation of the
asset is assured beyond any reasonable doubt. Future income tax benefits in
relation to tax losses are not brought to account unless there is virtual
certainty of realisation of the benefit. The amount of benefits brought to
account or which may be realised in the future is based on the assumption that
no adverse change will occur in income taxation legislation, and the
anticipation that the consolidated entity will derive sufficient future
assessable income to enable the benefit to be realised and comply with the
conditions of deductibility imposed by the law.

(c) Mineral Exploration Expenditure

Exploration, evaluation and development costs include expenditure on prospects
still at an exploratory or development stage and are expensed as incurred. These
costs include costs of acquisition, exploration, determination of recoverable
reserves, economic feasibility studies and all technical and administrative
overheads directly associated with those projects.

Recoupment of capitalised exploration, evaluation and development costs is
dependent upon the successful development and commercial exploitation of each
area of interest and are amortised over the expected commercial life of each
area once production commences.

                                ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(d) Going Concern Basis of Accounting

The general purpose financial report has been prepared on the basis of a going
concern. The consolidated entity's ability to continue as a going concern is
contingent upon raising additional capital to fund exploration commitments,
other principal activities and for use as working capital. If additional capital
is not raised, the going concern basis may not be appropriate with the result
that the entity may have to realise its assets and extinguish its liabilities
other than in the ordinary course of business and at amounts different from
those stated in the financial report. No allowance for such circumstances have
been made in the financial report.

(e) Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost, less, where applicable, any
accumulated depreciation or amortisation. The carrying amount of property, plant
and equipment is reviewed annually by the Directors to ensure it is not in
excess of the recoverable amount from these assets. The recoverable amount is
assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows which will be received from
the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have
not been discounted to their present values in determining recoverable amounts.

The depreciable amount of all fixed assets is depreciated on a straight line
basis over their useful lives to the consolidated entity commencing from the
time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are depreciated
over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated
useful lives of the improvements.

The depreciation rates for each class of asset are:

Class of fixed asset                       Depreciation Rate
Leasehold Improvements                     4% - 5%
Plant and Equipment                        13% - 33%

(f) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions during the year are converted to Australian
currency at the rates of exchange applicable at the dates of the transactions.
Amounts receivable and payable in foreign currencies at the reporting date are
translated at the rates of exchange ruling on that date. Exchange differences
relating to amounts payable and receivable in foreign currencies are brought to
account as exchange gains or losses in the statement of financial performance in
the year in which the exchange rates change.

(g) Leases
Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all the risks and
benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in which
they are incurred.

(h) Investments
Non-current investments are measured on the cost basis. The carrying amount of
non-current investments is reviewed annually by Directors to ensure it is not in
excess of the recoverable amount of these investments. The recoverable amount is
assessed from the shares' current market value or the underlying net assets in
the particular entities.

Associates are those entities over which the consolidated entity exercises
significant influence and which are not intended for sale in the near future.

In the consolidated financial statements, investments in unlisted shares of
associates are carried at the lower of the equity accounted cost and recoverable

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(i) Interests in Joint Ventures

Interests in joint ventures are brought to account by including in the
respective classifications the share of individual assets employed and
liabilities and expenses incurred in the Statement of Financial Position and
Statement of Financial Performance.

(j) Employee Benefits

Provision is made for the Company's liability for employee benefits arising from
services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefits are expected
to be settled within one year together with benefits arising from wages and
salaries, annual leave and sick leave which will be settled after one year, have
been measured at their nominal value.

Liabilities for other employee entitlements, which are not expected to be paid
or settled within 12 months of balance date, are accrued at undiscounted
amounts, where material, in respect of all employees at the present values of
future amounts expected to be paid.

Contributions are made by the consolidated entity to employee superannuation
funds and are charged as expenses when incurred.

(k) Cash

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and
at call deposits with banks or financial
institutions, net of bank overdrafts.

(l) Receivables and Revenue Recognition

Interest revenue is recognised on an accruals basis taking into account the
interest rates applicable to the financial assets.

Sundry debtors are settled within 60 days and are carried at amounts due. The
collectibility of debts is assessed at the reporting date and specific provision
is made for any doubtful debts.

(m) Goods and Services Tax

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and
services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable
from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). In these circumstances the GST is
recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item
of expense.

Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included as a
current asset or liability in the Statement of Financial Position.

Cash flows are included in the Statement of Cash Flows on a gross basis. The GST
components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which
are recoverable from, or payable to the ATO are classified as operating cash

(n) Payables

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the
consolidated entity prior to the end of the financial year and which are unpaid.
The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition.

(o) Contributed Equity

Issued capital is recognised as the fair value of the consideration received by
the Company.

Any transaction costs arising on the issue of ordinary shares are recognised
directly in equity as a reduction of the share proceeds received.

                                ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(p)  Earnings per Share

Basic earnings per share ("EPS") are calculated based upon the net loss divided
by the weighted average number of ordinary shares. Diluted EPS are calculated as
the net loss divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares and
dilutive potential ordinary shares.

(q) Comparative Figures

Where required by Accounting Standards comparative figures have been adjusted to
conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year.

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004
                                      Consolidated Entity      Parent Entity
                                            2004        2003         2004        2003
                                               $           $            $           $

        Operating activities:
        - Interest received from          14,539       9,577       14,539       9,577
        other persons
                                          --------    --------     --------    --------

        Total revenue from ordinary       14,539       9,577       14,539       9,577
        activities                        ========    ========     ========    ========


        The loss from ordinary
        activities before income tax
        has been determined after:
           Rental expense on              21,800      29,484       21,800      29,484
           operating leases
           Contributions to employees      5,760           -        5,760           -
           superannuation plans
           Depreciation of plant and       6,465       7,366        6,465       7,366
           Movements in provisions:
           - Employee entitlements        (1,447)     (9,994)      (1,447)     (9,994)
           - Provision for                     -           -      118,079           -
           non-recovery of loan to
           International Pty Ltd
           - Provision for                     -           -        8,608      13,837
           non-recovery of loan to
           Here2win.com Pty Ltd
           - Provision for                59,039           -            -           -
           non-recovery of loan to
           other parties
           - Provision for                59,039           -            -           -
           Exploration expenditure       941,081     367,040      941,081     367,040
           incurred and written off       ========    ========     ========    ========
           Unrealised foreign             79,950           -       79,950           -
           exchange gains                 ========    ========     ========    ========


(a)     Income Tax Expense

        The aggregate amount of
        income tax attributable to
        financial year differs by
        more than 15% from the
        prima facie tax benefit on
        the operating loss.
        The differences are
        reconciled as follows:
        Loss from ordinary            (1,411,990)   (754,635)  (1,411,990)   (754,635)
        activities                        ========    ========     ========    ========
        Prima facie tax benefit on      (423,597)   (226,390)    (423,597)   (226,390)
        operating loss before income
        tax at 30% (2003: 30%)
        Add: tax effect of                38,006       4,151       38,006       4,151
        non-allowable items               --------    --------     --------    --------
        Income tax benefit              (385,591)   (222,239)    (385,591)   (222,239)
        attributable to operating
        loss not brought to account
        Future income tax benefit not    385,591     222,239      385,591     222,239
        brought to account                --------    --------     --------    --------

        Income tax expense shown in            -           -            -           -
        the financial statements          ========    ========     ========    ========

(b)     Future Income Tax Benefit
        Future income tax benefits     2,517,385   1,407,013    1,768,850   1,407,013
        relating to tax losses not        ========    ========     ========    ========
        brought to account as their
        recoverability is not
        virtually certain
        The benefit will only be
        obtained if:
           * the Company derives future assessable income of a nature and of an
            amount sufficient to enable the benefits from the deductions for these
            losses to be realised;

           * the Company continues to comply with the condition for deductibility
            imposed by tax legislation; and

           * no changes to tax legislation adversely affect the Company in realising
            the benefit from the deductions for the losses.

        No income tax is payable by the consolidated entity as it incurred losses for
        income tax purposes for the year.
        The consolidated entity has not entered into a tax consolidated group and
        there has been no impact on the tax position as a consequence of the
        introduction of the revised tax legislation.

                               ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

                                                           Consolidated Entity                   Parent Entity
                                                                2004     2003                    2004         2003
                                                                   $        $                       $            $

Cash at bank
and on hand                                                   59,607   91,013                  59,507       90,913
Cash held in
currency                                                     990,852        -                 990,852            -
                                                              -------- --------                --------     --------

Cash at bank
and on hand                                                1,050,459   91,013               1,050,359       90,913
                                                              ======== ========                ========     ========
The cash held in foreign currency pays interest at an
average rate of 4.25% at 30 June 2004


Sundry debtors                                                46,343   17,492                  46,343       17,492
                                                              ======== ========                ========     ========
Amounts owed
entities (i)                                                       -        -               2,628,737    2,502,050
Provision for
non-recovery                                                       -        -              (2,628,737)  (2,502,050)
                                                              -------- --------                --------     --------
                                                                   -        -                       -            -
                                                              -------- --------                --------     --------

Amounts owed
from other
parties -
Company for
Resources                                                     59,039        -                       -            -
Provision for
non-recovery                                                 (59,039)       -                       -            -
                                                              -------- --------                --------     --------
                                                                   -        -                       -            -
                                                              -------- --------                --------     --------
                                                                   -        -                       -            -
                                                              ======== ========                ========     ========
(i) The loans to controlled entities are advanced interest
free, are unsecured and there are no set terms for


Prepayments                                                   15,249        -                  15,249            -
                                                              ======== ========                ========     ========

Shares in subsidiaries, at cost
              Country of Incorporation   Class of Shares   Percentage Holding   Cost of Parent Entity's Investment
                                                                2004     2003                    2004         2003
                                                                   %        %                       $            $
Abutan Pty           Australia              Ordinary             100      100                     100          100
Pty Ltd              Australia              Ordinary             100      100                     100          100
Pty Ltd              Australia              Ordinary              90       90                     100          100
                                                                                               --------     --------

                                                                                                  300          300
                                                                                               ========     ========
(a)       The controlled entities are not audited as they are small proprietary companies not required to prepare
          financial statements.
(b)       The ultimate parent entity is Gippsland Limited.
(c)       On 20 May 2004 Nubian Resources PLC was incorporated in the United Kingdom for the purpose of exploring
          eight gold areas and one copper-nickel area in the Wadi Allaqi region of Egypt. All the issued shares were
          held in trust as at 30 June 2004 and have been transferred to Gippsland Limited subsequent to the end of
          the financial year.

On 10 October 2003 a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Tantalum
International Pty Ltd acquired a 50% interest in Tantalum Egypt LLC for cash
consideration of $59,039. The remaining 50% interest in Tantalum Egypt LLC is
held by the Egyptian Company for Mineral Resources which in turn is 100% owned
by the Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, which is itself owned by
the sovereign state that is the Arab Republic of Egypt. The investment by
Tantalum International Pty Ltd has been fully provided against as at 30 June

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

NOTE 8                Consolidated Entity           Parent Entity
AND EQUIPMENT           2004        2003          2004         2003
                           $           $             $             $
Plant and
equipment - at
cost                 137,352     129,270       137,352       129,270
depreciation        (123,876)   (117,411)     (123,876)     (117,411)
                      --------    --------      --------       -------

Total property,
plant and
equipment             13,476      11,859        13,476        11,859
                      ========    ========      ========       =======

Movement in
carrying amounts:

Movement in the
carrying amounts
for each class
of, property,
plant and
equipment between
the beginning and
end of the
current financial

Balance at the
beginning of
year                  11,859      19,225        11,859        19,225
Additions              8,082           -         8,082             -
expense               (6,465)     (7,336)       (6,465)       (7,336)
                      --------    --------      --------       -------

                      13,476      11,859        13,476        11,859
                      ========    ========      ========       =======

creditors and
expenses             208,114      54,892       208,114        54,892
Amounts payable
to Director
entities (Refer
Note 17(e))            9,900       6,000         9,900         6,000
                      --------    --------      --------       -------

                     218,014      60,892       218,014        60,892
                      ========    ========      ========       =======


entitlements           5,042       6,489         5,042         6,489
                      ========    ========      ========       =======

Number of
employees at
year end                   1           1             1             1
                      ========    ========      ========       =======

11   LOSSES                            

losses at the
beginning of
the financial
year              (11,889,451)   (11,134,816)  (11,889,251)  (11,134,616)
Net loss
attributable to
members of the
parent entity      (1,411,990)      (754,635)   (1,411,990)     (754,635)
                       --------       --------      --------      --------

losses at the
end of the
financial year    (13,301,441)   (11,889,451)  (13,301,241)  (11,889,251)
                       ========       ========      ========      ========
                                                     ========  =======

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

                                      Consolidated Entity          Parent Entity
                                            2004         2003        2004    2003
                                               $            $           $        $

(a)     Paid up capital:
        ------------------                ========     ========     ========     ========
                        139,528,359   14,203,912   11,942,434   14,203,912   11,942,434
        (2003: 94,528,359) ordinary
        shares                            ========     ========     ========     ========

        Share Movements
           * Opening balance         11,942,434   11,397,800   11,942,434   11,397,800

           * On 5 August 2003 via       560,000            -      560,000            -
            a prospectus the Company
            issued 14,000,000
            ordinary shares at an
            issue price of 4 cents
            each and 14,000,000 free
            attaching listed options
            for the purpose of
            furthering the bankable
            feasibility study for the
            Abu Dabbab Project

           * Less: Issue costs          (10,430)           -      (10,430)           -
            associated with 5 August
            2003 capital raising

           * On 5 December 2003         300,000            -      300,000            -
            the Company issued
            6,000,000 ordinary shares
            at an issue price of 5
            cents each and 3,000,000
            free attaching listed
            options to sophisticated
            investors for the purpose
            of furthering the
            bankable feasibility
            study for the Abu Dabbab

           * Less: Issue costs          (21,000)           -      (21,000)           -
            associated with 5
            December 2003 capital

           * On 8 March 2004 the      1,701,052            -    1,701,052            -
            Company issued 25,000,000
            ordinary shares at an
            issue price of 6.8 cents
            (2.8 UK pence) cents each
            to private and
            institutional investors
            in conjunction with the
            Company being admitted on
            the London Stock
            Exchange's Alternative
            Investment Market ("AIM")
            for the purpose of
            furthering the bankable
            feasibility study for the
            Abu Dabbab Project

           * Less: Issue costs         (268,144)           -     (268,144)           -
            associated with 8 March
            2004 capital raising

           * Issue of 15,671,393              -      469,634            -      469,634
            shares at an issue price
            of 3 cents each - Abu
            Dabbab Project

           * Issue of 625,000                 -       75,000            -       75,000
            shares at an issue price      --------     --------     --------     --------
            of 12 cents - consultants

           * Closing balance         14,203,912   11,942,434   14,203,912   11,942,434
                                          ========     ========     ========     ========

  (i)          The purpose of the share issues above were to support the
  ongoing operations of the Company.
  (ii)         Notes:
  (iii)        Ordinary shares have the right to receive dividends as declared
  and, in the event of winding up the Company, to participate in the proceeds
  from the sale of all surplus assets in proportion to the number of and
  amounts paid up on shares held.
  (iv)       Ordinary shares entitle their holder to one vote, either in
  person or by proxy, at a meeting of the Company.

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

      Options on issue                 Consolidated   Consolidated
                                             Entity         Entity
                                               2004           2003
                                                 No             No

The following options over ordinary
shares are on issue:

exercisable at
9 cents on or
(listed) (i)                             43,771,393     26,671,393

exercisable at
14 cents on or
(ii)                                              -     11,000,000

exercisable at
20 cents on or
(ii)                                              -        250,000

exercisable at
30 cents on or
(ii)                                              -        250,000

exercisable at
2.8 UK pence on or
before 8/03/2007
(unlisted) (ii)                           2,790,567              -
                                             --------       --------

                                         46,561,960     38,171,393
                                             ========       ========

During the year a total of 17,000,000 listed options exercisable at 9
cents on or before 31/12/2007 were issued as securities offered under
capital raising initiatives (Refer Note 12(a)). In addition 100,000
listed options exercisable at 9 cents on or before 31/12/2007 were
issued as part consideration for consultancy services provided.

During the year a total of 11,500,000 unlisted options were

During the year a total of 2,790,567 unlisted options exercisable at
2.8 UK pence on or before 8/03/2007 were issued as part consideration
for broking services provided.

                                    Consolidated  Consolidated     Parent     Parent
                                          Entity        Entity     Entity     Entity
                                            2004          2003       2004       2003     
                                               $             $          $          $

       Balance at the beginning of        52,983       262,984       53,183    263,184
       the year
       Total changes in equity        (1,411,990)     (754,635)  (1,411,990)  (754,635)
       recognised in the Statement
       of Financial Performance
       attributable to members of
       the parent entity
       Net proceeds from the issue     2,261,478       544,634    2,261,478    544,634
       of shares                          --------      --------     --------   --------

       Balance at the end of the         902,471        52,983      902,671     53,183
       year                               ========      ========     ========   ========

(a)    Reconciliation of cash
       Cash as at the end of the
       financial year as shown in
       the Statements of Cash
       Flows is reconciled to the
       related items in the
       Statements of Financial
       Position as follows:
       Cash on hand and foreign        1,050,459        91,013    1,050,359     90,913
       currency cash reserves             ========      ========     ========   ========

       The Company has no unused,
       standby or other credit

                                ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004

                                                    Consolidated        Consolidated      Parent     Parent
                                                          Entity              Entity      Entity     Entity
                                                            2004                2003        2004       2003 
                                                                $                   $          $          $

(b)  Reconciliation of cash flow from operations to
     loss from ordinary activities after income
     Loss from ordinary activities after income        (1,411,990)           (754,635)  (1,411,990)  (754,635)

     Non cash items:
     Depreciation                                           6,465               7,366        6,465      7,366
     Provision for non- recovery of loans to                    -                   -      126,687     13,837
     Provision for non-recovery of other loans             59,039                   -            -          -
     Provision for diminution in investments               59,039                   -            -          -
     Unrealised foreign exchange gain                     (79,950)                  -      (79,950)         -
     Issue of shares - non cash                                 -              75,000            -     75,000
     Changes in assets and liabilities:
     - (increase) decrease in sundry debtors              (11,978)              7,469      (11,978)     7,469
     - (increase) decrease in prepayments                 (15,248)                  -      (15,248)         -
     - increase (decrease) payables                       157,121              23,473      157,121     23,473
     - increase (decrease) in provisions                   (1,447)             (8,048)      (1,447)    (8,048)
                                                          ---------           ---------     --------    -------

     Net cash flow used in operating activities        (1,238,949)           (649,375)  (1,230,340)  (635,538)
                                                          =========           =========     ========    =======

(c)  There were no material non cash items during
     the financial year.


of the
auditors of
the parent
entity for
auditing                                                   11,350               8,500       11,350      8,500
and audit review of the financial and half yearly
reports                                                   =========           =========     ========    =======

                                                           Consolidated Entity
                                                               2004              2003
                                                    Cents per Share   Cents per Share

Loss per share                                                 (1.2)             (0.8)
Basic loss per share (cents per share)
                                                            =========         =========
Diluted loss
per share                                                      (1.2)             (0.8)
Diluted loss per share (cents per share)
                                                            =========         =========
(a) The
average number
of ordinary
shares used in
basic loss per
share                                                   117,020,162        86,286,413
                                                            =========         =========
(b) Adjusted
average number
of ordinary

used in
diluted loss
per share                                               117,828,359        86,286,413
                                                            =========         =========
(c) Loss used
in the
calculation of
basic and

per share                                                (1,411,990)         (754,635)
                                                            =========         =========
(d) The 2,790,567 unlisted options exercisable at
2.8 UK pence each on or before 8 March 2007 have                                    ===
been included as potential ordinary shares in the
determination of diluted loss per share. The
43,771,393 listed options exercisable at 9 cents
each on or before 31 December 2007 have not been
included as potential ordinary shares in the
determination of diluted loss per share.

                           ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(a) Remuneration of Specified Directors and Specified Executives by the
consolidated entity

Remuneration levels are competitively set to attract and retain appropriately
qualified and experienced Directors and senior executives. The Board obtains
independent advice on the appropriateness of remuneration packages, given trends
in comparative companies both locally and internationally. Remuneration packages
include fixed remuneration with bonuses or equity based remuneration entirely at
the discretion of the Board based on the performance of the consolidated entity.

Non-Executive Directors' base fees are presently $36,000 per annum.
Non-Executive Directors do not receive bonuses. Directors' fees cover all main
Board activities.

The following table provides the details of all Directors of the Company
("Specified Directors") and the nature and amount of the elements of their
remuneration for the year ended 30 June 2004. There are no "Specified
Executives" that are involved in the strategic direction of the Company, as this
role is completed by the Executive Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors.


                               Primary                           Post Employment
 ----------                -----------------                     -----------------     ----------
                                                                           ----------  ----------
Specified   Directors' Fees                  Consulting &         Super      Retirement      Total
Directors                                   Management Fees     -annuation    Benefits
                   $                                   $            $            $            $
 ----------        ----------                     ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
RJ                        -                        169,220            -            -    169,220
Telford            ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
JM                   15,000                         18,000        1,350            -     34,350
Chisholm           ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
JD Kenny                  -                         36,000            -            -     36,000
----------         ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
                     15,000                        223,220        1,350            -    239,570
                   ==========                     ==========   ==========   ========== ==========


                               Primary                           Post Employment
 ----------                -----------------                     -----------------     ----------
                                                                           ----------  ----------
Specified   Directors' Fees    Consulting & Management Fees        Super      Retirement      Total
Directors                                                        -annuation    Benefits  
                   $                       $                      $               $            $
 ----------        ----------                     ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
RJ                        -                        144,000            -            -    144,000
Telford            ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
JM                   15,000                            448        1,350            -     16,798
Chisholm           ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
JD Kenny                  -                         36,000            -            -     36,000
----------         ----------                     ----------   ----------   ---------- ----------
                     15,000                        180,448        1,350            -    196,798
                   ==========                     ==========   ==========   ========== ==========

There were no loans made to any Directors as at 30 June 2004 (30 June 2003:

(b) Equity instruments

All options refer to options over ordinary shares of Gippsland Limited, which
are exercisable on a one for one basis.

Options over equity instruments granted as remuneration

During the reporting period there were no options over ordinary shares granted
and/or vested to Specified Directors or their nominees.
No options have been granted to Specified Directors since the end of the
financial year.

During and since the reporting period no options have been exercised by
Specified Directors.

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(c) Specified Directors' Share and Option Holdings in the Parent Entity

The aggregate numbers of ordinary shares and options of the Company held
directly, indirectly or beneficially by Specified Directors of the Company or
their personally-related entities is as follows:

Specified                  Ordinary Shares                        Listed Options
              1 July     Purchases    Sales      30 June        30 June       30 June
                  2003                                2004            2004        2003
RJ          13,973,124           -   (185,000)  13,788,124   6,658,280 (i)   6,758,280
JM              50,000           -          -       50,000       2,260,000   2,260,000
JD Kenny             -           -          -            -       2,250,000   2,250,000

(i)     During the financial year Mr RJ Telford sold 100,000 listed options on


The aggregate numbers of ordinary shares and options of the Company held
directly, indirectly or beneficially by Specified Directors of the Company or
their personally-related entities is as follows:

 Specified                 Ordinary Shares                   Listed Options
               1 July     Purchases   Sales    30 June      30 June    30 June
                   2002                             2003        2003      2002
RJ Telford    9,903,395   4,069,729       -   13,973,124   6,758,280         -
JM Chisholm      50,000           -       -       50,000   2,260,000         -
JD Kenny              -           -       -            -   2,250,000         -
During the prior financial year 9,250,000 unlisted options exercisable at 14
cents each on or before 11 July 2004 were issued.

During the financial year the Specified Directors and/or their nominees of the
Company agreed to cancel their unlisted option holding in order to simplify the
Company's capital structure prior to the Company's AIM listing on the London
Stock Exchange. Accordingly the following unlisted options which were
exercisable at 14 cents each on or before 11 July 2004 were cancelled for no

 Specified                            Unlisted Options
                 1 July         Exercised         Cancelled         30 June
                      2003                                                2004
RJ Telford       4,750,000                 -         (4,750,000)             -
JM Chisholm      2,250,000                 -         (2,250,000)             -
JD Kenny         2,250,000                 -         (2,250,000)             -

(d) Other Transactions with the Company or its controlled entities

A number of Specified Directors or their personally-related entities, hold
positions in other entities that result in them having control or significant
influence over the financial or operating policies of those entities.

A number of these entities transacted with the Company or its subsidiaries in
the reporting period. The terms and conditions of those transactions were no
more favourable than those available, or might reasonably be expected to be
available, on similar transactions to unrelated entities on an arm's length

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(d) Other Transactions with the Company or its controlled entities (Continued)

The aggregate amounts recognised during the year relating to Specified Directors
and their personally-related entities were as detailed below:

                                                      Consolidated Entity &
                                                          Parent Entity
Specified          Transaction                     30 June 2004   30 June 2003
                                                        $              $
JM Chisholm        Geological consulting services         2,915            448
JD Kenny           Legal services (ii)                   11,842              -

(i)                   Fees for geological consulting services were paid to an
entity in which Dr JM Chisholm has an interest. Amounts were billed based on
normal market rates for such services and were due and payable under normal
payment terms.
(ii)                  Fees for legal services were paid to an entity in which Mr
JD Kenny has an interest. Amounts were billed based on normal market rates for
such services and were due and payable under normal payment terms.

Fees for management and administration were paid to an entity controlled by Mr
RJ Telford. These fees have been disclosed in Note 17(a).

(e)                 Payables to Specified Directors of the Company and their
personally related entities

                                                   Consolidated Entity &
                                                       Parent Entity
                                               30 June 2004     30 June 2003
                                                    $                $
Aggregate amount payable at balance date               9,900            6,000
Current - Accounts payable (Refer Note 9)

The amounts payable as at 30 June 2004 comprised amounts owed in relation to
Director consultancy fees owed to Dr JM Chisholm of $6,600 (2003: $3,000) and
Director consultancy fees owed to Mr JD Kenny of $3,300 (2003: $3000).


Gippsland Limited is the ultimate parent entity.

The only non Director related party to the Company are its controlled entities.
Refer Note 7 for further details.

Gippsland Limited (the parent entity) has made loans to its controlled entities
totalling $2,628,737 (2003: $2,502,050). Refer Note 6 for further details.

There were no other related party transactions during the year.


The Company operates within the mineral exploration industry predominantly in
the geographical segment of Egypt. There are no assets or liabilities recorded
with respect to the operations in Egypt and all expenditure is written off to
the Statement of Financial Performance.


(a)                 In accordance with normal industry practice the Company has
entered into a joint venture agreement with other parties for the purpose of
exploring and developing various mineral interests. If a party to a joint
venture defaults and does not contribute its share of joint venture obligations,
then the other joint venturers are liable to meet those obligations. In this
event the interest in the permit held by the defaulting party may be
redistributed to the remaining joint venturers.

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(b)  In June 1992 the High Court of Australia held in "the Mabo
case" that the common law of Australia recognises a form of native title. The
full impact that the Mabo decision may have on tenements held by the Company is
not yet known.

(c) One of Gippsland Limited's investee companies is Here2win.com Pty Ltd in
which Gippsland Limited owns a 90% interest. Here2win.com Pty Ltd is the owner
of various Internet horse racing gaming concepts. On 14 August 2000 Gippsland
Limited announced to the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd that the services of the
Chief Executive Officer of Here2win.com Pty Ltd, Mr Alex Aguero, had been
terminated. Mr Aguero, through Highforce Investments Pty Ltd, continues to hold
a 10% equity stake in Here2win.com Pty Ltd. Mr Aguero has commenced litigation
against Gippsland Limited seeking payment of what he alleges is unpaid
compensation for his services rendered while CEO. The statement of claim filed
by Mr Aguero with the Supreme Court of Western Australia claims, amongst other
things, damages or alternatively the sum of $1,840,000 plus costs. Gippsland
Limited holds the view that the claim is completely without merit and
accordingly the claim is being vigorously defended.


In order to maintain the mining and exploration tenements in which the Company
and consolidated entity is involved, the Company and consolidated entity is
committed to meet the conditions under which the tenements were granted and the
obligations of the joint venture arrangement which is subject to the conditions
contained in the Joint Venture Agreement and the Mining Licence. As at balance
date, total estimated exploration expenditure commitments on tenements held by
the consolidated entity have not been provided for in the financial statements
and which cover the following twelve month period amount amount to up to
$1,000,000 (2003: $500,000).

                                               Consolidated      Parent Entity
                                               2004 2003         2004 2003
                                                    $        $        $        $

Total operating lease expenditure contracted
for at balance date but not provided for in
the consolidated financial statements,
        - not later than 1 year                20,400   22,671   20,400   22,671
        - later than 1 year but not later than 23,800   45,900   23,800   45,900
        5 years                                --------  ------- --------  -------

Commitments                                    44,200   68,571   44,200   68,571
                                               ========  ======= ========  =======


The Company contributes to individual employee superannuation plans at the
statutory rate of the employee's wages and salaries, in accordance with
statutory requirements, to provide benefits to employees on retirement, death or

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


(a) Interest Rate Risk

The consolidated entity's exposure to the interest rate risk which is the risk
that a financial instrument's value will fluctuate as a result of changes in
market interest rate and the effective weighted average interest rates on
classes of financial assets and financial liabilities, is as follows:

              Weighted Average Effective Interest        Floating          Non Interest                   Total
                             Rate                     Interest Rate          Bearing
                          2004               2003        2004     2003      2004     2003        2004      2003

Cash assets                3.4%               2.5%  1,050,459   91,013         -        -   1,050,459    91,013
Receivables                                                 -        -    46,343   17,492      46,343    17,492
                                                        -------  -------   -------  -------     -------   -------
assets                                              1,050,459   91,013    46,343   17,492   1,096,802   108,505
                                                        =======  =======   =======  =======     =======   =======


Payables                                                    -        -   218,014   60,892     218,014    60,892
                                                        -------  -------   -------  -------     -------   -------

liabilities                                                 -        -   218,014   60,892     218,014    60,892
                                                        =======  =======   =======  =======     =======   =======

(b) Credit Risk

The maximum exposure to credit risk, excluding the value of any collateral or
other security, at balance date to recognised financial assets is the carrying
amount, net of any provisions for doubtful debts of those assets, as disclosed
in the statement of financial position and notes to the financial statements.
The consolidated entity does not have any material credit risk exposure to any
single debtor or group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by
the consolidated entity.

(c) Net Fair Values

For other assets and other liabilities the net fair value approximates their
carrying value. No financial assets and financial liabilities are readily traded
on organised markets in standardised form.

(d) Currency Risk

The Company has a Great British Pound foreign currency cash account as at 30
June 2004 holding #378,158 which equates to $990,852 based upon the year end
exchange rate of A$1: GBP 0.382. The Company has no hedging in place in relation
to managing any foreign exchange currency exposure.


At 30 June 2004, the Company has interests in the following joint venture whose
principal activities are the exploration for gold, precious metals and base

Name of Project                      % Interests          Other Parties
                                     2004   2003
Zeehan Tin Deposit - Tasmania          40%    40%    Western Metals Ltd 60%
Abu Dabbab Project - Egypt             50%    50%          EGSMA - 50%

The Joint Venture is of the type where initially one party contributes tenements
with the other party earning a specified percentage by funding exploration
activities. The Joint Venture does not hold any assets and accordingly the
Company's share of exploration expenditure is accounted for in accordance with
the policy set out in Note 1(i).

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year
which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the
consolidated entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of
the consolidated entity in future financial years except for:

(i) Bankable Feasibility Study

Subsequent to the end of the financial year the Company has completed its
Bankable Feasibility Study ("BFS") on its Abu Dabbab Project.

The BFS is based upon a design throughput of 1.26Mtpa and evaluated the Project
for the first 20 years of its mine life. The study determined that the Project
is anticipated to produce in excess of 412,000 pounds of tantalum pentoxide
("Ta2O5") per year along with some 980 tonnes of tin metal during the first 20
years of production. The Company has executed a Heads of Agreement with two
major tantalum consumers for the off-take of 412,000 pounds of Ta2O5 per annum
for a 4-year period. Tin output will be sold via the London Metal Exchange.

Based upon a capital expenditure of US$65.5 (A$93.6 ) million dollars, the
Project is scheduled to generate an operating margin of US$112 (A$160) million
over the 20-year period covered by the BFS.

The Project is calculated to have an internal rate of return ("IRR") (based on
an all equity structure) of 11.2% over the 20 year period covered by the BFS.

Most significantly the US$65.5 million capital expenditure for the 1.26Mtpa
operation makes allowance for the over-sizing of a number of major components
including jaw crushers, SAG mill and thickeners, to enable throughput to be
expanded to 2Mtpa in a short time-frame. No additional mining equipment would be
required to expand the operation from 1.26Mtpa to 2Mtpa. The additional positive
cash flows that shall arise due to the expansion from 1.26Mtpa to 2Mtpa are not
reflected in the above IRR.

Additionally, the BFS is based on the production of Ta2O5 and tin alone and does
not take into account 1Mtpa of ceramic grade feldspar which may be produced as a
co-product to the tantalum and tin production. The additional positive cash
flows that shall arise due to the sale of feldspar are also not reflected in the
above IRR. Testwork undertaken in Italy demonstrated that the Abu Dabbab
feldspar is ideally suited to the manufacture of high-quality ceramics such as
floor tiles and sanitary ware. The Company has executed a Heads of Agreement
with a large European group for the off-take of 2.65Mtpa of feldspar for
delivery over a 5-year period.

The Directors instructed its engineering consultants to proceed with the BFS on
the basis of Ta2O5 and tin production alone to enable the commencement of
production in the shortest possible time-frame. Following start-up, priority
will be given to the production of ceramic grade feldspar as the revenue from
this product has the potential to equal that of tantalum.

In light of very recent developments within the tantalum industry, the Company
has been urged to consider expanding the Project to 2Mtpa. Accordingly,
Lycopodium Pty Ltd has been instructed to quantify the effect of increasing
production to 2Mtpa, as the resulting economies of scale are expected to
materially increase the projected IRR of the Project.

The Abu Dabbab Project capital requirement of some US$65.5 million is expected
to be funded by a combination of debt and equity. During the past year, the
Company has kept a number of international and domestic resource project banks
appraised of the progress of the BFS and the Abu Dabbab project in general.
Having completed the BFS, the Company will commence negotiations with such banks
in order to secure project funding for the debt segment of the Abu Dabbab
Project capital requirement.

The financial effect of this event has not been brought to account at balance

(ii) International Financial Reporting Standards

For reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005, the consolidated
entity must comply with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as
issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

This financial report has been prepared in accordance with Australian accounting
standards and other financial reporting requirements (Australian GAAP). The
differences between Australian GAAP and IFRS identified to date as potentially
having a significant effect on the consolidated entity's financial performance
and financial position are summarised below. The summary should not be taken as
an exhaustive list of all the differences between Australian GAAP and IFRS. No
attempt has been made to identify all disclosure, presentation or classification
differences that would affect the manner in which transactions or events are
                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2004


The consolidated entity has not quantified the effects of the differences
discussed below. Accordingly, there can be no assurances that the consolidated
financial performance and financial position as disclosed in this financial
report would not be significantly different if determined in accordance with

The key potential implications of the conversion to IFRS on the consolidated
entity are as follows:

   * financial instruments must be recognised in the statement of financial
    position and all derivatives and most financial assets must be carried at
    fair value,
   * equity-based compensation in the form of shares and options will be
    recognised as expenses in the periods during which the employee provides
    related services,
   * changes in accounting policies will be recognised by restating
    comparatives rather than making current year adjustments with note
    disclosure of prior year effects.

At this stage the Company has not commenced its conversion and implementation of

                              ABN 31 004 766 376

                             DIRECTORS' DECLARATION

The Directors of the Company declare that:

1.   The financial statements and notes set out on pages 16 to
35, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001:

(a)                 comply with Accounting Standards and the Corporations
Regulations 2001; and

(b)                 give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30
June 2004 and of the performance for the year ended on that date of the Company
and consolidated entity.

2.                   In the Directors' opinion there are reasonable grounds to
believe that the Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become
due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of
Directors on 17 September 2004.


                               ABN 31 004 766 376

                            INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT


The financial report and directors' responsibility

The financial report comprises the statement of financial position, statement of
financial performance, statement of cash flows, accompanying notes to the
financial statements, and the directors' declaration for both Gippsland Limited
(the "Company") and the consolidated entity, for the year ended 30 June 2004.
The consolidated entity comprises both the Company and the entities it
controlled during that year.
The Directors of the Company are responsible for the preparation and true and
fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with the Corporations
Act 2001. This includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect
fraud and error, and for the accounting policies and accounting estimates
inherent in the financial report.

Audit approach

We conducted an independent audit in order to express an opinion to the members
of the Company. Our audit was conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing
Standards, in order to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial
report is free of material misstatement. The nature of an audit is influenced by
factors such as the use of professional judgement, selective testing, the
inherent limitations of internal control, and the availability of persuasive
rather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all
material misstatements have been detected.

We performed procedures to assess whether in all material respects the financial
report presents fairly, in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including
compliance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory financial reporting
requirements in Australia, a view which is consistent with our understanding of
the Company's and the consolidated entity's financial position, and of their
performance as represented by the results of their operations and cash flows.

We formed our audit opinion on the basis of these procedures, which included:
* examining, on a test basis, information to provide evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial report, and
* assessing the appropriateness of the accounting policies and disclosures
used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the

While we considered the effectiveness of management's internal controls over
financial reporting when determining the nature and extent of our procedures,
our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.


In conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements of
Australian professional ethical pronouncements and the Corporations Act 2001.

Audit opinion

In our opinion, the financial report of Gippsland Limited is in accordance with:

a)       the Corporations Act 2001, including:
                 i.      giving a true and fair view of the Company's and
consolidated entity's financial position as at 30 June 2004 and of their
performance for the financial year ended on that date; and
                ii.      complying with Accounting Standards in Australia and
the Corporations Regulations 2001; and
b)       other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia.

Emphasis of matter
Inherent uncertainty regarding continuation as a going concern

Without qualification to the audit opinion expressed above, attention is drawn
to the following matter. As a result of the matters described in Note 1 (d),
unless the consolidated entity is able to raise additional working capital,
there is significant uncertainty whether it will be able to continue as a going
concern and therefore whether it will realise its assets and extinguish its
liabilities in the normal course of business and at the amounts stated in the
financial report.

Chartered Accountants


Perth, Western Australia

Dated this 17th day of September 2004

                             ABN 31 004 766 376

                       ASX ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Pursuant to the Listing Requirements of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited,
the shareholder information set out below was applicable as at 6 September 2004.

A.      Distribution of Equity Securities

Analysis of numbers of shareholders and option holders by size of holding:

     Spread of Holdings              Number of Holders
                                  Ordinary        Listed Options
     1 - 1,000                            626                55
     1,001 - 5,000                        280                49
     5001 - 10,000                        195                21
     10,001 - 100,000                     433               108
     100,001 and over                     138                70
                                     ----------     -------------

                          TOTAL         1,672               303
                                     ==========     =============

     The total number of          139,528,359        43,771,393
     securities on issue             ==========     =============
     The number of holders                843               117
     holding less than a             ==========     =============
     marketable parcel of

     The total number of              745,879           219,040
     securities comprising less      ==========     =============
     than a marketable parcel of

B.   Twenty Largest Shareholders

     Name                     Number of Shares               %

     Services PLC                   18,508,963           13.26%
     Situate Pty
     Ltd                            12,600,000            9.03%
     Pty Ltd                        11,171,695            8.01%
     King Town
     Holdings Pty
     Ltd                             6,500,000            4.66%
     Securities Pty
     Ltd                             6,200,000            4.44%
     Taveroam Pty
     Ltd                             5,900,000            4.23%
     Limited                         5,166,665            3.70%
     The Web
     Limited                         4,500,000            3.23%
     Robert and
     Robin Telford                   2,616,429            1.88%
     Finance                         2,608,332            1.87%
     Limited                           1,321,500            0.95%
     Garry William
     Thomas                          1,300,000            0.93%
     Yellowrock Pty
     Ltd                             1,300,000            0.93%
     Gordon Edward
     Alexander                       1,266,301            0.91%
     Ltd                             1,220,481            0.87%
     Philip and
     Wheatley                        1,075,500            0.77%
     ANZ Nominees
     Limited                         1,060,153            0.76%
     KHH (Aus)
     Holdings Pty
     Ltd                             1,056,705            0.76%
     Nominees Pty
     Limited                         1,049,364            0.75%
     Lycopodium Pty
     Ltd                             1,000,000            0.72%
                                     -----------   -------------

                                    87,422,088           62.66%
                                     ===========   =============

                                ABN 31 004 766 376


C.    Twenty Largest Listed
      Option Holders

      Name                       Number of Options               %
      Pty Ltd                              6,359,708         14.53%
      Mandu Superannuation                 2,260,000          5.16%
      JDK Pty Ltd                          2,250,000          5.14%
      David James
      Gray                                 2,110,000          4.82%
      Situate Pty
      Ltd                                  1,600,000          3.66%
      Securities Pty
      Ltd                                  1,550,000          3.54%
      King Town
      Holdings Pty
      Ltd                                  1,500,000          3.43%
      Nominees Pty
      Ltd                                  1,300,000          2.97%
      Windowland Pty
      Ltd                                  1,000,000          2.28%
      Goffacan Pty
      Ltd                                  1,000,000          2.28%
      Limited                              1,000,000          2.28%
      Limited                              1,000,000          2.28%
      Pty Ltd                                850,000          1.94%
      Superannuation                         750,000          1.71%
      Holdings Pty
      Ltd                                    650,000          1.48%
      Robert Anthony
      Healy                                  570,000          1.30%
      Helena Nemchin                         500,000          1.14%
      Tromso Pty
      Limited                                500,000          1.14%
      Mark Koussas                           500,000          1.14%
      Cumbak Pty Ltd                         500,000          1.14%
                                            ----------    ----------

                                          27,749,708         63.36%
                                            ==========    ==========

D.    Unlisted Option
      Options exercisable at 2.8 UK Pence on or before 8 March

      Name                       Number of Options               %
      Hoodless Brennan &                   2,790,567           100%
      Partners PLC                          ----------    ----------

                                           2,790,567           100%
                                            ==========    ==========

E.    Substantial              Number of Ordinary Shares         %
                                in which interests held

      Situate Pty Ltd and            18,500,000              13.26%
      Taveroam Pty Ltd
      Eco International Pty          13,788,124               9.88%
      Ltd and RJ & R Telford
      Sandstone Securities Pty       12,700,000               9.10%
      Ltd and King Town
      Holdings Pty Ltd

F.    Schedule of Interests
  ------------------              ------------------             ------------------
  Name of Project                   % Interests                   Other Parties
  ------------------              ------------------             ------------------
                                2004                   2003
      ------------------    ----------             ----------       ------------------
  Zeehan Tin
  Deposit -
  Tasmania                        40%                    40%  Western Metals Ltd 60%
  ------------------        ----------             ----------    ------------------
  Abu Dabbab
  Project -
  Egypt                           50%                    50%       EGSMA - 50%
  ------------------        ----------             ----------    ------------------

 Exchange Rate US$0.70 = A$1
 Exchange Rate US$0.70 = A$1

The Annual Report and Accounts were posted to all shareholders on 27 September
2004 and are available free of charge from the offices of Grant Thornton
Corporate Finance, Grant Thornton House, Melton St, Euston Square London NW1

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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