Central China Goldfields plc 
                           (`GGG' or `the Company') 
LONDON 5 June 2009 
Central China Goldfields plc, (AIM: GGG), the mineral exploration 
and development company operating in China, is pleased to report its audited 
results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2008. 
  - In April we sold the Company's interest in the Snow Mountain 
    Project to our partner, the Sichuan Bureau of Metallurgy and Geological 
    Exploration, for cash consideration of RMB 38 million. This represents a 
    profit of RMB 14 million (approximately GBP1.1 million). The proceeds were 
    then used to advance the Nimu Project and to earn in our initial 30% in 
  - GBP899,520 was raised during the year, including GBP150,751 from 
    Directors and employees of the Company. 
  - Twenty one holes have been drilled in the Gangjiang Licence in 
    Nimu over the last two years with eighteen hitting significant 
    mineralisation and many yielding good grades over considerable widths. 
  - At the Dong Mao Huo gold project resource definition drilling was 
    completed and large scale bulk sampling was successfully carried out. 
  - On 2nd June 2009 the Company announced that the Sichuan Bureau of 
    Metallurgy and Geological Exploration has approached Central China 
    Goldfields plc with a view to acquiring the Company's interest in the Nimu 
    Project. At the present time the terms of any transaction, including the 
    level of consideration, is unclear and there is no certainty that a formal 
    offer will be forthcoming. Given the material uncertainties the shares 
    were suspended from trading on AIM. A further announcement will be made in 
    due course following clarification of the situation, at which point the 
    Board hopes that trading in the Company's shares can be resumed. 
The annual report and financial statements together with the Notice 
of AGM and Proxy form will be despatched to shareholders shortly. The annual 
general meeting will be held at The Geological Society, Burlington House, 
Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG on 30 July 2009 at 09:30 am. 
Additional copies of the Annual Report and Accounts, Notice of AGM 
and Proxy Form may be requested directly from the Company and will be 
available following distribution to shareholders on the Company's website 
For further information, please contact: 
Central China Goldfields plc          Hanson Westhouse Limited 
Dr. Jeffrey Malaihollo                Tim Metcalfe / Martin Davison 
Tel: 020 7621 0200                    Tel: 020 7601 6100 
Email: info@ccgoldfields.com 
www.ccgoldfields.com                  Alexander David Securities 
                                      Nick Bealer / David Scott 
                                      Tel: 020 7448 9820 
2008 has been a year of challenges set against a number of clear 
successes for the Company. 
In terms of our successes, we have made significant progress at 
Nimu where we believe we may have discovered a potentially world class 
porphyry copper deposit. Our second major success was the sale of the Snow 
Mountain gold project for RMB 38 million resulting in a profit of RMB 14 
million ( approximately GBP1.1 million). Sadly the success of that sale was soon 
tempered by the sadness of the subsequent major earthquake in the direct 
locality of the project. Progress has also been made at the Dong Mao Huo gold 
deposit to the point that this can be moved on to its next stage. 
In March, after careful deliberation of the strategic direction of 
the company, we sold the Snow Mountain prospect to our joint venture partners 
Sichuan Bureau of Metallurgy and Geology Exploration (SBMGE) for a total of 
RMB 38 million which represents a profit of approximately GBP1.1 million. Our 
decision was based on a desire to focus on projects which have the capacity to 
transform shareholder value. We, therefore, are focusing on our potential 
world class copper porphyry deposit at Nimu and, to a lesser extent, early 
cashflow prospects at the Dong Mao Huo gold project. 
Twenty one holes have been drilled in the Gangjiang Licence in Nimu 
over the last two years with eighteen hitting significant mineralisation and 
many yielding good grades over considerable widths. Three areas of 
mineralisation have been the focus of our drilling: Guqing, East Nading and 
Gelong. At Guqing the mineralisation is contained in an area of 400m x 300m x 
250m. Between East Nading and Gelong (now called Doulie) the mineralisation 
area covers 1000m x 700m with depths from surface up to 576m. There are also 
areas with copper oxides at surface which could be very attractive for future 
low-cost solvent extraction- electrowinning (SX/EW) techniques. 
The mineralisation is contained in quartz monzonite rocks 
surrounding a rhyodacite porphyry. Further trench sampling at the end of 2008 
lead us to believe that much of this `annulus' is mineralised and that we have 
only drilled a portion of it to date. The tonnage indications are significant, 
representing a potentially world class deposit which could be open-pittable 
with oxides at surface. We now feel that the geological risks of this project 
have been reduced significantly. 
At the Dong Mao Huo gold project resource definition drilling was 
completed and large scale bulk sampling was successfully carried out. Although 
this is a relatively modest resource it is situated in a very easily 
accessible area with roads and power on the property. 
Central China Goldfields has continued to ensure good community 
relations at Nimu, visiting each house, explaining the programmes and 
negotiating appropriate land compensation for our activities. We have also 
ensured employment of the local people and that local cultures are fully 
respected. All staff have been given thorough training in community relations 
issues prior to the 2008 field season which helped enormously and we have 
continued to emphasise the importance of health, safety and environmental 
Given the current economic downturn, the company has adjusted its 
cost base to reflect ongoing economic realities whilst retaining the 
flexibility to respond as circumstances change. 
Our progress throughout the year could not have been achieved 
without the hard work of all our employees. Therefore, in closing, on behalf 
of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank all of them for their 
dedication over the past period and also our investors for their support in 
these challenging times. 
Latest developments: 
The company completed the transaction for the sale of the Snow 
Mountain Project and has since secured the vesting of the initial 30% interest 
in the Nimu project. Given the current market situation we are looking at 
alternate strategies for Dong Mao Huo and we are actively talking to potential 
strategic partners to develop Nimu. 
In line with the strategy outlined above, in early May 2009, we 
concluded a Contract Mining deal with a subsidiary of CITIC-Anhua, part of a 
large Chinese Government Investment Company, to develop and mine the Dong Mao 
Huo deposit. Central China Goldfields will receive a fixed income of RMB 1.5 
million per annum during the oxide phase of the mining and 30% of the net 
profit during the potentially more lucrative sulphide phase, as well as 
recovering some past expenditure. 
On 2nd June 2009, the Company announced that the Sichuan Bureau of 
Metallurgy and Geological Exploration has approached the Company with a view 
to acquiring the Company's interest in the Nimu Project. At the present time 
the terms of any transaction, including the level of consideration, is unclear 
and there is no certainty that a formal offer will be forthcoming. Should a 
formal offer be made this is likely to constitute a fundamental change of 
business as defined by the AIM Rules for Companies and will therefore be 
subject to shareholder approval. 
Nigel Clark 
5 June 2009 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                      1 Jan to 31 1 Jan to 31 
                                                         Dec 2008    Dec 2007 
                                              Note              GBP           GBP 
Administrative expenses                               (1,182,100) (2,114,637) 
OPERATING LOSS                                  1     (1,182,100) (2,114,637) 
Investment revenues - interest on bank deposits            15,519     128,052 
LOSS BEFORE TAX                                       (1,166,581) (1,986,585) 
Tax                                             2               -           - 
LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD                         (1,166,581) (1,986,585) 
OF THE PARENT                                         (1,166,581) (1,986,585) 
BASIC LOSS PER SHARE                            3         (0.009)     (0.017) 
All of the activities of the Group are classed as continuing. 
31 December 2008 
                                                          2008        2007 
                            Note                             GBP           GBP 
Goodwill                      4                        126,148      46,887 
Other intangible assets       4                      7,726,808   4,288,066 
Property, plant and equipment 5                         83,525      62,420 
Marketable securities         6                              -     428,266 
                                                     7,936,481   4,825,639 
Other receivables             7                      3,763,815      65,322 
Cash and cash equivalents                               63,598   1,620,463 
                                                     3,827,413   1,685,785 
TOTAL ASSETS                                        11,763,894   6,511,424 
Other payables                8                    (4,185,291)   (360,067) 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  (4,185,291)   (360,067) 
NET ASSETS                                           7,578,603   6,151,357 
Share capital                 10                     1,455,339   1,206,819 
Share premium account         11                     8,105,920   7,471,937 
Warrant reserve               11                       492,329     517,743 
Share option reserve          11                       310,400     494,079 
Translation reserve           11                     1,649,176       6,710 
Retained losses               11                   (4,707,240) (3,751,292) 
PARENT                                               7,305,924   5,945,996 
Minority Interest                                      272,679     205,361 
TOTAL EQUITY                                         7,578,603   6,151,357 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                   1 Jan to 31 1 Jan to 31 
                                                      Dec 2008    Dec 2008 
                                                             GBP           GBP 
Operating loss                                     (1,182,100) (2,114,637) 
Depreciation                                            14,354       6,285 
Impairment charge on intangible assets 
and goodwill                                           378,402           - 
Non-cash loss on impairment of marketable 
securities                                              13,207     258,722 
Loss on disposal of marketable securities              295,422 
Gain on disposal of intangible assets              (1,114,011)           - 
Effect of foreign exchange translation                 (3,627)      82,595 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and 
equipment                                                    -       1,962 
Stock option expense                                     1,540     240,000 
Non-cash cost of warrants exercised                          -     129,476 
Change in receivables and other current 
assets - (Increase) / Decrease                     (3,698,493)     841,488 
Change in payables - Increase / (Decrease)           3,825,224     222,682 
ACTIVITIES                                         (1,470,082)   (331,427) 
Proceeds on sale of intangible assets                3,423,365           - 
Proceeds on sale of marketable securities              115,995           - 
Investment in marketable securities                          -   (686,988) 
Acquisitions of property, plant and 
equipment                                             (10,207)    (68,705) 
Acquisitions of other intangible assets            (4,452,521) (2,081,396) 
Interest received                                       15,519     128,052 
Acquisitions of subsidiaries and 
minority interests                                    (61,436)           - 
ACTIVITIES                                           (969,285) (2,709,037) 
Issue of equity share capital                          248,520      63,828 
Share premium on issue of equity 
share capital                                          651,000     564,456 
Share issue costs                                     (17,018)      19,226 
ACTIVITIES                                             882,502     647,510 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                          (1,556,865) (2,392,954) 
AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                               1,620,463   4,013,417 
AT END OF PERIOD                                        63,598   1,620,463 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                1 Jan to 31  1 Jan to 31 
                                                   Dec 2008     Dec 2008 
                                                          GBP            GBP 
Operating loss is after charging 
Auditors' remuneration - as auditors                 16,524       20,338 
Loss on disposal of marketable securities           295,422      258,722 
Impairment charges for the year                     391,609            - 
Stock option expense                                  1,540      240,000 
Foreign exchange (gains) / losses                 (331,224)       82,595 
Depreciation of tangible assets                      14,354        6,285 
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                          -        1,962 
Gain on disposal of other intangible assets       1,114,011            - 
The analysis of auditors' remuneration 
is as follows: 
Fees payable to the Company's auditors 
for the audit of Company's accounts 
                                                     15,000       18,000 
Fees payable to the Company's auditors 
and their associates for other services to 
the Group                                                              - 
The audit of the Company's subsidiaries*              1,524        2,338 
Total audit fees                                     16,524       20,338 
TOTAL                                                16,524       20,338 
* The audits of Zhongcheng Limited, Lhasa Tianli Mining Company 
Limited, Baotou Ltd and United Kingdom Central China Goldfields plc Beijing 
Representative Office were carried out by the subsidiaries' local auditors in 
the People's Republic of China. 
2. Tax 
                                                 1 Jan to   1 Jan to 
                                                   31 Dec     31 Dec 
                                                     2008       2008 
                                                        GBP          GBP 
Current tax                                             -          - 
Deferred tax                                            -          - 
Tax expense for the year                                -          - 
Until it is probable that sufficient taxable profits will be 
available to allow all or partial recovery of deferred tax assets of 
GBP1,334,209 (2007 - GBP984,235), the accounting benefit of tax losses will not be 
reflected in the accounts. 
The charge for the year can be reconciled to the loss per the 
income statement as follows: 
                                                1 Jan to 31  1 Jan to 31 
                                                   Dec 2008     Dec 2008 
                                                          GBP            GBP 
Loss for the year                               (1,166,581)  (1,986,585) 
Tax at the UK corporation tax rate of 30%         (349,974)    (595,976) 
Tax losses carried forward                          349,974      595,976 
Tax expense for the year                                  -            - 
a) Basic loss per share 
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the 
year by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The 
weighted average number of shares used is 131,113,392 (2007 - 118,357,323). 
b) Diluted loss per share 
International Accounting Standard 33 requires presentation of 
diluted earnings per share when a Company could be called upon to issues 
shares that would decrease the net profit or increase the net loss per share. 
For a loss making Company with outstanding options, net loss per share would 
only be increased by the exercise of out-of-money options. Since it seems 
inappropriate to assume that option holders would exercise out-of-money 
options, no adjustment has been made to diluted loss per share for 
out-of-money share options. 
c) Headline loss per share 
The Group presents an alternative measure of loss per share after 
excluding all capital gains and losses from the loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders. The impact of this is as follows: 
                                                           2008    2007 
Loss per share                                          (0.009) (0.017) 
Effect of loss on disposal of property, plant and             -       - 
Adjusted loss per share                                 (0.009) (0.017) 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
Group                                              Deferred 
                                       Goodwill       Costs       Total 
                                              GBP           GBP           GBP 
Cost and carrying amount 
At 1 January 2008                        46,887   4,288,066   4,334,953 
Additions                               126,148   4,452,521   4,578,669 
Disposals                                     - (2,309,354) (2,309,354) 
Impairment charge for the year         (46,887)   (331,515)   (378,402) 
Effect of foreign exchange translation        -   1,627,090   1,627,090 
At 31 December 2008                     126,148   7,726,808   7,852,956 
The Goodwill addition relates to Baotou Inc. which has been 
included in the consolidation for the first time, details of this are included 
in note 20. 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                       Fixtures, fittings & 
At 1 January 2008                                    68,705 
Additions                                            10,207 
Acquisitions                                          2,566 
Disposals                                                 - 
Effect of foreign exchange translation               26,071 
At 31 December 2008                                 107,549 
Accumulated depreciation 
At 1 January 2008                                     6,285 
Charge for the year                                  14,354 
Disposals                                                 - 
Effect of foreign exchange translation                3,385 
At 31 December 2008                                  24,024 
Carrying amount 
At 31 December 2008                                  83,525 
Carrying amount 
At 31 December 2007                                  62,420 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
Group and Company                      Year ended Year ended 
                                           31 Dec     31 Dec 
                                             2008       2007 
                                                GBP          GBP 
Cost and carrying amount 
Opening balance                           428,266          - 
Additions                                       -    686,988 
Disposals                               (411,417)          - 
Impairment charge for the year           (13,207)  (258,722) 
Effect of foreign exchange translation    (3,642)          - 
Closing balance                                 -    428,266 
Net book value 
Closing balance                                 -    428,266 
                               Group  Group   Company   Company 
                                2008   2007      2008      2007 
                                   GBP      GBP         GBP         GBP 
Receivables due from Group         -      - 5,233,945 4,246,686 
Prepayments and other      3,763,815 65,322     8,453    22,752 
                           3,763,815 65,322 5,242,398 4,269,438 
Included in prepayments and other receivables of the Group at 31 
December 2008, is GBP3,436,011 receivable from the sale of the Snow Mountain 
project (RMB 35,000,000) (2007 - nil). 
                              Group   Group Company Company 
                               2008    2007    2008    2007 
                                  GBP       GBP       GBP       GBP 
Trade payables              120,291  76,809  17,345  65,484 
Payables due to Minority  3,989,193 257,399       -       - 
Non-trade payables and       75,807  25,859  68,992  23,587 
accrued expenses 
                          4,185,291 360,067  86,337  89,071 
Included in payables due to Minority Shareholders of the Group at 
31 December 2008, is property payment payables of GBP2,901,998 (RMB 28,800,000) 
(2007 - nil) and drilling payables of GBP1,087,195 (RMB 10,789,532) (2007 - 
No individual party had overall control of the Company or Group 
during the period and no transactions were undertaken with related parties, 
neither during the current nor comparative financial years, being of a nature 
requiring disclosure under IFRS's. 
                                              2008                  2007 
                                                 GBP                     GBP 
Authorised share capital 
500,000,000 ordinary shares              5,000,000             5,000,000 
of GBP0.01 each 
                                     No.         GBP         No.         GBP 
Called up, allotted and 
fully paid 
Ordinary shares of GBP0.01     145,533,858 1,455,339 120,681,873 1,206,819 
Issue of shares 
During 2008, 24,851,985 1p ordinary shares were issued, as follows: 
(i) 3,136,000 shares at 7 pence 
(ii) 17,641,633 shares at 3 pence 
(iii) 4,074,352 shares at 3.7 pence 
Share Warrants 
The group has 15,067,250 (2007- 16,067,250) share purchase warrants 
outstanding at a weighted average exercise price of 10.06 pence (2007 - 9.94 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
Group                                    Share      Share 
                             Warrant    option    account    Retained   Translation 
                             reserve                           losses     reserve 
                                   GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP           GBP 
At 1 January 2008            517,743   494,079  7,471,937 (3,751,292)       6,710 
Loss for the year                  -         -          - (1,166,581)           - 
Premium arising on issue 
of equity shares 
                                   -         -    651,000           -           - 
Grant of share options             -     1,540          -           -           - 
Movement during the year           -         -          -           -   1,642,466 
Cost of lapsed warrants /   (25,414) (185,219)          -     210,633           - 
Issue costs                        -         -   (17,017)           -           - 
At 31 December 2008          492,329   310,400  8,105,920 (4,707,240)   1,649,176 
Company                                            Share      Share 
                                       Warrant    option    account    Retained 
                                       reserve                           losses 
                                             GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP 
At 1 January 2008                      517,743   494,079  7,471,937 (3,620,993) 
Loss for the year                            -         -          - (1,382,298) 
Premium arising on issue of                  -         -    651,000           - 
equity shares 
Grant of share options                       -     1,540          -           - 
Cost of lapsed warrants /             (25,414) (185,219)          -     210,633 
Issue costs                                  -         -   (17,017)           - 
At 31 December 2008                    492,329   310,400  8,105,920   4,792,658 
Warrant reserve 
                                                 in issue          GBP 
Group and Company 
At 31 December 2008                            15,067,250    492,329 
Group and Company 
At 31 December 2007                            16,067,250    517,743 
Stock Option Reserve 
                                                    Stock    reserve 
                                                 in issue          GBP 
Group and Company 
At 31 December 2008                            10,000,000    310,400 
Group and Company 
At 31 December 2007                            12,520,000    494,079 
(i) Share options granted during the year ended 31 December 2008 
were valued by the Directors using the Black-Scholes valuation model, based 
upon the following assumptions: 
- Term range of three years 
- Expected dividend yield of nil 
- Risk free interest rate of 2% 
- Share price volatility of 50% 
- Current share price of 4 pence. 
12. post balance sheet events 
(i) At the end of December 2008, the Company announced placements 
for a combination of 13,833,333 shares at 1.5 pence. These shares were not 
issued until January 2009 and are therefore not included in these accounts. 

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