RNS Number : 4918C

FBD Holdings PLC

08 March 2011

8 March 2011




                                              2010                        2009 
  FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                     EUR000s                     EUR000s 
       -- Gross premium 
        written                            358,385                     357,244 
           -- Operating 
            profit                          40,666                      28,880 
           -- Loss 
            taxation                       (3,083)                    (34,644) 
                                              Cent                        Cent 
           -- Operating 
            per share                          106                          75 
        -- Ordinary 
         dividend per 
         60c ordinary 
         share                                31.5                          30 
           -- Net 
            assets per 
            share                              547                         576 


-- Strong operational performance with operating profit up 41% to EUR40.7m

-- Operating profit and cash flow generation in all divisions

-- Gross premium written 0.3% higher, the first increase since 2007

-- Market share grows to 11.8% (2009: 11.5%), market share has increased in nine of the last ten years

-- Market rates hardened in 2010 and weather events will necessitate further rate increases

-- Improvement in loss ratio from 83.8% to 77.4%

-- Implementation of claims initiatives and cost improvements continued

-- Operating EPS increased 41% to 106 cent despite severe weather conditions

-- Reductions in asset values of EUR50.0m lead to pre-tax loss of EUR3.1m

-- Following impairments, the potential for further downside is limited

-- Proposed final dividend of 21 cent per share

-- Strong capital base and prudent reserving brings solvency level in FBD Insurance to 61% of net earned premium, from 52% in 2009

Commenting on the results, Andrew Langford, Group Chief Executive said;

"FBD delivered another strong operational performance and made significant progress in advancing its strategic priorities in 2010, a challenging year for Ireland's economy and the insurance sector. The severe weather conditions in January and December partially masked the benefit of rate increases, underwriting discipline and proactive management of claims and expenses. We have grown market share for nine of the last ten years reaching 11.8% in 2010. The Group has a strong capital base and balance sheet and a prudent reserving strategy and is well positioned to outperform its peers in delivering superior returns to shareholders".


A presentation will be made to analysts at 10am today, a copy of which will be available

on our Group website, www.fbdgroup.com from that time.

About FBD Holdings plc

FBD is one of Ireland's largest non-life insurers looking after the insurance needs of private individuals, farmers and business owners. The Group has developed complementary financial service businesses and has hotel and leisure property interests that include four hotels in Ireland and two resorts in southern Spain. The Group was established in the 1960s and is quoted on the Irish and London stock exchanges.

Forward Looking Statements

Some statements in this announcement are forward-looking. They represent expectations for the Group's business, and involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and projections about future events. The Group believes that current expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which are in some cases beyond the Group's control, actual results or performance may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

For Reference Telephone


Andrew Langford, Group Chief Executive +353 1 4093208

Cathal O'Caoimh, Group Finance Director

Peter Jackson, Head of Investor Relations

Murray Consultants

Joe Murray +353 1 4980300

Review of Operations


FBD delivered another strong operational performance and made significant progress in advancing its strategic priorities in 2010, a challenging year for Ireland's economy and the insurance sector. However, the benefit of rate increases, underwriting discipline and proactive management of claims and expenses were partially masked by the impact of the severe weather conditions in both January and December 2010. In a second consecutive year of abnormal weather related claims, FBD's underwriting discipline and prudent reinsurance policy protected the Group's trading results, its capital base and solvency.

At EUR40.7m, operating profit was up by 41% on 2009. Operating profit in our primary underwriting business increased 61% to EUR36.1m (2009: EUR22.4m) as a EUR14.5m turnaround in the underwriting result was offset by a reduction in investment returns.

Gross written premium of EUR358.4m is up 0.3% on 2009, the first increase since 2007, in a market that declined by a further 2.6% in 2010. FBD has continued its growth in market share, now standing at 11.8%, with market share gains in nine of the last ten years. At the same time as gaining market share, FBD's insurance risk exposure reduced during 2010.

Net claims incurred in 2010 reduced by 11.1% relative to 2009 due to a combination of (i) lower insurance exposure, (ii) better 2010 large claims experience, (iii) decrease in non-weather related property claims frequency, (iv) FBD's decision not to grow volume in certain segments at uneconomic rates and (v) the benefit of claims management initiatives. Recent industry weather claims experience has contributed to a hardening of insurance rates across the Irish market in 2010.

Gross underwriting management expenses reduced by 0.7% in 2010 (2009: 20.3%) as the benefits of cost containment exercises began to crystallise. The net expense ratio has risen to 22.0% (2009: 20.3%) because of the impact of a rise in the cost of reinsurance and lower net premium earned.

In challenging market conditions, FBD's non-underwriting operations have delivered an operating profit of EUR4.6m (2009: EUR6.5m). The Group's property and leisure businesses delivered operating profits and positive cash flows again in 2010. The key challenge facing the business in Ireland is oversupply in the market. This is further exacerbated by a reduction in the number of foreign visitors. New marketing and sales initiatives and operational cost efficiencies continue to be identified and implemented to achieve targets.

FBD's financial services businesses continued to deliver a positive performance in difficult market environments. FBD Brokers won additional new business during 2010 and FBD Financial Solutions achieved strong growth in profitability, significantly outperforming the industry. These businesses have proactively managed their cost structures to reflect the economic circumstances.

The value of the Group's property assets has reduced in line with market values in Ireland and Spain, although the pace of the market decline has slowed considerably. Asset impairments of EUR50.0m (2009: EUR57.8m) have been charged to the consolidated income statement. Members of the Group's defined benefit pension scheme agreed to a restructuring of pension benefits and the introduction of pension contributions. As a result the Group's obligations for retirement benefits reduced by EUR11.1m. After charging finance costs of EUR3.2m (2009: EUR3.4m), the Group recorded a loss before tax of EUR3.1m (2009: EUR34.6m).

Operating earnings per ordinary share increased from 75 cent to 106 cent. The Group continues to have a strong capital base and balance sheet. FBD Insurance had a solvency level of 61% of net premium earned at 31 December 2010, up from 52% at 31 December 2009.

Business Review


Premium income

The Irish insurance market contracted by 2.6% during 2010 as the benefit of hardening rates was offset by the continuing reduction in insurable risk and values, in line with economic activity in Ireland. FBD's gross premium written increased by 0.3% to EUR358.4m (2009: EUR357.2m) as improved retention rates and higher conversion rates combined with rate increases led to growth for the first time since 2007. Net premium earned reduced to EUR302.5m from EUR314.6m because 2009 benefited from the higher level of gross premium written in 2008. Premium rates continued to harden in the Irish insurance market, particularly for home and business insurance, while motor insurance rates have been slower to increase. The flood and freeze conditions over the 2009 and 2010 winters accelerated the implementation of necessary rate increases in the property account.

A key feature of 2010 has been the reductions in insurance risk and values reflecting the decline in economic activity in Ireland. Despite rate increases, average policy premiums have not increased significantly. The market for large insurance risks has become more competitive and FBD has chosen not to compete for business at unsustainable rates.


Net claims incurred amounted to EUR234.3m, an 11.1% reduction on 2009 because of a combination of lower exposure and an improved loss ratio. The loss ratio (claims incurred, net of reinsurance as a percentage of earned premiums net of reinsurance) for 2010 was 77.4% (2009: 83.8%).

FBD experienced an improvement in non-weather related property claims, particularly towards the end of the financial year. Ireland continued to experience a reduction in the number of road deaths and large claim experience improved considerably. The frequency of both (non-weather related) property claims and motor injury claims has reduced. The improvement in the loss ratio is also attributable to rate increases and underwriting and claims management initiatives.

Not unlike the previous year, 2010 was adversely affected by severe weather events with abnormal freezes in both January and December, the latter being the coldest December on record. Adding the severe flooding in November 2009 and the prolonged freezing conditions in December 2009 means that, in a fourteen month period, FBD made good the weather related losses of 14,000 of our customers amounting to over EUR90m.

Ultimately, an insurance company's promise to its customers is that it will meet their expectations in their time of need and this objective was achieved over the fourteen month period. The Directors wish to express gratitude to the staff and suppliers who responded by providing customers with outstanding and professional service in difficult conditions.

During the fourteen month period, the cost to FBD was EUR39m, net of reinsurance. FBD's risk management policy determines the Group's appetite for risk and limits the exposure that FBD is prepared to accept from any event or series of events. In respect of weather related events, the objective is to limit the Group's exposure so as to protect profitability, solvency and shareholders' capital. This objective was achieved in both 2009 and 2010.

Claims reserves provided a positive run off again in 2010 demonstrating the strength of the Group's reserving position. FBD has benefited from a positive run off since 2003.


Gross underwriting management expenses reduced by 0.7% in 2010 to EUR77.5m (2009: EUR78.0m) as the benefits of cost containment exercises began to crystallise. In the last year, the Group has negotiated a comprehensive programme of changes with its employees which includes changes in pay ranges, hours of work and other productivity measures designed to underpin the Group's competitive cost advantage and provide it with the flexibility to grow premium income in a difficult economic environment. The changes agreed include a combination of salary reductions and freezes, the restructuring of employment and pension conditions and the introduction of pension contributions.

The Directors acknowledge the co-operation of staff to accept these progressive changes so as to ensure the Group's future prosperity.

A rise in the cost of reinsurance and the impact of reducing net premium earned have contributed to an increase in the net expense ratio (other underwriting expenses as a percentage of earned premium, net of reinsurance) for 2010 to 22.0% (2009: 20.3%). The Group remains committed to maintaining its cost competitiveness.

The Group's combined operating ratio for 2010 was 99.4% (2009: 104.1%) resulting in an underwriting profit of EUR1.6m (2009: loss of EUR12.9m).

Investment Return

Longer term investment return at EUR34.5m was lower than the EUR35.3m in 2009 as a result of the slight reduction in assets available for investment and because the average asset mix through the year was more conservative. In line with insurers worldwide, FBD's investment mix has become more conservative in recent years in recognition of the volatility of investment markets and the imperative to protect the Group's solvency and asset base. The consequent reduction in investment returns discourages irrational underwriting in the market.

Ambition and customer focus

In response to changing customer behaviour, FBD's multi-channel distribution strategy has continued to develop with progress during 2010 within all channels. The Group's sales office network has been particularly successful in further developing farming and business insurance during 2010, a key strategic priority. The agricultural sector has performed very strongly during Ireland's economic decline and FBD's commitment to this sector has led to an increase in premium from agriculture and connected business.

FBD's progress in Dublin and other large urban centres has continued with 14% of total premium income now coming from Dublin and market share of over 5%. The initiative to increase business insurance in Dublin, via intermediaries, has proved successful and further brokers have been added to our panel. As planned, NoNonsense.ie and FBD.ie (our on-line offerings) continue to attract a higher proportion of customers from Dublin and other urban centres.


Market conditions for the non-underwriting businesses in Ireland and Spain continue to be challenging. However, in this environment, non-underwriting operations generated an operating profit of EUR4.5m (2009: EUR6.5m).

The Group's leisure and property interests include La Cala and Sunset Beach Resorts in Spain and FBD Hotels in Ireland. In the difficult trading conditions these businesses delivered a solid result generating an operating profit of EUR1.3m (2009: EUR2.8m) and cash flow from operations of EUR1.2m. The operating profit was lower than the previous year principally because the hotels located in Ireland were impacted by market oversupply. Oversupply in the marketplace is the key challenge facing the hotel business in Ireland and market capacity needs to be reduced to match falling customer demand. Overseas visitors to Ireland reduced from 7.7m arrivals in 2007 to 5.6m in 2010, while revenue generated from the domestic leisure market has reduced due to the economic downturn. Sunset Beach Resort continued to perform strongly and 46 properties in La Cala were sold generating cash of EUR13.9m, significantly ahead of both last year and expectations.

Financial services/other, includes the contributions from general insurance broking (FBD Brokers), life assurance/pension, broking/investment advice (FBD Financial Solutions), instalment finance and holding company costs. Operating profits of EUR3.2m were generated (2009: EUR3.7m). Both FBD Brokers and FBD Financial Solutions had a strong 2010, growing profitability despite Ireland's economic decline through focus on customer service and cost efficiency.

Pre-tax result

The result before tax was adversely impacted by a negative fluctuation in investment return amounting to EUR30.1m (2009: EUR28.8m) and impairment of property, plant and equipment of EUR19.9m (2009: EUR29.0m) reflecting reducing property prices.

During 2010, as stated above, the Group agreed a variety of changes in pay and conditions with its employees. Some of these changes had an impact on the defined benefit retirement obligations recorded as a liability in the Group's statement of financial position. The reduction in the Group's liability for retirement benefits as a result of the changes agreed by management and staff is reflected as a credit of EUR11.1m in the consolidated income statement. In addition, the salary reductions agreed by senior management reduced the Group's retirement benefit obligations by a further EUR2.6m, which is credited to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

After charging finance costs of EUR3.2m (2009: EUR3.4m), the Group recorded a loss before tax of EUR3.1m (2009: EUR34.6m).

Earnings per share

Operating earnings per 60 cent ordinary share based on longer term investment return amounted to 106 cent compared to 75 cent the previous year. The diluted loss per 60 cent ordinary share was 8 cent (2009: 91 cent).


The Board is committed to ensuring that the Group's capital position continues to be robust and its balance sheet well managed. This reflects the Board's view that it is in the long-term interest of all shareholders to maintain strong solvency and liquidity margins. The Group is committed to a progressive dividend policy and efficient capital management.

The Board is recommending a 2010 final dividend payout of 21.0 cent per 60 cent ordinary share (2009: 20.0 cent) bringing the full 2010 dividend to 31.5 cent (2009: 30.0 cent), an increase of 5% over 2009. Subject to the approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 29 April 2011, this final dividend for 2010 will be paid on 5 May 2011 to the holders of shares on the register on 18 March 2011.

The dividend is subject to a withholding tax ("DWT") except for shareholders who are exempt from DWT and who have furnished a properly completed declaration of exemption to the Company's Registrar from whom further details may be obtained.

Statement of Financial Position

The Group's financial position remains very strong. Ordinary shareholders' funds amounted to EUR182.1m (2009: EUR191.5m) and net assets per ordinary share were 547 cent (2009: 576 cent).

FBD Insurance maintains a low risk investment strategy with 88% of its total investment portfolio invested in government gilts and cash assets at year end. Table 1 shows how the assets of the underwriting business were invested at the beginning and end of the year.

Table 1 - Underwriting Business Asset Allocation

                                         31 December 2010     31 December 2009 
                                            EURm        %        EURm        % 
   Government gilts                          497      61%         581      70% 
   Deposits & cash                           217      27%         110      13% 
   Investment property                        42       5%          43       5% 
   Equities & corporate bonds                 22       3%          36       4% 
   Secured loans                              21       2%          37       5% 
   Own land & buildings                       18       2%          22       3% 
                                             817     100%         829     100% 
                                                  -------              ------- 
   Reinsurers' share of technical 
    provisions                                96                   93 
   Trade, other debtors and DAC               91                  101 
   Plant and equipment                        17                   17 
                                      ----------           ---------- 
                                           1,021                1,040 
                                      ----------           ---------- 

In 2010, the Group as a whole booked EUR49.9m (2009: EUR57.8m) of reductions in asset values through the consolidated income statement. These adjustments are set out in Table 2 below.

Table 2 - Group Assets/Asset Value Reductions

                                           Assets         Assets   Asset Value 
                                      31 December    31 December    Reductions 
                                             2010           2009          2010 
                                             EURm           EURm          EURm 
 Government gilts                             497            581           (8) 
 Deposits & cash                              231            120             - 
 Hotel & golf resort assets                   120            136          (17) 
 Trade, other debtors and DAC                 112            107             - 
 Reinsurers' share of technical 
  provisions                                   96             93             - 
 Inventories                                   46             59             - 
 Investment property                           42             43           (1) 
 Equities & corporate bonds                    25             40           (2) 
 Secured loans                                 21             37          (19) 
 Own land & buildings                          18             22           (3) 
 Plant & equipment                             18             18             - 
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                            1,226          1,256          (50) 
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------ 

The Group's portfolio of prime property assets was valued at fair value which was determined either by independent professional valuers or at a lower amount if, in the opinion of the Directors, a lower amount more accurately reflected fair value. The most significant asset write down in 2010 was in respect of the secured loans as the Directors believed that it was appropriate to eliminate any uncertainty about valuations by writing the secured loans down to the value of the underlying security on a current use market value basis. On this basis, the underlying assets are, in some cases, valued as agricultural land or car parks. As a result, additional provisions of EUR19.1m have been made in respect of secured loans bringing cumulative provisions to 72% of the 2007 year end value.

Investment properties are incorporated in the balance sheet at particularly high yields, with the property located in Dublin delivering an 11.4% yield at its current valuation. Subsequent to the year end, two of the Group's four investment properties located in the UK were sold and a third is in the course of being sold. Combined, the three sales will generate EUR20.6m in cash and a profit of EUR0.5m over the 2010 valuation.

The cumulative reductions in asset values over the three years 2008-2010 are summarised in the following table:

Table 3 - Cumulative asset value reductions as a percentage of December 2007 values

            Hotel & golf resort assets 
             - Sunset Beach resort                     0% 
             - La Cala Hotel and golf resort          43% 
             - FBD Hotels                             45% 
 Own land and buildings                               45% 
 Investment property                                  48% 
 Secured loans                                        72% 

The Directors believe that as a result of the impairment provisions recognised over the last three years and the de-risking of the investment book, the potential for further downside from the Group's investments is limited. Within the underwriting business, such downside is negligible.

La Cala development land is included within inventories at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The independent external valuation conducted at 31 December 2010 reported a value which exceeded this by EUR24m. Government gilts held to maturity are included in the statement of financial position at amortised cost. If these gilts were recognised on a mark-to-market basis, a surplus of EUR20.8m would arise.

After asset value reductions, gearing in the property and leisure operations at end 2010 was 73% (2009: 64%). Interest is covered by operating cash flows generated by the business 4.4 times in 2010 (2009: 1.4 times).

FBD Group has a strong capital base and balance sheet. FBD Insurance had a solvency level of 61% of net premium earned at the end of 2010, up from 52% at the end of 2009.

FBD also has a prudent reserving strategy and in the same period, its reserving ratio (net technical provisions divided by net premium earned) strengthened three percentage points to 243%. This is supported by a positive run-off of prior year claims reserves of EUR48.6m in 2010. The Group has a long history of recording positive run off on its claims reserves.

In line with all European Insurers, the Group's underwriting business, FBD Insurance, is preparing for the introduction of the new Solvency II regulations which are to come into effect from 1 January 2013. During 2010, FBD Insurance conducted a Quantitative Impact Study (QIS 5) designed to test the adequacy of its reserves at the end of 2009 compared to QIS 5 capital requirements from 2013. The results showed that FBD Insurance met the required standard and had excess capital over the QIS 5 requirement. FBD Insurance expects to be in a position to meet all of Solvency II requirements in advance of their introduction on 1 January 2013.



Economic uncertainty has reduced but Irish domestic demand (the best indicator of insurance market exposure) is still likely to decline further, albeit at a diminishing rate. It is likely that austerity measures will influence economic activity and underlying insurance values. On the other hand, rate increases will positively impact market premiums. Market size will depend on whether the benefit of rate increases will exceed the contraction in volume and cover. As a result, the opportunity for FBD premium income growth in 2011 will be limited. However, the Directors are confident that underwriting disciplines and cost containment will deliver improved profitability in 2011. The Group's underwriting business is, by its nature, defensive and its spread of business is not overly exposed to any one sector.

As insurance companies become more conservative in their investment mix and as international investment returns remain low, insurers become more reliant on positive underwriting results to achieve an adequate return on investment. This dependence on underwriting results and the impact of severe weather events in 2009 and 2010 are likely to lead to further rate increases in the market.

FBD Insurance will focus on profitable growth, constantly evolving its business to reflect customers' needs. The Group will continue to implement its plan to increase penetration of key urban markets, in particular Dublin, and the commercial insurance market. At the same time, the Group continues to devote considerable resources to developing its core farming account, a key strategic priority.


The environment for the non-underwriting businesses is expected to remain difficult in 2011. Oversupply in the market place is the key challenge facing the property and leisure businesses, particularly in Ireland and recovery will be dependent on a reduction in market capacity. No significant change to the oversupply is anticipated in 2011 and concerted action is required to increase the number of tourists visiting Ireland. Despite that, as a result of actions taken, we anticipate an improved contribution from FBD Hotels in 2011. Sales of properties in La Cala are expected to continue in 2011.

FBD Brokers is developing new market segments while providing enhanced customer value, and is well positioned to benefit from the buoyancy of the agri business sector. FBD Financial Solutions will continue to focus on customer needs and cost efficiency to deliver growth in profitability in 2011.

The Group will continue to outperform competitors by focusing on initiatives that will enhance revenue and/or reduce costs, so as to maintain profitable and cash generative businesses through the recessionary period.


FBD Group has a strong capital base and balance sheet and a prudent reserving strategy. The Board is satisfied that as a result of the impairment provisions recognised and the de-risking of the investment book, the potential for further downside from the Group's investment portfolio is limited. The Board is confident that FBD will continue to outperform its peers in delivering superior returns to shareholders. FBD has demonstrated its capacity to deliver operating profits in difficult market conditions and is well positioned to deliver long-term profitable growth.

Unless exceptional claims events arise during 2011, the Board is confident that as underwriting performance continues to improve, the Group will deliver full year 2011 operating earnings per share of 130 cent to 140 cent.

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Income Statement

For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

                                           2010        2009 
                                        EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Revenue                                478,566     476,159 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Gross premium written                  358,385     357,244 
 Reinsurance premiums                  (55,172)    (54,107) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium written                    303,213     303,137 
 Change in provision for unearned 
  premiums                                (673)      11,467 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium earned                     302,540     314,604 
 Net investment return                    4,421       6,515 
 Non-underwriting income                 79,014      72,774 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Total income                           385,975     393,893 
 Net claims and benefits              (234,268)   (263,492) 
 Other underwriting expenses           (66,653)    (64,020) 
 Non-underwriting expenses             (74,481)    (66,285) 
 Impairment of property, plant and 
  equipment                            (19,868)    (29,048) 
 Retirement benefit-past service 
  gain                                   11,063           - 
 Restructuring and other costs          (1,615)     (2,315) 
 Finance costs                          (3,236)     (3,377) 
 Loss before tax                        (3,083)    (34,644) 
 Income tax (charge)/credit               (152)       3,714 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the year                      (3,235)    (30,930) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent           (2,408)    (30,190) 
 Non-controlling interest                 (827)       (740) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
                                        (3,235)    (30,930) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
                                           2010        2009 
                                           Cent        Cent 
 Basic loss per 60 cent ordinary 
  share                                  (8.08)     (91.59) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Diluted loss per 60 cent ordinary 
  share                                  (8.08)     (91.59) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

                                                            2010             2009 
                                                         EUR000s          EUR000s 
 Loss for the year                                       (3,235)         (30,930) 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 
 Loss on available for sale financial 
  assets                                                       -          (1,554) 
 Revaluation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                    -          (5,241) 
 Actuarial gain/(loss) on retirement 
  benefit obligations                                      4,131          (8,556) 
 Exchange differences on translation of 
  foreign operations                                       (164)              747              747 
 Other comprehensive income (expense) 
  before tax                                               3,967         (14,604) 
 Tax (charge)/credit relating to other 
  comprehensive expense                                  (1,531)            6,884 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income (expense) 
  after tax                                                2,436          (7,720) 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 
 Total comprehensive expense for the 
  year                                                     (799)         (38,650) 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                                 28         (37,664) 
 Non-controlling interests                                 (827)            (986) 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 
                                                           (799)         (38,650) 
                                                 ---------------       ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Pro Forma Reconciliation of Consolidated Operating Profit to Loss before Tax

For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

                                                    2010       2009 
                                                 EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Underwriting                                     36,133     22,391 
 Non-underwriting                                  4,533      6,489 
                                               ---------  --------- 
 Operating profit before tax                      40,666     28,880 
 Investment return - fluctuations               (30,093)   (28,784) 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment    (19,868)   (29,048) 
 Retirement benefit-past service gain             11,063          - 
 Restructuring and other costs                   (1,615)    (2,315) 
 Finance costs                                   (3,236)    (3,377) 
 Loss before tax                                 (3,083)   (34,644) 
                                               ---------  --------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 31 December 2010

                                         2010        2009 
                                      EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Property, plant and equipment        155,959     176,479 
 Investment property                   42,368      43,267 
 Loans                                 24,618      43,863 
 Deferred tax asset                     9,247       6,907 
 Financial assets 
 Investments held to maturity         496,852     581,096 
 Available for sale investments         7,282       9,476 
 Investments held for trading          17,859      30,000 
 Deposits with banks                  195,172      75,462 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
                                      717,165     696,034 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
 Reinsurance assets 
 Provision for unearned premiums       24,706      25,503 
 Claims outstanding                    70,916      67,686 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
                                       95,622      93,189 
 Inventories                           46,045      59,226 
 Current tax asset                      6,003         175 
 Deferred acquisition costs            20,531      19,963 
 Other receivables                     71,279      72,681 
 Cash and cash equivalents             36,714      44,036 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                       1,225,551   1,255,820 
                                   ----------  ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 31 December 2010

 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                         2010        2009 
                                             EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Ordinary share capital                       21,409      21,409 
 Capital reserves                             15,313      14,297 
 Revaluation reserves                            742         742 
 Translation reserves                           (98)          66 
 Retained earnings                           144,757     154,994 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Shareholders' funds - equity interests      182,123     191,508 
 Preference share capital                      2,923       2,923 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent                              185,046     194,431 
 Non-controlling interests                     2,053       3,030 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Total equity                                187,099     197,461 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Insurance contract liabilities 
 Provision for unearned premiums             176,479     176,603 
 Claims outstanding                          657,656     671,429 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
                                             834,135     848,032 
 Borrowings                                  117,766     120,051 
 Retirement benefit obligation                10,859      23,103 
 Deferred tax liability                       11,751      10,507 
 Payables                                     63,941      56,666 
 Total liabilities                         1,038,452   1,058,359 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Total equity and liabilities              1,225,551   1,255,820 
                                          ----------  ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

                                                              2010        2009 
                                                           EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss before tax                                           (3,083)    (34,644) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Profit on investments held for trading                    (1,075)     (4,925) 
 Loss on investments held to maturity                        7,901         417 
 Loss on investments available for sale                      2,076           - 
 Provision for loans & advances                             16,329      21,000 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment               6,476       6,206 
 Share-based payment expense                                 1,016         698 
 Impairment of investment property                             899       8,479 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment                19,868      29,048 
 Retirement benefit - past service gain                   (11,063)           - 
 (Decrease) in insurance contract liabilities             (16,330)       (368) 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                     (148)           - 
 (Profit)/loss on disposal of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                   (83)          25 
 Operating cash flows before movement in working 
  capital                                                   22,783      25,936 
 Decrease/(increase) in receivables and deferred 
  acquisition costs                                            817     (5,552) 
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                             9,961    (24,003) 
 Decrease in inventories                                    13,181       3,157 
 Cash generated/(used by) from operations                   46,742       (462) 
 Income taxes (paid)/received                              (8,610)       3,779 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                         38,132       3,317 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Investments held for trading                               13,216       (963) 
 Investments held to maturity                               76,343   (101,887) 
 Investments available for sale                                118          21 
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                         678           - 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (6,415)     (8,474) 
 Sale of investment property                                     -         792 
 Repayment of loans                                          2,916       5,626 
 Deposits invested with banks                            (119,710)     107,681 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash (used in)/generated from investing 
  activities                                              (32,854)       2,796 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Ordinary dividends paid                                  (10,147)     (6,936) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                 (150)           - 
 Increase in borrowings                                          -      22,980 
 (Decrease) in borrowings                                  (2,285)    (13,897) 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash (used in)/generated from financing 
  activities                                              (12,582)       2,147 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents      (7,304)       8,260 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
  year                                                      44,036      35,713 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on the 
  balance of cash held in foreign currencies                  (18)          63 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year           36,714      44,036 
                                                        ----------  ---------- 

Included in the above statement is the following information: Interest and similar income received during the year was EUR31,403,000 (2009: EUR24,619,000).

Interest paid during the year was EUR2,898,000 (2009: EUR3,495,000).

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

                  Ordinary              Revaluation                            Attributable   Preference 
                   share     Capital     and other    Translation   Retained   to ordinary      share      Non-controlling    Total 
                  capital    reserves    reserves       reserve     earnings   shareholders    capital        interest        equity 
                   EUR000s    EUR000s       EUR000s       EUR000s    EUR000s        EUR000s      EUR000s           EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2009      21,409     13,599         3,295         (681)    197,788        235,410        2,923             4,151    242,484 
 Loss after 
  taxation               -          -             -             -   (30,190)       (30,190)            -             (740)   (30,930) 
  expense                -          -       (2,553)           747    (5,668)        (7,474)            -             (246)    (7,720) 
                 ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------- 
                    21,409     13,599           742            66    161,930        197,746        2,923             3,165    203,834 
 Dividends paid 
  on ordinary 
  shares                 -          -             -             -    (6,936)        (6,936)            -                 -    (6,936) 
 Dividend paid 
  to minority 
  interests              -          -             -             -          -              -            -             (135)      (135) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments               -        698             -             -          -            698            -                 -        698 
 Balance at 31 
  2009              21,409     14,297           742            66    154,994        191,508        2,923             3,030    197,461 
 Loss after 
  taxation               -          -             -             -    (2,408)        (2,408)            -             (827)    (3,235) 
  income                 -          -             -         (164)      2,600          2,436            -                 -      2,436 
                 ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------- 
                    21,409     14,297           742          (98)    155,186        191,536        2,923             2,203    196,662 
 Dividends paid 
  and approved 
  on ordinary 
  shares                 -          -             -             -   (10,429)       (10,429)            -                 -   (10,429) 
 Dividend paid 
  to minority 
  interests              -          -             -             -          -              -            -             (150)      (150) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments               -      1,016             -             -          -          1,016            -                 -      1,016 
 Balance at 31 
  2010              21,409     15,313           742          (98)    144,757        182,123        2,923             2,053    187,099 
                 ---------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------- 

FBD Holdings plc


For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Note 1 Operating Profit by Activity

                        2010      2009 
                     EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Underwriting         36,133    22,391 
 Non-underwriting      4,533     6,489 
                      40,666    28,880 
                    --------  -------- 
 Non-underwriting profit is analysed as 
                                                2010      2009 
                                             EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Leisure and leisure property development      1,316     2,786 
       Financial services/other                3,217     3,703 
                                               4,533     6,489 
                                            --------  -------- 

Note 2 Underwriting Operating Profit

                                       2010        2009 
                                    EUR000s     EUR000s 
       Gross written premiums       358,385     357,244 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium earned                 302,540     314,604 
 Adjusted net claims incurred     (234,268)   (263,492) 
 Net operating expenses            (66,653)    (64,020) 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
 Underwriting profit/(loss)           1,619    (12,908) 
 Longer term investment return       34,514      35,299 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
 Underwriting operating profit       36,133      22,391 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
                                           2010       2009 
 Other underwriting expenses            EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Management expenses                     77,527     78,091 
 Reinsurance commissions receivable    (12,743)   (13,943) 
 Deferred acquisition costs               (568)    (2,231) 
 Broker commission payable                2,437      2,103 
                                      ---------  --------- 
                                         66,653     64,020 
                                      ---------  --------- 

FBD Holdings plc


For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Note 3 Dividends

                                                             2010      2009 
 Paid during year:                                        EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Dividend of Nil cent (2009: 4.8 cent) per share on 
  8% non-cumulative preference shares of 60 cent each           -       169 
 Dividend of Nil cent (2009: 8.4 cent) per share on 
  14% non-cumulative preference shares of 60 cent each          -       113 
 2009 Final dividend of 20.0 cent (2008: 10.0 cent) 
  per share on ordinary shares of 60 cent each              6,654     3,327 
 2010 Interim dividend of 10.5 cent (2009: 10.0 cent) 
  per share on ordinary shares of 60 cent each              3,493     3,327 
                                                           10,147     6,936 
                                                         --------  -------- 
                                                             2010      2009 
 Approved but not paid:                                   EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Dividend of 4.8 cent (2009: Nil cent) per share on           169         - 
  8% non-cumulative preference shares of 60 cent each 
 Dividend of 8.4 cent (2009: Nil cent) per share on           113         - 
  14% non-cumulative preference shares of 60 cent each 
                                                              282         - 
                                                         --------  -------- 
                                                              2010      2009 
 Proposed:                                                 EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Dividend of 4.8 cent (2009: 4.8 cent) per share on 
  8% non-cumulative preference shares of 60 cent each          169       169 
 Final dividend of 21.0 cent (2009: 20.0 cent) per share 
  on ordinary shares of 60 cent each                         6,987     6,654 
                                                          --------  -------- 
                                                             7,156     6,823 
                                                          --------  -------- 

The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in these financial statements.

FBD Holdings plc


For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Note 4 Loss per 60 cent Ordinary Share

The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share attributable to the ordinary shareholders is based on the following data:

                                                         2010             2009 
     Earnings                                         EUR000s          EUR000s 
     Loss for the year                                (3,235)         (30,930) 
     Non-controlling interest                             827              740 
     Preference dividend                                (282)            (282) 
                                              ---------------  --------------- 
     Loss for the purpose of basic and 
      diluted loss per share                          (2,690)         (30,472) 
                                              ---------------  --------------- 
     Number of shares                                    2010             2009 
     Weighted average number of ordinary 
      shares for the purpose of 
     basic loss per share                          33,269,000       33,269,000 
     Effect of dilutive potential of share 
      options outstanding                             150,000          198,000 
                                              ---------------  --------------- 
     Weighted average number of ordinary 
      shares for the purpose of 
     diluted loss per share                        33,419,000       33,467,000 
                                              ---------------  --------------- 

The 'A' ordinary shares of 1 cent each that are in issue have no impact on the loss per share calculation.

                                     Cent          Cent 
     Basic loss per share          (8.08)       (91.59) 
                              -----------  ------------ 
     Diluted loss per share        (8.08)       (91.59) 
                              -----------  ------------ 

The calculation of the operating earnings per share, which is supplementary to the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards, is based on the following data:

                                            2010      2009 
                                         EUR000s   EUR000s 
     Operating profit after taxation*     35,623    25,299 
     Non-controlling interest              (125)     (193) 
     Preference dividend                   (282)     (282) 
                                          35,216    24,824 
                                        --------  -------- 
                                            Cent      Cent 
                                        --------  -------- 
     Operating earnings per share         105.85     74.61 
                                        --------  -------- 

*2010 effective tax rate of 12.4% (2009: 12.4%).

FBD Holdings plc


For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Note 5 Ordinary Share Capital

                                             Number      2010      2009 
                                        (2010 only)   EUR000s   EUR000s 
 (i) Ordinary shares of 60 cent each 
 At the beginning and the end of the 
  year                                   51,326,000    30,796    30,796 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At the beginning and the end of the 
  year                                   35,461,206    21,277    21,277 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 (ii) 'A' Ordinary shares of 1 cent 
 At the beginning and the end of the 
  year                                  120,000,000     1,200     1,200 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At the beginning and the end of the 
  year                                   13,169,428       132       132 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
                                                       21,409    21,409 
                                                     --------  -------- 

The 'A' ordinary shares of 1 cent each are non-voting. They are non-transferable except only to the Company. Other than a right to a return of paid up capital of 1 cent per 'A' ordinary share in the event of a winding up, the 'A' ordinary shares have no right to participate in the capital or the profits of the Company.

The holders of the two classes of non-cumulative preference shares rank ahead of the two classes of ordinary shares in the event of a winding up. Before any dividend can be declared on the ordinary shares of 60 cent each, the dividend on the non-cumulative preference shares must firstly be declared or paid.

The number of ordinary shares of 60 cent each held as treasury shares at the beginning and end of the year (and the maximum number held during the year) was 2,191,730. This represented 6.18% of the shares of this class in issue and had a nominal value of EUR1.315m. There were no movements during the year in the Company's holding of treasury shares.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares of 60 cent each in the earnings per share calculation has been reduced by the number of such shares held in treasury.

At 31 December 2010, the total number of ordinary shares of 60 cent each under option amounted to 1,161,864 (2009: 1,199,422). The related options had been granted under the FBD Holdings plc Executive Share Option Scheme ("ESOS") and the FBD Group Save as You Earn (SAYE) Scheme (the "SAYE Scheme"). 249,825 (2009: 249,825) of the options outstanding under the ESOS may be exercised prior to October 2013 at a subscription price of EUR2.50 per share. 875,000 (2009: 905,000) of the options outstanding under the ESOS may be exercised between August 2012 and September 2014 at a subscription price of EUR7.45 per share conditional on certain performance conditions being met. The 37,039 (2009: 44,597) options outstanding under the SAYE Scheme may be exercised after February 2011 at a subscription price of EUR18.46 per share.

All issued shares have been fully paid.

FBD Holdings plc


For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Note 6 Transactions with Related Parties

Farmer Business Developments plc has a substantial shareholding in the Group at 31 December 2010 details of which are set out in the Annual Report.

Included in the financial statements is an unsecured loan of EUR60,000,000 (2009: EUR60,000,000) from Farmer Business Developments plc to FBD Property and Leisure Limited, a 100% owned subsidiary of the Group. This loan is guaranteed by the Company. The loan is due to be repaid in full in July 2012. Interest is charged at market rate which is defined under the terms of the loan agreement as the 3 month Euribor rate plus a margin capped at 225 basis points.

Included in the financial statements at the year end is EUR671,227 (2009: EUR331,601) due from Farmer Business Developments plc. This balance is made up of recharges for services provided and recoverable costs. Interest is charged on this balance at the market rate. The amount due is repayable on demand.

Note 7 Subsequent Events

Subsequent to the year end, two of the Group's investment properties located in the UK were sold and a third is in the course of being sold. Combined, the three sales will generate EUR20,600,000 in cash and a profit of EUR500,000 over the December 2010 valuation.

Note 8 - General Information and Accounting Policies

The financial information set out in this document does not constitute full statutory financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2010 or 2009 but is derived from same. The Group financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), applicable Irish law and Listing Rules of the Irish and London Stock Exchanges. The Group financial statements have also been prepared in accordance with IFRSs adopted by the European Union and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation.

The 2010 and 2009 financial statements have been audited and received unqualified audit reports. The 2010 financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 7 March 2011.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of property, investments held for trading, available for sale investments and investment property which are measured at fair value.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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