RNS Number:4734S
FBD Holdings PLC
07 March 2007

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                            PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT


                                             2006        2005
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                       Euro000s       Euro000s         %

   *Gross written premiums               407,256     389,472     +4.6%

   *Net earned premiums                  345,959     332,371     +4.1%

   *Operating profit*                    158,515     162,624     -2.5%

   *Profit on sale of land at La          81,774           -      n/a

                                           Cent        Cent

   *Operating earnings per share*         376.60      363.54     +3.6%

   *Dividend per share                     69.00       57.50    +20.0%

   *Special dividend per share
    (paid) - La Cala                      160.00           -     n/a
    land sale

   *Net assets per share                1,424.76    1,250.62    +13.9%

* Based on longer term investment return.

Commenting on the results, Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive said:

  "We are pleased to announce another year of excellent results
   for 2006. During the year we continued to grow new business
   volumes and Premium Income while further reducing premiums.
   Sustainable and competitive pricing combined with good service
   levels supported expansion of our customer base. Continued
   premium reductions impacted the underwriting result, increasing
   the combined ratio to 77.9 per cent. Ongoing savings from
   national initiatives in road safety and claims costs are
   essential to enable further premium reductions. "


ENDS                                                7th March 2007

For Reference                                       Telephone
---------------                                     -----------


Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive                  01 4093200

Andrew Langford, Finance Director                   01 4093200

Murray Consultants

Joe Murray                                          01 4980300

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC


FBD Holdings plc ("FBD" or "the Group") is pleased to announce excellent results
for the year ended 31st December 2006.


Group operating profit amounted to Euro158.5m., compared to Euro162.6m. in 2005.

Total operating income grew to Euro427.9m (2005: Euro404.5m). It is comprised of net
earned premiums of Euro346.0m (2005: Euro332.4m) and investment income (calculated on
the basis of longer term returns) of Euro48.0m (2005: Euro44.4m) arising in the
Group's insurance underwriting business plus net income (i.e after expenses) of
Euro33.9m (2005: Euro27.7m) from the Group's non-underwriting activities.

Expenses amounting to Euro269.4m. (2005: Euro241.9m) related to the Group's
underwriting business. They comprise claim costs of Euro224.7m (2005: Euro202.5m.) and
operating expenses of Euro44.7m. (2005: Euro39.4m).

Of the Group's operating profit of Euro158.5m, Euro124.6m (2005: Euro134.9m) is
attributable to underwriting and Euro33.9m (2005: Euro27.7m) to non-underwriting, as
detailed below.

Operating earnings per share, based on longer term investment returns amounted
to 376.60c (2005: 363.54c)

Group profit before tax reflects the operating profit of Euro158.5m (2005:
Euro162.6m), profit on the sale of land at La Cala of Euro81.8m (2005: no
comparative), short-term fluctuations in investment returns of Euro61.4m (2005:
Euro26.0m) and finance costs of Euro4.9m (2005: Euro3.4m).


Insurance underwriting (FBD Insurance) is the Group's primary business activity.

Gross written premiums (i.e. before reinsurance) increased to Euro407.3m., compared
to Euro389.5m. in 2005. In the light of the reductions in average premium levels
that prevailed in the market in 2006, this increase is satisfactory and reflects
continued growth in customer numbers in the period.

Net earned premiums amounted to Euro346.0m. (2005: Euro332.4m).

The net claims incurred charge, amounted to Euro224.7m. (2005: Euro202.5m). comprised
of net claims paid of Euro193.6m. (2005: Euro163.7m.) plus the movement in net
outstanding claims provisions of Euro31.1m (2005: Euro38.8m). Increased exposures due
to the increase in customer numbers together with less benign weather conditions
than those experienced in 2005 contributed to the increase.

Net operating expenses amounted to Euro 44.7m. (2005: Euro39.4m).

The foregoing premium/claim/expenses figures resulted in an underwriting profit
of Euro76.6m. (2005: Euro90.5m.).

The 2006 net operating ratios were: loss ratio - 65.0% (2005: 60.9%); expense
ratio - 12.9% (2005: 11.9%); combined ratio - 77.9% (2005: 72.8%).

After crediting investment income of Euro48.0m. (2005: Euro44.4m), the operating
profit of FBD's underwriting business amounted to Euro124.6m. (2005: Euro134.9m).


The Group's non-underwriting activities include leisure/property development,
financial services and the investment of non-allocated capital ("capital fund").
The contribution to operating profit from these activities amounted to Euro33.9m.
(2005: Euro27.7m.)

Leisure and property interests, which include the La Cala and Sunset Beach
resorts in Spain and the Tower Hotel Group in Ireland, contributed Euro10.1m (2005:
Euro13.6m.) to operating profits. The 2005 comparative figure included fees arising
on completion of a property related loan. As noted earlier, the profit of Euro81.8m
achieved on the Tranche 1 portion of land sold at La Cala contributed
significantly to the Group's pre-tax profits. La Cala's golf and hotel results
improved and residential property sales of 38 units were achieved. The Sunset
Beach Resort and Tower Hotels Group's results were ahead of 2005.

The Group's financial service businesses, which include general insurance
broking (FBD Brokers), life assurance/pension broking/investment advice (FBD
Life) and instalment finance (Abbey Finance) contributed Euro4.3m. (2005: Euro3.3m.)
to operating profits. FBD Life maximised the opportunities for growth in the
favourable climate that has existed in its markets, particularly for retail
investment products. Meanwhile, FBD Brokers continued to be impacted by ongoing
reductions in premium levels.

The capital fund, which is invested in "blue chip" equities delivered strong
returns which amounted to Euro19.5m. (2005: Euro10.8m.)


Total assets at year end amounted to Euro1,686.6m (2005: Euro1,564.4m), an increase of
7.8% on 2005. Ordinary shareholders' funds amounted to Euro497.5m (2005: Euro476.1m),
an increase of 4.5% for the year. The strong operating performance, the profit
on the sale of land at La Cala and the performance of our equity portfolio
contributed to the increase. Included in short term fluctuations in investment
returns is a gain of Euro33.7m in respect of the disposal of "available for sale
investments". Shareholders' funds at 31st December 2005 included Euro27.0m of this
gain. The share buyback, amounting to Euro129.0m undertaken by the Company in June
2006 and the La Cala special dividend of Euro55.0m impacted the year end
shareholders' funds' figure. Net Assets per share have grown to 1,424.76c (2005:
1,250.62c), an increase of 13.9%. The buyback and cancellation of shares,
already mentioned, contributed to this increase.


Reflecting the Group's excellent results and the Board's commitment to increase
the dividend to earnings ratio, a final dividend of 45.0c (2005: 37.5c) per
share is being recommended by the Directors. This will bring the total dividend
for the year to 69.0c (2005: 57.5c) an increase of 20%.

The final dividend will be paid on the 25th May 2007 to shareholders on the
Company's Register at close of business on 16th March 2007. The final dividend
is subject to withholding tax ("DWT") except for shareholders who are exempt
from DWT and who have furnished a properly completed Composite Resident Form to
the Company's Registrar.


The Board is confident that the Group will continue its successful development
in the year ahead.


Year to date, the trend of premium reductions which has been a feature of the
Irish insurance market in recent years has continued, with intense price
competition occurring across all classes of business. We will continue to target
challenging new business volumes at premium levels we deem to be appropriate and
are pleased to report that, year to date, premium income is ahead of last year's
corresponding figure.

The insurance environment experienced in Ireland in recent years is the result
of unique factors. These include fraudulent claim prevention measures that were
introduced, road safety initiatives (e.g. random breath testing, better law
enforcement, extension of penalty points), health and safety measures in the
workplace/home and the establishment of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board
("PIAB"). The assumptions which each individual insurer makes as to the ongoing
impact these matters will have on future claims costs, influences its pricing
decisions. Unless further ongoing savings from these and other initiatives are
achieved, the pace of premium reductions will advance the convergence of Irish &
European combined ratios.

FBD is exercising its own judgements in this environment and will continue to
focus on strategies and plans that are designed to grow our underwriting
business on the basis of efficiency, sustainability and profitability. These are
the critical measures we apply in pursuing our growth objectives. Our approach
for growing our business in the prevailing market is built around these key
performance criteria.

Our ongoing investment in people, technology and facilities underpins our growth
plans. This investment commitment is evidenced by the recent establishment of
our new Business Support Centre in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. The new Centre,
which has a start-up complement of 50 new staff, will increase the capacity of
our network and play an important role in enabling us to deliver on our business
development plans.


As regards our non-underwriting businesses, we will continue to effect
strategies that are focused on maximising returns to shareholders. Our property,
leisure and financial service interests face challenges and opportunities that
are unique to their individual sectors. Each of these businesses are pursuing
ambitious plans to ensure success and we are confident that they will perform to

Regarding La Cala, the decision last year to dispose of development land at the
resort, at significant profit, confirms the ongoing commercial assessment the
Group undertakes in relation to all its businesses and the focus it maintains on
optimising shareholders' interests. As investors are aware, a special dividend,
amounting to Euro55m in total, was paid in August 2006 in respect of Tranche 1 land
net proceeds. Payment for the second Tranche of land awaits final approval from
the Regional Planning Authority. As previously advised, due to delays being
experienced in this process, final approval is unlikely to be received before
year end. A distribution of the remaining net sale proceeds, estimated at Euro65m,
will be made when payment of final monies, triggered by the planning approval,
is received. As regards La Cala's ongoing activities, we expect golf and hotel
performance and residential property sales to deliver their budgets for the
year. Likewise, we are optimistic that Sunset Beach Resort and Tower Hotel Group
will achieve their profit targets.

Our financial services businesses have commenced the year well and we are
confident that they will deliver satisfactory performances.


Capital efficiency is a fundamental principle which the Group applies in all its
businesses. The Company has repatriated Euro265m of capital to shareholders, in
addition to significantly increased ordinary dividend payments, over the past 2
years. The utilisation of capital generated for the maximum benefit of
shareholders will continue to be determined in the context of the development
strategies which the Group pursues. It is a matter to which the Board gives
ongoing attention. Meanwhile, shareholders' funds will continue to be invested



Management will present these results to analysts at 10 am. to-day. A copy of
the presentation will be posted on the Group's website, www.fbd.ie, at that

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                             GROUP INCOME STATEMENT

                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006

                                           2006            2005
                                          Euro000s            Euro000s

Turnover                                 693,926         531,747
                                          ======          ======


Net premium earned                        345,959         332,371

Non-underwriting                          33,919           27,739
operating income

Investment income -
longer term rate of return                48,054          44,435
                                        ------------    ------------
                                         427,932         404,545


Change in insurance
liabilities net of                      (31,064)        (38,809)

Claims paid, net of
recoveries from                        (193,648)       (163,666)

Operating expenses                      (44,705)        (39,446)
                                      ------------    ------------

Operating profit          Note 1        158,515         162,624

Profit on the sale of     Note 3        81,774               -
land at La Cala

Investment income -                      61,350          25,956
short term fluctuation

Finance costs                            (4,859)         (3,425)
                                       ------------    ------------

Profit before tax                        296,780         185,155

Income tax expense                       (49,948)        (23,701)
                                       ------------    ------------

Profit for the year                      246,832         161,454
                                          ======          ======

Attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent             246,641         161,500

Minority interest                          191             (46)
                                       ------------    ------------
                                         246,832         161,454
                                         ======          ======

                                          2006            2005
                                          Cent            Cent

Earnings per 60c                         678.82          416.09
ordinary share                           ======          ======
Diluted earnings per 60c                 671.28          411.45
ordinary share                           ======          ======


                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                          GROUP BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS

                             AT 31ST DECEMBER 2006

                                         2006             2005
                                         Euro000s            Euro000s

Property and equipment
Land and buildings                      213,564          196,923
Fixtures and fittings                    16,815           13,302
                                       -------------    -------------
                                        230,379          210,225
                                      -------------    -------------

Intangible assets
Deferred acquisition costs               13,517           11,849
                                      -------------    -------------

Investment property                      81,181            48,856
Investments held for trading             558,850          477,310
Available for sale investments           3,727             47,290
Investments held to maturity             171,799           13,740
Deposits with banks                      327,973          443,042
                                       -------------    -------------
                                        1,143,530        1,030,238
                                      -------------    -------------

Inventories                              66,433           62,496
                                      -------------    -------------
Loans and receivables                   122,762          141,673
                                      -------------    -------------

Reinsurers' share of technical
Provision for unearned premiums          21,953           19,412
Claims outstanding                       50,600           46,622
                                        -------------     ------------
                                         72,553           66,034
                                        -------------     ------------

Cash and cash equivalents                37,423           41,897
                                       -------------     ------------

Total assets                           1,686,597        1,564,412
                                        =======          ======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                       GROUP BALANCE SHEET - LIABILITIES

                             AT 31ST DECEMBER 2006

                                          2006            2005
                                          Euro000s           Euro000s

Share capital                              21,277          23,557
Capital reserves                           12,605           9,813
Revaluation reserves                       27,540          47,706
Translation reserves                           162             435
Retained earnings                          435,935         394,616
                                        ------------    ------------

Shareholders' funds - equity interests    497,519         476,127
Preference share capital                    2,923           2,923
                                        ------------    ------------

Total shareholders' funds                 500,442         479,050
Minority interests                          6,476           6,423
                                         ------------    ------------
Total equity                              506,918         485,473
                                         ------------    ------------


Technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums           197,507         188,953
Claims outstanding                        734,439         699,397
                                         ------------    ------------
                                          931,946         888,350
                                         ------------    ------------
Bank and other loans                      112,350          99,831
                                         ------------    ------------

Creditors                                 90,841          51,434
                                         ------------    ------------

Current tax                               7,728           3,395
                                         ------------    ------------
Deferred tax                              33,227          33,873
                                         ------------    ------------
Retirement benefit obligation              3,587           2,056
                                         ------------    ------------
Total liabilities                       1,686,597       1,564,412
                                         ======          ======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                           GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006

                                                    2006         2005
                                                    Euro000s        Euro000s

Operating activities

Profit before tax for the year                    296,780      185,155
Adjustments for:
Gains on investments held for trading and held
to maturity                                       (30,128)     (41,031)
Depreciation of property and equipment             3,525        3,487
Share-based payment expense                           512          774
Increase in fair value of investment property      (4,200)           -
Increase in technical provisions                   37,077       44,696
Profit on sale of land at La Cala                 (81,774)           -
                                                ---------    ---------

Operating cash flows before movement in
working capital                                    221,792      193,081
Increase in receivables                           (26,261)      (4,274)
Increase (decrease) in payables                    29,326      (26,665)
                                                ---------    ---------
Cash generated from operations                    224,857      162,142

Income taxes paid                                 (44,348)     (20,516)
                                                ---------    ---------
Net cash from operating activities                180,509      141,626
                                                ---------    ---------

Investing activities
Investments held for trading                      (51,495)     (96,510)
Investments held to maturity                     (157,976)           -
Investments available for sale                     13,456       (5,162)
Sale (purchase) of land, buildings and             69,469      (13,430)
Purchase of fixtures and fittings                  (7,038)      (6,242)
Purchase of investment property                   (28,125)     (24,656)
Loans and advances                                 43,504       (3,789)
Deposits invested with financial institutions     115,069       95,378
                                                ---------    ---------
Net cash used in investing activities              (3,136)     (54,411)
                                                ---------    ---------

Financing activities
Dividends paid                                    (77,672)     (18,158)
Repurchase of ordinary shares                    (129,213)     (81,238)
Proceeds of re-issue of ordinary shares             5,432        1,409
Increase in bank loans                             19,879        1,243
                                                 ---------    ---------
Net cash used in financing activities            (181,574)     (96,744)
                                                ---------    ---------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents          (4,201)      (9,529)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of      41,897       51,362
the year
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes              (273)          64
                                                 ---------    ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the        37,423       41,897
year                                              ========      ========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC


                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006

                                                     2006         2005
                                                    Euro000s        Euro000s

Income recognised directly in equity
Gain on available for sale investments                806       18,033
Revaluation of owner occupied property              8,476            -
Actuarial loss                                     (3,869)      (3,802)
Taxation on income/expense recognised directly
to equity                                          (2,400)      (2,254)
                                                ---------    ---------
Net income recognised directly in equity            3,013       11,977
                                                ---------    ---------

Transfers to income statement on sale of
available for sale investments                  (30,913)      (6,384)
Transfer to income statement on sale of land
and buildings                                         -       (1,071)

Taxation on transfers to income statement           3,865          801
                                               ---------    ---------
                                                 (27,048)      (6,654)
                                                ---------    ---------

Profit after taxation                             246,832      161,454
                                               ---------    ---------
Total recognised income and expense              222,797      166,777
                                                ========      ========

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                      222,744      166,823
Minority interest                                      53          (46)
                                                ---------    ---------
                                                  222,797      166,777
                                                =========     ========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006
                                  Revaluation                            Attributable Preference
            Share       Capital     and other  Translation      Retained  to ordinary      share  Minority   
          capital      reserves      reserves      reserve      earnings shareholders    capital interests      Total
            Euro000s         Euro000s         Euro000s        Euro000s         Euro000s        Euro000s      Euro000s     Euro000s     

Balance at
1st January 
2005.       25,151        7,445        38,581          371       334,905      406,453      2,923    16,333    425,709  

Profit after
taxation         -            -             -            -       161,500      161,500          -      (46)    161,454  

adjustment      -             -             -           64                         64          -         -         64   

paid            -             -             -            -      (18,158)     (18,158)          -         -   (18,158)   
Buyback of
own shares      -             -             -            -      (81,238)     (81,238)          -         -   (81,238)   

of own 
shares    (1,594)        1,594              -            -             -           -           -         -         -    
Reissue of
shares          -            -              -            -         1,409       1,409           -         -     1,409

Recognition of
share based 
payments        -          774              -            -             -        774            -         -       774

Transfer to income
statement on sale of
for sale        -            -        (5,583)           -              -    (5,583)            -         -   (5,583)

Gain on available
for sale        -            -         15,779            -             -     15,779            -         -    15,779

Purchase of 
interest        -            -              -            -             -          -            -   (9,864)   (9,864)

Actuarial loss 
on pension  
fund valuation  -            -              -            -       (3,802)    (3,802)            -         -   (3,802)

Sale of land
and buildings   -            -        (1,071)            -             -    (1,071)            -         -   (1,071)
            ----------   ----------   --------      -------     --------    -------         ------     -----  ------

Balance at
31 December 
2005       23,557        9,813         47,706          435       394,616    476,127        2,923     6,423   485,473

Profit after
taxation       -             -              -            -       246,641    246,641            -       191   246,832

adjustment     -             -              -        (273)             -      (273)            -         -     (273)    

Dividends      -             -              -            -      (77,672)   (77,672)            -         -  (77,672)

Buyback of
own shares     -             -              -            -     (129,213)  (129,213)            -         - (129,213)

of own   
shares   (2,280)         2,280              -            -             -         -             -         -         -

Reissue of
shares        -              -              -            -         5,432     5,432             -         -     5,432

of share
based         -            512              -            -             -       512             -         -       512

Transfer to
income statement 
onsale of 
available for sale    
investments  -               -       (27,048)            -             -  (27,048)             -         -  (27,048)

Gain on
for sale 
investments  -               -            706            -             -       706             -         -       706

on pension   -               -              -            -       (3,869)   (3,869)             -         -   (3,869)

of owner  
property     -               -          6,176            -            -      6,176             -     (138)     6,038
          -------        -------     ---------       --------    --------  ---------        ------- --------   ------  
Balance at
2006    21,277          12,605         27,540          162       435,935   497,519         2,923    6,476    506,918    
        =====            =====         =====          =====       ======    =====          =====    =====     =====

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                       FOR YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006

Note 1 - Operating profit by activity

                                             2006                2005
                                            Euro000s                Euro000s

Underwriting                              124,598              134,885
Non underwriting                           33,917               27,739
                                         --------             --------
                                          158,515              162,624
                                         ========             ========

Note 2 - Underwriting result

                                             2006              2005
                                             Euro000s             Euro000s

Gross written premiums                      407,256            389,472
                                            ========           ========

Net earned premiums                         345,959            332,371
Net claims incurred                        (224,712)          (202,475)
Net operating expenses                      (44,705)           (39,446)
                                            --------           --------
Underwriting result                          76,542             90,450
                                            ========           ========

                                                %                 %

Net loss ratio                                 65.0             60.9
Net expense ratio                              12.9             11.9
Combined ratio                                 77.9             72.8

Note 3 Profit on sale of land at La Cala
On 23rd February 2006, Ranchos Reunidos S.A., a 100% subsidiary of the Group,
entered into a conditional agreement to sell a major portion of the building
development land which it owned at La Cala Resort, Mijas, Costa del Sol, Spain,
for a total consideration of Euro201,000,000. The consideration was constituted in
two parts, apportioned between two tranches of land.

On 22nd June 2006, the initial consideration payment of Euro100,000,000 arising on
the Tranche I land was received. The remainder of the Tranche I consideration,
amounting to Euro21,000,000 is due to be received on 30th June 2007. The Group has
recognised a profit of Euro81,774,000 on the sale Tranche I development land in the
year to 31st December 2006.

The consideration, amounting to Euro80,000,000, for the Tranche II land, becomes
payable at a later date, contingent on receipt of final planning approval from
the Spanish Regional Planning Authority.

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (continued)

                       FOR YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2006

Note 4 - Dividends

                                                        2006      2005
                                                        Euro000s     Euro000s

Paid in Period

2006 Interim dividend of 24.00c (2005: 20.00c) per
share on ordinary shares of 60c each                    8,247     7,578
2005 Final dividend of 37.50c (2005: 27.28c) per
share on ordinary shares of 60c each                   14,277    10,298
Dividend of nil (2005: 8.4c) per share on 14%
non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each              -        113                                    
Dividend of 4.8c (2005: 4.8c) per share on 8%
non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each             169       169

Special dividend of 160.00c (2005: nil) per share
on ordinary shares                                    54,978         -
                                                    ---------    --------
                                                      77,672    18,158
                                                     =========  ========

Dividend of 8.4c (2005: nil) per share on 14%
non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each            113         -
Dividend of 4.8c per (2005: 4.8c) per share on 8%
non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each            169       169
2006 Final dividend of 45.00c (2005 37.50c) per
share on ordinary shares of 60c each                  15,714     14,277   
                                                    ---------- ----------
                                                      15,996     14,446
                                                    ==========  =========

Note 5 - Share capital

                                                        2006         2005
                                  Number               Euro000s        Euro000s

At beginning of year:
Ordinary shares of 60c each     51,326,000             30,796       30,796
                                ----------           ---------    ----------

Issued and fully paid:
At beginning of year            39,261,206         23,557       25,151
Cancellation of shares          (3,800,000)        (2,280)      (1,594)
                                ----------       ----------     ----------

At end of year                  35,461,206       21,277          23,557
                               ==========      ===========      =========

The total number of shares held as treasury shares at 31st December 2006 was

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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