RNS Number:4610Z
FBD Holdings PLC
08 March 2006

Validation No. 180441

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                            PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT


                                      2005               2004
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                 Euro000s              Euro000s             %   

*   Gross written premiums         389,472            351,487        +10.8%
*   Net earned premiums            332,371            296,237        +12.2%
*   Operating profit*              162,624            124,794        +30.3%

                                      Cent               Cent
*   Operating earnings per share*   363.54             256.18        +41.9%
*   Dividend per share               57.50              40.00        +43.8%
*   Net assets per share          1,250.62             969.64        +29.0%

*  Based on longer term investments return.

Commenting on the results, Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive,  said:

"2005 was another excellent year for FBD.  Operating profit grew strongly and
net assets increased significantly.

Our insurance results underpinned this performance.   New business volumes were
strong and more than offset reductions in premiums that were implemented during
the year.   The claims charge was broadly in line with the previous year and
reflected the improvement  in overall claims costs that has occurred in recent

For shareholders this has meant higher returns;  for customers it has meant
lower premium rates.  We anticipate further premium reductions in certain
business lines if claims and pricing trends continue."

                                                          8th March 2006

For Reference                                             Telephone

Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive                        01 4093200
Andrew Langford, Finance Director                         01 4093200

Murray Consultants
Joe Murray                                                01 4980300

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC

FBD Holdings plc ("FBD" or "the Group") is pleased to announce that the Group's
performance in the year ended 31st December 2005 was very satisfactory.


Group operating profit increased to Euro162.6m.,  compared to Euro124.8m. in 2004.

Total income amounted to Euro404.5m (2004: Euro355.1m).   It included net premium
earned of Euro332.4m (2004: Euro296.3m.) and investment income (calculated on the
basis of longer term returns) of Euro44.4m. (2004: Euro40.7m.), arising in the Group's
insurance underwriting business.   The remaining Euro27.7m. (2004: Euro18.1m)
represents the net income, i.e. after expenses,  arising  from the Group's non
underwriting activities.

Expenses amounting to Euro241.9m. (2004: Euro230.3m) related to the Group's
underwriting business.   They consist of claim costs amounting to Euro202.5m.
(2004: Euro197.8m.) and operating expenses of Euro39.4m. (2004: Euro32.5m).

Of the Group's operating profit, Euro134.9m. (2004: Euro106.7m.) is attributable to
underwriting and Euro27.7m. (2004: Euro18.1m) to non-underwriting, as detailed below.

Operating earnings per share based on longer term investment returns amounted to
363.54c (2004: 256.18c) in the period.


Insurance underwriting  (FBD Insurance)  is the Group's primary business

Gross written premiums (i.e. before reinsurance) amounted to Euro389.5m.,  compared
to Euro351.5m. in 2004.   A Euro30m. loyalty discount had been provided for in the
latter year.  Against the background of a reduction in overall market premium
income in 2005, we are pleased with our performance.   It has been achieved
through new business volume growth which has more than offset the impact of
reductions in average premiums which occurred in the period.

Net earned premiums amounted to Euro332.4m. (2004: Euro296.3m) and reflected lower
reinsurance cessions.

The net claims incurred charge, which is comprised of the movement in net
outstanding claims provisions of Euro38.8m. (2004: Euro52.1m) plus net claims paid of
Euro163.7m. (2004: Euro145.7m.),  amounted to Euro202.5m. (2004: Euro197.8m).   The claims
charge benefited from ongoing settlement savings on prior year provisions.

Net operating expenses amounted to Euro39.4m. (2004: Euro32.5m).

The foregoing premium/claim/expenses figures resulted in an underwriting profit
of Euro90.5m. (2004: Euro65.9m.).  In achieving this underwriting result, as expected,
the second half of the year proved more challenging.   Net claims incurred
increased at a faster rate in the second half and were 2.4% higher overall for
the full year.  Net earned premiums decreased in the second half year, compared
to the first half,  as we had anticipated.

The 2005 net operating ratios were:  loss ratio - 60.9% (2004: 66.8%);  expense
ratio - 11.9% (2004: 11.0%);  combined ratio - 72.8% (2004: 77.8%).

After crediting investment income of Euro44.4m. (2004: Euro40.7m), the operating
profit of FBD's underwriting business amounted to Euro134.9m. (2004: Euro106.7m).


The Group's non-underwriting activities include property development/leisure,
financial services and the investment of non-allocated capital ("capital fund").
The contribution to operating profit from these interests amounted to Euro27.7m.
(2004: Euro18.1m.)

Property and leisure interests,  which include the La Cala and Sunset Beach
resorts in Spain and the Tower Hotel Group in Ireland,  contributed Euro13.6m
(2004:  Euro10.6m.) to operating profits.   Property sales at La Cala were below
budget, with 40 handovers in the year.   This reflected the general slowdown in
second-home sales in Costa del Sol in 2005.     On the leisure side,  trading in
Spain and in Ireland was challenging, with an oversupply of product exerting
downward pressure on margins.

The Group's financial service businesses, which include insurance broking (FBD
Brokers), life assurance/pension broking/investment advice (FBD Life) and
instalment finance (Abbey Finance) contributed Euro3.3m. (2004: Euro3.9m.) to
operating profits.  Insurance broking income was negatively affected by lower
revenues, which resulted from the reduction in premium levels in the market,
particularly for large commercial risks.

Investment returns on the capital fund amounted to Euro10.8m. (2004: Euro3.7m.)  This
fund was invested in equities.

Balance Sheet

Total assets at year end amounted to Euro1,564.4m. (2004: 1,466.8m.), an increase
of 6.7% on  2004.   Ordinary shareholders' funds amounted to Euro476.1m. (2004:
Euro406.5m), an increase of 17.1% for the year.   The growth in shareholders' funds
arising from the contribution of the strong operating performance and the
positive short term fluctuations of Euro26.0m. (Euro2004: Euro10.3m.) was reduced by the
Company's purchase of its own shares in March 2005 at a cost of Euro81m.

Final Dividend

In the light of the Group's continuing favourable results and the Board's stated
intention to increase the proportion of earnings distributed to shareholders, a
final dividend of 37.50c (2004: 27.28c) per share is being recommended by the
Directors.   This will bring the total dividend for the year to 57.50c (2004:
40.00c), a significant increase of 43.8%.

The final dividend will be paid on 3rd May 2006 to shareholders on the Company's
Register at close of business on 17th March 2006.   The final dividend is
subject to withholding tax ("DWT") except for shareholders who are exempt from
DWT and who have furnished a properly completed Composite Resident Form to the
Company's Registrar.


The progress made by the Group in 2005 has been maintained in the year to date.

In our core activity, we are focused on implementing strategies and plans that
are designed to grow our underwriting business efficiently and profitably.

We are targeting to achieve challenging new business volumes.   In an
environment where price competition continues to be intense and premiums are
trending lower, this volume growth is essential in order to maintain overall
premium income at current levels.  The impact on 2006 earned income of premium
reductions which were implemented in recent months, and further premium
reductions which are likely to be undertaken this year, must also  be borne in
mind.  In the light of this challenging background, our insurance operations are
being strengthened and resourced in order to increase our customer base and to
grow our market share.

Against the background of increasing risk exposure and falling average premiums,
the critical drivers of the margin that will be achieved  are claim trends and
claims experience.   It is widely acknowledged that changes in the public
mindset and the various measures undertaken over the past couple of years have
improved the claims environment in Ireland to the benefit of insured and insurer
alike.   It is also widely recognised that competition is reducing the current
underwriting margins and driving them towards European norms.   The improved
loss ratios reported by Irish insurers in recent years have been favoured by
savings in prior year claim provisions that arise at time of settlement.   The
critical factors that will ultimately determine the timescales for combined
ratios in the Irish market to fall into line with European norms are (a) the
speed of implementation and (b) the degree of success surrounding the remaining
reforms which the Government has pledged to undertake, allied to the impact of
competition on premium levels.   While we await these reforms, in addition to
those implemented to date, and pending sufficient evidence emerging that
reductions in claims frequency and claim costs will be permanent, FBD will
continue to provide for its outstanding claims on the basis of its historical
reserving policy.   It is a matter which we will keep under regular review.

FBD will remain supportive of the Government's efforts to deliver the
outstanding structural reform measures.  Meanwhile, the Group will continue to
pursue its own claims cost savings plans and will work to achieve cost
efficiencies across its insurance operations in general.

In relation to our non-underwriting businesses, our property/leisure interests
face the particular challenges that currently pertain to the industry, as
mentioned earlier.   Revised strategies and plans are being implemented for each
individual business unit.   Options to maximise shareholders' interests are kept
under ongoing review.   This is evidenced by our public announcement on 23rd
February last that we had entered into a conditional agreement to sell the major
portion of La Cala's development land bank in Spain for a total consideration of
Euro201m. in cash, to be received in phased payments.   The Board has informed
shareholders of its intention to distribute the net proceeds of this sale,
amounting to up to Euro120m, by way of two special dividends.

Our financial services businesses continue to adapt to the environment that they
face and are focused on availing of opportunities for growth.

How best to maximise non-allocated capital for the benefit of shareholders is a
matter which the Board regularly reviews.   At this particular juncture, the
Board has decided to retain the capital.   The Group will investigate all
possible opportunities to invest some or all of this capital fund in the Group's
primary business of insurance underwriting or in related financial service
activities.   Whilst it is investigating such possibilities, the Board does not
rule out other options for use of capital if it deems them to be in the best
interests of shareholders.

2005 was a year in which FBD's platform for growth in the years ahead was
further strengthened and the successes of previous years were built on.    The
Group looks forward to the future with confidence.



Management will present these results to analysts at 10.30 am. to-day.  A copy
of the presentation will be posted on the Group's website, www.fbd.ie, at that

FBD Update

*  FBD introduced two new major benefits for customers who have a car insurance 
   policy with FBD.   Car Breakdown Assist and Car Accident Assist are 24
   hours services, automatically included for all customers with comprehensive
   insurance and can be added to third party policies for a charge of Euro30.

*  FBD implemented further reductions in premium rates during 2005. In the July 
   2005 Survey of house insurance, FBD came out on top once again,
   being  No. 1 in four out of 6 samples and second and third in the other two.
   Since the Financial Regulator's Surveys began in August 2004, FBD has
   consistently been rated No. 1 for house insurance.

*  FBD moved to new larger offices in Limerick in the first half of 2005 and 
   entered agreements to relocate to larger offices in Clonmel, Carlow,
   Letterkenny and Portlaoise.   The Company also acquired a new premises in
   Dundalk (a new location for FBD) which will open for business in March of 
   this year (2006).

*  FBD's Dublin based Personal Lines office celebrated its first anniversary in 
   August of 2005.   Due to its success and the continued larger
   volumes of calls to the 1850 617617 line, staff numbers are currently being
   increased from over 30 to in excess of 50.

*  FBD has continued to expand its Dublin commercial business base and now has 
   10 teams in place, targeting a broad spectrum of small to medium sized

*  FBD announced a continuance of its sponsorship of RTE's Flagship Soap, Fair 
   City, for 2005/2006 season.  This sponsorship continues to lift the
   profile of FBD in Dublin and around the country.

   FBD also commenced its sponsorship of the "FBD Dublin Business of the Month",
   Awards in association with City Channel, the new TV Station for Dublin, which 
   is broadcast through the digital NTL network.   This sponsorship is being 
   carried out in association with Crest Ireland Limited.  FBD has sponsored the 
   FBD Crest Retail Excellence Awards for the past 5 years.

*  In 2005, for the second successive year, FBD, in conjunction with Advance 
   Pitstop, carried out the Annual Survey of Motorists' Behaviour &  Attitudes.   
   The findings, once again, added greatly to the data available for
   those involved in setting the safety agenda.  The Report highlighted the
   worsening habits of Irish drivers and in addition to receiving substantial 
   media attention when it was launched, it was also presented to all interested 
   parties, including Government Departments, the Road Safety Authority and the 

*  At the FBD La Cala Resort in Southern Spain, a third 18 hole championship 
   golf course (the Europa) was opened in 2005.   This new course
   complements the existing North and South courses and the 5 Star hotel located
   there.   The Real Altavista apartment development (108 units) has been
   completed, with a substantial number of sales and handovers achieved to date.
   Work on building the Monte Alto townhouses (108 units) is well advanced and
   marketing of these properties has commenced. In addition, the luxury CaraCala
   Spa at the hotel is due to open in April of this year.

*  Upgrading of all rooms at FBD Sunset Beach Club on the Costa del Sol is well 
   advanced  and a new promenade and related beach facilities have been
   developed, further enhancing the Resort.

*  Since March 2005, FBD is 100% owner of the Tower Hotel Group which
   includes the new 4 Star Castleknock Hotel & Country Club,  opened during the
   year.   The adjoining golf course also recently opened for play.

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                             GROUP INCOME STATEMENT
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2005

                                                        2005                2004
                                                        Euro000s              Euro000s
                                                                     as restated

Turnover                                              531,747           471,858
                                                      =======           =======

Net premium earned                                    332,371           296,237
Non-underwriting operating income                      27,739            18,142
Investment income - longer term rate of return         44,435            40,713
                                                      -------           -------
                                                      404,545           355,092

Change in insurance liabilities net of reinsurance    (38,809)          (52,142)
Claims paid, net of recoveries from reinsurers       (163,666)         (145,642)
Operating expenses                                    (39,446)          (32,514)
                                                      -------           -------

Operating profit                                      162,624           124,794

Investment income - short term fluctuation             25,956            10,298

Finance costs                                          (3,425)           (3,116)
                                                      -------           -------

Profit before tax                                     185,155           131,976

Income tax expense                                    (23,701)          (16,968)
                                                      -------           -------

Profit for the year                                   161,454           115,008
                                                      =======           =======

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                          161,500           113,257

Minority interest                                         (46)            1,751
                                                      -------           -------
                                                      161,454           115,008
                                                      =======           =======

                                                         2005              2004
                                                         Cent              Cent

Earnings per 60c ordinary share                        416.09            271.23
                                                       =======          =======

Diluted earnings per 60c ordinary share                411.45            266.94
                                                       =======          =======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                          GROUP BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS
                             AT 31ST DECEMBER 2005

                                                         2005              2004
                                                        Euro000s             Euro000s
                                                                    as restated

Property and equipment
Land and buildings                                    196,923           176,517
Fixtures and fittings                                  13,302            10,547
                                                    ---------         ---------
                                                      210,225           187,064
                                                    ---------         ---------
Intangible assets
Deferred acquisition costs                             11,849            10,591
                                                    ---------         ---------

Investment property                                    48,856            24,200
Investments held for trading                          477,310           339,825
Available for sale investments                         47,290            30,476
Investments held to maturity                           13,740            13,684
Deposits with banks                                   443,042           538,420
                                                    ---------         ---------
                                                    1,030,238           946,605
                                                    ---------         ---------

Inventories                                            62,496            70,543
                                                    ---------         ---------
Loans and receivables                                 141,673           134,909
                                                    ---------         ---------

Reinsurers' share of technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                        19,412            21,302
Claims outstanding                                     46,622            44,463
                                                    ---------         --------- 
                                                       66,034            65,765
                                                    ---------         ---------

Cash and cash equivalents                              41,897            51,362
                                                    ---------         ---------

Total assets                                        1,564,412         1,466,839 
                                                    =========         =========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                       GROUP BALANCE SHEET - LIABILITIES
                             AT 31ST DECEMBER 2005

                                                         2005              2004
                                                        Euro000s             Euro000s
                                                                    as restated

Share capital                                          23,557            25,151
Capital reserves                                        9,813             7,445
Revaluation reserves                                   47,706            38,581
Translation reserves                                      435               371
Retained earnings                                     394,616           334,905
                                                    ---------         ---------
Shareholders' funds - equity interests                476,127           406,453
Preference share capital                                2,923             2,923
                                                    ---------         ---------
Total shareholders' funds                             479,050           409,376
Minority interests                                      6,423            16,333
                                                    ---------         ---------
Total equity                                          485,473           425,709
                                                    ---------         ---------
Technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                       188,953           184,954
Claims outstanding                                    699,397           658,431
                                                    ---------         ---------
                                                      888,350           843,385
                                                    ---------         ---------

Bank and other loans                                   99,831            80,476
                                                    ---------         ---------
Creditors                                              54,829            91,482
                                                    ---------         ---------
Deferred tax                                           33,873            25,787
                                                    ---------         ---------

Retirement benefit obligation                           2,056                 -
                                                    ---------         ---------

Total liabilities                                   1,564,412         1,466,839
                                                    ==========        =========

                                 FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2005

                                     Revaluation                          Attributable Preference
2004                Share    Capital   and other  Translation   Retained   to ordinary      share   Minority     
                  capital   reserves    reserves      reserve   earnings  shareholders    capital  interests      Total
                    Euro000s      Euro000s       Euro000s        Euro000s      Euro000s         Euro000s      Euro000s      Euro000s     
Balance at 
1 January 2004     25,125      6,994      35,801            -    240,776       308,696      2,923     15,077    326,696

Profit after 
taxation                -          -           -            -    113,257       113,257         -       1,751    115,008

adjustment              -          -           -          371          -           371         -           -        371

Dividends paid          -          -           -            -    (12,614)      (12,614)        -           -    (12,614)

Reissue of ordinary 
shares                 26        173           -            -      2,517         2,716         -           -      2,716

Recognition of 
share based 
payments                -        278           -            -          -           278         -           -        278

Transfer to income 
statement on sale 
of available for 
sale investments        -          -      (3,854)           -          -        (3,854)        -           -     (3,854)

Gain on 
investments             -          -       8,535            -          -         8,535         -           -      8,535

Purchase of 
minority interest       -          -           -            -          -             -         -        (495)      (495)

Actuarial loss 
on pension fund 
valuation               -          -           -            -     (9,031)       (9,031)        -           -     (9,031)

Revaluation of 
owner occupied 
property                -          -      (1,901)           -          -        (1,901)        -           -     (1,901)
                  -------    -------     -------      -------    -------       -------   -------     -------    -------
Balance at 
31 December 2004   25,151      7,445      38,581          371    334,905       406,453     2,923      16,333    425,709


Profit after 
taxation                -          -           -            -    161,500       161,500         -         (46)   161,454

adjustment              -          -           -           64                       64         -                     64

Dividends paid          -          -           -            -    (18,158)      (18,158)        -           -    (18,158)

Buyback of own 
shares                  -          -           -            -    (81,238)      (81,238)        -           -    (81,238)

of own shares      (1,594)     1,594           -            -          -             -         -           -          -

Reissue of 
ordinary shares         -          -           -            -      1,409         1,409         -           -      1,409

Recognition of 
share based 
payments                -        774           -            -          -           774         -           -        774

Transfer to income 
statement on sale 
of available for 
sale investments        -          -      (5,583)           -          -        (5,583)        -           -     (5,583)

Gain on available 
for sale 
investments             -          -      15,779            -          -        15,779         -           -     15,779

Purchase of 
minority interest       -          -           -            -          -             -         -      (9,864)    (9,864)

Actuarial loss on 
pension fund 
valuation               -          -           -            -     (3,802)       (3,802)        -           -     (3,802)

Sale of land 
and buildings           -          -      (1,071)           -          -        (1,071)        -           -     (1,071)
                  -------    -------     -------      -------    -------       -------   -------     -------    -------
Balance at 
31 December 2005   23,557      9,813      47,706          435    394,616       476,127     2,923       6,423    485,473
                   ======     ======      ======       ======    =======       =======    ======      ======    =======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                           GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2005

                                                        2005               2004
                                                       Euro000s              Euro000s 
                                                                    as restated
Operating activities

Profit before tax for the year                       185,155            131,976
Adjustments for:
Gains on investments held for 
trading and held to maturity                         (41,031)           (17,231)
Depreciation of property and equipment                 3,487              3,075
Share-based payment expense                              774                278
Increase in fair value of investment property              -             (1,200)
Increase in technical provisions                      44,696             54,354
Retirement benefit charges                            (3,802)            (9,031)
                                                    ---------          ---------

Operating cash flows before movement in 
working capital                                      189,279            162,221
Increase in receivables                               (4,274)            (8,612)
(Decrease) increase in payables                      (22,863)            16,013
                                                    ---------          ---------

Cash generated from operations                       162,142            169,622

Income taxes paid                                    (20,516)           (12,228)
                                                    ---------          ---------

Net cash from operating activities                    141,626           157,394
                                                    ---------          ---------

Investing activities

Investments held for trading                          (96,510)         (146,225)

Investments available for sale                         (5,162)             (138)

Purchase of land, buildings and inventory             (13,430)          (50,328)

Purchase of fixtures and fittings                      (6,242)           (5,222)

Purchase of investment property                       (24,656)                -

Loans and advances                                     (3,789)          (23,601)

Deposits invested with financial institutions          95,378            68,779
                                                     ---------         ---------

Net cash used in investing activities                 (54,411)         (156,735)
                                                     ---------         ---------

Financing activities

Dividends paid                                        (18,158)          (12,614)

Repurchase of ordinary shares                         (81,238)                -

Proceeds of issue of ordinary shares                        -               199

Proceeds of re-issue of ordinary shares                 1,409             2,517

Increase in bank loans                                  1,243            34,955
                                                     ---------         ---------

Net cash (used in) from financing activities          (96,744)           25,057
                                                     ---------         ---------

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash 
equivalents                                            (9,529)           25,716

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
of the year                                            51,362            25,275

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                    64               371
                                                     ---------         ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year       41,897            51,362
                                                     =========         =========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST  DECEMBER 2005

                                                         2005              2004
                                                        Euro000s             Euro000s
                                                                    as restated

Note 1 -   Operating profit by activity

Underwriting                                          134,885           106,652

Non underwriting                                       27,739            18,142
                                                     ---------         ---------
                                                      162,624           124,794
                                                     =========         =========

Note 2 -   Underwriting

Gross written premiums                                389,472           357,487
                                                     =========         =========

Net earned premiums                                   332,371           296,237

Net claims incurred                                  (202,475)         (197,784)

Net operating expenses                                (39,446)          (32,514)
                                                     ---------         ---------
Underwriting result                                    90,450            65,939
                                                     =========         =========

Ratios                                                      %                 %

Net loss ratio                                           60.9              66.8

Net expense ratio                                        11.9              11.0

Combined ratio                                           72.8              77.8


This announcement has been issued through the Companies Announcement Service of
                            the Irish Stock Exchange

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Historical Stock Chart
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