RNS Number:6272Q
FBD Holdings PLC
31 August 2005

                                 Press Release

                          INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT
                       For half year ended 30th June 2005

                                                  2005           2004
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                            Euro000's         Euro000's

   * Gross written premium                     192,360        187,819

   * Net earned premiums                       164,515        158,639

   *Operating profit                            86,849         67,312

                                                  Cent           Cent

   *Operating earnings per share                192.07         140.84

   *Dividend proposed per share                  20.00          12.72

Commenting on the results, Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive, said:

"The Group's success in pursuing it's development plans is reflected in the half
year results, with new business volumes offsetting the impact of rate reductions
on premium income. The results also benefited from a particularly favourable
claims outcome. Whilst the latter is unlikely to be repeated and rate reductions
will have greater significance for earned premium income in the second half
year, we are confident of achieving satisfactory full year results.

The good insurance performance delivered rewards to both shareholders and
policyholders, alike. Returns to shareholders increased while policyholders
enjoyed further reductions in premiums. Maintaining progress on the Claims
Reform & Safety Agendas is critical to delivering ongoing benefits to all."

ENDS                                     31st August 2005

For Reference

Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive                353 1 409 3200
Andrew Langford, Finance Director                 353 1 409 3200

Murray Consultants
Joe Murray                                        353 1 498 0300

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                               INTERIM STATEMENT

FBD Holdings plc is pleased to report that the Group continued to grow strongly
in the half year ended 30th June 2005.

Operating profits increased to Euro86.8m compared to 67.3m in the previous half
year. The major contributors are detailed below.

The underwriting result increased to Euro52.1m from Euro42.5m, reflecting good premium
growth and a favourable claims outcome in general, which included settlement
savings on prior year provisions. The impact of rate reductions on earned
premium was not as significant a factor in the six months as it will be in the
second half year. The drive for new business brought further growth in market
share and supported an increase of 2.4 per cent in gross premiums written.
Growth was achieved despite lower like for like revenues arising from premium
reductions for customers. After allocating investment income of Euro16.3m , the
insurance technical account shows a surplus of Euro68.4m, up from Euro57.9m in the
same period last year.

Non-underwriting income increased to Euro12.7m from Euro5.5m. Property and leisure
interests in Spain and Ireland contributed positively but they have been facing
challenging times with increased pressure on margins. A small fall in profits
from financial services activities reflected reduced broking income. Returns
from the investment of non allocated capital and property loans made a
satisfactory contribution.

Positive short term fluctuations in investment return of Euro21.7m arising from a
buoyant investment performance was a key factor in boosting pre-tax profits.
This in turn had a substantial impact on earnings per share (FRS3). Operating
earnings per share, which more clearly reflects the underlying trading
performance of the Group, increased to 192.07c. The 4.2m share buy-back in March
2005 also contributed to eps growth.

The results for the period have been prepared in accordance with the recently
introduced International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for European
Union Listed Groups. First half and full year figures for 2004 have been
restated on the IFRS basis, for comparative purposes.

Arising from the introduction of IFRS, we have prepared a Preliminary
Restatement of 2004 Financial Information. This document is attached (Appendix
1). As per the summary on page 13, the impact of IFRS on operating profit and on
profit before tax was negligible; the impact on net assets was a positive 9.2%,
arising mainly from the requirement to state unquoted securities at fair value
and the change in the accounting treatment of dividends payable to shareholders.

The results of the Group's two operating divisions are detailed below.

Insurance Underwriting.
Insurance underwriting is the Group's primary business activity. This activity
is undertaken, in the main, by FBD Insurance plc and, to a minor extent, by the
Group's captive reinsurance company, Abbey Reinsurance S.A.

Gross premiums written increased by 2.4% to Euro192.4m. (Euro187.8m.) in the period.
Good growth in business volumes more than offset reductions in premium rates to
deliver this premium growth.

Net earned premiums grew by 3.7% to Euro164.5m. (Euro158.6m). This reflected higher
retention levels under our reinsurance programme.

Claims incurred amounted to Euro91.7m., compared to Euro99.6m. in first half 2004. The
claims charge benefited from settlement savings on prior year claims provisions.
Furthermore, the lower personal injury claims frequency which emerged over the
past couple of years has, in most classes of insurance, been maintained. On the
property claims front, and similar to last year, weather related claim costs
fared better than expected, with no severe storms occurring in the period.
Overall, the claims outcome was particularly favourable.

After net operating expenses of Euro20.7m., the resultant underwriting profit was
Euro52.1m. (Euro42.5m).

Adding attributable investment income of Euro16.3m. to the underwriting figure, the
insurance technical result of Euro68.4m. for the period is arrived at.

The Group's non-underwriting activities include property development/leisure,
financial services, and other interests.

Property Development and Leisure interests encompass the Group's activities in
La Cala Resort and Sunset Beach Resort in Spain and in the Tower Hotel Group in
Ireland. Property sales in La Cala were slower than anticipated, reflecting a
reduction in the number of non-Spanish purchasers in the Costa del Sol. On the
leisure front, in both Spain and Ireland, challenging times are currently being
experienced in general, with margins, in particular, under pressure due to
present market capacity levels.

The Group's financial service businesses include insurance broking (FBD
Brokers), life assurance/pension broking/ investment advice (FBD Life) and
instalment finance (Abbey Finance). These businesses contributed Euro2.5m. (Euro2.8m)
to the half year figure. The fall in income reflects the negative impact which
lower premium levels in the market had on broker revenues, with insurance rates
for large commercial risks being considerably reduced.

The Group's other non-underwriting interests include investment of non-allocated
capital and property related loans. Returns from these assets in the half year
were satisfactory.

The combined contribution to Group profit from property development/leisure and
other interests amounted to Euro10.2m. (Euro2.7m) for the six months. The improvement,
compared to the first half of 2004, is largely attributable to the inclusion of
returns arising on the investment of non-allocated capital and on property
related loans.

Interim Dividend
In view of the continuing positive results and in line with the Board's
previously stated intentions regarding dividend payout levels, an increase in
interim dividend to 20 cent (12.72 cent) per share has been decided on by the

The interim dividend will be paid on the 30th September 2005 to shareholders on
the Company Register at close of business on the 9th September 2005. The interim
dividend is subject to withholding tax (DWT), except for shareholders who are
exempt from DWT and have furnished a properly completed Capital Composite
Resident Form to the Company's Registrar.

Balance Sheet
Ordinary shareholders' funds have grown to Euro411.9m. since January 2005, an
increase of Euro5.5m. The contribution of both the strong trading results and the
buoyant investment performance was reduced by the Company's purchase of 4.2m of
its own shares in March 2005 at a cost of Euro81.2m This buyback contributed to the
growth in net asset value per share, which increased from Euro9.70 to Euro10.87 in the

Whilst it is unlikely that the particular positive factors experienced in the
first half year, which we mentioned above, will be repeated in the second half,
we are confident that the outcome for the year will be satisfactory.

As regards the Group's core underwriting activity, we expect a satisfactory
outcome for the year. On the premium front, notwithstanding rate reductions
which have already been put in train, we are targeting an increase on 2004
premium levels for the full year. To achieve this, we are aiming to maintain the
volume growth levels which we have achieved in the year to date. The first half
year performance benefited from premium growth and a particularly favourable
claims outcome. Premium reductions which have been implemented will have a
bigger financial impact on our second half year results.

Claim costs are the major determinant of underwriting performance. Over the past
couple of years, the improvement in the claims environment has benefited FBD, as
reflected in better underwriting results. The claims improvement has also
benefited FBD policyholders, by way of significantly reduced premiums. The
favourable impact of settlement savings on prior year claim estimates in recent
times continued in the period under review. Ultimately, the critical ratio for
insurers in any year is the combined ratio (i.e. claims plus overhead as a
percentage of premium) for that particular underwriting year. It is widely
recognised that the premium reductions which insurers have been effecting is
driving combined ratios towards European norms. Perceptions exist that premium
reductions in the market are tailing off. In our experience, this is not the
reality and price competition continues to be intense across all categories of

In relation to claim cost trends, a major determinant will be the degree of
success in delivering fully on the Government/Industry's Claims Reform and
Safety Agendas. The MIAB (Motor Insurance Advisory Board) recommended precise
measures that needed to be implemented by both insurers and Government Agencies
in order to achieve success in these areas. To date, insurers have delivered on
the agenda items that were within their remit. Items that remain to be delivered
on are within the control of Government Bodies; their follow through will
determine whether further claim cost savings emerge.

FBD will continue to support Government and Industry actions on Reform measure,
whilst pursuing our own claims cost savings plans. Simultaneously, we will
remain focused on growing our market share and on maximising the competitive
advantages of our direct sales business model.

As regards the Group's non-underwriting businesses, as already stated, our
property/leisure interests are currently facing particularly challenging times.
Management's focus on marketing and sales has intensified and new markets are
being pursued. We are confident regarding the intrinsic value of underlying
assets. We expect our financial service businesses to perform in line with last

With clearly defined business development plans and a committed organisation, we
are well positioned to continue to successfully pursue the Group's primary
objective, namely, to utilise capital to deliver long term sustainable returns
at levels that reward shareholders.


   *FBD implemented further reductions in premium rates during the first half
    of 2005.

    In the recent IFSRA Survey for Home Insurance, FBD was highlighted as the
    best value provider in four out of six samples and second and third in the
    other two.

   *FBD moved to new, larger offices in Limerick in the first half of 2005
    and also entered agreements to relocate to larger offices in Clonmel,
    Carlow, Letterkenny and Portlaoise. The Company has also acquired new
    premises in Dundalk (a new location for FBD) and will open for business
    there later this year.

   *In Dublin, FBD has continued to expand its Dublin commercial team in
    response to the very positive reception they are receiving from Dublin
    businesses. There is currently a major canvass underway in the Dublin market
    for small to medium size business of all types.

   *FBD's Dublin based personal lines office, which celebrated its first
    anniversary recently, continues to deal with large volumes of enquires on
    the 1850 617617 number and through the internet. Additional staff are
    currently being recruited to meet demand.

   *FBD announced recently that it is to continue for another year with its
    sponsorship of RTE's flagship soap, Fair City. The sponsorship of this
    programme for the last year has helped lift the profile of FBD, particularly
    in Dublin and around the country.

    FBD has also announced that it is to sponsor the "FBD Dublin Business of the
    Month" awards in association with City Channel, the new TV Station for
    Dublin, which will be broadcast through the digital NTL network. This
    sponsorship is being carried out in association with Crest Ireland Limited.

   *FBD Brokers continues to consolidate its position as the largest
    insurance provider to the food and dairy processing sectors.

   *FBD Life & Pensions continues to grow as an independent adviser to a
    broad spectrum of individuals and businesses. Additional expertise has been
    brought into the business over the past half year to assist clients in
    overall financial planning, pensions and investments.

   *At the FBD La Cala Resort, in Southern Spain, a third 18 hole
    championship golf course, ("The Europa") was opened earlier in the year and
    complements the existing North and South courses and the five star hotel
    located there. Also at La Cala, work is well underway on the building of 102
    luxury townhouses, (Monte Alto) and 108 luxury apartments (Real Alta Vista).
    In addition, a luxury Spa facility will be available early next year.

   *Upgrading of all rooms at FBD's Sunset Beach Club on the Costa del Sol is
    underway and a new promenade and related beach facilities have been
    completed, further enhancing the Resort.

   *FBD is now owner of 100% of the Tower Hotel Group which includes the new
    four star Castleknock Hotel and Country Club, opened earlier this year. The
    adjoining golf course recently opened for play.

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                             GROUP INCOME STATEMENT
                       For half year ended 30th June 2005

                                 Half Year      Half Year         Year
                                     Ended          Ended        Ended
                                   30/6/05        30/6/04     31/12/04
                               (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                    Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's

Turnover                           263,463        240,465      471,858
                                 =========       ========     ========

Balance on the
technical account -  Note 1         68,385         57,864       97,072
general business

Longer term                         21,781         19,204       40,713
investment return

investment return
transferred to the                 (16,341)       (15,362)     (31,135)
account - general

Other income                        13,024          5,606       18,144
                                 ---------       --------     --------

Operating profit     Note 2         86,849         67,312      124,794

Other charges                       (1,818)        (1,800)      (3,116)

Short term
fluctuations in                     21,738         (8,517)      10,298
investment return                ---------       --------     --------

Profit before                      106,769         56,995      131,976

Taxation                           (12,849)        (6,611)     (16,968)
                                 ---------       --------     --------

Profit after                        93,920         50,384      115,008

Minority interests                      84           (210)      (1,751)
                                 ---------       --------     --------

Profit after
taxation and                        94,004         50,174      113,257

Dividends paid in                  (10,298)        (7,023)     (12,613)
period                           ---------       --------     --------

Profit retained for                 83,706         43,151      100,644
period                           =========       ========     ========

                                      Cent           Cent         Cent

Earnings per 60c                    237.41         120.81       271.23
ordinary share                   =========       ========     ========

Dividend paid per
60c ordinary                         27.28          17.00        29.72
share                            =========       ========     ========

Dividend proposed
per 60c ordinary                     20.00          12.72        27.28
share                            =========       ========     ========

Net assets per 60c                1,087.21         850.85       969.64
ordinary share                   =========       ========     ========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                              GROUP BALANCE SHEET
                              As at 30th June 2005

                                     As at          As at        As at
                                   30/6/05        30/6/04     31/12/04
ASSETS                         (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                    Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's
Property and equipment
Land and buildings                 198,108        165,598      176,517
Fixtures and fittings                9,638          8,423       10,547
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                   207,746        174,021      187,064
                                ----------       --------     --------

Investment property                 48,800         23,000       24,200
Financial investments              977,785        930,554      999,080
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                 1,026,585        953,554    1,023,280
                                ----------       --------     --------

Reinsurers' share of
technical provisions
Provision for unearned              19,927         22,743       21,302
Claims outstanding                  50,271         43,529       44,463
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                    70,198         66,272       65,765
                                ----------       --------     --------

Debtors arising out of direct
insurance operations                25,684         30,501       26,703
Other debtors                       29,914         28,358       20,023
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                    55,598         58,859       46,726
                                ----------       --------     --------

Other assets
Cash and cash equivalents           36,553         37,476       51,362
Inventories                         56,977         51,318       70,543
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                    93,530         88,794      121,905
                                ----------       --------     --------

Prepayments and accrued
Accrued interest and rent            5,441          3,916        9,048
Deferred acquisition costs          10,590          9,320       10,591
Other prepayments and accrued        2,839          5,634        2,460
income                          ----------       --------     --------
                                    18,870         18,870       22,099
                                ----------       --------     --------

Total assets                     1,472,527      1,360,370    1,466,839
                                ==========       ========     ========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                              GROUP BALANCE SHEET
                              As at 30th June 2005

                                     As at          As at        As at
                                  30/6//05        30/6/04     31/12/04
EQUITY                         (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                    Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's
Share capital                       23,557         25,125       25,151
Share premium                        5,540          5,367        5,540
Revaluation and other               43,197         39,793       40,603
Translation reserves                 1,766           (135)         371
Retained earnings                  337,874        284,969      334,788
                                ----------       --------     --------

Shareholders' funds - equity       411,934        355,119      406,453

Preference share capital             2,923          2,923        2,923
                                ----------       --------     --------

Total shareholders' funds          414,857        358,042      409,376

Minority interests                   6,293         15,199       16,333
                                ----------       --------     --------

Total equity                       421,150        373,241      425,709
                                ----------       --------     --------


Technical provisions
Provision for unearned             188,363        183,619      184,954
Claims outstanding                 677,834        637,415      658,431
                                ----------       --------     --------
                                   866,197        821,034      843,385
                                ----------       --------     --------

Provision for other risks and       29,305         19,848       25,787
charges                         ----------       --------     --------

Creditors arising out of
direct                               9,875         17,423       12,606
insurance operations
Other creditors including tax
and                                146,000        128,824      159,352
social security                 ----------       --------     --------
                                   155,875        146,247      171,958
                                ----------       --------     --------

Total liabilities                1,472,527      1,360,370    1,466,839
                                ==========       ========     ========

                              FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                     For half year ended 30th June 2005

                                 Revaluation                           Attributable    Preference     
              Share     Share    and other    Translation   Retained   to ordinary     share       Minority     
              capital   premium  reserves     reserve       earnings   shareholders    capital     interests  Total

Balance at 
at 1 
January 2004   25,125   5,367    37,928         -            239,906     308,326        2,923       15,077    326,326

Profit after
taxation            -       -         -         -             50,174      50,174        -              210     50,384

adjustment          -       -         -        (135)              -        (135)        -               -       (135)

dividends paid      -       -         -         -            (7,023)     (7,023)        -               -     (7,023)

Reissue of
shares              -       -         -         -             1,912        1,912        -               -      1,912

Recognition of
share based
payments            -       -       139         -                -           139        -               -        139

Gain on
investments         -       -     1,726         -                -         1,726        -               -      1,726

Purchase of
interests           -       -        -          -                -            -         -             (88)       (88)
               ------  ------   --------   -------        -------     --------    ------           ------     ------
Balance at 30
June 2004      25,125    5,367    39,793      (135)        284,969      355,119     2,923           15,199   373,241
               ======   ======   ========   =======        =======     ========    =======          ======    ======

                                  Revaluation                          Attributable   Preference
               Share     Share    and other   Translation   Retained   to ordinary    share        Minority
               Capital   Premium  Reserves    Reserve       earnings   shareholders   capital      interests  Total
Balance at 1
January 2005   25,151     5,540     40,603      371          334,788     406,453       2,923        16,333    425,709

Profit after
taxation            -         -          -        -           94,004      94,004           -          (84)     93,920

adjustment          -         -          -    1,395                -       1,395           -            -       1,395

dividends paid      -         -          -        -          (10,298)    (10,298)          -            -     (10,298)

Buyback of own
shares              -         -          -        -          (81,238)    (81,238)          -            -     (81,238)

of own shares  (1,594)        -      1,594        -                -           -           -            -          -

Reissue of
shares              -         -          -        -              618         618           -            -         618

Recognition of
share based
payments            -         -        139        -                -         139           -            -         139

Transfer to
statement on
sale of
investments         -         -     (5,583)       -                -      (5,583)         -            -       (5,583)

Gain on
investments         -         -      6,444        -                -       6,444          -            -        6,444

Purchase of
interests           -         -          -        -                -           -          -        (9,956)     (9,956)
                ------    ------    --------   -------       -------    --------     -------       ------      ------

Balance at 30
June 2005       23,557    5,540      43,197    1,766         337,874     411,934       2,923        6,293     421,150
                ======   ======    ========    =======       =======     ========     =======       ======     ======

                             FBD HOLDINGS PLC

                        GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                    For half year ended 30th June 2005

                               Half Year         Half Year        Year end
                                   Ended             Ended           Ended
                                30/06/05          30/06/04        31/12/04
                             (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited)
Operating                          Euro000s             Euro000s           Euro000s

Profit for the                   106,769            56,995         131,976

Adjustments for
Investment (gains) and
losses                           (22,084)            1,723         (17,231)
Depreciation of
property, plant and
equipment                          1,801             1,308           3,075
Share-based payment
expense                              139               139             278
Increase in fair value
of investment property                 -                 -          (1,200)
Increase in technical
provisions                        18,379            31,496          54,354
Actuarial loss                         -                 -          (9,031)
                                 -------           -------          ------
Operating cash flows
before movement in
working capital                  105,004            91,661         162,221

Increase in receivables           (5,644)          (17,558)         (8,613)
(Decrease)/Increase in
payables                         (35,822)            6,387          16,013
                                 -------           -------          ------
Cash generated from
operations                        63,538            80,490         169,621

Income taxes paid                 (4,949)           (4,404)        (12,228)
                                 -------           -------          ------
Net cash from operating
activities                        58,589            76,086         157,393
                                 -------           -------          ------

Investments held for
trading                          (87,650)         (186,829)       (146,227)
Investments available
for sale                            (299)           (1,151)           (139)
Purchase of property,
equipment & inventory            (33,517)          (20,484)        (55,550)
Loans and advances                 1,403             5,220         (23,601)
Deposits invested with
financial institutions           130,909           127,767          68,781
                                 -------           -------          ------
Net cash from (used in)
investing activities              10,846           (75,477)       (156,736)
                                 -------           -------          ------

Dividends paid                   (10,466)           (7,192)        (12,612)
Repurchase of shares             (81,238)                -               -
Proceeds of issue of
shares                               617             1,912           2,716
Increase in bank loans             5,448            17,007          34,955
                                 -------           -------          ------
Net cash (used in) from
financing activities             (85,639)           11,727          25,059
                                 -------           -------          ------

Net (decrease)/increase
in cash and cash
equivalents                      (16,204)           12,336          25,716
Cash and cash
equivalents at the
beginning of the year             51,362            25,275          25,275
Effect of foreign
exchange rate changes              1,395              (135)            371
                                 -------           -------          ------

Cash and cash
equivalents at the end
of the year                       36,553            37,476          51,362
                                 =======           =======          ======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                       For half year ended 30th June 2005

                                     Half Year      Half Year         Year
                                         Ended          Ended        Ended
                                       30/6/05        30/6/04     31/12/04
                                   (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                        Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's

   Note 1 - Technical Result

   Gross written premiums             192,360        187,819        351,487
                                   ==========      =========       ========

   Net earned premiums                164,515        158,639        296,237

   Net claims incurred                (91,727)       (99,644)      (197,786)

   Net operating expenses             (20,744)       (16,493)       (32,514)
                                   ----------     ---------        --------

       Underwriting result             52,044        42,502          65,937

   Allocated investment                16,341        15,362          31,135
                                   ----------     ---------        --------
   Technical result                    68,385        57,864          97,072
                                   ==========     =========        ========

   Note 2 - Operating Profit by Activity

   Underwriting                        74,148        61,794         107,007

   Non underwriting                    12,701         5,518          17,787

                                   ----------     ---------        --------
                                       86,849        67,312         124,794
                                   ==========     =========        ========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                               Interim Statement

Appendix 1

       Introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
             Preliminary Restatement of 2004 Financial Information
                                 31 August 2005

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information


Basis of preparation

Reconciliation of impact of IFRS on:
- Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2004
- Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2004
- Consolidated Balance Sheet at 1 January 2004

Explanatory notes on the impact of the IFRS adjustments

Accounting policies

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information
From 1 January 2005 FBD Holdings plc ('the Group'), together with all other
European Union listed groups, is required to prepare its consolidated financial
statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
('IFRS') as adopted for use in the European Union. This document summarises the
key impacts on the Group's previously reported net assets and profits from the
adoption of IFRS and details the Group's provisional accounting policies for the
year ending 31 December 2005.
The principal adjustments arising from adoption relate to changes in:

   *the accounting treatment of unquoted equity investments;
   *the accounting treatment of surpluses on the revaluation of owner
    occupied property;
   *the accounting treatment of equalisation provisions; and
   *dividend recognition.

The Directors believe that these are the major adjustments which will arise on
the transition to IFRS. They have not yet finished quantifying a range of minor
adjustments, nor have they finalised their review of the completeness of
adjustments. The standards, or guidance on their application, may also be
revised, therefore it is possible that other adjustments may come to light which
will impact the Group in the preparation of the first full set of IFRS financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2005.
The change in accounting standards will not change the underlying operations or
cash-flows of the business.

The introduction of IFRS has impacted key 2004 figures as follows:

                                As published          IFRS      Change
                                 under Irish
                                    Euro000's          Euro000's           %
Operating profit                   125,961         124,794       -0.9%
Profit before tax                  135,009         131,976       -2.2%
Total assets                     1,460,063       1,466,839         0.5%
Total equity                       391,474         425,709         8.7%
                                      Cent            Cent           %
Operating earnings per 60c
ordinary share based on longer
term investment return              258.84          256.18       -1.0%
Basic earnings per 60c
ordinary share                      278.37          271.23       -2.6%
Net assets per 60c ordinary
share                               887.97          969.64         9.2%

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

The preliminary restated consolidated financial information presented comprises
the restated consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2004, the restated
income statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 and the restated
consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2004.

The information has been prepared in accordance with IFRS including all
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and interpretations issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the Standing Interpretations
Committee (SIC) and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations
Committee (IFRIC) as published by 31 August 2005 and currently endorsed by the
European Commission effective for 2005 year ends ('the Standards'). The
Standards themselves are evolving and are subject to possible amendment by
interpretative guidance from the IASB, emerging practice or other external
bodies. Accordingly, the interpretation of the Standards to be applied may be
subject to change prior to the publication of the Group's first IFRS results in
March 2006.

The rules for first time adoption of IFRS are set out in IFRS 1 'First-time
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards'. IFRS 1 requires
application of the same accounting policies in the IFRS opening balance sheet at
1 January 2004 and for all periods thereafter.

The Group's transition to IFRS has been prepared on the basis of taking the
following exemptions available under IFRS 1:

 a. *Cumulative translation differences on foreign operations are deemed to be
    nil at 1 January 2004. Any gains and losses recognised in the Consolidated
    Income Statement on subsequent disposals of foreign operations will
    therefore exclude translation differences arising prior to the transition

 b. *As permitted under the transitional arrangements, IFRS 2, Share Based
    Payments has only been applied to options granted after 7 November 2002
    which had not vested by 1 January 2005 and which are expected to vest.


        Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

        Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31st December

                                        As published            Effect of              IFRS
                                         under Irish           Transition
                                              GAAP                     to
                                            Euro000's               Euro000's              Euro000's

        Balance on
        technical                           96,630                  442              97,072

        Longer term
        return                              39,820                  893              40,713

        the general
        technical                          (31,976)                 841             (31,135)

        Other                               21,487               (3,343)             18,144
                                      ------------          -----------          ----------

        profit                             125,961               (1,167)            124,794

        Other                               (3,116)                   -              (3,116)

        Short term
        investment                          12,164               (1,866)             10,298
                                      ------------          -----------          ----------

        before                             135,009               (3,033)            131,976

        Taxation                           (17,025)                  57             (16,968)
                                      ------------          -----------          ----------

        after                              117,984               (2,976)            115,008
        taxation                      ============          ===========          ==========


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Analysis of adjustments to Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31st
December 2004 as a result of transition to IFRS

             Financial    Cash and     Property    Inventories                 
             Investments  Cash         and         (Development   Insurance    Dividend         
             Valuation    Equivalents  Equipment    Land)         Contracts    Recognition    Other    Total
             (Note 1)     (Note 2)     (Note 3)    (Note 4)       (Note 5)     (Note 6)
               Euro000's     Euro000's       Euro000's       Euro000's        Euro000's       Euro000's         Euro000's   Euro000's

Balance on
technical                                                            442                                 442

Longer term
return           893                                                                                     893

the general
technical                                                           841                                 841

Other           (294)                   (2,896)                                             (153)    (3,343)
income        -------    -------      ---------  ----------      -------       ------   -------      -------

profit           599          -         (2,896)         -          1,283          -        (153)     (1,167)


Short term
investment      (1,957)                                                                      91     (1,866)
                 -------  -------     -------    ---------     ----------    -------    -------      ------
before          (1,358)        -       (2,896)          -          1,283          -         (62)    (3,033)

Taxation           171                                302           (451)                    35        57
                 -------  -------     -------    ---------       -------     -------    ------     ----------

after           (1,096)       -        (2,896)        302            832          -       (118)     (2,976)
taxation         =======  =======     ========    =======         ======     =======     ======    ========


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31st December 2004

                                 As published      Effect of       IFRS
                                  under Irish  Transition to
                                       GAAP           IFRS
ASSETS                               Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's

Property and
Land and
buildings                           224,985        (48,468)     176,517
Fixtures and
fittings                             10,547              -       10,547
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                    235,532        (48,468)     187,064
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
property                             24,200              -       24,200
investments                       1,027,160        (28,080)     999,080
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                  1,051,360        (28,080)   1,023,280
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
Reinsurers' share of
technical provisions
Provision for
premiums                             21,302              -       21,302
outstanding                          44,463              -       44,463
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                     65,765              -       65,765
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
arising out of
operations                           26,703              -       26,703
Other debtors                        19,371            652       20,023
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                     46,074            652       46,726
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------

Other assets
Cash and cash
equivalents                           2,795         48,567       51,362
Inventories                          36,438         34,105       70,543
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                     39,233         82,672      121,905
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------

Prepayments and accrued
interest and
rent                                  9,048              -        9,048
costs                                10,591              -       10,591
and accrued
income                                2,460              -        2,460
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                     22,099              -       22,099
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------
Total assets                      1,460,063          6,776    1,466,839
                                  ---------      ---------   ----------

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31st December 2004

                               As published       Effect of       IFRS
                                under Irish   Transition to
                                     GAAP            IFRS
EQUITY                            Euro'000's         Euro'000's      Euro'000's

Share capital                      25,151               -       25,151
Share premium                       5,540               -        5,540
and other
reserves                            1,627          38,976       40,603
reserves                              371               -          371
earnings                          339,529          (4,741)     334,788
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
funds - equity
interests                         372,218          34,235      406,453

share capital                       2,923               -        2,923
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
funds                             375,141          34,235      409,376

interests                          16,333               -       16,333
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
Total equity                      391,474          34,235      425,709
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------


Technical provisions
Provision for
premiums                          184,954               -      184,954
outstanding                       683,386         (24,955)     658,431
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
                                  868,340         (24,955)     843,385
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------

Provision for
other risks
and charges                        17,306           8,481       25,787
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------

arising out of
operations                         12,606               -       12,606
including tax
and social
security                          170,337         (10,985)     159,352
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
                                  182,943         (10,985)     171,958
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------
liabilities                     1,460,063           6,776    1,466,839
                                  ---------       ---------   ----------


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Analysis of adjustments to Consolidated Balance Sheet (Assets) at 31st December 2004 as a
result of transition to IFRS

                  Financial  Cash and Cash  Property and   Inventories    Insurance             Other       Total
                Investments  Equivalents     Equipment    (Development    Contracts  Dividend 
                Valuation                                      Land)                 Recognition
                 (Note 1)       (Note 2)      (Note 3)      (Note 4)     (Note 5)     (Note 6)
                   Euro000's         Euro000's        Euro000's        Euro000's       Euro000's    Euro000's    Euro000's      Euro000's

Property and
Land and
buildings                                                    (48,468)                                   (48,468)

Fixtures and                                                                                                  -

Investment                                                                                                    -

investments        20,487        (48,567)                                                               (28,080)

share of

Provision for                                                                                                 -

Claims                                                                                                        -

Debtors                                                                                                       -
arising out
of direct

Other                                                                                           652         652

Cash and cash
equivalents                       48,567                                                                 48,567

Inventories                                                   34,105                                     34,105

and accrued

Accrued                                                                                                       -
interest and

Deferred                                                                                                      -

Other                                                                                                         -
and accrued

                   --------       --------       -------      --------      -------  --------    ------      ------
Total              20,487              -             -       (14,363)           -       -          652       6,776
assets             --------       --------       -------      --------      -------  --------    ------      ------


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Analysis of adjustments to Consolidated Balance Sheet (Equity and Liabilities) at 31st December 2004 as a result
of transition to IFRS

                    Financial  Cash and Cash  Property and   Inventories    Insurance       Dividend   Other    Total
                    Investments  Equivalents     Equipment    (Development  Contracts    Recognition
                    Valuation                                      Land)
                     (Note 1)       (Note 2)      (Note 3)      (Note 4)     (Note 5)       (Note 6)
                       Euro000's         Euro000's        Euro000's        Euro000's       Euro000's         Euro000's    Euro000's  
Share capital                                                                                                      -

Share premium                                                                                                      -

and other
reserves                 17,462                       21,236                                             278    38,976

reserves                                                                                                           -   

earnings                    464                      (22,861)      (10,408)    16,219         11,436     409   (4,741)
                        -------        -------       -------      --------      -------     -------    ------  ------
funds - equity
interests                17,926              -        (1,625)      (10,408)    16,219         11,436     687   34,235

Preference share                                                                                                   -
capital                 -------        -------       -------      --------     -------        -------   ------ ------

funds                    17,926             -        (1,625)      (10,408)     16,219         11,436     687   34,235

Minority interests                                                                                                 -
                        -------        -------       -------      --------     -------       -------   ------  ------
Total equity             17,926             -        (1,625)      (10,408)     16,219         11,436     687   34,235
                        -------        -------       -------      --------     -------       -------   ------  ------



Provision for                                                                                                           
unearned premiums                                                                                                  -

outstanding                                                                   (24,955)                       (24,955)

Provision for
other risks
and charges              2,561                        1,625        (3,955)      8,285                   (35)   8,481


Creditors arising                                                                                                      
out of direct
operations                                                                                                         -   

including tax
and social
security                                                                         451       (11,436)          (10,985)

                        -------        -------       -------      --------      -------    -------    ------  ------
                         2,561                        1,625        (3,955)     (16,219)    (11,436)     (35) (27,459)
                        -------        -------       -------      --------      -------    -------    ------  ------
                        -------        -------       -------      --------      -------    -------    ------  ------
liabilities              20,487              -             -       (14,363)           -         -       652    6,776
                        -------        -------       -------      --------      -------    -------    ------  ------


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 1st January 2004

                                As published      Effect of       IFRS
                                 under Irish  Transition to
                                      GAAP           IFRS
ASSETS                              Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's

Property and equipment
Land and
buildings                          199,843        (38,056)     161,787
Fixtures and
fittings                             8,400              -        8,400
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                   208,243        (38,056)     170,187
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
property                            23,000              -       23,000
investments                        881,742         (6,426)     875,316
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                   904,742         (6,426)     898,316
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
Reinsurers' share of
technical provisions
Provision for
premiums                            23,533              -       23,533
outstanding                         43,240              -       43,240
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                    66,773              -       66,773
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
arising out of
operations                          30,050              -       30,050
Other debtors                       15,684            436       16,120
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                    45,734            436       46,170
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------

Other assets
Cash and cash
equivalents                          2,354         22,921       25,275
Inventories                          8,355         27,620       35,975
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                    10,709         50,541       61,250
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------

Prepayments and accrued
interest and
rent                                 3,542              -        3,542
costs                                8,155              -        8,155
and accrued
income                               2,303              -        2,303
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                    14,000              -       14,000
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------
Total assets                     1,250,201          6,495    1,256,696
                                   ---------      ---------   ----------


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 1st January 2004 (continued)

                                As published      Effect of       IFRS
                                 under Irish  Transition to
                                      GAAP           IFRS
EQUITY                              Euro000's         Euro000's       Euro000's

Share capital                       25,125              -       25,125
Share premium                        5,367              -        5,367
and other
reserves                             1,627         36,301       37,928
Translation reserves                     -              -            -
earnings                           246,836         (6,930)     239,906
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
funds - equity
interests                          278,955         29,371      308,326

share capital                        2,923              -        2,923
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
funds                              281,878         29,371      311,249

interests                           15,077              -       15,077
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
Total equity                       296,955         29,371      326,326
                                    --------      ---------   ----------


Technical provisions
Provision for
premiums                           181,569              -      181,569
outstanding                        632,141        (23,671)     608,470
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
                                   813,710        (23,671)     790,039
                                    --------      ---------   ----------

Provision for
other risks
and charges                         13,479          7,817       21,296
                                    --------      ---------   ----------

arising out of
operations                          23,744              -       23,744
including tax
and social
security                           102,313         (7,022)      95,291
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
                                   126,057         (7,022)     119,035
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
                                    --------      ---------   ----------
liabilities                      1,250,201          6,495    1,256,696
                                    --------      ---------   ----------


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Analysis of adjustments to Consolidated Balance Sheet (Assets) at 1 January 2004 as a result of transition to IFRS

                           Financial     Cash and     Property    Inventories           
                           Investments   Cash         and         (Development  Insurance  Dividend
                           Valuation     Equivalents  Equipment   Land)         Contracts  Recognition Other   Total   
                           (Note 1)      (Note 2)     (Note 3)    (Note 4)      (Note 5)   (Note 6)
                           Euro000's        Euro000's        Euro000's     Euro000's        Euro000's     Euro000's      Euro000's 

Property and
Land and
buildings                                                          (38,056)                                     (38,056)
Fixtures and                                                                                                            
 fittings                                                                                                             -

 property                                                                                                             -

investments                16,495        (22,921)                                                                (6,426)

share of

Provision for                                                                                                           
 premiums                                                                                                             -

outstanding                                                                                                           -

 arising out
 of direct
 operations                                                                                                           - 

Other                                                                                                        436     436


Cash and cash
equivalents                                22,921                                                                 22,921

Inventories                                                         27,620                                        27,620

and accrued

 interest and
 rent                                                                                                                 - 

costs                                                                                                                 - 

and accrued
income                                                                                                                - 
                       -------     -------   --------      --------     --------         --------  ------      -------
Total                  16,495           -          -       (10,436)           -                -      436       6,495
assets                 -------     -------   --------      --------     --------         -------   -------     -------  


Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

Analysis of adjustments to Consolidated Balance sheet (Equity and Liabilities) at 1 January 2004 as a
result of transition to IFRS

                  Financial  Cash and Cash  Property and   Inventories  Insurance    Dividend      Other     Total
                Investments  Equivalents     Equipment    (Development  Contracts    Recognition
                Valuation                                      Land)                 
                 (Note 1)       (Note 2)      (Note 3)      (Note 4)     (Note 5)    (Note 6)
                 Euro000's         Euro000's        Euro000's        Euro000's       Euro000's      Euro000's        Euro000's   

and other
reserves           12,660                       23,641                                                        36,301


earnings            1,773                      (24,764)       (6,783)      15,386    7,022        436         (6,930)
                   --------      ---------      --------      --------     -------   -------     -------     ------
funds -
equity             14,433              -         1,123        (6,783)      15,386    7,022        436        29,371

share              --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -------    ------      -------

funds              14,433              -         1,123        (6,783)      15,386    7,022         436       29,371

interests          --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -------     ------   -------

Total              14,433              -         1,123        (6,783)      15,386    7,191         436       29,371
equity             --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -----        -------  ------



Provision for

outstanding                                                                (23,671)                         (23,671)

Provision for
other risks
and charges         2,062                       (1,123)       (3,653)       8,285                             7,817


arising out
of direct
including tax
and social
security                                                                             (7,022)                 (7,022)

                   --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -------      ------     -------
                    2,062                       (1,123)       (3,653)      (15,386)  (7,022)        -       (22,876)
                   --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  ------       ------   -------- 
                   --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -------      ------    -------
liabilities        16,495              -             -       (10,436)            -        -         436      6,495
                   --------      ---------      --------      --------      -------  -------     -------   -------   

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information


In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, listed investments were stated
at their current market value. Current market value was deemed to be the
mid-market price prevailing at the balance sheet date. Unquoted investments were
valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. All realised or unrealised
gains or losses on investments were taken to the income statement.

For the purposes of measuring financial assets under IAS 39, Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, all financial assets are classified
into the following four categories:

 1. Available-for-sale investments;
 2. Held-to-maturity investments;
 3. At fair value through the income statement; and
 4. Loans and receivables

A full review of the Group's investments has been performed as part of the
adoption of IFRS, and all listed equities and debt securities are categorised as
financial assets at fair value through the income statement except for certain
debt securities that are categorised as held-to-maturity investments. All
unquoted equities are categorised as available-for-sale investments.

Under IFRS, listed investments are valued at bid price prevailing at the balance
sheet date as opposed to mid-market price as was the case under Irish GAAP.

For financial assets categorised as at fair value through the income statement,
any realised or unrealised gains or losses on revaluation are taken to the
income statement. This is similar to the treatment adopted under Irish GAAP.

Under IAS 39, available-for-sale investments must be fair valued, with any
unrealised gains or losses taken to equity. When a decline in the fair value of
an available-for-sale financial asset has been recognised directly in equity and
there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired, the cumulative loss that
had been recognised directly in equity shall be removed from equity and
recognised in the income statement. Where a previously revalued
available-for-sale investment is sold, and a gain is realised, any previously
unrealised gain included in the revaluation reserve is taken to the income
statement. In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements unquoted equities were
valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Under IAS 39, held-to-maturity investments are valued at amortised cost. In the
Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, held-to-maturity investments were
valued at fair value.


In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements deposits with credit institutions
were included within investments. These deposits were predominantly comprised of
short dated certificates of deposit.

Under IFRS, cash equivalents are included with cash at bank and in hand as cash
and cash equivalents. IAS 7, Cash Flow Statements defines cash equivalents as
held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for
investment or other purposes. Therefore, the Group has categorised certain
deposits as cash and cash equivalents as they are held for the purpose of
meeting short terms cash commitments. This adjustment has no impact on
shareholders' funds or profit after tax.

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

The Group's owner occupied property includes group headquarters, FBD Insurance
plc's branch offices and FBD Property & Leisure Ltd's hotels and golf courses.
In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, owner occupied property was
carried at current market value, with any resulting unrealised revaluation
surplus or deficit being taken to the income statement.

Under IFRS, the owner occupied property is accounted for under IAS 16, Property,
Plant & Equipment. Under IAS 16, owner occupied property continues to be carried
at current market value but any unrealised surplus, arising on revaluation, is
taken to equity. Any unrealised revaluation deficit will be taken to the income
statement, to the extent that there is no previous revaluation surplus to offset
the deficit.

In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, development land was treated as
investment property and was carried at current market value, with any unrealised
revaluation surplus or deficit taken to the income statement.

IAS 40, Investment Property, does not permit classification of property intended
for sale in the ordinary course of business or in the process of construction or
development for such sale as investment property but states that it is to be
accounted for under IAS 2, Inventories. Under IAS 2, development land is valued
at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Accordingly, in our IFRS financial
statements, development land is classified as inventory and valued at the lower
of cost and net realisable value.

In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, an equalisation provision was
recorded in the balance sheet to eliminate, or reduce, the volatility in
incurred claims arising from exceptional levels of claims in certain classes of

Under IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts, provisions for possible future claims arising
from insurance contracts that are not in existence at the reporting date (such
as catastrophe and equalisation provisions) are not recognised as liabilities.

In the Group's Irish GAAP financial statements, dividends payable to
shareholders were recognised in the income statement in the period to which they
relate irrespective of when they were declared and approved.

IAS 10, Events after the Balance Sheet Date does not allow the recognition of
dividends to holders of equity instruments declared after the balance sheet date
because they do not meet the criteria of a present obligation in IAS 37,
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. Accordingly only
dividends declared (i.e. appropriately approved by shareholders and no longer at
the discretion of the Group) are recognised in the income statement.

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group in the preparation of the
preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information are listed below. These
are also the Group's provisional accounting policies for the year ended 31
December 2005 in accordance with IFRS including all International Accounting
Standards (IAS) and interpretations issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) and the
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) as published
by 31 August 2005 and currently endorsed by the European Commission effective
for 2005 year ends ('the Standards').

    The group financial statements are prepared under the historical cost
    convention as modified by the revaluation of shares, debt securities and
    land and buildings.

    The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of
    the company and its subsidiary undertakings, made up to 31 December 2004.
    All intra group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated
    on consolidation.

    Turnover represents gross premiums written, broking commissions, fees, other
    commissions, interest and dividends receivable, rents receivable, sales of
    goods and services and sales by the property, hotel and leisure operations.
    Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis.
    Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights
    to receive payment have been established.
    Rental income is recognised on an accruals basis.

    The technical result is determined on an annual basis whereby the incurred
    cost of claims, commission and related expenses are charged against the
    earned proportion of premiums, net of reinsurance as follows:
        (i)Premiums written
                Premiums written relate to business incepted during the year,
                together with any difference between booked premiums for prior
                years and those previously accrued, and include estimates of
                premiums due.

(ii)Unearned premiums

                Unearned premiums are those portions of premium income written
                in the year that relate to insurance cover after 31 December
                2004. Unearned premiums are computed on a 365ths basis of
                premium written.
(iii)Deferred acquisition costs
                Deferred acquisition costs represent the proportion of net
                acquisition costs which are attributable to the unearned

(iv)Unexpired risks

                Provision for unexpired risks is made where the expected claims,
                related expenses and deferred acquisition costs are expected to
                exceed unearned premiums, after taking account of future
                investment income.

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

    (v)Claims incurred
                Claims incurred comprise the cost of all claims occurring during
                the year, whether reported or not, and any adjustments to claims
                outstanding from previous years.

                Full provision, net of reinsurance recoveries, is made at the
                balance sheet date for the estimated cost of claims incurred but
                not settled, including claims incurred but not yet reported and
                expenses to be incurred after the balance sheet date in settling
                those claims. The group takes all reasonable steps to ensure
                that it has appropriate information regarding notified claims
                and uses this information when estimating the cost of those

                The group uses estimation techniques, based on statistical
                analysis of past experience, to calculate the estimated cost of
                claims outstanding at the year-end. It is assumed that the
                development pattern of the current claims will be consistent
                with previous experience. Allowance is made, however, for any
                changes or uncertainties that may cause the cost of unsettled
                claims to increase or reduce. These changes or uncertainties may
                arise from issues such as the effects of inflation, changes in
                the mix of business or the legal environment.

                Provision is also made in respect of the group's share of the
                estimated liability for outstanding claims of the Motor
                Insurers' Bureau of Ireland.

                (vi)Transfer of investment return to technical account
                A transfer of longer term investment return is made from the
                non-technical account to the technical account - general
                business to reflect the return made on those assets directly
                attributable to the insurance business.

    Operating profits are reported on the basis of a longer term investment
    return. The short term fluctuation between the longer term investment return
    and the actual investment return, which includes realised and unrealised
    gains and losses, is incorporated as an adjustment figure in arriving at
    profit before taxation. As a result, the operating profit is not subject to
    distortion from short term fluctuations in investment returns.


                (i)Land and buildings
                Land and buildings held for own use in the supply of services or
                for administrative purposes are stated at their revalued
                amounts, being the fair value at the date of revaluation
                determined by professional valuers. Revaluations are performed
                with sufficient regularity such that the carrying amount does
                not differ materially from that which would be determined using
                fair values at the balance sheet date. Any revaluation increase
                arising on the revaluation of such land and buildings is
                credited to the revaluation reserve. A decrease on revaluation
                is charged as an expense to the extent that it exceeds the
                balance, if any, held in the revaluation reserve relating to
                previous revaluation of that asset.

                Land and buildings held under financing arrangements which
                transfer substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership
                to the group are treated as if they had been purchased outright
                and are included in the balance sheet at valuation. The
                corresponding commitments are shown as liabilities.

                It is the group's policy and practice to maintain all group
                properties in a continual state of sound repair. As a result,
                the directors consider that the residual values of these
                properties are such that any depreciation is immaterial and is
                therefore not provided.

ii. *Tangible fixed assets

                Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated
                depreciation. Depreciation is provided in respect of all
                tangible fixed assets, and is calculated in order to write off
                the cost or valuation of the assets over their expected useful
                lives as follows:-

        Fixtures and fittings: 5 to 10 years

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

                            (i) Shares and debt securities
            Quoted shares and debt securities are classified as at fair value
            through the income statement or held to maturity. Those at fair
            value through the income statement are marked to market and gains
            and losses arising from changes in value are recognised in the
            income statement in the period in which they arise. Financial
            instruments held to maturity are stated at amortised cost.

            Unquoted investments are classified as available for sale and stated
            at fair value where fair value can be measured reliably. Gains and
            losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised directly in
            equity, until the security is disposed of or determined to be
            impaired, at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously
            recognised in equity is included in the income statement for the

                         (ii)Associated Undertakings
                The group's financial statements include the group's share of
                associated undertakings' results and net assets.

            (iii)Investment property
                Investment property is stated at fair value. Gains or losses
                arising from changes in the fair value are included in the
                income statement for the period in which they arise.

                It is the group's policy and practice to maintain all group
                properties, including investment properties, in a continual
                state of sound repair. As a result, the directors consider that
                the residual values of these properties are such that any
                depreciation is immaterial and is therefore not provided.

                Loans are carried at fair value using the effective interest
                rate method. When it is not possible to estimate reliably the
                cash flows or the expected life of a loan the actual cash flows
                over the full term of the loan are used to determine fair value.
                Loans are stated in the balance sheet after deduction of
                provisions for bad and doubtful debts. Specific provisions are
                made on a case-by-case basis after taking into account factors
                such as the financial condition of the borrower, security held
                and costs of realisation.


    Inventories comprise work in progress and land held for development and are
    stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes all
    expenditure incurred in bringing the inventory to its present condition. Net
    realisable value is the estimated selling price less all further costs to
    completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

    Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences, including
    unrealised investment gains, that have originated but not reversed at the
    balance sheet date where transactions or events have occurred at the balance
    sheet date that result in an obligation to pay more tax or a right to pay
    less tax in the future.

    Timing differences are differences between profit as computed for taxation
    purposes and profit as stated in the financial statements which arise
    because certain items of income and expenditure in the financial statements
    are dealt with in different periods for taxation purposes.

    A net deferred tax asset is regarded as recoverable and therefore recognised
    only when, on the basis of all available evidence, it can be regarded as
    more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable profits from which
    the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted.

    Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the
    periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse based on tax
    rates and laws enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.
    Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.

Preliminary restatement of 2004 financial information

    The group operates defined benefit pension schemes for the majority of its
    Irish based employees. A full actuarial valuation of the schemes is
    undertaken every three years and is updated to reflect current conditions in
    the intervening periods. Scheme assets are valued at market value. Scheme
    liabilities are measured on an actuarial basis and discounted at the current
    rate of return on a high quality corporate bond of equivalent term and
    currency to the liability. The surplus or deficit on the schemes is shown on
    the balance sheet as an asset or liability net of the deferred tax impact.
    Actuarial gains and losses are recognised immediately in equity through the
    statement of total recognised income and expense.

    The current service cost and past service cost of the schemes and the
    expected return on assets net of the change in the present value of the
    scheme liabilities arising from the passage of time, are charged to
    operating profit.

    All amounts are stated in Euro. Transactions in currencies other than euro
    are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the
    transactions. Balances in foreign currencies have been translated into Euro
    at contract rates where the amounts are covered by forward contracts.

    On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the Group's overseas
    operation are translated at exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet
    date. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates
    for the period unless exchange rates fluctuate significantly. Exchange
    differences are classified as equity and transferred to the translation
    reserve. At the 1st January 2004 this reserve has been deemed to be zero in
    accordance with IFRS1.


    The Group operates a share option scheme based on non-market vesting
    criteria. The group has availed of the transitional arrangements under IFRS
    1 and IFRS 2 and no charge is included for share options granted before 7
    November 2002 which had not vested by 1 January 2005. For all other options,
    the fair value of the options is determined at the date of grant and
    expensed in the income statement over the period during which the employees
    become unconditionally entitled to the options. The expense is credited to a
    separate reserve in the balance sheet. At each period end the group revises
    its estimate of the number of options that it expects to vest and any
    adjustment relating to current and past vesting period is charged to the
    income statement. Share options are all equity settled.


    Where any Group Company purchases the Company's equity share capital, the
    consideration paid is shown as a deduction from ordinary shareholders'
    equity. No gain or loss is recognised on the sale issue or cancellation of
    treasury shares. Consideration received on the subsequent sale or issue of
    treasury shares is credited to ordinary shareholders equity. Treasury shares
    are excluded when calculating earnings per share.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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