RNS No 5718c
20th October 1998

           Preliminary results for the year ending
                        30 June 1998

        Eleco returns to profit and the dividend list
     *    Turnover on continuing operations up 12% to #24.5m
       (1997: #21.8m)

     *    Operating profit on continuing operations increased to
       #1,322,000 (1997: #255,000)

     *    Profit before tax on ordinary activities of #9,000
       (1997: Loss #1,319,000)

     *    Resumption of Dividends
          Recommended final dividend of 0.25p (1997: Nil)

     *    Net bank borrowings virtually halved to #2,340,000
       (1997: #4,619,000)
          Gearing reduced to 46.3% (1997: 82.2%)

John Ketteley, Executive Chairman, commented:

"I  am  pleased to report continuing progress  in  the  year
under  review and am delighted this has resulted in a return
to  profit  before tax (operating profit on  our  continuing
businesses   increased  significantly)  and   the   proposed
resumption   of   dividend  payments.   The  Board's   prime
objective  over the past eighteen months has been to  reduce
borrowings  and  put  in  place a  business  and  management
structure,  which will provide the Group with a sound  basis
for the future.  We are well on the way to achieving
these objectives.  We have made a good start to the year and
all   our   businesses  are  performing  well.   I   believe
therefore,  that we are well placed to meet  the  challenges

Enquiries to:
Eleco Holdings plc
John Ketteley, Executive Chairman            Tel: 01992 440 311

David Dannhauser, Finance Director           Tel: 01992 440 311

Millham Communications
David Millham / Tarquin Edwards              Tel: 0171 256 5756

Chairman's  Statement accompanying preliminary  announcement
of figures for the year ended 30 June 1998

I  am pleased to report that continuing progress in the year
under  review has resulted in a return to profit before  tax
and  a  resumption of dividend payments.  In  addition,  the
sale  during the year of the loss making Davis International
business   and  assets  surplus  to  requirements   of   our
continuing  operations  has  enabled  us  to  significantly
reduce borrowings.

Turnover  of  continuing operations amounted to  #24,525,000
(1997:  #21,810,000)  and  from  acquisitions  amounted   to
#487,000 (1997: Nil).  Total operating profit was #1,324,000
(1997:   Loss  #742,000).  Operating  profit  on  continuing
operations  was  #1,322,000 compared with #255,000  for  the
previous  year.   Operating  profit  from  acquisitions  was
#89,000 (1997: Nil).

After taking into account the exceptional losses on the sale
and  termination  of  discontinued  operations  of  #390,000
(1997:  Nil)  and  on  the disposal of tangible  assets  and
associated  investments of #531,000  (1997:  #116,000),  the
profit  on  ordinary activities before interest amounted  to
#403,000   (1997:  Loss  #858,000).   Profit   on   ordinary
activities   before   taxation  was   #9,000   (1997:   Loss

The  financial position of the Group was strengthened during
the  year under review and net bank borrowings as at 30 June
1998  were cut to #2,340,000 compared with #4,619,000 at  30
June 1997.

Although  the  general  outlook  for  the  economy  is  less
promising  than it has been for some time, the current  year
has  started  well.  In the light of this and the  excellent
progress which has been made by our continuing businesses in
the  year  under review, the Board has decided  that  it  is
appropriate to recommend a final dividend of 0.25p per share
(1997: Nil).

Building Systems
The  turnover  of  Eleco's Building Systems  businesses  was
#22,877,000   (1997:  #20,064,000)  and  operating   profits
increased  to  #1,307,000 (1997: #750,000).   All  companies
contributed to this improvement in performance.

Roofing Systems

SpeedDeck Building Systems achieved excellent results.   The
business has made a strong start to the current year and has
a  number  of projects in hand, which are aimed at enhancing
its  market  position.  The recent launch of the  "SpeedDeck
Designer",  a  unique software programme for the  design  of
SpeedDeck  roofs, has been very well received by  architects
and designers.

Panel Products

Stramit  Industries has performed well  overall  in  a  very
competitive marketplace.  The plasterboard business achieved
significant  growth in the period.  However,  its  increased
profit  contribution was partly offset by a modest  loss  in
the strawboard business.

Precast Concrete Systems

Bell  &  Webster  again performed well, achieving  increased
turnover  and  profits.  The year saw considerable  progress
made  in  developing the market for its  "flat  pack"  rooms
system.  As a consequence, the current year has begun with a
substantial  increase  in the order  book  for  "flat  pack"
rooms,  both  for hotel and student accommodation  products,
which augurs well for the rest of the year.

Gang-Nail Systems

Our  Gang-Nail Systems business in the UK performed well  in
the  second  half  and has made an excellent  start  to  the
current  year.   The  development of the new  Windows  based
software programmes is progressing well and we are confident
that  Gang-Nail Systems' fabricators will have a significant
leading  edge over the competition, when the new  programmes
are introduced.

Our  German  subsidiary,  which already  has  Windows  based
software  programmes  in  its  market  equivalent  to  those
currently  under  development for UK fabricators,  performed
solidly  in  the  year under review.  The current  year  has
started well and local industry prospects are showing  signs
of improvement.

Our   South   African   subsidiary  produced   an   improved
performance  in  the  second  half  and  made   a   positive
contribution  to  the year, despite difficult  local  market

Rail and Marine

Our  rail  and  marine  businesses performed  well,  despite
intensified  competition, particularly on  margins.   Tergor
Electronics,  a  supplier of marine communications  systems,
was   acquired   in   December  1997 and  made   a   positive
contribution  in  the  second half.  A  major  part  of  its
operations have been integrated with Abtus.

In  the past year and a half, my Board colleagues and I have
focussed on a programme of activities designed to return the
Eleco  Group  to profit, to reduce borrowings to  reasonable
levels  and  to  put  in  place a  business  and  management
structure,  which will provide the Group with a  sound  base
for  the  future.  We are well on the way to  achieving  these
objectives.  Our intent is to build on these foundations and
to grow Eleco organically and by acquisition.

Any  comment  on  the  current outlook must  be tempered  by  the  
possibility that  increasingly  difficult trading  conditions 
in the building  sector may well  occur  as a result 
of the recent turbulence  in  world financial  markets. 
Nevertheless, as  a result of the successful restructuring 
programme and the hard work and dedication of all  its
employees over the past eighteen months, Eleco is  now  much
stronger  and  better equipped to satisfy the needs  of  its
customers in a highly competitive environment.  We have made
a  good  start  to  the  year and  all  our  businesses  are
performing  well.   I believe therefore, that  we  are  well
placed to meet the challenges ahead.

JHB Ketteley
Executive Chairman
20 October 1998

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                           1998     1998   1997     1997
                                 Notes    #'000    #'000  #'000    #'000
     Continuing operations         2     24,525          21,810       
     Acquisitions                  2        487            -
                                         25,012          21,810               
     Discontinued operations       2      2,883           7,431       
Total turnover                                    27,895           29,241     
cost of sales                                   (19,082)         (20,267)
Gross profit                                       8,813           8,974
Operating profit/(loss)                                        
     Continuing operations                 1,322            255      
     Acquisitions                             89              -       
                                           1,411            255       
     Discontinued operations                (87)          (997)       
Total operating profit/(loss)                      1,324            (742)
Loss on sale and termination of                                
  discontinued operations           3               (390)                -
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed 
  assets and associated investments  3              (531)            (116)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                            403            (858)
   activities before interest
Interest receivable                           18              24      
Interest payable                            (412)           (485)       
                                                   (394)            (461)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                              9          (1,319)
    activities before taxation                                   
Taxation                                            (35)            (166)
Loss on ordinary activities                         (26)          (1,485)
    after taxation                                               
Dividends                          4                (97)               -
Retained loss for the year                         (123)          (1,485)
loss per 10p ordinary share                                    
     Net basis                     5              (0.1)p           (3.8)p

Unaudited Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                1998     1997
                                               #'000    #'000
Loss for the financial year                      (26)  (1,485)

Currency translation differences on 
foreign currency net investments                 (72)     (72)

Permanent diminution in value of                 (321)    (120)
freehold properties
Other recognised losses relating to the year    (393)    (192)
Total recognised losses for the year            (419)  (1,677)

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
AT 30 JUNE 1998

                                                1998    1997
                                       Notes   #'000   #'000
Fixed assets                                                
Intangible assets                                134       -
Tangible assets                                5,338   6,675
Investments                                        -     126
                                               5,472   6,801
Current assets                                              
Stocks                                         2,356   3,796
Debtors                                        6,007   6,917
Cash at bank and in hand                         636     244
                                               8,999  10,957
Creditors: amounts falling due               
within one year                              (7,531) (10,274)      
Net current assets                             1,468     683
Total assets less current                      6,940   7,484
Creditors: amounts falling due                (1,426) (1,421)
   after more than one year                                  
Provisions for liabilities and charges              -    (33)
Net assets                                     5,514   6,030
Capital  and reserves                                       
Called up share capital                        3,863   3,863
Share premium account                          4,434   4,434
Merger reserve                                   367     367
Revaluation reserve                                -     388
Profit and loss account                       (3,150) (3,022)
Equity shareholders' funds                     5,514   6,030

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                          1998    1997
                                            Notes        #'000   #'000
Operating activities                                           
Net cash inflow from continuing operations               2,072   1,029
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                              95    (46)
     discontinued operations
Net cash inflow from operating activities     (i)        2,167     983
Returns on investment and servicing of                         
Interest received                                           18      24
Interest paid                                             (388)   (453)
Interest element of finance lease rentals                  (24)    (32)
Net cash outflow from returns on                          (394)   (461)
     investment and servicing of finance
UK corporation tax paid                                    (10)    (48)
Overseas tax paid                                          (11)    (12)
Net cash outflow from taxation                             (21)    (60)
Capital expenditure and financial                              
Purchase of fixed assets                                  (848)   (483)
Investments in associated undertakings                     (19)    (45)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                               105     445
Cash outflows on disposal of tangible                                         
      fixed assets                                        (313)    (73)
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure               (1,075)   (156)
     and financial investment     
Acquisitions and disposals                                     
Purchase of subsidiary net of cash                        (337)      -
Sale and closure of subsidiary                            2,126      -
Net cash inflow from acquisitions and                     1,789       -
Equity dividends paid                                         -   (194)
Net cash inflow before financing                          2,466     112
New bank loans                                              250       -
Repayment of principal under finance                       (162)   (145)
Repayment of bank loans                                    (822) (1,083)
Net cash outflow from financing             (ii)           (734) (1,228)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period    (ii)           1,732 (1,116)

(i) Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash flow

                                                       1998       1997
                                                      #'000      #'000
Operating profit/(loss)                                1324       (742)
Depreciation and amortisation                           665       1004
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                 (24)       (24)
Working capital change - continuing                     106        389
Working capital change - discontinued                    96        356
Net cash inflow from operating activities             2,167         983

(ii) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                       1998        1997
                                                      #'000       #'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period             1,732      (1,116)
Cash flow from decrease in debt and lease               734       1,228
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows          2,466         112
Other non-cash items:                                       
     New finance leases                               (135)        (157)
     Finance leases eliminated on disposal               87           -
     Effects of foreign exchange rates                 (18)          18
Movement in net debt in the period                    2,400         (27)
Net debt at 1 July 1998                              (4,955)     (4,928)
Net debt at 30 June 1998                             (2,555)     (4,955)


1.    The financial information in this announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 
240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts of the 
Company, on which the Auditors will report, will be delivered 
to the Registrar of Companies and posted to shareholders at 
the end of October. The comparative figures for the year to 30 
June  1997  have been  taken  from,  but  do  not constitute,  
the  Company's statutory  financial  statements for  that  
financial  year.Those  financial  statements have been reported  
on  by  the Company's  auditors  and  delivered  to  the  
Registrar   of Companies.   The report of the auditors was 
unqualified  and did  not  contain a statement under s237(2) 
or  (3)  of  the Companies Act 1985.

2.   Turnover and segmental analysis

Group turnover and profits were attributable as follows

                                    External sales      Profit/(loss)
                                      1998   1997        1998    1997
                                     #'000  #'000       #'000   #'000
Continuing activities                                      
Building systems                    22,877 20,064       1,307     750
Rail and marine                      1,721  1,188         321     286
Property                               414    558          45     (3)
Corporate                                -      -       (262)   (778)
Total continuing                    25,012 21,810       1,411     255
Discontinued activities                                    
Building systems                     2,882  7,317        (78)   (869)
Other                                    1    114         (9)   (128)
Total discontinued                   2,883  7,431        (87)   (997)
Total continuing and discontinued   27,895 29,241       1,324   (742)
Exceptional losses                                      (921)   (116)
Profit/(loss) before interest                             403   (858)

Continuing activities include Tergor Electronics Limited, a
company acquired during the year, and which contributed
turnover of #487,000 and operating profit of #89,000 to the
results of the rail and marine division.

The discontinued Building System activities comprise the
businesses of Davis International Limited, which was sold
during the year, and Gang-Nail Hungary Kft, which was closed
during the year.

Other discontinued activities comprised Housing Development
activities, which were discontinued in previous years.

3.   Loss on sale and termination of discontinued operations arises
from the disposal of Davis International Limited and the closure of 
Gang-Nail Hungary Kft as noted above.

Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets and associated investment
principally arises from the assignment or surrender of property 
leases in respect of properties no longer utilised by the Group's 
continuing activities.

4.   The final dividend of 0.25p per share will be paid on 8
January  1999 to shareholders on the register at 27 November

5.   The calculation of loss per share on the net basis is
based upon the loss attributable to members of the holding
company of #26,000 (1997: #1,485,000) and on 38,629,731
(1997: 38,629,731) ordinary shares, being the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

6.    The information herein has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 1997,
except for the implementation of FRS10 'Goodwill and Intangible Assets' in
respect of the accounting for goodwill on acquisition of subsidiary
undertakings as explained below.  As allowed by the standard there has been no
retrospective re-instatement to intangible assets of goodwill on acquisition
written off to reserves in earlier years.

Goodwill arising on consolidation, representing the excess of purchase price
over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired, is capitalised
and amortised through the profit and loss account over periods not exceeding
twenty years.

7.     The directors approved the preliminary announcement on 19 October 1998.

The Annual General Meeting of Eleco Holdings plc will be held a Belcon House,
Essex Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 0DR, on 4 December 1998, at 10.00



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