RNS Number : 4380V 
European Convergence Develop. CoPLC 
02 November 2010 

|          | 02 November 2010                                               | 
|          |  EuroPean convergence development company plc                  | 
|          | ("ECDC" OR "THE COMPANY")                                      | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Shareholder Update: 01st July 2010 to 30th September 2010      | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The purpose of this document is to update shareholders with    | 
|          | new developments since the Company's last shareholder update   | 
|          | report in August 2010.  This latest update covers the          | 
|          | developments during the third quarter of 2010, but should be   | 
|          | read in conjunction with all prior reports, which provide      | 
|          | commentary on the historical evolution of the Company's        | 
|          | business, and the associated detailed background information.  | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Bulgaria                                                       | 
|          | Market Overview                                                | 
|          | In the third quarter the Bulgarian economy continued to        | 
|          | struggle for recovery though some macro economic indicators    | 
|          | showed a slightly improved position.  On the positive side,    | 
|          | unemployment continued its downward trend and registered a     | 
|          | sixth consecutive month of decline falling from a peak of      | 
|          | 10.3% in February to 9.1% in August.  Exports have gradually   | 
|          | increased recording EUR8.34 billion in July 2010 against EUR6.45   | 
|          | billion for the same period in 2009.  The negative trend for   | 
|          | GDP growth from 2009 continued into Q1 (3.2%) and Q2 (1.4%)    | 
|          | 2010 though the downward trend appears to be flattening out.   | 
|          | The FDI continued to decline during the first four months of   | 
|          | the year representing only 2.1% of GDP (5.8% of GDP 2009).     | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The Government's finances compare favourably to most European  | 
|          | countries.  In the first eight months of the year Bulgaria     | 
|          | generated a budget deficit of 2.3% of GDP. In August           | 
|          | Government debt stood at approximately 16.3% of GDP and        | 
|          | foreign currency reserves were over 44% of GDP.                | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Meanwhile, preliminary figures from the Bulgarian National     | 
|          | Statistical Institute (NSI) indicate that retail sales         | 
|          | continue to slow.  For the first five months of the year       | 
|          | wholesale and retail sales were 12.4% down year on year.       | 
|          | Whilst food sales were basically static, sales of consumer     | 
|          | electronics, furniture and cars were considerably lower.       | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Bulgaria-Retail Property                                       | 
|          | Modern retail floor space increased 96% in the first half of   | 
|          | 2010 (Cushman & Wakefield) and retailers' interest to          | 
|          | participate in the new malls remains low.  The location,       | 
|          | quality of construction and fit out of the mall are no longer  | 
|          | the prime criteria for tenants, instead it appears that small  | 
|          | local tenants are now becoming more focused on a mall's tenant | 
|          | mix and higher occupancy levels.  The majority of new shopping | 
|          | centres to be opened outside Sofia are suffering from high     | 
|          | vacancy levels which will see some new malls opening with less | 
|          | than 50% occupancy.  This reflects a growing level of concern  | 
|          | by tenants over both the retail market and the increased risk  | 
|          | of the developer completion default.                           | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Brokers reported 30% decreases in rent levels in Sofia in Q210 | 
|          | and declines of between 43% and 50% in other cities across the | 
|          | country.  This downward pressure on rental levels appears to   | 
|          | have continued in Q3.  The increased supply of retail space,   | 
|          | on top of the continued fall in overall consumer consumption   | 
|          | and general market weakness has strengthened the retailers'    | 
|          | negotiating position.  Landlords are having to use more        | 
|          | imaginative ways to retain tenants or induce them to take      | 
|          | space with the introduction of stepped rents, longer rent-free | 
|          | periods, turnover rent only periods and landlords' fit-out     | 
|          | contributions, or a combination of these being much more       | 
|          | prevalent. There is also evidence that tenants are cancelling  | 
|          | signed lease contracts and refusing to open the leased         | 
|          | premises and pay rent which is causing considerable delay and  | 
|          | uncertainty when trying to open premises to the public.        | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Rents and capital values are not expected to recover in the    | 
|          | near term and it is very difficult to see an end to the        | 
|          | current market conditions until sentiment changes              | 
|          | significantly.                                                 | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Bulgarian Assets                                               | 
|          | Galleria Plovdiv                                               | 
|          | Following the soft opening of Galleria Plovdiv in April, the   | 
|          | management team has continued with its strategy of dealing     | 
|          | with snagging issues on an ongoing basis.  The team has also   | 
|          | continued to let vacant units but unfortunately not at the     | 
|          | speed originally anticipated.  At the end of Q3 approximately  | 
|          | 50% of the GLA has been let.  The delay in attracting tenants  | 
|          | is a direct result of the market conditions mentioned above    | 
|          | rather than the Mall itself. The continued deterioration in    | 
|          | market conditions is resulting in the Manager having to        | 
|          | readjust its expectations on the speed of take up of space.    | 
|          | It is also becoming evident that even though certain tenants   | 
|          | have a desire to open in Plovdiv they have insufficient        | 
|          | capital/budget in this financial year to open new stores.      | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The end of the summer has brought more urgency from            | 
|          | prospective tenants to complete negotiations and start         | 
|          | fitting-out in time to capture the Christmas trade.  The       | 
|          | management anticipates further openings during Q4 from         | 
|          | international fashion brands and some electronic retailers and | 
|          | is currently in advanced negotiations with other prospective   | 
|          | tenants which should ensure that the Mall is between 70% and   | 
|          | 75% let by the end of the calendar year.                       | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The delay in signing tenants and the use of temporary rental   | 
|          | concessions during the difficult trading months of June to     | 
|          | September have had a detrimental effect on the liquidity of    | 
|          | Galleria Plovdiv. The Company is in detailed negotiations with | 
|          | the senior lender, which continues to be supportive of the     | 
|          | project about the terms of the current facility and the        | 
|          | provision of some additional liquidity to entice tenants to    | 
|          | take space and meet operational cash flow requirements until   | 
|          | sufficient tenants are signed up.  Tenant incentives will      | 
|          | normally take the form of a contribution towards their fitting | 
|          | out works.                                                     | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Mega Mall Rousse                                               | 
|          | Rousse is a secondary city with a population of 170,000 and as | 
|          | such is suffering like all other cities from the general down  | 
|          | turn in the retail market.  Despite this the Mall is           | 
|          | attracting an increasing amount of interest and visits from    | 
|          | prospective tenants.  The management team is pleased to        | 
|          | announce that it has secured a key anchor tenant, an           | 
|          | international drugstore.  However current market sentiment is  | 
|          | ensuring that every tenant is taking a significantly longer    | 
|          | time to negotiate and decide on taking a lease                 | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The project is expected to complete in time to enable a soft   | 
|          | opening in late November when it is expected that the road     | 
|          | network will be completed.  The management team is discussing  | 
|          | various logistical issues around the soft opening of the Mall  | 
|          | with a full opening in March 2011. Discussions are being held  | 
|          | with the senior lender to ensure that it will accommodate the  | 
|          | delay in opening.                                              | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The management team is of the opinion that 75% occupancy is    | 
|          | achievable for Spring 2011.                                    | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Bourgas Retail Park & Trade Centre Sliven                      | 
|          | There has been no further progress made on these developments  | 
|          | since there has been no marked improvement in either the       | 
|          | Banking or Retail market conditions.                           | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Romania                                                        | 
|          | Market Overview                                                | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | In order to reduce the budget deficit the Government has, from | 
|          | 1st July implemented an austerity program. The key measures    | 
|          | are:                                                           | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | -     25% cut public sector wages;                             | 
|          | -     Increase in value added tax from 19% to 24%;             | 
|          | -     15% cut in social transfers (excluding pensions) by 15%; | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | -     16% tax on deposit interest and luncheon tickets;        | 
|          | -     Reduction in public sector current expenses;             | 
|          | -     Reduction in public sector employees.                    | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The initial response to these measures was an immediate        | 
|          | increase in inflation. At the end of September the rate had    | 
|          | climbed from a pre measure rate of 4.4% to 7.8% year on year.  | 
|          | This jump was greater than forecast mainly due to additional   | 
|          | higher food prices.                                            | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Economic activity slowed following the introduction of the     | 
|          | austerity measures. Available indicators point to a            | 
|          | substantial contraction in both the construction sector and    | 
|          | household expenditure between July and August and a slowing    | 
|          | down of industrial output.  The current budget deficit stands  | 
|          | at -4.2% of GDP, as of August 2010 and is forecasted to reach  | 
|          | -7.2% by year end, compared with -7.4% last year.              | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The unemployment rate remained stable at around 7.8%, with a   | 
|          | forecasted increase to around 8.3% by year end. The FDI        | 
|          | declined significantly in 2010 with a balance of EUR1.8 billion  | 
|          | to July 2010, compared with EUR4.4 billion for the entire year   | 
|          | 2009, and EUR9.3 billion for the entire year 2008.               | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The last monetary policy meeting held on 29 September, kept    | 
|          | the monetary policy rate unchanged at 6.25%.                   | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | In September, Romania received another EUR885 million from the   | 
|          | IMF and EUR1.15 billion from the European Commission as part of  | 
|          | the external financing package agreed in 2009. To date, total  | 
|          | funds received from the EC and IMF under the financing         | 
|          | programme amount to EUR14.95 billion. EC released EUR3.65 billion  | 
|          | out of the total agreed of EUR5 billion, while IMF instalments   | 
|          | sum to EUR11.3 billion out of a total of EUR13.2 billion. Both the | 
|          | EC and IMF positively assessed the efforts undertaken to       | 
|          | implement the fiscal consolidation measures, stressing also    | 
|          | the necessity for the Government to continue the               | 
|          | implementation of the reforms agreed in the context of the     | 
|          | financing program.                                             | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Romanian Real Estate Market                                    | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Residential Property                                           | 
|          | The building and delivery of residential stock has virtually   | 
|          | dried up over the past one and a half years. Despite the       | 
|          | weakened demand and limited transactions towards the end of Q2 | 
|          | 2010, prices remained stable for the last 3 quarters. It is    | 
|          | expected that there will be no material change in the current  | 
|          | situation for the short term.                                  | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The Government's austerity measures particularly the increase  | 
|          | in VAT has had a direct affect on the affordability of new     | 
|          | product as VAT is charged on new houses.                       | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The introduction of Government guarantees for mortgages to     | 
|          | first time buyers has had a beneficial affect on the old       | 
|          | communist apartment market.  However, the harmonisation of the | 
|          | local legal regulations to the EU regulations has caused       | 
|          | uncertainty in the mortgage lending market. The new rules      | 
|          | resulted in a large number of borrowers requesting a decrease  | 
|          | in their contracted lending margins. These actions, which are  | 
|          | supported by the new regulations, are causing significant      | 
|          | problems for the commercial banks, as this latest challenge is | 
|          | coming on top of the current write-downs and losses caused by  | 
|          | the economic crisis.                                           | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | An improvement in housing demand is now not expected to be     | 
|          | seen until the second half of 2011.                            | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Office Market                                                  | 
|          | Investment volumes increased to almost EUR200 million in the     | 
|          | first half of 2010.  This represented almost 3.2 times the     | 
|          | sales in the same period in 2009.  However, market observers   | 
|          | are suggesting that this does not represent an end to the      | 
|          | problems as most of the transactions were either intra-group   | 
|          | or involved no cash, such as the disposal of a shopping centre | 
|          | in Oradea by the senior lender as part of an insolvency where  | 
|          | no cash is reported to have changed hands.                     | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Prime yields are estimated to have contracted slightly over    | 
|          | the period with prime Grade A offices currently valued at      | 
|          | around 8.50% to 8.75% and retail at 8.50% to 9.00%.            | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | For Q2 2010 prime office headline rents remained in the range  | 
|          | of EUR19-20 sqm/month, although significant tenant incentives    | 
|          | such as free rent periods, fit out contributions, relocation   | 
|          | costs including covered break penalties are increasingly       | 
|          | offered by landlords. These incentives have had the effect of  | 
|          | decreasing the headline rent by EUR1-2 sqm/month, while in       | 
|          | decentralised locations the effect of these incentives may be  | 
|          | as high as EUR2-3 sqm/month. The average vacancy rate increased  | 
|          | to 19.8%, almost double the vacancy level recorded in H1 2009, | 
|          | though the majority is located in decentralised locations.     | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Retail Property                                                | 
|          | Bucharest's modern retail supply stands at 580,000 sqm, as of  | 
|          | June 2010, including shopping centres and shopping galleries.  | 
|          | Country wide modern retail supply reached 1.4 million sqm.     | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | In Q2 2010, two projects were re-launched, Colosseum, located  | 
|          | in the north-western part of Bucharest, with the first phase   | 
|          | consisting of a retail park of 55,000sqm and the 50,000sqm     | 
|          | Polus Centre in Constanta. Both projects are scheduled for     | 
|          | opening in 2011. The developers have been able to re-launch    | 
|          | the developments because they have secured key anchor tenants. | 
|          | Colosseum has secured Carrefour and Leroy Merlin and the Polus | 
|          | Centre, Auchan. Demand in Bucharest remains focused on the     | 
|          | best performing projects. Landlords are increasingly trying to | 
|          | optimise tenant mix to adapt to the current consumer demand    | 
|          | requirements.                                                  | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Several international retailers such as H&M, Pure Fitness and  | 
|          | Leroy Merlin have committed to Romania and plan to expand      | 
|          | rapidly in Bucharest and nationwide. Rental levels continue to | 
|          | decrease even in the best performing shopping centres. In Q2   | 
|          | prime rents in Bucharest decreased to EUR60-70 sqm/month. 2011   | 
|          | pipeline has further decreased to 240,000sqm represented by 6  | 
|          | projects to be developed in Bucharest and 5 in secondary       | 
|          | cities.                                                        | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Romanian Assets                                                | 
|          | Asmita Gardens                                                 | 
|          | By the end of September, 284 apartment sales were completed,   | 
|          | and another 72 units pre-contracted out of a total of 758      | 
|          | apartments. Phase 1 is complete and almost fully occupied.     | 
|          | Phase 2 testing and commissioning has stopped due to the       | 
|          | refusal of the contractor to perform its obligations.          | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | All Phase 2 buyers have been advised of this and been offered  | 
|          | Phase 1 apartments. As a result, out of the 114 pre-contracted | 
|          | units in Phase 2, 41 units have been changed to Phase 1. This  | 
|          | transfer together with the new contracts signed during the     | 
|          | year took the total occupancy of Phase 1 to 85%, with 77% of   | 
|          | the contracts being completed sales and the balance remaining  | 
|          | pre-contracts. New sales continue to be very slow due to the   | 
|          | deepening crisis and adverse market conditions.                | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Strabag's suspension notice, effective since the 21st March    | 
|          | 2010 is still in place with no additional works carried out    | 
|          | since that date. On 6th September Strabag obtained a judgment  | 
|          | for unpaid invoices and the Manager is in negotiations in an   | 
|          | attempt to find an amicable solution.  Those discussions are   | 
|          | ongoing.                                                       | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | In recognition of the significant counterclaims that the       | 
|          | Company has against Strabag, the Company called the on demand  | 
|          | performance bond of Strabag. Strabag obtained an injunction    | 
|          | against this action in the Austrian Courts which has remained  | 
|          | in place following an appeal to the Vienna Court of Appeal.    | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The Manager is also in negotiation with both the senior lender | 
|          | and the JV Partner on how best to restructure the facility     | 
|          | which is technically in default to enable a timely and         | 
|          | efficient work out of the development.                         | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Cascade                                                        | 
|          | During the period leases have been signed with Avon, Huawei    | 
|          | and Poyry, for c. 3,750 sqm. The E.ON lease has been           | 
|          | cancelled. These changes and the restructuring of the BROM     | 
|          | lease (not signed as of 1st November) ensure the building is   | 
|          | c. 66% let.                                                    | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | The shareholders have reached agreement with their bankers on  | 
|          | the restructuring of the facility which is expected to be      | 
|          | signed in early November.                                      | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Baneasa                                                        | 
|          | There have been no significant developments in this project    | 
|          | since the last shareholders report.                            | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Iasi and Oradea Shopping Centres                               | 
|          | During September 2010 the investment in the two European       | 
|          | Retail Park Projects located in Iasi and Oradea were finalised | 
|          | and the capital deployed. The investment was made jointly with | 
|          | another fund managed by the Manager.                           | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Bank facilities for both projects have been approved with      | 
|          | Oradea already implemented and operational.  The Iasi facility | 
|          | is expected to be formalised and signed in the next two weeks. | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | Construction on the main shopping centre has already started   | 
|          | in Oradea and the Decathlon store in Iasi is underway.         | 
|          |                                                                | 
|          | In accordance with the previously stated policies, it is the   | 
|          | intention of the Board to review, with its auditors the        | 
|          | carrying value of all its investments at the year end.         | 
|          |                                                                | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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