RNS Number:2111M
Close Second AIM VCT PLC
16 November 2006

                            CLOSE SECOND AIM VCT PLC
                                INTERIM RESULTS
                                16 November 2006

Close Second AIM VCT PLC ("the Company"), which invests in companies listed on
the Alternative Investment Market, across a variety of sectors, today announces
interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2006.

Chairman's statement

The six months to 31 August 2006 was a volatile and challenging time for
stockmarkets in general and in particular for AIM. Over the period the AIM Index
fell by 11.1% and the FTSE Small Cap Index fell by 3.5%. This compared to a fall
of only 1.2% in the Net Asset Values ("NAV") of the Ordinary shares portfolio 
and a fall of 0.2% for the C and D shares portfolio.

The C and D share offers closed on 5 April and, as stated in the prospectus, the
funds raised were invested in non-qualifying investments, namely floating rate
securities and money market deposits pending investment in VCT qualifying
companies. Between the closing of the offers and the end of August, the C and D
shares portfolio made three qualifying investments.

Due to market sentiment, the rate of new issues slowed down considerably during
the period. Encouragingly, there are some signs that the deal flow is picking up
in the current more stable stockmarket environment for small companies. The
Manager will continue to make new investments in both portfolios that fit its
investment criteria.

On 31 August, the NAVs per share of the Ordinary shares and C and D shares 
portfolios were 61.73p and 94.50p respectively. The NAVs per share on 8 November
were 64.02p for the Ordinary shares portfolio and 94.31p for the C and D
shares portfolio.


Ordinary shares

In accordance with our stated policy of paying dividends to Ordinary
shareholders with each set of interim results, and following the successful
realisation of a substantial capital gain from the takeover of Neutec Pharma,
the Board has declared an interim dividend out of realised capital profits of 7p
per Ordinary share.

The dividend is subject to HM Revenue & Customs approval. The Company will
announce the record date and the dividend payment date in due course following
HM Revenue & Customs approval.

C and D shares

As noted above, the funds raised from the C and D share offers have mainly been
invested in interest bearing non-qualifying investments during the period. As
noted in the prospectus, the Company must pay out most of the income it receives
and, therefore, the Board has declared an interim revenue dividend of 0.75p per 
C and D share. This will be paid on 14 December 2006 to all C and D shareholders
on the register on 24 November 2006.

Share buy-back policy and discount

The Company has a share buy-back policy for shareholders wishing to sell their

During the period under review, the Company repurchased 174,930 Ordinary shares
at an average price of 54.4p. The total value of shares repurchased over the
period was #93,445. At the end of August 2006, the discount of the share price
to NAV per Ordinary share was 9.3% compared to 7.9% at the end of August 2005.
The Company will endeavour to maintain the discount at 10% or below. The share
price for the C and D shares was 100p at the end of August 2006 and no shares
were repurchased during the period.

Shareholders intending to sell their shares might wish to contact the Manager,
Close Investments Ltd.

Market background

The market started 2006 in exuberant form, with the AIM Index in particular
racing to catch up with the other indices that it had underperformed in 2005.
This continued into April, with the AIM Index showing gains of over 20% at its
peak at the beginning of May. Although many of the gains were in resource stocks
which do not qualify for VCT investment, there was also a positive attitude to
risk amongst investors at this time which was helpful to smaller company share
prices in general. It also helped a record number of new issues to come to AIM
in the first six months to June, although many of these were at high valuations
and non-VCT qualifying.

Unfortunately, all of this ended abruptly in May, when markets began to focus on
the reality of high oil prices, falling commodity prices, the very real
probability of higher interest rates and waning consumer confidence. The market
suffered a sharp sell off, and smaller companies were particularly affected as
some fund managers sought safety in larger and more liquid stocks. AIM fell more
sharply than the rest of the UK indices as investors who had been increasing
their exposure to this market over the previous twelve months began to
re-evaluate their strategy in the light of poor performance from recent
flotations. It is worth noting that AIM, being heavily distorted by the
performance of mining and oil stocks, also found itself at the mercy of falling
commodity prices at this time.

The change in sentiment affected the ratings of all smaller companies as the
appetite for risk diminished. Volatility also increased with the result that
shares tended to over-react to any piece of bad news. Moreover, at the end of
the summer market sentiment was not helped, first, by the decision by the US
Congress to ban online gaming and, second, the quicker than expected rise in
interest rates in August. The portfolios were not exposed to the online gaming
sector as these companies are not VCT qualifying investments. However, the
performance of AIM suffered greatly in August and September as they represented
some of AIM's largest companies. The actual decision by the Monetary Policy
Committee to increase interest rates was not a surprise as rising inflation has
continued to be a threat. The more hawkish City economists predict further
interest rate rises this year in order to push inflation back down to the
Monetary Policy Committee target of 2%.

Since the period end, volatility in the small company market has begun to calm
down, with stability gradually returning as sentiment is slowly beginning to
pick up and corporate activity remains strong. Consequently, we are seeing an
increasing number of flotations and secondary placings on AIM, which is
encouraging after the quiet summer. Although the valuations of some new issues
are still relatively high, there are some coming at attractive valuations and
the Manager still expects to continue to make new investments in the portfolios
at sensible valuations.


Ordinary share portfolio

In the period, the NAV per Ordinary share fell by 1.2% outperforming both the 
AIM and Small Cap Index over the period which fell by 11.1% and 3.5% 
respectively. The performance of the portfolio was not helped by market 
sentiment, which meant that some of the larger holdings such as Imprint saw 
their share prices fall despite producing excellent figures and exceeding 
market expectations for growth. In more stable market conditions, one would 
expect that profitable, more established businesses, like Imprint, to be 
re-rated once more.

There were three stocks which suffered from specific problems which cost the
fund some performance in the period - Pipex, Win and Careforce. Pipex, the
broadband operator, was hit by increased competition in its market; and Win, the
deliverer of content over the mobile network lost a very profitable customer.
Careforce suffered lower than expected demand for its domiciliary care services
from Local Authority Social Services departments. All three companies operate in
markets which have begun to consolidate.

However, over the period there were several holdings in the portfolio that
produced good results including Pilat Media, Clapham House, Talarius and Zetar.
The exciting news over the period was the takeover of one of the fund's largest
holdings at the time, Neutec Pharma. In July, a cash offer for Neutec Pharma
came from Novartis at 1050p, which was seven times the original price paid for
the shares.

There were no new investments made in the Ordinary shares portfolio over the 
period but profits were taken in several holdings including Mattioli Woods, 
Huveaux, PM Group and Strategic Thought. The portfolio's holding in Sovereign 
Oilfield Services was sold. Since the period end, the Manager has invested in 
Brulines, a leading provider of data systems (including hardware, software and 
analysis) that monitor the through-flow of beer in pubs. The company floated 
on AIM in October, raising #8m to expand into new vertical markets and 
strengthen the balance sheet. Its main customers include Punch Taverns, 
Enterprise Inns and Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries. Brulines is a profitable
 company and is expected to pay a dividend in its financial year to the end of 
March 2007.

Since the period end, the NAV per share has been positively affected by 
continued corporate activity. Both Talarius and Ovum in the Ordinary shares 
portfolio have had bid approaches. Talarius had an approach from a third party 
that may lead to an offer. Talarius is the portfolio's largest holding and the 
share price has performed strongly. Datamonitor, Ovum's main UK competitor, 
announced a cash offer for Ovum, which entitles Ovum shareholders to 300p per 
Ovum share. This price represents a 58% premium to the price paid for the 
shares. As a result of the above coupled with recent market recovery, the NAV 
on 8 November was up 3.7% from the end of August 2006 to 64.02p compared to a 
2.4% fall in the AIM Index over the same period.

At the period end, the Ordinary shares portfolio was 75.9% invested in 
qualifying investments for HM Revenue & Customs purposes.

C and D shares portfolio

During the period there were three new investments - BBI, Telephonetics and
Twenty. Cardiff based BBI Holdings develops and manufactures rapid result
non-invasive diagnostic tests for the point of care market; Telephonetics
develops and distributes advanced speech recognition product and services mainly
to the cinema industry and Twenty provides a range of media and marketing
services to a variety of sectors including charities, retail and leisure. Since
the period end, we have invested in two more VCT qualifying investments -
Brulines (described above) and Hatpin. Hatpin is a profitable recruitment
services business, specialising in public sector and advertising recruitment.
The company floated on AIM in September, raising #5.5m to purchase Alexander
Mann, a recruitment business specialising in the financial markets industry. The
company intends to continue to grow its business both organically and through

At the period end, the C and D shares portfolio was 5.4% invested in qualifying
investments for HM Revenue & Customs purposes. The portfolio has two and a half
years to reach the 70% required under VCT regulations.


Julian Fosh resigned from the Board in July. The Board wishes to thank Julian
for his contribution to the Company over the years and wishes him well for the


There is no doubt that the aversion to risk since the beginning of the summer
had an impact on the flow of qualifying new issues onto AIM and consequently,
the rate of investment slowed in the second half of the period. With the market
beginning to stabilise, the main challenge for the Manager remains finding
enough new attractive VCT qualifying investments at the right price. The effect
of the summer has been twofold, first to put some companies off the whole
flotation process, and second to bring back some flotation prices to more
realistic levels. The latter is good news for the Company, but only if 
sufficient companies find that it is worthwhile to float. Stability in the 
market over the next three months will be important for this and the rate of 
flotations on AIM is slowly beginning to pick up. However, with the Ordinary 
portfolio invested over 70% in VCT qualifying companies and the C and D shares 
with over 2 years to go to reach this level, we will continue to concentrate 
on quality and value.

It is encouraging that many of the companies in which the portfolios are
invested have announced good figures, and several have paid maiden dividends,
for example, Mattioli Woods, BBI Holdings, Bond International and Cello. The
wider stockmarket worries about inflation (particularly rising utility prices),
further interest rates hikes and slowing growth rates do not seem to have had a
negative effect on the trading performance of companies in the portfolios.
Corporate activity is expected to continue in a variety of sectors and if the
small company market continues to recover, there should be room for growth
stocks to be re-rated upwards. This would have a positive impact on the
performance of the portfolios, which is already evident with the recent bid
approaches for both Talarius and Ovum in the Ordinary shares portfolio.

Elizabeth Kennedy


16 November 2006

                                Income Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006
                                Ordinary shares

                    Unaudited                  Unaudited                  Audited
                   Six months to              Six months to              Year to
                  31 August 2006             31 August 2005             28 February 2006
              Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total
              #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000
gains             -      (31)     (31)       -     (162)    (162)       -      330      330
Investment       34        -       34       24        -       24       35        -       35
management      (14)     (43)     (57)     (14)     (44)     (58)     (29)     (87)    (116)
Other           (37)       -      (37)     (52)       -      (52)    (141)       -     (141)
expenses      -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------
Return on
before tax      (17)     (74)     (91)     (42)    (206)    (248)    (135)     243      108
Tax on
activities        7        8       15        -        -        -        -        -        -
              -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------
shareholders    (10)     (66)     (76)     (42)    (206)    (248)    (135)     243      108
              -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------
Basic and
per share     (0.13)   (0.82)   (0.95)   (0.49)   (2.42)   (2.91)   (1.61)    2.90     1.29
(pence)       -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------

All of the Company's activities derive from continuing operations.

No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed above,
accordingly a statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required.

The total column of the Income Statement represents the profit and loss of the
Ordinary shares. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns
have been prepared in accordance with the Association of Investment Trust
Companies' Statement of Recommended Practice.

                                Income Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006
                                  C & D shares

                                                Six months to
                                                31 August 2006
                                                Revenue  Capital         Total
                                                 #'000       #'000       #'000
Losses on investments                                -         (48)        (48)
Invesment income                                   340           -         340
Investment management fee                          (56)       (167)       (223)
Other expenses                                     (55)          -         (55)
                                                 -------     -------      ------
Return on ordinary activities before tax           229        (215)         14
Tax on ordinary activities                         (53)         38         (15)
                                                 -------     -------      ------
Return attributable to shareholders                176        (177)         (1)
                                                 -------     -------      ------
Basic and diluted return per share (pence)        1.04       (1.04)          -
                                                 -------     -------      ------

All of the Company's activities derive from continuing operations.

No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed above,
accordingly a statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required.

The total column of the Income Statement represents the profit and loss of the C
& D shares. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have
been prepared in accordance with the Association of Investment Trust Companies'
Statement of Recommended Practice.

                                Income Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006

                    Unaudited                  Unaudited                  Audited
                  Six months to              Six months to              Year to
                  31 August 2006             31 August 2005             28 February 2006
             Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total
              #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000
gains             -      (79)     (79)       -     (162)    (162)       -      330      330
income          374        -      374       24        -       24       35        -       35
management      (70)    (210)    (280)     (14)     (44)     (58)     (29)     (87)    (116)
Other           (92)       -      (92)     (52)       -      (52)    (141)       -     (141)
expenses      -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------
Return on
before tax      212     (289)     (77)     (42)    (206)    (248)    (135)     243      108
Tax on
activities      (46)      46        -        -        -        -        -        -        -
              -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------
shareholders    166     (243)     (77)     (42)    (206)    (248)    (135)     243      108
              -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------  -------  -------   ------

All of the Company's activities derive from continuing operations.

No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed above,
accordingly a statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required.

The total column of the Income Statement represents the profit and loss of the
Company. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been
prepared in accordance with the Association of Investment Trust Companies'
Statement of Recommended Practice.

                                  Balance Sheet
                              as at 31 August 2006
                                Ordinary shares

                                                        Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                        31 August    31 August    28 February
                                                          2006         2005         2006
                                                         #'000        #'000        #'000
Fixed asset investments
 -at fair value through profit or loss
Qualifying investments                                   3,813        4,482        4,546
Non-qualifying investments                                 355           68          367
                                                      ----------  -----------  -----------
                                                         4,168        4,550        4,913
Current assets
Debtors                                                      9           38           41
Cash at bank                                               749          378          177
                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                           758          416          218
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year                                                   (46)         (25)         (81)
                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Net current assets                                         712          391          137
                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Net assets                                               4,880        4,941        5,050
                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                    395          419          404
Special reserve                                          7,470        7,728        7,564
Capital redemption reserve                                  49           25           40
Realised capital reserve                                (3,370)      (3,866)      (3,849)
Unrealised capital reserve                                 751          947        1,296
Revenue reserve                                           (415)        (312)        (405)
                                                       -----------  -----------  -----------
Equity shareholders' funds                               4,880        4,941        5,050
                                                       -----------  -----------  -----------
Net asset value per share (pence)                        61.73        58.91        62.50

                                  Balance Sheet
                              as at 31 August 2006
                                  C & D shares
                                                              31 August
Fixed asset investments
 -at fair value through profit or loss
Qualifying investments                                              977
Non-qualifying investments                                       14,998
Current assets
Debtors                                                             164
Cash at bank                                                      3,019
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                      (31)
Net current assets                                                3,152
Net assets                                                       19,127
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                           1,012
Share premium                                                    18,116
Realised capital reserve                                           (111)
Unrealised capital reserve                                          (66)
Revenue reserve                                                     176
Equity shareholders' funds                                       19,127
Net asset value per share (pence)                                 94.50

                                  Balance Sheet
                              as at 31 August 2006

                                                    Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                    31 August    31 August    28 February
                                                        2006         2005         2006
                                                       #'000        #'000        #'000
Fixed asset investments
 -at fair value through profit or loss
Qualifying investments                                 4,790        4,482        4,546
Non-qualifying investments                            15,353           68          367
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                      20,143        4,550        4,913
Current assets
Debtors                                                  173           38           41
Cash at bank                                           3,768          378          177
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                       3,941          416          218
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year                                                 (77)         (25)         (81)
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Net current assets                                     3,864          391          137
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Net assets                                            24,007        4,941        5,050
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                1,407          419          404
Share premium                                         18,116            -            -
Special reserve                                        7,470        7,728        7,564
Capital redemption reserve                                49           25           40
Realised capital reserve                              (3,481)      (3,866)      (3,849)
Unrealised capital reserve                               685          947        1,296
Revenue reserve                                         (239)        (312)        (405)
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Equity shareholders' funds                            24,007        4,941        5,050
                                                   -----------  -----------  -----------

               Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006
                                Ordinary shares

             Share    Special  Capital    Realised  Unrealised Revenue   Total
             capital  reserve  redemption capital   capital    reserve
                               reserve    reserve   reserve
              #'000    #'000      #'000     #'000      #'000    #'000    #'000
Six months
ended 31
August 2006
As at 
28 February
2006            404    7,564         40    (3,849)     1,296     (405)   5,050
Net return
taxation          -        -          -       479       (545)     (10)     (76)
for the
for              (9)     (94)         9         -          -        -      (94)
cancellation   ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------
As at 
31 August       395    7,470         49    (3,370)       751     (415)   4,880
2006           ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------

Six months
ended 31
August 2005
As at 
28 February
2005            430    7,846         14    (2,344)      (369)    (270)   5,307
Net return
taxation          -        -          -    (1,522)     1,316      (42)    (248)
for the
for             (11)    (118)        11         -          -        -     (118)
cancellation   ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------
As at 
31 August       419    7,728         25    (3,866)       947     (312)   4,941
2005           ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------

Year ended
28 February
As at
28 February
2005            430    7,846         14    (2,344)      (369)    (270)   5,307
Net return
taxation          -        -          -    (1,422)     1,665     (135)     108
for the year
Dividends         -        -          -       (83)         -        -      (83)
for             (26)    (282)        26         -          -        -     (282)
cancellation   ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------
As at 
28 February
2006            404    7,564         40    (3,849)     1,296     (405)   5,050
               ------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   ------

                                  C & D shares

                     Share    Share    Realised     Unrealised     Revenue   Total
                     capital  premium  capital      capital        reserve
                                       reserve      reserve
                     #'000    #'000        #'000          #'000    #'000    #'000
Six months ended
31 August 2006
as at
28 February 2006         -        -            -              -        -        -
Net return
after taxation
for the period           -        -         (111)           (66)     176       (1)
Issue of
shares net of
expenses             1,012   18,116            -              -        -   19,128
                     ------  -------      -------       --------  -------  -------
As at
31 August 2006       1,012   18,116         (111)           (66)     176   19,127
                     ------  -------      -------       --------  -------  -------

               Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006

             Share    Share     Special  Capital    Realised  Unrealised Revenue    Total
             capital  premium   reserve  redemption capital   capital    reserve
                                         reserve    reserve   reserve
              #'000     #'000    #'000      #'000     #'000      #'000    #'000     #'000
Six months
ended 31
August 2006
As at 
28 February
2006            404         -    7,564         40    (3,849)     1,296     (405)    5,050
Net return
taxation          -         -        -          -       368       (611)     166       (77)
for the
Issue of
shares net
of            1,012    18,116        -          -         -          -        -    19,128
for              (9)        -      (94)         9         -          -        -       (94)
cancellation   ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------
As at 
31 August     1,407    18,116    7,470         49    (3,481)       685     (239)   24,007
2006           ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------

Six months
ended 31
August 2005
As at 
28 February
2005            430         -    7,846         14    (2,344)      (369)    (270)    5,307
Net return
taxation          -         -        -          -    (1,522)     1,316      (42)     (248)
for the
for             (11)        -     (118)        11         -          -        -      (118)
cancellation   ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------
As at  
31 August       419         -    7,728         25    (3,866)       947     (312)    4,941
2005           ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------

Year ended
28 February
As at 
28 February
2005            430         -    7,846         14    (2,344)      (369)    (270)    5,307
Net return
taxation          -         -        -          -    (1,422)     1,665     (135)      108
for the year
Dividends         -         -        -          -       (83)         -        -       (83)
for             (26)        -     (282)        26         -          -        -      (282)
cancellation   ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------
As at 
28 February
2006            404         -    7,564         40    (3,849)     1,296     (405)    5,050
               ------   -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------  -------   -------

                              Cash Flow Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006
                                Ordinary shares

                                      Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited
                                  Six months to   Six months to       Year to
                                      31 August       31 August   28 February
                                           2006            2005          2006
                                          #'000           #'000         #'000
Operating activities
Dividend income received                     13              14            16
Investment income received                    7              11            11
Deposit interest received                    13               3             9
Investment management fees paid             (70)            (63)         (107)
Other cash payments                         (90)            (63)         (110)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Net cash outflow from operating
activities                                 (127)            (98)         (181)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Investing activities
Purchase of investments                     (60)         (1,037)       (1,807)
Disposal of investments                     808           1,701         2,592
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Net cash inflow from investing
activities                                  748             664           785
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid out of realised
capital gains                                 -               -           (83)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Total equity dividends paid                   -               -           (83)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Net cash inflow before financing            621             566           521
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Intercompany account movement                43               -             -
Cancellation of shares                      (92)           (174)         (330)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Net cash outflow from financing             (49)           (174)         (330)
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------
Increase in cash                            572             392           191
                                      -----------     -----------   -----------

                              Cash Flow Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006
                                  C & D shares

                                                                 Six months to
                                                                     31 August
Operating activities
Investment income received                                                 148
Deposit interest received                                                   73
Investment management fees paid                                           (217)
Other cash payments                                                        (41)
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                 (37)
Investing activities
Purchase of investments                                                (16,207)
Disposal of investments                                                    184
Net cash outflow from investing activities                             (16,023)
Net cash outflow before financing                                      (16,060)
Intercompany account movement                                              (43)
Issue of equity net of expenses                                         19,122
Net cash inflow from financing                                          19,079
Increase in cash                                                         3,019

                              Cash Flow Statement
                      for the six months to 31 August 2006

                                    Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited
                                Six months to     Six months to        Year to
                                    31 August         31 August    28 February
                                         2006              2005           2006
                                        #'000             #'000          #'000
Operating activities
Dividend income received                   13                14             16
Investment income received                155                11             11
Deposit interest received                  86                 3              9
Investment management fees paid          (287)              (63)          (107)
Other cash payments                      (131)              (63)          (110)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Net cash outflow from operating
activities                               (164)              (98)          (181)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Investing activities
Purchase of investments               (16,267)           (1,037)        (1,807)
Disposal of investments                   992             1,701          2,592
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
investing activities                  (15,275)              664            785
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid out of realised
capital gains                               -                 -            (83)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Total equity dividends paid                 -                 -            (83)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before
financing                             (15,439)              566            521
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Issue of equity net of expenses        19,122                 -              -
Cancellation of shares                    (92)             (174)          (330)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
financing                              19,030              (174)          (330)
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------
Increase in cash                        3,591               392            191
                                    -----------       -----------    -----------


1. Details about the Investment Manager

Close Second AIM VCT PLC is managed by Close Investments Limited. Close
Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
Authority and is a subsidiary of Close Brothers Group plc.

2. Statutory accounts

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the six months ended 31 August 2006 or 31
August 2005. The financial information for the year ended 28
February 2006 is derived from the statutory accounts delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

3. Accounting Policies

These accounts have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set
out in the latest annual report for the year ended 28 February 2006.

4. Basic and diluted return per share

Return per share has been calculated on 8,005,007 (2005: 8,491,787) Ordinary
shares and 16,993,107 (2005: nil) C & D shares being the weighted average number
of shares in issue for the period.

There are no convertible instruments derivatives or contingent share agreements
in issue for Close Second AIM VCT PLC hence there are no dilution effects to the
return per share. The basic return per share is therefore the same as the
diluted return per share.

5. Net assets per share

Net assets per share has been calculated on 7,905,818 (2005:8,387,080) Ordinary
shares and 20,240,793 (2005: nil) C & D shares being the number of shares in
issue at 31 August.

For further information, please contact:

Andrew Buchanan / Freda Isingoma
Close Investments Limited

Tel: 020 7426 4000

Clemmie Carr
Tavistock Communications

Tel: 020 7655 0500

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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