RNS Number : 3344Y
  Charter European Trust plc
  04 July 2008

    For Immediate Release     4th July 2008


    For the six months ended 31st May 2008


    *     NAV return for six month period of 2.4% compared to benchmark return of -2.9%
    *     Increase in interim dividend of 16.7% to 1.40p per share

    Interim Management Report

    Net Asset Value

    The net asset value per Ordinary Share at 31st May 2008 was 266.4p, representing a capital return of 2.4% for the six months since 30th
November 2007 compared with a return of -2.9% on the Company's  benchmark, the FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index (�).   Since the end of May
there has been further weakness in European equity markets, falling a further 12.3% (1st June-2nd July), whilst our Company continued to
fare better, falling  by 9.1%.

    Interim Dividend 

    The Board recommends an interim dividend of 1.40p per Ordinary Share (2007: 1.20p per Ordinary Share), payable on 26th August 2008 to
shareholders on the Register at 25th July 2008.

    Investment Review

    Stock markets around the world have been highly volatile in the period under review; weakness at the beginning of the year was offset by
a strong rally in April and May. European markets mirrored the global experience despite some strong performances from key industrial
segments in the region.

    The year started with investors in downbeat mood following the rapid deterioration in financial markets as the impact of sub-prime
mortgage defaults in the US spread into a severe liquidity and credit crisis. The nadir in sentiment was reached as Bear Stearns, the US
broking house, collapsed and was subsequently rescued by JP Morgan with the explicit support of the Federal Reserve. This event marked a
short term bottom in markets which rallied through to the end of the period under review as an element of confidence returned, assisted by
the additional easing of monetary policy in the US.

    In terms of the Trust's portfolio, it is encouraging to note that a number of key holdings performed well relative to the market in this
period. This outperformance occurred across a range of different sectors and reflected the emphasis on individual stock selection and the
relatively concentrated number of holdings in the investment portfolio. Syngenta, a leading global provider of crop protection products and
seeds, made a strong contribution to performance as its clients benefited from higher agricultural product prices. Another of the Trust's
investments, SGS Group, delivered excellent returns as the company's testing related services saw strong demand. We see the global testing
market having attractive structural growth characteristics, particularly in the emerging economies, as quality and standards regulation
increases the need for third party independent testing and review. Other investments which have made a positive contribution include
Tandberg (global video conferencing products and services), International Personal Finance (Eastern European consumer credit provider) and Dassault Systes (French IT software group).

    At the sector level, we retain our underweight position in banks which has benefited the Trust in both 2007 and 2008. Our concerns have
centred on the high levels of leverage and the unsustainable level of activity in particular business segments. Despite the heavy share
price falls and the recapitalisation of certain individual organisations, we remain concerned by the overall operating environment and the
lack of visibility on balance sheet exposures.


    European stock markets continue to be driven by global factors, particularly around credit availability and economic growth. We are
anticipating a moderation in global economic growth and while we expect Europe to hold up better than other regions, the variance between
different countries in Europe could be significant. In Northern Europe, the critical manufacturing sector has continued to see strong demand
from Asia and the Middle East.  We are much more concerned about the medium term outlook for certain Southern European economies, such as
Spain and Italy, where key industries are experiencing a tough backdrop. The Eastern European economies should continue to grow strongly,
although perhaps not at the levels recently reported.

    The most pressing issue in Europe is inflation and although we are comfortable that it will not escalate into a serious problem, it is
likely to be reflected in a more cautious stance on monetary policy from the ECB even as economic growth decelerates.

    We have modelled the Trust's holdings' likely profit performance in a less robust economic environment and we are confident they can
continue to deliver good relative results over the medium term.  In our view the focus on quality of management and strong business
franchises should provide continuing positive support for the Trust's investment portfolio.

    Principal Risks and Uncertainties

    The principal risks facing the Company were outlined in the Directors' Report on page 22 of the Annual Financial Report of the Company
for the year ended 30th November 2007. These risks fall broadly under the following categories: Investment and Strategy, Market, Accounting,
Legal and Regulatory, Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations, Operational and Financial. In the opinion of the Board these principal
risks have not changed.    However, a number of key financial markets, in particular those related to credit, remain under stress. A further
contraction in the credit available from the banking system could exacerbate the current slowdown anticipated in economic activity and
adversely affect the profitability of the companies held in the Trust's portfolio over the forthcoming six months.  Given the concentrated
nature of the portfolio we would expect returns to be very different from the benchmark over short periods of time.

    Material Events and Transactions

    In the six month period ended 31st May 2008 the following material events and transactions have taken place.

    At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 18th March 2008, all the resolutions put to shareholders were passed. 

    The final dividend of 2.00p per share was paid on 4th April 2008 to shareholders on the register on 29th February 2008.  The total
dividend payment for the year ended 30th November 2007 was 3.20p per share.

    There were no related party transactions in the period.

    Share Buy Backs and Treasury Share Transactions

    During the period under review the Company purchased 894,500 Ordinary Shares for cancellation and a further 273,000 Ordinary Shares into
treasury.   In the period from 31st May to 4th July 2008, a further 209,000 Ordinary Shares have been purchased for cancellation. 

    Responsibility Statement

    The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

    �         the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance
with the Accounting Standards Board's Statement *Half-Yearly Financial Reports*; and

�         the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R, of
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of financial
statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and
    �         the interim management report includes a fair review of the information concerning related parties transactions as required by
Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R.

The half-yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 4th July 2008 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf
by the Chairman.

    By Order of the Board

    C G H Weaver

    155 Bishopsgate            
    London EC2M 3AD            
    4th July 2008                            
    TOP 20 HOLDINGS AS AT 31st MAY 2008

                                 Valuation    % of 
                                  31st May    Total
                                      2008  Assets*
                                    �'000s           Principal Activities
 E.ON                                4,572     6.90  Gas, Water and Multi
 Novartis                            3,619     5.46  Pharmaceuticals and
 Syngenta                            3,229     4.88  Chemicals
 Veolia Environnement                2,843     4.29  Gas, Water and Multi
 Total                               2,826     4.26  Oil and Gas Producers
 Swatch Group                        2,770     4.18  Personal Goods
 Dassault Systmes                    2,593     3.91  Software and Computer
 International Personal Finance      2,482     3.74  Financial Services
 Tandberg                            2,315     3.49  Technology Hardware and
 Deutsche Bank                       2,205     3.33  Banks
 Vinci                               2,133     3.22  Construction and
 Fresenius Medical Care              2,123     3.20  Healthcare Equipment and
 SAP                                 2,103     3.17  Software and Computer
 GFK                                 2,037     3.07  Media
 Groupe Danone                       1,972     2.98  Food Producers
 Informa                             1,955     2.95  Media
 Wacker Chemie                       1,925     2.90  Chemicals
 Man Group                           1,902     2.87  Financial Services
 Intermediate Capital Group          1,833     2.77  Financial Services
 SGS                                 1,818     2.74  Support Services
                                    49,255    74.31   

    * Total assets are stated net of current liabilities


                     Valuation        % of 
                      31st May     Total  
                          2008      Assets*
 Basic Materials         5,154         7.78
 Consumer Goods          7,728        11.66
 Consumer Services       5,274         7.96
 Financials             16,162        24.38
 Healthcare              5,742         8.66
 Industrials             3,951         5.96
 Oil and Gas             2,826         4.26
 Technology              8,629        13.02
 Telecommunications      1,123         1.69
 Utilities               7,415        11.19
 Net Current Assets      2,282         3.44
                        66,286       100.00

    * Total assets are stated net of current liabilities

    for the six months ended 31st May 2008

                                                Revenue  Capital  Total Return
                                                 �'000s   �'000s        �'000s
                                                                      (Note 2)
 Net gains on investments at fair value               -      752           752
 Net gains on foreign currency loan                   -        -             -
 Other capital charges                                -      (2)           (2)
 Income                                           1,576        -         1,576
 Investment management fee                         (65)    (169)         (234)
 Administration expenses                          (145)        -         (145)
 Net return before finance costs and taxation     1,366      581         1,947
 Finance costs: interest payable and similar       (13)        -          (13)
 Net return on ordinary activities before         1,353      581         1,934
 Overseas taxation                                (194)        -         (194)
 UK taxation                                      (159)      159             -
 Net return attributable to Ordinary
 Shareholders                                     1,000      740         1,740
 Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)           3.96p    2.93p         6.89p

    as at 31st May 2008

 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                  64,004
 Net Current Assets                                                      2,282
 Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                  66,286
 Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                -
 Total Net Assets                                                       66,286

 Called up Share Capital                                                   266
 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                270
 Special Reserve                                                        37,099
 Capital Reserves:   Realised                                           18,017
   Unrealised                                                            8,626
 Revenue Reserve                                                         2,008
 Shareholders' Funds                                                    66,286

 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                     266.4p

 The net asset value is based on 24,883,317 Ordinary Shares in
 As at 31st May 2008 there were an additional 1,758,000 Ordinary
 Shares held in treasury

    for the six months ended 31st May 2007

                                                Revenue  Capital  Total Return
                                                 �'000s   �'000s        �'000s
                                                                      (Note 2)
 Net gains on investments at fair value               -    9,730         9,730
 Net gains on foreign currency loan                   -       49            49
 Other capital charges                                -      (2)           (2)
 Income                                           1,266        -         1,266
 Investment management fee                         (81)    (471)         (552)
 Administration expenses                          (146)        -         (146)
 Net return before finance costs and taxation     1,039    9,306        10,345
 Finance costs: interest payable and similar       (39)    (111)         (150)
 Net return on ordinary activities before         1,000    9,195        10,195
 Overseas taxation                                (165)        -         (165)
 UK taxation                                      (132)      132             -
 Net return attributable to Ordinary
 Shareholders                                       703    9,327        10,030
 Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)           2.55p   33.78p        36.33p

    as at 31st May 2007

 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                  72,100
 Net Current Assets                                                      3,354
 Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                  75,454
 Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                          (6,335)
 Total Net Assets                                                       69,119

 Called up Share Capital                                                   286
 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                250
 Special Reserve                                                        42,249
 Capital Reserves: Realised                                              8,344
   Unrealised                                                           16,477
 Revenue Reserve                                                         1,513
 Shareholders' Funds                                                    69,119

 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                     255.0p

 The net asset value is based on 27,102,088 Ordinary Shares in issue
 As at 31st May 2007 there were an additional 1,485,000 Ordinary
 Shares held in treasury

    for the year ended 30th November 2007

                                                Revenue  Capital  Total Return
                                                 �'000s   �'000s        �'000s
                                                                      (Note 2)
 Net gains on investments at fair value               -   11,287        11,287
 Net  losses on foreign currency loan                 -     (88)          (88)
 Other capital charges                                -      (4)           (4)
 Income                                           1,918        -         1,918
 Investment management fee                        (152)    (705)         (857)
 Administration expenses                          (285)        -         (285)
 Net return before finance costs and taxation     1,481   10,490        11,971
 Finance costs: interest payable and similar       (84)    (246)         (330)
 Net return on ordinary activities before         1,397   10,244        11,641
 Overseas taxation                                (212)        -         (212)
 UK taxation                                      (165)      165             -
 Net return attributable to Ordinary
 Shareholders                                     1,020   10,409        11,429
 Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)           3.77p   38.47p        42.24p

    as at 30th November 2007

 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                  64,735
 Net Current Assets                                                      3,042
 Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                  67,777
 Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                -
 Total Net Assets                                                       67,777

 Called up Share Capital                                                   275
 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                261
 Special Reserve                                                        39,827
 Capital Reserves: Realised                                             16,395
   Unrealised                                                            9,508
 Revenue Reserve                                                         1,511
 Shareholders' Funds                                                    67,777

 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                     260.2p

 The net asset value is based on 26,050,817 Ordinary Shares in issue
 As at 30th November 2007 there were an additional 1,485,000 Ordinary
 Shares held in treasury

          For the six months ended 31st May 2008 and comparative periods

                                   Called up    Capital Redemption  Special Reserve    Capital      Capital  Revenue Reserve     Total
                                       Share               Reserve                     Reserve      Reserve
                                     Capital                �'000s                    Realised   Unrealised
                                      �'000s                                 �'000s     �'000s       �'000s           �'000s

 Six months ended 31st May 2008
 Net Assets at 30th November             275                   261           39,827     16,395        9,508            1,511    67,777

 Revenue Return                            -                     -                -          -            -            1,000     1,000

 Shares repurchased during the              
 period                                  (9)                     9          (2,728)          -            -                -   (2,728)

 Dividends on Ordinary Shares              -                     -                -          -            -            (503)     (503)

 Capital Return                            -                     -                -      1,622        (882)                -       740

 Net Assets at 31st  May 2008            266                   270           37,099     18,017        8,626            2,008    66,286

 Six months ended 31st May 2007
 Net Assets at 30th November             296                   240           44,439      1,925       13,569            1,443    61,912

 Revenue Return                            -                     -                -          -            -              703       703

 Shares repurchased during the
 period                                 (10)                    10          (2,190)          -            -                -   (2,190)

 Dividends on Ordinary Shares              -                     -                -          -            -            (633)     (633)

 Capital Return                            -                     -                -      6,419        2,908                -     9,327

 Net Assets at 31st May 2007             286                   250           42,249      8,344       16,477            1,513    69,119

 Year ended 30th November 2007
 Net Assets at 30th November      296  240   44,439   1,925   13,569  1,443   61,912

 Revenue Return                     -    -        -       -        -  1,020    1,020

 Shares repurchased during the
 year                            (21)   21  (4,612)       -        -      -  (4,612)

 Dividends on Ordinary Shares       -    -        -       -        -  (952)    (952)

 Capital Return                     -    -        -  14,470  (4,061)      -   10,409

 Net Assets at 30th November      275  261   39,827  16,395    9,508  1,511   67,777

    For the six months ended 31st May 2008 and comparative periods

                                 Six months ended    Six months ended    Year ended
                                        31st May             31st May          30th
                                             2008                2007      November
                                           �'000s              �'000s        �'000s
 Net cash inflow from operating             1,064                 441           473
 Return on investment and                                              
 servicing of finance                                                  
 Interest paid                               (13)               (136)         (337)
 Capital expenditure and                                               
 financial investment                                                  
 Purchases of fixed asset             (19,508)               (29,581)      (44,421)
 Sales of fixed asset              19,677                      28,333        53,180
 Net cash inflow (outflow) from                                        
 capital expenditure and                      169             (1,248)         8,759
 financial investment                                                  
 Equity dividends paid                      (503)               (633)         (952)
 Net cash inflow (outflow)                    717             (1,576)         7,943
 before financing                                                      
 Purchase of Ordinary Shares                                           
 for cancellation and held in             (2,726)             (2,192)       (4,613)
 Drawdown of Euro Loan                          -               3,257         3,214
 Repayment of Euro Loan                         -                   -       (6,335)
 Net cash (outflow) inflow from           (2,726)               1,065       (7,734)
 (Decrease) Increase in cash              (2,009)               (511)           209
 Reconciliation of Return on                       
 Ordinary Activities before                        
 Taxation to Net Cash Flow from                    
 Operating Activities                              
 Total Return before taxation               1,934        10,195              11,641
 Add: Finance costs: interest                  13  
 payable and similar charges                                150                 330
 Less: Special dividends                    (175)             -                   -
 credited to capital                               
 Less: Net gains on investments             (577)       (9,730)            (11,153)
 at fair value                                     
 Less: Net gains (losses) on                    -          (49)                  88
 foreign currency loan                             
 Less: Overseas tax suffered                (194)         (165)               (212)
                                            1,001           401                 694
 Decrease (Increase) in debtors               437          (67)               (448)
 (Decrease) Increase in                     (374)           107                 227
 Net cash inflow from operating             1,064           441                 473
 Reconciliation of net cash                        
 flow to movement in net debt                      
 Net cash (outflow) inflow                (2,009)         (511)                 209
 Drawdown of Euro loan                          -       (3,257)             (3,214)
 Repayment of Euro loan                         -             -               6,335
 Exchange movement on Euro loan                 -          (44)                (88)
 Movement in net funds                    (2,009)       (3,812)               3,242
 Net funds brought forward             4,383              1,141               1,141
 Net funds (debt) carried                   2,374       (2,671)               4,383


    Note 1

    The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 25,249,898 (31st May 2007: 27,610,206; 30th
November 2007: 27,055,002).

    Note 2

    The total return column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company.

    All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

    A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the
Income Statement.

    Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which amounted to �19,378 (31st May 2007 - �36,948; 30th November
2007 - �83,371) and transaction costs on sales which amounted to �23,941 (31st May 2007 - �21,236; 30th November 2007 - �47,687).

    Note 3

    Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Recognition
and Measurement'. Listed investments are valued at bid market prices. 

    Note 4

    In accordance with FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', the final dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a
liability when approved by shareholders. Interim dividends are recognised only when paid.

    Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as follows:

                                  Six months to  Six months to             Year to
                                 31st May 2008   31st May 2007  30th November 2007
                                         �'000s         �'000s              �'000s
 Interim dividend 1.20p paid                 -              -                 319 
 23rd August 2007
 Final dividend 2.00p paid 4th             503            495                 495 
 April 2008 (2007 - 1.80p)
 Special dividend Nil paid                   -            138                 138 
 (2007 - 0.50p)
                                            503            633                 952

    The above dividends are after adjusting for dividends proposed but not paid, due to share buy backs.  

    Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'. Details of
these dividends are set out below.

                                 Six months to   Six months to             Year to
                                     31st May   31st May  2007  30th November 2007
                                          2008          �'000s              �'000s
 Interim dividend 1.40p payable
 25th August  2008 (2007:                  348             325                   -
 Final dividend 2.00p                        -               -                 521
                                           348             325                 521

    The interim and final dividends above are based on the number of shares in issue at the period end. However, the dividends payable will
be based on the number of shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases and cancellations of shares by the Company
settled subsequent to the period end.

    Note 5

    The half-yearly financial report has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. The financial information for the year
ended 30th November 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The accounting policies and presentation are consistent with those applied in the latest published financial statements.  The
auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

    In accordance with recently introduced changes to the UK's disclosure requirements for listed companies, the Company is now required to
make limited additional and updated disclosures, mainly relating to the first and third quarters of the financial year. These Interim
Management Statements will be released via the Regulatory News Service and posted on the Company's website  www.chartereuropean.co.uk  on or
shortly before 19th April and 19th October each year.

    The half-yearly financial report will be sent to shareholders in mid July 2008 and will be available to members of the public from the
Company's registered office at 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

    For further information, please contact:-

    Peter Ingram   
    Company Secretary
    Tel: 020 7065 1467


    Simon White
    Head of Investment Trusts, RCM (UK) Limited
    Tel: 020 7065 1539

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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