RNS Number:1115J
29 August 2001

29 August 2001

         CMG plc: Group interim results for six months to 30 June 2001


                                                     2001       2001      2000

                                                Euros (m)       #(m)      #(m)

  Turnover                                     Euro735.3m    #456.7m   #349.4m

  Operating profit*                             Euro40.7m     #25.3m    #51.5m

  Profit before tax*                            Euro28.8m     #17.9m    #50.9m

  (Loss) /profit after tax and minority       Euro(25.6)m   #(15.9)m    #28.4m

  Earnings per share*                           Euro0.032       2.0p      6.8p

  Interim dividend                              Euro0.018       1.1p      1.0p

  (Payable on 16 November 2001 to all                                         
  shareholders on the register on 19                                          
  October 2001. Ex-dividend date is 17                                        
  October 2001.)                                                              

* Before goodwill amortisation of #28.1m (2000: #5.8m)

The effect of exchange rates on CMG's reported results is shown on page 8.
Organic growth rates are stated at constant currency exchange rates.


  * 31% growth in Group turnover (29% growth at constant exchange rates)
    including the effect of acquisitions.

  * 10% organic growth in ICT Services turnover - especially strong in
    Benelux at 14%.

  * Increased operating profit margin* for ICT Services business - up from
    12.1% in 2000 to 12.5% in 2001.

  * Signs of improvement beginning to be seen in WDS: results better than
    expected in April.

  * Annualised net increase in headcount of 12% with reducing attrition.

  * Security and quality of earnings underpinned by managed services (which
    grew organically by 24%), Government business (which grew by 11%) and
    focused customer relationships.

On the outlook for the remainder of the year, CMG Chairman Cor Stutterheim

"We recognise that there are uncertainties concerning economic performance in
Europe and that neither CMG nor its customers are immune from such trends. Some
87% of our business is in the delivery of ICT services and, as of today, demand
here remains good in our key territories, aided by the strength of our customer
relationships and the depth of knowledge and committed individuals that we
bring to them. We are growing significantly faster than last year in ICT
services. We have some important issues to address in our smaller territories
where we are taking firm action to minimise the financial impact and provide a
platform for future growth.

"Although the smaller part of our business, the performance at Wireless Data
Solutions is important to market perceptions and our results for the full year.
We have reduced the cost base and restructured the way the business operates to
ensure we get maximum focus and benefit from the skilled team we have built
there. The results are now beginning to come through, and whilst the full year
performance remains heavily dependent on the fourth quarter, we are aiming to
trade profitably throughout the second half.

"SMS volumes are growing and our revenues are returning in Europe, while at the
same time we are aggressively seizing new opportunities in developing markets
around the world. We are an early mover into new emerging technologies where we
are committed to being a major player. We have not allowed the short-term
actions that needed to be carried through to impede our strategic vision as can
be seen with our uOne and TDC Mobile International/Microsoft moves. We will
balance the ongoing R&D investment necessary to fuel long-term growth with the
need to deliver short and medium term profitability. We remain convinced that
this business has an excellent future and will deliver significant value to our

"We have a clearly defined strategy for the Group as a whole which is based on
growth, both organic and by acquisition and trading alliances, and we remain
confident in its outcome."

                                   < Ends >

For further information please contact:

Cor Stutterheim, Chairman, CMG plc

Tel: +31 (0)20 6720444

David Robbie, Finance Director, CMG plc

Tel: +44 (0)20 7592 4442

Tony Richards, Group Communications (London)

Tel: +44 (0)20 7592 4442

Toby Mountford, Citigate Dewe Rogerson

Tel: +44 (0)20 7638 9571

                             Chairman's Statement


The interim results have delivered a mixed performance: strong top line growth
and profitability in the ICT Services businesses, partially offset by the
disappointing performance from CMG Wireless Data Solutions which has already
been communicated to the Market. In addition, our results include a full six
months contribution from the acquisition of Admiral, in May 2000. The table
below sets out a summary of the divisional performance, which is further
analysed on page 12.

                                  2001    2000        Reported        Organic**
                                    #m      #m          Growth           Growth

Turnover:                        399.0   289.3             38%              10%

ICT Services                      57.7    60.1            (4%)            (17%)

                                 456.7   349.4             31%               6%

Operating Profit/(loss)*:         49.7    35.0             42%              36%

ICT Services                    (22.6)    18.6          (222%)           (219%)

WDS                              (1.8)   (2.1)

Common Costs
                                  25.3    51.5           (51%)            (53%)

*Before goodwill amortisation.

**2000 comparative results adjusted to include acquisitions' contribution to
results as though they had been owned for the whole of the period and organic
growth stated at constant currency exchange rates.

In overall Group terms, turnover in the six months to 30 June 2001 increased by
31% to #456.7 million. Operating profit* declined 51% to #25.3 million, an
operating profit margin* of 5.5%, down from 14.7% in the same period last year.
Profit before tax* was #17.9 million. Loss after tax, goodwill amortisation,
minority interests and interest charges was #(15.9) million, while diluted
earnings per share* were 2.0p compared to 6.4p in the first half of 2000. Our
employee numbers increased to over 13,800 by the end of June.


The majority of our business is in the provision of Information &
Communications Technology (ICT) services - some 87% of first half 2001 revenues
- and in this we achieved our stated goal of organic, double digit growth in
our key territories; 14% in Benelux and 11% in United Kingdom. In France, we
have focused on the delivery of profitable business, and profit margins have
significantly improved, together with organic top line growth of 8% at constant
exchange rates. Germany was weak due to economic slowdown and a poor industry
and financial market where we have disproportionate exposure: we are taking
firm action in the second half to realign our business there with future
opportunities. The small territories grouped under Rest of World experienced
somewhat mixed fortunes and we are making some modest investments to focus them
on international business where our European presence can be a differentiator.

Margins in ICT Services have remained strong at 12.5% (up from 12.1% in 2000).
This was especially the case in Benelux, which delivered a profit margin of
18.0% (2000: 17.8%). France has moved successfully to profitability with a
margin just short of 4%, and the UK is trending upwards. Germany only managed
to break even, due to very poor market conditions and resulting low

Performance at CMG Wireless Data Solutions was better than the expectation we
communicated in April. Revenue was just below last year's at #57.7 million, but
we were able to accelerate certain cost-savings and manage the R&D investment,
leading to a smaller than predicted loss of #(22.6) million.

The market environment for ICT services
In the first half of the year we faced a number of pressures in the markets
that we address. Moreover, there is concern that the US economic downturn could
create a ripple effect in Europe, causing projects to be frozen, delayed or
even abandoned. To date, we have not experienced this to any significant degree
in our key territories and sectors; but we remain vigilant and ready to act
quickly to reduce the cost base should we detect any concerted trend
developing. Our strong, long-term customer relationships have enabled us to
secure a larger share of available budgets in many cases, while the greater
emphasis on front office applications has additionally given us access to
non-IT budgets in some organisations. This has been supported by our strong
government business and managed services divisions, which have long-term
reliable revenues. The addition of Admiral's skills and resources has also
helped to improve our competitive positioning, most notably in the UK.

In a time of uncertainty, the most commonly used word in financial markets has
become "visibility". Delivering short term results is only partially reassuring
unless you can support your confidence in the short and medium term
performance. While we are not immune from macroeconomics, we do have a mix of
business in our services operations that brings significant security and
quality to our earnings:

  * We generate some 14% of ICT services revenues from managed services which
    is a business typified by long term contracts and recurring revenues. It is
    also a market sector growing very strongly (24% organic growth in the
    period under review) and one which provides fertile ground for the
    cross-selling of other CMG services.

We derive 17% of our ICT revenues from the public sector, primarily national
Government ministries and agencies, which is again a market where long term
relationships and recurring revenues are the norm and which is not so directly
impacted by economic trends. We grew this business 11% organically in the first

More difficult to describe but of equal significance are the relationships that
have been established with customers over decades of working successfully with
them. For many of these organisations, we are working as a trusted partner at
the heart of their business. We are involved in their long-term planning
process and are engaged on projects and ongoing applications management in many
different parts of their operations. We are therefore less vulnerable to short
term cancellation or postponement of projects. This way of working has always
been at the heart of CMG's business model and reaps additional benefits when
markets tighten.

One market sector that has continued to slow in the period under review is that
of general ICT services to the telecommunications sector. General systems and
integration work for the telcos was already slowing in the second half of last
year which enabled us to plan for reassigning some of our consultants to other

There has been some commentary about reduced demand in the financial services
sector which is a key one for all IT services companies. The greatest impact to
date has been in the investment banking sector where CMG does not have a
significant exposure, our primary finance market being in wholesale and retail
banking. Our niche leadership in regulatory reporting and risk analysis is not
one that is particularly vulnerable to short-term cost-cutting and we are
investing in the next generation of products to extend our position. Merger and
acquisition discussions between client organisations can be disruptive to
short-term revenues as we have again experienced this year in Germany, but in
the longer term stimulates demand for consulting, systems development and
integration work.

Of particular importance in the first half, especially in our Benelux and
France operations, has been the continued strength of the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) market, particularly in relation to the SAP product set and the
integration of Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management
applications. Many organisations now consider these systems to be core
strategic investments that will need ongoing development, optimisation and
support for the foreseeable future.



Our Benelux business reported turnover growth of 19% and operating profit
growth of 21%, most of it organic. Turnover was #196.3 million (2000: #164.5
million) with an operating profit of #35.3 million (2000: #29.2 million). The
operating margin was 18.0% compared to 17.8% in the first half of 2000,
demonstrating once again the management's ability to manage both people and
costs very efficiently.

Demand has remained strong in most areas except telecommunications services,
with our top ten customers collectively raising their expenditure with CMG by
more than 20% compared to last year. Those customers include banks, telecom
operators, insurance companies, Government ministries, oil, electronics and
media organisations, many of whom have been customers for years or even
decades. The strength of those customer relationships and our policy of
locating consultants and account managers very close to customers has enabled
us to extend our penetration of many major accounts. We now work for virtually
all major banks and insurance companies, all Government ministries, the
majority of telecom operators and large utilities, and many of the largest
corporations across trade and industry sectors. More than 50 of them spent
Euros 1 million or more with us in the first half of the year.

Managed and hosted services remain strong growth areas. We also further
strengthened our resources at both the consulting and implementation levels for
addressing new electronic and mobile business models.

UK & Ireland

The newly combined UK and Ireland operation delivered a good result in Europe's
most competitive market. Turnover was up 77% to #135.9 million (2000: #76.6
million) with an operating profit up 178% at #13.6 million (2000: #4.9
million). This growth includes the impact of a full 6 months trading from the
acquisition of Admiral in May 2000. Organic revenue growth was 11% with organic
operating profit growth of 147%. The operating margin of 10.0% is expected to
improve in the second half as we trend upwards.

Throughout the period, CMG Admiral (the trading name in the UK) operated as an
integrated business with a single management team and structure that combines
the best aspects and working disciplines of both CMG and the acquired Admiral

Our increased strength and breadth of skills has enabled us to both deepen
existing client relationships and win new orders of a scale not often achieved
before. Notable examples include our role as the system development partner for
the new Financial Services Authority (FSA), the successful implementation of
Royal & SunAlliance's "MORE TH>N" portal and further development of our
relationship with Lloyds TSB in the area of online banking, including the
implementation of its Internet-based service in Spain. Our ability to win
long-term managed services or outsourced projects was demonstrated during the
period under review by the award of the highly significant Health & Safety
Executive (HSE) IT services contract, valued at #120 million, following an
exacting tender process. Our track-record of successful delivery was
influential in this as well as the extension of our contract with the
Department of Trade & Industry (DTI), in partnership with ICL, in term and
scope to include the provision of a major electronic document and record
management system.

Good progress was made in the areas of managed services in general where we
have continued to extend and develop new offerings to take advantage of
opportunities in application hosting. In addition, we have won our first
contracts to offer outsourced human resources services utilising a SAP based


The economic environment in Germany has deteriorated significantly during the
period with consequent impact on business confidence and available budgets. In
the finance sector, another round of merger discussions is ongoing between
banks and insurance companies seeking to create "all finance" or
"bancassurance" organisations, although this sector remains more solid overall
than industrial markets in terms of IT expenditure. For example, we secured the
design phase for a major Internet banking project during the period and are now
tendering for the implementation. In the broad trade and industry sector, the
more enlightened and internationally-focused companies are driving forward
their eCommerce and CRM strategies, but this business is not developing fast
enough in the current climate to replace the slow down in more traditional
systems work.

This has not been a good market context within which to carry through the
structural changes required in our own business which we identified during last
year. As a result, turnover only rose by 2% to #30.2 million (2000: #29.7
million) whilst at the operating profit level we achieved break even (2000: #1.3
million). Since market conditions are unlikely to improve significantly
this year, we are taking firm action to reduce the cost base and to ensure that
our business is properly focused on areas of emerging profitable demand. This
programme, which includes office relocations and a 6% headcount reduction, will
deliver annualised cost savings of Euros 3.8 million and will cost some Euros
3.4 million during the second half. It will provide a better platform for
future profitable growth.


We have focused our new management team in France, following the integration of
the CMG and Admiral operations, on improving profitability by getting our
fundamental business model working properly. We have concentrated our resources
more single-mindedly on key customers and opportunities that play best to our
core competencies and skills, including ERP and CRM applications. For example,
we secured outsourced payroll contracts from both Canal + (part of Vivendi
Universal) and Suez Lyonnaise, the utility group, as well as a B2B eCommerce
project from glass and packaging company, Saint-Gobain. At the same time, we
accelerated the process of recovering from our customers the costs associated
with the 35 hour week. The combination produced turnover of #28.9 million
(2000: #17.5 million), representing an organic, constant currency growth of 8%.
Operating profit was #1.1 million compared to last year's loss of #(0.4)

Rest of World

The Rest of the World comprises CMG's ICT services businesses in Australia,
Singapore, Malaysia and Denmark, which were acquired as part of Admiral in
2000. With just over 400 employees, these territories are clearly at an early
stage of development. Whilst they generated some #7.7 million revenues, losses
of #(0.3) million were reported for the first half, due primarily to a client
withdrawing from a project in Australia and a poor trading performance in
Denmark. The Danish business is being reorganised to reduce the cost base and
is targeted to deliver a profitable result by the end of 2001.

CMG Wireless Data Solutions

Our telecom products business achieved turnover of #57.7 million (2000: #60.1
million) with an operating loss of #(22.6) million (2000 operating profit: #18.6
million). The loss was smaller than our April estimate of #(30) million
due to slightly higher than expected sales, accelerated cost reductions, and
lower than anticipated R&D investment.

As stated in April, the short-term issue for WDS is the timing of upgrades to
SMS systems by the major operators in Europe. We saw improvement in the second
quarter and indeed WDS has traded profitably since May. More importantly, we
have been booking orders for delivery during the second half and continue to
have those discussions with our customers. Although full year performance
remains heavily dependent on the fourth quarter, we are aiming to trade
profitably throughout the second half.

The continued success in both the Americas and Asia Pacific - which delivered
growth against last year of 194% and 236% respectively - included high profile
installations in Indonesia and Malaysia where we replaced the previous
messaging supplier as traffic volumes moved into the rapid growth phase. Our
new Pre-Paid Billing Support for SMS and Query & Reporting module are proving
highly effective in generating higher revenues for these and other operators of
our systems.

The period saw the launch of our high performance Multimedia Messaging Service
Centre (MMSC ), a critical element in our strategy for next generation mobile
networks (2.5/3G). The first order for the new system was received in June from
Telenor in Norway with shipment scheduled for the third quarter and customer
trials beginning at the turn of the year. We are in discussions with a number
of operators concerning potential trials of our MMSC.

We announced in February an alliance with Cisco to bring true Unified Messaging
systems to market. The key element which Cisco brought to the venture was its
uOne technology which delivers capabilities such as text-to-speech conversion,
voice recognition and XML based voice portals. Subsequent to the period end, we
concluded a further agreement with Cisco to acquire the uOne technology,
product set, people and facilities following Cisco's decision to dispose of
what it perceives to be non-core businesses. For CMG, this not only secures an
important part of our future product strategy, but also provides us with a
market-leading product set with applications both for today's Internet-based
networks and the high speed digital networks of tomorrow. The ongoing net R&D
investment associated with uOne will be subsumed within CMG's total 2001 stated
R&D expected investment of #60 million.

That investment in R&D spans a broad range of applications which together are
transforming our telecom products operation from one dominated by a single
product to a portfolio business capable of delivering complete wireless data
solutions. The key areas of activity are:

  * Enhancements to SMSC, including fraud-free, pre-paid usage and customer
    analysis tools

* Multimedia messaging (MMSC) for 2.5/3G networks

* Unified Messaging, including voice mail, text-to-voice conversion and voice
  over IP

* EPPIX customer care and billing rescaled for tier one operators with     
  additional support for GPRS and UMTS networks, including content/value billing

  and cross-service rating/discounting

* Wireless Service Broker as an application engine for secure services (e.g.
  payment), i-mode support (e.g. entertainment/infotainment), location-based and
  other push/pull services

* Cell Broadcasting System (CBS) rescaled for 3G networks where CBS is a defined

Also following the period end, we established a joint venture with TDC Mobile
International to create a pan-European messaging portal for Internet service
and content providers. The first contracted customer for this service is
Microsoft who ultimately wishes to make Hotmail on the Microsoft Network
available via two-way SMS following initial service trials in Switzerland and
Denmark. While some start-up fees are being paid by Microsoft, the business
model of the venture is fundamentally based on revenue sharing. We see good
opportunities for this venture in the medium and longer term, initially in SMS
messaging, but migrating into Unified and Multimedia Messaging in line with
market demands and CMG's product offering.

Board changes

Following the AGM, Wim Dik took up his position as a non-executive director,
bringing his wealth of experience to the Board. Wim Dik is a professor in the
Faculty of Technology and Management at the Technical University of Delft and
the former Chairman and CEO of KPN, the Dutch telecom operator. In July,
Alistair Crawford joined the Group Board in the executive position of Chief
Operating Officer. Again, Alistair brings substantial experience in sales,
marketing and general management. His track-record in organisations such as
Computer Sciences (CSC) and Oracle will be very important in helping the Board
achieve its ambitious strategy for growth.


The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.1p per share. This represents a
10% increase over the 2000 interim dividend, underlining the Board's confidence
in our business prospects. The dividend will be paid on 16 November 2001 to
shareholders on the register on 19 October 2001.


We recognise that there are uncertainties concerning economic performance in
Europe and that neither CMG nor its customers are immune from such trends. Some
87% of our business is in the delivery of ICT services and, as of today, demand
here remains good in our key territories, aided by the strength of our customer
relationships and the depth of knowledge and committed individuals that we
bring to them. We are growing significantly faster than last year in ICT
services. We have some important issues to address in our smaller territories
where we are taking firm action to minimise the financial impact and provide a
platform for future growth.

Although the smaller part of our business, the performance at Wireless Data
Solutions is important to market perceptions and our results for the full year.
We have reduced the cost base and restructured the way the business operates to
ensure we get maximum focus and benefit from the skilled team we have built
there. The results are now beginning to come through, and whilst the full year
performance remains heavily dependent on the fourth quarter, we are aiming to
trade profitably throughout the second half.

SMS volumes are growing and revenues are returning in Europe, while at the same
time we are aggressively seizing new opportunities in developing markets around
the world. We are an early mover into new emerging technologies where we are
committed to being a major player. We have not allowed the short-term actions
that needed to be carried through to impede our strategic vision as can be seen
with our uOne and TDC Mobile International/Microsoft moves. We will balance the
ongoing development costs necessary to fuel long term growth with the need to
deliver short and medium term profitability. We remain convinced that this
business has an excellent future and will deliver significant value to our

We have a clearly defined strategy for the Group as a whole which is based on
growth, both organic and by acquisition and trading alliances, and we remain
confident in its outcome.

Cor Stutterheim

Exchange Rates

CMG's reported results can be significantly influenced by movements in exchange
rates, which can hinder understanding of the underlying financial performance.
To provide a more meaningful basis of comparison, the table below provides key
financial information expressed both at 2001 exchange rates ("constant exchange
rates") and at the exchange rates used for 2000 ("actual exchange rates").

Six months to 30 June     2001        2000        2000    % change    % change
                               at constant   at actual at constant   at actual
                                  exchange    exchange    exchange    exchange
                                     rates       rates       rates       rates
                           #'m         #'m         #'m
- Benelux                196.3       167.5       164.5
- United Kingdom         135.9        76.6        76.6
- Germany                 30.2        30.3        29.7
- France                  28.9        17.8        17.5
- Rest of World            7.7         1.0         1.0
ICT Services             399.0       293.2       289.3         36%         38%
- Wireless Data           57.7        61.4        60.1
Total                    456.7       354.6       349.4         29%         31%

Operating profit *

- Benelux                 35.3        29.7        29.2
- United Kingdom          13.6         4.9         4.9
- Germany                    -         1.3         1.3
- France                   1.1       (0.4)       (0.4)
- Rest of World          (0.3)           -           -
ICT Services              49.7        35.5        35.0         40%         42%
- Wireless Data          (22.6)        18.9        18.6
Total Operations          27.1        54.4        53.6       (50%)       (49%)
Common costs             (1.8)       (2.1)       (2.1)
                          25.3        52.3        51.5       (52%)       (51%)
Profit before tax *       17.9        51.7        50.9       (65%)       (65%)
(Loss)/Profit after tax  (15.8)        29.0        28.5      (154%)      (155%)
Earnings per share (basic)
- before goodwill         2.0p        6.9p        6.8p       (71%)       (71%)
- after goodwill         (2.7)p       5.7p        5.6p      (147%)      (148%)

*before goodwill amortisation

Key exchange rates used above:
 Euro 1.61                            1.61        1.64

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account

                                                 Unaudited Unaudited    Audited
                                                  6 months  6 months       Year
                                                     ended     ended      ended
                                                   30 June   30 June 31 December
                                                      2001      2000       2000
                                           Notes       #'m       #'m        #'m

Turnover                                       3     456.7     349.4      810.4

Net operating costs                                (459.5)   (303.7)    (718.8)

Operating (loss)/profit
Before goodwill amortisation                          25.3      51.5      125.5
Goodwill amortisation                               (28.1)     (5.8)     (33.9)
                                                     (2.8)      45.7       91.6

Net interest payable                                 (7.4)     (0.6)      (8.5)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities                (10.2)      45.1       83.1
before tax

Tax on profit on ordinary activities           5     (5.6)    (16.6)     (37.9)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after          (15.8)      28.5       45.2

Minority interests (equity)                          (0.1)     (0.1)      (0.2)

(Loss)/profit for the period                        (15.9)      28.4       45.0

Dividends - ordinary shares                    6     (6.6)     (5.8)     (16.5)

Retained (loss)/profit for the period               (22.5)      22.6       28.5

Earnings per share                             7
- basic
- before goodwill amortisation                        2.0p      6.8p      14.5p
- after goodwill amortisation                       (2.7)p      5.6p       8.3p
- diluted
- before goodwill amortisation                        2.0p      6.4p      13.7p
- after goodwill amortisation                       (2.6)p      5.3p       7.8p

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                 Unaudited Unaudited    Audited
                                                  6 months  6 months       Year
                                                     ended     ended      ended
                                                   30 June   30 June 31 December
                                                      2001      2000       2000
                                                       #'m       #'m        #'m

(Loss)/profit for the period                        (15.9)      28.4       45.0
Currency translation differences on
foreign currency net investments                     (5.7)       3.6        3.6

Total recognised (losses)/gains for the             (21.6)      32.0       48.6

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited
                                                  30 June     30 June        31
                                                     2001        2000      2000
                                                      #'m         #'m       #'m
Fixed assets
Goodwill                                          1,056.7     1,070.4   1,086.9
Tangible assets                                      32.5        27.3      28.9
Investments - own shares                              3.4         2.8       2.8
                                                  1,092.6     1,100.5   1,118.6
Current assets
Stock                                                 7.0         2.5       3.9
Debtors                                             275.3       237.6     236.2
Cash at bank and in hand                      9      23.7        31.4      52.2
                                                    306.0       271.5     292.3
Creditors - amounts falling due within
one year
Short term borrowings                         9     (1.0)       (6.9)     (9.6)
Other creditors                                   (189.5)     (192.6)   (170.5)
                                                  (190.5)     (199.5)   (180.1)
Net current assets                                  115.5        72.0     112.2
Total assets less current liabilities             1,208.1     1,172.5   1,230.8
Creditors - amounts falling due after
more than one year
Long term borrowings                          9   (237.2)     (172.4)   (230.9)
Provisions for liabilities and charges              (3.3)       (3.5)     (4.3)
                                                  (240.5)     (175.9)   (235.2)
Net assets                                          967.6       996.6     995.6
Capital and reserves
Called up equity share capital               10      15.3        15.0      15.3
Share premium account                        10       7.4         3.7       7.2
Shares to be issued                          10         -        40.8         -
Reserves of Employee Trust                   10       3.7         2.8       3.1
Profit and loss account                      10     104.9       128.1     133.7
Merger reserve                               10     836.3       806.2     836.3

Shareholders' funds - equity                        967.6       996.6     995.6

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                  Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                                                   6 months  6 months      Year
                                                      ended     ended     ended
                                                    30 June   30 June        31
                                           Notes       2001      2000      2000
                                                        #'m       #'m       #'m

Net cash inflow from operating activities      8        3.0      20.9      95.9
Returns on investments and servicing of
Dividends paid to minority interests                  (0.2)     (0.2)     (0.2)

Interest received                                       1.0       0.7       1.7
Interest paid                                         (8.7)     (1.3)     (9.4)
Interest element of finance lease rental              (0.2)         -     (0.3)
Net cash outflow from returns on                      (8.1)     (0.8)     (8.2)
investments and servicing of finance
Taxation                                              (7.5)    (13.5)    (42.4)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (5.9)     (4.2)    (11.2)
Sale of own shares by employee share                    2.2         -         -
Purchase of own shares by employee share              (1.3)         -         -
Acquisitions                                          (0.9)   (170.4)   (239.7)
Equity dividends paid                                (10.8)     (7.1)    (12.9)
Net cash outflow before management of          9     (29.3)   (175.1)   (218.5)
liquid resources and financing
Management of liquid resources                            -       5.0       5.0
Financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares                           0.2       0.1       3.7
Increase in loans                                       9.8     170.0     228.4
Capital element of finance lease rental               (0.7)     (0.1)     (0.6)
Cost of bonus issue and share split                       -         -     (0.4)
(Decrease)/increase in cash                          (20.0)     (0.1)      17.6

Notes to the interim report

1.  Basis of preparation
    The unaudited results have been prepared in accordance with the accounting
    policies set out in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2000.

    The financial information in this interim report does not constitute
    statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 upon which the
    auditors gave an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar
    of Companies.

2.  Exchange rates
    The most important exchange rate for the Group is the Euro. The relevant
    exchange rates for translation are:-

        30 June 2001    30 June 2000    31 December 2000

       Period end   Average   Period end    Average      Year end Average
 Euro        1.66      1.61         1.60       1.64          1.59    1.64

 The primary reporting currency of the Group is UK Pounds Sterling.

3.  Segmental information
    Analysis of turnover and profit before tax is given below :

                                        Turnover            Profit before tax
                                     30  30 June       31     30    30       31
                                   June          December   June  June December
                                   2001     2000     2000   2001  2000     2000
                                    #'m      #'m      #'m    #'m   #'m      #'m

 - Benelux                        196.3    164.5    335.6   35.3  29.2     62.9
 - United Kingdom                 135.9     76.6    206.1   13.6   4.9     21.1
 - Germany                         30.2     29.7     58.8      -   1.3      1.8
 - France                          28.9     17.5     44.5    1.1 (0.4)    (0.2)
 - Rest of World                    7.7      1.0     10.1  (0.3)     -      0.9
 ICT Services                     399.0    289.3    655.1   49.7  35.0     86.5
 - Wireless Data Solutions         57.7     60.1    155.3  (22.6)  18.6    42.3
 Total Operations                 456.7    349.4    810.4   27.1  53.6    128.8

 Common costs (net of profit in       -        -        -  (1.8) (2.1)    (3.3)
 Employee Trust)
 Goodwill amortisation                -        -        -  (28.1) (5.8)   (33.9)
 Net interest payable                 -        -        -  (7.4) (0.6)    (8.5)
                                  456.7    349.4    810.4  (10.2)  45.1     83.1

 #25.1 million of the goodwill amortisation is attributable to the UK which
 includes the amortisation of goodwill arising on the acquisition of Admiral
 Limited (2000: #4.7 million); #0.6 million is attributable to Germany (2000:
 #0.4 million); #0.5 million is attributable to Benelux (2000: #0.4 million);
 #1.5 million is attributable to WDS (2000: #nil) and the remaining #0.4 million
 to France (2000: #0.3 million).

 Turnover analysed by country of destination shows #204.7 million arising in
 the Benelux (#169.8 million for the half year 2000; #348.3 million for the
 full year 2000); and #55.1 million in the Rest of the World (#41.0 million for
 the half year 2000; #116.0 million for the full year 2000). In the other
 geographic areas, turnover by destination is not materially different from
 turnover by country of origin.

4.  Employees            30 June             30 June                31 December
                            2001                2000                       2000

  The average number of employees during the period was:

 Benelux                    7,133               5,899                     6,233
 United Kingdom             3,684               1,962                     2,752
 Germany                      903                 821                       853
 France                     1,086                 625                       844
 Rest of World                691                 152                       377
                           13,497               9,459                    11,059

 Average employee numbers include employees in subsidiaries acquired for the
 period during which they are members of the Group.

                                                          30     30         31
                                                        June   June   December
    The number of employees at the end of the period    2001   2000       2000
    Benelux                                            7,377  6,205      6,796
    United Kingdom                                     3,772  3,247      3,608
    Germany                                              888    876        899
    France                                             1,081  1,021      1,095
    Rest of World                                        740    465        672
                                                      13,858 11,814     13,070

5.  Taxation

    The tax charge for the half year has been based on the estimated effective
    tax rate for the full year of 31.3%, excluding goodwill amortisation. The
    charge includes overseas tax of #3.6 million (2000: #15.6 million).

6.  Dividends on ordinary shares

    An interim dividend of 1.1 pence (2000: 1.0 pence) will be paid on 16
    November 2001 to shareholders on the register on 19 October 2001.

7.  Earnings per share
                                                     30 June 30 June 31 December
                                                        2001    2000       2000
    Earnings (#'m) - basic                            (15.9)    28.4       45.0
    - add back goodwill amortisation                    28.1     5.8       33.9
    - before goodwill amortisation                      12.2    34.2       78.9
    Number of shares (million)

    - weighted average number of shares in issue       613.7   527.9      566.6

    - shares held by the employee share trusts        (16.2)  (22.2)     (22.3)
    Shares used to calculate basic earnings per        597.5   505.7      544.3
    Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares        13.3    31.6       29.9

    - share options
    Shares used to calculate diluted earnings per      610.8   537.3      574.2

 At 30 June 2001, the total number of shares in issue was 614.0 million.

8.  Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                  30 June  30 June  31 December
                                                     2001     2000         2000
                                                      #'m      #'m          #'m
 Operating (loss)/ profit                           (2.8)     45.7         91.6
 Goodwill amortisation                               28.1      5.8         33.9
 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                5.5      3.4          8.9
 Increase in debtors                               (49.5)   (44.3)       (37.0)
 Increase/(decrease) in creditors and provisions     21.7     10.3        (1.5)
 Net cash inflow from operating activities            3.0     20.9         95.9

9.  Reconciliation of cash flow to change in net (debt)/net funds

                                                           30     30         31
                                                         June   June   December
                                                         2001   2000       2000
                                                          #'m    #'m        #'m
 Net (debt)/funds as at 1 January
 Cash                                                    52.2   26.2       26.2
 Liquid resources                                           -    5.0        5.0
 Overdrafts                                             (7.5)      -          -
 Finance lease obligations                              (3.7)      -          -
 Loans and borrowings due after more than one year     (229.3)      -          -
                                                       (188.3)   31.2       31.2
 Net cash outflow before use of liquid resources and   (29.3) (175.1)    (218.5)
 Debt and financing acquired with subsidiary                -  (3.8)      (3.8)
 Other movements                                        (0.1)    0.4        2.0
 Exchange differences                                     3.2  (0.6)        0.8
                                                       (26.2) (179.1)    (219.5)
 Net (debt)/funds as at period end
 Cash                                                    23.7   31.4       52.2
 Overdrafts                                                 -  (5.9)      (7.5)
 Finance lease obligations                              (3.1)  (3.8)      (3.7)
 Loans and borrowings due after more than one year     (235.1) (169.6)   (229.3)
                                                       (214.5) (147.9)   (188.3)

10.     Reconciliation of group reserves

                          Share      Share    Reserves of Profit  Merger Total
                        capital    premium       Employee    and  Reserve
                                   account          Trust   loss
                            #'m        #'m            #'m     #'m     #'m   #'m

 Balance at 1 January      15.3        7.2            3.1   133.7   836.3 995.6
 Change in value due to       -          -              -   (5.7)       - (5.7)
 currency fluctuations

 Retained loss for the        -          -              -  (22.5)       - (22.5)

 Transfer in respect of       -          -            0.6   (0.6)       -     -
 Employee Trust

 Shares issued during         -        0.2              -       -       -   0.2
 the period

 Balance at 30 June        15.3        7.4            3.7   104.9   836.3 967.6

11. Post balance sheet event

    On 27 July 2001, CMG acquired Cisco's uOne Unified Communications software
    platform for the service provider market and the research and development
    team supporting this technology for nil consideration. Approximately 100
    employees in the USA will become a part of CMG Wireless Data Solutions.

12. Interim report

    This Interim Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 28 August
    2001 and copies are available from CMG plc, Parnell House, 25 Wilton Road,
    London SW1V 1LW and CMG BV, Antareslaan 11, 2132 JE Hoofddorp, The

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