RNS No 9090v
14th April 1998

                               Inspec Group plc
                  Disposal of the business of Inspec Belgium

*     The  Board  of Inspec Group plc ("Inspec") announces that it  has  today
      entered  into  conditional agreements with Ineos plc ("Ineos")  for  the
      disposal of the Antwerp Business for approximately #84 million of  which
      some #2 million represents cash retained by the Company.
*     The  Antwerp Business produces commodity chemicals (ethylene  oxide  and
      glycol)  and speciality chemicals (primarily ethylidenenorbornene).   In
      addition, it provides a wide range of operations and services  to  third
      parties based at its Antwerp site.
*     Ineos  is  a  newly  formed  company led  by  James  Ratcliffe  (who  is
      currently Group Managing Director of Inspec).
*     Following  the  disposal, Inspec will be a focused speciality  and  fine
      chemicals   group.   The  Board  believes  the  disposal  will   enhance
      shareholder value by:
      *    consolidating the Group's position as a focused speciality and fine
           chemicals producer;
      *    enabling the Group to significantly reduce its debt;
      *    allowing  the  Group to develop its speciality and  fine  chemicals
           businesses; and
      *    addressing certain investor concerns about the Group's exposure  to
           the  cyclical  nature of EO/Glycol whilst retaining a  secure  long
           term supply of EO at competitive rates.
*     In  view  of  the  significance  of the  Disposal  and  because  of  the
      involvement  of  James Ratcliffe, it is conditional on the  approval  of
      Inspec Shareholders.
*     Commenting  on  the  Disposal, Dr. John Hollowood,  Chairman  of  Inspec

      "This  disposal represents an important step in the Group's development.
      Against  the background of changing market dynamics, the agreement  with
      Ineos represents an attractive opportunity to eliminate our exposure  to
      the cyclical nature of commodity chemicals and in particular, EO/Glycol.

      Following the disposal the Group will be a strongly capitalised  focused
      speciality  and  fine  chemicals  producer  with  an  excellent  product

There will be a meeting for analysts today at 2.30 p.m. at Financial Dynamics,
30 Furnival Street, London EC4.


Dr. John Hollowood      Inspec Group plc                 01703 894666

Jeremy Lucas            Deutsche Morgan Grenfell         0171 545 8000
Adrian Fisk

Charles Watson          Financial Dynamics               0171 831 3113

Deutsche  Morgan  Grenfell, which is regulated by the Securities  and  Futures
Authority Limited, is acting exclusively for Inspec Group plc and for  no  one
else and will not be responsible to any other person for providing protections
afforded  to  customers  of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell  or  advising  any  other

                               Inspec Group plc
                  Disposal of the business of Inspec Belgium

The  Board of Inspec Group plc ("Inspec") announces that it has today  entered
into  conditional  agreements  to  sell the  Antwerp  Business  to  Ineos  plc
("Ineos"),  a  newly formed company led by James Ratcliffe (who  is  currently
Group  Managing  Director of Inspec), for approximately #84 million  of  which
some #2 million represents cash retained by the Company.

In  view of the significance of the Disposal and because of the involvement of
James Ratcliffe and certain directors of Inspec Belgium, it is conditional  on
the  approval  of  Inspec Shareholders.  A circular will shortly  be  sent  to
Inspec  Shareholders  setting out details of the  Disposal  and  containing  a
notice  of  an Extraordinary General Meeting at which a resolution to  approve
the  Disposal will be proposed.  The Disposal is also conditional, inter alia,
on  Ineos  securing a proportion of its finance for the acquisition  from  the
high yield bond market.

Information on the Antwerp Business

Inspec  Belgium  is  a  wholly owned subsidiary of Inspec  based  in  Antwerp,
Belgium.  It produces both commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals  which
are principally sold to other chemical companies.  These products are marketed
through Inspec's international sales network.

Inspec  Belgium's  commodity business produces EO (ethylene oxide),  which  is
used as a raw material for a wide range of chemical products.  EO is a key raw
material  used  in  the  continuing  Inspec  Group's  coatings  and  synthetic
lubricants  businesses.   Inspec  Belgium also  converts  EO  into  Glycol,  a
commodity  chemical  which  is used in the manufacture  of  polyester  fibres,
resins  and  antifreeze.  For the year ended 31st December, 1997  the  Antwerp
Business generated turnover of #92.4 million and operating profit of     #13.1
million from EO/Glycol.

Inspec  Belgium's  speciality  chemicals  business  principally  produces  ENB
(ethylidenenorbornene) used mainly in the production of  a  synthetic  rubber.
In  addition,  Inspec Belgium provides a wide range of operating  services  to
third  parties  which own or operate plants on its site.  For the  year  ended
31st  December,  1997  the  speciality chemicals and  third  party  businesses
generated,  in  aggregate, turnover of #48.1 million and operating  profit  of
#6.4 million.

The  net  assets of the Antwerp Business as at 31st December, 1997 were  #82.6
million.  Further financial information on the Antwerp Business is set out  in
Appendix I.

Background to and reasons for the Disposal

The  acquisition of Inspec Belgium from BP in May, 1995 was an important  step
in  Inspec's development, providing Inspec with an assured supply of EO and  a
high  quality  European  manufacturing base. The acquisition  was  immediately
earnings  enhancing and has been highly cash generative. The  acquisition  was
also  of strategic importance as it gave the Group critical mass which enabled
it to acquire the Shell fine chemicals business in July, 1996.

After  a  strong  performance  in  1995, the Antwerp  Business  experienced  a
downturn  in  1996,  despite  the significant achievements  of  management  in
growing  the speciality chemicals portfolio to offset the cyclical  nature  of
the  EO/Glycol  business.  Glycol prices and margins  fell  significantly  and
competition  from  a  new  ENB producer led to reduced  sales  volumes.  These
changing  market dynamics and the Group's increasing focus on  speciality  and
fine  chemicals following the acquisition of the Shell fine chemicals business
prompted  the  Board  to review the Group's exposure to EO/Glycol.  The  Board
considered  a  number of options to reduce this exposure and,  notwithstanding
the  upturn  in the Antwerp Business in 1997, concluded that a  sale  of  that
business  was the best option for the Group. The Directors are satisfied  that
the  agreements entered into with Ineos represent a timely opportunity to exit
this business.

Following the Disposal, Inspec will be a focused speciality and fine chemicals
group with a much stronger balance sheet. Whilst the Disposal will be earnings
dilutive  in  the short term, the Board believes the benefits of  exiting  the
commodity chemicals market will enhance shareholder value by:

*     consolidating  the  Group's position as a focused  speciality  and  fine
      chemicals producer;

*     enabling the Group to significantly reduce its debt;

*      allowing  the  Group  to  develop its  speciality  and  fine  chemicals
businesses; and

*     addressing certain investor concerns about the Group's exposure  to  the
      cyclical nature of EO/Glycol whilst retaining a secure long term  supply
      of EO at competitive rates.

Financial effects of the Disposal and use of proceeds

Ineos  has  agreed  to  purchase the Antwerp Business  for  approximately  #84
million  of which some            #2 million represents cash retained  by  the
Company.  The consideration will be satisfied in cash and the net proceeds  of
the  Disposal will be used to reduce Group debt.  Pro forma gearing as set out
in  the pro forma statement of net assets in Appendix II of this document will
be 77 per cent. following the Disposal.

Terms and conditions of the Disposal

The  Sale  Agreement  is conditional, inter alia, on the  approval  of  Inspec
Shareholders  and on Ineos' financing becoming unconditional in all  respects.
A  condition of Ineos' financing is that it raises a substantial proportion of
the  consideration for the acquisition of the Antwerp Business from  the  high
yield bond market. Ineos' bond issue is being led by BT Alex. Brown which  has
confirmed in writing that it is highly confident that it will be able to raise
sufficient  funds.  It is anticipated that the bond issue  will  close  on  or
about the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Under  the  Sale  Agreement, Ineos will enter into a  long  term  contract  to
provide Inspec with all its EO requirements at competitive market rates.

The  Sale Agreement also contains provisions which allow Inspec to participate
in  (i) any profit on the sale of all or certain parts of the Antwerp Business
by Ineos within two years of completion; (ii) profits in excess of a specified
return in the third year after completion; and (iii) any "super profits" up to
a total of #5 million generated from EO/Glycol.
Current trading and prospects

In  the  report and accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1997, published
on  3rd  March,  1998,  Dr. John Hollowood, Chairman of  Inspec,  reported  as

      "The  strength of sterling remains the largest threat to  our  UK  based
      businesses   offset  by  opportunities  for  our  continental   European
      businesses as a result of their more competitive currencies. The  impact
      of  the  Far East crisis on the Group is expected to be limited,  except
      for  Glycol  where  prices have suffered due to  lower  demand  and  the
      anticipated effect of additional new production capacity due  on  stream
      in 1998.

      Overall, Inspec enters 1998 with a positive outlook. Demand for most  of
      our  speciality and fine chemicals products remains firm and  growth  is
      anticipated from the capital investments in capacity enlargement made in

Since  that  date, sterling has continued to strengthen and it is  clear  that
1998  will be a challenging year for the continuing Inspec Group  if  sterling
remains at its current levels.

The  Antwerp  Business has performed well in the first quarter.  However,  the
Board  anticipates  that  Glycol margins will fall due  to  a  combination  of
increased  competition  and  the Asian crisis. Therefore,  prospects  for  the
EO/Glycol business for the rest of the year remain uncertain.  The outlook for
the speciality business remains positive.

Board changes and eligibility to vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting

James  Ratcliffe,  who  is currently Group Managing  Director  of  Inspec,  is
leading  the management team in its offer and will be a shareholder  in  Ineos
Group  Limited  which  owns  Ineos.   A group  of  investors  including  James
Ratcliffe  and  his  affiliates,  Murray Johnstone  (an  institutional  equity
provider)  and certain members of the Antwerp Business' management,  will  own
all  of  the  shares  of  Ineos Group Limited and  accordingly  will  exercise
effective  control over Ineos. On completion of the Disposal, James  Ratcliffe
will  resign  from  the Inspec Board. A successor to James Ratcliffe  will  be
appointed  in due course and until then, Dr. John Hollowood and the Divisional
Managing  Directors  will share the duties currently performed  by  the  Group
Managing Director.

In  view  of James Ratcliffe's association with Ineos, the Board appointed  an
independent  committee of the Board, chaired by Peter Savage, to  oversee  the
Disposal.  At  the  Company's 1998 annual general meeting, Peter  Savage  will
become Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Inspec.

As  James Ratcliffe has an interest in the Disposal, he has taken no  part  in
the  Board's  discussions on the Disposal. Furthermore, neither  he,  nor  any
associate  of  his, nor any other member of the board of directors  of  Inspec
Belgium,  (other  than Andrew Currie who is not part of  the  management  team
investing  in  Ineos and who will resign as a director of  Inspec  Belgium  on
completion  of the Disposal) or any of their associates, will be  eligible  to
vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Inspec 1996 Employee Share Scheme

At  the  time of the Company's rights issue in 1995 to finance the acquisition
of  Inspec Belgium, the Company established the 1995 Scheme.  Under the  terms
of  the  1995  Scheme,  a trust company, Musley Limited,  was  established  to
acquire  the shares to which eligible employees who elected to participate  in
the  1995  Scheme would otherwise have been entitled under the  rights  issue.
The cost of acquiring those shares was financed by a loan from the Company  to
Musley  Limited.  Eligible employees who elected to participate  in  the  1995
Scheme  were  granted options over these shares.  A similar scheme,  the  1996
Scheme,  was established at the time of the Company's rights issue in 1996  to
finance the acquisition of the Shell fine chemicals business.

In  the event, inter alia, that any options granted under the schemes are  not
exercised  by  31st December, 1998 (in the case of the 1995  Scheme)  or  31st
December, 2000 ( in the case of the 1996 Scheme) those options will lapse.  In
those circumstances, depending on the price at which the lapsed shares may  be
sold  by  Musley Limited, the Company may not recover the whole of the  amount
advanced by it together with interest.

Pursuant  to  the  terms of the 1996 Scheme, on completion  of  the  Disposal,
options held by employees of Inspec Belgium (including James Ratcliffe)  under
the  1996 Scheme will fully vest. The remaining options under the 1996  Scheme
will  vest  over  a  period of two years, subject to  the  fulfilment  of  the
performance criteria set out in the rules of that scheme.  In the case of  the
continuing  Directors of Inspec and their wives, exercise of these options  is
subject  to  certain  additional performance  criteria.   The  Sale  Agreement
provides  that  employees of Inspec Belgium who hold options  under  the  1996
Scheme  will undertake to Inspec to exercise those options, together with  all
options  held under the 1995 Scheme, prior to 31st December, 1998. In relation
to  options  held by employees of Inspec Belgium under the 1996 Scheme,  Ineos
has  undertaken to bear the risk of any non-recovery of the loan  funding  the
1996  Scheme  which  may occur as a result of circumstances  outlined  in  the
previous paragraph.

Convertible Inspec Belgium loan stock

The  Convertible  Inspec Belgium loan stock scheme was established  to  enable
eligible employees to participate in any increase in the value of the  Antwerp
Business.  In normal circumstances, the Convertible Loan Stock ("Loan  Stock")
is convertible into ordinary shares during the fifth, sixth and seventh years,
in three equal instalments.  On completion of the Disposal, in accordance with
the  deed  establishing  the Loan Stock, that stock will  fully  convert  into
ordinary shares at a specified conversion rate.

Other schemes

On  completion of the Disposal certain employees of Inspec Belgium  (including
James  Ratcliffe) will also be entitled to exercise options previously granted
to them under Inspec's Savings Related Share Option Scheme, Approved Executive
Share Option Scheme and 1996 Share Option Scheme.


Dr. John Hollowood      Inspec Group plc                 01703 894666

Jeremy Lucas            Deutsche Morgan Grenfell         0171 545 8000
Adrian Fisk

Charles Watson          Financial Dynamics               0171 831 3113

Deutsche  Morgan  Grenfell, which is regulated by the Securities  and  Futures
Authority Limited, is acting exclusively for Inspec Group plc and for  no  one
else and will not be responsible to any other person for providing protections
afforded  to  customers  of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell  or  advising  any  other

                                  Appendix I
                 Financial information on the Antwerp Business
1.    Basis of preparation

The  Antwerp Business comprises a manufacturing operation based in Antwerp and
a  UK based sales division.  The unaudited financial information set out below
has been extracted, without material adjustment, from the consolidated returns
relating  to  those  entities. The amounts on the consolidation  returns  were
included within the consolidated financial statements of the Inspec Group  for
each  of the three years ended 31st December, 1997, all of which have been  or
will  be  delivered to the Registrar of Companies in compliance with the  Act.
The  auditors' reports under Section 235 of the Act on each of these financial
statements  were  unqualified and did not contain  statements  under  Sections
237(2) or (3) of the Act.

The  financial information comprises combined profit and loss accounts for the
nine  months and two years ended 31st December, 1997 and a combined  statement
of  net  assets  at  31st December, 1997. The financial information  has  been
prepared  in  accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles  and
Inspec Group accounting policies other than as disclosed in note (1) below.

2.    Profit and loss account
                                  9 months          Year           Year
                                ended 31st    ended 31st     ended 31st
                                 December,     December,      December,
                                      1995          1996           1997
                                     #'000         #'000          #'000
-     EO/Glycol                     59,524        68,640         92,386
- Speciality                        40,738        39,976         48,105
- Total                            100,262       108,616        140,491
Gross profit                        28,562        17,412         30,438
Net operating expenses                                                 
- Before group central             (8,943)       (6,576)        (6,067)
- Group central                    (2,500)        1,390)        (4,921)
                                  (11,443)       (5,186)       (10,988)
Operating profit                                                       
- EO/Glycol                         12,447         6,390         13,051
- Speciality                         7,754         5,836          6,399
- Exceptional costs                                                    
                                   (3,082)             -              -
Total                               17,119        12,226         19,450
(1)   It  is  not  possible to apportion a funding cost or tax charge  to  the
      Antwerp  Business, as these reflect the overall corporate  structure  of
      the  Inspec  Group. Accordingly, the combined profit and  loss  accounts
      have been drawn up to profit on ordinary activities before interest  and
(2)   The  financial  information commences on 1st April, 1995,  the  date  of
      acquisition  of  the  Antwerp Business by  the  Inspec  Group.   Audited
      financial information is not available for the period from 1st  January,
      1995 to 31st March, 1995.
(3)   Exceptional costs relate to redundancy payments made during  the  period
      ended  31st December, 1995 and were not allocated to the above  business
(4)   Intra-group  sales which are not included in turnover  above  amount  to
      #3.4  million, #2.4 million and #3.6 million for the periods ended  31st
      December,  1995,  1996 and 1997, respectively.  These  numbers  are  not
      included  in the consolidated accounts of Inspec Group for any of  these

3.    Statement of net assets

                                                                 As at 31st
Fixed assets                                                               
Tangible assets                                                      72,427
Current assets                                                             
Stocks                                                                8,994
Debtors                                                              30,604
Cash at bank and in hand                                                  -
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                             
Borrowings                                                                -
Creditors                                                          (25,747)
Net current assets                                                         
Total assets less current liabilities                                86,758
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                   -
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                     
Net assets                                                                 
Intra-group funding                                                  82,553
                                  Appendix II
                       Pro forma statement of net assets
Set  out  below is an unaudited consolidated pro forma statement  of  the  net
assets  of  Inspec Group following the sale of the Antwerp Business, extracted
without  material  adjustment from the audited consolidated balance  sheet  of
Inspec  Group as at 31st December, 1997, adjusted for the matters set  out  in
the notes below. This statement has been prepared for illustrative purposes to
show  the effect of the proposed sale of the Antwerp Business and, because  of
its nature, may not give a true picture of the consolidated financial position
of Inspec Group.

                             Inspec     Antwerp                      
                              Group    Business                      
                         as at 31st  as at 31st                      
                          December,   December,             Pro forma
                               1997        1997   Proceeds        net
                                #'m         #'m        #'m     assets
Fixed assets                                                         
Tangible assets                 192        (72)          -        120
Investments                      29         (1)          -         28
                                221        (73)          -        148
Current assets                                                       
Stocks                           49         (9)          -         40
Debtors                          72        (31)          -         41
Cash                             24           -          -         24
                                145        (40)          -        105
Creditors: amounts                                                   
falling due within one
Borrowings                       26           -       (26)          -
Other creditors                  87        (26)          -         61
                                113        (26)       (26)         61
Net current assets               32        (14)         26         44
Total assets less               253        (87)         26        192
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts                                                   
falling due after more
than one year
Borrowings                      146           -       (56)         90
Other creditors                   5           -          -          5
                                151           -       (56)         95
Provisions for                                                       
liabilities and charges          15         (4)          -         11
Net assets                       87        (83)         82         86

(1)   The  combined net assets of the Antwerp Business have been  compiled  as
      set out in Appendix I of this document
(2)   Proceeds  represent the estimated payment of cash of  approximately  #82
      million  plus cash of approximately #2 million  retained in the Company,
      less estimated expenses of #2 million.
(3)   The  pro  forma statement of net assets does not take into  account  the
      trading  activities  of  Inspec  or  the  Antwerp  Business  since  31st
      December, 1997.
(4)  Pro  forma gearing of the continuing Inspec Group at 31st December, 1997,
     based  on  net borrowings (borrowings less cash) of #66 million  and  net
     assets of #86 million, amounts to 77 per cent.

                                 Appendix III

The  following definitions apply throughout this document unless  the  context
requires otherwise:

"Act"                   the Companies Act 1985 (as amended)

"the Antwerp Business"  Inspec Belgium, together with the business of the sale
                        of the products produced by that company

"BT Alex. Brown"        BT  Alex.  Brown International, a division of  Bankers
                        Trust International PLC

"Board" or "Directors"  the board of directors of the Company

"BP"                    the British Petroleum Company plc

"continuing Inspec Group"       the   Inspec   Group   immediately   following
                        completion of the Disposal

"Deutsche Morgan Grenfell"    Deutsche Bank AG London

"Disposal"              the proposed disposal of the Antwerp Business

"Extraordinary General  an  extraordinary  general  meeting of the Company  to
                        be convened for
  Meeting"              the purpose of approving the Disposal

 "Ineos"                Ineos plc

"Inspec Belgium"        Inspec  Belgium  N.V., a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of

"Inspec" or "Company"   Inspec Group plc

"Inspec Group"          Inspec and its subsidiary undertakings

"Inspec Shareholders" or      holders of ordinary shares in Inspec

"ordinary shares"       ordinary shares of 2p each in Inspec

"Sale Agreement"        together  the  conditional  agreements  entered   into
                        between, (i) Inspec Group B.V., the Company and  Ineos
                        and  (ii)  Inspec UK Limited, the Company  and  Ineos,
                        each dated 14th April, 1998 to effect the Disposal

"1995 Scheme"           Inspec 1995 Employee Share Scheme

"1996 Scheme"           Inspec 1996 Employee Share Scheme



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