RNS Number:6277F
Capital Radio PLC
25 November 2004

Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2004
25th November 2004

Underlying Financial Highlights

   * Group revenue up 4% to #119.9m (2003: #115.3m)
   * Group profit before taxation up 4% to #23.7m (2003: #22.8m)
   * Strong cash generation: 106% (2003: 110%) of operating profit converted
     into cash
   * Strong balance sheet: net debt only #27.0m (2003: #27.6m) with interest
     cover of 15x (2003: 16x)
   * Earnings per share up 4% to 20.1p (2003: 19.3p)
   * Total dividend of 18.5p (2003: 18.5p)


   * Announced merger to create the UK's leading commercial radio group
   * Commercial brand leadership held in London
   * Johnny Vaughan number one despite fierce competition
   * Successful acquisition of Choice FM
   * Growth at Xfm and Choice FM positions both brands for further investment
   * Significant successes outside London - record revenue and profit for

Statutory Results

   * Profit before tax #12.6m (2003: #13.3m)
   * Basic earnings per share of 7.1p (2003: 7.7p)
   * Net cash inflow from operating activities #25.5m (2003: #27.0m)

David Mansfield, Chief Executive, commented:

"In 2004, we delivered the Group's best year on year growth performance for four
years and retained commercial brand leadership in the important London market.
We continue to strengthen our brands and we will be stepping up our investment
in Xfm and Choice FM during 2005. Despite a tough advertising quarter, we remain
confident in the prospects for radio. We believe our proposed merger will bring
benefits to listeners, advertisers and shareholders and leave us well-positioned
to compete more effectively against the BBC."

Capital Radio plc                                  020 7766 6119 / 6484
David Mansfield, Chief Executive
Peter Harris, Finance Director
Jane Wilson, Communications Director

Finsbury Group                                     020 7251 3801
Rupert Younger
Julius Duncan

'Underlying' results are presented to provide a better indication of overall
financial performance. The 'underlying' results exclude goodwill amortisation
and exceptional items. 'Underlying operating profit converted into cash'
represents underlying operating profit adjusted for movements in working
capital, non-operating cash items and capital expenditure net of depreciation
expressed as a percentage of underlying operating profit.

Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2004
25th November 2004

     Strengthening our key marketplace and exploiting growth opportunities

Capital Radio plc today announces preliminary results for the year to 30
September 2004.

In the 12 months to 30 September 2004, advertising market conditions began to
show some signs of improvement for the Group and the industry as a whole. Our
like for like revenues increased by 4%, the best performance in terms of year on
year growth for 4 years.

During this period, we continued our strategy of growing a portfolio of
complementary national brands with strong local appeal. This strategy has been
most apparent in the key London market where we completed the acquisition of
Choice FM. We also successfully launched the new 95.8 Capital FM Breakfast Show
with Johnny Vaughan and have seen encouraging results among women and younger
listeners. Across London, in an increasingly competitive marketplace, the Group
maintained its commercial leadership position, supported by encouraging
performances from Xfm and Choice FM.

Outside London, we have seen considerable success at our Century FM Network,
with 105.4 Century FM maintaining its position as the Northwest's leading
commercial radio station. We are also seeing early success from the national
growth of Xfm and Capital Gold with both stations attracting additional
listeners outside their analogue transmission areas. Xfm has been particularly
successful in monetising this new audience and is now sold to advertisers as a
national proposition.

This was a challenging year for commercial radio as a resurgent BBC achieved the
highest share of listening that it has ever enjoyed under RAJAR. We believe that
the BBC's programming should be complementary to commercial TV and radio and
thus create a more level playing field and greater consumer choice.
Consequently, we are working hard with the government to ensure that the BBC
charter renewal benefits the listener and the viewer and we are encouraging the
Department of Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and Ofcom to examine the BBC's
public service remit.

Merger with GWR Group plc
In September, we announced our ambition to take advantage of the new regulatory
environment with a proposed all-share merger with GWR Group plc to create the
UK's leading commercial radio group. With a more focused investment in talent
and resources, particularly in the digital future, we believe that this merger
will enable us to attract more listeners and compete more effectively against
the BBC. The Merger is conditional on regulatory approval and is currently being
examined by the OFT and Ofcom. Their views are likely to be published before the
end of the calendar year.

Current Trading and Prospects
The quarter from October to December is looking more challenging as the market
has seen some slow down in spend among key advertisers, particularly FMCG
clients. Revenue in October was down 7% against a relatively strong performance
during the same period last year and November looks likely to be down around 5%.
December is showing a slight improvement on this trend but is still likely to be
down marginally year on year.

We remain optimistic about the prospects for radio in general and believe that
it will continue to out-perform the display advertising market for the
foreseeable future.

Financial Review
The advertising environment improved slightly in 2004 despite increased
competition in our local markets. The Group's revenue was up 4% year on year at
#119.9 million.

The Capital FM Network saw a decline in revenue due to audience pressures at
95.8 Capital FM and BRMB. The Century FM network showed a very impressive
revenue performance with growth in revenue of over 35% compared with last year.
Xfm also performed well with its advertising revenues up over 20% year on year.
Choice FM, which we acquired in March 2004, is off to an encouraging start with
its like for like revenues up over 20% since acquisition. The Capital Gold
network suffered as audiences and advertisers increasingly became challenged
with the AM frequency. We believe that the advent of digital radio will greatly
improve the prospects for this brand.

Group operating profit before goodwill and exceptional items increased 8% to
#23.7 million and analogue radio profit was up 11% to #29.1 million. During the
year we increased marketing investment at 95.8 Capital FM around the launch of
the Johnny Vaughan breakfast show. However, the Group's overall marketing budget
remained the same year on year as we diverted resources from other group
stations. Costs were closely managed resulting in an increase in our underlying
operating margins.

Underlying Group profit before tax increased 4% year on year to #23.7 million.
The effective rate of tax on our underlying profits for the year was 29.0%
(2003: 30.5%) and our underlying earnings per share was 20.1p (2003: 19.3p).

The profit before tax was #12.6 million (2003: #13.3 million). Basic earnings
per share was 7.1p (2003: 7.7p).

Our associated companies contributed #1.6 million (2003: #2.1 million) to the
Group's profitability, before a tax, interest and goodwill amortisation charge
of #0.6 million (2003: #0.8 million).

We invested #5.4 million (2003: #4.2 million) in our wholly owned digital
operations, and our net investment in digital radio, including our associated
companies, was #4.9 million (2003: #3.6 million). As a major player in the
development of digital radio, it remains a key part of our strategy for growth.
In the coming financial year, as more of our radio brands are transmitted on
digital platforms, we plan to increase our investment in our wholly owned
digital operations by an additional #0.8 million to #6.2 million.

Xfm is now included in the national RAJAR survey, adding 107,000 listeners to
the station on digital platforms in addition to its analogue listener base. This
has created additional revenue opportunities for the Group and we anticipate
that the majority of our brands will be in the national RAJAR sample by the end
of next year. At our interim results in May, we reported ongoing annual savings
of #2 million from savings in sport commentary costs. We are planning to
re-invest #1.5 million of these savings behind Xfm and Choice this year, in
order to ensure we gain maximum commercial advantage in building our London

Our cash generation remained exceptionally strong with 106% of our underlying
operating profit being converted into trading cashflow. Net cash inflow from
operating activities was #25.5 million (2003: #27.0 million). After dividend
payments of #15.3 million (2003: #15.2 million) and tax payments of #6.2 million
(2003: #7.2 million), our net debt was reduced by #0.6 million to #27.0 million
(30 September 2003: #27.6 million).

Interest cover on our continuing radio business was 15x (2003: 16x), with a net
interest charge of #1.6 million (2003: #1.5 million).

Our strong balance sheet and robust cash flow position allows us to maintain the
dividend level. Therefore, the Directors are recommending a final dividend of
12.5p per share to be paid on 28 January 2005 to shareholders on the register on
3 December 2004 (ex dividend date 1 December 2004). Including the interim
dividend of 6.0p, our total dividend for 2004 is unchanged year on year at 18.5p
per share.

Operating Review

In the last published RAJAR figures for the quarter to September 2004, Capital
Radio remained the UK's most listened to local commercial radio group. We
attracted almost 7.8 million listeners, 54,000 more than the same period last
year and saw some notable successes across the Group.

In London, the Group (now including Choice FM) grew reach to 3.07 million
listeners while commercial market share also rose to 23.4%.

The Capital FM Network
In the past year, the Capital FM Network has continued to operate as a branded
radio network with two strengthened, management teams focused on the flagship
London station, 95.8 Capital FM, and the regional stations respectively.

At 95.8 Capital FM, the key challenges have been to build on early improvements
to the schedule, to succeed in an increasingly fragmented and competitive London
market and to successfully launch a new breakfast show after 17 years. In the
last RAJAR results, while increasing share of listening quarter on quarter, 95.8
Capital FM also increased reach, widening the gap on our nearest commercial
competitor. In its first full set of RAJAR results, the Breakfast Show with
Johnny Vaughan remained the number one commercial radio breakfast show in London
and is off to a good start. Importantly, the show is attracting a greater
proportion of females and target 15-34 year olds than the same period last year
and we remain extremely confident in the show's growth prospects.

Across the schedule, we have continued our revitalisation strategy with a
refreshed presenter line-up, new features and increased listener interactivity
through text, web, email and telephone services. Our future ambitions for 95.8
Capital FM are to continue to grow our leadership position both in reach and
share of commercial listening, to establish the Breakfast Show with Johnny
Vaughan and to be the first choice for active Londoners.

Throughout the rest of the Capital FM Network, we have seen a solid set of
audience figures across the year. Birmingham's BRMB and Beat 106 in central
Scotland, continue to be the key focus. In the last set of RAJAR figures, BRMB
increased share for the second consecutive quarter whilst Beat 106 attracted
30,000 more listeners than the previous quarter and increased share to 6.4%. In
South Wales, Red Dragon has also had a good year, matching its highest ever
listening figures during the period. Our future ambitions for the network are to
focus on growing our local listeners and maximising the revenue opportunities
they bring.

2004 has been a year of UK wide audience growth for Xfm. With 679,000 listeners,
the last set of RAJAR results showed an increase of 7% year on year. Now
available on more platforms than ever (Sky, ntl, Telewest, Homechoice and 18 DAB
digital radio licences), it is being successfully sold to advertisers as a
national station. Off-air, we continued our brand extension activities. While we
made the decision not to continue with X-Ray magazine in its current format, we
took a number of other successful brand extension and marketing opportunities
forward. These included Xfm's song for Euro 2004 'Born in England' reaching the
top ten, The Xfm Show on Sky Television channel The Amp and the launch of
Import: Export, broadcast on Xfm and K-Rock NYC in New York. Our online
activities also continue to be successful with record unique users and page
impressions for Xfm online.

As guitar music increasingly feeds into the mainstream, our aim is to establish
Xfm as a national radio station across a number of formats, with increased
listening in London and nationally to achieve a national reach of 1 million

Century FM Network
After a year of growth, Century FM continues to be the number one commercial
station in both the North West and East Midlands and in the latest set of RAJAR
figures, the network maintained overall reach of 18%. The Network is also
becoming increasingly attractive to advertisers as we continue to monetise
listener growth.

Off-air, we continued our successful CD series including the popular 'Hairbrush
Divas', 'Hairbrush Divas 2' and 'Never Forget the 90's' and increased listener
interaction through our online and texting services. In January 2005, the
Network's first national RAJAR results will be published, giving us the
opportunity to measure listening outside our analogue transmission areas.

Capital Gold Network
We continue to view the roll out of new radio platforms including DAB digital
radio as a significant growth opportunity for Capital Gold. In the past year the
Capital Gold Network outside of London maintained solid listener growth and
Capital Gold Manchester achieved record reach and share in the most recent RAJAR
audience figures. The Network's most challenging market is in London, where we
face greater competition than at any time before. As such, our focus is on
improving listening figures for Capital Gold London and particularly the London
breakfast show.

Despite intense competition, the Capital Gold network continues to attract a
national audience of over 1 million listeners and our aim is to revitalise the
Capital Gold brand and re-establish it as a growth business within the digital

Capital Gold's compilation CDs including the 'Legends' and 'Classics' series
continue to sell well. This year saw our first release on a new strand called
'Just Great Songs' with Universal.

Choice FM
Fully acquired in March 2004, Choice FM is the Group's most recent acquisition
and we are delighted with the station's progress to date. In the latest set of
RAJAR results, Choice FM recorded its second consecutive increase with 383,000
listeners and celebrated its highest ever share with 3.2% share of listening.

A key challenge during the year has been to manage the transition of ownership
while maintaining Choice's credibility with its loyal listeners and the local
community. Earlier this year, we received permission from Ofcom to unify the
output of Choice FM's two London licences into one consistent schedule and we
believe that this, along with increased investment in the brand, will enable us
to realise its potential and build Choice into the major urban music station for
London. Our ambition is to attract new listeners by raising awareness and
becoming more accessible whilst maintaining our relevance to the community we
serve. Longer term, our aim is to grow nationally through new platforms to
become the UK's leading urban music brand.

Digital only brands
Our digital only brands are Life and Capital Disney. While listening to Life is
not yet measured by RAJAR, Capital Disney has seen a promising start. The
station bolstered the Group's digital listening by growing its reach among the
4+ age group to 248,000 listeners in the most recent RAJAR figures.

Over the last year, as the advertising environment improved slightly, our
ongoing focus on a 'brand-led' sell has been strengthened by our growing
portfolio. This year we have started trading two new brands, Choice FM and
Capital Disney, while expanding Xfm's traditional London base into a national
advertising opportunity.

This year the number of national advertisers buying across all of our brands
increased by 26% and national advertising now represents 78% of advertising
sales across the Group. The Century FM Network and Xfm have both increased their
total brand count and whilst there has been some re-adjustment to the Choice FM
local market, the national brand count has grown substantially by 37%. Across
all three of these networks, Century FM, Choice FM and Xfm, the average spend
per advertiser has increased year on year by 33%, 7% and 33% respectively.

The success of our Sponsorship and Promotions team highlights the continued
development of advertiser-supported programming across the Group. Key partners
include Kellogg's Corn Flakes and O2, while British Airways extended its
presence across three of our networks.

The arrival of Johnny Vaughan to the 95.8 Capital FM Breakfast Show has created
a fresh interest in promotional activity on the station. Our increased
flexibility and collaboration with programming teams has allowed for the quick
turn around of tactical promotional activity, such as Property Week with HSBC
Bank Mortgages.

Our online presence provides a great opportunity for driving non-airtime revenue
for the Group and this year alone we have developed 5 new online advertising
formats. In addition, we have doubled revenue from our development revenue

We have seen the following performance in revenues from our top 15 advertiser

Category                      Year on Year Rev change       % of airtime revenue
Retail                                           -2%                      16.5
Motors                                           15%                      13.9
Business & Industrial                            26%                      11.9
Entertainment & Media                           -19%                      10.5
Gov/Social/Political                             13%                      10.1
Travel & Transport                                0%                       6.8
Food                                             74%                       6.1
Household Equipment                              -7%                       5.5
Entertainment                                   -19%                       5.1
Computers                                        16%                       3.8
Finance                                           3%                       2.7
Household Supplies                              -33%                       1.4
Drink                                             7%                       1.2
Cosmetics & Toiletries                          -27%                       1.2
Pharmaceutical                                  -51%                       0.7

We aim to continue to challenge and expand advertisers' views on radio as an
advertising medium, provide our clients with innovative solutions to suit their
needs and offer a level of customer service unmatched anywhere else in the

Implementing our strategy for long term growth
The radio industry has become more competitive in recent years. Increasing
digital convergence has brought radio into closer competition with a range of
different media from iPods to mobile phones to broadband internet.
A key driver of the evolution of the radio industry is the advent of digital
radio, which has led to a sharp increase in the number of services available to
the listener and brought new opportunities and challenges for broadcasters and

Radio is now accessible to listeners through a variety of platforms, including
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), digital television, internet and mobile
phones. The sale of DAB radios has risen dramatically over the last year, with
1.2 million sets forecast to be sold by Christmas 2004 and 13 million by 2008.
In addition, there has been an increase in the number of participating
manufacturers including UK players such as Roberts and international
manufacturers such as Sony, Panasonic and Hutchison.

We are committed to the development of digital radio and believe that it
presents new opportunities for growth by increasing our audiences, by delivering
new revenue streams through data services and by allowing us to have direct and
interactive dialogue with our listeners. In addition to DAB, we broadcast our
stations on the Sky and ntl platforms, reaching 8.2 million potential listeners.

We are also extending the reach of our brands as well as broadening our revenue
opportunities beyond traditional advertising. The initial target areas for brand
extension have been CD compilations, live music events, ring tones and the sale
of audio content.

As we strive to build our business in this dynamic environment, our core
strategy is to achieve the greatest share of our listeners' time and loyalty
through strong brands that connect with and enhance their lives. This in turn
will create the greatest value for shareholders.

The financial information referred to herein does not constitute the company's
statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2004 or 2003 but is derived
from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2003 have been delivered to the
registrar of companies, and those for 2004 will be delivered following the
company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts;
their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Group Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 30 September 2004              Note        2004       2003
                                                              #000       #000

Turnover                                              2    119,898    115,328
                                                          --------    -------
Operating profit
Before goodwill and exceptional operating costs       2     23,677     21,982
Exceptional operating costs                        2, 4       (782)         -
Amortisation of goodwill                              2    (10,273)    (9,372)
                                                          --------    -------
Operating profit                                      3     12,622     12,610
Share of operating profit of associated companies     2      1,572      2,113
                                                          --------    -------
Profit on ordinary activities before interest and
taxation                                              2     14,194     14,723
Net interest payable and similar items                6     (1,638)    (1,465)
--------------------------------                  -----   --------    -------
Underlying profit before taxation                     4     23,680     22,795
Goodwill and exceptional items                        4    (11,124)    (9,537)
--------------------------------                  -----   --------    -------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation               12,556     13,258
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities             7     (6,641)    (6,939)
                                                          --------    -------
Profit for the financial year                                5,915      6,319
Dividends                                             9    (15,642)   (15,191)
                                                          --------    -------
Retained loss for the financial year                 19     (9,727)    (8,872)
                                                          --------    -------

Basic earnings per share                             10        7.1p       7.7p
Loss per share on goodwill and exceptional items
after taxation                                                13.0p      11.6p
                                                          --------    -------
Underlying basic earnings per share                  10       20.1p      19.3p
                                                          --------    -------
Diluted earnings per share                           10        7.1p       7.7p
                                                          --------    -------

All results related to continuing operations.

Group Balance Sheet

30 September 2004
                                                   Note       2004        2003
                                                              #000        #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill                         11    159,818     152,076
Tangible fixed assets                                12     17,520      16,858
Investments                                          13      2,619       5,492
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           179,957     174,426
Current assets
Debtors                                              15     21,575      20,958
Cash                                                           400           -
                                                           -------     -------
                                                            21,975      20,958

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year       16    (45,913)    (63,323)
                                                           -------     -------
Net current liabilities                                    (23,938)    (42,365)
                                                           -------     -------
Total assets less current liabilities                      156,019     132,061
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one
year                                                 16    (20,000)          -
                                                           -------     -------
Net assets                                                 136,019     132,061
                                                           -------     -------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                              18      2,136       2,075
Share premium account                                19     78,965      78,965
Shares to be issued                                  19        400           -
Merger reserve                                       19     36,695      23,767
Profit and loss account                              19     17,823      27,254
                                                           -------     -------
Equity shareholders' funds                                 136,019     132,061
                                                           -------     -------

Group Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 30 September              2004      2004     2003      2003
                                    Note     #000      #000     #000      #000
Net cash inflow from operating        20             25,473             26,962
Dividends from associated                             1,045              1,684
undertakings                                        -------            -------
                                                     26,518             28,646
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received and similar                 220                 35
Interest paid                              (1,764)            (1,661)
                                           ------            -------
Net cash outflow from returns on
and servicing of finance                             (1,544)            (1,626)
Taxation paid                                        (6,225)            (7,117)
Capital expenditure
Proceeds from sale of tangible                 52                 76
fixed assets
Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (1,604)            (3,541)
                                           ------            -------
Cash outflow on capital expenditure                  (1,552)            (3,465)
Acquisitions and disposals            21             (1,260)               145
Cash outflow from equity dividends                  (15,335)           (15,180)
paid                                                -------            -------
Cash inflow before use of liquid resources
and financing                                           602              1,403
Management of liquid resources                         (400)                 -
Cash outflow from financing           22               (167)            (2,686)
                                                    -------            -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the                       35             (1,283)
period                                              -------            -------

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt (note 23)

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                      35       (1,283)
Cash flow from increase in bank loans and
overdrafts                                                      -       (1,500)
Monies transferred into deposit account           19          400            -
Repayment of finance leases                                     -           31
Repayment of loan notes                                       167        4,186
                                                         --------      -------
Movement in net debt in the period                            602        1,434
Net debt at 1 October                                     (27,565)     (28,999)
                                                         --------      -------
Net debt at 30 September                          23      (26,963)     (27,565)
                                                         --------      -------

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

For the year ended 30 September 2004                         2004         2003
GROUP                                                        #000         #000
Profit for the financial year                               5,915        6,319
Dividends                                                 (15,642)     (15,191)
                                                          -------     --------
Retained loss for the financial year                       (9,727)      (8,872)
New share capital issued                                       61           31
Merger reserve arising on acquisition                      12,928            -
Movement on shares to be issued                               400            -
Movement on LTIP                                              200          222
Movement on Quest                                              96          183
                                                          -------     --------
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds              3,958       (8,436)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of year (2003:
originally #140,883,000 before deducting prior year
adjustment of #386,000)                                   132,061      140,497
                                                          -------     --------
Shareholders' funds at end of year                        136,019      132,061
                                                          -------     --------

For the year ended 30 September 2004                         2004         2003
COMPANY                                                      #000         #000
Profit for the financial year (note 8)                     47,346        6,770
Dividends                                                 (15,642)     (15,191)
                                                          -------     --------
Retained profit/(loss) for the financial year              31,704       (8,421)
New share capital issued                                       61           31
Merger reserve arising on acquisition                      12,928            -
Movement on shares to be issued                               400            -
Movement on LTIP                                              200          222
Movement on Quest                                              96          183
                                                          -------     --------
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds             45,389       (7,985)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of year (2003:
originally #174,747,000 before deducting prior year
adjustment of #386,000)                                   166,376      174,361
                                                          -------     --------
Shareholders' funds at end of year                        211,765      166,376
                                                          -------     --------

Statement of Group Total Recognised Gains and Losses

For the year ended 30 September 2004                            2004      2003
GROUP                                                           #000      #000
Profit for the financial year:
Group                                                          4,820     4,888
Share of associates                                            1,095     1,431
                                                              ------   -------
Total gains and losses recognised for the financial year       5,915     6,319
                                                              ------   -------

Company Balance Sheet

30 September 2004
                                                   Note     2004          2003
                                                            #000          #000
Fixed assets                                                          Restated
Tangible fixed assets                               12     9,615        10,346
Investments                                         13   260,561       245,499
                                                        --------      --------
                                                         270,176       255,845
Current assets
Debtors                                             15    41,800        52,895
Cash                                                         400             -
                                                        --------      --------
                                                          42,200        52,895

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      16   (80,358)     (142,341)
                                                        --------      --------
Net current liabilities                                  (38,158)      (89,446)
                                                        --------      --------
Total assets less current liabilities                    232,018       166,399
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than
one year                                            16   (20,000)            -
Provisions for liabilities and charges              17      (253)          (23)
                                                        --------      --------
Net assets                                               211,765       166,376
                                                        --------      --------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                             18     2,136         2,075
Share premium account                               19    78,965        78,965
Revaluation reserve                                 19       429           429
Shares to be issued                                 19       400             -
Merger reserve                                      19    50,170        37,242
Profit and loss account                             19    79,665        47,665
                                                        --------      --------
Equity shareholders' funds                               211,765       166,376
                                                        --------      --------

Notes Forming Part of the Accounts

1. Accounting Policies
A summary of the principal Group accounting policies, all of which have been
applied consistently throughout the year, is set out below.

a. Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost accounting rules,
modified to include the revaluation of certain fixed assets, and in accordance
with applicable accounting standards, including for the first time UITF abstract
38 Accounting for ESOP Trusts.

Prior to becoming a subsidiary undertaking, Tainside Limited (trading as Choice
FM) was accounted for as an associated undertaking. In accordance with FRS2, and
in order to give a true and fair view, purchased goodwill has been calculated as
the sum of the goodwill arising on each purchase of shares in Tainside Limited,
being the difference at the date of each purchase between the fair value of the
consideration given and the fair value of the identifiable assets and
liabilities attributable to the interest purchased. This represents a departure
from the statutory method, under which goodwill is calculated as the difference
between cost and fair value on the date that Tainside Limited became a
subsidiary undertaking. The statutory method would not give a true and fair view
because it would result in the group's share of Tainside Limited's retained
reserves, during the period that it was an associated undertaking, being
recharacterised as goodwill. The effect of this departure is to decrease
retained profits and decrease purchased goodwill by #637,000.

b. Basis of consolidation
(i)              The consolidated accounts include the accounts of the Company
and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 30 September 2004.

Unless otherwise stated, the acquisition method of accounting has been adopted.
Under this method, the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or disposed
of in the year are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from the
date of acquisition or up to the date of disposal.

An associate is an undertaking in which the Group has a long term interest,
usually from 20% to 50% of the equity voting rights, and over which it exercises
significant influence. The Group's share of the profits less losses of
associates is included in the consolidated profit and loss account and its
interest in their net assets is included in the consolidated balance sheet.

Other fixed asset investments in the Group accounts, and all fixed assets in the
accounts of the Company, are stated at cost less amounts written off in respect
of any impairment in value.

(ii)            Purchased goodwill (both positive and negative) arising on
consolidation in respect of acquisitions before 1 October 1997, when Financial
Reporting Standard 10, Goodwill and intangible assets, was adopted, was written
off to reserves in the year of acquisition. When a subsequent disposal occurs
any related goodwill previously written off to reserves is written back through
the profit and loss account as part of the profit or loss on disposal.

Purchased goodwill (representing the excess of the fair value of the
consideration given and any related costs over the fair value of the separable
net assets acquired) arising on consolidation in respect of acquisitions since 1
October 1997 is capitalised. Positive goodwill is amortised to #nil by equal
annual instalments over its estimated useful life, being deemed to be 20 years.

On the subsequent disposal or termination of a business acquired since 1 October
1997, the profit or loss on disposal or termination is calculated after charging
/(crediting) the unamortised amount of any related goodwill/(negative goodwill).

(iii) Under section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985 the Company is exempt from
the requirement to present its own profit and loss account. The profit for the
financial year dealt with in the financial statements of the holding company was
#47,346,000 (2003: #6,770,000).

c. Tangible fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation is provided to write off the cost (less estimated residual value)
of each asset on a straight line basis over its expected useful life, as

Freehold buildings          2%-4% per annum
Long leasehold premises     4%-6% per annum
Short leasehold premises    over the term of the lease, or where the lease is
                            renewable, 5%
Office and studio equipment 10%-20% per annum
Digital equipment           over the term of the contract
Computer equipment          33% per annum
Motor vehicles              25% per annum
Freehold land is not depreciated.

d. Investments
In the Company's accounts investments in subsidiary companies are stated at cost
less provisions where, in the opinion of the Directors, there has been an
impairment in the value of the investment. Dividends receivable from subsidiary
companies are credited to the Company's profit and loss account. Fixed asset
investments are stated at cost less provisions where, in the opinion of the
Directors, there has been an impairment in the value of the investment.

e. Taxation
The charge for taxation is based on the profit for the year and takes into
account taxation deferred because of timing differences between the treatment of
certain items for taxation and accounting purposes.

Deferred tax is recognised, without discounting, in respect of all timing
differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting
purposes which have arisen but not reversed by the balance sheet date, except as
otherwise required by FRS 19.

f. Operating leases
Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss
account on a straight line basis.

g. Finance leases
Assets held under finance lease agreements are included in tangible fixed assets
and are depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy. Obligations
under such agreements are included in creditors net of finance charges allocated
to future periods. Finance charges are taken to the profit and loss account so
that the annual rate of charge on the outstanding obligation at the end of each
accounting period is approximately constant.

h. Turnover
Turnover comprises income from the sale of advertising airtime, sponsorship and
promotions (net of agencies' commissions) and income from advertising on the
Internet. Turnover is stated excluding VAT, trade discounts, and intra group
transactions and derives from goods and services provided in the normal course
of business.
Airtime revenue is recognised on the date of broadcast. Sponsorship revenue and
internet advertising are recognised over the life of the contract.

i.                Licences
Expenditure incurred on the purchase of, application and re-applications for,
licences is written off to the profit and loss account as it is incurred.

j. Pensions
The Group provides for and funds pension liabilities on a going concern basis,
on the advice of external actuaries. The amount charged to the profit and loss
account is calculated to produce a level percentage of the current and future
pensionable payroll. The group has adopted the transitional arrangements under
Financial Reporting Standard 17, Retirement Benefits, and these disclosures can
be found in note 24.

k.               Own shares held under trust
Shares in the Company issued to cover SAYE schemes are held in a qualifying
Share Ownership Trust (QUEST). Shares in the Company issued to cover the long
term incentive plan (Capital Radio Restricted Share Plan) are held in the
Capital Radio Employee Trust.

UITF abstract 38 - Accounting for ESOP trusts changes the presentation of an
entity's own shares held in an employee share scheme from requiring them to be
recognised as assets to requiring them to be deducted in arriving at
shareholders' funds. It also has consequential changes to UITF17 requiring that
the expense to the profit and loss account should be the difference between the
fair value of shares at the date of award and the amount that an employee is
required to pay for the shares (i.e. the 'intrinsic value' of the award).
The reclassification of the shares acquired by the share trust (own shares) from
fixed asset investments to equity has reduced shareholders' funds by #386,000 at
1 October 2002.

l.                Employee share schemes
The cost of awards to employees that take the form of shares or rights to shares
are recognised in the profit and loss account over the period of the employee's
related performance. Where there are no performance criteria, the cost is
recognised when the employee becomes unconditionally entitled to the shares. No
cost is recognised in respect of SAYE schemes that are offered on similar terms
to all or substantially all employees.

m.             Development expenditure
Development expenditure is written off to the profit and loss account in the
year in which it is incurred.

n.              Restatement of prior year
The prior year has been restated to reflect the adoption of UITF abstract 38
(see note k).

2.  Segmental                  Turnover            Profit before           Net Assets
                                               Interest and Taxation
                              2004      2003         2004       2003      2004       2003
                              #000      #000         #000       #000      #000       #000
    Commercial Radio, all
    from UK:
    Analogue               118,962   114,637       29,120     26,216
    Digital                    936       691       (5,443)    (4,234)
                           -------   -------      -------    -------
    Total                  119,898   115,328       23,677     21,982   174,575    168,504
    Exceptional operating        -         -         (782)         -         -          -
    Amortisation of              -         -      (10,273)    (9,372)        -          -
    goodwill               -------   -------      -------    -------   -------    -------
                           119,898   115,328       12,622     12,610   174,575    168,504
    Share of associated          -         -        1,572      2,113     2,602      5,475
    Cash, overdrafts,            -         -            -          -   (26,946)   (27,548)
    loans and other
    Liabilities for              -         -            -          -    (3,639)    (4,104)
    corporation tax
    Proposed dividend            -         -            -          -   (10,573)   (10,266)
                           -------   -------      -------    -------   -------    -------
                           119,898   115,328       14,194     14,723   136,019    132,061
                           -------   -------      -------    -------   -------    -------

    Amortisation of goodwill relates to analogue commercial radio activities. All
    exceptional costs relate to analogue
    commercial radio activities. Net assets cannot be split between
    analogue and digital.
    During the year the Group entered into Barter agreements worth #191,000 (2003:
    #407,000). This is recognised at the
    Company's airtime rates in
    accordance with UITF 26.

3   Operating Profit                                     2004             2003
                                                         #000             #000

    Turnover                                          119,898          115,328
    Direct costs                                      (14,618)         (14,406)
                                                     --------        ---------
    Gross profit                                      105,280          100,922
    Staff costs                                       (30,739)         (27,827)
                                                     --------        ---------
    Other operating charges                           (48,075)         (48,078)
    Exceptional operating costs                          (782)               -
                                                     --------        ---------
                                                      (48,857)         (48,078)
    Depreciation and amortisation                     (13,062)         (12,407)
                                                     --------        ---------
    Total operating costs                             (92,658)         (88,312)
                                                     --------        ---------
    Operating profit                                   12,622           12,610
                                                     --------        ---------

Exceptional costs consist of #560,000 of staff redundancy costs and #222,000 of
exceptional operating charges.

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after
charging/(crediting) the following items:                       2004      2003
                                                                #000      #000

Hire of plant or machinery                                       715       869
Other operating lease charges                                  2,103     2,062
Auditors' remuneration:
Audit services                                                   110       100
Further assurance services                                        22        24
Tax services                                                       4        54
Other services                                                     3         3
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets                          1       (41)
Profit on disposal of investment                                   -       (20)
-------------------------------------                       -------- ---------

Fees paid to the auditor for the audit of the Company amounted to #25,000 (2003:
#25,000). Auditors' fees have been reviewed by the Audit Committee. Within
prepayments and accruals is #218,000 in respect of costs invoiced to Capital
Radio plc for other services provided by the auditors in relation to the
proposed merger.

4.  Underlying Profit before Taxation from Continuing
    Underlying profit before taxation from continuing            2004     2003
    operations has been calculated as follows:
                                                                 #000     #000

    Profit on ordinary activities before taxation              12,556   13,258
                                                              -------  -------
    Exceptional costs                                             782        -
    Amortisation of goodwill - radio                           10,273    9,372
    Amortisation of goodwill - associates                          69      165
                                                              -------  -------
    Net excluded items                                         11,124    9,537
                                                              -------  -------
    Underlying profit before taxation from continuing          23,680   22,795
    operations                                                -------  -------

Exceptional costs in the period relate to management and post Choice acquisition
restructuring costs and the provision for redundancies following the
discontinuing of sports commentaries.

5.  Staff                                                        2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000
    The aggregate payroll costs of the persons employed by the
    Group during the year were as follows:

    Wages and salaries                                         26,236   23,441
    Social security costs                                       3,033    2,589
    Other pension costs (see note 24)                           1,470    1,317
                                                              -------  -------
                                                               30,739   27,347
    Redundancy costs (included in exceptional costs this year)    560      480
                                                              -------  -------
                                                               31,299   27,827
-------------------------------------                         -------  -------

The above analysis includes the costs relating to Directors. The figures exclude
radio presenters engaged under short-term and part-time contracts. The total
cost of these persons amounted to #9,219,000 (2003: #8,937,000).

                                                                  2004    2003
                                                                   No.     No.
The average number of persons employed by the Group (including
Directors) during the year was as follows:
Radio: Management and administration                               142     125
Sales                                                              323     315
Programming                                                        161     168
Engineering and IT                                                  51      54
                                                               ------- -------
                                                                   677     662
-------------------------------------                          ------- -------

The breakdown of staff numbers has been reclassified to reflect current
operational structures.

6.  Net Interest Payable and Similar Items                       2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000
    Interest receivable and similar income:
    Bank interest                                                 211       40
    Bank interest attributable to associated undertakings          37       60
                                                              -------  -------
                                                                  248      100
    Interest payable and similar charges:
    Bank loan and overdrafts, wholly repayable within 5        (1,825)  (1,444)
    Interest on Capital Radio plc loan notes                      (60)    (114)
    Hire purchase, finance leases and other interest                -       (1)
    Bank interest attributable to associated undertakings          (1)      (6)
                                                              -------  -------
                                                               (1,886)  (1,565)
                                                              -------  -------
                                                               (1,638)  (1,465)
-------------------------------------                         -------  -------

7   Taxation                                    2004    2004     2003     2003
                                                #000    #000     #000     #000

    Corporation tax at 30%                     6,407            6,215
    Share of associated companies' taxation      513              736
    Adjustment relating to prior years          (647)            (130)
                                             -------          -------
    Total current tax                                  6,273             6,821

    Deferred tax (see note 17)
    Origination/reversal of timing               245              250
    Adjustment in respect of prior years         123             (132)
                                             -------          -------
                                                         368               118
                                                     -------           -------
    Tax on profit on ordinary activities               6,641             6,939
                                                     -------           -------

    Factors affecting the tax charge for the
    The current tax charge for the year is higher (2003: higher) than the
    standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30%. The differences are
    explained below.

                                                                 2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000
    Current tax reconciliation
    Profit on ordinary activities before tax                   12,556   13,258
                                                              -------  -------

    Current tax at 30% (2003 : 30%)                             3,767    3,977

    Effects of:
    Expenses not deductible for tax purposes:

    Goodwill amortisation (including that in respect of         3,103    2,861
    associated undertakings)
    Other                                                         120       99
    Depreciation for period in excess of capital allowances        46       14
    Utilisation of tax losses                                    (116)       -
    Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous periods     (647)    (130)
                                                                -------  -------
    Total current tax charge (see above)                        6,273    6,821
                                                                -------  -------

8.  Profit for the Financial Year
    The profit for the financial year dealt with in the accounts of the Company
    was #47,346,000 (2003: profit #6,770,000).

9.  Dividends                                                    2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000
    Interim dividend of 6.0p (2003: 6.0p) per share, paid on    5,073    4,925
    28 June 2004
    Proposed final dividend of 12.5p (2003: 12.5p) per share,  10,569   10,266
    to be paid on 28 January 2005                             -------  -------
    Total dividend of 18.5p per share (2003: 18.5p)            15,642   15,191
                                                              -------  -------

Shares held in the Capital Radio Employee Trust, Capital Radio Restricted Share
Plan and QUEST have waived their right to receive dividends.

10.  Earnings Per Share
     The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit after taxation
     of #5,915,000 (2003: #6,319,000) and on the weighted average of 83,521,690
     (2003: 82,070,658) Ordinary Shares in issue during the year. The underlying
     earnings per share from operations is included to show the effect of
     adjusting for the impact of goodwill and restructuring costs which results
     in earnings increasing by #11,124,000 (2003: #9,537,000), (see note 4).
     After the effect of a related tax credit of #227,000 (2003: #nil), this
     results in earnings of #16,812,000 (2003: #15,856,000).
     Dilution increases the weighted average number of shares to 83,562,055
     (2003: 82,160,899). The dilution effect is caused by the inclusion of
     40,365 share options (2003: 90,242). There is no change in profit after

11.  Intangible Assets - Goodwill

     Book value
     Beginning of year                                                 192,136
     Additions (see note 14)                                            18,015
     Beginning and end of year                                         210,151

     Beginning of year                                                  40,060
     Provided during the year                                           10,273
     End of year                                                        50,333

     Net book value
     Beginning of year                                                 152,076
     End of year                                                       159,818

12.  Tangible Fixed Land and                  
     Assets                         Long       Short      Fixtures,
     GROUP          Freehold   Leasehold   Leasehold   Fittings and      Motor
                    Property    Premises    Premises      Equipment   Vehicles    Total
                        #000        #000        #000           #000       #000     #000
     Beginning of      1,847       3,310       8,600         25,783        337   39,877
     On acquisition    1,900           -           -              -          -    1,900
     Transfer              -        (171)          -            171          -        -
     Additions             -           -          14          1,590          -    1,604
     Disposals             -           -           -             (4)      (104)    (108)
                     -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------
     End of year       3,747       3,139       8,614         27,540        233   43,273
                     -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------
     Beginning of        423         767       2,034         19,577        218   23,019
     Charged in           38         127         408          2,180         36    2,789
     Disposals             -           -           -             (2)       (53)     (55)
                     -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------
     End of year         461         894       2,442         21,755        201   25,753
                     -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------
     Net book
     Beginning of      1,424       2,543       6,566          6,206        119   16,858
     year            -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------
     End of year       3,286       2,245       6,172          5,785         32   17,520
                     -------     -------     -------        -------    -------   ------

The net book value of assets held under finance leases by the Group amounted to
#nil (2003: #nil). The depreciation charge in respect of these assets amounted
to #nil (2003: #61,000). The gross book value of freehold property includes
#1,488,000 (2003: #1,488,000) of depreciable assets.

                       Short            Fixtures,
COMPANY            Leasehold         Fittings and           Motor
                    Premises            Equipment        Vehicles        Total
                        #000                 #000            #000         #000
Beginning of year      8,087               20,130             279       28,496
Additions                  -                  894               -          894
Disposals                  -                   (2)            (72)         (74)
                    --------             --------         -------       ------
End of year            8,087               21,022             207       29,316
                    --------             --------         -------       ------
Beginning of year      1,685               16,270             195       18,150
Charged in year          348                1,205              21        1,574
Disposals                  -                   (2)            (21)         (23)
                    --------             --------         -------       ------
End of year            2,033               17,473             195       19,701
                    --------             --------         -------       ------
Net book value
Beginning of year      6,402                3,860              84       10,346
                    --------             --------         -------       ------
End of year            6,054                3,549              12        9,615
                    --------             --------         -------       ------

  13.  Fixed Asset Investments
                                      Associated             Other
       GROUP                           Companies       Investments       Total
                                            #000              #000        #000

       Book value
       Beginning of year (restated)        5,805               592       6,397
       Additions                               4                 -           4
       Transfer to subsidary              (3,304)                -      (3,304)
       Share of retained profits              97                 -          97
                                        --------          --------     -------
       End of year                         2,602               592       3,194
                                        --------          --------     -------
       Beginning of year (restated)          330               575         905
       Provided during the year                                  -           -
       Amortisation of goodwill               69                 -          69
       Transfer to subsidary                (399)                -        (399)
                                        --------          --------     -------
       End of year                             -               575         575
                                        --------          --------     -------
       Net book value
       Beginning of year (restated)        5,475                17       5,492
                                        --------          --------     -------
       End of year                         2,602                17       2,619
                                        --------          --------     -------

All fixed asset investments in the Group were unlisted at 30 September 2004 and

                              Subsidiary   Associated          Other
                               Companies    Companies    Investments     Total
                                    #000         #000           #000      #000
Book value
Beginning of year (restated)     293,577        4,762            584   298,923
Additions                         15,058            4              -    15,062
Moved to subsidiary                3,565       (3,565)             -         -
                                --------     --------       --------  --------
End of year                      312,200        1,201            584   313,985
                                --------     --------       --------  --------

                                --------     --------       --------  --------
Beginning and end of year
(restated)                        52,437          415            572    53,424
                                --------     --------       --------  --------

Net book value
Beginning of year (restated)     241,140        4,347             12   245,499
                                --------     --------       --------  --------
End of year                      259,763          786             12   260,561
                                --------     --------       --------  --------

All fixed asset investments in the Group were unlisted at 30 September 2004 and

14. Acquisition of Tainside Limited

On 1 March 2004 Capital Radio plc completed the acquisition of Tainside Limited
(trading as Choice FM) in accordance with the original agreement signed on 25
October 2001. Consideration amounted to #18,623,000 resulting in purchased
goodwill of #18,015,000 (see note 1). Fair value adjustments totalling #650,000
have been included in these figures in respect of revaluations and accounting
policies. The Group has used acquisition accounting to account for this

                            Book         Fair value adjustments:         Fair value
                          Values   Accounting        Revaluations         of assets
                                     Policies                              acquired
                            #000         #000                #000              #000
-------------------------  -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Tangible fixed assets      1,199          (44)  a             745   b         1,900
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Total fixed assets         1,199          (44)                745             1,900
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------

Debtors                      262            -                   -               262
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Current assets               262            -                   -               262
Overdraft                   (431)           -                   -              (431)
Creditors due within
one year                  (1,709)           -                 (51)  c        (1,760)
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Net current liabilities   (2,140)           -                 (51)           (2,191)
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Current assets less net
liabilities               (1,878)           -                 (51)           (1,929)
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
                           -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Total net liabilities       (679)         (44)                694               (29)
-------------------------  -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------
Cash                                                                            286
Shares issued                                                                16,553
Deferred shares                                                                 400
Deferred contingent
consideration                                                                   900
Costs of acquisition                                                            484
Adjustment relating to
Choice being an
associate                                                                      (637)
Goodwill arising                                                            (18,015)
-------------------------  -------     -------- ----      --------- ----      -------

The fair value adjustments relate mainly to the following:
a) Alignment of accounting policies for radio licences
b) Revaluation of fixed assets
c) Reflection of previously unrecognised liabilities

The results of directly prior to      Year to 30     5 months to  7 months to 30
and post acquisition:            September 2003  February 2004   September 2004
                                          #000            #000            #000
Turnover                                 1,929             818           1,296
Operating loss
                                     ---------        --------        --------
from analogue                             (479)           (265)            105
Operating loss
from Digital                              (508)           (208)           (319)
items                                        -               -            (158)
                                     ---------        --------        --------
operating loss                            (987)           (473)           (372)
payable                                     (8)             (4)            (33)
                                     ---------        --------        --------
Loss on
taxation                                  (995)           (477)           (405)
Taxation                                     -               -             243
                                     ---------        --------        --------
Loss on
after taxation                            (995)           (477)           (162)
                                     ---------        --------        --------

15.  Debtors                                          Group        Company
                                               2004     2003     2004     2003

                                               #000     #000     #000     #000
     Amounts falling due within one year:
     Trade debtors                           14,453   14,032   14,453   14,032
     Amounts due from subsidiary                  -        -   20,159   34,348
     Corporation tax                              -        -    1,898        -
     Deferred tax asset (see note 17)            32      400        -        -
     Other debtors                            1,148    1,133      953      878
     Prepayments and accrued income           4,959    4,426    3,354    2,670
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------
                                             20,592   19,991   40,817   51,928
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------

     Amounts falling after more than one
     Prepayments and accrued income             983      967      983      967
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------
                                                983      967      983      967
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------
     Total                                   21,575   20,958   41,800   52,895
                                           --------   ------   ------   ------

16.  Creditors:
                                                     Group        Company
                                              2004     2003     2004      2003
     Amounts falling due within one year:
                                              #000     #000     #000      #000
     Bank loans and overdrafts               5,736   25,771    5,169    25,785
     Loan notes (see note below)             1,627    1,794    1,627     1,794
     Trade creditors                         9,449   10,921    8,483    10,139
     Other creditors                         3,473    1,966    2,156     1,590
     Amounts due to subsidiary                   -        -   43,698    86,176
     Corporation tax payable                 3,639    4,104        -       243
     Proposed dividend                      10,573   10,266   10,573    10,266
     Other taxation and social security      3,250    2,890    3,250     2,890
     Accruals and deferred income            8,166    5,611    5,402     3,458
                                            ------  -------   ------   -------
                                            45,913   63,323   80,358   142,341
                                            ------  -------   ------   -------

     Amounts falling due after more than
     one year:

     Bank loans                             20,000        -   20,000         -
                                            ------  -------   ------   -------

The floating rate bank loans carry interest at 0.8% over LIBOR and are repayable
by 31 March 2006. Bank overdrafts carry interest at 1% over bank base rate and
are repayable on demand

        16.  Creditors (continued)

Capital Radio plc loan notes

Capital Radio plc loan notes amounting to #1,493,000 (2003: #1,660,000) were
issued in June 2000 and have a five year term. Interest is paid six monthly in
arrears at 1% below London Inter-Bank Offered Rates. The loan notes may be
redeemed at the holder's option on interest dates until 2005, or by the Company
on 31 March 2005.

Capital Radio plc loan notes amounting to #134,000 (2003: #134,000) were issued
in August 2000 and have a five year term. Interest is paid six monthly in
arrears at 1% below London Inter-Bank Offered Rates. The loan notes may be
redeemed at the holder's option on interest dates until 2005, or by the Company
on 31 March 2005.

17.  Provisions for Liabilities and
                                            Group    Group   Company   Company
                                             2004     2003      2004      2003
                                             #000     #000      #000      #000
     Deferred tax liability at 1 October        -        -        23         -
     Charge to the profit and loss for the
     Additional amounts provided                -        -       230        23
                                         -------- --------   -------   -------
     Deferred tax liability at 30               -        -       253        23
     September                           -------- --------   -------   -------

The elements of deferred taxation are as follows:

                                  Group    Group      Company      Company
                                    2004       2003         2004         2003
                                    #000       #000         #000         #000

Accelerated capital allowances       (94)       (85)        (456)        (360)
Other timing differences             103        369          203          337
Tax losses                            23        116            -            -
                                --------    -------      -------      -------
Deferred tax asset (see note 15)      32        400            -            -
                                --------    -------      -------      -------
Deferred tax liability                 -          -         (253)         (23)
                                --------    -------      -------      -------
No account has been taken of UK tax losses which are not expected to be utilised
in the foreseeable future. The total amount unprovided in respect of these
losses is #1,719,000 (2003: #1,300,000).

     Share Capital                                              2004      2003
                                                                #000      #000
     Authorised 100,000,000 (2003: 100,000,000) Ordinary       2,500     2,500
     Shares of 2.5p each
     Allotted, called-up and fully paid 85,425,040 (2003:      2,136     2,075
     82,990,505) Ordinary shares of 2.5p each              --------- ---------
     The increase in the issued share capital was due to:     Number    Number

     Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each issued fully paid during
     the year:
     - on acquisitions                                     2,434,535         -
     - on issue of own shares to LTIP                              -   516,129
     - on issue to Quest (not exercised)                           -   250,000
     - on exercise of option rights                                -    13,046
                                                           --------- ---------
                                                           2,434,535   779,175
                                                           --------- ---------

The Group issued 2,434,535 ordinary shares at #5.335 for the acquisition of
Tainside Limited.

18.  Share Capital (continued)

At 30th September 2004, the Company had options outstanding to subscribe for
4,119,865 (2003: 3,796,534) ordinary shares. Details of the outstanding options
are as follows:

Option                             Number of        Exercise       Exercisable
                                      Shares           Price               Not
Grant Date                      Under Option         (pence)      Earlier Than
-------------------                   --------      ----------       -----------
Capital Radio 1986 Senior Executive Share Option Scheme
December 1994                         24,100             332     December 1997
December 1996                         24,300             540     December 1999
Capital Radio Savings Related Share Option Scheme
December 1999                          9,909             897     February 2005
December 2000                          3,968            1054     February 2006
December 2001                         28,787             614     February 2007
December 2002                        135,098             428     February 2008
December 2003                        263,734             358     February 2009
Capital Radio 1998 Share Option Scheme
March 1998                           141,910             633        March 2001
November 1998                        210,756             541     November 2001
June 1999                             30,035             865          May 2002
November 1999                        163,654          1224.5     November 2002
May 2000                              31,269          1262.5          May 2003
November 2000                        214,345          1172.5     November 2003
February 2001                         61,317            1080     February 2004
May 2001                             101,043             765          May 2004
November 2001                        344,519             815     November 2004
January 2002                         109,059             705      January 2005
May 2002                              96,452           772.5          May 2005
June 2002                             54,264             645         June 2005
July 2002                             79,734           667.5         July 2005
November 2002                        538,128           502.5     November 2005
May 2003                             539,966           427.5          May 2006
November 2003                        279,433           458.5     November 2006
May 2004                             458,168             455          May 2007
Capital Radio Presenters Share Option Scheme
December 2000                         40,358            1115     December 2003
November 2002                         64,676           502.5     November 2005
November 2003                         70,883           458.5     November 2006

During the year, options over 21,229 Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each were
exercised, of which 21,229 were issued through the "Quest", for a total
consideration of #96,000. Options over 767,037 shares lapsed during the year.
The number of shares held in the "Quest" as at 30 September 2004 was 263,136 and
their market value was #1,081,000. Share options under the Capital Radio 1986
Senior Executive Share Option Scheme and the Capital Radio 1998 Share Option
Scheme and the Capital Radio Presenters Share Option Scheme expire ten years
after the date of grant. Options under the Capital Radio Savings Related Share
Option Scheme expire six months after the date on which they can first be

19.  Reserves                                                                  Profit
                                 Share   Revaluation   Shares to    Merger   and Loss
                               Premium       Reserve   be issued   Reserve    Account
                                  #000          #000        #000      #000       #000
     The movement on reserves
     during the year
     was as follows:
     Beginning of year          78,965             -           -    23,767     27,254
     Retained loss for the           -             -           -         -     (9,727)
     Movement on Quest               -             -                     -         96
     Premium arising on issue        -             -           -         -          -
     of shares
     Movement on LTIP                -             -           -         -        200
     Reserves arising on                                     400    12,928          -
     acquisition               -------      --------     -------   -------    -------
     End of year                78,965             -         400    36,695     17,823
                               -------      --------     -------   -------    -------
     Beginning of year          78,965           429           -    37,242     47,665
     Retained profit for the         -             -           -         -     31,704
     Movement on Quest               -             -           -         -         96
     Movement on LTIP                -             -           -         -        200
     Reserves arising on             -             -         400    12,928          -
     acquisition               -------      --------     -------   -------    -------
     End of year                78,965           429         400    50,170     79,665
                               -------      --------     -------   -------    -------

The #400,000 included within shares to be issued represents monies held in a
deposit account relating to conditional issue of shares as part of the purchase
of Tainside Limited.
The merger reserve arises on the acquisition of Tainside under s131 relief.

The cumulative total of goodwill written off against the Group profit and loss
account reserve in respect of acquisitions prior to 1 October 1997, when
Financial Reporting Standard 10: Goodwill and Intangible Assets was adopted,
amounts to #45,941,000 (2003: #45,941,000).

20.  Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash
     Inflow from Operating Activities                            2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000
     Operating profit                                          12,622   12,610
     Depreciation                                               2,789    3,035
     Amortisation of goodwill                                  10,273    9,372
     Loss/(profit) on disposal of tangible fixed assets             1      (41)
     Increase in debtors                                         (522)    (694)
     Increase in creditors                                        110    2,478
     Profit on disposal of investment                               -      (20)
     Change in provisions against investments in own shares       200      222
                                                              -------  -------
     Net cash inflow from operating activities                 25,473   26,962
                                                              -------  -------

Exceptional costs of #782,000 are included within operating profit (see note 4).

21.  Cash flows from acquisitions and disposals                  2004     2003
                                                                 #000     #000

     Acquisition of subsidiary                                   (770)       -
     Net proceeds from sale of other investments                    -       50
     Overdraft acquired with subsidiary                          (431)       -
     Purchase of fixed asset investments                          (59)     (16)
     Repayment of associate set-up costs                            -      111
                                                               ------   ------
     Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisitions and           (1,260)     145
     disposals                                                 ------   ------

The subsidiary undertaking acquired during the year contributed #220,000 to the
Group's net operating cashflows, paid #33,000 in respect of interest, #nil in
respect of taxation and utilised #337,000 for capital expenditure.

22.  Cash Flows from Financing                            2004            2003
                                                          #000            #000

     Proceeds from issue of shares                           -              31
     Bank loans                                              -          20,000
     Repayment of bank loans                                 -         (18,500)
     Repayment of loan notes                              (167)         (4,186)
     Capital element of finance leases                       -             (31)
                                                        ------          ------
     Net cash outflow from financing                      (167)         (2,686)
                                                        ------          ------

23.  Analysis of Net Debt     Net Debt at   Cash     Other Non-    Net Debt at
                                1 October   Flow   Cash Changes   30 September
                                     2003                                 2004
                                     #000   #000           #000           #000
     Bank overdraft                (5,771)    35                        (5,736)
     Bank loans
     Amounts falling due in       (20,000)     -         20,000              -
     less than one year
     Amounts falling due in             -      -        (20,000)       (20,000)
     more than one year
     Loan notes                    (1,794)   167              -         (1,627)
     Monies held in deposit             -    400              -            400
     account                    --------- ------       --------       --------
                                  (27,565)   602              -        (26,963)
                                --------- ------       --------       --------

24. Pension Funds

The Group operates four pension schemes on behalf of its employees. The Capital
Radio Plc Pension and Assurance Scheme (CRPPAS) and the Midlands Radio Group
Pension Scheme (MRGPS) are contributory defined benefit schemes. Both schemes
were closed to new employees from 31 March 1995. At 30 September 2004, 17
employees of Capital Radio plc and 5 employees of Birmingham Broadcasting
Limited respectively were active members of these schemes. The Border Television
Radio Companies Group Pension Plan (BTRCGPP) is a defined contribution scheme
which is now closed to new members but at 30 September 2004 had 13 active
members. All other employees in the Radio Group, and in particular new
employees, are eligible to join the Capital Radio Group Personal Pension Plan,
which was established on 1 April 1995. This scheme is a contributory defined
contribution arrangement and as at 30 September 2004, 218 employees were active
members of this scheme. The Group makes age related contributions to the scheme.

For both defined benefits schemes, the assets are held separately from those of
the Group, being invested with insurance companies. Independent actuarial
valuations are obtained every third year. Contributions to the pension schemes
are made in accordance with advice given by independent qualified actuaries.

Details of the most recent actuarial valuations of the defined benefit pension
schemes, insofar as they relate to the Group, are as follows:

                     MRGPS                         CRPPAS

Date of last         30 September 2002             1 April 2002

Method used          Minimum Funding Requirement   Minimum Funding Requirement
                     (MFR)                         (MFR)

Annual salary
increase                                     4.5%                          4.5%
return before
retirement                                     9%                            6%
return after
retirement                                     8%                            5%
Market value
of scheme
assets                                #2,735,000                    #9,422,000
Percentage of
liabilities                                   86%                           76%

Under the MFR method of valuation, the current service cost of members will
increase as members approach retirement.

The contribution to the CRPPAS made by the Company in the year was #748,000. The
Company has agreed to redress the deficit over five years at the funding rate of
21% (plus the cost of insured death in service benefits) plus #31,500 per month
as recommended by the actuary.

The contribution to the MRGPS made by the Company in the year was #138,000. The
Company has agreed to redress the deficit over five years at the funding rate of
16.2% of pensionable salaries plus #5,800 per month for three years as
recommended by the actuary.
Additional disclosures in accordance with FRS17
An actuarial estimate performed by independent qualified actuaries, based on the
last full valuations as above, has been undertaken to provide the information
required for FRS 17 as at 30 September 2004:

The major assumptions used by the actuary were:

                             MRGPS and            MRGPS and            MRGPS and
                              CRPPAS               CRPPAS               CRPPAS
                          30 September         30 September         30 September
                                2004                 2003                 2002
Rate of increase
in salaries                     4.50%                4.25%                4.00%
Rate of increase
in pensions in
payment                         3.25%                3.25%                3.00%
Discount rate                   5.50%                5.30%                5.40%
assumption                      2.75%                2.50%                2.25%

24. Pension Funds (continued)
The assets in the MRGPS and the expected rates of return were:

Assets in the Scheme       Long term rate of return               Value at 30
                           expected at 30 September                 September
                           2004     2003     2002     2004     2003     2002
                                                      #000     #000     #000
Equities                    7.0%     7.0%     7.0%   2,708    2,367    1,756
Gilts                      4.75%     4.5%     4.5%     878      847      723
Cash/other                 4.75%     4.0%     4.0%     173       30      248
                                                  -------- -------- --------
                                                     3,759    3,244    2,727
                                                  -------- -------- --------
The assets in the CRPPAS and the expected rates of return were:

Assets in the Scheme       Long term rate of return              Value at 30
                           expected at 30 September                September
                           2004     2003     2002     2004     2003     2002
                                                      #000     #000     #000
Equities                    6.5%     6.0%     6.5%   3,953    3,515    3,156
Gilts                       6.5%     6.0%     6.5%   3,953    3,515    3,156
Cash/other                 4.75%     6.0%     5.4%   2,714    2,540    2,191
                                                  -------- -------- --------
                                                    10,620    9,570    8,503
                                                  -------- -------- --------

The following amounts at 30 September 2004 and 30 September 2003 were measured
in accordance with the requirements of FRS 17:
                                               2004         2003         2002
                                               #000         #000         #000
Total market value of assets                  3,759        3,244        2,727
Present value of Scheme liabilities          (5,961)      (5,923)      (5,255)
                                           --------     --------     --------
Deficit in Scheme                            (2,202)      (2,679)      (2,528)
Related deferred tax asset                      661          804          758
                                           --------     --------     --------
Net pension deficit                          (1,541)      (1,875)      (1,770)
                                           --------     --------     --------

                                              2004          2003          2002
                                              #000          #000          #000
Total market value of assets                10,620         9,570         8,503
Present value of Scheme liabilities        (13,437)      (12,784)      (12,042)
                                          --------      --------      --------
Deficit in Scheme                           (2,817)       (3,214)       (3,539)
Related deferred tax asset                     845           964         1,062
                                          --------      --------      --------
Net pension deficit                         (1,972)       (2,250)       (2,477)
                                          --------      --------      --------

If the above amounts had been recognised in the financial statements, the
Group's net assets and profit and loss reserve at 30 September 2004 and 30
September 2003 would be as follows:
                                              2004          2003          2002
                                              #000          #000          #000
                                                        Restated      Restated
Net assets excluding pension deficit       136,019       132,061       140,497
Pension deficit - MRGPS                     (1,541)       (1,875)       (1,770)
Pension deficit - CRPPAS                    (1,972)       (2,250)       (2,477)
                                         ---------      --------      --------
Net assets including pension deficit       132,506       127,936       136,250
                                         ---------      --------      --------

Profit and loss reserve excluding pension
deficit                                     17,823        27,254        39,159
Pension reserve - MRGPS                     (1,541)       (1,875)       (1,770)
Pension reserve - CRPPAS                    (1,972)       (2,250)       (2,477)
                                          --------      --------      --------
Profit and loss reserve                     14,310        23,129        34,912
                                          --------      --------      --------

The Company participates in a multi-employer pension scheme and is unable to
identify its share of the underlying assets and liabilities of the scheme on a
consistent and reasonable basis and therefore, as required by FRS17 'Retirement
benefits', accounts for the scheme as if it were a defined contribution scheme.
As a result, the amount charged to the profit and loss account represents the
contributions payable to the scheme in respect of the accounting period.

24. Pension Funds (continued)

The following amounts would have been recognised in the performance statements
in the year to 30 September 2004 under the requirements of FRS 17:

                                                 2004                2003
                                                 #000                #000
Operating profit                            MRGPS     CRPPAS    MRGPS   CRPPAS
Current service cost                          (54)      (161)     (51)    (141)
Past service cost                               -          -        -        -
Loss on settlements/curtailments                -        (38)       -      (35)
                                         --------   -------- -------- --------
Total operating charge                        (54)      (199)     (51)    (176)
                                         --------   -------- -------- --------
Other finance income:
Expected return on pension scheme assets      208        607      174      531
Interest on pension scheme liabilities       (314)      (673)    (285)    (647)
                                         --------   -------- -------- --------
Net return                                   (106)       (66)    (111)    (116)
                                         --------   -------- -------- --------

Statement of total recognised gains and       MRGPS   CRPPAS    MRGPS   CRPPAS
Actual return less expected return on
pension scheme assets                           198     (169)      47      327
Experience gains and losses on pension
scheme liabilities                              188      (18)    (115)     489
Change in assumptions underlying pension
scheme liabilities                              113      101     (268)    (544)
                                           -------- -------- -------- --------
Actuarial gains and losses in STRGL             499      (86)    (336)     272
                                           -------- -------- -------- --------

                                                    2004                   2003
                                                    #000                   #000

Movement in deficit during the year       MRGPS   CRPPAS       MRGPS     CRPPAS
Deficit in Scheme at beginning of year   (2,679)  (3,214)     (2,528)    (3,539)
Movement in year:
Current service cost                        (54)    (161)        (51)      (141)
Contributions                               138      748         347        345
Past service costs                            -                    -          -
Other finance income                       (106)     (66)       (111)      (116)
Loss on settlements/curtailments              -      (38)          -        (35)
Actuarial gain                              499      (86)       (336)       272
                                       -------- --------    --------   --------
Deficit in Scheme at end of year         (2,202)  (2,817)     (2,679)    (3,214)
                                       -------- --------    --------   --------

Details of experience gains/losses for             MRGPS
year to 30 September
                                           2004     2003      2002
                                           #000     #000      #000
Difference between actual and expected
return on assets
Amount                                      198       47      (341)
Percentage of Scheme assets                 5.3%     1.4%    (12.5%)
Experience gains and losses on Scheme
Amount                                      188     (115)     (242)
Percentage of the present value of the
Scheme liabilities                          3.2%    (1.9%)    (4.6%)
Total amount recognised in statement of
total recognised gains and losses:
Amount                                      499     (336)   (1,095)
Percentage of the present value of the
Scheme liabilities                          8.4%    (5.7%)   (20.8%)

24. Pension Funds (continued)

Details of experience gains/losses for year to 30              CRPPAS
                                                         2004     2003      2002
                                                         #000     #000      #000
Difference between actual and expected return on
Amount                                                  (169)      327     (329)
Percentage of Scheme assets                              1.6%     3.4%    (3.9%)
Experience gains and losses on Scheme liabilities
Amount                                                   (18)      489      (35)
Percentage of the present value of the Scheme
liabilities                                              0.1%     3.8%    (0.0%)
Total amount recognised in statement of total
recognised gains and losses:
Amount                                                   (86)      272   (1,860)
Percentage of the present value of the Scheme
liabilities                                            (0.6)%     2.1%   (21.9%)

In accordance with the transitional arrangements of FRS 17, the deficits on the
above schemes have not been recognised in the accounts.

The total pension payments for the period were #1,741,000 (2003: #1,172,000).
Pension costs for the two defined benefit schemes are charged to the profit and
loss account so as to spread the cost of pensions over employees' working lives
with the Group. The pensions charge for the other schemes represents the
contributions paid. The outstanding creditor to pensions schemes at 30 September
2004 was #101,000 (2003: #103,000).

25.  Financial Commitments
     Annual operating lease commitments as at 30 September 2004 analysed by
     expiry date are as follows:
                                   Land and            Land and
                                  Buildings   Other   Buildings   Other
                                       2004    2004        2003    2003
     GROUP                             #000    #000        #000    #000
     Less than one year                   -      97           -     437
     Within one to two years              -      93           -     208
     Within three to five years           -     424           -     149
     In more than five years          2,109       -       2,094       -
                                    -------  ------     ------- -------
                                      2,109     614       2,094     794
                                    -------  ------     ------- -------
     Less than one year                   -      76           -      54
     Within one to two years              -      70           -      49
     Within three to five years           -     292           -      35
     In more than five years          1,472       -       1,472       -
                                    -------  ------     ------- -------
                                      1,472     438       1,472     138
                                    -------  ------     ------- -------

     Contracted capital expenditure at 30 September 2004 not provided for in
     the accounts amounts to:
                                                           2004    2003
                                                           #000    #000
     Group                                                  143       -
     Company                                                  -       -

26. Related Parties

The Group has trading relationships with Independent Radio News Limited ("IRN"),
the Radio Advertising Bureau Limited ("RAB"), Hit 40 UK Limited and CE Digital
Limited. The Group holds significant shareholdings in all of these companies and
has representatives on their boards of directors, and is therefore in a position
to exercise significant influence over these companies. All transactions were
conducted at normal commercial rates.

IRN supplies the UK radio industry with a news service in return for airtime
adjacent to news bulletins. This airtime is sold as the "Newslink" national
advertising product by Capital Radio's Commercial Division, as agent for IRN. An
element of the profits of IRN are repaid to participating stations as a payment
for airtime given. The Group also supplies accounting services to IRN. During
the year the Group received #1,835,000 (2003: #1,757,000) of income from IRN,
representing Capital Radio's Commercial Division's commission income, airtime
rebate, payment for accounting services and non-executive director fees. The
value of airtime transferred to IRN during the year was #1,899,000 (2003:
#1,697,000). At 30 September 2004 there was an outstanding creditor to IRN of
#1,423,000 (2003: #1,717,000).

The RAB is a trade body promoting commercial radio with advertisers. The RAB is
funded by levies paid by the commercial radio industry in the UK based on
volumes of advertising. During the year the Group paid #823,000 (2003: #817,000)
in levies to the RAB and at 30 September 2004 had an outstanding debtor of
#6,000 (2003: debtor #16,000).

Hit 40 UK operates a chart show which is broadcast over various radio networks.
The related airtime is sold by Capital Radio's Commercial Division, as agent for
Hit 40 UK. During the year the Group received #426,000 (2003: #243,000) of
income from Hit 40 UK representing commercial commission, share of revenue and
certain management services. At 30 September 2003 there was an outstanding
creditor to Hit 40 UK of #911,000 (2003: #844,000).
CE Digital operates three local digital radio multiplexes. During the year the
Group paid #1,241,000 (2003: #1,056,000) to CE Digital in respect of radio
broadcasts and received #145,000 (2003: #145,000) from CE Digital in respect of
legal expertise and engineering time. At 30 September 2004 there was an
outstanding creditor of #nil (2003: #129,000).

Wildstar Records Limited is a record label. At 30 September 2004 there were no
outstanding debtors or creditors with the Group. During the year the Group
received #nil (2003: #400,000) for management services.

Holiday FM operates commercial radio stations in Spain. During the year the
Group received #60,000 (2003: #50,000) which related to an advance on future
revenues. At 30 September 2004 there was a debtor to the Group of #6,000 (2003:

27. Derivatives and other financial instruments

Short term debtors and creditors that meet the definition of a financial asset
or liability under Financial Reporting Standard 13 have been excluded from the
disclosures as permitted by the Standard.

Interest rate profile of financial assets and financial liabilities:

Financial assets
The interest rate risk profile of the financial assets of the Group as at 30
September 2004 was as follows:

                                                             2004         2003
                                                             #000         #000
Cash at floating interest rate                                400            -
Debtors due after more than one year                          983          967
Unlisted investments                                           17           17
                                                         --------      -------
                                                            1,400          984
                                                         --------      -------

Financial liabilities

The Group's floating rate financial liabilities which had a weighted average
interest rate at the year end of 3.24%, consist of:
                                                            2004          2003
                                                            #000          #000
Bank overdraft                                             5,736         5,771
Bank loans                                                20,000        20,000
Loan notes                                                 1,627         1,794
                                                        --------       -------
                                                          27,363        27,565
                                                       --------        -------

The floating rate bank loans carry interest at 0.8% over LIBOR and are repayable
by 31 March 2006. Bank overdrafts carry interest at 1% over bank base rate and
are repayable on demand.

The loan notes carry interest at 1% below LIBOR and are redeemable by the
holders on interest dates or by the Company on the 31 March 2005.

The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 30 September 2004
was as follows:

                                                           2004           2003
                                                           #000           #000
In one year or less, or on demand                         7,363         27,565
In more than one year but not more than two years        20,000            -
In more than two years but not more than five years         -              -
                                                       --------         -------
                                                         27,363         27,565
                                                       --------         -------
Borrowing facilities

The Group has various undrawn committed borrowing facilities. The undrawn
facilities available at 30 September 2004 in respect of which all conditions
precedent have been met were as follows:

                                                          2004            2003
                                                          #000            #000
Expiring in one year or less                            33,564          33,729
                                                      --------         -------

Fair value financial assets and financial liabilities

There are no material differences between the carrying values and the fair
values of the financial assets and financial liabilities disclosed above.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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