RNS Number:7802D
Capital Radio PLC
14 November 2002


Group Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 30th September 2002                                    Note        2002        2001
                                                                                      #000        #000
Continuing operations                                                              120,004     123,201
Discontinued operations                                                                  -      11,386
                                                                            2      120,004     134,587
Operating profit
Continuing operations
                     Before goodwill and exceptional operating costs        2       27,930      29,980
                     Exceptional operating costs                            4       (3,576)     (2,712)
                     Amortisation of goodwill                               2       (9,372)     (9,622)
                                                                                    14,982      17,646
Discontinued operations                                                     2            -       2,689
Operating profit                                                            3       14,982      20,335
Share of operating profit of associated companies                                    1,144       2,612
Total operating profit: Group and share of associates                               16,126      22,947
Exceptional gain on disposal of investments                                              -      10,215
Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation                  2       16,126      33,162
Net interest payable and similar items from continuing operations           6       (1,477)     (2,535)
Net interest payable and similar items from discontinued operations         6            -      (2,775)
Underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations                4       27,762      30,057
Goodwill, exceptional items and discontinued operations                     4      (13,113)     (2,205)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                       14,649      27,852
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                                   8       (7,472)     (8,381)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                         7,177      19,471
Dividends                                                                  10      (15,197)    (15,114)
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial year                              19       (8,020)      4,357

Basic earnings per share                                                   11          8.8p       23.8p
Loss per share on goodwill, exceptional items and discontinued operations             14.7p        2.5p
after taxation
Underlying basic earnings per share from continuing operations             11         23.5p       26.3p
Diluted earnings per share                                                 11          8.8p       23.8p

Group Balance Sheet

30th September 2002
                                                                     Note         2002         2001

                                                                                  #000         #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill                                          12       161,448      170,488
Tangible fixed assets                                                 13        16,387       18,463
Investments                                                           14         5,905        2,060
                                                                               183,740      191,011
Current assets
Debtors                                                               15        18,478       16,548
Cash at bank and in hand                                                             -        1,608
                                                                                18,478       18,156

Creditors:  amounts falling due within one year                       16       (61,335)     (54,862)
Net current liabilities                                                        (42,857)     (36,706)
Total assets less current liabilities                                          140,883      154,305
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year               17             -       (8,037)
Net assets                                                                     140,883      146,268

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                               18         2,055        2,044
Share premium account                                                 19        75,516       72,589
Merger reserve                                                        19        23,767       23,767
Profit and loss account                                               19        39,545       47,868
Equity shareholders' funds                                                     140,883      146,268

Group Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 30th September 2002                           2002        2002       2001        2001
                                                      Note       #000        #000       #000        #000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 20               30,081                 34,816
Dividends from associated undertakings                                      1,029                  1,309
                                                                           31,110                 36,125
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received and similar income                              240                    243
Interest paid                                                  (1,676)                (6,182)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments
and servicing of finance                                                   (1,436)                (5,939)
Taxation paid                                                              (6,128)                (8,920)
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets                        71                    107
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                              (2,198)                (3,922)
Purchase of fixed asset investments                                 -                   (215)
Cash outflow on capital expenditure                                        (2,127)                (4,030)
Acquisitions and disposals                                21               (2,644)                65,124
Cash outflow from equity dividends paid                                   (15,141)               (15,045)
Cash inflow before financing                                                3,634                 67,315
Cash outflow from financing                               22               (9,730)               (59,303)
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                                  (6,096)                 8,012

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt (note 23)

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                                  (6,096)                 8,012
Cash flow from decrease in debt                                             6,000                 44,000
Change in net debt arising from cash flows                                    (96)                52,012
Repayment of finance leases                                                   227                    557
Repayment of loan notes                                                     3,771                 15,253
Movement in net debt in the period                                          3,902                 67,822
Net debt at 1st October                                                   (32,901)              (100,723)
Net debt at 30th September                              23                (28,999)               (32,901)

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

For the year ended 30th September 2002                                           2002            2001

GROUP                                                                            #000            #000
Profit for the financial year                                                   7,177          19,471
Dividends                                                                     (15,197)        (15,114)
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial year                                  (8,020)          4,357
New share capital issued                                                        2,938             509
Movement on Quest                                                                (303)              -
Merger reserve movement                                                             -             685
Net (decrease)/increase in shareholders' funds                                 (5,385)          5,551
Shareholders' funds at beginning of year                                      146,268         140,717
Shareholders' funds at end of year                                            140,883         146,268

For the year ended 30th September 2002                                           2002            2001
COMPANY                                                                         #000            #000
Profit for the financial year (note 9)                                         10,964          16,530
Dividends                                                                     (15,197)        (15,114)
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial year                                  (4,233)          1,416
New share capital issued                                                        2,938             509
Movement on Quest                                                                  11               -
Merger reserve movement                                                             -             685
Net (decrease)/increase in shareholders' funds                                 (1,284)          2,610
Shareholders' funds at beginning of year                                      176,031         173,421
Shareholders' funds at end of year                                            174,747         176,031

Statement of Group Total Recognised Gains and Losses

For the year ended 30th September 2002                                           2002            2001
GROUP                                                                            #000            #000
Profit for the financial year:
         Group                                                                  6,387          17,361
         Share of associates                                                      790           2,110
Total gains and losses recognised since last annual report                      7,177          19,471

Company Balance Sheet

30th September 2002
                                                                 Note          2002              2001
                                                                               #000              #000
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets                                             13          9,401            10,917
Investments                                                       14        245,947           241,531
                                                                            255,348           252,448
Current assets
Debtors                                                           15         50,364            49,314
                                                                             50,364            49,314

Creditors:  amounts falling due within one year                   16       (130,965)         (117,731)
Net current liabilities                                                     (80,601)          (68,417)
Total assets less current liabilities                                       174,747           184,031
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year           17              -            (8,000)
Net assets                                                                  174,747           176,031

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                           18          2,055             2,044
Share premium account                                             19         75,516            72,589
Revaluation reserve                                               19            429               429
Merger reserve                                                    19         37,242            37,242
Profit and loss account                                           19         59,505            63,727
Equity shareholders' funds                                                  174,747           176,031

Notes Forming Part of the Accounts

1.         Accounting Policies

           A summary of the principal Group accounting policies, all of which
           have been applied consistently throughout the year, is set out below.

a.         Basis of accounting

           The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost accounting 
           rules and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, 
           including for the first time Financial Reporting Standard 19. The 
           introduction of this standard did not require a prior year adjustment 
           because the amount was deemed immaterial.

b.         Basis of consolidation

           (i) The consolidated accounts include the accounts of the Company
               and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 30th September 2002.

               Unless otherwise stated, the acquisition method of accounting has 
               been adopted. Under this method, the results of subsidiary 
               undertakings acquired or disposed of in the year are included in 
               the consolidated profit and loss account from the date of 
               acquisition or up to the date of disposal.

               An associate is an undertaking in which the Group has a long term 
               interest, usually from 20% to 50% of the equity voting rights, 
               and over which it exercises significant influence.  The Group's 
               share of the profits less losses of associates is included in the 
               consolidated profit and loss account and its interest in their 
               net assets is included in the consolidated balance sheet.

               Other fixed asset investments in the Group accounts, and all 
               fixed assets in the accounts of the Company, are stated at cost 
               less amounts written off in respect of any impairment in value.

          (ii) Purchased goodwill (both positive and negative) arising on
               consolidation in respect of acquisitions before 1st October 1997, 
               when Financial Reporting Standard 10, Goodwill and intangible 
               assets, was adopted, was written off to reserves in the year of 
               acquisition.  When a subsequent disposal occurs any related 
               goodwill previously written off to reserves is written back 
               through the profit and loss account as part of the profit or loss 
               on disposal.

               Purchased goodwill (representing the excess of the fair value of 
               the consideration given and any related costs over the fair value 
               of the separable net assets acquired) arising on consolidation in 
               respect of acquisitions since 1st October 1997 is capitalised.  
               Positive goodwill is amortised to nil by equal annual instalments 
               over its estimated useful life, being deemed to be 20 years.

               On the subsequent disposal or termination of a business acquired 
               since 1st October 1997, the profit or loss on disposal or 
               termination is calculated after charging/(crediting) the 
               unamortised amount of any related goodwill/(negative goodwill).

         (iii) Under section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985 the Company is 
               exempt from the requirement to present its own profit and loss 
               account.  The profit for the financial year dealt with in the 
               financial statements of the holding company was #10,964,000 
               (2001: #16,530,000).

c.         Tangible fixed assets

           Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated
           depreciation.  Depreciation is provided to write off the cost 
           (less estimated residual value) of each asset on a straight line 
           basis over its expected useful life, as follows:

             Freehold buildings                 2%-4% per annum
             Long leasehold premises            4%-6% per annum
             Short leasehold premises           over the term of the lease, or where the lease is renewable, 5%
             Office and studio equipment        10%-20% per annum
             Digital equipment                  over the term of the contract
             Computer equipment                 33% per annum
             Motor vehicles                     25% per annum
             Freehold land is not depreciated.

d.          Investments

             In the Company's accounts investments in subsidiary companies are
stated at cost less provisions where, in the opinion of the Directors, there has
been an impairment in the value of the investment.  Dividends receivable from
subsidiary companies are credited to the Company's profit and loss account.
Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provisions where, in the opinion
of the Directors, there has been an impairment in the value of the investment.

e.         Taxation

             Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the
current rate.

f.         Deferred taxation

Financial Reporting Standard 19 requires full provision to be made for deferred
tax assets and liabilities arising from timing differences between recognition
in the financial statements and in the tax computation. The introduction of this
standard did not require a prior year adjustment because the amount was deemed

g.         Operating leases

             Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit
and loss account on a straight line basis.

h.         Finance leases

             Assets held under finance lease agreements are included in tangible
fixed assets and are depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy.
Obligations under such agreements are included in creditors net of finance
charges allocated to future periods.  Finance charges are taken to the profit
and loss account so that the annual rate of charge on the outstanding obligation
at the end of each accounting period is approximately constant.

i.          Turnover

             Turnover comprises income from the sale of advertising airtime,
sponsorship and promotions (net of agencies' commissions) and income from
advertising on the Internet.  Turnover is stated excluding VAT, trade discounts,
and intra group transactions and derives from goods and services provided in the
normal course of business. Airtime revenue is recognised on the date of 
broadcast. Sponsorship revenue and internet advertising revenue are recognised 
over the life of the contract.

j.          Licences

             Expenditure incurred on the purchase of licences and successful
applications and re-applications for licences is written off to the profit and
loss account as it is incurred.

k.          Pensions

             The Group provides for and funds pension liabilities on a going
concern basis, on the advice of external actuaries.  The amount charged to the
profit and loss account is calculated to produce a level percentage of the
current and future pensionable payroll. The group has adopted the transitional
arrangements under Financial Reporting Standard 17, Retirement Benefits, and
these disclosures can be found in note 24.

l.          Own shares held under trust

             Shares in the Company issued to cover SAYE schemes are held in a
qualifying Share Ownership Trust (QUEST).

The cost of long term incentive plans for directors and senior executives is
charged to the profit and loss account over three years.

m.         Capital Radio Restricted Share Plan ("the Plan")

             Shares acquired by the Trustee of the Plan funded by the Company
and held for the continuing benefit of the Company are classified as fixed asset
investments until such time as the shares vest unconditionally in employees.
The cost of the shares is amortised to the profit and loss account  as an
operating expense over three years.  Any permanent diminution in value is
recognised immediately and is charged as an operating expense.

2.  Segmental Information                              Turnover         Profit before        Net assets
                                                                        interest and

                                                      2002      2001      2002    2001       2002      2001
                                                      #000      #000      #000    #000      #000       #000
    Commercial Radio, all from UK:
            Analogue                               118,831   122,170    33,347  36,526
            Digital                                    318       169    (3,295) (2,959)
    Total Commercial Radio, all from UK:           119,149   122,339    30,052  33,567    180,125   191,060
    Interactive, all from UK:                          855       862    (2,122) (3,587)         -         -
    Continuing operations before goodwill
    and exceptional operating costs                120,004   123,201    27,930  29,980    180,125   191,060
    Exceptional operating costs                          -         -    (3,576) (2,712)         -         -
    Amortisation of goodwill (continuing)                -         -    (9,372) (9,622)         -         -
    Television (discontinued)                            -    11,386         -   2,689          -         -
                                                   120,004   134,587    14,982  20,335    180,125   191,060
    Share of operating profit of associated              -         -     1,144   2,612      5,472     2,013
    Exceptional gain on disposal of investments          -         -         -  10,215          -         -
    Cash, overdrafts, loans and other                    -         -         -       -    (28,999)  (32,901)
    Liabilities for taxation                             -         -         -       -     (5,136)   (3,684)
    Proposed dividend                                    -         -         -       -    (10,276)  (10,220)
                                                   120,004   134,587    16,126  33,162    141,186   146,268

    Amortisation of goodwill relates to analogue commercial radio activities. 
    All exceptional costs relate to analogue commercial radio activities.
    During the year the Group entered into Barter agreements worth #206,000. 
    This is accounted for in accordance with UITF 26.

3.  Operating Profit                                         2002       Continuing   Discontinued        2001
                                                                        operations     operations

                                                             #000            #000           #000         #000

    Turnover                                              120,004         123,201         11,386      134,587
    Direct costs                                          (14,843)        (14,930)        (3,292)     (18,222)
    Gross profit                                          105,161         108,271          8,094      116,365
    Staff costs                                           (27,065)        (27,302)        (2,648)     (29,950)
    Other operating charges                               (46,583)        (46,766)        (1,959)     (48,725)
    Exceptional operating costs                            (3,576)         (2,712)             -       (2,712)
    Depreciation and amortisation                         (12,955)        (13,845)          (798)     (14,643)
    Operating profit                                       14,982          17,646          2,689       20,335

3     Operating Profit (continued)
                                                                                               2002       2001
      Operating profit is stated after charging the following items:                           #000       #000

      Hire of plant or machinery                                                                921        997
      Other operating lease charges                                                           1,765      1,653
      Auditors' remuneration - audit fees                                                        99        108
      Other fees paid to the auditors and their associates                                       51        392
      (Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                 (30)        26

Fees paid to the auditor for the audit of the Company amounted to #25,000 (2001:
#25,000). Auditors' fees have been reviewed by the Audit Committee.

4.    Underlying Profit before Taxation from Continuing Operations

      Underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations has been calculated        
      as follows:                                                                             2002       2001
                                                                                              #000       #000

      Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                        14,649      27,852
      Continuing operations:
            Abortive development costs                                                          -      (1,458)
            Restructuring costs                                                            (3,576)     (1,254)
            Total exceptional operating costs                                              (3,576)     (2,712)
            Amortisation of goodwill - continuing operations                               (9,372)     (9,622)
      Amortisation of goodwill - associates                                                  (165)          -
            Exceptional gain on disposal of investments - continuing operations                 -      10,215
      Discontinued operations:
            Operating profit of television                                                      -       2,689
            Related interest on discontinued operations                                         -      (2,775)
      Net excluded items                                                                    13,113      2,205
      Underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations                          27,762     30,057

Restructuring costs in 2002 relate to costs incurred in re-aligning the Group's
operations along brand lines and into one commercial division. These costs
consist of redundancies, consultancy fees and fixed asset write-offs of

5.    Staff                                                                                  2002       2001
                                                                                             #000       #000

      The aggregate payroll costs of the persons employed by the Group during the year
      were as follows:

      Wages and salaries                                                                   23,403     25,391
      Social security costs                                                                 2,538      2,941
      Other pension costs                                                                   1,124      1,618
                                                                                           27,065     29,950
      Redundancy costs included within exceptional items                                    1,477        530
                                                                                           28,542     30,480
The above analysis includes the costs relating to Directors.  The figures
exclude radio presenters engaged under short-term and part-time contracts.  The
total cost of these persons amounts to #8,970,000 (2001: #8,575,000).

5.    Staff (continued)
                                                                                             2002       2001
                                                                                              No.        No.
      The average number of persons employed by the Group (including Directors) during
      the year was as follows:
      Radio:  Management and administration                                                   171        174
                   Sales                                                                      304        318
                   Programming                                                                159        162
                   Engineering                                                                 18         19
                                                                                              652        673
      Interactive                                                                              35         58
      Continuing  operations                                                                  687        731
      Television (discontinued)                                                                 -         91
                                                                                              687        822
Details of individual directors' emoluments, pension entitlements, long term
incentive schemes and share options (including gains on exercise) are shown in
the Directors' Remuneration report.

6.    Net Interest Payable and Similar Items                                                  2002      2001
                                                                                              #000      #000
      Interest receivable and similar income:
                      Bank interest                                                           240         78
                      Bank interest attributable to associated undertakings                    95        402
                                                                                              335        480
      Interest payable and similar charges:
      Bank loan and overdrafts, wholly repayable within 5 years                            (1,415)    (1,553)
      Interest on Capital Radio plc loan notes                                               (338)    (1,450)
      Hire purchase, finance leases and other interest                                        (19)       (12)
      Bank interest attributable to associated undertakings                                   (40)         -
                                                                                           (1,812)    (3,015)
      Interest payable by continuing operations                                            (1,477)    (2,535)
      Interest payable by discontinued operations                                               -     (2,775)
                                                                                           (1,477)    (5,310)

7.      Acquisition of Choice FM

On the 25th October 2001 Capital Radio plc acquired 19% of Tainside Limited
(trading as Choice FM for #3,565,000). The net assets on acquisition amounted to
#261,000. The Group has applied associate accounting for this purchase. On the
same date the Group also signed a "Put and Call Option" to acquire the remaining
81% of Tainside Limited. The options can potentially be exercised between 30th
September 2004 and 29th September 2006. The current best estimate of the
possible additional consideration is in the range of #15,000,000 - #20,000,000
which will be settled predominantly in shares.

8.    Taxation                                                        2002         2002       2001       2001
                                                                      #000         #000       #000       #000

      Corporation tax at 30%                                         7,539                   8,227
      Share of associated companies' taxation                          409                     904
      Adjustment relating to prior years                                42                    (750)
      Total current tax                                                          7,990                   8,381

      Deferred tax (see note 15)
      Origination/reversal of timing differences                      (226)                      -
      Adjustment in respect of previous years                         (292)                      -
                                                                                  (518)                      -
      Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                       7,472                   8,381

Factors affecting the tax charge for the year

The current tax charge for the year is higher (2001: higher) than the standard
rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30%. The differences are explained below.

                                                                                               2002      2001
                                                                                               #000      #000
      Current tax reconciliation
      Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                              14,649     27,852

      Current tax at 30% (2001 : 30%)                                                        4,395      8,356

      Effects of:
      Expenses not deductible for tax purposes:

        Goodwill amortisation (including that in respect of associated undertakings)         2,861      2,887
        Other                                                                                  554        629
      Depreciation for period in excess of capital allowances                                  171         78
      Utilisation of tax losses                                                                (33)    (2,819)
      Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous periods                                  42       (750)

      Total current tax charge (see above)                                                   7,990      8,381

9.     Profit for the Financial Year

       The profit for the financial year dealt with in the accounts of the Company was #10,964,000 (2001:
       profit #16,530,000).

10.   Dividends                                                                                   2002      2001

                                                                                                  #000      #000
      Interim dividend of  6.0p (2001: 6.0p) per share, paid on 21st June 2002                   4,921     4,894
      Proposed final dividend of  12.5p (2001: 12.5p) per share, to be paid on 28th January     10,276    10,220
      Total dividend of  18.5p per share (2001: 18.5p)                                          15,197    15,114

11.   Earnings Per Share
      The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit after taxation and minority interest of
      #7,177,000 (2001: #19,471,000) and on the weighted average of  82,014,070 (2001: 81,729,926)
      Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.  The underlying earnings per share from continuing
      operations is included to show the effect of adjusting for the impact of exceptional items, goodwill
      and discontinued operations which result in earnings increasing by #13,113,000 (2001: #2,205,000).
      After the effect of related tax credit of #977,000 (2001: #189,000), this results in earnings of
      #19,313,000 (2001: #21,487,000).

12.   Intangible Assets -

      Book value
      Beginning of year                                                  191,804
      Additions                                                              332
      End of year                                                        192,136
      Beginning of year                                                   21,316
      Provided during the                                                  9,372
      End of year                                                         30,688
      Net book value
      Beginning of year                                                  170,488
      End of year                                                        161,448

      In February 2002 Capital Radio plc acquired Big AM.

13.   Tangible Fixed Assets          Land and        Long       Short     Fixtures,
      GROUP                          Freehold   Leasehold   Leasehold  Fittings and      Motor
                                     Property    Premises    Premises     Equipment   Vehicles     Total
                                         #000       #000         #000          #000      #000       #000
      Beginning of year                 1,847      3,195        8,143        22,419       557     36,161
      Reclassifications                     -       (428)         428             -         -          -
      Additions                             -        560            -         1,606        55      2,221
      Disposals                             -          -            -             -      (154)      (154)
      End of year                       1,847      3,327        8,571        24,025       458     38,228
      Beginning of year                   347        566        1,043        15,386       356     17,698
      Charged in year                      38        271          348         2,830        96      3,583
      Reclassifications                     -       (140)         140           354         -        354
      Disposals                             -          -            -             -      (113)      (113)
      Impairment                            -          -            -           319         -        319
      End of year                         385        697        1,531        18,889       339     21,841
      Net book value
      Beginning of year                 1,500      2,629        7,100         7,033       201     18,463
      End of year                       1,462      2,630        7,040         5,136       119     16,387

The net book value of assets held under finance leases by the Group amounted to
#61,000 (2001: #159,000).  The depreciation charge in respect of these assets
amounted to #82,000 (2001: #85,000).  The gross book value of freehold property
includes #1,488,000 (2001:  #1,488,000) of depreciable assets.

                                                                 Short     Fixtures,
      COMPANY                                                Leasehold  Fittings and      Motor
                                                              Premises     Equipment   Vehicles      Total
                                                                  #000          #000       #000       #000
      Beginning of year                                          8,087        18,341       319     26,747
      Additions                                                      -         1,138        55      1,193
      Disposals                                                      -             -       (45)       (45)
      End of year                                                8,087        19,479       329     27,895
      Beginning of year                                            990        14,561       279     15,830
      Charged in year                                              347         1,657        32      2,036
      Reclassification                                               -          354          -        354
      Disposals                                                      -             -       (45)       (45)
      Impairment                                                     -           319         -        319
      End of year                                                1,337        16,891       266     18,494
      Net book value
      Beginning of year                                          7,097         3,780        40     10,917
      End of year                                                6,750         2,588        63      9,401

14.   Fixed Asset Investments
                                                         Associated          Other         Own
      GROUP                                               Companies    Investments      Shares      Total
                                                               #000           #000        #000       #000
      Book value
      Beginning of year                                       2,013            622         891      3,526
      Additions                                               3,698              -         886      4,584
      Disposal of investment                                      -              -      (1,151)    (1,151)
      Share of retained losses                                  (74)             -           -        (74)
      End of year                                             5,637            622         626      6,885
      Beginning of year                                           -            575         891      1,466
      Provided during the year                                    -              -         200        200
      Amortisation of goodwill                                  165              -           -        165
      Disposal of investment                                      -              -        (851)      (851)
      End of year                                               165            575         240        980
      Net book value
      Beginning of year                                       2,013             47           -      2,060
      End of year                                             5,472             47         386      5,905

     Fixed asset investments comprise:
     At the beginning of the year
     Unlisted investments                                    2,013             47            -      2,060
     Listed investments                                          -              -            -          -
     Total                                                   2,013             47            -      2,060
     At the end of the year
     Unlisted investments                                    5,472             47            -      5,519
     Listed investments                                          -              -          386        386
     Total                                                   5,472             47          386      5,905

     Market value of listed investments
     At beginning of year                                        -              -          317        317
     At end of year                                              -              -          463        463

Included within Associated Companies is goodwill of #3,139,000 which arose on
the acquisition of 19% of Choice FM (Tainside Limited).

14.   Fixed Asset Investments (continued)
                                          Subsidiary    Associated          Other         Own
                                           Companies     Companies    Investments      Shares      Total
                                                #000          #000           #000        #000       #000
      Book value
      Beginning of year                      293,238         1,103            614         891    295,846
      Additions                                  332         3,698              -         886      4,916
      Disposals                                    -             -              -      (1,151)    (1,151)
      End of year                            293,570         4,801            614         626    299,611
      Beginning of year                       52,437           415            572         891     54,315
      Provided during the year                     -             -              -         200        200
      Disposal of investment                       -             -              -        (851)      (851)
      End of year                             52,437           415            572         240     53,664
      Net book value
      Beginning of year                      240,801           688             42           -    241,531
      End of year                            241,133         4,386             42         386    245,947

      Fixed asset investments comprise:
      At beginning of year
      Unlisted investments                   240,801           688             42           -    241,531
      Listed investments                           -             -              -           -          -
      Total                                  240,801           688             42           -    241,531
      At the end of the year
      Unlisted investments                   241,133         4,386             42           -    245,561
      Listed investments                           -             -              -         386        386
      Total                                  241,133         4,386             42         386    245,947

Own Shares in both the Group and Company represents shares in Capital Radio plc
acquired by the Trustee of the Capital Radio Restricted Share Plan to satisfy
potential future obligations to award shares under the Plan.  In accordance with
guidance given by the Urgent Issues Task Force the cost of these shares is
amortised over three years, being the period of service in respect of which
conditional awards have been made.

15.  Debtors                                                            Group                 Company
                                                                        2002      2001       2002       2001
                                                                        #000      #000       #000       #000
     Amounts falling due within one year:
     Trade debtors                                                    11,604    11,893     11,604     11,726
     Amounts due from subsidiary companies                                 -         -     34,281     34,321
     Deferred tax (see below)                                            518         -         95          -
     Other debtors                                                       761       391        542         93
     Prepayments and accrued income                                    4,643     3,395      2,890      2,305
                                                                      17,526    15,679     49,412     48,445

     Amounts falling after more than one year:
     Prepayments and accrued income                                      952       869        952        869
                                                                         952       869        952        869

     Total                                                            18,478    16,548     50,364     49,314

                                                                                             Group    Company
                                                                                              #000       #000
      Deferred tax
      At 1 October 2001                                                                          -          -
      Profit and loss account                                                                  518         95

      At 30 September 2002                                                                     518         95

Deferred tax provided in the accounts, which represents the total potential
asset for deferred taxation, is as follows:

                                                                      Group      Group    Company    Company
                                                                       2002       2001       2002       2001
                                                                       #000       #000       #000       #000

      Accelerated capital allowances                                     67          -      (192)          -
      Other timing differences                                          352          -       287           -
      Tax losses                                                         99          -         -           -

      Deferred tax asset                                                518          -        95           -

No account has been taken of UK tax losses which are not expected to be utilised
in the foreseeable future. The total amount unprovided in respect of these
losses is #1,300,000 (2001: #1,300,000).

16.  Creditors:  Amounts falling due within one year
                                                                       Group                 Company
                                                                      2002       2001        2002      2001
                                                                     #000       #000        #000      #000
     Bank loans and overdrafts                                      22,988     16,500      23,002    14,770
     Loan notes (see note below)                                     5,980      9,751       5,980     9,751
     Finance leases                                                     31        221           -         -
     Trade creditors                                                 5,724      4,572       5,190     4,182
     Other creditors                                                 4,148      4,840       3,660     5,379
     Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings                              -          -      78,182    66,644
     Corporation tax payable                                         5,136      3,684         113     3,591
     Proposed dividend                                              10,276     10,220      10,276    10,220
     Other taxation and social security                              2,340      2,372       2,340     2,302
     Accruals and deferred income                                    4,712      2,702       2,222       892
                                                                    61,335     54,862     130,965   117,731

Capital Radio plc loan notes

Capital Radio plc loan notes amounting to #420,000 (2001: #450,000) were issued
in July 1998 and have a five year term.  Interest is paid six monthly in arrears
at 1% below London Inter-Bank Offered Rates.  The loan notes may be redeemed at
the holder's option on interest dates until 2003, or by the Company on 31 July

Capital Radio plc loan notes amounting to #5,426,000 (2001: #6,001,000) were
issued in June 2001 and have a five year term. Interest is paid six monthly in
arrears at 1% below London Inter-Bank Offered Rates.  The loan notes may be
redeemed at the holder's option on interest dates until 2005, or by the Company
on 31 March 2005.

Capital Radio plc loan notes amounting to #134,000 (2001: #3,300,000) were
issued in August 2001 and have a five year term. Interest is paid six monthly in
arrears at 1% below London Inter-Bank Offered Rates.  The loan notes may be
redeemed at the holder's option on interest dates until 2005, or by the Company
on 31 March 2005.

17.  Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year                          Group        Company
                                                                                    2002   2001   2002   2001
                                                                                    #000   #000   #000   #000
     Bank loans falling due after more than one year and less than two years           -  8,000      -  8,000
     Finance leases falling due after more than one year and less than two years       -     37      -      -
                                                                                       -  8,037      -  8,000

18.   Share Capital                                                                        2002            2001
                                                                                           #000            #000

      Authorised 100,000,000 (2001: 100,000,000) Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each             2,500           2,500

      Allotted, called-up and fully paid 82,211,330 (2001: 81,759,799) Ordinary
      shares of 2.5p each                                                                 2,055           2,044
      The increase in the issued share capital was due to:                               Number          Number
      Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each issued fully paid during the year:
      - on acquisitions                                                                 260,253          68,844
      - on issue of own shares to LTIP                                                  133,700               -
      - on exercise of option rights                                                     57,578          94,170
                                                                                        451,531         163,014

      The shares issued on acquisition of Tainside Limited were issued at 
      #6.85 per share.
18.   Share Capital (continued)

                At 30th September 2002, the Company had options outstanding to
subscribe for 2,750,204 (2001: 2,201,735) ordinary shares.  Details of the
outstanding options are as follows:

          Option                                       Number of           Exercise            Exercisable
                                                          Shares              Price                    Not
          Grant Date                                Under Option            (pence)           Earlier Than
          Capital Radio 1986 Senior Executive Share Option Scheme
          July 1993                                       10,348                172              July 1996
          December 1994                                   24,100                332          December 1997
          December 1996                                   24,300                540          December 1999
          Capital Radio Savings Related Share Option Scheme
          December 1997                                   44,771                389          February 2003
          December 1998                                   29,595                448          February 2004
          December 1999                                   33,899                897          February 2005
          December 2000                                   16,770               1054          February 2006
          December 2001                                  152,258                614          February 2007
          Capital Radio 1998 Share Option Scheme
          March 1998                                     192,905                633             March 2001
          November 1998                                  290,230                541          November 2001
          June 1999                                       61,194                865               May 2002
          November 1999                                  242,812               1224          November 2002
          May 2000                                        83,926               1262               May 2003
          November 2000                                  331,934               1172          November 2003
          December 2000                                   16,204               1172          December 2003
          February 2001                                   82,219               1080          February 2004
          May 2001                                       141,638                795               May 2004
          November 2001                                  443,970                815          November 2004
          January 2002                                   109,059                705           January 2005
          May 2002                                       119,489                773               May 2005
          June 2002                                       54,264                645              June 2005
          July 2002                                       79,734                668              July 2005
          Capital Radio Presenters Share Option Scheme
          March 2000                                      54,794               1825             March 2003
          December 2000                                   40,358               1115          December 2003
          July 2001                                       38,759                645              July 2004
          November 2001                                   30,674                815          November 2004

During the year, options over 94,671 Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each were
exercised, of which 37,093 were issued through the "Quest", for a total
consideration of #164,000, resulting in an increase in the share premium account
of #267,000.  Options over 346,308 shares lapsed during the year.  Share options
under the Capital Radio 1986 Senior Executive Share Option Scheme and the
Capital Radio 1998 Share Option Scheme and the Capital Radio Presenters Share
Option Scheme expire ten years after the date of grant.  Options under the
Capital Radio Savings Related Share Option Scheme expire six months after the
date on which they can first be exercised.

19.  Reserves                                                                                         Profit
                                                                 Share   Revaluation      Merger    and Loss
                                                               Premium       Reserve     Reserve     Account
                                                                  #000          #000        #000        #000
     The movement on reserves during the year
     was as follows:
     Beginning of year                                          72,589             -      23,767      47,868
     Retained loss for the year                                      -             -           -      (8,020)
     Movement on Quest                                               -             -           -        (303)
     Premium arising on issue of shares                          2,927             -           -           -
     End of year                                                75,516             -      23,767      39,545
     Beginning of year                                          72,589           429      37,242      63,727
     Retained loss for the year                                      -             -           -      (4,233)
     Movement on Quest                                               -             -           -          11
     Premium arising on issue of shares                          2,927             -           -           -
     End of year                                                75,516           429      37,242      59,505

     The cumulative total of goodwill written off against the Group
     profit and loss account reserve in respect of acquisitions prior to 
     1st October 1997, when Financial Reporting Standard 10: Goodwill and 
     Intangible Assets was adopted,  amounts to #45,941,000 (2001: #45,941,000).

20.   Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash
      Inflow from Operating Activities                                         2002                 2001
                                                                              #000                 #000
      Operating profit                                                       14,982               20,335
      Depreciation                                                            4,256                5,021
      Amortisation and impairment of goodwill                                 9,372                9,622
      (Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible fixed  assets                       (30)                  26
      (Increase)/decrease in debtors                                         (1,412)               2,745
      Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                        2,713               (2,933)
      Change in provisions against investments in own shares                    200                    -
      Net cash inflow from operating activities                              30,081               34,816

21.   Cash flows from acquisitions and disposals                            2002                   2001
                                                                            #000                   #000

      Net cash disposed of with subsidiary                                     -                   (233)
      Net cash acquired with subsidiary                                        -                    456
      Net (cost)/proceeds from sale of Border Television Plc                (397)                50,500
      Net Proceeds from sale of other investments                              -                 12,471
      Purchase of fixed asset investments                                 (2,247)                     -
      Repayment of investment loan                                             -                  1,930
      Net cash (inflow)/outflow from acquisitions and                     (2,644)                65,124

22.   Cash Flows from Financing                                                2002                  2001
                                                                               #000                  #000

      Proceeds from issue of shares                                             268                   507
      Bank loans                                                                  -                14,000
      Repayment of bank loans                                                (6,000)              (58,000)
      Repayment of loan notes                                                (3,771)              (15,253)
      Capital element of finance leases                                        (227)                 (557)
      Net cash outflow from financing                                        (9,730)              (59,303)

23.  Analysis of Net Debt                        Net Debt at          Cash      Other Non-       Net Debt at
                                                 1st October          Flow    Cash Changes    30th September
                                                        2001                                            2002
                                                       #000          #000            #000              #000
     Cash at bank                                      1,608        (1,608)              -                 -
     Bank loans and overdrafts                             -        (4,488)              -            (4,488)
                                                       1,608        (6,096)              -            (4,488)
     Bank loans falling due in less than one         (16,500)        6,000          (8,000)          (18,500)
     Bank loans falling due in more than one          (8,000)            -            8,000                -
     Loan notes                                       (9,751)        3,771               -            (5,980)
     Finance leases                                     (258)          227               -               (31)
                                                     (34,509)        9,998               -           (24,511)

                                                     (32,901)        3,902               -           (28,999)

24.    Pension Funds

             The Group operates three pension schemes and participates in a
fourth scheme on behalf of its employees.  The Capital Radio Plc Pension and
Assurance Scheme (CRPPAS) and the Midlands Radio Group Pension Scheme (MRGPS)
are contributory defined benefit schemes.  Both schemes were closed to new
employees from 31st March 1995.  At 30th September 2002, 21 employees of Capital
Radio plc and 7 employees of Birmingham Broadcasting Limited respectively were
active members of these schemes.  All other employees in the Radio Group, and in
particular new employees, are eligible to join the Capital Radio Group Personal
Pension Plan, which was established on 1st April 1995.  This scheme is a
contributory defined contribution arrangement and as at 30th September 2002, 252
employees were active members of this scheme.  The Group makes age related
contributions to the scheme.

             For both defined benefits schemes, the assets are held separately
from those of the Group, being invested with insurance companies.  Independent
actuarial valuations are obtained every third year. Contributions to the pension
schemes are made in accordance with advice given by  independent qualified

             Details of the most recent Actuarial valuations of the defined
benefit pension schemes, insofar as they relate to the Group, are as follows:

                                   MRGPS                                CRPPAS

Date of last valuation             30th September 2000                  1st April 1999
Method used                        Minimum Funding Requirement (MFR)    Attained Age

Annual salary increase             6%                                   6%
Annual investment return before
retirement                         9%                                   7.5%
Annual investment return after
retirement                         9%                                   6.5%
Market value of scheme assets      #3,638,000                           #7,277,000
Percentage of liabilities          84%                                  92%

             A new valuation for the CRPPAS is currently being finalised.

             Under the MFR method of valuation, the current service cost of
members will increase as members approach retirement.

             The contribution to the CRPPAS made by the Company in the year was
#275,000.  The Company has agreed to redress the deficit over five years at the
funding rate of 22% (plus the cost of insured death in service benefits) as
recommended by the actuary.

             The contribution to the MRGPS made by the Company in the year was
#325,000.  The Company has agreed to redress the deficit over five years at the
funding rate of 14% of pensionable salaries plus #22,800 per month for eighteen
months, and #7,600 per month for a further three years as recommended by the

             Additional disclosures in accordance with FRS17

An actuarial estimate performed by independent qualified actuaries, based on the
last full valuations as above, has been undertaken to provide the information
required for FRS 17 as at 30th September 2002:

The major assumptions used by the actuary were:

                                                  MRGPS and CRPPAS              MRGPS and CRPPAS
                                                  30th September 2002           30th September 2001
Rate of increase in salaries                      4.00%                         4.25%
Rate of increase in pensions in payment           3.00%                         3.00%
Discount rate                                     5.40%                         6.00%
Inflation assumption                              2.25%                         2.50%

24.    Pension Funds (continued)

The assets in the Scheme and the expected rates of return were:

                        Long term rate of          Value at 30th     Long term rate of         Value at 30th
                  return expected at 30th         September 2002    return expected at        September 2001
Assets in the              September 2002                          30th September 2001
Scheme                                                      #000                                        #000
                       MRGPS       CRPPAS      MRGPS      CRPPAS      MRGPS     CRPPAS      MRGPS     CRPPAS
Equities                7.0%         7.5%      1,756       3,661       7.0%       6.5%      2,210      3,393
Gilts                   4.5%         5.0%        723       2,651       6.0%       6.5%        157      3,393
Cash/other              4.0%         5.4%        248       2,191       5.0%       6.0%        512      1,563
                                               2,727       8,503                            2,879      8,349

The following amounts at 30th September 2001 and 30th September 2002 were
measured in accordance with the requirements of FRS 17:

                                                              2002                         2001
                                                              #000                         #000
                                                      MRGPS             CRPPAS         MRGPS     CRPPAS
Total market value of assets                             2,727           8,503         2,879         8,349
Present value of Scheme liabilities                     (5,255)        (12,042)       (4,474)      (10,025)
Deficit in Scheme                                       (2,528)         (3,539)       (1,595)       (1,676)
Related deferred tax asset                                 758           1,062           478           503
 Net pension deficit                                    (1,770)         (2,477)       (1,117)       (1,173)

If the above amounts had been recognised in the financial statements, the
Company's net assets and profit and loss reserve at 30th September 2002 and 30th
September 2001 would be as follows:

                                                                        2002             2001
                                                                        #000             #000

Net assets excluding pension deficit                                 140,883          146,268
Pension deficit - MRGPS                                               (1,770)          (1,117)
Pension deficit - CRPPAS                                              (2,477)          (1,173)
Net assets including pension deficit                                 136,636          143,978

Profit and loss reserve excluding pension deficit                     39,545           47,868
Pension reserve - MRGPS                                               (1,770)          (1,117)
Pension reserve - CRPPAS                                              (2,477)          (1,173)
Profit and loss reserve                                               35,298           45,578

The following amounts would have been recognised in the performance statements
in the year to 30th September 2002 under the requirements of FRS 17:

Operating profit                                                                       MRGPS       CRPPAS
Current service cost                                                                     (81)        (194)
Past service cost                                                                          -            -
Total operating charge                                                                   (81)        (194)
Other finance income:
Expected return on pension scheme assets                                                 189          511
Interest on pension scheme liabilities                                                  (271)        (595)
Net return                                                                               (82)         (84)

Statement of total recognised gains and losses                                          MRGPS       CRPPAS
Actual return less expected return on pension scheme assets                             (341)        (329)
Experience gains and losses on pension scheme liabilities                               (268)         (35)
Change in assumptions underlying pension scheme liabilities                             (486)      (1,496)
Actuarial gains and losses in STRGL                                                   (1,095)      (1,860)

24.    Pension Funds (continued)

Movement in deficit during the year                                                    MRGPS      CRPPAS
Deficit in Scheme at beginning of year                                                (1,595)     (1,676)
Movement in year:
Current service cost                                                                     (81)       (194)
Contributions                                                                            325         275
Past service costs                                                                         -           -
Other finance income                                                                     (82)        (84)
Actuarial gain                                                                        (1,095)     (1,860)
Deficit in Scheme at end of year                                                      (2,528)     (3,539)

Details of experience gains/losses for year to 30th September 2002
Difference between actual and expected return on assets
Amount                                                                                  (341)       (329)
Percentage of Scheme assets                                                           (12.5%)      (3.9%)
Experience gains and losses on Scheme liabilities
Amount                                                                                  (242)        (35)
Percentage of the present value of the Scheme liabilities                              (4.6%)      (0.0%)
Total amount recognised in statement of total recognised gains and losses:
Amount                                                                                (1,095)     (1,860)
Percentage of the present value of the Scheme liabilities                             (20.8%)     (21.9%)

In accordance with the transitional arrangements of FRS 17, the deficits on the
above schemes have not been recognised in the accounts.

The total pension cost for the period was #1,124,000 (2001: #1,618,000).
Pension costs for the two defined benefit schemes are charged to the profit and
loss account so as to spread the cost of pensions over employees' working lives
with the Group. The pensions charge for the other schemes represents the
contributions paid. The outstanding debtor to pensions schemes at 30th September
2002 was #102,000 (2001: creditor #87,000).

25.   Financial Commitments
      Annual operating lease commitments for the year to 30th September
      2002 analysed by expiry date are as follows:
                                                     Land and                Land and
                                                    Buildings       Other   Buildings          Other
                                                         2002        2002        2001           2001
      GROUP                                              #000        #000        #000           #000
      Less than one year                                    -         105           -            160
      Within one to two years                               -         357           -            194
      Within three to five years                            -         221           -            365
      In more than five years                           2,016           -       2,086              -
                                                        2,016         683       2,086            719
      Less than one year                                    -          20           -             30
      Within one to two years                               -          38           -             55
      Within three to five years                            -          55           -             36
      In more than five years                           1,461           -       1,532              -
                                                        1,461         113       1,532            121

      Contracted capital expenditure at 30th September not                       2002           2001
      provided for in the accounts amounts to:                                   #000           #000
      Group                                                                         -              -
      Company                                                                       -              -

26.           Contingent Liabilities

              Neither the Group nor the Company had any material contingent
liabilities at 30th September 2002 or 2001.   The Company has given its bankers
a cross guarantee to secure the bank borrowings of the other Group undertakings
(see note 28).  This guarantee is secured by a fixed and floating charge over
all the assets of the Company.  The Directors do not anticipate that any
liability will fall on the Company in respect of this guarantee.

27.           Related Parties

              The Group has trading relationships with Independent Radio News
Limited ("IRN") and the Radio Advertising Bureau Limited ("RAB").  The Group
holds significant shareholdings in both of these companies and has
representatives on their boards of directors, and is therefore in a position to
exercise significant influence over these companies.  All transactions were
conducted at normal commercial rates.

              IRN supplies the UK radio industry with a news service in return
for airtime adjacent to news bulletins.  This airtime is sold as the "Newslink"
national advertising product by Capital Advertising, as agent for IRN.  An
element of the profits of IRN is repaid to participating stations as a payment
for airtime given.  The Group also supplies accounting services to IRN.  During
the year the Group received #2,232,000 (2001: #2,251,000) of income from IRN,
representing Capital Advertising commission income, airtime rebate and payment
for accounting services.  The value of airtime transferred to IRN during the
year was #2,298,000 (2001: #2,475,000).  At 30th September 2002 there was an
outstanding debtor from IRN of #650,000 (2001: #604,000).

              The RAB is a trade body promoting commercial radio with
advertisers.  The RAB is funded by levies paid by the commercial radio industry
in the UK based on volumes of advertising.  During the year the Group paid
#832,000 (2001: #897,000) in levies to the RAB and at 30 September 2002 had an
outstanding creditor of #34,000 (2001: #72,000).

              Wildstar Records Limited is a record label. At 30 September 2002
there were no outstanding debtors or creditors to the Group.

              CE Digital operates three local digital radio multiplexes. During
the year the Group paid #844,000 (2001: #804,000) to CE Digital in respect of
radio broadcasts and received #nil (2001: #170,000) from CE Digital in respect
of legal expertise and engineering time. At 30 September 2002 there was an
outstanding creditor of #254,000 (2001: debtor of #201,000).

              Tainside Limited operates a commercial radio station (Choice FM).
At 30 September 2002 there were no outstanding debtors or creditors to the

28.             Derivatives and other financial instruments

              Short term debtors and creditors that meet the definition of a
financial asset or liability under Financial Reporting Standard 13 have been
excluded from the disclosures as permitted by the Standard.

              Interest rate profile of financial assets and financial

              Financial assets

              The interest rate risk profile of the financial assets of the
Group as at 30th September 2002 was as follows:

                                                                                             2002        2001
                                                                                             #000        #000
Cash at floating interest rate                                                                  -       1,608
Debtors due after more than one year                                                          952         869
Unlisted investments                                                                           47          47
                                                                                              999       2,524

The weighted average interest rate for cash at 30th September 2002 was 4%.

              Financial liabilities

The Group's floating rate financial liabilities which had a weighted average
interest rate at the year end of 4.4%, consist of:

                                                                                             2002        2001
                                                                                             #000        #000
Bank overdraft                                                                              4,488           -
Bank loans                                                                                 18,500      24,500
Loan notes                                                                                  5,980       9,751
Finance leases                                                                                 31         258
                                                                                           28,999      34,509

             The floating rate bank loans carry interest at 0.6% over LIBOR and
are repayable in instalments over three years ending on 30th June 2003. Bank
overdrafts carry interest at 1% over bank base rate and are repayable on demand.

The loan notes carry interest at 1% below bank base rate and are redeemable by
the holders on interest dates or by the Company on dates ranging from 31st July
2003 to 31st March 2005.

The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 30th September 2002
was as follows:

                                                                                             2002        2001
                                                                                             #000        #000
In one year or less, or on demand                                                          28,999      26,472
In more than one year but not more than two years                                               -       8,037
In more than two years but not more than five years                                             -           -
                                                                                           28,999      34,509

Borrowing facilities

              The Group has various undrawn committed borrowing facilities.  The
undrawn facilities available at 30th September 2002 in respect of which all
conditions precedent have been met were as follows:

                                                                                             2002        2001
                                                                                             #000        #000
Expiring in one year or less                                                               35,512      40,500

Fair value financial assets and financial liabilities

There are no material differences between the carrying values and the fair
values of the financial assets and financial liabilities disclosed above.

Principal Investments

At 30th September 2002 the principal investments of the group were as stated
below.  All the holdings are of ordinary shares, and are shown to the nearest
whole percentage.
                                                                          Proportion of
                                                                         Shares held by:
                                         Principal Activity        The Company   Subsidiaries            Total
Principal subsidiary undertakings

Beat 106 Limited                         Commercial radio                  100%              -            100%

Birmingham Broadcasting Limited          Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Capital Radio Management Limited         Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Cardiff Broadcasting Company Limited     Commercial radio                  100%              -            100%

Century Radio Limited                    Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Century 105 Limited                      Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Century 106 Limited                      Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

First Oxfordshire Radio Company Limited  Commercial radio                   40%            60%            100%

Radio Invicta Limited                    Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Southern Radio Limited                   Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

The Ocean Radio Group Limited            Commercial radio                     -           100%            100%

Xfm Limited                              Commercial radio                  100%              -            100%

Capital Radio Digital Limited            Commercial digital radio          100%              -            100%

Midlands Radio plc                       Holding company                   100%              -            100%

Southern Radio Group Limited             Holding company                   100%              -            100%

Capital Radio Investments Limited        Investment company                100%              -            100%

Capital Radio UBC Data Limited           Commercial digital data            70%              -             70%
(Issued share capital :#100,000)

Principal associated undertakings
Independent Radio News Limited           Programme production               37%             9%             46%
(Issued share capital: #374,535)
Radio Advertising Bureau Limited         Marketing of commercial            30%            15%             45%
(Issued share capital:  #50,000)
Wildstar Records Limited                 Record production                  50%              -             50%
(Issued share capital :#600,000)
CE Digital Limited                       Commercial digital radio             -            50%             50%
(Issued share capital :#2)
Digital News Network Limited             Commercial radio                   22%              -             22%
(Issued share capital :#600,000)
Tainside Limited                         Commercial radio                   19%              -             19%
(Issued share capital :#1,089,193)

All principle investments are incorporated in England and Wales except Beat 106
Limited, which is incorporated in Scotland.

Financial Record and Key Statistics
                                                                    2002      2001      2000      1999      1998
                                                                                    Restated  Restated  Restated
Profit & Loss
    Turnover from continuing operations  # million                 120.0     123.2     124.9     105.8      94.0
    Operating profit before taxation from continuing
    operations and exceptional items  # million                     27.9      30.0      39.9      38.4      34.8
    As a percentage of turnover                                      23%       24%       32%       36%       37%
    Underlying profit before taxation from continuing
     # million                                                      27.8      30.1      41.2      37.7      35.4

Commercial radio - Analogue
    Turnover  # million                                            118.8     122.2     123.9     105.2      93.0
    Underlying profit before taxation  # million                     33.3     36.5      45.4      39.7      35.6
    As a percentage of turnover                                      28%       30%       37%       38%       38%

Balance Sheet

    Net debt # million                                             (29.0)    (32.9)   (100.7)     (1.2)    (16.2)
    Net assets employed  # million                                 140.9     146.3     141.1      42.4      48.8
Cash Flow

    Net cash inflow from operating activities  # million             30.1     34.8      44.4      45.0      39.7
Ordinary shares

    Underlying earnings per share from continuing operations         23.5     26.3      39.2      35.2      33.0
    Dividends per share  pence                                     18.50     18.50     18.50     16.65     15.25
      Dividend cover  times                                          1.3       1.4       2.1       2.1       2.2

    Shares in issue at 30 September  million                         82.2     81.8      81.6      74.5      74.2
    Share price  # during year                             High     8.48     15.05     19.53      9.50      7.44

                                                           Low      4.53      4.83      8.85      4.36      4.52

    Share price at 30 September  #                                  4.90      5.20     14.38      8.85      4.67

    Market capitalisation at 30 September  # million                 403       425     1,173       659       346

Average employees in continuing operations  number                   687       731       625       536       539


1.         The underlying operating profit from continuing operations,
underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations and underlying
earnings per share from continuing operations figures are stated after
eliminating the effect of significant non-recurring items, goodwill and
discontinued operations.

2.         Net debt represents the net total of cash at bank, loan notes,
overdrafts and short term lease finance debt, plus short term investments.

3.         Dividend cover is calculated using underlying earnings per share from
continuing operations.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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