RNS Number:1386Z
Aberdeen Development Capital PLC
25 July 2002



                         for the year ended 31 May 2002

The year ended 31 May 2002 has been another successful one for your Company,
with the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share ("NAV") increasing by 8.81% to
74.34p, compared with a fall of 16.68% in the FTSE Small Cap Index (excluding
Investment Trusts). Over 3 and 5 years, the NAV has increased by 13.25% and
23.49% respectively, compared with increases of 1.76% and 12.36% in the Index.

By far the biggest contributor to the increase in the NAV has been the
substantial uplift in the valuation of the Company's largest investment, John
Wood Group PLC ("Wood"), which listed on the London Stock Exchange on June 5,
2002, immediately after the Company's year-end. As detailed in the Manager's
Review, the Company has realised half of its holding in Wood since the IPO, and
retains the balance subject to a six month lock-in, with any future decisions to
sell further shares dependent on market conditions and portfolio issues at the
time. The investment in Wood was the first made by the Company following its
launch in 1986, and has been an outstanding success, generating an IRR of just
under 30% over 15 years. This highly satisfactory outcome is a tribute to Sir
Ian Wood and his outstanding management team, who have overseen the
transformation of the company from a small fishing boat owner back in the early
1970's to a global oil services company with over 10,000 employees operating in
bases in over 30 countries.

Despite volatile markets and continuing difficult economic conditions, the
Company's manager has been extremely busy, investing over £7.8 million in 8 new
companies and 5 existing investments, and also realising over £15.3 million from
the sale of 13 investments, producing gains over cost of some £8.0 million. This
excellent performance was offset by the disappointment of the failure of
Residence International, at a cost of some £3.16 million, as detailed in the
Interim Statement. Funds investing private equity are inevitably going to
experience failures from time to time, but it is none the less extremely
disappointing when it happens, and it is important that lessons are learned from
such failures.

Income received from investments has been maintained at around £2.9 million,
allowing the Board to recommend that the Ordinary Dividend be maintained at 5.2p
per Ordinary Share. It is worth noting, however, that income for the year
included a one-off dividend of some £750,000 arising as part of the sale of the
investment in Grampian Country Food Group. Such one-off dividends are not
unusual as part of the disposal proceeds from private equity investments, and,
together with the ability to control the financial structure of new investments
, they allow the Manager the opportunity to ensure that the proportion of total
returns between capital and income is at a level which will enable the
aspirations of both Zero dividend preference and Ordinary Shareholders to
continue to be met.

Included for the first time in the Notice of Meeting which you will find at the
end of the Annual Report & Accounts are resolutions proposed to grant authority
to the Board to buy back, for cancellation, both Zero Dividend Preference and
Ordinary Shares. Both classes of share are currently trading on the London Stock
Exchange at a discount to their NAV and the Board considers that market
purchases, to the extent that such purchases are able to be made at less than
their accrued capital value per share, would benefit remaining shareholders.

Your Board remains confident that the existing investment portfolio, together
with the excellent deal-flow attracted by the Manager, will continue to produce
satisfactory long-term returns for shareholders.

Calum A MacLeod


26 July 2002

The unaudited results were:

Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account *)
                                                                          Year ended 31 May 2002
                                                                    Revenue               Capital             Total
                                                                      £'000                 £'000             £'000

Gains on investments                                                      -                 5,457             5,457

Income                                                                2,884                     -             2,884
Investment management fee                                             (391)                 (794)           (1,185)
Other expenses                                                        (535)                 (265)             (800)
Net return before finance costs and taxation                          1,958                 4,398             6,356
Interest payable and similar charges                                  (158)                 (321)             (479)
Return on ordinary activities before tax                              1,800                 4,077             5,877
Tax on ordinary activities                                              (5)                     -               (5)
Return attributable to shareholders                                   1,795                 4,077             5,872
Appropriations in respect of non-equity shares
- Zero dividend preference                                                -               (1,728)           (1,728)
Return attributable to equity shareholders                            1,795                 2,349             4,144
Dividends on equity shares                                          (1,920)                     -           (1,920)
Transfer (from)/to reserves                                           (125)                 2,349             2,224

Return per share (pence):                                                 
- Zero dividend preference                                                -                  5.72              5.72
- Ordinary                                                             4.86                  6.36             11.22

                                                                          Year ended 31 May 2001
                                                                    Revenue               Capital             Total
                                                                      £'000                 £'000             £'000

Gains on investments                                                      -                 8,161             8,161

Income                                                                2,940                     -             2,940
Investment management fee                                             (435)                 (882)           (1,317)
Other expenses                                                        (304)                 (504)             (808)
Net return before finance costs and taxation                          2,201                 6,775             8,976
Interest payable and similar charges                                  (213)                 (432)             (645)
Return on ordinary activities before tax                              1,988                 6,343             8,331
Tax on ordinary activities                                                8                     -                 8
Return attributable to shareholders                                   1,996                 6,343             8,339
Appropriations in respect of non-equity shares
- Zero dividend preference                                                -               (1,605)           (1,605)
Return attributable to equity shareholders                            1,996                 4,738             6,734
Dividends on equity shares                                          (1,920)                     -           (1,920)
Transfer to reserves                                                     76                 4,738             4,814

Return per share (pence):                                                 
- Zero dividend preference                                                -                  5.31              5.31
- Ordinary                                                             5.41                 12.83             18.24

* The Statements of total return presented above are in accordance with the
Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Statements of Investment Trust

Balance Sheets as at 31 May 2002

                                                         Group         Company       Group         Company     
                                                         31 May 2002   31 May 2002   31 May 2001   31 May 2001 
                                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)     (audited)   
                                                         £'000         £'000         £'000         £'000       
        Fixed assets                                                                                           
        Investments                                      54,666        41,447        57,111        41,795      
        Subsidiary undertaking                           -             2,760         -             2,295       
                                                         54,666        44,207        57,111        44,090      
        Current assets                                                                                         
        Debtors                                          5,289         10,266        1,111         5,740       
        Cash at bank and in hand                         426           23            564           295         
                                                         5,715         10,289        1,675         6,035       
        Creditors: amounts falling due within one year   (3,757)       (3,707)       (3,345)       (3,289)     
        Net current assets/(liabilities)                 1,958         6,582         (1,670)       2,746       
        Total assets less current liabilities            56,624        50,789        55,441        46,836      
        Creditors: amounts falling due after one year                                                          
        Minority Interest                                (4,435)       -             (7,424)       -           
                                                         (1,353)       -             (1,133)       -           
        Total net assets                                 50,836        50,789        46,884        46,836      
        Capital and reserves                                                                                   
        Called-up Ordinary shares                        3,692         3,692         3,692         3,692       
        Called-up Zero dividend preference shares        3,021         3,021         3,021         3,021       
        Share premium account                            13,940        13,940        13,940        13,940      
        Capital reserve - realised                       15,732        16,989        10,722        12,044      
        Capital reserve - unrealised                     13,391        12,090        14,324        12,956      
        Revenue reserve                                  1,060         1,057         1,185         1,183       
        Total shareholders' funds                        50,836        50,789        46,884        46,836      
        Equity shareholders' funds                       27,446        27,399        25,222        25,174      
        Non-equity shareholders' funds                   23,390        23,390        21,662        21,662      
        Total shareholders' funds                        50,836        50,789        46,884        46,836      

        Net asset value per share (pence):               
                          - Zero dividend preference     77.43         77.43         71.71         71.71                
                          - Ordinary - basic             74.34         74.21         68.32         68.19 

Cash Flow Statements for the year ended 31 May 2002

                                                                       2002                    2001      
                                                                       (unaudited)             (audited) 
                                                             £'000     £'000         £'000     £'000     
                Net cash inflow from operating                                                           
                Activities                                             614                     1,631     
                Net cash outflow from servicing of                                                       
                Finance                                                (478)                   (651)     
                Net tax recovered/(paid)                               72                      (317)     
                Financial investment                                                                     
                Purchase of investments                      (7,951)                 (9,526)             
                Sale of investments                          11,970                  12,497              
                Net cash inflow from financial investments             4,019                   2,971     
                Equity dividends paid                                  (1,970)                 (1,830)   
                Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                                                         
                Financing                                              (2,257)                 1,804     
                Bank loan                                    (2,989)                 (1,576)             
                Net cash (outflow)from financing                       (2,989)                 (1,576)   
                (Decrease)/increase in cash                            (732)                   228       

                Reconciliation in net cash flow to movements in net debt                      
                (Decrease)/increase in cash as above                   (732)                   228      
                Cash outflow from increase in loans                    2,989                   1,576    
                Exchange movements                                     -                       3        
                Movement in net debt in the year                       2,257                   1,807    
                Net debt at 1 June                                     (8,808)                 (10,615) 
                Net debt at 31 May                                     (6,551)                 (8,808)  

                                                                                               2002          2001      
                                                                                        (unaudited)     (audited) 
  1   Income                                                                                 £'000s        £'000s    
      Income from investments                                                                                         
      Franked investment income                                                               2,521         2,207     
      Unfranked investment income                                                               336           647       
                                                                                              2,857         2,854     
      Other income                                                                                                    
      Deposit interest                                                                           27            86       
                                                                                              2,884         2,940   
  2   Revenue return per Ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary activities after taxation of          
      £1,795,000 (2001 - £1,996,000) and on 36,919,225 (2001 - same) Ordinary shares, being the number of such shares 
      in issue during the year. Capital return per Ordinary share, after deduction of appropriations in respect of    
      Zero dividend preference shares, is based on net gains for the year of £2,349,000 (2001 - £4,738,000) and on    
      36,919,225 (2001 - same) Ordinary shares, being the number of such shares in issue during the year. Capital     
      return per Zero dividend preference share is based on appropriations in respect of Zero dividend preference     
      shares of £1,728,000 (2001 - £1,605,000) and on 30,206,638 (2001 - same) Zero dividend preference shares, being 
      the number of such shares in issue during the year.  
  3   Net asset value per Ordinary share of the Group is based on equity shareholders' funds of £27,446,000 (31 May   
      2001 - £25,222,000) and on 36,919,225 (31 May 2001 - same) Ordinary shares, being the number of Ordinary shares 
      in issue at the end of the year. Net asset value per Ordinary share of the Company is based on equity           
      shareholders' funds of £27,399,000 (31 May 2001 - £25,174,000) and on 36,919,225 (2001 - same) Ordinary shares, 
      being the number of Ordinary shares in issue at the end of the year. Net asset value per Zero dividend          
      preference share is based on non-equity shareholders' funds of £23,390,000 (31 May 2001 - £21,662,000) and on   
      30,206,638 (31 May 2001 - same) Zero dividend preference shares in issue at the year end.  
  4   The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended  
      31 May 2002 or 2001. The financial information for 2001 is derived from the statutory accounts, which have been 
      delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on the 2001 accounts; their report was      
      unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The          
      statutory accounts for 2002 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the        
      Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the    
      Annual General Meeting.  
  5   Copies of the Annual Report will be posted to shareholders in due course and further copies will be available   
      from the Company's Registered Office, One Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YG.                                       
                                26 July 2002   Aberdeen Asset Management PLC Secretaries 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange