27 AUGUST 2015 
Financial Highlights 
  * Net Asset Value total return of 6.6% for the six months ended 30 June 2015. 
  * Share price increased by 7.0% over the six months ended 30 June 2015 to 
  * Dividend yield of 5.5% based on 30 June 2015 share price of 83.8p. 
  * 2 properties purchased for GBP20.4m excluding costs and 4 properties sold for 
    GBP11.6m excluding costs. 
  * GBP34.8m of new equity raised over the six months ended 30 June 2015 at an 
    average premium to Net Asset Value of 5.4%, increasing the number of shares 
    in issue by 18.1%. 
Total Returns (with dividends re-invested)                           6 months to 30 
                                                                          June 2015 
Net Asset Value per share*                                                    +6.6% 
Share Price total return*                                                    +10.0% 
*Source: Winterfloods 
Capital Values                               30 June    31 December 
                                                2015           2014        % Change 
Net Asset Value per share 1                    78.5p          75.5p           +4.0% 
EPRA* Net Asset Value per share 2              79.2p          76.6p           +3.4% 
Share Price                                    83.8p          78.3p           +7.0% 
Premium of Share Price to Net Asset             6.8%           3.7%               - 
Total Assets                                 GBP320.4m        GBP278.7m          +15.0% 
Loan to Value 3                                19.8%          29.2%               - 
Cash Balance                                  GBP27.3m          GBP5.4m               - 
Dividends                                                   30 June         30 June 
                                                               2015            2014 
Dividends per share 4                                        2.322p          2.294p 
Dividend yield                                                 5.5%            6.1% 
Property Returns                                     6 months to 30 12 months to 31 
                                                          June 2015   December 2014 
Property income return 5                                       3.1%            7.5% 
IPD property income monthly index 6                            2.5%            5.6% 
Property total return (property                                5.8%           18.0% 
only) 7 
IPD property total return monthly                              6.3%           17.9% 
index 6 
1        Calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards. 
2        EPRA NAV represents the value of an entity's equity on a long-term 
basis. Some items, such as fair value of derivatives, are therefore excluded. 
3        Calculated as bank borrowings less all cash as a percentage of the 
open market value of the property portfolio as at 30 June 2015. 
4        Dividends paid during the 6 months to 30 June 2015. 
5        The net income receivable for the period expressed as a percentage of 
the capital employed. Quarterly figures are compounded over the period to give 
the rate over six months and twelve months. 
6        Source: IPD quarterly version of the monthly index funds (excludes 
7        The sum of capital growth and net income for the period expressed as a 
percentage of capital employed excluding cash. 
*         The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) is a common 
interest group, which aims to promote, develop and represent the European 
public real estate sector. 
Chairman's Statement 
I have pleasure reporting on another very good period for your Company. The 
REIT conversion has taken place successfully; the Company has fully utilised 
its capacity to raise additional equity under both the Prospectus and 
dis-application of pre emption rights authorities; further investment has been 
made in real estate assets and the NAV has continued to grow. 
The market capitalisation of the Company increased by 27% during the six months 
period to GBP242m with total assets increased to GBP320m. The share price rose by 
7.0% and the net asset value per share ('NAV') increased by 4.0%. The NAV total 
return to shareholders was 6.6%. 
The Property Portfolio and Performance 
The Investment Manager's report provides detailed information on the portfolio. 
At the end of June 2015, it was valued at GBP288m. Additionally there was 
positive cash of GBP27.3m. Total assets were GBP320.4m (31 December 2014: GBP278.7m). 
The Company's NAV at period end was 78.5p per share (31 December 2014: 75.5p), 
an uplift of 4.0% over the period. The table below sets out the components of 
the movement in the NAV. 
                                                           Pence per    % of opening 
                                                               Share             NAV 
 NAV as at 31 December 2014                                     75.5           100.0 
 Increase in valuation of property                               2.7             3.6 
Decrease in interest rate swap                                   0.3             0.4 
NAV as at 30 June 2015                                          78.5           104.0 
The Company completed two purchases totalling GBP20.4m in Preston and Bristol and 
subsequent to the half year six further properties have been purchased for GBP 
26.2m. There is one purchase in the pipeline that the Managers expect to 
complete on over the next month. 
The Company has sold four properties in the reporting period for GBP11.6m and 
since the period end a further two sales and one part sale for GBP11.9m. 
Shares and Share Price 
At the half year, there were 288,387,160 shares in issue, an increase of 18.1% 
over the period. The share price on 30 June 2015 was 83.8p, an uplift of 7.0% 
over the six month period, and represented a premium of 6.8% over NAV at the 
period end. 
Earnings and Dividends 
Earnings for the period increased from GBP11.57m to GBP12.92m, an increase of 
11.7%. The shares provided a dividend yield of 5.5% based upon the current 
annualised dividend of 4.644p per share and the share price at period end. 
REIT Conversion 
On 1 January 2015 the Company became resident in the UK for tax purposes and 
will now be compliant with the UK REIT regime. Following the conversion to a 
REIT the Company can pay dividends as property income dividends (PIDs). Indeed 
in order to maintain its tax status as a UK REIT the Company must distribute 
90% of its real estate profits in the form of PIDs. The Board has resolved that 
the first three dividend payments this year will be by way of a PID and will be 
paid net of UK tax unless the registered owner of the shares has completed a 
HMRC declaration. A number of shareholders attending the May 2015 AGM 
highlighted that the cash dividend received had been 20% less than before. This 
is due to the deduction of the UK tax of 20% that the Company is required to 
withhold. The Company's Registrar has provided the necessary HMRC declaration 
forms to all qualifying registered owners of the Company's shares. However the 
Board is aware that a number of investors hold shares via execution only 
platforms or with ISA/ SIPP providers and may not have been advised of the 
requirement to complete a declaration in order to receive dividends gross. 
Investors are advised to seek independent advice and to contact their nominee 
company to receive the necessary forms should they be eligible to do so. Where 
a tax refund is due from HMRC our tax advisers have confirmed that the relevant 
tax wrapper plan manager or administrator would be required to complete the 
necessary forms and submit them to HMRC. 
Loan to Value ratio 
At 30 June 2015, the LTV ratio was 19.8% which will increase once the Company's 
cash balance is invested. Our loan agreement with RBS sets out an upper limit 
of 65% until December 2016, reducing to 60% for the remaining two years. 
The Board and Corporate Governance 
It is my intention to retire from the Board at the AGM next June having been a 
founder director of your Company since 2003. I am delighted to inform you that 
the Board has asked Robert Peto to be your new chairman and he has accepted. 
The Board has started a search for a new UK based non-executive director. 
Fund Raising 
During February 2015 the Company issued all of the remaining shares under its 
Prospectus authority bringing the total issued since July 2014 to 100m shares. 
In addition, over the period from 20 February 2015 to 18 June 2015 the Company 
has fully utilised its powers to issue shares on a non pre-emptive basis 
issuing a further 27.7m shares. In total during the half year period the 
Company issued new shares for a gross consideration of GBP34.8m. In each case the 
new shares were issued at a premium of at least 5% to the prevailing NAV and 
the proceeds invested timeously into UK commercial real estate properties at 
attractive yields. 
As a result of being a larger company together with the lower management fee 
instituted in July 2014 the ongoing charges ratio has fallen to 1.4% based on 
an average NAV from 1.8% a year earlier. 
The UK economy is continuing to grow. There are interest rate and geopolitical 
risks, with some countries experiencing slower growth, but we expect UK growth 
to continue. There is now better demand for space from prospective tenants so 
that rents in some sectors are rising. In many areas space is in short supply 
because of the lack of building in recent years. 
The Managers are active with tenants and in the market and your Board is 
optimistic that the Company can continue to show good returns. 
Richard Barfield 
27 August 2015 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Company's assets consist of direct investments in UK commercial property. 

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Its principal risks are therefore related to the commercial property market in 
general, but also the particular circumstances of the properties in which it is 
invested, and their tenants. The Board and the Investment Manager seek to 
mitigate these risks through a strong initial due diligence process, continual 
review of the portfolio and active asset management initiatives. All of the 
properties in the portfolio are insured, providing protection against risks to 
the properties and also protection in case of injury to third parties in 
relation to the properties. 
The Board has also identified a number of other specific risks that are 
reviewed at each Board meeting. These are as follows: 
  * The Company and its objectives become unattractive to investors. This is 
    mitigated through regular contact with shareholders, a regular review of 
    share price performance and the level of the discount or premium at which 
    the shares trade to net asset value and regular meetings with the Company's 
    broker to discuss these points and address any issues that arise. 
  * Poor selection of new properties for investment. A comprehensive and 
    documented initial due diligence process, which will filter out properties 
    that do not fit required criteria, is carried out by the Investment 
    Manager. Where appropriate, this is followed by detailed review and when 
    necessary challenged by the Board prior to a decision being made to proceed 
    with a purchase. This process is designed to mitigate the risk of poor 
    property selection. 
  * Tenant failure or inability to let property. Due diligence work on 
    potential tenants is undertaken before entering into new lease 
    arrangements. In addition, tenants are kept under constant review through 
    regular contact and various reports both from the managing agents and the 
    Investment Manager's own reporting process. Contingency plans are put in 
    place at units that have tenants that are believed to be in financial 
    trouble. The Company subscribes to the Investment Property Databank Iris 
    Report which updates the credit and risk ranking of the tenants and income 
    stream, and compares it to the rest of the UK real estate market. 
  * Loss on financial instruments. The Company has entered into a number of 
    interest rate swap arrangements. These swap instruments are valued and 
    monitored on a monthly basis by the counterparty bank. The Investment 
    Manager checks the valuation of the swap instruments internally to ensure 
    they are accurate. In addition, the credit rating of the bank that the 
    swaps are taken out with is assessed regularly. 
Other risks faced by the Company include the following: 
  * Strategic - incorrect strategy, including sector and property allocation 
    and use of gearing, could all lead to a poor return for shareholders. 
  * Tax efficiency - the structure of the Company or changes to legislation 
    could result in the Company no longer being a tax efficient investment 
    vehicle for shareholders. 
  * Regulatory - breach of regulatory rules could lead to the suspension of the 
    Company's Stock Exchange Listing, financial penalties or a qualified audit 
  * The implementation of AIFMD during 2014 and the conversion of the Company 
    to a UK REIT have introduced new regulatory risks to the Company in the 
    form of ensuring compliance with the respective regulations. In relation to 
    AIFMD, the Board has put in place a system of regular reporting from the 
    AIFM and the depositary to ensure both are meeting their regulatory 
    responsibilities in respect of the Company. In relation to UK REIT status, 
    the Board has put in place a system of regular reporting to ensure that the 
    requirements of the UK REIT regime are being adequately monitored and fully 
    complied with. 
  * Financial - inadequate controls by the Investment Manager or third party 
    service providers could lead to misappropriation of assets. Inappropriate 
    accounting policies or failure to comply with accounting standards could 
    lead to misreporting or breaches of regulations. 
  * Operational - failure of the Investment Manager's accounting systems or 
    disruption to the Investment Manager's business, or that of third party 
    service providers, could lead to an inability to provide accurate reporting 
    and monitoring, leading to loss of shareholder confidence. 
  * Economic - inflation or deflation, economic recessions and movements in 
    interest rates could affect property valuations and also bank borrowings. 
The Board seeks to mitigate and manage all risks through continual review, 
policy setting and enforcement of contractual obligations. It also regularly 
monitors the investment environment and the management of the Company's 
property portfolio, levels of gearing and the overall structure of the Company. 
Going Concern 
The Directors have reviewed detailed cash flow, income and expense projections 
in order to assess the Company's ability to pay its operational expenses, bank 
interest and dividends for the foreseeable future. The Directors have examined 
significant areas of possible financial risk including cash and cash 
requirements and the debt covenants, in particular those relating to LTV and 
interest cover. They have not identified any material uncertainties which cast 
significant doubt on the ability to continue as a going concern for a period of 
not less than 12 months from the date of the approval of the financial 
statements. The Directors have satisfied themselves that the Company has 
adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future and the Board believes it is appropriate to adopt the going concern 
basis in preparing the financial statements. 
Investment Manager's Report 
UK Real Estate Market 
The UK economic fundamentals continue to strengthen as the economy is now 
estimated to have grown by 0.7% in Q2 according to the first estimate of the 
ONS, representing a solid rebound albeit dominated by the service sector's 
contribution. Business sentiment and consumer confidence remain buoyant. Over 
the six months to 30 June 2015 the All Property total return, as recorded by 
the Quarterly version of the IPD Monthly Index, was 6.3% which, although 
attractive, lagged the 8.4% total return for the same period in 2014. Capital 
values increased by 3.7% in the half year to end June (5.5% in 2014). Rental 
growth however continues to improve, and grew by 1.8% in the six months to 30 
June 2015, compared to 1.4% for the same period in 2014. It is noticeable that 
rental growth is spreading out across the UK and is no longer limited to London 
and the South East, although it is less evident in the retail sector on 
anything but the best product. This reflects the relative performance of the 
three main sectors with offices providing a total return of 8.7% over the 
reporting period, industrial 7.8% and retail again lagging the market at 3.7%. 
Demand from investors has remained robust over the first half of 2015, 
continuing the theme of weight of money driving pricing that was most evident 
in 2014. There remains a diverse source of investors from overseas, to private 
equity type buyers to UK institutions. This is driven as much by the relative 
pricing of real estate (especially compared to gilts) as it is the improving 
fundamentals of rental growth resulting from strong occupational demand and 
limited supply. 
Investment Outlook 
UK Commercial Real Estate continues to make steady progress in 2015 although 
momentum has reduced compared to the same point last year. We expect positive 
total returns for investors on a three year holding period due to the elevated 
yield and improving income growth prospects. The sector remains attractive from 
a fundamental point of view, i.e., strengthening economic drivers and a limited 
pipeline of future new developments. Rising interest rates are an emerging risk 
although there is a reasonable buffer in pricing to compensate if the market 
prices in a further acceleration of rate rises. The retail sector continues to 
face a series of headwinds that may hold back recovery in weaker locations due 
to oversupply and structural issues but the prospects for retail towards the 
South East and Central London are expected to improve further as economic 
recovery gains more traction. Prime, good quality secondary assets and 
selective poorer quality secondary assets in stronger locations are likely to 
provide the best opportunities in the robust economic environment we anticipate 
over the remainder of 2015 and into 2016. 
Over the first 6 months of 2015 the Company had a NAV Total Return of 6.6% and 
a share price total return (assuming dividends reinvested) of 10%. 
UK listed real estate equities (as measured by the FTSE EPRA/ NAREIT UK index) 
provided a total return of 8% over the six months to 30 June 2015, which 
compared well to the 1.4% from the FTSE100 over the same period and 3% from the 
FTSE All Share. 
The portfolio level return has slightly lagged over the reporting period, 
influenced heavily by the level of transactions.  The NAV total return 
demonstrates the benefit of raising new equity at a premium to cover the 
transaction costs and protect existing shareholder's returns. 
We have also written down some of the valuations based on expected or actual 
sale prices as we sold out of our smaller assets with poorer performance 
expectations. This includes one asset in particular which has now been sold 
(Drakes Way, Swindon) where we had hope value in the valuation for a proposed 
food store development which is no longer going to happen. The standing 
portfolio (assets held over the period), continued to perform well, with a 
total return of 18.7% over the 12 months to end June, compared to the IPD 
return of 16.3% for the same period. 
Investment Strategy 
The Investment Manager and the Board are focussed on providing investors a 

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sustainable and attractive level of income by investing in good quality 
commercial real estate assets in the UK. We target assets that we believe will 
appeal to occupiers, where we can add value and generate rental growth through 
actively managing the assets. The Company targets a covered dividend over the 
course of each year. 
Portfolio Valuation 
The property is valued on a quarterly basis by Jones Lang Lasalle. As at 30 
June 2015 the investment portfolio comprised a total of 39 assets valued at a 
total of GBP288.39m. In addition the Company had cash of GBP27.3m. This compares to 
GBP178.8m and GBP23.2m respectively at end June 2014. 
Lease Expiry Profile 
The Company has an average lease length to earliest of lease end or break 
option of 7.1 years. This is similar to the IPD index (with leases over 35 
years excluded). We take an active approach to managing lease expiries, and for 
2015 we have secured 73% of income at risk thorough lease expiry or break, with 
another 10% in solicitors hands for lease regears. 68% of the income at risk in 
2016 has also been secured. 
As the occupational market improves and supply though development remains 
limited, there is increasing opportunity to add value through lease events; 
either renewing existing leases, or taking accommodation back to refurbish and 
then relet. 
Portfolio sector/subsector allocations 
The portfolio is invested solely in UK Commercial Real Estate. Retail has been 
an underperforming sector and the Company is likely to remain underweight to 
retail whilst it believes the current divergence between large prime dominant 
retail destinations and smaller more secondary ones will continue.  The 
exposure the Company has to retail is generally by way of retail warehousing 
rather than high street property as we feel more confident in this sub sector. 
Geographic distribution 
The Company invests throughout the UK to provide a diversified portfolio. 
Investment Activity 
The Company completed two purchases in the first six months of 2015 for a total 
of GBP20.4m: 
1.  DSG Preston GBP15.8m, 7% yield - let for a further 16 years with fixed 
uplifts, units adjacent to the prime dominant park. 
2.  Interplex 16 Bristol GBP4.6m, 8% yield - two industrial units, one of which 
is vacant, the other let on a short lease. 
A further four purchases were completed in July and August 2015, after the 
reporting period end, for a total of GBP26.2m: 
1.  Office portfolio GBP13.2m, 7.25% yield - three offices, located in York, 
Milton Keynes and Dartford - all good quality let to strong tenants. 
2.  Halfords Bradford GBP5.1m, 8.5% yield - retail warehouse and car showroom 
adjacent to the dominant retail park. 
3.  Office in Kiddlington for GBP4.8m, 8.25% yield - modern single let office in 
an area with infrastructure improvement. 
4.  Industrial unit in Fareham for GBP3.1m, 7% yield - low site cover, asset 
management potential. 
One other investment is also in solicitors hands: 
5.  Industrial unit GBP2.9m, 7.2% yield - in the North-East, well specified for 
parcel delivery. 
As can be seen from the above, the year started with a large investment but 
since then we have found more value in small lot sizes. 
The Company has undertaken the sale of a number of assets that are unlikely to 
perform well in the future or where there is an opportunity to realise a 
capital gain. 
The following sales were completed in the first six months of 2015: 
1.  Weybridge GBP3.2m - sale of over rented office with lease expiry in 2015. 
2.  Swindon GBP3.5m - sale to tenant after prospective redevelopment as a 
foodstore fell through. 
3.  Swansea GBP1.3m - sale of small short let office out of town. 
4.  Chelmsford GBP3.6m - sale of over rented office with lease expiries in 2015, 
needing capex. 
The following sales were completed in July and August of 2015, after the 
reporting period end: 
1.  Mansfield GBP2.6m - part sale of small industrial estate. 
2.  Leeds GBP3.8m - sale of two industrial units with income at risk. 
3.  Glasgow GBP5.5m - sale of office off market. 
One other sale is also in solicitors hands: 
4.  Stockton GBP1.3m - sale of small single let industrial unit. 
During the reporting period key asset management transactions included: 
1. Ocean Trade Centre Aberdeen: two leases were extended with the existing 
tenants, and a major refurbishment undertaken on 7 units (completed mid July). 
5 of the units were let on an agreement for lease for 10 years to CCF, and the 
other two put in solicitors hands after the reporting period. 
2. Explorer Crawley: Lease break with Amey removed to give a further 5 years 
term certain. 
3. Coal Rd Leeds: Five year lease extension agreed on one unit. 
4. St James House Cheltenham: A new 10 year lease agreed on part of the third 
floor to the existing tenant reinforced current ERVs and exceeded valuation 
Asset Management 
The Company has maintained low voids during the period, and as at the period 
end they stood at 2.8% of ERV. Lettings in solicitors hands should reduce this 
to under 2%, with the main void (1.5% of ERV) being the new purchase in Bristol 
where the Company plans a refurbishment before reletting.  Maintaining low 
voids remains a key aim of the Investment Manager. 
The Company has a debt facility in place with RBS that expires in December 
2018. The facility is for GBP84m and is fully drawn down.  There is an interest 
rate swap in place meaning that the all in cost is 3.7%. As at 30 June the 
Company had an LTV of 19.8% (bank covt 65%). The Company is reviewing its debt 
strategy as a longer term facility might be more appropriate. 
Equity Raise 
During the period the Company issued new equity on three occasions to fund new 
February 31.3m shares at 78.1p per share 
March 1.3m shares at 80.2p per share 
June 11.6m shares at 80.3p per share 
Jason Baggaley 
Fund Manager 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Interim Management Report in 
accordance with applicable law and regulations. The Directors confirm that to 
the best of their knowledge: 
  * The condensed set of Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance 
    with IAS 34; and 
  * The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
    required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the Financial Services Authority's 
    Disclosure and Transparency Rules. 
  * In accordance with 4.2.9R of the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure 
    and Transparency Rules, it is confirmed that this publication has not been 
    audited, or reviewed by the Company's auditors. 
The Interim Report, for the six months ended 30 June 2015, comprises an Interim 
Management Report in the form of the Chairman's Statement, the Investment 
Manager's Report, the Directors' Responsibility Statement and a condensed set 
of Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements. 
The Directors each confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
a.  the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements, prepared in accordance 
with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the 
assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group; and 
b.  the Interim Report includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced. 
For and on behalf of the Directors of Standard Life Investments Property Income 
Trust Limited 
Richard Barfield 
27 August 2015 
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the period ended 30 June 2015 
                                         Notes      1 Jan 15 to      1 Jan 14 to 
                                                      30 Jun 15        30 Jun 14 
                                                              GBP                GBP 
Rental income                                         9,739,210        7,462,953 
Surrender premium income                                      -           18,154 
Valuation gain from investment          5             7,529,522        9,176,100 
Loss on asset acquisition                              (65,129)                - 
Loss on disposal of investment                        (796,363)      (2,032,950) 
Investment management fees              3           (1,121,035)        (735,457) 
Other direct property operating                       (504,924)        (483,017) 
Directors' fees and expenses                           (62,150)         (68,052) 
Valuer's fee                                           (37,809)         (22,787) 
Auditor's fee                                          (23,008)         (22,900) 
Other administration expenses                         (163,143)        (110,643) 
Operating profit                                     14,495,171       13,181,401 
Finance income                                           26,256           25,420 
Finance costs                                       (1,597,490)      (1,636,315) 
Profit for the period                                12,923,937       11,570,506 
Other comprehensive income 
Valuation gain / (loss) on cash flow                    757,123        (141,937) 
Total comprehensive income for the                   13,681,060       11,428,569 
Earnings per share:                                           pence            pence 
Basic and diluted earnings per share                           4.84             7.31 
Adjusted (EPRA) earnings per share                             2.32         2.80 
All items in the above Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
derive from continuing operations. 
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet 
as at 30 June 2015 
                                              Notes   30 Jun 2015  31 Dec 2014 

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                                                                GBP            GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties                             5   272,669,703  261,672,121 
Lease incentives                                  5     2,471,229    2,436,976 
                                                      275,140,932  264,109,097 
Current assets 
Investment properties held for sale               6    13,010,300    6,550,100 
Trade and other receivables                             4,884,695    2,660,440 
Cash and cash equivalents                              27,329,945    5,399,095 
                                                       45,224,940   14,609,635 
Total assets                                          320,365,872  278,718,732 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                7,485,896    7,205,415 
Other liabilities                                               -          500 
                                                        7,485,896    7,205,915 
Non-current liabilities 
Bank borrowings                                        84,036,866   83,980,382 
Interest rate swaps                                     1,917,816    2,674,939 
Other liabilities                                               -        6,094 
Rental deposits due to tenants                            525,002      483,880 
                                                       86,479,684   87,145,295 
Total liabilities                                      93,965,580   94,351,210 
Net assets                                            226,400,292  184,367,522 
Capital and reserves attributable 
to Company's equity holders 
Share capital                                         130,589,115   96,188,648 
Retained earnings                                       7,776,524    7,634,503 
Capital reserves                                      (9,803,719) (17,294,001) 
Other distributable reserves                           97,838,372   97,838,372 
Total equity                                          226,400,292  184,367,522 
Net Asset Value (NAV) per Share 
NAV                                               9         78.5p        75.5p 
EPRA NAV                                                    79.2p        76.6p 
Approved by the Board of Directors on 27 August 2015 and signed on its behalf 
Richard Barfield 
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the period ended 30 June 2015 
                                     Share     Retained     Capital distributable 
                       Notes       Capital     earnings    reserves      reserves    Total equity 
                                         GBP            GBP           GBP             GBP               GBP 
Opening balance 1               96,188,648    7,634,503  (17,294,001)  97,838,372     184,367,522 
January 2015 
Profit for the                           -   12,923,937           -             -      12,923,937 
Valuation gain on                        -            -     757,123             -         757,123 
cash flow hedges 
Total comprehensive 
gain for the period                      -   12,923,937     757,123             -      13,681,060 
Dividends paid             8             -  (6,048,757)           -             -     (6,048,757) 
Ordinary                        34,400,467            -           -             -      34,400,467 
shares issued* 
Valuation gain 
of investment              5             -  (7,529,522)   7,529,522             -               - 
Loss on disposal 
of investment                            -      796,363   (796,363)             -               - 
Balance at 30 
2015                         130,589,115      7,776,524 (9,803,719)    97,838,372     226,400,292 
* this value represents both the nominal and the premium raised on issuing the 
ordinary shares. 
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the period ended 30 June 2014 
                                 Share     Retained      Capital         Other 
                    Notes      Capital     earnings     reserves distributable  Total equity 
                                     GBP            GBP            GBP             GBP             GBP 
Opening balance 1           31,337,024    6,560,853 (34,144,454)    97,838,372   101,591,795 
January 2014 
Profit for the                       -   11,570,506            -             -    11,570,506 
Valuation loss on                    -            -    (141,937)             -     (141,937) 
cash flow hedges 
Total comprehensive                  -   11,570,506    (141,937)             -    11,428,569 
gain for the period 
Dividends paid          8            -  (3,621,919)            -             -   (3,621,919) 
Ordinary shares              4,032,940            -            -             -     4,032,940 
Valuation gain of 
investment                           -  (9,176,100)    9,176,100             -             - 
Loss on disposal of 
investment                           -    2,032,950  (2,032,950)             -             - 
Balance at 30               35,369,964    7,366,290 (27,143,241)    97,838,372   113,431,385 
June 2014 
* this value represents both the nominal and the premium raised on issuing the 
ordinary shares. 
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the period ended 30 June 2015 
                                                  Notes   1 Jan 15 to   1 Jan 14 to 
                                                            30 Jun 15     30 Jun 14 
                                                                    GBP             GBP 
Cash generated from operating activities 
Profit for the period                                      12,923,937    11,570,506 
Movement in non-current lease incentives                       19,373      (67,274) 
Movement in trade and other receivables                   (2,224,255)     (141,935) 
Movement in trade and other payables                          324,462     1,533,160 
Finance costs                                               1,597,490     1,636,315 
Finance income                                               (26,256)      (25,420) 
Valuation gain from investment properties                 (7,529,522)   (9,176,100) 
Loss on disposal of investment properties                     796,363     2,032,950 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                   5,881,592     7,362,202 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                              26,256        25,420 
Purchase of investment properties                  5     (21,441,843)  (19,611,648) 
Capital expenditure on investment properties       5        (593,112)   (2,206,823) 
Net proceeds from disposal of investment           5       11,303,737    26,567,050 
Net cash used in investing activities                    (10,704,962)     4,773,999 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Ordinary shares issued net of issue costs                  34,400,467     4,032,940 
Interest paid on bank borrowing                             (988,881)   (1,010,693) 
Payments on interest rate swaps                             (608,609)     (625,622) 
Dividends paid to the Company's shareholders       8      (6,048,757)   (3,621,919) 
Net cash used in financing activities                      26,754,220   (1,225,294) 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in the           21,930,850    10,910,907 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period            5,399,095    12,303,310 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 27,329,945    23,214,217 
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited 
Notes to the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements 
for the period ended 30 June 2015 
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited ("the Company") and its 
subsidiary (together the "Group") carries on the business of property 
investment through a portfolio of freehold and leasehold investment properties 
located in the United Kingdom. The Company is a limited liability company 
incorporated and domiciled in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The Company has its 
listing on the London Stock Exchange. 
On 1 January 2015 the Company became resident in the UK for tax purposes and 
will now be compliant with the UK REIT regime. 
The address of the registered office is Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St Peter 
Port, Guernsey. 
These Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements were approved for issue by 
the Board of Directors on 27 August 2015. 
The Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the company for the year ended 
31 December 2014 are available on request from the registered office or from 
the Investment Manager's website (www.standardlifeinvestments.com/its). 
Basis of preparation 
The Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group have been prepared 
in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, and all applicable 
requirements of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The Unaudited Consolidated 
Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as 
modified by the measurement of investment property and derivative financial 
instruments at fair value. The Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements are 
presented in pound sterling and all values are not rounded except when 
otherwise indicated. 
These statements do not contain all of the information required for full annual 
statements and should be read in conjunction with the Audited Consolidated 
Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2014. The 

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accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the Interim Condensed 
Consolidated Financial Statements are consistent with those followed in the 
preparation of the Group's Annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the 
year ended 31 December 2014, except for the adoption of new standards and 
interpretations effective in the European Union as of 1 January 2015. 
New standards and amendments apply for the first time in 2015. However, they do 
not impact the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements of 
the Group and are listed below: 
  * Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2011-2013 Cycle 
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control 
the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in 
making financial or operational decisions. 
Investment Manager 
On 19 December 2003 Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Limited ("the 
Investment Manager") was appointed as Investment Manager to manage the property 
assets of the Group. A new Investment Management Agreement ("IMA") was entered 
into on 7 July 2014, appointing the Investment Manager as the AIFM 
("Alternative Investment Fund Manager"). 
Under the terms of the IMA dated 19 December 2003, the Investment Manager was 
entitled to receive a fee at the annual rate of 0.85% of the total assets, 
payable quarterly in arrears except where cash balances exceed 10% of the total 
assets. The fee applicable to the amount of cash exceeding 10% of total assets 
was altered to be 0.20% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The Investment 
Manager also agreed to reduce its charge to 0.75% of the total assets of the 
Group until such time as the net asset value per share returns to the launch 
level of 97p. This was applicable from the quarter ending 31 December 2008 
onwards and did not affect the reduced fee of 0.20% on cash holdings above 10% 
of total assets. 
Under the terms of the IMA dated 7 July 2014, the above fee arrangements apply 
up to 31 July 2014. From 1 August 2014, the fee was changed to 0.75% of total 
assets up to GBP200 million; 0.70% of total assets between GBP200 million and GBP300 
million; and 0.65% of total assets in excess of GBP300 million. The total fees 
charged for the period ended 30 June 2015 amounted to GBP1,121,035 (period ended 
30 June 2014: GBP735,457). The amount due and payable at the period end amounted 
to GBP571,005, excluding VAT (period ended 30 June 2014: GBP373,266 excluding VAT). 
Current income tax 
A reconciliation of the product of accounting profit multiplied by the 
applicable tax rate for the period ended 30 June 2015 and 2014 is, as follows: 
                                                30 Jun 2015   30 Jun 2014 
                                                          GBP             GBP 
Profit before tax                                12,923,937    11,570,506 
Tax calculated at UK statutory income tax/ 
corporation tax                                   2,584,787     2,314,101 
rate of 20% (30 June 2014: 20%) 
UK REIT exemption on net income and gains       (1,140,949)             - 
Valuation gain in respect of investment 
properties not                                  (1,505,904)   (1,835,220) 
subject to tax 
Loss on disposal of investment properties not 
subject to                                                -       406,590 
Income not subject to tax                                 -     (289,189) 
Expenditure not allowed for income tax purposes           -        74,720 
Tax loss not utilised/(utilised)                     62,066     (671,002) 
Current income tax charge                                 -             - 
The Group has not recognised a deferred tax asset of GBP62,066 arising as a 
result of revenue tax losses. Tax losses that existed prior to the Group's 
election to be treated as a UK Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (see below) 
have been written off as they cannot be utilised against profits of the Group 
arising in the REIT regime. 
The Group elected to be treated as a UK Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) 
from 1 January 2015. Under the UK REIT rules, profits of the Group's property 
rental business are exempt from the charge to corporation tax. Gains on the 
disposal of property assets are also exempt from tax provided they are not held 
for trading or, in the case of developed property, sold within three years of 
completion of the development. The Group is subject to UK corporation tax on 
all other profits and gains. 
Country                                                   UK          UK         UK 
Class                                             Industrial      Office     Retail        Total 
                                                           GBP           GBP          GBP            GBP 
Market value as at 1 January 2015                108,660,000 114,265,100 47,125,000  270,050,100 
Purchase of investment properties                  4,851,800           - 16,590,043   21,441,843 
Capital expenditure on investment                    452,089     137,696      3,327      593,112 
Carrying value of disposed investment            (3,750,000) (8,350,100)          - (12,100,100) 
Valuation gain/(loss) from investment              3,259,433   4,409,592  (139,503)    7,529,522 
Movement in lease incentives receivable               40,395     329,295    (8,867)      360,823 
Investment properties recategorised as           (8,393,717) (4,616,583)          - (13,010,300) 
held for sale 
Closing market value                             105,120,000 106,175,000 63,570,000  274,865,000 
Adjustment for lease incentives*                   (503,068) (1,130,062)  (562,167)  (2,195,297) 
Closing carrying value as at 30 June             104,616,932 105,044,938 63,007,833  272,669,703 
*Lease incentives are split between non current assets of GBP2,471,229 and 
current liabilities of GBP275,932. 
The valuations were performed by Jones Lang Lasalle, an accredited independent 
valuer with a recognised and relevant professional qualification and recent 
experience of the location and category of the investment properties being 
valued. The valuation model in accordance with Royal Institute of Chartered 
Surveyors ('RICS') requirements on disclosure for Regulated Purpose Valuations 
has been applied (RICS Valuation - Professional Standards January 2014 
published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors). These valuation 
models are consistent with the principles in IFRS 13. 
The market value provided by Jones Lang Lasalle at the period ended 30 June 
2015 was GBP288,390,000 (30 June 2014: GBP178,795,000) however an adjustment has 
been made for lease incentives of GBP2,195,297* (30 June 2014: GBP1,344,492) that 
are already accounted for as an asset. The valuation at 30 June 2015 of GBP 
288,390,000 includes GBP3,725,000 in relation to Units 2001 & 2002 Coal Road in 
Leeds, GBP4,950,000 in relation to 140 West George Street in Glasgow, GBP1,300,000 
in relation to Portrack Interchange in Stockton on Tees and GBP3,550,000 in 
relation to Windsor Court and Crown Farm in Mansfield, four investment 
properties held for sale at the Balance Sheet date (see note 6). 
Valuation gains and losses from investment properties are recognised in profit 
and loss for the period and are attributable to changes in unrealised gains or 
losses relating to investment property (completed and under construction) held 
at the end of the reporting period. 
Country                                                 UK          UK           UK 
Class                                           Industrial      Office       Retail        Total 
                                                         GBP           GBP            GBP            GBP 
Market value as at 1 January 2014               48,175,000  79,945,000   48,295,000  176,415,000 
Purchase of investment properties               72,084,707  15,097,439   10,671,653   97,853,799 
Capital expenditure on investment                   29,971   2,779,559    (101,508)    2,708,022 
Carrying value of disposed investment         (14,550,000)           - (14,050,000) (28,600,000) 
Valuation gain from investment                   2,961,019  16,132,344    2,104,506   21,197,869 
Movement in lease incentives receivable           (40,697)     310,758      205,349      475,410 
Investment properties recategorised as                   - (6,550,100)            -  (6,550,100) 
held for sale 
Closing market value                           108,660,000 107,715,000   47,125,000  263,500,000 
Adjustment for lease incentives*                 (462,673)   (800,767)    (571,033)  (1,834,473) 
Adjustment for financial lease                           -       6,594            -        6,594 
Closing carrying value as at 31                108,197,327 106,920,827   46,553,967  261,672,121 
December 2014 
In the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, proceeds from disposal of investment 
properties comprise: 
                                               1 Jan 15 1 Jan 14 to 
                                              30 Jun 15   30 Jun 14 
Carrying value of disposed investment        12,100,100  28,600,000 
Loss on disposal of investment                (796,363) (2,032,950) 
Proceeds from disposal of investment         11,303,737  26,567,050 
Valuation Methodology 
The fair value of completed investment properties are determined using the 
income capitalisation method. 
The income capitalisation method is based on capitalising the net income stream 
at an appropriate yield. In establishing the net income stream the valuer has 
reflected the current rent (the gross rent) payable to lease expiry, at which 
point the valuer has assumed that each unit will be re-let at their opinion of 

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ERV. The valuer has made allowances for voids and rent free periods where 
appropriate, as well as deducting non recoverable costs where applicable. The 
appropriate yield is selected on the basis of the location of the building, its 
quality, tenant credit quality and lease terms amongst other factors. 
No properties have changed valuation technique since 31 December 2014. 
The Company appoints a suitable valuer (such appointment is reviewed on a 
periodic basis) to undertake a valuation of all the direct real estate 
investments on a quarterly basis. The valuation is undertaken in accordance 
with the then current RICS guidelines and requirements as mentioned above. 
The Investment Manager meets with the valuer on a quarterly basis to ensure the 
valuer is aware of all relevant information for the valuation and any change in 
the investment over the quarter. The Investment Manager then reviews and 
discusses the draft valuations with the valuer to ensure correct factual 
assumptions are made. The valuer reports a final valuation that is then 
reported to the Board. 
The management group that determines the Company's valuation policies and 
procedures for property valuations is the Property Valuation Committee. The 
Committee reviews the quarterly property valuation report produced by the 
Valuer (or such other person as may from time to time provide such property 
valuation services to the Company) before its submission to the Board, 
focussing in particular on: 
  * significant adjustments from the previous property valuation report. 
  * reviewing the individual valuations of each property. 
  * compliance with applicable standards and guidelines including those issued 
    by RICS and the UKLA Listing Rules. 
  * reviewing the findings and any recommendations or statements made by the 
  * considering any further matters relating to the valuation of the 
The Chairman of the Committee makes a brief report of the findings and 
recommendations of the Committee to the Board after each Committee meeting. The 
minutes of the Committee meetings are circulated to the Board. The Chairman 
submits an annual report to the Board summarising the Committee's activities 
during the year and the related significant results and findings. 
All investment properties are classified as Level 3 in the fair value 
hierarchy. There were no movements between levels since 31 December 2014. 
There are currently no restrictions on the realisability of investment 
properties or the remittance of income and proceeds of disposal. 
The table below outlines the valuation techniques used to derive Level 3 fair 
values for each class of investment properties: 
  * The fair value measurements at the end of the reporting period. 
  * The level of the fair value hierarchy (e.g. Level 3) within which the fair 
    value measurements are categorised in their entirety. 
  * A description of the valuation techniques applied. 
  * Fair value measurements, quantitative information about the significant 
    unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement. 
  * The inputs used in the fair value measurement, including the ranges of rent 
    charged to different units within the same building. 
Country &        Fair value Valuation      Key               Range 
Class                       Technique      Unobservable      (weighted average) 
                          GBP                input 
                                           · Initial Yield 
                                           · Reversionary    · 0% to 9.01% (4.97%) 
                                           Yield             · 5.67% to 10.42% (7.25%) 
UK Industrial   113,010,649 · Income       · Equivalent      · 5.67% to 8.70% (6.98%) 
Level 3                     Capitalisation Yield             · GBP23.68 to GBP86.10  (GBP 
                                           · Estimated       53.14) 
                                           rental value per 
                                           · Initial Yield 
                                           · Reversionary    · 0% to 11.05% (6.14%) 
                                           Yield             · 5.72% to 9.89% (6.83%) 
UK Office       109,661,521 · Income       · Equivalent      · 5.34% to 9.60% (6.65%) 
Level 3                     Capitalisation Yield             · GBP137.47 to GBP588.94 (GBP 
                                           · Estimated       271.50) 
                                           rental value per 
                                           · Initial Yield 
                                           · Reversionary    · 6.13% to 7.46% (6.59%) 
                                           Yield             · 3.97% to 7.41% (5.78%) 
UK Retail        63,007,833 · Income       · Equivalent      · 6.27% to 7.45% (6.74%) 
Level 3                     Capitalisation Yield             · GBP76.56 to GBP179.90  (GBP 
                                           · Estimated       141.32) 
                                           rental value per 
**includes the market values of the four properties held for sale as detailed 
in note 6. 
Descriptions and definitions 
The table above includes the following descriptions and definitions relating to 
valuation techniques and key unobservable inputs made in determining the fair 
Estimated rental value (ERV) 
The rent at which space could be let in the market conditions prevailing at the 
date of valuation. 
Equivalent yield 
The equivalent yield is defined as the internal rate of return of the cash flow 
from the property, assuming a rise to ERV at the next review, but with no 
further rental growth. 
Initial yield 
Initial yield is the annualised rents of a property expressed as a percentage 
of the property value. 
Reversionary yield 
Reversionary yield is the anticipated yield to which the initial yield will 
rise (or fall) once the rent reaches the ERV. 
The table below shows the ERV per annum, area per square foot, average ERV per 
square foot, initial yield and reversionary yield as at the Balance Sheet date. 
                                       30 Jun 2015 31 Dec 2014 
                                                 GBP           GBP 
ERV p.a.                                20,882,883  20,460,185 
Area sq. ft.                             2,651,764   2,736,927 
Average ERV per sq. ft.                      GBP7.88       GBP7.48 
Initial Yield                                5.78%       6.59% 
Reversionary Yield                           5.02%       5.13% 
The initial yield moved inwards due to a combination of factors which included 
a shift in market yield, the sale of some higher yielding assets with short 
leases (income reinvested after the period end was at yields of over 7%) and an 
increase in voids from 0.6% in June 2014 to 2.8% June 2015. 
Sensitivity analysis 
The table below presents the sensitivity of the valuation to changes in the 
most significant assumptions underlying the valuation of completed investment 
                                       30 Jun 2015  31 Dec 2014 
                                                 GBP            GBP 
Increase in equivalent yield of 25    (11,000,000) (10,100,000) 
Decrease in rental rates of 5% (ERV)  (10,300,000) (10,100,000) 
Below is a list of how the interrelationships in the sensitivity analysis above 
can be explained. In both cases outlined in the sensitivity table the estimated 
Fair Value would increase (decrease) if: 
  * The ERV is higher (lower) 
  * Void periods were shorter (longer) 
  * The occupancy rate was higher (lower) 
  * Rent free periods were shorter (longer) 
  * The capitalisation rates were lower (higher) 
As at 30 June 2015 the Group had exchanged contracts with third parties for the 
sale of Portrack Interchange, Stockton for GBP1,300,000 excluding a rent free 
reduction on the sale price and excluding related sale costs. The part sale of 
Windsor Court and Crown Farm completed on 15 July 2015 for GBP2,610,877 excluding 
costs. Units 2001 & 2002 Coal Road, Leeds completed on 31 July 2015 for GBP 
3,830,664 excluding costs and 140 West George Street, Glasgow completed on 10 
August 2015 for GBP5,525,287 excluding costs. All of these properties were being 
actively marketed for sale at 30 June 2015 and meet the criteria of non current 
assets held for sale at the Balance Sheet date. The independently assessed 
market value of each property held for sale at 30 June 2015 is detailed below: 
                                        30 Jun 2015 31 Dec 2014 
                                                  GBP           GBP 
De Ville Court                                    -   3,150,000 
Chancellors Place                                 -   3,575,000 
Portrack Interchange                      1,300,000           - 
Windsor Court and Crown                   3,550,000           - 
Units 2001 & 2002 Coal Road               3,725,000           - 
140 West George Street                    4,950,000           - 
Less: transaction costs                   (514,700)   (174,900) 
Closing Adjusted Market                  13,010,300   6,550,100 
The Company owns 100 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of Standard 
Life Investments Property Holdings Limited, a company with limited liability 
incorporated and domiciled in Guernsey, Channel Islands, whose principal 
business is property investment. 
The Group, through its subsidiary, owns 100 per cent of the issued ordinary 
share capital of Huris (Farnborough) Limited, a company incorporated in the 

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