RNS Number : 1881I


13 April 2022

Amati AIM VCT plc (the "Company")

Legal Entity Identifier: 213800HAEDBBK9RWCD25

Annual Report & Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 January 2022

The Directors are pleased to present the Annual Financial Results of the Company for the year ended 31 January 2022.

The information set out below does not constitute the Company's full statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2022 in terms of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2022 will be posted to Shareholders and delivered to the Registrar of Companies, in due course. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the Auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The text of the Auditors' report can be found in the Company's full Annual Report and Accounts. Audited statutory accounts for the year to 31 January 2021, which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrars of Companies.


The investment objective of the Company is to generate tax free capital gains and income on investors' funds through investment primarily in AIM-traded companies.


The Board aims to pay annual dividends of around 5% of the Company's Net Asset Value at its immediately preceding financial year end, subject to distributable reserves and cash resources, and with the authority to increase or decrease this level at the Directors' discretion.


For the year ended 31 January 2022

NAV Total return

for the year


(2021: +38.9%)


invested in qualifying

holdings during the year

(2021: GBP16.0m)

Year end

Net Asset Value per share


(2021: 206.1p)


The prospectus offer launched in July 2021 raised GBP65m by close of the offer in February 2022

Key data

                                          31/01/22       31/01/21 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Net Asset Value ("NAV")                GBP247.1m      GBP238.3m 
  Shares in issue                      136,720,797    115,589,550 
  NAV per share                             180.7p         206.1p 
  Share price                               166.5p         190.5p 
  Market capitalisation                  GBP227.6m      GBP220.2m 
  Share price discount to NAV                 7.9%           7.6% 
  NAV Total Return for the year 
  (assuming re-invested dividends)           -7.5%          38.9% 
  Numis Alternative Markets 
  Total Return Index*                        -3.5%          20.5% 
  Ongoing charges**                           1.9%           2.1% 
  Dividends paid and declared 
  in respect of the year                      9.0p          10.5p 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

* Numis Alternative Markets Index is included as a benchmark for performance as this index includes all companies listed on qualifying UK alternative markets.

** Ongoing charges calculated in accordance with the Association of Investment Companies' ("AIC's") guidance.

See Alternative Performance Measures on pages 77 and 78 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

Table of investor returns

to 31 January 2022

  From                                                              Date                    NAV Total            Numis 
                                                                                          Return with      Alternative 
                                                                                            dividends          Markets 
                                                                                          re-invested            Total 
                                                                                                          Return Index 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------  --------------- 
  NAV following re-launch of the VCT under management of Amati 
  Investors ("Amati")                                               9 November 2011*           208.0%            65.2% 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------  --------------- 
  NAV following appointment of Amati 
  as Manager of the VCT, which was known as ViCTory VCT at the 
   time                                                             25 March 2010              223.1%            69.8% 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------  --------------- 

*Date of the share capital reconstruction when the NAV was rebased to approximately 100p per share.

A table of historic returns is included on page 76 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

Dividends paid and declared


2022 total dividends per share


5% of NAV

Cumulative dividends per share


Dividend history

Since the re-launch of the VCT under the management of Amati Global Investors*

  Year ended 31 January            Total    Cumulative 
                               dividends     dividends 
                             per share**     per share 
                                       p             p 
------------------------  --------------  ------------ 
  2011                              4.74          4.74 
  2012                              5.50         10.24 
  2013                              6.00         16.24 
  2014                              6.75         22.99 
  2015                              6.25         29.24 
  2016                              6.25         35.49 
  2017                              7.00         42.49 
  2018                              8.50         50.99 
  2019                              7.50         58.49 
  2020                              7.75         66.24 
  2021                             10.50         76.74 
  2022                              9.00         85.74 
------------------------  --------------  ------------ 

* On 25 March 2010 Amati Global Investors were appointed as Manager of ViCTory VCT. On 8 November 2011 Invesco Perpetual AIM VCT merged with ViCTory VCT and the name was changed to Amati VCT 2. On 4 May 2018 the Company merged with Amati VCT and the name was changed to Amati AIM VCT.

**Total dividends per share are the declared dividends of the financial year.

Fund performance

A graph depicting the Amati AIM VCT NAV Total Return and Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index from change of Manager on 19 March 2010 (first Net Asset Value calculated on 25 March 2010) to 31 January 2022 can be found on page 3 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

Historic performance

A graph depicting the Amati AIM VCT NAV Total Return and Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index from inception of fund to 31 January 2022 can be found on page 3 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

Extracts from Strategic Report

Chairman's Statement

This report has been prepared by the Directors in accordance with the requirements of Section 414A of the Companies Act 2006.

Overview and Investment Performance

Following a rise of almost 8% in the first half of the year, the performance of the portfolio fell away in the second half to close the year down 7.5%, on a NAV total return basis. Some of this fall was for company specific reasons, in particular Polarean Imaging and Frontier Developments, while some was due to a sharp deterioration in sentiment. This stemmed from inflation rising to much higher levels than forecast by central banks, bringing with it the prospect of higher interest rates, rising bond yields and the withdrawal of liquidity through the ending of quantitative easing. This has led to some significant de-ratings of many growth companies. On top of this, there was the deepening crisis caused by Russia's military build-up around Ukraine.

The Company made twelve new qualifying investments during the year. Having invested GBP19.7m in the first half, a total of GBP31.3m was invested across the year as a whole. Six of the new investments come under the broad category of environmental technology, being companies providing technologies, products and services which will help enable, in a myriad of different ways, both energy transition away from oil and gas and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. With high levels of capital being deployed to this end around the world, these are competitive areas. However, with such big changes to every aspect of our economy being required over the next 30 years to reach net zero emissions there are also abundant opportunities for new technology to be developed and commercialised and the UK provides fertile ground in which to create such companies. Healthcare also remained well represented amongst our new investments, with software and training companies also featuring. Fuller details of the new investments and of investment performance are given in the Manager's Review which follows.

Corporate Developments

The Board announced in April that it intended to launch a Prospectus Offer (the "Offer"). This opened on 30 July seeking to raise up to GBP40m with an over-allotment facility to raise up to a further GBP25m. This Offer saw strong demand and the initial GBP40m was raised after only four business days. On 15 December 2021, the Board announced that, as the Company had continued to identify attractive investment opportunities and having considered the current rate of investment activity, it intended to utilise the over-allotment facility of GBP25m and re-open the Offer in February 2022. This was confirmed by the Board in its announcement on 14 February this year, with the Offer re-opening on 16 February and closing on 21 February, having been fully subscribed.

Ahead of its new financial year, the Board took the decision to transfer its company secretarial services. LDC Nominee Secretary Limited, part of The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. ("Law Debenture") was appointed as Company Secretary on 1 February 2022. Contact details for Law Debenture are set out below.

At the AGM this year, shareholders are being asked to vote on a resolution to cancel the entire amount standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account as at the date the relevant Court order is made. Subject to confirmation by the High Court of Justice in London and the reduction in capital taking effect, the amount so cancelled will be credited to the Company's distributable reserves. This will improve the Company's distributable reserves position and will provide the Company with flexibility to support, amongst other things, share buy-backs and the payment of dividends or other distributions to shareholders in the future. Shareholders were last asked to approve such a resolution in 2018.


The Board aims to pay annual dividends of around 5% of the Company's Net Asset Value at its immediately preceding financial year end, subject to the Company's distributable reserves and cash resources, and with the authority to increase or decrease this level at the Directors' discretion.

As at 31 January 2022 the net asset value was 180.7p. In line with this, the Board is proposing a final dividend of 4.5p per share, to be paid on 22 July 2022 to shareholders on the register on 17 June 2022. When added to the interim dividend of 4.5p per share, this would make total dividends for the year 9.0p per share, which is 5% of year end NAV.

The Board would like to remind shareholders about the Dividend Re-investment Scheme ("DRIS"). This allows shareholders to use their dividends to buy new shares issued by the Company on the dividend payment date priced at the most recently published NAV per share. Shares issued by the DRIS, being new shares, have the same tax benefits as shares bought in our standard share offers. The only difference is that they do not have to meet the requirement to be bought more than six months before or after any share sales, so income tax relief can be claimed on them at 30% of the subscription value regardless of any share sales made, provided that the other standard tests are met, such as not investing more than GBP200,000 in VCT shares in any one tax year, whether through an Offer or on the market. If you wish to join the DRIS please contact the Company's registrar.

Annual General Meeting ("AGM")

The AGM this year will be held at Barber-Surgeons' Hall, Monkwell Square, Wood Street, London EC2Y 5BL starting at 2pm on Thursday 16 June 2022. This will be followed by presentations from the Manager and investee companies, and the Amati Guildhall Creative Entrepreneurs Award. Details are being sent to you with this report.

The Notice of AGM is set out on pages 79 to 84 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

At the date of this report, there are no UK Government imposed restrictions in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic on the holding of public gatherings that would affect the holding of the AGM in London. However, the situation relating to Covid-19 is constantly evolving and the UK Government may re-impose restrictions in connection with Covid-19 and/or implement further measures that affect the holding of shareholder meetings. Accordingly, it is possible that at the date of the AGM measures may be in place that would restrict attendance at the AGM.

The Board recognises that the Company's AGM represents an important forum for shareholders to put questions to the Directors, to express their views on governance and to become fully informed about matters relating to the AGM resolutions. It understands that attending in person may not be possible for all shareholders who wish to attend. Therefore, the Company intends to also make available a live stream facility to allow shareholders to watch and listen to the AGM and the investor event which follows. If shareholders wish to use this facility please register your interest by emailing info@amatiglobal.com and shortly ahead of the event the Company's Manager will post a link and instructions on how to join the event on its homepage at www.amatiglobal.com . Shareholders watching the AGM will not be counted towards the quorum of the meeting and will not be able to participate in the formal business of the meeting, including asking questions and voting on the day.

The Board encourages shareholders to engage with the Board and the Company's Manager. In addition to asking questions at the AGM, shareholders can email any questions they may have either on the business of the AGM or the portfolio to info@amatiglobal.com by 10 June 2022 . The Company's Manager will publish questions together with answers on the page dedicated to the AGM on the Manager's website prior to the AGM being held. The Company's Manager will reply to any individual shareholder questions submitted by the deadline of 10 June 2022, before the AGM.

The Board also encourages shareholders to exercise their votes in advance of the meeting. Shareholders are advised to vote through the Company Registrar's online voting facility (details of which can be found at page 82 of the full Annual Report and Accounts) or by form of proxy. Shareholders who hold their shares through an investment platform or other nominee service are also encouraged to contact their investment platform or other nominee service as soon as possible to arrange for votes to be lodged on their behalf.

Board Changes

In 2005, I was invited to join the board of Amati VCT plc at its foundation, when it was then, First State Investments AIM VCT plc, going on to chair first Amati VCT plc and then the Company after the merger with Amati VCT plc in 2018. Since its creation, I have seen the Company grow and develop to its current size and success. I shall be retiring from the Board after this year's AGM and I would like to thank all of my board colleagues, past and present and the Company's Manager, for their support and hard work throughout my tenure. After six years on the board, Susannah Nicklin also intends to retire from the board before the end of this year to devote more time to other interests and recent appointments.

During the year we appointed Fiona Wollocombe to the board with a view to addressing the board's succession plans and I am delighted that she has agreed to take over as Chair. With her experience of VCTs and the investment sector, I am confident that I leave your board and the Company in the best of hands. It has been a privilege to have played a part in the evolution of our VCT.


Since the aggressive attack by Russia on the Ukraine, we have experienced extreme investor sentiments which have led to a dramatic fall in the FT Indices after our year end. Our well-balanced portfolio has not been immune to derating along with the market, even for those companies with high elements of service and technical expertise. With inflation, interest rates and energy prices rising, there are ongoing headwinds. Our portfolio contains a diverse range of well-resourced companies, mostly with high barriers to entry derived from intellectual property and specialist skills. It also consists of both early-stage companies with good cash resources addressing potentially large markets and, where we have held investments for longer periods, maturing businesses with typically low levels of debt. Most of these businesses should be well placed to perform in more difficult economic conditions. It is in the nature of VCT investing that if we exit positions in more mature companies we cannot buy them back again because they would no longer fit the qualifying VCT criteria, so we have a strong incentive to be long term investors. This has proven to be beneficial over the years. It might be expected that the more challenging market conditions allow us to make new investments at lower valuations, and we anticipate having opportunities to take this advantage and deploy our recently raised funds during the course of 2022.

We all hope for peace soon.

Peter A. Lawrence


12 April 2022

For any matters relating to your shareholding in the Company, dividend payments, or the Dividend Re-investment Scheme, please contact The City Partnership (UK) Ltd on 01484 240 910, or by email at amativct@city.uk.com.

For any other matters please contact Amati Global Investors on 0131 503 9115 or by email at info@amatiglobal.com. Amati maintains an informative website for the Company - www.amatiglobal.com - on which monthly investment updates, performance information, and past company reports can be found.

Fund Manager's Review

Market Review

During the year under review, some light finally began to appear at the end of the Covid tunnel, with the global rollout of vaccination programmes now leading to greatly reduced rates of hospitalisations and deaths in most countries. Hopefully, we can now look towards a future with limited fear of further lockdowns and gradually falling levels of restrictions.

Despite this clear evidence of progress on the pandemic, it has been a mixed year for equity markets, with the strong returns reported in the first half unwinding during the second half. Investors are now focusing heavily on geo-political and economic factors which gave increasing cause for concern as we entered 2022. This has come at a time when equity valuations look stretched compared to history, especially in the US. In turn, this has led to market sentiment changing, with high growth sectors such as healthcare and technology seeing material profit taking, whilst out-of-favour sectors including oil and gas, mining and banking, have enjoyed a return to form after a number of fallow years.

The ever increasing build-up of Russian troops and armaments around the Russian-controlled borders of Ukraine became an ever more worrying development during the year. Relatively few commentators saw this as the pre-cursor to an all-out invasion of the kind that took place on 24 February 2022, but the level of geo-political risk was rising throughout the period.

The extraordinary level of quantitative easing to support pandemic policies during 2020 and 2021 has meant that we are now in an era of higher inflation and an upward trajectory to interest rates. Inflation rose to levels the likes of which younger investors will not have seen in their careers. Markets are increasingly coming to the view that inflation may be with us for some time. It is hard to escape the conclusion that central banks and finance ministers miscalculated in creating as much liquidity as they did in 2020 and 2021. Towards the end of 2021, we saw dramatic increases in global energy costs, led by rising oil and gas prices, leaving questions about ongoing energy security, particularly in the EU, but the UK has also paid little attention to this in recent years. This comes against ongoing and costly commitments to deliver reduced carbon levels post the COP26 conference.

Moving closer to home, it has been a disappointing year for AIM investors with the Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index falling by 3.5%. This was materially below both the Numis Smaller Companies (plus AIM excluding Investment Companies) Index which rose by 11.6%, and the Numis Large Cap index which rose by 19.5%. The recent increases we have seen in bond yields and interest rate expectations have led to a more difficult environment for the valuation of early-stage companies in general. However, UK asset prices remain modest by international standards and the derating we have seen over the past few months has brought valuations back in line with longer term norms.


The VCT's NAV Total Return for the period was -7.5%. This underperformed the benchmark Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index, which returned -3.5%.

After rising 7.9% in the first half, the tone of the market became increasingly negative in the second half of the year. In addition, a couple of the previously best performing investments in the portfolio hit some specific issues.

Saietta , which was bought as pre-IPO investment and then added to at the point of IPO, was the biggest positive contributor to performance during the period. Other recent IPOs such as Northcoders and Arecor Therapeutics have also done well, with more detail in the section on Portfolio Activity below. Corporate activity also boosted performance. Universe was acquired by Professional Data Solutions at a 129% premium, and Xplorer Capital Growth acquired CloudCall at a 76% premium. Water Intelligence, the water leak detection company predominantly operating via franchisees in the US, was also a significant contributor, rising by 73%. Earnings have grown rapidly over the last few years, as the company has been acquiring underperforming franchises to operate directly. It has also successfully developed a national sales channel to sell to insurers. Accesso Technology, a global leader in online ticketing and electronic queuing systems, rose by 83% after the company saw earnings upgrades as its customers made greater use of its products once lockdowns began to ease. Angle, the maker of Parsortix, a device which can isolate circulating tumour cells in blood samples for analysis, having raised GBP20m in July, rose strongly over the year, as did SRT Marine Systems as the company finally delivered on some contract wins, after several delays, exacerbated by Covid.

Frontier Developments , the video games developer, was the biggest negative contributor in the period, falling by 56%. The company's launch of Jurassic World Evolution 2 ("JWE2") undershot expectations, which had been set high. Whilst the launch was smooth and glitch-free, the game was released into a crowded Thanksgiving schedule, as several launches that had been delayed by Covid came to market at the same time. Additionally, JWE2 did not have the support of a concurrent cinema release, as the next instalment in the franchise has been pushed to June 2022. Revenues were also lower than expected from Elite Dangerous: Odyssey after the gameplay of the new release did not work well across different devices. The console release was also delayed. We are confident that Frontier remains a world-class video games developer, and the company continues to broaden its portfolio of games, creating a more diversified business. Nonetheless, developing video games always carries a degree of risk and unpredictability. Tristel fell by 29%, as further outbreaks of Covid reduced the number of elective surgeries taking place and consequently it sold fewer kits for sterilising surgical equipment.

Polarean Imaging ("Polarean") , which had risen strongly in the first half of the year, then fell sharply from its high of 110p in October 2021. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") responded to its application for approval of its medical device with a Complete Response Letter ("CRL") as they had additional questions about the submission. This was unexpected. We believe it was part of a wider phenomenon in 2021, where the FDA had devoted so much time to Covid related approvals, with reduced underlying capacity due to working from home and self-isolation, that it pushed approvals back using whatever means it could, using a CRL or just by responding later than the normal regulatory timetable specified. We had sold around 1m shares ahead of the approval, but this did not alter the fact that as Polarean was our largest holding, the fall had a big impact on the Fund's NAV. On the positive side, a recent study in Oxford has shown that Polarean's device can play a key role in diagnosing long Covid where this is caused by lung impairment.

Portfolio Activity

The Company made twelve new investments and two follow-on investments during the period. The new investments comprised eight Initial Public Offerings ("IPO"), one secondary placing, and three pre-IPO investments. The pre-IPO investments and several of the IPOs we took part in are focused on environmental technologies, or in other words, bringing new technologies to market which are important to the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The pre-IPO investments all took the form of convertible loans with a small amount of equity investment.

Pre-IPO Investments

In March, prior to its flotation, we invested an initial GBP2.6m in Saietta, which had developed a novel design for an axial flux electric motor. These motors have advantages over competitors in terms of torque density, power efficiency and low cost of manufacture. The first market to be targeted is for outboard motors in Europe, where the company has launched its first products under the brand Propel. The longer-term targets are the light motorbike market (125cc) in Asia, where countries are trying to improve air quality, and reduce pollution and carbon emissions, and also delivery and commercial vehicles and high-performance cars. When the company floated in June, we invested a further GBP2.5m, and the shares have performed strongly since then. In November, the company acquired the Dutch electric bus drive train designer and manufacturer, e-Traction, for very limited consideration in a distressed sale by Evergrande. This added a new engineering team, a range of patent protected designs, capability around inverter design, a European operating base, and an existing customer base for electric bus drive trains.

We invested GBP2m in EleXsys Energy in September. The company uses innovative technology to allow clean energy producers to feed multiple times more energy back into existing electricity distribution grids, and turns current one-way grids into two-way smart grids, without requiring significant spend on infrastructure or equipment. We invested GBP3m in Flylogix in November. Flylogix has developed remotely piloted small fixed-wing aircraft that can be used for monitoring purposes in remote locations at sea. Its initial focus is on the measurement of methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure in the North Sea, but is expanding this service to other geographies, led by customer demand. It is also looking to enter the market for bird and mammal surveys for prospective wind farms around the UK. Remotely piloted aviation is safer, cheaper and has a much reduced carbon footprint versus conventional aviation. There are several demand drivers and applications worldwide for its technology, which has brought together smart software, 4G and satellite communications, and low-cost electronics to develop a new generation of smaller, more efficient aircraft.

IPO Investments

We supported three new healthcare IPOs. In May we invested GBP1.9m in Arecor Therapeutics, a drug development services company, which uses its Arestat platform to enhance the formulation of drugs to improve their therapeutic properties. Arecor has an impressive list of pharma, generic and biotech clients as well as potential significant upside from an internally developed pipeline of clinical programmes and has performed well since float. In the same month we invested GBP0.7m in Trellus Health, whose software platform provides expert personalised care for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and other complex chronic conditions, aiming to cut healthcare costs by reducing hospital admissions and tailoring care to the individual patient to improve their resilience in the face of their symptoms. In December we invested GBP3.6m in Aptamer. The company develops affinity ligands, which are biological molecules that bind other molecules, in the way that antibodies do for example. Aptamers are very small in comparison, and their attributes offer benefits to cost, manufacturing and likelihood of binding. The company works with 75% of the world's top 20 pharma companies with repeat custom. Clients use Aptamers across healthcare applications, such as therapeutic

delivery, purification, diagnostics and bioprocessing.

Three of the eight IPO investments added to our portfolio of software, training and ecommerce companies. In May we invested GBP3m in Glantus, which had developed software to automate the process of checking and auditing Accounts Payable items for large corporate customers. This is a function in the past that has often been taken on by specialist consultants. Glantus has acquired two such consultancy businesses, allowing it to gain from the efficiency that the software can bring, whilst broadening its customer reach. This is a competitive area, but one in which Glantus has a broad product set and customer base, with low levels of churn. In March we invested GBP1.7m in In the Style, an ecommerce retailer specialising in providing inclusive clothing collections by social media influencers. Sales have grown strongly during the pandemic, but supply chain issues brought margins down to hardly breakeven. After some disappointments, a change of management has seen the founder replaced as CEO, bringing in a more experienced pair of hands. Lastly, in July we invested GBP1.8m in Northcoders, which provides training to IT novices and junior software engineers. There continues to be an acute shortage of coders, programmers, and developers in the UK. Recently the company has expanded into providing apprenticeship courses. Northcoders' student numbers and revenues took an inevitable hit in 2020 from the impact of the pandemic, but the company reacted quickly and within six months it was able to transition its onsite offering into on-line courses. It can now offer a full range of onsite and hybrid-online content from its technology-based teaching platform. This operational leverage will drive EBITDA margins to more than 30%, and the IPO funds will enable the company to expand to new locations.

The remaining two IPOs were in buildings related products - and services which are coming to the fore for environmental reasons; we invested GBP0.75m in Zenova in July and GBP1.95m in Eneraqua in November. Zenova has developed an intriguing array of new fire safety, thermal insulation, and temperature management technologies in the form of paints, renders and sprays. The remarkable features of these products can be seen in demo videos on the company's website. Due to the early stage of the business, we made a small investment but with a right to subscribe for a further 6,578,947 shares up to 9 months after the IPO. Eneraqua designs and installs energy and water systems for large buildings in both the public and private sectors, involving ground and air source heat pumps. It has a patented device which overcomes variable mains pressure to provide constant water flow. This reduces water consumption which in turn reduces heating requirements and system costs. It is working with three utility companies and 28 local authorities and housing associations, on both new and replacement systems.

Secondary Placings and Follow-On Investments

In March, we invested GBP1.7m in another new holding, GeTech, through a secondary placing. GeTech's core business is based around its geoscience and geospatial database and software products. Historically, these have been sold principally to oil and gas and mining customers. In addition to detailed geological and gravity mapping, GeTech's data can show how the geology of any given location has been formed. Over the past few years, the company has focused on diversifying its revenue streams, applying its data sets to water, transportation, nuclear, pipeline and electricity infrastructure sectors. In 2021 it bought the rights to acquire H2 Green, a company developing UK sites as hydrogen hubs for industrial use, and the placing was used to fund the development of these projects.

Follow-on investments over the year included GBP1.5m in Cloudcall, the online consumer privacy and security software provider, which was subsequently bid for; GBP1m in Velocys, which is focused on technology for creating Sustainable Aviation Fuel from waste; and GBP1.3m in Polarean as part of a $25m total fundraise - the bulk of this was to enable the company to build sales and marketing capability ahead of anticipated FDA approval (which has since been delayed) as well as additional trials, EU expansion, and further R&D expenditure.

On the sell side, we took significant profits in Ilika, which had performed very strongly since our follow-on investment in 2020 and reduced holdings in Eden Research, Rua Life Sciences, Synairgen and Falanx.


The outlook is overshadowed by the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, which beyond creating countless human tragedies, weakens global stability significantly. With this act, Russia has done something that many in the West would have believed unthinkable, although, in reality, it has taken the pathway towards ever increasing aggression and willingness to use massive military force beyond its borders step-by-step over the last decade. In no small part, Russia's ability to become such a threat has been enabled through the vast income generated from sales of oil and gas to Europe. It is a classic case of the natural resources curse in action, as described eloquently in Leif Wenar's book, "Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules that Run the World", written in 2016. The external oil and gas revenues coming to resource cursed countries in which a dictator has established absolute power with whatever level of violence is required, leads to a vicious circle in which the regime in power has no interest in cultivating civil society at home, because they can obtain vast wealth from abroad as long as any local opposition is suppressed. Wenar uses a poignant word taken from CIA circles to describe the consequences of Western powers choosing to ignore this phenomenon - "blowback". Unfortunately, this only stops when the regime changes or the natural resource revenues cease. With Russia owning close to a quarter of the world's natural gas reserves this is a big problem. Even a sea-change in mindset cannot suddenly provide a way out of European dependence on Russian gas; that will take 3-5 years or more.

This has served as a sharp reminder of just how much we still depend on oil and gas as crucial sources of energy, however much we might wish that this was not the case. This can't be changed simply by cutting supply, it can only be changed by changing the structure of demand. This in turn acts as a reminder of just how much there is to do to bring about the energy transition towards carbon-free alternatives. Step one of this transition is to avoid war and promote international co-operation, a step which now looks much more difficult to achieve. Step two is to develop the technologies to enable de-carbonisation, and that is an area we have been actively supporting through portfolio investments.

The companies in which the VCT invests are typically rich in intellectual property and specialist know-how, focused on products and services which are important to customers, and therefore should be able to maintain pricing power against an inflationary backdrop. However rising interest rates and the withdrawal of quantitative easing will continue to keep stock market ratings under pressure, so returns will need to come from positive earnings growth over the coming years, and we remain optimistic that the majority of portfolio companies should be well placed for this .

Dr Paul Jourdan, David Stevenson, Anna Macdonald and Scott McKenzie

Amati Global Investors

12 April 2022

Investment Portfolio

as at 31 January 2022

                                                 Original                    Cost*    Aggregate    Valuation    Fair value       Market    FTSE Sector          Dividend          % 
  Company name          Amati VCT bookcost at 4 May 2018#                  GBP'000       Cost**      GBP'000      movement          Cap                       Yield(NTM)     of net 
                                                  GBP'000                               GBP'000                    in year         GBPm                                %     assets 
------------------  -------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  TB Amati UK 
   Companies Fund                                   3,331                    6,261        9,592       15,387            62            -      Financials              1.2        6.2 
  Polarean Imaging 
   plc(1)                                               -                    5,218        5,218       14,566       (2,637)        121.5      Health Care             0.0        5.9 
  Keywords Studios                                                                                                                         Information 
   plc(1)                                             323                    4,851        5,174       12,808       (1,057)      1,923.3    Technology                0.1        5.2 
  Ideagen plc(2)                                      565                    2,738        3,303       12,612         (952)        778.3    Technology                0.2        5.1 
   Technologies                                                                                                                            Information 
   Group plc(1)                                       780                    3,771        4,551       11,530           186      1,315.5    Technology                1.0        4.7 
  Saietta Group                                                                                                                             Consumer 
   plc(1,3)                                             -                    5,100        5,100       11,265         6,165        178.6     Discretionary            0.0        4.5 
   Developments                                                                                                                             Communication 
   plc(1)                                             341                    4,357        4,698        8,628      (11,040)        545.2     Services                 0.0        3.5 
  Tristel plc(2)                                      542                    2,747        3,289        7,560       (3,135)        193.5      Health Care             1.9        3.1 
  GB Group plc(2,                                                                                                                           Information 
   3)                                                 236                    2,967        3,203        7,404       (2,243)      1,650.7     Technology               0.8        3.0 
   plc(2)                                             180                    1,038        1,218        6,925         2,933        147.6      Industrials             0.0        2.8 
  Largest ten 
   investments                                                                           45,346      108,685                                                                   44.0 
------------------  -------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  AB Dynamics 
   plc(1)                                             209                    2,370        2,579        6,625       (1,954)        333.7      Industrials             0.4        2.7 
  Diurnal Group 
   plc(1)                                             732                    3,508        4,240        5,130         (570)         91.3      Health Care             0.0        2.1 
  MaxCyte Inc.(1)                                     449                    1,535        1,984        4,552       (1,965)        459.5      Health Care             0.0        1.8 
   plc(2,3)                                           298                    3,601        3,899        4,189         (537)        692.8      Health Care             1.8        1.7 
  Aptamer Group 
   plc(1)                                               -                    3,677        3,677        4,085           408         89.6      Health Care             0.0        1.7 
  Anpario plc(2)                                      276                    1,553        1,829        3,786           196        134.8      Health Care             1.7        1.5 
  Angle plc(1)                                          -                    1,615        1,615        3,618           989        263.4      Health Care             0.0        1.5 
  Velocys plc(1)                                        -                    2,248        2,248        3,439         (552)         88.8      Energy                  0.0        1.4 
  Sosandar plc(1)                                       -                    1,872        1,872        3,245         1,529         57.6     Discretionary            0.0        1.3 
  Northcoders                                                                                                                              Consumer 
   Group plc(1)                                         -                    1,800        1,800        3,040         1,240         21.1    Discretionary             0.0        1.2 
  Largest twenty 
   investments                                                                           71,089      150,394                                                                   60.9 
------------------  -------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  Flylogix Limited 
   Ordinary shares 
   & 10% 
   loan notes (1,                                                                                                                           Information 
   4)                                                   -                    3,000        3,000        3,000             -            -     Technology               0.0        1.2 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,900        1,900        2,943         1,042         97.4      Health Care             0.0        1.2 
  Amryt Pharma plc 
   ADR (1,3)                                            -                    1,607        1,607        2,135           528        646.7      Health Care             0.0        0.9 
  Amryt Pharma plc 
   Value Rights 
   ("CVRs")(3)                                          -                        -            -          711          (21)            -      Health Care             0.0        0.3 
  Quixant plc(2)                                      419                    3,777        4,196        2,684           418        102.3    Discretionary             1.0        1.1 
  Ilika plc(1)                                        131                      646          777        2,677       (1,830)        219.6      Industrials             0.0        1.1 
  Synairgen plc(1)                                      -                      478          478        2,639           467        388.8      Health Care             0.0        1.1 
  Glantus Holdings 
   plc(1)                                               -                    3,000        3,000        2,500         (500)         32.2      Financials              0.0        1.0 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,625        1,625        2,460           238         42.0      Health Care             0.0        1.0 
  Ixico plc(1)                                          -                    1,409        1,409        2,415       (1,711)         23.1      Health Care             0.0        1.0 
  Brooks Macdonald 
   Group plc(2)                                         -                    1,154        1,154        2,289           622        411.2      Financials              3.4        0.9 
  Getech Group 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,700        1,700        2,272           572         19.7      Energy                  0.0        0.9 
  Solid State 
   plc(2)                                             259                      261          520        2,192           889         90.6      Industrials             1.8        0.9 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,557        1,557        2,172         (697)         89.1      Health Care             0.0        0.9 
   plc(1)                                             565                    1,779        2,344        2,154         (421)         23.9      Health Care             0.0        0.9 
  Belvoir Group 
   plc(1)                                             404                      379          783        2,030           677         95.1      Real Estate             3.3        0.8 
  Elexsys Energy 
   Ordinary shares 
   & 8% 
   loan notes (1,                                                                                                                           Information 
   4)                                                   -                    2,000        2,000        2,000             -            -     Technology               0.0        0.8 
  Science in Sport                                                                                                                         Consumer 
   plc(2)                                             811                    1,145        1,956        1,979           750         89.2    Staples                   0.0        0.8 
  Eneraqua plc(1)                                       -                    1,955        1,955        1,821         (134)         85.7      Industrials             0.0        0.7 
  Verici Dx 
   Limited(1)                                           -                      800          800        1,800       (1,200)         63.8      Health Care             0.0        0.7 
  SRT Marine                                                                                                                               Information 
   Systems plc(1)                                     709                      465        1,174        1,733           308         73.9    Technology                0.0        0.7 
   Technology                                                                                                                               Information 
   Group plc(1,3)                                       -                      221          221        1,659           752        309.5     Technology               0.0        0.7 
  Creo Medical 
   Group plc(1,3)                                       -                    1,613        1,613        1,522       (1,084)        213.6      Health Care             0.0        0.6 
  Hardide plc(1)                                      695                    2,361        2,361        1,492           136         18.4      Materials               0.0        0.6 
  Rosslyn Data 
   Technologies                                                                                                                             Information 
   plc(1)                                             614                    1,308        1,922        1,199       (1,305)         11.6     Technology               0.0        0.5 
  One Media iP 
   Group plc(1)                                         -                    1,240        1,240        1,151             -         14.5      Financials              0.0        0.5 
  Equals Group                                                                                                                             Information 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,137        1,137        1,130           654        136.3    Technology                0.0        0.5 
   Franchise Group 
   plc (The)(2)                                       155                      197          352          926           378        100.6      Real Estate             3.3        0.4 
  Byotrol plc(1)                                      511                      348          859          925         (700)         16.8      Materials               0.0        0.4 
  Eden Research 
   plc(1)                                               -                      857          857          893       (1,077)         23.8      Materials               0.0        0.4 
  Kinovo plc(2)                                       676                    1,005        1,681          862           280         24.9      Industrials             0.0        0.3 
  Falanx Group 
   Limited(1)                                           -                    1,657        1,657          805         (167)          5.3      Industrials             0.0        0.3 
  Rua Life 
   Sciences plc(1)                                      -                    1,690        1,690          775       (1,504)         12.2      Health Care             0.0        0.3 
  In Style Group                                                                                                                            Consumer 
   plc(1)                                               -                    1,667        1,667          750         (917)         47.2     Discretionary            0.0        0.3 
  Trellus Health 
   plc(1,3)                                             -                      700          700          648          (53)         59.8      Health Care             0.0        0.3 
  Zenova Group 
   plc(1)                                               -                      750          750          592         (158)         14.0      Materials               0.0        0.2 
  Block Energy 
   plc(1)                                               -                    3,000        3,000          588         (895)          7.5      Energy                  0.0        0.2 
  Netcall plc(2)                                        -                      110          110          428            92        104.8    Technology                0.6        0.2 
  Brighton Pier 
   Group plc (The)                                                                                                                          Consumer 
   (1)                                                314                      175          489          337           235         33.2     Discretionary            0.0        0.1 
   Corporation(1)                                     440                      205          645          295           206         14.2      Industrials             0.0        0.1 
   plc(1)                                             496                      307          803          230            35          7.3      Industrials             0.0        0.1 
  LoopUp Group                                                                                                                             Information 
   plc(1)                                             476                    2,027        2,503          135         (545)         14.1    Technology                0.0        0.1 
  Synectics plc(2)                                      -                      342          342          123          (27)         16.0    Technology                1.3          - 
  FireAngel Safety 
   Technology                                                                                                                               Consumer 
   Group plc(1)                                         -                      690          690           91          (28)         26.3     Discretionary            0.0          - 
  Bonhill Group                                                                                                                             Communication 
   plc(1)                                               -                      670          670           84             8          9.9     Services                 0.0          - 
   plc(1)                                               -                       29           29           66            19        160.9      Health Care             0.0          - 
  Merit Group                                                                                                                              Communication 
   plc(1)                                               -                      596          596           31          (23)         10.3    Services                  0.0          - 
  Investments held                                                                        1,954            -             -                                                        - 
  at nil value 
------------------  -------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  Total investments                                                                     135,562      214,737                                                                   86.9 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  Net current assets                                                                                  32,337                                                                   13.1 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
  Net assets                                                                            135,562      247,074                                                                  100.0 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------- 
   1   Qualifying holdings. 

2 Part of holding qualifying, part is non-qualifying.

3 These investments are also held by other funds managed by Amati.

4 The investments of Ordinary Shares and Convertible loan notes:

Flylogix Limited ("Flylogix")

Consists of 392 Ordinary Shares in Flylogix at fair value of GBP300,000 and 10% Convertible Loan Notes at GBP2,700,000. The interest for 18 months from the date of issue on the Convertible Loan Notes is waived if Flylogix is admitted to AIM within that 18-month period, subject to a minimum equity raise of GBP10m. The Convertible Loan Notes are convertible into Ordinary Shares after listing. If Flylogix is not listed on AIM, interest is payable at 10% per annum for a term of 5 years. The Board are of the opinion Flylogix will list on AIM and the interest receivable of GBP66,000 to the Balance Sheet has therefore not been accrued.

Elexys Energy plc ("Elexys")

Consists of 202,737 Ordinary Shares in Elexys at fair value of GBP200,000 and 8% Convertible Loan Notes at GBP1,800,000. The interest for the year from the date of issue on the Convertible Loan Notes is waived if Elexys is admitted to AIM, subject to a minimum equity raise of GBP5m. The Convertible Loan Notes are convertible into Ordinary Shares after listing. If Elexys is not listed on AIM, interest is payable at 8% per annum for a term of 5 years. The Board are of the opinion Elexys will list in the next 12 months and the interest receivable of GBP48,000 to the Balance Sheet date has not been accrued.

# This column shows the original book cost of the investments acquired from Amati VCT plc ("AVCT") on 4 May 2018.

* This column shows the book cost to the Company as a result of market trades and events or asset acquisition.

** This column shows the aggregate bookcost to the Company either as a result of market trades and events or asset acquisition.

NTM The Manager rebates the management fee of 0.75% on the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund and this is included in the yield.

All holdings are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated.

Investments held at nil value: Celoxica Holdings plc(1), Leisurejobs.com Limited(1) (previously Sportweb.com), Polyhedra Group plc(1), Rated People Limited(1), Sorbic International plc, TCOM Limited(1) and VITEC Global Limited(1).

As at the year end, the percentage of the Company's portfolio held in qualifying holdings for the purposes of Section 274 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 2007 was 90.01%.

Analysis as at 31 January 2022

Qualifying portfolio

The portfolio of qualifying investments in the Company as at 31 January 2022 is analysed in the graph which can be found on page 16 of the full Annual Report and Accounts, by date of initial investment and market capitalisation. The size of the circles represents the relative size of the holdings in the portfolio by value.

The top ten qualifying portfolio companies are labelled. The dates of investments in securities held solely by Amati VCT plc prior to the merger with Amati VCT 2 plc in May 2018, are given as the dates those securities were originally acquired by Amati VCT plc.

Sector split

The portfolio of investments in the Company as at 31 January 2022 is analysed in the graph by sector which can be found on page 16 of the full Annual Report and Accounts. This includes a sector split of the investments within the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund which in the Investment Portfolio table above is classed as Financials.

Investment Policy, Company Objectives and Investment Strategy

Company Objectives

The objectives of the Company are to generate tax free capital gains and regular dividend income for its shareholders while complying with the requirements of the rules and regulations applicable to VCTs.

Investment Policy

The Company's policy is to hold a diversified portfolio across a broad range of sectors to mitigate risk. It makes Qualifying Investments (as defined in the Income Tax Act 2007 (as amended)) in AIM-traded companies and non-Qualifying Investments as allowed by the VCT legislation. The Company manages its portfolio to comply with the requirements of the rules and regulations applicable to VCTs.

Investment Parameters

Whilst the objective is to make Qualifying Investments primarily in companies traded on AIM or on the Aquis stock exchange ("Aquis"), the Company may also make Qualifying Investments in companies likely to seek a quotation on AIM or Aquis. With regard to the non-qualifying portfolio the Company makes investments which are permitted under the VCT regulations, including shares or units in an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) or an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) fund, and shares in other companies which are listed on a regulated market such as the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. For continued approval as a VCT under the ITA the Company must, within three years of raising funds, maintain at least 80% of its value (based on cost price, or last price paid per share if there is an addition to the holding) in qualifying investments. 30% of new funds raised in accounting periods beginning after 5 April 2018 are to be invested in qualifying holdings within 12 months of the accounting period following the issuance of shares. Any investments by the Company in shares or securities of another company must not represent more than 15% of the Company's net asset value at the time of purchase.


The Company has the flexibility to borrow money up to an amount equal to its adjusted capital and reserves but the Board's policy is not to enter into borrowings.

Investment Strategy for Achieving Objectives

The investment strategy for achieving the Company Objectives which follows is not part of the formal Investment Policy. Any material amendment to the formal Investment Policy may only be made with shareholder consent, but that consent applies only to the formal Investment Policy above and not to any part of the Strategy for Achieving Objectives or Key Performance Indicators below.

   (a)    Qualifying Investments Strategy 

The Company is likely to be a long-term investor in most Qualifying Investments, with sales generally only being made where an investment case has deteriorated or been found to be flawed, or to realise profits, adjust portfolio weightings, fund new investments or pay dividends. Construction of the portfolio of Qualifying Investments is driven by the historic investments made by the Company and by the availability of suitable new investment opportunities. The Manager may co-invest in companies in which other funds managed by Amati Global Investors invest.

   (b)    Non-Qualifying Investments Strategy 

The assets of the portfolio which are not in Qualifying Investments will be invested by the Manager on behalf of the Company in investments which are allowable under the rules applicable to VCTs. Currently, cash not needed in the short term is invested in a combination of the following (though ensuring that no more than 15% of the Company's funds are invested in any one entity at the time of purchase):

(i) the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund (which is a UCITS fund), or other UCITS funds approved by the Board;

(ii) direct equity investments in small and mid-sized companies and debt securities in each case listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange; and

(iii) cash or cash equivalents (including money market funds) which are redeemable within 7 days.

Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Policies

The Investment Manager recognises that managing investments on behalf of clients involves taking into account a wide set of responsibilities in addition to seeking to maximise financial returns for investors. Industry practice in this area has been evolving rapidly and Amati has been an active participant in seeking to define and strengthen its principles accordingly. This involves both integrating ESG considerations into the Investment Manager's investment decision-making process as a matter of course, and also signing up to major external bodies who are leading influencers in the formation of industry best practice. The following is an outline of the kinds of ESG factors that the Investment Manager will take into account as part of its investment process, reflecting the specific inputs and outputs of a business.

-- Environmental - climate change; use of natural resources; pollution; waste and impact on bio-diversity; and taking into account any positive environmental impacts.

-- Social - use of human capital; potential product or service liabilities; stakeholder opposition; and taking into account any positive social considerations.

-- Governance - ownership and control; management structure and quality; pay and alignment; accounting issues; business ethics; and tax transparency.

-- Human rights - weighing up the risks of activities in countries with Freedom House Scores below 33 and based on Clean Trade principles; not investing in companies extracting natural resources in countries which score below 15; risk of exposure to corruption and unreliable legal frameworks; risk of benefiting from slave labour; risk from adverse political developments impacting a business negatively.

Board Diversity of Investee Companies

The Board, through the Manager, considers Board diversity to be an important consideration in its investment decision on investee companies.

Key Performance Indicators

The Board expects the Manager to deliver a performance which meets the objectives of the Company. A review of the Company's performance during the financial year, the position of the Company at the year end and the outlook for the coming year is contained in the Chairman's Statement and Fund Manager's Review. The Board monitors on a regular basis a number of key performance indicators which are typical for VCTs, the main ones being:

   --    Compliance with HMRC VCT regulations to maintain the Company's VCT Status. See below; 

-- Net asset value and total return to shareholders (the aggregate of net asset value and cumulative dividends paid to shareholders, assuming dividends re-invested at ex-dividend date). See graphs on page 3 of the full Annual Report and Accounts ;

-- Comparison against the Numis Alternative Markets Total Return Index. See graph on page 47 of the full Annual Report and Accounts ;

   --    Dividend distributions. See table of investor returns above; 
   --    Share price. See key data above; and 
   --    Ongoing charges ratio. See key data above. 

Fund Management and Key Contracts

Management Agreement

Amati Global Investors was appointed as Manager to the Company on 19 March 2010. Under an Investment Management and Administration Agreement dated 19 March 2010, and subsequently revised and updated in two separate agreements, an Investment Management Deed ("IMA") and a Fund Administration, Secretarial Services and Fund Accounting Agreement ("FASSFAA"), on 30 September 2019, the Manager agreed to manage the investments and other assets of the Company on a discretionary basis subject to the overall policy of the Directors. The Company will pay to the Manager under the terms of the IMA a fee of 1.75% of the net asset value of the Company quarterly in arrears. In November 2014, with shareholder consent, the Company amended its non-qualifying investment policy to permit investment in the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund, a small and mid-cap fund managed by the Manager. The Company receives a full rebate on the fees payable by the Company to the Manager within this fund either through a reduction of fees payable by the Company or a direct payment by the Manager.

Annual running costs are capped at 3.5% of the Company's net assets, any excess being met by the Manager by way of a reduction in future management fees. The annual running costs include the Directors' and Manager's fees, professional fees and the costs incurred by the Company in the ordinary course of its business (but excluding any commissions paid by the Company in relation to any offers for subscription, irrecoverable VAT and exceptional costs, including winding-up costs). No performance fee is payable as the Manager waived all performance fees from 31 July 2014 onwards.

Administration Arrangements

Under the terms of the FASSFAA, the Investment Manager also agreed to provide certain fund administration, company secretarial and fund accounting services to the Company. The Company agreed to pay to the Investment Manager a fee of GBP92,800 (subject to an annual increase in line with the retail prices index) quarterly in arrears in respect of the provision of these services. With effect from 1 February 2021 the annual increase will be in line with the consumer prices index. The appointment of the Investment Manager as investment manager and/or administrator, company secretary and fund accountant may be terminated with twelve months' notice. Where the Investment Manager negotiates and structures an investment directly with a company, most commonly as a convertible loan, the Investment Manager retains the right to charge the investee company a fee. Any legal expenses incurred by the Investment Manager will be paid out of this fee.

Under the FASSFAA, the Manager has the right to appoint suitable representatives to provide administration, secretarial and fund accounting services to the Company. The Manager engaged The City Partnership (UK) Limited to act as company secretary and Link Alternative Fund Administrators Limited to act as fund administrator and accountant.

During the year the Manager and Board agreed that a new Company Secretary would be sought with whom the Company would contract directly. Law Debenture were appointed as Company Secretary of the Company from 1 February 2022.

Fund Manager's Engagement

The Board regularly appraises the performance and effectiveness of the managerial, administration and secretarial arrangements of the Company. As part of this process, the Board will consider the arrangements for the provision of investment management and other services to the Company on an ongoing basis and a formal review is conducted annually. In the opinion of the Board, the continuing appointment of the Manager, on the terms agreed, is in the interests of the shareholders. The Directors are satisfied that the Manager will continue to manage the Company in a way which will enable the Company to achieve its objectives.

VCT Status Adviser

Philip Hare & Associates LLP ("Philip Hare & Associates") is engaged to advise the Company on compliance with VCT requirements. Philip Hare & Associates review new investment opportunities, as appropriate, and review regularly the investment portfolio of the Company. Philip Hare & Associates work closely with the Manager but report directly to the Board.

Principal and Emerging Risks

The Audit Committee regularly reviews the Company's risk register, which assesses each risk and classifies the likelihood of the risk and the potential impact of each risk on the Company. The Board considers that the Company faces the following major risks and uncertainties:

  Potential          Potential Impact                              Mitigation 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Investment         A substantial portion of the Company's        To reduce the risk, the Board 
   Risk               investments are in small AIM traded           places reliance upon the skills 
                      companies as well as some unquoted            and expertise of the Manager 
                      companies. By their nature these              and its strong track record 
                      investments involve a higher degree           for investing in this segment 
                      of risk than investments in larger            of the market. Investments 
                      fully listed companies. These                 are actively and regularly 
                      companies tend to have limited                monitored by the Manager and 
                      product lines and niche markets.              the Board receives detailed 
                      They can be reliant on a few key              reports on the portfolio in 
                      individuals. They can be dependent            addition to the Manager's 
                      on securing further financing.                report at regular Board meetings. 
                      With the changes to VCT regulations           The Manager also seeks to 
                      introduced in the Finance Act                 limit these risks through 
                      2018 focusing investment in knowledge         building a diversified portfolio 
                      based companies, newer investments            with companies in different 
                      may well be made at an earlier                areas within sectors and markets 
                      stage in the lifecycle and may                at different stages of development. 
                      result in a reduced exposure to 
                      asset based businesses leading                Investments in unquoted companies 
                      to increased volatility in the                in particular are subject 
                      value of an investee company's                to strict controls and investment 
                      shares. Further, the majority                 limits in recognition of the 
                      of the new investments will be                significant risks involved. 
                      in companies which have invested              In relation to investments 
                      in developing and commercialising             of this nature there is an 
                      intellectual property, which brings           expectation that the investee 
                      with it the risk that another                 company will seek admission 
                      company might develop superior                to AIM within two years of 
                      technology, or that the commercialisation     the initial investment, in 
                      strategy may fail. In addition,               order to de-risk the investment, 
                      the liquidity of these shares                 to the extent that this is 
                      can be low and the share prices               possible, within an acceptable 
                      volatile.                                     time frame. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Venture Capital    The current approval as a venture             To reduce this risk, the Board 
   Trust Approval     capital trust allows investors                has appointed the Manager 
   Risk               to take advantage of income tax               which has significant experience 
                      reliefs on initial investment                 in venture capital trust management 
                      and ongoing tax-free capital gains            and is used to operating within 
                      and dividend income. Failure to               the requirements of the venture 
                      meet the qualifying requirements              capital trust legislation. 
                      could result in investors losing              In addition, to provide further 
                      the income tax relief on initial              formal reassurance, the Board 
                      investment and loss of tax relief             has appointed Philip Hare 
                      on any tax-free income or capital             & Associates as VCT Status 
                      gains received. In addition, failure          Adviser to the Company. Philip 
                      to meet the qualifying requirements           Hare & Associates reports 
                      could result in a loss of listing             every six months to the Board 
                      of the shares.                                to confirm compliance with 
                                                                    the venture capital legislation, 
                      A sunset clause was put in place              to highlight areas of risk 
                      in the VCT regime to secure ongoing           and to inform on changes in 
                      EU approval at the time of the                legislation independently. 
                      UK's departure from the European 
                      Union. At present it is not clear             Other tax reliefs such as 
                      whether the UK Treasury will take             tax-free dividends and exemption 
                      action to amend the legislation               from capital gains tax would 
                      to extend or remove the date of               remain unaffected by the sunset 
                      the sunset clause. Without an                 clause. VCT boards and their 
                      extension or removal there would              managers are actively liaising 
                      be no initial income tax relief               with the UK Treasury to encourage 
                      for new subscriptions after 5                 the addressing of this issue. 
                      April 2025. The absence of upfront 
                      tax relief may limit VCTs' ability 
                      to raise funds. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Compliance         The Company has a premium listing             Board members and the Manager 
   Risk               on the London Stock Exchange and              have considerable experience 
                      is required to comply with the                of operating at senior levels 
                      rules of the UK Listing Authority,            within quoted businesses. 
                      as well as with the Companies                 In addition, the Board and 
                      Act, Financial Reporting Standards            the Manager receive regular 
                      and other legislation. Failure                updates on new regulations 
                      to comply with these regulations              from the auditor, lawyers, 
                      could result in a delisting of                the Company Secretary and 
                      the Company's shares, or other                other professional bodies. 
                      penalties under the Companies 
                      Acts or from financial reporting 
                      oversight bodies. 
                      The Alternative Investment Fund 
                      Managers (Amendment etc.) (EU 
                      Exit) Regulations 2019 ("AIFMD") 
                      is a directive affecting the regulation 
                      of VCTs. Amati AIM VCT has been 
                      entered in the register of small, 
                      registered UK AIFMs on the Financial 
                      Services register at the Financial 
                      Conduct Authority ("FCA"). As 
                      a registered firm there are a 
                      number of regulatory obligations 
                      and reporting requirements which 
                      must be met in order to maintain 
                      its status as an AIFM. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Internal           Failures in key controls within               The Board seeks to mitigate 
   Control Risk       the Board or within the Manager's             the internal control risk 
                      business could put assets of the              by setting policy, regular 
                      Company at risk or result in reduced          reviews of performance, enforcement 
                      or inaccurate information being               of contractual obligations 
                      passed to the Board or to shareholders.       and monitoring progress and 
                      Inadequate or failed controls 
                      might result in breaches of regulations 
                      or loss of shareholder trust. 
                      The Manager operates a robust 
                      risk management system which is 
                      reviewed regularly to ensure the 
                      controls in place are effective 
                      in reducing or eliminating risks 
                      to the Company. Details of the 
                      Company's internal controls are 
                      on page 42 of the full Annual 
                      Report and Accounts . 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Financial          By its nature, as a venture capital           The Company's policies for 
   Risk               trust, the Company is exposed                 managing these risks are outlined 
                      to market price risk, credit risk,            in full in notes 15 to 18 
                      liquidity risk, interest rate                 to the financial statements 
                      risk and currency risk.                       below. The Company is financed 
                                                                    through equity. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Economic           Events such as economic recession,            The Manager seeks to mitigate 
   Risk               not only in the UK, but also in               economic risk by seeking to 
                      the core markets relevant to our              adopt a suitable investment 
                      investee companies, together with             style for the current point 
                      a movement in interest rates,                 in the business cycle, and 
                      can affect investor sentiment                 to diversify the exposure 
                      towards liquidity risk, and hence             to geographic end markets. 
                      have a negative impact on the 
                      valuation of smaller companies. 
                      The economic future for the UK 
                      and the wider world would appear 
                      to be as uncertain as it has ever 
                      been in the last few decades. 
                      Actual war in Europe and the possibility 
                      of war in the East combine to 
                      give grave concern for the future. 
                      This follows two years of the 
                      Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing 
                      impacts on the UK and global economies 
                      where government debt has not 
                      been as high as it is now since 
                      World War 2. Government actions 
                      to deal with Covid-19 and to boost 
                      the economy during the pandemic 
                      now result in rising inflation 
                      and therefore interest rates, 
                      the impacts on the cost of living 
                      being exacerbated by rising energy 
                      prices caused by poor Government 
                      energy policy decision making 
                      in the rush to go green, reliance 
                      for energy supplies on countries 
                      with corrupt regimes and the impact 
                      of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. 
                      The Covid-19 pandemic and the 
                      measures taken to control the 
                      outbreak had already led to volatility 
                      in stock markets and other financial 
                      markets in the UK and a downturn 
                      in the UK economy. The future 
                      development and long-term impacts 
                      of the outbreak are unknown. Despite 
                      a permanent trade agreement between 
                      the UK and EU and the end of the 
                      transition period on 31 December 
                      2020 there remains uncertainty 
                      and potential volatility in markets 
                      and for the economy while practicalities 
                      are addressed. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Operational        Failure of the Manager's, or other            The Manager regularly reviews 
   Risk               contracted third parties', accounting         the performance of third-party 
                      systems or disruption to their                suppliers at monthly management 
                      businesses might lead to an inability         meetings and the Board consider 
                      to provide accurate reporting                 at quarterly board meetings. 
                      and monitoring or loss to shareholders. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
  Concentration      Although the Company has a diversified        Portfolio weighting limits 
   Risk               portfolio of investments the ten              apply to the portfolio's largest 
                      largest                                       holdings such that no holding 
                      investments account for almost                is allowed to approach a size 
                      half of the total investments.                of 10% of the portfolio, with 
                      A material fall in any one investment         action normally taken well 
                      can have a significant impact                 before that level particularly 
                      on the overall net asset value.               where the shares have become 
                                                                    overbought with no underlying 
                                                                    earnings justification. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 

Section 172 Statement

Directors' Duty to Promote the Success of the Company

This section sets out the Company's Section 172 Statement and should be read in conjunction with the other contents of the Strategic Report. The Directors have a duty to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole and in doing so to have regard to a number of matters including:

   --    the likely consequences of any decision in the long term; 
   --    the interests of the Company's employees; 
   --    the need to foster business relationships with suppliers, customers and others; 
   --    the impact of the company's operations on the community and the environment; 

-- the desirability of the Company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct; and

   --    the need to act fairly between members of the Company. 

As an externally managed investment company, the Company does not have employees. Its main stakeholders therefore comprise the shareholders, the Investment Manager, other service providers and investee companies.

To ensure that the Directors are aware of, and understand, their duties they are provided with a tailored induction, including details of all relevant regulatory and legal duties as a Director of a UK public limited company when they first join the Board, and continue to receive regular and ongoing updates and training on relevant legislative and regulatory developments.

They also have continued access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary, and when deemed necessary, the Directors can seek independent professional advice. The Terms of Reference of the Board's committees are reviewed periodically and describe the Directors' responsibilities and obligations and include any statutory and regulatory duties.

  Stakeholder             Importance                          Board Engagement 
----------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
  Shareholders            Continued shareholder support       The Board places great 
                           and engagement are critical         importance on communication 
                           to the continuing existence         with its shareholders 
                           of the business and its future      and encourages shareholders 
                           growth.                             to attend the AGM 
                                                               and an annual investor 
                                                               event and welcomes 
                                                               communication from 
                                                               shareholders as described 
                                                               more fully on pages 
                                                               39 to 40 in the Statement 
                                                               of Corporate Governance 
                                                               in the full Annual 
                                                               Report and Accounts 
  Investment              The Manager's performance           The Board's decisions 
   Manager                 is fundamental for the Company      are intended to achieve 
                           to successfully deliver its         the Company's objective 
                           investment strategy, meet           to generate tax free 
                           its investment objective and        capital gains and 
                           its long-term success.              income on investors' 
                                                               funds and maintaining 
                                                               the Company's status 
                                                               as a VCT is a critical 
                                                               element of this. The 
                                                               Board regularly monitors 
                                                               the Company's performance 
                                                               in relation to its 
                                                               investment objectives 
                                                               and seeks to maintain 
                                                               a constructive working 
                                                               relationship with 
                                                               the Manager. 
                                                               Representatives of 
                                                               the Manager attend 
                                                               each quarterly board 
                                                               meeting and provide 
                                                               an update on the investment 
                                                               portfolio along with 
                                                               presenting on macro-economic 
                                                               issues. The Board 
                                                               also expects good 
                                                               standards at the companies 
                                                               within which the Company 
                                                               is invested and, as 
                                                               described below, the 
                                                               Manager was a Tier 
                                                               1 signatory to the 
                                                               2012 UK Stewardship 
                                                               Code and in March 
                                                               2022 has been accepted 
                                                               as a signatory to 
                                                               the 2020 UK Stewardship 
                                                               Code. The Manager 
                                                               is also a signatory 
                                                               to the Principles 
                                                               for Responsible Investment. 
  Other service           In order to function as an          The Board maintains 
   providers,              investment trust with a premium     regular contact with 
   including:              listing on the London Stock         its key external service 
   The registrar,          Exchange, the Company engages       providers, and the 
   the receiving           a diverse and experienced           quality of the provision 
   agent, the              range of advisors for support       of these services 
   tax adviser,            with meeting all relevant           is considered by the 
   the auditor,            obligations.                        Board at Board meetings. 
   the lawyers, 
   the Company 
   Secretary and 
   the Fund Accountant 
  Investee companies      The Company's performance           The Manager does not 
                           is directly linked to the           have board representation 
                           performance of its underlying       in any investee company 
                           investee companies                  but does interact 
                           and accordingly communication       with Directors and 
                           with those entities is regarded     senior management 
                           as very important.                  of investee companies 
                                                               The Board's primary 
                                                               focus in promoting 
                                                               the long-term success 
                                                               of the Company for 
                                                               the benefit of the 
                                                               members as a whole 
                                                               is to direct the Company 
                                                               with a view to achieving 
                                                               the investment objective 
                                                               in a manner consistent 
                                                               with its stated investment 
                                                               policy and strategy. 

Key decision making

The mechanisms for engaging with stakeholders are kept under review by the Directors and discussed at Board meetings to ensure they remain effective. The Board has policies for dividends, share buybacks and the dividend re-investment scheme, all of which it is considered are for the benefit of shareholders. During the year the Directors discussed these and re-affirmed their commitment to the policies. Examples of the Board's principal decisions during the year, and how the Board fulfilled its duties under Section 172, are set out below:

  Principal Decision          Long-term impact          Stakeholder Engagement 
--------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
  To issue new                Issuing new shares        The Board considered the direction 
   shares in the               allows the Company        and future aims of the Company 
   Company                     to increase its           and the desire to continue to 
                               liquidity, and            invest in growth businesses 
                               the successful            with the aim of benefiting all 
                               investment of             stakeholders. A key part of 
                               the capital raised        that is fundraising, to provide 
                               in new issuances          new funds for investment in 
                               will promote              new or existing investee companies 
                               growth in the             (where allowed by VCT regulations). 
                               Company's NAV.            Aligned with this is the need 
                                                         to maintain sufficient cash 
                                                         balances to be able to take 
                                                         advantage of investment opportunities, 
                                                         to maintain stable and predictable 
                                                         dividends for investors, and 
                                                         to provide liquidity for shareholders 
                                                         by facilitating buybacks. 
                                                         Following the successful prospectus 
                                                         offer that was launched in July 
                                                         2021 and which raised GBP40m, 
                                                         the Board decided to re-open 
                                                         the Offer in February 2022 using 
                                                         the over-allotment facility 
                                                         owing to the strong demand seen 
                                                         from investors and raised its 
                                                         full GBP25m. This decision was 
                                                         taken on the basis of the deployment 
                                                         of funds and the pipeline of 
                                                         investment opportunities. 
                                                         A resolution giving the Directors 
                                                         the authority to allot shares 
                                                         is voted upon by shareholders 
                                                         at the AGM each year and receives 
                                                         a high level of support from 
                                                         shareholders. Given the high 
                                                         demand seen for the latest Offer, 
                                                         a General Meeting was convened 
                                                         and held on 2 March 2022 at 
                                                         which shareholders again voted 
                                                         in favour of giving the Board 
                                                         authority to allot further shares. 
  To make new appointments    Continuing to             During the year, the Board was 
   to the Board                develop and evolve        pleased to appoint Fiona Wollocombe 
                               the Board, so             as a non-executive director. 
                               that it contains          She brings significant VCT experience 
                               an appropriate            to the Board. Fiona's appointment 
                               mix of skills,            is made to promote the best 
                               diversity and             long-term interests of the Company. 
                               experience is 
                               important to 
                               promote the long-term 
                               success of the 

Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Policies, and Responsible Ownership

The Company has no employees and no premises and the Board has decided that the direct impact of its activities is minimal; therefore it has no policies relating to social, community and human rights issues. The Company's indirect impact occurs through the range of organisations in which it invests and for this it follows a policy of Responsible Ownership.

In terms of external validation and support, Amati Global Investors, the Manager, was a Tier 1 signatory to the 2012 UK Stewardship Code and in March 2022 has been accepted as a signatory to the 2020 UK Stewardship Code which aims to enhance the quality of engagement between investors and companies to help improve long-term risk adjusted returns to shareholders. Amati's approach to Stewardship and Shareholder Engagement can be found at https://www.amatiglobal.com/storage/644/Stewardship_and_Shareholder_Engagement-v2.pdf . Amati is also a signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which works to support its international network of signatories in incorporating ESG factors into their investment and ownership decisions. The PRI acts in the long-term interests of its signatories, of the financial markets and economies in which they operate and ultimately of the environment and society as a whole.

Voting on portfolio investments

In 2021 the Manager voted in respect of 48 Amati AIM VCT holdings at 69 company meetings on a range of ESG issues.

Business Conduct

The Board takes its responsibility to prevent bribery very seriously and has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery. It has committed to carry out all business in an honest and ethical manner and to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships. The Manager has its own anti-bribery and corruption policy.

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Company is a low energy user and is therefore exempt from the reporting obligations under the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors' Report) Regulations 2013 or the Companies (Directors' Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018, implementing the UK Government's policy on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting. The Company has no greenhouse gas emissions or energy consumption to report from the operations of the Company, nor does it have responsibility for any other emission producing sources. Under listing rule 15.4.29(R), the Company, as a closed ended investment fund, is currently exempt from complying with the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures.

Other Matters

VCT Regulations

The Company's investment policy is designed to ensure that it meets the requirements of HM Revenue & Customs to qualify and to maintain approval as a VCT:

(i) The Company must, within three years of raising funds, maintain at least 80% of its investments by VCT value (cost, or the last price paid per share, if there is an addition to the holding) in shares or securities comprised in qualifying holdings (this percentage rose from 70% to 80% for accounting periods beginning on or after 6 April 2019 which for the Company was from 1 February 2020). At least 70% by VCT value must be ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights. A further condition requires that 30% of new funds raised in accounting periods beginning after 5 April 2018 are to be invested in qualifying holdings within 12 months of the accounting period following the issuance of shares;

(ii) The Company may not invest more than 15% of its investments in a single company and it must have at least 10% by VCT value of its total investments in any qualifying company in qualifying shares approved by HM Revenue & Customs;

(iii) To be classed as a VCT qualifying holding, companies in which investments are made must have no more than GBP15 million of gross assets at the time of investment and GBP16 million after investment; they must be carrying on a qualifying trade and satisfy a number of other tests including those outlined below; the investment must also be made for the purpose of promoting growth or development;

(iv) VCTs may not invest new capital in a company which has raised in excess of GBP5 million (GBP10 million from 6 April 2018 if the company is deemed to be a Knowledge Intensive Company) from all sources of state-aided capital within the 12 months prior to and including the date of investment;

(v) No investment may be made by a VCT in a company that causes that company to receive more than GBP12 million (GBP20 million if the company is deemed to be a Knowledge Intensive Company) of state aid investment (including from VCTs) over the company's lifetime. A subsequent acquisition by the investee company of another company that has previously received State Aid Risk Finance can cause the lifetime limit to be exceeded;

(vi) No investment can be made by a VCT in a company whose first commercial sale was more than 7 years prior to date of investment, except where previous State Aid Risk Finance was received by the company within 7 years (10 years in each case for a Knowledge Intensive Company) or where both a turnover test is satisfied and the money is being used to enter a new product or geographical market;

(vii) No funds received from an investment into a company can be used to acquire another existing business or trade;

(viii) Since 6 April 2016 a VCT must not make "non-qualifying" investments except for certain specified investments held for liquidity purposes and redeemable within seven days. These include investments in UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) funds, AIF (Alternative Investment Funds) and in shares and securities purchased on a Regulated Market. In each of these cases the restrictions in (iii) - (vii) above are not applied; and

(ix) Non-qualifying investments in AIM-quoted shares are not permitted as AIM is not a Regulated Market.

During 2018, HMRC stopped issuing pre-clearance letters for VCT investments. They are encouraging VCTs not to use the advance assurance service for investments and have stated that where a VCT has taken reasonable steps to ensure an investment is qualifying, the VCT status will not be withdrawn where an investment is ultimately found to be non-qualifying. The Manager and the Board rely on advice from Philip Hare & Associates regarding the qualifying status of new investments. The Manager monitors compliance with VCT qualifying rules on a day-to-day basis through a combination of automated and manual compliance checks in place within the business. Philip Hare & Associates also review the portfolio bi-annually to ensure the Manager has complied with regulations and has reported to the Board that the VCT has met the necessary requirements during the year.

PRIIPs Regulations

The Company is required to publish a Key Information Document (KID), which sets out the key features, risks, potential future performance and costs of PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products). This document is available at the website of Amati Global Investors: www.amatiglobal.com.

Statement on Long-term Viability

In accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code published in July 2018 (the "Code"), the Directors have carried out a robust assessment of the prospects of the Company for the period to January 2027, taking into account the Company's performance and emerging and principal risks, and are of the opinion that, at the time of approving the financial statements there is a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet liabilities as they fall due over that period.

To come to this conclusion, the Manager prepares and the Directors consider an income statement forecast for the next five years which is considered to be an appropriate time period due to its consistency with the UK Government's tax relief minimum holding period for an investment in a VCT. This time frame allows for reasonable forecasts to be made to allow the Board to provide shareholders with reasonable assurance over the viability of the Company. In making their assessment the Directors have taken into account the nature of the Company's business and Investment Policy, its risk management policies, the diversification of its portfolio, the cash holdings and the liquidity of non-qualifying investments.

The Directors have considered in particular the likely economic effects and the impacts on the Company's operations of the war taking place in Ukraine, rising inflation and interest rates and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The longer-term economic outlook is very difficult to predict but in considering preparing the long term viability of the Company the Directors noted the Company holds a portfolio of liquid investments and cash balances whose value is a multiple of liabilities.

Other Disclosures

The Company had no employees during the year and has five non-executive directors, two of whom are male and three are female.

On behalf of the Board

Peter A. Lawrence


12 April 2022

Extracts from the Directors' Remuneration Report

Directors' Annual Report on Remuneration

Directors' fees for the year (Audited)

The fees payable to individual Directors in respect of the year ended 31 January 2022 are shown in the table below.

                                                          Year ended 31 January 2022 
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
                           Fees    Taxable benefits      Total               Total Fixed                Total variable 
                                                                            remuneration                  remuneration 
                            GBP                 GBP        GBP                       GBP                           GBP 
--------------------  ---------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------------  ---------------------------- 
  Peter Lawrence         25,378                   -     25,378                    25,378                             - 
  Julia Henderson        22,905                   -     22,905                    22,905                             - 
  Susannah Nicklin       22,905                   -     22,905                    22,905                             - 
  Brian Scouler          22,905                   -     22,905                    22,905                             - 
  Fiona Wollocombe*      14,744                   -     14,744                    14,744                             - 
                        108,837                   -    108,837                   108,837                             - 
--------------------  ---------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------------  ---------------------------- 

*appointed on 10 June 2021

                                                         Year ended 31 January 2021 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                         Fees    Taxable benefits     Total    Total Fixed remuneration    Total variable remuneration 
                          GBP                 GBP       GBP                         GBP                            GBP 
-------------------  --------  ------------------  --------  --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  Peter Lawrence       24,960                   -    24,960                      24,960                              - 
  Julia Henderson      22,575                   -    22,575                      22,575                              - 
  Susannah Nicklin     22,575                   -    22,575                      22,575                              - 
  Brian Scouler        22,575                   -    22,575                      22,575                              - 
                       92,685                   -    92,685                      92,685                              - 
-------------------  --------  ------------------  --------  --------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Directors are remunerated exclusively by fixed fees and do not receive bonuses, share options, long-term incentives, pension or other benefits. There have been no payments to past Directors during the financial year ended 31 January 2022, whether for loss of office or otherwise.

Directors' shareholdings (Audited)

The Directors who held office at 31 January 2022 and their interests in the shares of the Company (including beneficial and family interests) were:

                               31 January 2022                  31 January 2021 
                        Shares held       % of issued    Shares held       % of issued 
                                        share capital                    share capital 
--------------------  -------------  ----------------  -------------  ---------------- 
  Peter Lawrence            941,660              0.69        859,130              0.74 
  Julia Henderson            19,360              0.01         17,068              0.01 
  Susannah Nicklin           25,777              0.02         20,396              0.02 
  Brian Scouler              60,381              0.04         52,669              0.05 
  Fiona Wollocombe*          13,755              0.01              -                 - 
--------------------  -------------  ----------------  -------------  ---------------- 

*appointed on 10 June 2021

Subsequent to the year end Fiona Wollocombe's beneficial interest increased by 6,008 shares and Susannah Nicklin's beneficial interest increased by 4,807 shares, both under the Offer on 2 March 2022.

The Company confirms that it has not set out any formal requirements or guidelines for a Director to own shares in the Company.

On behalf of the Board

Susannah Nicklin

Chairman of the Remuneration Committee

12 April 2022

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with UK Financial Reporting Standards and applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors are required to prepare the company's financial statements and have elected to prepare the company financial statements in accordance with UK Financial Reporting Standards. Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss for the company for that period.

In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

   --     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   --     make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

-- state whether they have been prepared in accordance with UK Financial Reporting Standards, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the group and the company will continue in business;

-- prepare a directors' report, a strategic report and directors' remuneration report which comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006.

They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the annual report and accounts, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced, and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the group's performance, business model and strategy.

Website Publication

The Directors are responsible for ensuring the annual report and the financial statements are made available on a website. Financial statements are published on the company's website in accordance with legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements, which may vary from legislation in other jurisdictions. The maintenance and integrity of the company's website is the responsibility of the Directors. The Directors' responsibility also extends to the ongoing integrity of the financial statements contained therein.

Directors' responsibilities pursuant to DTR4

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge:

-- The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the company.

-- The annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the financial position of the company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

On behalf of the Board

Peter A. Lawrence


12 April 2022

Income Statement

for the year ended 31 January 2022

                                          Note        2022        2022        2022        2021        2021        2021 
                                                   Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  (Loss)/gain on investments                 8           -    (18,123)    (18,123)           -      69,766      69,766 
  Income                                     2         701           -         701         567           -         567 
  Investment management fees                 3     (1,115)     (3,345)     (4,460)       (799)     (2,398)     (3,197) 
  Other expenses                             4       (514)           -       (514)       (455)           -       (455) 
  (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities 
   before taxation                                   (928)    (21,468)    (22,396)       (687)      67,368      66,681 
  Taxation on ordinary activities            5           -           -           -           -           -           - 
--------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  (Loss)/profit and total 
   comprehensive income attributable 
   to shareholders                                   (928)    (21,468)    (22,396)       (687)      67,368      66,681 
--------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Basic and diluted (loss)/earnings 
   per ordinary share                        7     (0.73)p    (16.93)p    (17.66)p     (0.64)p      62.76p      62.12p 
--------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

The total column of this Income Statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns have been prepared in accordance with The Association of Investment Companies' Statement of Recommended Practice ('AIC SORP'). There is no other comprehensive income other than the results for the year discussed above. Accordingly a Statement of Total Comprehensive Income is not required.

All the items above derive from continuing operations of the Company.

The notes below form part of these financial statements.

Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 January 2022

                                      Non-distributable reserves                                    Distributable reserves 
                      Share      Share     Merger       Capital            Capital     Special            Capital    Revenue        Total 
                    capital    premium    reserve    redemption            reserve     reserve            reserve    reserve     reserves 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       reserve              (non-     GBP'000    (distributable)    GBP'000      GBP'000 
                                                        GBP'000     distributable)                        GBP'000 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   balance as at 
   1 February 
   2021               5,780     61,635        425           731            107,450      75,023           (11,420)    (1,345)      238,279 
   and total 
   income for 
   the year               -          -          -             -           (26,784)           -              5,316      (928)     (22,396) 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
  Contributions by and distributions to shareholders: 
  Repurchase of 
   shares              (88)          -          -            88                  -     (3,431)                  -          -      (3,431) 
  Shares issued       1,144     48,216          -             -                  -           -                  -          -       49,360 
  Costs of share 
   issues                 -      (306)          -             -                  -           -                  -          -        (306) 
  Dividends paid          -          -          -             -                  -    (14,432)                  -          -     (14,432) 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   by and 
   shareholders       1,056     47,910          -            88                  -    (17,863)                  -          -       31,191 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   balance as at 
   31 January 
   2022               6,836    109,545        425           819             80,666      57,160            (6,104)    (2,273)      247,074 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
  for the year ended 31 January 2021 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   balance as at 
   1 February 
   2020               4,703     26,084        425           629             35,762      86,479            (7,100)      (658)      146,324 
   and total 
   income for 
   the year               -          -          -             -             71,688           -            (4,320)      (687)       66,681 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
  Contributions by and distributions to shareholders: 
  Repurchase of 
   shares             (102)          -          -           102                  -     (3,170)                  -          -      (3,170) 
  Shares issued       1,179     35,875          -             -                  -           -                  -          -       37,054 
  Costs of share 
   issues                 -      (324)          -             -                  -         198                  -          -        (126) 
  Dividends paid          -          -          -             -                  -     (8,484)                  -          -      (8,484) 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   by and 
   shareholders       1,077     35,551          -           102                  -    (11,456)                  -          -       25,274 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 
   balance as at 
   31 January 
   2021               5,780     61,635        425           731            107,450      75,023           (11,420)    (1,345)      238,279 
----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes below are an integral part of these financial statements.

Balance Sheet

as at 31 January 2022

                                                     Note        2022        2021 
                                                              GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 
  Fixed assets 
  Investments held at fair value                        8     214,737     215,398 
  Current assets 
  Debtors                                               9       1,972          46 
  Cash at bank                                                 31,833      24,967 
  Total current assets                                         33,805      25,013 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Creditors: amounts falling due within one year       10     (1,468)     (2,132) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 
  Net current assets                                           32,337      22,881 
  Total assets less current liabilities                       247,074     238,279 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 
  Capital and reserves 
  Called up share capital*                             11       6,836       5,780 
  Share premium account*                                      109,545      61,635 
  Merger reserve*                                                 425         425 
  Capital redemption reserve*                                     819         731 
  Capital reserve (non-distributable)*                         80,666     107,450 
  Special reserve                                              57,160      75,023 
  Capital reserve (distributable)                             (6,104)    (11,420) 
  Revenue reserve                                             (2,273)     (1,345) 
  Equity shareholders' funds                                  247,074     238,279 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 
  Net asset value per share                            12      180.7p      206.1p 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------- 

* These reserves are not distributable.

The financial statements above and below were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 12 April 2022 and were signed on its behalf by

Peter A. Lawrence


Company Number 04138683

The accompanying notes below are an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of Cash Flows

for the year ended 31 January 2022

                                                                                                    2022        2021 
                                                                                                 GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
  Investment income received                                                                         626         512 
  Investment management fees                                                                     (4,427)     (2,796) 
  Other operating costs                                                                            (485)       (449) 
  Net cash outflow from operating activities                                                     (4,286)     (2,733) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchases of investments                                                                      (32,872)    (15,991) 
  Disposals of investments                                                                        13,596       2,593 
  Net cash outflow from investing activities                                                    (19,276)    (13,398) 
  Net cash outflow before financing                                                             (23,562)    (16,131) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Proceeds of share issues*                                                                       46,748      35,570 
  Cost of share issues                                                                             (306)       (126) 
  Payments for share buy-backs                                                                   (4,194)     (2,437) 
  Equity dividends paid*                                                                        (11,820)     (7,000) 
  Net cash inflow from financing activities                                                       30,428      26,007 
  Increase in cash                                                                                 6,866       9,876 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash 
  Increase in cash during the year                                                                 6,866       9,876 
  Net cash at 1 February                                                                          24,967      15,091 
  Net cash at 31 January                                                                          31,833      24,967 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Reconciliation of (Loss)/Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation to Net Cash 
  from Operating Activities 
  (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                          (22,396)      66,681 
  Net loss/(gain) on investments                                                                  18,123    (69,766) 
  Less dividends reinvested                                                                         (71)        (67) 
  Increase in creditors, excluding corporation tax payable                                            64         406 
  (Increase)/decrease in debtors                                                                     (6)          13 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Net cash outflow from operating activities                                                     (4,286)     (2,733) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

*Adjusted to exclude non-cash dividends re-invested under the Dividend Re-investment Scheme.

The accompanying notes below are an integral part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements

   1          Accounting Policies 

Basis of Accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under FRS 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland' and in accordance with the AIC SORP.

Basis of Preparation

The functional currency of the Company is Pounds Sterling because this is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. The financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling rounded to the nearest thousand, except where otherwise indicated.

Going Concern

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and on the basis that the Company maintains VCT Status.

The Directors have made an assessment of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for a period of 12 months from the date these financial statements were approved.

In making this assessment, the Directors have considered in particular the likely economic effects and the impacts of the war taking place in Ukraine, rising inflation and interest rates and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Company, operations and investment portfolio.

The Directors noted that the Company, with the current cash balance and holding a portfolio of liquid listed investments, is able to meet the obligations of the Company as they fall due. The cash available enables the Company to meet any funding requirements and finance future additional investments. The Company is a closed-end fund, where assets are not required to be liquidated to meet day-to-day redemptions.

The Board has reviewed stress testing and scenario analysis prepared by the Investment Manager to assist them in assessing the impact of changes in market value and income with associated cash flows. In making this assessment, the Investment Manager has considered plausible downside scenarios. These tests included the modelling of a reduction in income of 50%, increase in costs of 50% and a reduction in net asset value of 50%, any or all of which could apply to any set of circumstances in which asset value and income are significantly impaired. It was concluded that in a plausible downside scenario, the Company could continue to meet its liabilities. Whilst the economic future is uncertain, and the Directors believe that it is possible the Company could experience further reductions in income and/or market value, the opinion of the Directors is that this should not be to a level which would threaten the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

The Directors, the Investment Manager and the Company's other service providers have put in place contingency plans to minimise disruption. The Board was satisfied that there has been minimal impact to the services provided during the year and are confident that this will continue. Furthermore, the Directors are not aware of any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, having taken into account the liquidity of the Company's investment portfolio and the Company's financial position in respect of its cash flows, borrowing facilities and investment commitments (of which there are none of significance). Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.

Segmental Reporting

The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, being investment business. The Company primarily invests in companies listed in the UK.

Judgements and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty

The preparation of the Financial Statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts in the financial statements. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities and the allocation of income and expenses that are not apparent from other sources. The nature of estimation means that the actual outcomes could differ from those estimates, possibly significantly.

The most critical estimates and judgments relate to the determination of carrying value of unquoted investments at fair value through profit or loss. The policies for these are set out in the notes to the financial statements below. The Company values unquoted investments by following the International Private Equity Venture Capital Valuation ("IPEV") guidelines. Further areas requiring judgement and estimation are recognising and classifying unusual or special dividends received as either capital or revenue in nature. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. There are no further significant judgements or estimates in these financial statements.


Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are taken to revenue on an ex-dividend basis except where, in the opinion of the Directors, their nature indicates they should be recognised in the Capital Account. Where no ex-dividend date is quoted, dividends are brought into account when the Company's right to receive payment is established.

Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis, provided there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be received in due course.

Interest receivable is included in the accounts on an accruals basis. Where interest is rolled up or payable on redemption it is recognised as income unless there is reasonable doubt as to its receipt.

All other income is accounted for on a time-apportioned accrual basis and is recognised in the Income Statement.


All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis between revenue and capital items presented within the income statement, all expenses have been prescribed as revenue items except as follows:

Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can be demonstrated, and accordingly the investment management fee is currently allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital, which reflects the Directors' expected long-term view of the nature of the investment returns of the Company.

Issue costs in respect of ordinary shares issued by the Company are deducted from the share premium account.


Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are only recognised when they arise from timing differences where recovery in the foreseeable future is regarded as more likely than not. Timing differences are differences arising between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial statements which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. Deferred tax is not discounted.

Current tax is expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. The tax effect of different items of expenditure is allocated between revenue and capital on the same basis as a particular item to which it relates, using the Company's effective rate of tax, as applied to those items allocated to revenue, for the accounting year.

No tax liability arises on gains from sales of fixed asset investments by the Company by virtue of its VCT status.


In accordance with FRS 102, Sections 11 and 12, all investments held by the Company are designated as held at fair value upon initial recognition and are measured at fair value through profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods. Investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given. After initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with changes in the fair value of investments recognised in the Income Statement and allocated to capital. Realised gains and losses on investments sold are calculated as the difference between sales proceeds and cost. Also included within this heading are transaction costs in relation to the purchase or sale of investments.

In respect of investments that are traded on AIM or are fully listed, these are valued at bid prices at close of business on the Balance Sheet date. Investments traded on SETS (London Stock Exchange's electronic trading service) are valued at the last traded price as this is considered to be a more accurate indication of fair value.

Fair values for unquoted investments, or for investments for which the market is inactive, are established by using various valuation techniques in accordance with IPEV guidelines. These are constantly monitored for value and impairment. The values and impairment, if any, are approved by the Board. The shares may be valued by using the most appropriate methodology recommended by the IPEV guidelines, including revenue multiples, net assets, discounted cashflows and industry valuation benchmarks.

Convertible loan stock instruments are valued using present value of future payments discounted at a market value of interest for a similar loan and valuing the option at fair value.

Contingent Value Rights (CVRs) pay out if certain hurdles are achieved and are valued at the amount payable per share on achievement of those hurdles, discounted for certain probabilities and the time to the value date to reflect the illiquidity of the holdings, and further discounted for payment, if it becomes due, being made either in the form of loan notes or shares issue at market value.

The valuation of the Company's investment in TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund is based on the published share price. The valuation is provided by the Authorised Corporate Director of the fund, T Bailey Fund Managers Limited.

Financial Instruments

The Company classifies financial instruments, or their component parts, on initial recognition as a financial asset, a financial liability or an equity instrument in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement. Financial instruments are recognised on trade date when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. All financial instruments are designated upon initial recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss, and are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value, with changes in the fair value recognised in the Income Statement and allocated to capital.

Financial instruments are derecognised on the trade date when the Company is no longer a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

For the purposes of the Balance Sheet, cash comprises cash in hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments and money market funds that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents as defined above, net of outstanding bank overdrafts when applicable.

Foreign Currency

Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions during the year are converted into sterling at the rates ruling at the time the transactions are executed. Any gain or loss arising from a change in exchange rate subsequent to the date of the transaction is included as an exchange gain or loss in the capital reserve or the revenue account depending on whether the gain or loss is of a capital or revenue nature.

Short-term Debtors and Creditors

Debtors and creditors with no stated interest rate and receivable within one year are recorded at transaction price. Any losses arising from impairment are recognised in the income statement in other operating expenses upon notification.

Dividends Payable

Final dividends are included in the financial statements when they are approved by shareholders. Interim dividends payable are included in the financial statements on the date on which they are paid.

Share Premium

The share premium account is a non-distributable reserve which represents the accumulated premium paid on the issue of shares in previous periods over the nominal value, net of any expenses.

Merger Reserve

The merger reserve is a non-distributable reserve which originally represented the share premium on shares issued when the Company merged with Singer & Friedlander AIM VCT and Singer & Friedlander AIM 2 VCT in February 2006. The merger reserve is released to the realised capital reserve as the assets acquired as a consequence of the merger are subsequently disposed of or permanently impaired. There have been no disposals of these assets during the year.

Capital Redemption Reserve

The capital redemption reserve represents non-distributable reserves that arise from the purchase and cancellation of shares.

Special Reserve

The special reserve is a distributable reserve which was created by the authorised reduction of the share premium account and can be applied in any manner in which the Company's profits available for distribution (as determined in accordance with the Companies Act 2006) are able to be applied.

Capital Reserve

The following are taken to the capital reserve through the capital column in the Income Statement:

Capital reserve - other, forming part of the distributable reserves:

   --    gains and losses on the disposal of investments; 
   --    realised exchange gains and losses of a capital nature; and 
   --    expenses allocated to this reserve in accordance with the above policies 

Capital reserve - investment holding gains, not distributable:

   --    increase and decrease in the value of investments held at the year end; and 
   --    unrealised exchange gains of a capital nature. 

Revenue Reserve

The revenue reserve represents accumulated profits and losses and any surplus profit is distributable by way of dividends.

   2          Income 
                                      Year to        Year to 
                                   31 January     31 January 
                                         2022           2021 
                                      GBP'000        GBP'000 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Dividends from UK companies             701            554 
  Interest from deposits                    -             13 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                          701            567 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   3          Management Fees 

The Manager provides investment management and administration, secretarial and fund accounting services to the Company under an Investment Management Agreement ("IMA") and a Fund Administration, Secretarial Services and Fund Accounting Agreement ("FASSFAA"). Details of these agreements are given above.

Under the IMA the Manager receives an investment management fee of 1.75% of the net asset value of the Company quarterly in arrears.

The Company received a rebate of its management fee for the investment in the TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund.

The investment management fee for the year was as follows:

                                                                                Year to        Year to 
                                                                             31 January     31 January 
                                                                                   2022           2021 
                                                                                GBP'000        GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Due to the Manager by the Company at 1 February                                 1,016            615 
  Investment management fee charged to revenue and capital for the year           4,460          3,197 
  Fee paid to the Manager during the year                                       (4,427)        (2,796) 
  Due to the Manager by the Company at 31 January                                 1,049          1,016 
------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

In addition to the investment management fee the Manager also receives a secretarial and administration fee of GBP96,000 (2021: GBP95,000) paid quarterly in arrears. As detailed in the Fund Management and Key Contracts above, the original investment management agreement from 2010 was revised and updated in two separate agreements on 30 September 2019, a IMA and a FASSFAA. The FASSFAA's updated fee allowed for the costs incurred by the Manager for fund administration, secretarial services and fund accounting to be fully recovered from the Company where they had not been previously. The fee level in the FASSFAA is subject to an annual increase in line with the retail prices index; with effect from 01 February 2021 the annual increase will be in line with consumer price index. See note 4.

No performance fee is payable in respect of the year ended 31 January 2022, as the Manager has waived all performance fees from 31 July 2014 onwards.

Annual running costs are capped at 3.5% of the Company's net assets. If the annual running costs of the Company in any year are greater than 3.5% of the Company's net assets, the excess is met by the Manager by way of a reduction in future management fees. The annual running costs include the Directors' and Manager's fees, professional fees and the costs incurred by the Company in the ordinary course of its business (but excluding any commissions paid by the Company in relation to any offers for subscription, any performance fee payable to the Manager, irrecoverable VAT and exceptional costs, including winding-up costs).

   4          Other Expenses 
                                                                           Year to        Year to 
                                                                        31 January     31 January 
                                                                              2022           2021 
                                                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Directors' remuneration                                                      109             93 
  Directors' employer's national insurance                                       4              4 
  Directors' expenses                                                            2              - 
  Auditor's remuneration - audit of statutory financial statements              35             30 
  Administration and secretarial services                                       94             94 
  Other expenses                                                               270            234 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                               514            455 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

The Company has no employees. The Directors are therefore the only key management personnel.

Details of Directors' remuneration are provided in the audited section of the directors' remuneration report above and on page 45 of the full Annual Report and Accounts .

   5          Tax on Ordinary Activities 
   5a        Analysis of charge for the year 
                             Year to        Year to 
                          31 January     31 January 
                                2022           2021 
                             GBP'000        GBP'000 
---------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Charge for the year              -              - 
---------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   5b       Factors affecting the tax charge for the year 
                                                               Year to        Year to 
                                                            31 January     31 January 
                                                                  2022           2021 
                                                               GBP'000        GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation        (22,396)         66,681 
  Corporation tax at standard rate of 19% (2021: 19%)          (4,255)         12,669 
  Effect of: 
  Non-taxable dividends                                          (133)          (105) 
  Non-taxable losses/(gains) on investments                      3,443       (13,255) 
  Movement in excess management expenses                           945            691 
  Tax charge for the year (note 5a)                                  -              - 
-------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Due to the Company's tax status as an approved Venture Capital Trust, deferred tax has not been provided on any net capital gains arising on the disposal of investments as such gains are not taxable.

No deferred tax asset has been recognised on surplus management expenses carried forward as it is not envisaged that future taxable profit will be available against which the Company can use the benefits. The amount of unrecognised deferred tax asset is GBP5,992,000 (31 January 2021: GBP3,609,000). These values reflect prospective corporate tax rates of 25% and 19% substantively enacted at the respective balance sheet dates.

   6          Dividends 

Amounts recognised as distributions from capital to equity holders during the year:

                                                                              2022        2022        2021        2021 
                                                                           Revenue     Capital     Revenue     Capital 
                                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Second interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2020 of 4.25p 
   per ordinary share paid 
   on 24 July 2020                                                               -           -           -       4,472 
  Interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2021 of 3.50p per 
   ordinary share paid on 27 
   November 2020                                                                 -           -           -       4,012 
  Final dividend for the year ended 31 January 2021 of 7.00p per                 -       8,278           -           - 
  ordinary share paid on 23 July 
  Interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2022 of 4.50p per               -       6,154           -           - 
  ordinary share paid on 26 
  November 2021 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                 -      14,432           -       8,484 
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Set out below are the interim and final dividends paid or proposed on ordinary shares in respect of the financial year:

                                                                              2022        2022        2021        2021 
                                                                           Revenue     Capital     Revenue     Capital 
                                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Interim dividend for the year ended 31 January 2022 of 4.50p per 
   ordinary share (2021: 3.50p)                                                  -       6,154           -       4,012 
  Declared final dividend for the year ended 31 January 2022 of 4.50p 
   per ordinary share (2021: 
   7.00p)*                                                                       -       6,698           -       8,278 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                 -      12,852           -      12,290 
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

* Based on shares in issue on 12 April 2022. The payment of a final dividend will, as always, be subject to ensuring that the Company has sufficient distributable reserves at the time of payment.

   7          Earnings per Share 
                               2022                                      2021 
              Net(loss)       Weighted     Basic and    Net(loss)/       Weighted     Basic and 
                /profit        average       diluted        profit        average       diluted 
                GBP'000         shares      Earnings       GBP'000         shares      Earnings 
                                           per share                                  per share 
                                               pence                                      pence 
----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Revenue         (928)                      (0.73)p         (687)                      (0.64)p 
  Capital      (21,468)                     (16.93)p        67,368                       62.76p 
----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Total        (22,396)    126,840,235      (17.66)p        66,681    107,332,617        62.12p 
----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
   8          Investments 
                                                                          Level 1*    Level 2*    Level 3*       Total 
                                                                           GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Opening cost as at 1 February 2021                                       107,385           -       2,054     109,439 
  Opening investment holding gains                                         107,381           -          69     107,450 
  Opening unrealised loss recognised in realised reserve                     (228)           -     (1,263)     (1,491) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Opening fair value as at 1 February 2021                                 214,538           -         860     215,398 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Analysis of transactions during the year: 
  Realised (losses)/gains on sales                                           (679)           -         744          65 
  Unrealised losses on investments                                        (18,167)           -        (21)    (18,188) 
  Purchases at cost                                                         27,977           -       5,000      32,977 
  Sales proceeds received                                                 (14,644)           -     (871)**    (15,515) 
  Closing fair value as at 31 January 2022                                 209,025           -       5,712     214,737 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Closing cost as at 31 January 2022                                       128,607           -       6,955     135,562 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Closing investment holding gains as at 31 January 2022                    80,646           -          20      80,666 
  Closing unrealised loss recognised in realised reserve as at 31 
   January 2022                                                              (228)           -     (1,263)     (1,491) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Closing fair value as at 31 January 2022                                 209,025           -       5,712     214,737 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Equity shares                                                            209,025           -         501     209,526 
  Preference shares                                                              -           -           -           - 
  CVRs                                                                           -           -         711         711 
  Convertible loan notes                                                         -           -       4,500       4,500 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Closing fair value as at 31 January 2022                                 209,025           -       5,712     214,737 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

* Refer to note 14 for definitions

** Includes final repayment of China Food Company plc Loan Notes now fully disposed.

Holdings of ordinary shares in unquoted companies rank pari passu for voting purposes. Preference shares and CVRs have no voting rights.

The Company received GBP15,515,000 (2021: GBP2,381,000) from the sale of investments in the year. The bookcost of these investments when they were purchased was GBP6,855,000 (2021: GBP3,825,000). These investments have been revalued over time and until they were sold any unrealised gains/(losses) were included in the fair value of the investments.

                                                                   2022        2021 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Realised gains on disposal                                         65         911 
  Unrealised (losses)/gains on investments during the year     (18,188)      68,855 
  Net (losses)/gains on investments                            (18,123)      69,766 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Transaction Costs

During the year the Company incurred transaction costs of GBP44,000 (31 January 2021: GBPnil) and GBP8,000 (31 January 2021: GBP3,000) on purchases and sales of investments respectively. These amounts are included in the gain on investments as disclosed in the income statement.

   9          Debtors 
                                          2022        2021 
                                       GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Receivable for investments sold        1,919           - 
  Prepayments and accrued income            53          46 
----------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                         1,972          46 
----------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
   10        Creditors: Amounts Falling due within One Year 
                                         2022        2021 
                                      GBP'000     GBP'000 
---------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Payable for share buy-backs             249       1,012 
  Payable for investments bought           34           - 
  Other creditors                       1,185       1,120 
---------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                        1,468       2,132 
---------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
   11        Called Up Share Capital 
                                                           2022       2022           2021       2021 
  Ordinary shares (5p shares)                            Number    GBP'000         Number    GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
  Allotted, issued and fully paid at 1 February     115,589,550      5,780     94,039,012      4,703 
  Issued during the year                             22,880,426      1,144     23,589,915      1,179 
  Repurchase of own shares for cancellation         (1,749,179)       (88)    (2,039,377)      (102) 
  At 31 January                                     136,720,797      6,836    115,589,550      5,780 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  --------- 

During the year a total of 1,749,179 ordinary shares of 5p each were purchased by the Company at an average price of 1.96p per share.

Further details of the Company's share capital and associated rights are shown in the Directors' Report on page 33 of the full Annual Report and Accounts.

   12        Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
                                     2022                                      2021 
                          Net       Ordinary           NAV    Net assets       Ordinary           NAV 
                       assets         shares     per share       GBP'000         shares     per share 
                      GBP'000                        pence                                      pence 
-----------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Ordinary share      247,074    136,720,797         180.7       238,279    115,589,550         206.1 
-----------------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
   13        Significant Interests 

The Company has the following significant interests (amounting to an investment of 3% or more of the equity capital of an undertaking):

                                       Nominal    % held 
--------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
  Falanx Group Limited              80,500,000      15.3 
  Northcoders Group plc              1,000,000      14.4 
  Polarean Imaging plc              25,114,469      12.0 
  Getech Group plc                   7,727,000      11.6 
  Leisurejobs.com Limited               58,688      11.4 
  Ixico plc                          5,031,300      10.5 
  Rosslyn Data Technologies plc     35,274,692      10.4 
  Fusion Antibodies plc              2,341,463       9.0 
  Hardide plc                        4,521,963       8.1 
  One Media iP Group plc            17,714,000       8.0 
  Block Energy plc                  51,136,000       7.8 
  Glantus Holdings plc               2,941,176       7.8 
  Saeitta Group plc                  5,364,232       6.3 
  Rua Life Sciences plc              1,358,348       6.1 
  Intelligent Ultrasound plc        15,869,000       5.9 
  Sosandar plc                      12,480,000       5.6 
  Diurnal Group plc                  9,500,000       5.6 
  Byotrol plc                       25,000,001       5.5 
  Aptamer Group plc                  3,142,042       4.6 
  Zenova Group plc                   3,947,368       4.2 
  Water Intelligence plc               814,660       4.2 
  Tristel plc                        1,844,046       3.9 
  Velocys plc                       53,987,142       3.9 
  Eden Research plc                 14,282,652       3.8 
  Kinovo plc                         2,155,010       3.5 
  Velocity Composites plc            1,150,294       3.2 
  Arecor Therapeutics plc              840,708       3.0 
--------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
   14        Financial Instruments 

The Company's financial instruments comprise equity, CVRs and fixed interest investments, cash balances and liquid resources including debtors and creditors. The Company holds financial assets in accordance with its investment policy to invest in qualifying investments predominantly in AIM traded companies or companies to be traded on AIM.

Classification of financial instruments

The Company held the following categories of financial instruments at 31 January:

                                                                     2022           2022           2021           2021 
                                                               Book value     Fair value     Book value     Fair value 
                                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Assets at fair value through profit or loss 
  Investments                                                     214,737        214,737        215,398        215,398 
  Assets measured at amortised cost: 
  Accrued income and other debtors                                  1,972          1,972             46             46 
  Cash at bank                                                     31,833         31,833         24,967         24,967 
  Liabilities (amounts due within one year) measured at 
  amortised cost: 
  Payable for investments bought                                    (282)          (282)        (1,007)        (1,007) 
  Accrued expenses                                                (1,186)        (1,186)        (1,125)        (1,125) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Total for financial instruments                                 247,074        247,074        238,279        238,279 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Investments (see note 8) are measured at fair value. For quoted securities this is generally the bid price or, in the case of SETS securities, the last traded price. As explained in note 8, unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the IPEV guidelines. Changing one or more inputs for level 3 assets would not have a significant impact on the valuation. For example, revenue multiple calculations are used to value some unquoted equity holdings. These multiples are derived from a basket of comparable quoted companies, with appropriate discounts applied. These discounts are subjective and based on the Manager's experience. In respect of unquoted investments, these are valued by the Directors using rules consistent with IPEV guidelines. Investments in TB Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund are based on the published fund mid-price NAV. The fair value of all other financial assets and liabilities is represented by their carrying value in the balance sheet.

The Company's investing activities expose it to various types of risk that are associated with the financial instruments and markets in which it invests. The most important types of financial risk to which the Company is exposed are market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the balance sheet date and the risk management policies employed by the Company are discussed below.

The Company measures fair values using the following fair value hierarchy into which the fair value measurements are categorised. A fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the relevant asset as follows:

Level 1 - the unadjusted quoted price in an active market for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date.

The Company's level 1 investments are AIM traded companies and fully listed companies.

Level 2 - inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable (i.e. developed using market data) for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

The Company's level 2 assets are valued using models with significant observable market parameters.

Level 3 - inputs are unobservable (i.e. for which market data is unavailable) for the asset or liability.

Level 3 fair values are measured using a valuation technique that is based on data from an unobservable market. Discussions are held with management, statutory accounts, management accounts and cashflow forecasts are obtained, and fair value is based on multiples of revenue.

Financial assets at fair value

                                   Year ended 31 January 2022                      Year ended 31 January 2021 
                           Level 1     Level 2     Level 3       Total     Level 1     Level 2     Level 3       Total 
                           GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Equity shares            209,025           -         501     209,526     214,538           -          81     214,619 
  Preference shares              -           -           -           -           -           -          47          47 
  CVRs                           -           -         711         711           -           -         732         732 
  Convertible loan 
   notes                         -           -       4,500       4,500           -           -           -           - 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                           209,025           -       5,712     214,737     214,538           -         860     215,398 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Level 3 financial assets at fair value

                                   Year ended 31 January 2022                               Year ended 31 January 2021 
                      Equity    Preference       Loan                           Equity    Preference       Loan 
                      shares        shares      stock        CVR      Total     shares        shares      stock       CVR      Total 
                     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP000    GBP'000 
-----------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
  Opening balance 
   at 1 February          81            47          -        732        860         81            47          -       339        467 
  Purchases at 
   cost                  500             -      4,500          -      5,000          -             -          -         -          - 
   proceeds            (353)         (207)      (311)          -      (871)          -             -       (93)         -       (93) 
  Total net 
   recognised in 
   the income 
   statement             273           160        311       (21)        723          -             -         93       393        486 
-----------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
  Closing balance 
   at 31 January         501             -      4,500        711      5,712         81            47          -       732        860 
-----------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  --------  --------- 

The fair value of the Level 3 investments are derived as follows:

Equity shares are valued by using revenue multiples, net assets, discounted cashflows and industry valuation benchmarks.

Contingent Value Rights (CVRs) pay out if certain hurdles are achieved and are valued at the amount payable per share on achievement of those hurdles, discounted for certain probabilities and the time to the value date to reflect the illiquidity of the holdings, and further discounted for payment, if it becomes due, being made either in the form of loan notes or shares issued at market value.

Convertible Loan Notes (CLNs) are valued using the present value of future payments, benchmarking to a similar CLN. The value will also be referenced to the underlying assets held and disclosures made by the underlying investee company.

   15        Risks 

The risks identified arising from the financial instruments are market risk (which comprises market price risk and foreign currency risk), liquidity risk and credit and counterparty risk.

The Board and Investment Manager consider and review the risks inherent in managing the Company's assets which are detailed below.

   16        Market Risk 

Market risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices of financial instruments held in accordance with the Company's investment objectives. It represents the potential loss that the Company might suffer through holding positions by the way of price movements, interest rate movements and exchange rate movements.

The Company's strategy on the management of market risk is driven by the Company's investment objective as outlined above. The management of market risk is part of the investment management process. The Board seeks to mitigate the internal risks by setting policy, regular reviews of performance, enforcement of contractual obligations and monitoring progress and compliance with an awareness of the effects of adverse price movements through detailed and continuing analysis, with an objective of maximising overall returns to shareholders. Investments in unquoted stocks and AIM traded companies, by their nature, involve a higher degree of risk than investments in the Main Market. Some of that risk can be mitigated by diversifying the portfolio across business sectors and asset classes. The Company's overall market positions are regularly monitored by the Board and at quarterly Board meetings.

Market price risk

Market price risk arises from any fluctuations in the value of investments held by the Company. Adherence to investment policies mitigates the risk of excessive exposure to any particular type of security or issuer. The portfolio is managed with an awareness of the effects of adverse price movements through detailed and continuing analysis with the objective of maximising overall returns to shareholders.

The assessment of market risk is based on the Company's portfolio as held at the year end. The assessment uses the AIM All-Share Index as a proxy for the AIM Qualifying Investments and quoted Non-Qualifying Investments and illustrates, based on historical price movements, their potential change in value to the AIM All-Share Index.

The review has also examined the potential impact of a movement in the market on the CLN investments held by the Company, whose values will vary according to the value of the underlying security into which the loan note instrument has the option to convert.

As at 31 January 2022 97.34% (31 January 2021: 99.60%) of the Company's investments are traded. A 30% decrease in stock prices as at 31 January 2022 would have decreased the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and increased the loss for the year by GBP62,708,000 (31 January 2021: GBP64,361,000); an equal change in the opposite direction would have increased the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and turned the loss into a profit for the year by an equal amount.

As at 31 January 2022 2.66% (31 January 2021: 0.40%) of the Company's investments are in unquoted companies held at fair value. A change in market inputs that would result in a 30% decrease in the valuations of unquoted investments at 31 January 2022 would have decreased the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and increased the loss for the year by GBP1,714,000 (31 January 2021: GBP258,000); an equal change in the opposite direction would have increased the net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and reduced the loss for the year by an equal amount.

Currency risk

The Company's performance is measured in sterling, a proportion of the Company's assets may be either denominated in other currencies or are in investments with currency exposure. Any income denominated in a foreign currency is converted into sterling upon receipt. At the Balance Sheet date, the Company exposure to USD consisted of investments of GBP2,846,000 (31 January 2021: GBP860,000).

A 5% rise or decline of Sterling gains foreign currency (i.e. non Pounds Sterling) assets and liabilities held at the year end would have increased/decreased the net asset value by GBP142,000 (2021: GBP43,000).

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate movements may affect the level of income receivable on cash deposits and any fixed interest securities. The Company holds two fixed interest investments GBP4,500,000 (2020: GBPnil). Interest receivable is determined by whether the underlying investee companies of the Convertible Loan Notes held will list on AIM.

The Company holds a cash balance at 31 January 2022 of GBP31,833,000 (2021: GBP24,967,000). If the level of cash was maintained for a year, a 1% increase in interest rates would increase the revenue return and net assets by GBP318,000 (2021: GBP249,000). Management proactively manages cash balances. If there were a fall of 1% in interest rates, it would potentially impact the Company by turning positive interest to negative interest. The total effect would be a revenue reduction/cost increase of GBP318,000 (2021: GBP249,000).

   17        Credit Risk 

Credit risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the Company. The carrying amount of financial assets best represents the maximum credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date. At 31 January 2022, the financial assets exposed to credit risk, representing convertible loan stock instruments, amounts due from brokers, accrued income and cash amounted to GBP38,267,000 (31 January 2021: GBP25,013,000). The convertible loan in Sorbic International plc is secured over the buildings and land use rights of the companies.

Credit risk arising on transactions with brokers relates to transactions awaiting settlement. Risk relating to unsettled transactions is considered to be small due to the short settlement period involved, the high credit quality of the brokers used and the fact that almost all transactions are on a 'delivery versus payment' basis. The Manager monitors the quality of service provided by the brokers used to further mitigate this risk.

All the assets of the Company which are tradeable on AIM are held by The Bank of New York Nominees, the Company's custodian. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the custodian may cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held by the custodian to be delayed or limited.

At 31 January 2022, cash held by the Company was held by The Bank of New York Mellon. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the institutions may cause the Company's rights with respect to the cash held by it to be delayed or limited. Should the credit quality or the financial position of the institutions deteriorate significantly the Company has the ability to move the cash at short notice. The Board monitor the credit worthiness of BNYM, currently rated at Aa1 (Moody's).

There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 January 2022 or 31 January 2021.

   18        Liquidity Risk 

The Company's financial instruments include investments in unlisted equity investments which are not traded in an organised public market and which generally may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not be able to quickly liquidate some of its investments in these instruments at an amount close to their fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements, or to respond to specific events such as deterioration in the creditworthiness of any particular issuer. The proportion of the portfolio invested in unlisted equity investments is not considered significant given the amount of investments in readily realisable securities.

The Company's liquidity risk is managed on an ongoing basis by the Manager in accordance with policies and procedures in place as described in the Strategic Report above. The Company's overall liquidity risks are monitored on a quarterly basis by the Board.

The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily realisable securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses. At 31 January 2022, these investments were valued at GBP132,107,000 (31 January 2021: GBP159,776,000). The Directors consider that frequently traded AIM investments with a market capitalisation of greater than GBP200m represent readily realisable securities. The Company is a closed-end fund, assets do not need to be liquidated to meet redemptions, and sufficient liquidity is maintained to meet obligations as they fall due.

   19        Capital Management Policies and Procedures 

The Company's capital management objectives are:

   --    to ensure that it will be able to continue as a going concern; 
   --    to satisfy the relevant HMRC requirements; and 
   --    to maximise the income and capital return to its shareholders. 

As a VCT, the Company must have, within 3 years of raising its capital, at least 80% by value of its investments in VCT qualifying holdings, which are relatively high-risk UK smaller companies. In addition at least 30% of new money raised during an accounting period must be invested in qualifying holdings within 12 months of the end of the financial year in which the funds are raised. In satisfying these requirements, the Company's capital management scope is restricted. The Company does have the option of maintaining or adjusting its capital structure by varying dividends, returning capital to shareholders, issuing new shares or selling assets to maintain a certain level of liquidity. There has been no change in the objectives, policies or processes for managing capital from the previous year.

The structure of the Company's capital is described in note 11 and details of the Company's reserves are shown in the Statement of Changes in Equity above.

The Board, with the assistance of the Manager, monitors and reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. This review includes:

-- the need to buy back equity shares for cancellation, which takes account of the difference between the net asset value per share and the share price (i.e. the premium or discount);

   --    the need for new issues of shares; and 

-- the extent to which revenue in excess of that which is to be distributed should be retained.

The Company is subject to externally imposed capital requirements:

a. as a public limited company, the Company is required to have a minimum share capital of GBP50,000; and

b. in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act 2007, the Company as a Venture Capital Trust:

i) is required to make a distribution each year such that it does not retain more than 15% of income from shares and securities; and

   ii)      is required to derive 70% of its income from shares and securities. 

These requirements are unchanged since last year and the Company has complied with them at all times.

   20        Post Balance Sheet Events 

On 24 February 2022, following the Company's year end, in the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II, Russia began an invasion of Ukraine. Global markets reacted with shock, AIM itself fell by 3% in one day. Markets have fallen further with the effect of economic sanctions rolled out across the world, with AIM falling further since. This has had an inevitable impact on the Company's net asset value but the Directors continue to be of the view that the Company is a going concern that is viable into the longer term.

The Company announced the re-opening of the Offer on 16 February 2022 and raised a further GBP25,000,000 which was available under the over-allotment facility.

The following transactions have taken place between 31 January 2022 and the date of this report:

   --    12,280,842 shares allotted 
   --    150,616 shares bought back 
   21        Related Parties 

The Company retains Amati Global Investors as its Manager. Details of the agreement with the Manager are set out above. The number of ordinary shares in the Company (all of which are held beneficially) by certain members of the management team are:

                        31 January        31 January      31 January        31 January 
                              2022              2022            2021              2021 
                       shares held     % shares held     shares held     % shares held 
------------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Paul Jourdan             723,985             0.53%         631,470             0.54% 
  David Stevenson           26,753             0.02%          17,583             0.02% 
  Anna Macdonald*            7,855             0.01%             n/a               n/a 
------------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 

*Subsequent to the year end Anna Macdonald's shareholding increased by 4,807 shares under the Offer on 2 March 2022.

The remuneration of the Directors, who are key management personnel of the Company, is disclosed in the Directors' Remuneration Report on page 45 of the full Annual Report and Accounts , and in note 4 above.

Corporate Information


Peter Lawrence

Julia Henderson

Susannah Nicklin

Brian Scouler

Fiona Wollocombe

all of:

27/28 Eastcastle Street




LDC Nominee Secretary Limited

8(th) Floor, 100 Bishopsgate



Fund Manager

Amati Global Investors Limited

8 Coates Crescent



VCT Status Adviser

Philip Hare & Associates LLP

Hamilton House

1 Temple Avenue




The City Partnership (UK) Limited

The Mending Rooms

Park Valley Mills

Meltham Road





55 Baker Street




Dickson Minto W.S.

16 Charlotte Square




The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV

London Branch

160 Queen Victoria Street



Annual General Meeting

Attendance at the meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Amati AIM VCT plc (the "Company") will be held at the Barber-Surgeons' Hall, Monkwell Square, Wood Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 5BL on Thursday 16 June 2022 starting at 2pm.

The Company intends for the meeting to be held in person, subject to any changes in guidance from the Government regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. The AGM will also be live-streamed for those who wish to view it but cannot attend in person.

As is our normal practice, there will be live voting for those physically present at the AGM. Shareholders are advised that it will not be possible to vote or ask questions virtually during the live-stream and we therefore request all shareholders, and particularly those who cannot attend physically, to submit their votes by proxy, ahead of the deadline of 2pm on Tuesday 14 June 2022 to ensure that their vote counts at the AGM.

Shortly ahead of the AGM, the Company's Manager will post a link and instructions on how to join the event on its homepage at www.amatiglobal.com .

Shareholders who are unable to join the meeting physically can email any questions they may have either on the business of the AGM or the portfolio to info@amatiglobal.com by 10 June 2022. The Company's Manager will publish questions together with answers on the page dedicated to the AGM on the Manager's website prior to the AGM being held. The Company's Manager will reply to any individual shareholder questions submitted by the deadline of 10 June 2022, before the AGM.

The full audited Annual report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2022 will shortly be available on the Company's website www.amatiglobal.com . It will also be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will be available for inspection there, situated at:


A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts, which includes the Notice of Annual General Meeting, will be posted to shareholders shortly.

For further information, please contact the investor line at Amati Global Investors on 0131 503 9115 or by email at info@amatiglobal.com .

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on this announcement (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 13, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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