DGAP-PVR: Epigenomics AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the...
September 11 2020 - 4:54AM
UK Regulatory
DGAP Voting Rights Announcement: Epigenomics AG
Epigenomics AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the
German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide
2020-09-11 / 10:54
Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by DGAP - a
service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
*Notification of Major Holdings*
*1. Details of issuer*
|Name: |Epigenomics AG |
|Street: |Geneststraße 5 |
|Postal code: |10829 |
|City: |Berlin |
| |Germany |
|Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):|549300X1C4U862NDLN97|
*2. Reason for notification*
| |Acquisition/disposal of shares with voting rights |
| |Acquisition/disposal of instruments |
| |Change of breakdown of voting rights |
|X|Other reason: |
| |Notification is triggered due to the application of the |
| |Custody Exemption available under Sect. 36 Para. 3 No. 2 |
| |WpHG |
*3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation*
|Legal entity: Morgan Stanley |
|City of registered office, country: Wilmington, Delaware, |
|United States of America (USA) |
*4. Names of shareholder(s)*
holding directly 3% or more voting rights, if different from 3.
|Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC |
*5. Date on which threshold was crossed or reached:*
|04 Sep 2020|
*6. Total positions*
| |% of voting|% of voting| Total of| Total number|
| | rights| rights| both in %| of voting|
| |attached to| through| (7.a. +| rights|
| | shares|instruments| 7.b.)| pursuant to|
| | (total of| (total of| | Sec. 41 WpHG|
| | 7.a.)| 7.b.1 +| | |
| | | 7.b.2)| | |
|New | 9.74 %| 0.02 %| 9.76 %| 47129846|
|Previous | 10.93 %| 0.02 %| 10.95 %| /|
|notification | | | | |
*7. Details on total positions*
*a. Voting rights attached to shares (Sec. 33, 34 WpHG)*
|ISIN | Absolute | In % |
| | Direct| Indirect| Direct| Indirect|
| | (Sec. 33| (Sec. 34| (Sec. 33| (Sec. 34|
| | WpHG)| WpHG)| WpHG)| WpHG)|
|DE000A11QW50| 0| 4591104| 0.00 %| 9.74 %|
|*Total* | 4591104 | 9.74 % |
*b.1. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 1 WpHG*
|Type of |Expiration or |Exercise or | Voting| Voting|
|instrument|maturity date |conversion | rights|rights in %|
| | |period | absolute| |
|Right of |at any time |at any time | 7919| 0.02 %|
|recall | | | | |
|over | | | | |
|securities| | | | |
|lending | | | | |
|agreements| | | | |
| | |*Total* | 7919| 0.02 %|
*b.2. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 2 WpHG*
|Type of|Expiration |Exercise or|Cash or | Voting| Voting|
|instrum|or maturity |conversion |physical | rights|rights in|
|ent |date |period |settlemen| absolute| %|
| | | |t | | |
| | | | | 0| 0.00 %|
| | | |*Total* | 0| 0.00 %|
*8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification
| |Person subject to the notification obligation is not |
| |controlled nor does it control any other undertaking(s) that|
| |directly or indirectly hold(s) an interest in the |
| |(underlying) issuer (1.). |
|X|Full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the |
| |ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity: |
|Name | % of voting| % of voting| Total of both|
| | rights (if at| rights| (if at least 5%|
| | least 3% or| through| or more)|
| | more)| instruments| |
| | |(if at least| |
| | | 5% or more)| |
|Morgan Stanley | %| %| %|
|Morgan Stanley | %| %| %|
|Capital | | | |
|Management, LLC | | | |
|Morgan Stanley | %| %| %|
|Domestic | | | |
|Holdings, Inc. | | | |
|Morgan Stanley & | 9.74 %| %| 9.76 %|
|Co. LLC | | | |
*9. In case of proxy voting according to Sec. 34 para. 3 WpHG*
(only in case of attribution of voting rights in accordance with Sec. 34
para. 1 sent. 1 No. 6 WpHG)
Date of general meeting:
Holding total positions after general meeting (6.) after annual general
| Proportion of voting| Proportion of|Total of both|
| rights| instruments| |
| %| %| %|
*10. Other explanatory remarks:*
|10 Sep 2020|
2020-09-11 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,
Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.
Archive at www.dgap.de
Language: English
Company: Epigenomics AG
Geneststraße 5
10829 Berlin
Internet: www.epigenomics.com
End of News DGAP News Service
1130447 2020-09-11
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
September 11, 2020 04:54 ET (08:54 GMT)
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