Tarsis Samples 82.20 g/t Gold Across 1.0 Meter at the HG Zone, White River Project, Yukon
January 19 2012 - 3:15PM
Marketwired Canada
Tarsis Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:TCC) ("Tarsis" and "the Company") is pleased
to announce the final 2011 exploration results from its White River property,
Yukon. Highlights from this work include:
-- Strongly anomalous gold values identified in 9 of 11 hand trenches with
values ranging from 0.01 g/t to 214.00 g/t gold
-- Two zones drill ready for start of 2012 season
-- 1,617 new soil sample results, significantly expanding gold geochemistry
with new zones identified
-- Reconnaissance geophysical surveys support presence of both structural
and stratigraphic controlled mineralization
White River - West
Eleven hand trenches were completed across five separate structures spanning
over one kilometer of the property, centered within the main portion of the
gold-in-soil geochemical anomaly defining the White River West target area. In
addition, approximately 800 new soil samples were collected and two lines of
Induced Polarization (IP) geophysics were completed, each approximately two
kilometers long, were surveyed across the HG, Cool and MS2 zones.
Highlights from the hand trenching program include a channel sample returning
82.20 g/t gold across 1.0 meter from TR-HG11-02 within the HG Zone. A grab and
an auger sample from the core portion of the exposure returned 214.00 g/t and
129.00 g/t gold, respectively.
Maps and photos can be seen by clicking on this link:
Trench locations were strategically located near ridge crests to minimize
overburden thicknesses and permafrost content and most sites tested primary and
secondary structures containing previously identified gold-copper-silver
mineralization. A total of 11 hand trenches were completed within four target
areas which included deepening of three previously incomplete trenches.
All trenches, with the exception of TR-HG11-02 (HG Zone), encountered a mixture
of semi-consolidated weathered residual bedrock and locally developed soils.
Auger samples were collected below the base of the trenches at 1 m intervals
along the length of the trench, at depths between 30 and 70 cm from the trench
bottom. Large rock fragments in excess of 0.5 cm were removed from the sample
leaving the finer rock material and residual soil for analyses. All trench
samples including those collected by auger were treated as rock samples with no
further screening carried out prior to analysis.
Three hand trenches at the HG and Cool zones targeted strong gold and
copper-in-soil response, coincident with the primary easterly structural trend
mapped across the property. Two trenches at the HG Zone were located 25 m apart
on the east facing slope uphill from high-grade gold mineralization (39.8 g/t
gold, 521 g/t silver and 1.35% copper) prospected from an interpreted structural
splay while the third trench was located 25 m north to test the broader primary
lineament. Significant HG Zone trench results are listed in Table I.
Table I: Significant HG Zone Trench Results
Sample Trench Au Ag Cu
Zone Trench Type Marker (g/t) (g/t) (%)
HG TR-HG11-01 auger(i) 3 m 0.25 49.6 0.24
auger 4 m 1.28 64.7 0.27
auger 5 m 0.94 33.7 0.18
auger 6 m 1.19 39.0 0.15
HG TR-HG11-02 channel 1.0 m(ii) 82.20 2.4 0.12
grab 0 m 214.00 8.0 0.10
auger 0 m 129.00 10.5 0.03
auger 1 m 3.77 0.9 0.10
HG TR-HG11-03 auger 8 m 0.15 2.0 0.05
auger 9 m 0.13 2.4 0.05
(i) auger sample reporting starts at the south or west end of the trench,
at the 0 m mark.
(ii) continuous channel sample along the base of trench where contacts were
clearly identified.
Approximately 500 m to the north, three trenches tested a localized portion (75
m) of the Cool Zone at the west end of a broad easterly trending lineament
coincident with intermittent limonitic float trains. Previous sampling from the
float trains in the vicinity of the hand trenches returned 2.0 g/t gold, 274 g/t
silver and 3.83% copper. Trench TR-CZ11-01 is the highest elevation of the three
trenches roughly centered on the apex of the plateau. None of the trenches
encountered competent bedrock. Significant Cool Zone trench results are
contained in Table II.
Table II: Significant Cool Zone Trench Results
Sample Trench Au Ag Cu
Zone Trench Type Marker (g/t) (g/t) (%)
Cool TR-CZ11-01 auger 0 m 0.38 351.0 1.39
auger 1 m 0.54 221.0 2.16
auger 2 m 1.30 74.0 1.34
auger 3 m 1.18 595.0 1.77
auger 4 m 0.31 193.0 1.51
auger 5 m 0.16 114.0 1.08
auger 6 m 0.89 151.0 1.82
auger 7 m 0.22 166.0 2.08
auger 8 m 0.12 345.0 6.41
auger 9 m 0.06 59.6 0.73
auger 10 m 0.19 58.1 0.25
auger 11 m 0.15 53.0 0.15
auger 12 m 0.22 52.0 0.23
auger 13 m 0.08 36.9 0.25
Cool TR-CZ11-02 auger 1 m 0.03 7.2 0.34
auger 2 m 0.02 7.6 0.25
auger 6 m 0.11 60.0 0.23
auger 7 m 0.06 21.8 0.15
auger 8 m 0.04 39.0 0.14
Cool TR-CZ11-03 auger 0 m 0.06 11.8 0.89
auger 1 m 0.05 13.3 0.93
auger 2 m 0.05 10.3 0.34
auger 3 m 0.03 9.6 0.21
Four trenches were cut across a northeasterly trending lineament within the MB
Zone between the HG and Cool zones centered on narrow limonite float trains with
intermittent spot high gold geochemical anomalies. No surface sampling was
conducted along this particular trend, however malachite stained limonite float
trains sampled from the MB Showing 70 m to the northwest along a parallel trend
yielded 3.11 g/t gold, 391 g/t silver and 0.80% copper. Significant trench
results from the MB Zone are listed in Table III.
Table III: Significant MB Zone Trench Results
Sample Trench Au Ag Cu
Zone Trench Type Marker (g/t) (g/t) (%)
MB TR-MB11-01 auger 0 m 2.59 9.2 0.24
auger 1 m 0.21 1.1 0.37
MB TR-MB11-03 auger 0 m 0.22 5.0 0.31
auger 1 m 3.85 2.9 0.56
auger 2 m 4.24 2.1 0.38
auger 3 m 2.45 2.5 0.22
The last of the trenches was located 600 m south of the HG Zone at the MS2
Showing where previous prospecting identified texturally destructive silicified
stratabound replacement style mineralization in the underlying Yukon Tanana
Terrane (YTT) metasedimentary rocks. Samples collected yielded 0.88 and 1.11 g/t
gold with only weak responses for silver and copper. This locale is
characterized by a very gently sloping grass covered plateau near the edge of a
subtle northeasterly trending bench. Significant MS2 trench results are
contained in Table IV.
Table IV: Significant MS2 Trench Results
Sample Trench Au
Zone Trench Type Marker (g/t)
MS2 TR-MS2-11-01 auger 0 m 0.16
auger 1 m 0.32
auger 2 m 0.17
auger 3 m 0.15
auger 5 m 1.95
auger 6 m 0.69
Inverted chargeability and resistivity plots for the two reconnaissance IP lines
established across the MS2, HG and Cool zones highlighted a number of
significant features. All mineralized zones appear to be associated with
moderate to strong surface and near surface resistivity; the most striking of
which is observed over the area hosting the MS2 mineralization. The resistivity
high is broad but well defined and coincides in part with moderate to strong
chargeability highs.
Positive chargeability is characterized by a broad but well defined gently north
dipping band roughly coincident with the projection of the upper portion of the
YTT sequence near the overlying Slide Mountain Terrain (SMT) contact. Isolated
lobes of strong chargeability, in excess of 100 m width, are coincident with a
number of steeply dipping structural zones defined by the magnetic data and in
particular occur directly beneath the HG and MS2 zones. The chargeability
anomalies appear slightly offset below the resistivity anomalies.
Soil sampling identified a new zone north of the main grid and significantly
improved the resolution of the South Zone where a semi-continuous gold-in-soil
anomaly is defined along an 1,100 m northwesterly trend with values ranging from
9 ppb to 1.67 g/t gold. Approximately 2.5 kilometers north-northwest of the
South Zone, a 400 m by 200 m area of anomalous copper response has been
identified featuring values ranging from 80 to 525 ppm. No follow-up work has
been conducted in either of these locales.
White River - East
At White River - East, 890 grid soil samples were collected as follow up to
anomalous ridge and spur sampling completed earlier in 2011, which is located
approximately 8 km east of White River West. Gold-in-soil values range from
below detection to 380 ppb and one semi-continuous gold anomaly has been defined
for approximately 1,100 m and up to 250 m wide mostly occurring on a gentle
grassy plateau. A number of other secondary anomalies were also identified which
will require additional soil sampling to more clearly define their extents.
"The White River property has the potential to host Yukon's next significant
discovery," states Tarsis' President & CEO, Marc Blythe. "We are very pleased
with the development of the numerous gold-silver-copper targets and are
particularly encouraged by the trench results from White River West where many
of the zones have only been cursorily explored."
Exploration to date at White River suggests the mineralizing system is extensive
and is both structurally and stratigraphically controlled with mineralization
occurring through a thick sequence of both the SMT and underlying YTT.
High-level structurally hosted mineralization is predominant within the
overlying SMT sequence and is associated with broad multi-oriented lineaments in
excess of 30 m width. Modeled IP and magnetic results, although broadly spaced
and reconnaissance in nature, suggests the potential for replacement style
mineralization largely within the underlying YTT sequence in close proximity to
through-going structural zones.
Tarsis will spend the coming months designing the first phase diamond drill
program and supplementary exploration required to expand and define new and
existing target areas at both White River West and East. Continued petrographic
work will also be carried out to better understand the nature of the
mineralizing system prior to drilling.
All samples have been assayed by ALS Chemex Laboratories, with sample
preparation being carried out either in Yukon or Vancouver and assaying at their
North Vancouver laboratory. ALS Chemex are ISO 9001 accredited. All samples were
assayed for gold using either a 30 or 50 gram fire assay technique and aqua
regia digestion, followed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and mass
spectroscopy (MS) or atomic absorption spectroscopy (AES) for 51 elements.
The technical information contained in this press release was prepared under the
supervision of Mr. Marc G. Blythe, P.Eng., the President and CEO of Tarsis
Resources Ltd. Mr. Blythe is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.
About Tarsis Resources
Tarsis is an exploration company following the prospect generator business
model, with mineral properties in Yukon, Canada and Mexico. The Company acquires
projects on attractive terms, adds value and then vends or options out projects
to partners for advancement.
On behalf of the Board,
Marc G. Blythe, P.Eng., MBA., President and Chief Executive Officer
This news release was prepared by Company management, which takes full
responsibility for content.
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