Quebecor Inc. ("Quebecor")(TSX:QBR.A)(TSX:QBR.B) today reported Videotron Ltd.'s ("Videotron") 2011 full-year and fourth quarter financial results.

Videotron's results are being released ahead of schedule due to certain reporting requirements in Canada and the United States. The financial year-end process and audit for Quebecor's other business segments are in progress and have not yet been completed. Quebecor plans to release its audited consolidated financial results for 2011 on March 15, 2012.

Quebecor and Videotron adopted International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") on January 1, 2011. Videotron's 2011 full-year and fourth quarter consolidated financial statements have therefore been prepared in accordance with IFRS and comparative data for 2010 have been restated. Fore more information, refer to "Transition to IFRS" below.

2011 highlights

--  Videotron's revenues totalled $2.43 billion, up $201.9 million (9.1%)
    from 2010. 
--  Operating income(1) up $51.5 million (4.9%) to $1.10 billion. 
--  Net income attributable to shareholder down $35.1 million (-6.9%) to
    $469.0 million. 
--  Videotron recorded its largest annual customer increase since 2008,
    adding 375,800 revenue-generating units,(2) 39.3% more than the number
    added in 2010. 
    --  Net increase of 49,900 cable television customers in 2011 (34,600 in
        2010), including a 181,200-subscriber increase for the digital
        service (135,500 in 2010), the strongest annual growth for the
        digital service since it was launched in 1999. Total revenues from
        cable television services passed the $1 billion mark. 
    --  Net increase of 80,400 customers for the cable Internet access
        service (81,500 in 2010). 
    --  Net increase of 91,000 customers for the cable telephony service
        (100,300 in 2010). 
    --  Net increase of 154,500 subscriber connections for the mobile
        telephony service. At December 31, 2011, Videotron's 4G network was
        available to nearly seven million people in Quebec and eastern

Fourth quarter 2011 highlights

--  Revenues up $43.6 million (7.4%) from the same quarter in 2010 to reach
    $634.8 million. 
--  Operating income up $31.5 million (12.0%) to $294.7 million. 
--  Net income attributable to shareholder up $66.0 million (68.8%) to
    $161.9 million. 

(1) See "Operating income" under "Definitions."                             
(2) Revenue-generating units are the sum of cable television, Internet      
access and cable telephony service subscriptions, plus subscriber           
connections to the mobile telephony service.                                

2011 operating results

Revenues: $2.43 billion in 2011, an increase of $201.9 million (9.1%).

--  Combined revenues from all cable television services topped $1 billion
    for the first time, increasing by $62.0 million (6.5%) to $1.01 billion,
    mainly because of the higher revenue per user generated by increases in
    some rates, the success of high definition ("HD") packages, increased
    pay TV orders, and the impact of customer base growth. 
--  Revenues from Internet access services increased $54.0 million (8.4%) to
    $698.2 million. The improvement was mainly due to customer growth,
    increases in some rates, and customer migration to upgraded service
--  Revenues from cable telephony service increased $26.8 million (6.5%) to
    $436.7 million, primarily as a result of customer base growth and more
    lines per customer. 
--  Revenues from mobile telephony service increased $59.6 million (112.1%)
    to $112.7 million, essentially due to customer growth resulting largely
    from the launch of the new network in September 2010. 
--  Revenues of Videotron Business Solutions increased $3.2 million (5.4%)
    to $63.0 million, mainly because of higher revenues from network
--  Revenues from customer equipment sales decreased $4.0 million (-6.7%) to
    $55.9 million, mainly because of campaigns promoting cable television
    equipment leasing, partially offset by increased sales of mobile
    telephony equipment. 
--  Revenues of Le SuperClub Videotron ltee ("Le SuperClub Videotron")
    decreased $1.6 million (-6.9%) to $21.6 million, mainly as a result of
    store closures in 2011, partially offset by higher franchise fee
--  Other revenues increased $1.9 million (6.8%) to $29.9 million. 

Average monthly revenue per user(3) ("ARPU"): $103.28 in 2011 compared with $95.73 in 2010, an increase of $7.55 (7.9%).

Customer statistics

Revenue-generating units - As of December 31, 2011, the total number of revenue-generating units stood at 4,689,900, an increase of 375,800 (8.7%) from the end of 2010 (Table 1). The net increase in revenue-generating units in 2011 was 39.3% greater than in 2010 and constituted the largest annual increase, in absolute terms, in three years. This solid performance was due to the effective strategy of marketing bundled services, including mobile telephony service, at a time of technological change in television broadcasting. The number of revenue-generating units had increased by 269,700 in 2010.

Cable television - The combined customer base for all of Videotron's cable television services increased by 49,900 (2.8%) in 2011 (Table 1), compared with an increase of 34,600 in 2010. As of December 31, 2011, Videotron had 1,861,500 customers for its cable television services, a household penetration rate of 70.1% (number of subscribers as a proportion of total homes passed by Videotron's network, i.e., 2,657,300 homes, as of the end of December 2011), compared with 69.3% a year earlier.

--  The customer base for the Digital TV service stood at 1,400,800 as at
    December 31, 2011, an increase of 181,200 (14.9%) during the year,
    compared with a 135,500 increase in 2010 (Table 1). It was the largest
    annual customer growth for Digital TV since the service was launched in
    1999. As of December 31, 2011, illico Digital TV had a household
    penetration rate of 52.7% versus 46.7% a year earlier. 
--  Migration from analog to digital service was the main reason for the
    131,300 (-22.2%) decrease in the customer base for analog cable
    television services in 2011. By comparison, the number of subscribers to
    analog cable services decreased by 100,900 in 2010. 

Cable Internet access - The number of subscribers to cable Internet access services stood at 1,332,500 as at December 31, 2011, an increase of 80,400 (6.4%) from year-end 2010, compared with an increase of 81,500 in 2010 (Table 1). As at December 31, 2011, Videotron's cable Internet access services had a household penetration rate of 50.1%, compared with 47.9% a year earlier.

Cable telephony service - The number of subscribers to cable telephony service stood at 1,205,300 as at the end of December 2011, an increase of 91,000 (8.2%) from year-end 2010, compared with an increase of 100,300 in 2010 (Table 1). As at December 31, 2011, the IP telephony service had a household penetration rate of 45.4%, compared with 42.7% a year earlier.

Mobile telephony service - As of December 31, 2011, the number of subscriber connections to the mobile telephony service stood at 290,600, an increase of 154,500 (113.5%) from year-end 2010, compared with an increase of 53,300 connections in 2010 (Table 1). At December 31, 2011, there were 3,100 connections to the MVNO network.

(3) The average monthly revenue per user is defined under "Definitions."    
Table 1                                                         
Telecommunications segment year-end customer numbers (2007-2011)
(in thousands of customers)                                     
                                    2011     2010     2009     2008     2007
Cable television:                                                           
  Analog                           460.7    592.0    692.9    788.3    869.9
  Digital                        1,400.8  1,219.6  1,084.1    927.3    768.2
                                 1,861.5  1,811.6  1,777.0  1,715.6  1,638.1
Cable Internet                   1,332.5  1,252.1  1,170.6  1,063.8    933.0
Cable telephony                  1,205.3  1,114.3  1,014.0    852.0    636.4
Mobile telephony(1)                290.6    136.1     82.8     63.4     45.1
Total (revenue-generating                                                   
 units)                          4,689.9  4,314.1  4,044.4  3,694.8  3,252.6
(1) Thousands of connections                                                

Operating income: $1.10 billion, an increase of $51.5 million (4.9%).

--  The increase in operating income was mainly due to: 
    --  impact of higher revenues; 
    --  reduction in the stock-based compensation charge. 
--  Partially offset by: 
    --  increases in operating expenses, among them costs related to the
        roll-out of the 4G network, including acquisition costs of
        approximately $489 per subscriber addition (direct costs, including
        selling, advertising and marketing expenses and equipment subsidies)
        and site overhead costs; 
    --  capitalization of some operating expenses during the build-out of
        the new mobile network, which also explains the unfavourable
        variance in operating expenses in 2011 compared with 2010. 

Net income attributable to shareholder: $469.0 million, a $35.1 million (-6.9%) decrease.

--  The decrease was mainly due to: 
    --  $116.4 million increase in amortization charge; 
    --  $4.8 million increase in financial expenses; 
    --  $1.2 million increase in charge for restructuring of operations and
        other special items. 
--  Partially offset by: 
    --  $51.5 million increase in operating income; 
    --  $31.8 million favourable variance in gain on valuation and
        translation of financial instruments; 
    --  $4.1 million decrease in income tax expense. 

Fourth quarter 2011 operating results

Revenues: $634.8 million, an increase of $43.6 million (7.4%), essentially due to the same factors as those noted above under "2011 operating results."

--  Combined revenues from all cable television services increased $15.9
    million (6.5%) to $261.8 million. 
--  Revenues from Internet access services increased $16.9 million (10.2%)
    to $183.2 million. 
--  Revenues from cable telephony service increased $4.6 million (4.3%) to
    $111.5 million. 
--  Revenues from mobile telephony service increased $17.4 million (103.0%)
    to $34.3 million. 
--  Revenues of Videotron Business Solutions increased $0.5 million (3.1%)
    to $16.6 million. 
--  Revenues from customer equipment sales decreased $11.2 million (-45.0%)
    to $13.7 million. 
--  Revenues of Le SuperClub Videotron decreased $0.5 million (-7.1%) to
    $6.0 million. 
--  Other revenues were flat at $7.7 million. 

ARPU: $106.90 in the fourth of quarter 2011, compared with $98.85 in the same period of 2010, an increase of $8.05 (8.1%).

Customer statistics

Revenue-generating units - 101,800 (2.2%) unit increase in the fourth quarter of 2011, 20.0% more than the 84,800 unit increase in the same period of 2010.

Cable television - 17,300 (0.9%) increase in the combined customer base for all cable television services in the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with an increase of 9,600 in the same quarter of 2010.

--  Digital TV: 52,700 (3.9%) subscriber increase in the fourth quarter of
    2011, compared with 37,300 in the same period of 2010. 
--  Analog cable TV: 35,400 (-7.1%) subscriber decrease in the fourth
    quarter of 2011, compared with a decrease of 27,700 in the same period
    of 2010. 

Cable Internet access - 26,100 (2.0%) increase in the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with 18,300 in the same period of 2010.

Cable telephony - 25,900 (2.2%) subscriber increase in the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with 16,200 in the same period of 2010.

Mobile telephony service - 32,500 (12.6%) increase in subscriber connections in the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with 40,700 in the same period of 2010.

Operating income: $294.7 million, an increase of $31.5 million (12.0%).

--  The increase in operating income was mainly due to: 
    --  impact of higher revenues. 
--  Partially offset by: 
    --  increases in operating costs, including costs related to the roll-
        out of the 4G network. 

Net income attributable to shareholder: $161.9 million, an increase of $66.0 million (68.8%).

--  The increase was due mainly to: 
    --  $86.4 million favourable variance in gains and losses on valuation
        and translation of financial instruments in the fourth quarter 2011,
        compared with the same period of 2010; 
    --  $31.5 million increase in operating income; 
    --  $8.9 million decrease in the charge for restructuring of operations
        and other special items. 
--  Partially offset by: 
    --  $39.4 million increase in income tax expense; 
    --  $18.0 million increase in amortization charge; 
    --  $3.4 million increase in financial expenses. 

Financing activities

--  On July 20, 2011, Videotron amended its $575.0 million revolving credit
    facility to extend the expiry date from April 2012 to July 2016 and
    modify some of the terms and conditions. 
--  On July 5, 2011, Videotron issued 6 7/8% Senior Notes maturing in 2021
    in the aggregate principal amount of $300.0 million, for a net principal
    amount of $294.8 million. The net proceeds were used to finance the
    early repayment and withdrawal of US$255.0 million principal amount of
    Videotron's 6 7/8% Senior Notes maturing in 2014, and settlement of the
    related hedges.  

Detailed financial information

For a detailed analysis of Videotron's 2011 full year and fourth quarter results, please refer to the Management Discussion and Analysis and consolidated financial statements of Videotron, available on Quebecor's website at

Transition to IFRS

On January 1, 2011, Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), as used by publicly accountable enterprises, were fully converged into IFRS. Prior to the adoption of IFRS, for all periods up to and including the year ended December 31, 2010, Videotron's consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP. IFRS uses a conceptual framework similar to Canadian GAAP, but there are significant differences related to recognition, measurement and disclosures.

The date of the opening balance sheet under IFRS and the date of transition to IFRS is January 1, 2010. The financial data for 2010 have therefore been restated. Videotron is also required to apply IFRS accounting policies retrospectively to determine its opening balance sheet, subject to certain exemptions. However, Videotron is not required to restate figures for periods prior to January 1, 2010 that were previously prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP.

The new significant accounting policies under IFRS are disclosed in Note 1 to Videotron's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011. Note 27 describes the adjustments made by Videotron in preparing its IFRS opening consolidated balance sheet as of January 1, 2010 and in restating its previously published Canadian GAAP consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010. Note 27 also provides details on exemption choices made by Videotron with respect to the general principle of retrospective application of IFRS.


Operating Income

In its analysis of operating results, Quebecor defines operating income, as reconciled to net income under IFRS, as net income before amortization, financial expenses, gain (loss) on valuation and translation of financial instruments, charge for restructuring of operations and other special items, and income tax. Operating income as defined above is not a measure of results that is consistent with IFRS. It is not intended to be regarded as an alternative to other financial operating performance measures or to the statement of cash flows as a measure of liquidity. It should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. Management believes that operating income is a meaningful measure of performance. Quebecor uses operating income in order to assess the performance of its investment in Quebecor Media. Quebecor's management and Board of Directors use this measure in evaluating its consolidated results as well as the results of its operating segments. This measure eliminates the significant level of depreciation and amortization of tangible and intangible assets and is unaffected by the capital structure or investment activities of Quebecor and its segments. Operating income is also relevant because it is a significant component of the Quebecor's annual incentive compensation programs. A limitation of this measure, however, is that it does not reflect the periodic costs of tangible and intangible assets used in generating revenues in Quebecor's segments. In addition, measures like operating income are commonly used by the investment community to analyze and compare the performance of companies in the industries in which Quebecor is engaged. Quebecor's definition of operating income may not be the same as similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

Table 2 below provides a reconciliation of operating income to net income as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements.

Table 2                                                                     
Reconciliation of Videotron's operating income, as reported in this press   
release, to the net income measure used in the consolidated financial       
(in millions of Canadian dollars)                                           
                                        Year Ended            Three months  
                                        December 31       ended December 31 
                                    2011       2010        2011        2010 
Operating Income              $  1,098.8 $  1,047.3  $    294.7  $    263.2 
Amortization                      (408.1)    (291.7)     (110.2)      (92.2)
Financial expenses                (158.0)    (153.2)      (39.1)      (35.7)
Gain (loss) on valuation and                                                
 translation of financial                                                   
 instruments                        56.2       24.4        57.0       (29.4)
Restructuring of operations                                                 
 and other special items           (12.6)     (11.4)       (0.5)       (9.4)
Income tax                        (107.0)    (111.1)      (39.9)       (0.5)
Net income                    $    469.3 $    504.3  $    162.0  $     96.0 

Average Monthly Revenue per User

ARPU is an industry metric that Videotron uses to measure its monthly cable television, Internet access, cable telephony and mobile telephony revenues per average basic cable customer. ARPU is not a measurement that is consistent with IFRS and the Videotron's definition and calculation of ARPU may not be the same as identically titled measurements reported by other companies. Videotron calculates ARPU by dividing its combined cable television, Internet access, cable telephony and mobile telephony revenues by the average number of basic customers during the applicable period, and then dividing the resulting amount by the number of months in the applicable period.

Forward-Looking Statements

The statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause Quebecor's actual results for future periods to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of the conditional or by forward-looking terminology such as the terms "plans," "expects," "may," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "seeks," "believes," or similar terms, variations of such terms or the negative of such terms. Certain factors that may cause actual results to differ from current expectations include seasonality (including seasonal fluctuations in customer orders), operating risks (including fluctuations in demand for Quebecor's products and pricing actions by competitors), insurance risk, risks associated with capital investment (including risks related to technological development and equipment availability and breakdown), environmental risks, risks associated with labour agreements, risks associated with commodities and energy prices (including fluctuations in the cost and availability of raw materials), credit risk, financial risks, debt risks, risks related to interest rate fluctuations, foreign exchange risks, risks associated with government acts and regulations, risks related to changes in tax legislation and to changes in the general political and economic environment. Investors and others are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive and that undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statements. For more information on the risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause Quebecor's actual results to differ from current expectations, please refer to Quebecor's public filings available at and including, in particular, the "Risks and Uncertainties" section of Quebecor's Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2010.

The forward-looking statements in this press release reflect Quebecor's expectations as of February 29, 2012 and are subject to change after that date. Quebecor expressly disclaims any obligation or intention to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

The Corporation

Quebecor Inc. (TSX:QBR.A)(TSX:QBR.B) is a holding company with a 54.7% interest in Quebecor Media Inc., one of Canada's largest media groups, with more than 16,000 employees. Quebecor Media Inc., through its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, Internet access services, cable telephone services and mobile telephone services. Through Sun Media Corporation, Quebecor Media Inc. is the largest publisher of newspapers in Canada. It also operates and its network of English and French language Internet properties in Canada. In the broadcasting sector, Quebecor Media Inc. operates, through TVA Group Inc., the number one French language general interest television network in Quebec, a number of specialty channels and the SUN News English language channel. Another subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., Nurun Inc., is a major interactive technologies and communications agency with offices in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia. Quebecor Media Inc. is also active in magazine publishing (TVA Publishing Inc.), book publishing and distribution (Sogides Group Inc. and CEC Publishing Inc.), the production, distribution and retailing of cultural products (Archambault Group Inc. and TVA Films), video game development (BlooBuzz Studios, L.P.), DVD, Blu-ray disc and videogame rental and retailing (Le SuperClub Videotron Ltd), the printing and distribution of regional newspapers and flyers (Quebecor Media Printing Inc. and Quebecor Media Network Inc.), news content production and distribution (QMI Agency), multiplatform advertising solutions (QMI Sales) and the publishing of printed and online directories, through Quebecor MediaPages(TM).

VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME                                           
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                             Three months ended         Twelve months ended 
                                    December 31                 December 31 
                            2011           2010         2011           2010 
                                     (restated)                  (restated) 
  Cable television   $   261,751  $     245,897  $ 1,012,604  $     950,590 
  Internet               183,209        166,272      698,234        644,283 
  Cable telephony        111,474        106,868      436,694        409,858 
  Mobile telephony        34,297         16,892      112,743         53,167 
  Business solutions      16,562         16,122       63,025         59,803 
  Equipment sales         13,744         24,922       55,885         59,893 
  Other                   13,747         14,214       51,529         51,214 
                         634,784        591,187    2,430,714      2,228,808 
Cost of sales and                                                           
 operating expenses      340,123        327,973    1,331,935      1,181,535 
Amortization             110,223         92,166      408,133        291,738 
Financial expenses        39,115         35,775      158,042        153,193 
(Gain) loss on                                                              
 valuation and                                                              
 translation of                                                             
 instruments             (57,040)        29,363      (56,142)       (24,373)
Restructuring of                                                            
 operations and                                                             
 other special items         506          9,366       12,619         11,380 
Income before income                                                        
 taxes                   201,857         96,544      576,127        615,335 
Income taxes                                                                
  Current                 (2,584)       (13,716)     (22,549)        27,375 
  Deferred                42,507         14,211      129,424         83,642 
                          39,923            495      106,875        111,017 
Net income           $   161,934  $      96,049  $   469,252  $     504,318 
Net income                                                                  
 attributable to:                                                           
  Shareholder        $   161,882  $      95,901  $   469,023  $     504,074 
   interest                   52            148          229            244 
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                             Three months ended         Twelve months ended 
                                    December 31                 December 31 
                            2011           2010         2011           2010 
                                     (restated)                  (restated) 
Net income           $   161,934  $      96,049  $   469,252  $     504,318 
Other comprehensive                                                         
 (loss) income:                                                             
  Cash flow hedges:                                                         
    (Loss) gain on                                                          
     valuation of                                                           
     instruments         (17,594)       (25,750)       1,173         19,968 
    Deferred income                                                         
     taxes                 4,014          5,879       (2,879)        (1,275)
  Defined benefit                                                           
    Actuarial loss                                                          
     and net change                                                         
     in asset limit                                                         
     and in minimum                                                         
     liability           (32,356)        (8,109)     (32,356)        (9,427)
    Deferred income                                                         
     taxes                 8,700          2,181        8,700          2,571 
  Reclassification to                                                       
     loss related to                                                        
     cash flow hedges          -              -          801              - 
    Deferred income                                                         
     taxes                     -              -         (200)             - 
                         (37,236)       (25,799)     (24,761)        11,837 
Comprehensive income $   124,698  $      70,250  $   444,491  $     516,155 
Comprehensive income                                                        
 attributable to:                                                           
  Shareholder        $   124,646  $      70,102  $   444,262  $     515,911 
   interest                   52            148          229            244 
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EQUITY                                           
(in thousands of Canadian dollars) (unaudited)                              
                     Equity attributable to shareholder                     
                                               Accumu-  attribu-            
                                                 lated     table            
                                                 other   to non-            
                          Contri-              compre-  control-            
                Capital     buted   Retained   hensive      ling      Total 
                  stock   surplus   earnings      loss  interest     equity 
Balance as of                                                               
 December 31,                                                               
 2009 as                                                                    
 Canadian GAAP                                                              
 (restated)    $      1 $   7,155 $  726,444 $ (22,832)$       - $  710,768 
 adjustments          -    (7,155)   (52,819)        -       991    (58,983)
Balance as of                                                               
 January 1,                                                                 
 2010                 1         -    673,625   (22,832)      991    651,785 
Net income            -         -    504,074         -       244    504,318 
income                -         -     (6,856)   18,693         -     11,837 
Issuance of                                                                 
 shares           3,400         -          -         -         -      3,400 
Dividends             -         -   (437,000)        -       (95)  (437,095)
Balance as of                                                               
 December 31,                                                               
 2010             3,401         -    733,843    (4,139)    1,140    734,245 
Net income            -         -    469,023         -       229    469,252 
 loss                 -         -    (23,656)   (1,105)        -    (24,761)
Acquisition of                                                              
 a subsidiary                                                               
 from an                                                                    
 corporation          -         -    (32,140)        -         -    (32,140)
Dividends             -         -   (140,000)        -       (55)  (140,055)
Balance as of                                                               
 December 31,                                                               
 2011          $  3,401 $       - $1,007,070 $  (5,244)$   1,314 $1,006,541 
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS                                       
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                             Three months ended         Twelve months ended 
                                    December 31                 December 31 
                            2011           2010         2011           2010 
                                     (restated)                  (restated) 
Cash flows related to                                                       
 operating activities                                                       
  Net income         $   161,934  $      96,049  $   469,252  $     504,318 
  Adjustments for:                                                          
    Amortization of                                                         
     fixed assets         87,352         73,100      322,878        254,469 
    Amortization of                                                         
     assets               22,871         19,066       85,255         37,269 
    (Gain) loss on                                                          
     valuation and                                                          
     translation of                                                         
     instruments         (57,040)        29,363      (56,142)       (24,373)
    Amortization of                                                         
     financing costs                                                        
     and long-term                                                          
     debt premium or                                                        
     discount              1,372            901        4,238          3,556 
    Deferred income                                                         
     taxes                42,507         14,211      129,424         83,642 
    Gain on debt                                                            
     refinancing               -              -       (2,713)             - 
    Other                 (3,021)           (37)      (1,058)            (9)
Net change in non-                                                          
 cash balances                                                              
 related to operating                                                       
 activities              (37,434)       (83,651)     (44,094)       (77,397)
Cash flows provided                                                         
 by operating                                                               
 activities              218,541        149,002      907,040        781,475 
Cash flows related to                                                       
 investing activities                                                       
  Additions to fixed                                                        
   assets               (189,158)      (190,371)    (725,404)      (651,146)
  Additions to                                                              
   intangible assets     (28,247)       (24,124)     (73,253)       (72,244)
  Acquisition of a                                                          
   subsidiary from an                                                       
   corporation                 -              -      (32,140)             - 
   (acquisition) of                                                         
   preferred shares                                                         
   of a company under                                                       
   common control              -        930,000            -       (370,000)
  Acquisition of tax                                                        
   deductions from                                                          
   the ultimate                                                             
   parent corporation          -         (5,974)           -         (5,974)
  Net change in                                                             
   investments                 -              -            -         30,000 
  Other                    1,836          1,827        4,893          7,319 
Cash flows (used in)                                                        
 provided by                                                                
 investing activities   (215,569)       711,358     (825,904)    (1,062,045)
Cash flows related to                                                       
 financing activities                                                       
  Issuance of long-                                                         
   term debt, net of                                                        
   financing fees              -              -      294,846        293,888 
  Net borrowings                                                            
   under bank credit                                                        
   facility               69,643              -       69,643              - 
  Financing costs         (1,413)             -       (3,862)             - 
  Repayment of long-                                                        
   term debt and                                                            
   settlement of                                                            
   related hedging                                                          
   contracts                   -              -     (303,068)             - 
   issuance of                                                              
   subordinated loan                                                        
   from parent                                                              
   corporation                 -       (930,000)           -        370,000 
  Dividends              (65,000)      (102,000)    (140,000)      (437,000)
  Other                        -              -          (14)          (292)
Cash flows provided                                                         
 by (used in)                                                               
 financing activities      3,230     (1,032,000)     (82,455)       226,596 
Net change in cash                                                          
 and cash equivalents      6,202       (171,640)      (1,319)       (53,974)
Cash and cash                                                               
 equivalents at                                                             
 beginning of period      88,814        267,975       96,335        150,309 
Cash and cash                                                               
 equivalents at end                                                         
 of period           $    95,016  $      96,335  $    95,016  $      96,335 
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (continued)                           
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                               Three months ended       Twelve months ended 
                                      December 31               December 31 
                              2011           2010       2011           2010 
Additional information on the consolidated                                  
statements of cash flows                                                    
Cash and cash                                                               
 equivalents consist                                                        
  Bank overdraft        $  (21,483) $     (24,214) $ (21,483) $     (24,214)
  Cash equivalents         116,499        120,549    116,499        120,549 
                        $   95,016  $      96,335  $  95,016  $      96,335 
Non-cash investing                                                          
  Net change in                                                             
   additions to fixed                                                       
   and intangible                                                           
   assets financed with                                                     
   accounts payable     $  (56,029) $      11,611  $ (28,956) $     (16,589)
Interest and taxes                                                          
 reflected as operating                                                     
  Cash interest                                                             
   payments             $   67,300  $      59,464  $ 163,365  $     150,241 
  Cash income tax                                                           
   payments (net of                                                         
   refunds)                  5,164          2,058      6,141          6,456 
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                                                 
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                                               December 31,     December 31,
                                                       2011             2010
Current assets                                                              
  Cash and cash equivalents                $         95,016 $         96,335
  Accounts receivable                               264,497          245,691
  Income taxes                                       10,819              434
  Amounts receivable from affiliated                                        
   corporations                                      33,391           10,608
  Inventories                                       122,870           96,549
  Prepaid expenses                                   16,319           21,689
Total current assets                                542,912          471,306
Non-current assets                                                          
  Investments                                     1,630,000        1,630,000
  Fixed assets                                    2,602,215        2,179,600
  Intangible assets                                 711,426          720,970
  Derivative financial instruments                    3,207                -
  Other assets                                       43,434           46,028
  Deferred income taxes                               5,243            6,134
  Goodwill                                          451,545          451,475
Total non-current assets                          5,447,070        5,034,207
Total assets                               $      5,989,982 $      5,505,513
VIDEOTRON LTD.                                                              
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (continued)                                     
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)                                          
                                             December 31,      December 31, 
                                                     2011              2010 
Liabilities and Equity                                                      
Current liabilities                                                         
  Accounts payable and accrued charges   $        435,627  $        382,162 
  Amounts payable to affiliated                                             
   corporations                                    23,789            23,248 
  Provisions                                        7,383            17,716 
  Deferred revenue                                248,195           227,211 
  Income taxes                                          -            19,603 
  Current portion of long-term debt                10,714                 - 
Total current liabilities                         725,708           669,940 
Non-current liabilities                                                     
  Long-term debt                                1,846,343         1,786,076 
  Subordinated loan from parent                                             
   corporation                                  1,630,000         1,630,000 
  Derivative financial instruments                222,212           289,032 
  Deferred income taxes                           454,716           316,185 
  Other liabilities                               104,462            80,035 
Total non-current liabilities                   4,257,733         4,101,328 
Total liabilities                               4,983,441         4,771,268 
  Capital stock                                     3,401             3,401 
  Retained Earnings                             1,007,070           733,843 
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss             (5,244)           (4,139)
  Equity attributable to shareholder            1,005,227           733,105 
  Non-controlling interest                          1,314             1,140 
Total equity                                    1,006,541           734,245 
Total liabilities and equity             $      5,989,982  $      5,505,513 

Contacts: Jean-Francois Pruneau Chief Financial Officer Quebecor Inc. and Quebecor Media 514 380-4144 J. Serge Sasseville Vice President, Corporate and Institutional Affairs Quebecor Media 514 380-1864

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