Washington, D.C. 20549






Report of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the Month of November 2008

Commission File Number: 000-50984



eLong, Inc.

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)



Block B, Xingke Plaza Building

10 Middle Jiuxianqiao Road

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100016, People’s Republic of China

(Address of principal executive offices)



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On November 27, 2008 (Beijing time), eLong, Inc. (the “Company”) issued a press release regarding its third quarter 2008 unaudited financial results. The Company’s press release is furnished as Exhibit 99.1 . In addition, on November 27, 2008 (Beijing time), the Company’s management team hosted a conference call to discuss the press release.

The information herein and in the press releases is intended to be furnished and shall not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section, nor shall it be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended or the Exchange Act, except as expressly set forth by specific reference in such filing.

Any statements contained in this document and any exhibits hereto concerning eLong’s future business, operating results and financial condition are “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “predict,” “should” and “will” and similar expressions as they relate to the Company are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward looking statements are based upon management’s current views and expectations with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Furthermore, these statements are, by their nature, subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance and results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Factors that could affect the Company’s actual results and cause actual results to differ materially from those included in any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, eLong’s operating losses, declines or disruptions in the travel industry, the international financial crisis, slowdown in the PRC economy, the recurrence of SARS, an outbreak of bird flu or other disease, eLong’s reliance on having good relationships with hotel suppliers and airline ticket suppliers, our reliance on the Travelsky GDS system for our air business, the possibility that eLong will be unable to continue timely compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the risk that eLong will not be successful in competing against new and existing competitors, risks associated with Expedia, Inc.’s (Nasdaq: EXPE) majority ownership interest in eLong and the integration of eLong’s business with that of Expedia’s, fluctuations in the value of the Chinese currency, changes in eLong’s management team and other key personnel, changes in third-party distribution partner relationships and other risks outlined in eLong’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including eLong’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. eLong is not under any obligation and does not intend to publicly update or review any of these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Exhibits .


99.1 Press Release issued by the Company on November 27, 2008 (Beijing Time): “eLong, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2008 Unaudited Financial Results.”


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


DATED: November 27, 2008   ELONG, INC.

/s/ Chris Chan

  Name:   Chris Chan
  Title:   Chief Financial Officer

eLong, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2008 Unaudited Financial Results

BEIJING, China – November 27, 2008 – eLong, Inc. (NASDAQ: LONG), a leading online travel service provider in China, today reported unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2008.




Total gross revenues increased 7% year-on-year to RMB90.0 million and net revenues increased 6% year-on-year to RMB84.1 million.



Travel revenues before business tax and surcharges comprised of hotel, air and other travel product and service revenues increased 6% year-on-year to RMB85.4 million.

Travel revenues before business tax and surcharges by product were as follows (figures in RMB 000’s; some numbers may not add due to rounding):


     Q3 2008    %
    Q3 2007    %

Hotel commissions

   65,152    77 %   64,417    80 %   1 %

Air ticketing commissions

   19,929    23 %   15,585    19 %   28 %

Other travel revenue

   306    —       869    1 %   -65 %

Total travel revenue

   85,387    100 %   80,871    100 %   6 %



Operating loss increased year-on-year by RMB10.6 million to RMB19.9 million , driven primarily by greater service development, and sales and marketing expenses.



Net loss from continuing operations increased year-on-year by RMB8.1 million to RMB15.5 million , driven primarily by greater service development, and sales and marketing expenses, and a RMB8.1 million decrease in interest income offset by a RMB8.7 million decrease in foreign currency exchange losses when compared to the prior year quarter.



Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investment as of September 30, 2008 were RMB1.02 billion (USD$150.5 million).



From the commencement of the Company’s share buyback program in March through November 25, 2008, the Company repurchased 1,811,222 ADS at a cost of USD$13.7 million.

“We achieved several key milestones in the third quarter including improving the call centre service to the highest standard in the China online travel industry and the continuous improvement of the online booking experience” said Guangfu Cui, Chief Executive Officer of eLong. “Although we expect the near term environment to be challenging, we believe we are making the right strategic moves and we will continue to set our company on a path to long-term growth.”

“In light of the current environment, we intend to balance prudent expense management against investments for growth in 2009, and are taking steps to streamline our costs,” said Chris Chan, Chief Financial Officer of eLong. “We believe that our increased but focused investment in marketing, technology, and our product competitiveness will pay off over time while the reduced cost base relative to the business growth opportunity will help protect the bottom line and drive a higher efficiency.”

Business Results


Hotel commissions increased 1% for the third quarter of 2008 when compared to the prior year quarter, primarily due to higher room volume which was offset by lower commission per room night. Room nights booked through eLong increased 4% year-on-year to 1,050,000, while commission per room night of RMB62 was lower than the commission per room night of RMB 64 in the prior year quarter.


Air ticketing commissions increased 28% for the third quarter of 2008, driven by a 31% year-on-year increase in air segments to 484,000, and an increase of 66 basis points in the average percent commission to 5.4%, offset partially by a lower average ticket price, which decreased by 14% to RMB764 when compared to the prior year quarter.


Gross margin in the third quarter was 71% compared to 74% in the prior year quarter driven primarily by the higher growth of lower margin air revenue relative to hotel revenue and the lower average ticket price compared to the prior year quarter.

Operating expenses for the third quarter of 2008 and 2007 were as follows (figures in RMB 000’s; some numbers may not add due to rounding):


     Q3 2008    % Net
    Q3 2007    % Net

Service development

   14,155    17 %   12,196    15 %   16 %

Sales and marketing

   50,654    60 %   36,858    47 %   37 %

General and administrative

   13,849    16 %   18,277    23 %   -24 %

Amortization of intangibles

   217    —       265    —       -18 %

Write-down of property and equipment and intangibles

   510    1 %   —      —       —    

Total operating expenses

   79,385    94 %   67,596    85 %   17 %

Total operating expenses increased 17% for the third quarter of 2008 compared to the third quarter of 2007. Operating expenses were 94% of net revenues, an increase of 9 percentage points compared to the prior year quarter.

Service development expense is composed of expenses related to technology and our product offering, including our website, platforms and other related system development. Service development expense increased 16% over the prior year quarter, mainly driven by increased investment in platform enhancements. Service development expense increased by 141 basis points to 17% of net revenues when compared to the same quarter last year.

Sales and marketing expense for the third quarter 2008 increased 37% over the prior year quarter, mainly driven by the brand awareness and consumer promotion marketing campaign which began in July, higher sales commissions, and increased online marketing expense. Sales and marketing expense increased by 13 percentage points to 60% of net revenues when compared to the same quarter last year.

General and administrative expense for the third quarter 2008 decreased 24% over the prior year quarter, mainly driven by decreases in external consulting fees. General and administrative expense as a percentage of net revenues, decreased by 7 percentage points year-on-year, to 16% in the third quarter.

Other income, which represents interest income, foreign exchange losses and other income/expense, was RMB1.4 million in the third quarter of 2008, primarily due to interest income of RMB6.3 million in the third quarter of 2008. This interest income was offset by the foreign currency exchange loss of RMB5.0 million resulting from the appreciation of the Renminbi against the US dollar during the quarter.

Net loss for the third quarter 2008 increased by RMB8.1 million over the prior year quarter to RMB15.5 million.

Our basic and diluted loss per ADS for the third quarter of 2008 was RMB0.62 compared to a basic and diluted loss per ADS of RMB0.30 in the prior year quarter.

Business Outlook

eLong expects net revenues, net of business tax and surcharges, for the fourth quarter of 2008 to be within the range of RMB83 million to RMB92 million, or an increase of 1% to 12% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

To supplement the financial measures calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals in the United States, or GAAP, this press release includes certain non-GAAP financial measures including basic loss per ADS, diluted loss per ADS, share-based compensation charges and unrealized foreign exchange losses. The Company believes these non-GAAP financial measures are important to help investors understand the Company’s current financial performance and future prospects and compare business trends among different reporting periods on a consistent basis. These non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to financial measures presented in accordance with GAAP, but should not be considered as a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures presented in accordance with GAAP.

Safe Harbor Statement

It is currently expected that the Business Outlook will not be updated until the release of eLong’s next quarterly earnings announcement; however, eLong reserves the right to update its Business Outlook at any time for any reason.

Statements in this press release concerning eLong’s future business, operating results and financial condition are “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “predict,” “should” and “will” and similar expressions as they related to the Company are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of doing so. These forward looking statements are based upon management’s current views and expectations with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Furthermore, these statements are, by their nature, subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance and results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Factors that could affect the Company’s actual results and cause actual results to differ materially from those included in any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, eLong’s operating losses, declines or disruptions in the travel industry, the international financial crisis, slowdown in the PRC economy, the recurrence of SARS, an outbreak of bird flu or other disease, eLong’s reliance on having good relationships with hotel suppliers and airline ticket suppliers, our reliance on the Travelsky GDS system for our air business, the possibility that eLong will be unable to continue timely compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the risk that eLong will not be successful in competing against

new and existing competitors, risks associated with Expedia, Inc.’s (Nasdaq: EXPE) majority ownership interest in eLong and the integration of eLong’s business with that of Expedia’s, fluctuations in the value of the Chinese currency, changes in eLong’s management team and other key personnel, changes in third-party distribution partner relationships and other risks outlined in eLong’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (or SEC), including eLong’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates.

Conference Call

eLong will host a conference call to discuss its third quarter 2008 earnings on November 27, 2008, 8:00 AM Beijing local time (November 26, 2008, 7 PM EST). The management team will be on the call to discuss the quarterly results and to answer questions. The toll-free number for U.S. participants is +1-800-365-8460. The dial-in number for Hong Kong participants is +852-2258-4000. International participants can dial +1-210-795-0492. Pass code: eLong.

A replay of the call will be available for one day between 8:30 pm Eastern Time on November 26, 2008 and 8:30 am Eastern Time on November 27, 2008. The toll-free number for U.S. callers is +1-800-395-8064; the Hong Kong dial in number is +852-2802- 5151, and the dial-in number for international callers is +1-203-369-4627. The pass code for the replay is 759460.

Additionally, a live and archived web cast of this call will be available on the Investor Relations section of the eLong web site at http://www.elong.net/AboutUs/conference.html for three months.

About eLong, Inc.

eLong, Inc. (NASDAQ: LONG) is a leading online travel company in China. Headquartered in Beijing, eLong has a national presence across China. eLong uses web-based distribution technologies and a 24-hour call center to provide consumers with access to travel reservation services. Aiming to enrich people’s lives through the freedom of independent travel, eLong empowers consumers to make informed such as maps, virtual tours and user ratings. eLong has the capacity to fulfill air ticket reservations in over 80 major cities across China. In addition to a wide selection of thousands of hotels in China and in the Greater China region, eLong offers consumers the ability to make bookings at international hotels in more than 100 countries worldwide.

eLong operates websites including http://www.elong.com and http://www.elong.net .


For further information:
eLong, Inc.

Investor Relations



eLong, Inc.




     Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended  
     Sep. 30,
    Jun. 30,
    Sep. 30,
    Sep. 30,
    Sep. 30,
    Sep. 30,
    Sep. 30,
     RMB     RMB     RMB     USD     RMB     RMB     USD  



Hotel commissions

   64,417     63,158     65,152     9,595     173,458     185,544     27,327  

Air ticketing commissions

   15,585     18,329     19,929     2,935     41,484     57,890     8,526  

Other travel revenue

   869     113     306     45     4,346     1,210     178  


   80,871     81,600     85,387     12,575     219,288     244,644     36,031  


   2,991     4,384     4,603     678     8,286     12,779     1,882  

Gross revenues

   83,862     85,984     89,990     13,253     227,574     257,423     37,913  

Business tax and surcharges

   (4,776 )   (5,170 )   (5,887 )   (867 )   (12,477 )   (15,810 )   (2,328 )

Net revenues

   79,086     80,814     84,103     12,386     215,097     241,613     35,585  

Cost of services

   (20,807 )   (23,192 )   (24,628 )   (3,627 )   (59,209 )   (71,523 )   (10,534 )

Gross profit

   58,279     57,622     59,475     8,759     155,888     170,090     25,051  

Operating expenses:


Service development

   (12,196 )   (13,331 )   (14,155 )   (2,085 )   (35,049 )   (40,183 )   (5,918 )

Sales and marketing

   (36,858 )   (38,867 )   (50,654 )   (7,460 )   (93,188 )   (118,429 )   (17,442 )

General and administrative

   (18,277 )   (12,994 )   (13,849 )   (2,040 )   (43,005 )   (41,620 )   (6,130 )

Amortization of intangibles

   (265 )   (217 )   (217 )   (32 )   (795 )   (652 )   (96 )

Write-down of property and equipment and intangibles

   —       (121 )   (510 )   (75 )   (526 )   (632 )   (93 )

Total operating expenses

   (67,596 )   (65,530 )   (79,385 )   (11,692 )   (172,563 )   (201,516 )   (29,679 )

Income/(loss) from operations

   (9,317 )   (7,908 )   (19,910 )   (2,933 )   (16,675 )   (31,426 )   (4,628 )

Other income(loss)

   1,055     (13,067 )   1,402     207     4,330     (39,912 )   (5,878 )

Loss from continuing operations before income tax expense

   (8,262 )   (20,975 )   (18,508 )   (2,726 )   (12,345 )   (71,338 )   (10,506 )

Income tax benefit(expense)

   861     721     2,963     436     2,242     2,945     434  

Loss from continuing operations

   (7,401 )   (20,254 )   (15,545 )   (2,290 )   (10,103 )   (68,393 )   (10,072 )

Discontinued operations:


Income from discontinued operations

   —       —       —       —       112     —       —    

Income tax expense of discontinued operations

   —       —       —       —       (8 )   —       —    

Total discontinued operations

   —       —       —       —       104     —       —    

Net loss

   (7,401 )   (20,254 )   (15,545 )   (2,290 )   (9,999 )   (68,393 )   (10,072 )

Basic loss per share

   (0.15 )   (0.40 )   (0.31 )   (0.046 )   (0.20 )   (1.36 )   (0.200 )

Diluted loss per share

   (0.15 )   (0.40 )   (0.31 )   (0.046 )   (0.20 )   (1.36 )   (0.200 )

Basic loss per ADS

   (0.30 )   (0.80 )   (0.62 )   (0.092 )   (0.40 )   (2.72 )   (0.400 )

Diluted loss per ADS

   (0.30 )   (0.80 )   (0.62 )   (0.092 )   (0.40 )   (2.72 )   (0.400 )

Shares used in computing basic net loss per share

   50,766     50,568     49,610     49,610     50,728     50,358     50,358  

Shares used in computing diluted net loss per share

   50,766     50,568     49,610     49,610     50,728     50,358     50,358  

Note that 1ADS = 2 shares


Share-based compensation charges included are as follows:

   3,012     1,817     2,428     358     7,541     6,600     972  

Cost of services

   89     81     179     26     139     403     59  

Service development

   901    625    684    101    2,146    2,283    336

Sales and marketing

   354    292    338    50    638    1,123    165

General and administrative

   1,668    819    1,227    181    4,618    2,791    412

Un-realized foreign exchange losses

   13,696    19,913    4,996    736    38,730    62,804    9,250

Note 1: The conversions of Renminbi (RMB) into United States dollars (USD) as at the reporting dates are based on the noon buying rate of USD1.00=RMB6.7899 on September 30, 2008, USD1.00=RMB6.8591 on June 30, 2008 and USD1.00 = RMB7.4928 on September 30, 2007 in the City of New York for cable transfers of Renminbi as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve. No representation is intended to imply that the RMB amounts could have been, or could be, converted, realized or settled into U.S.dollars at that rate on the reporting dates.

eLong, Inc.




     Dec. 31,
    Sep. 30,
    Sep. 30,
     RMB     RMB     US$  



Current assets:


Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investment

   1,157,567     1,021,663     150,468  

Restricted assets

   11,274     —       —    

Accounts receivable, net

   41,138     57,736     8,503  

Due from related parties

   1,502     401     59  

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

   15,645     27,589     4,064  

Total current assets

   1,227,126     1,107,389     163,094  

Property and equipment, net

   43,962     53,829     7,928  


   30,000     30,000     4,418  

Intangible assets, net

   2,192     1,541     227  

Other non-current assets

   28,966     32,220     4,745  

Total assets

   1,332,246     1,224,979     180,412  



Current liabilities:


Accounts payable

   57,957     58,877     8,671  

Income taxes payable

   1,238     (710 )   (105 )

Due to related parties

   5,107     8,175     1,204  

Accrued expenses and other current liabilities

   83,233     92,535     13,629  

Total current liabilities

   147,535     158,877     23,399  

Other long-term liabilities

   —       481     71  

Deferred income taxes

   100     100     15  

Total liabilities

   147,635     159,458     23,485  

Shareholders’ equity


Ordinary shares

   4,208     4,219     621  

Treasury Stock

   —       (57,772 )   (8,508 )

Additional paid-in capital

   1,308,047     1,315,111     193,686  

Accumulated deficit

   (127,644 )   (196,037 )   (28,872 )

Total shareholders’ equity

   1,184,611     1,065,521     156,927  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   1,332,246     1,224,979     180,412  
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