Announcement of unaudited results
for the financial year ended 30 June 2003

Highlights from the chairman's statement and unaudited results as follows

 *    Pre-tax profit of �378,000 (2002 �915,000)
 *    Earnings per share 4.21p (2002 - 4.94p)
 *    Dividend proposed of 0.25p per share (2002 - 2.50p)
 *    Farm  loss of �37,000 (2002 profit �1,246,000) owing to substantially reduced cotton planting and ensuing
      crop following Australian drought
 *    Exceptional gain on sale of investments of �1,040,000 used towards purchase of Warendi
 *    Drought continues and only limited cotton planting expected in October
 *    New cattle strategy progressing satisfactorily

Chairman's statement

Results and dividend
A  profit before taxation of �378,000 was achieved, compared with �915,000  last year.  As I foreshadowed in my
interim  statement, a farm loss was recorded - albeit a small one of �37,000.  However, this was  substantially
offset by a gain on the sale of investments of �1,040,000, whose proceeds were used towards the acquisition  of
the  cotton  property, Warendi.  The year also witnessed the successful transfer of trading  in  the  Company's
shares to the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM").

In  view  of  the  difficult season experienced last year, and now anticipated this year, and also  the  higher
borrowings  following  the Warendi purchase, only a small dividend of 0.25p per share is recommended,  compared
with  2.50p last year.  Notwithstanding the increased borrowings, the balance sheet remains sound and the Group
continues to operate within its bank facilities.

Farm operations
During  the  year, Australia experienced one of the most severe droughts recorded in over a century.   Although
the  Group's properties were adversely affected by this, they were not as severely hit as many other  farms  in
the country.  In September/October a total of 1,320 hectares of cotton were planted on Gubbagunyah/Oonavale and
Warendi.   This  represented approximately half of what would have been planted if a full water allocation  had
been  received and the reservoirs were full.  The crop achieved of 9,718 bales compares with last year's record
of  18,355  but, in the light of the extremely dry growing period, I believe this was most creditable.   Cotton
prices declined sharply in the second half of  the year, touching a low of around A$400 per bale.  However,  in
view  of the forward sales transacted at higher levels earlier in the year, an average price of A$489 per  bale
was achieved, compared with A$463 last year.

The  cattle  trading  profit  of  A$607,000 was approximately half of last  year's  A$1,211,000.   2001/02  saw
unusually high prices achieved from cattle sales and also the sale of a significant part of the herd.  This was
in  line  with  the board's policy of disposing of the breeding herd and, instead, utilising the  pasture  more
productively  by "growing out" and fattening young cattle either bought in by ourselves or for other  operators
who pay a fee in relation to weight gain.  The disposal programme was reduced in 2002/03 in view of the drought
and  the  consequent decline in cattle values.  However, on a positive note, the remaining part of the breeding
herd  was  able  to be retained as there was still sufficient pasture.  The cows have since calved  and  it  is
planned that both the cows and their progeny will be sold when the calves have grown heavier.

Cotton and other crops
The dry conditions have continued in much of Australia, including the region of the properties.  Cotton may  be
planted  through  to  late October or even early November and it is therefore still possible  that  significant
rainfall  and high flows in the river system which feeds the farm's reservoirs will be received.     As  things
stand,  however,  the  water currently either on-farm or allocated from the government dams'  limited  supplies
would allow a planting of only some 225 hectares.   Even if there is little water received in the meantime,  it
is  expected that significantly more than this will be planted, although most of it may be grown as  a  dryland
crop,  relying  on  natural rainfall during the season rather than on irrigation from  the  farm's  reservoirs.
Recently,  further  to a sharp upward movement in the cotton price as a result of fears  about  the  effect  of
Hurricane Isobel on US cotton production, 500 bales of 2004 cotton have been sold forward at A$552 per bale.

Some  of the irrigation areas which would normally be planted with cotton have instead been planted with winter
cereals  (chiefly  wheat) and legume crops.  These are growing reasonably well notwithstanding  the  relatively
sparse rainfall.  Harvesting will take place in November/December but further rain is required to ensure a good
crop.   Further areas have been set aside for summer crops other than cotton, such as sorghum, corn, sunflowers
and soyabeans, some of which may be planted as late as January.

With  regard  to the cattle operations, the quality of all the animals continues to be good as the  farms  have
deliberately  not been overstocked.  The programme of growing out young cattle has commenced, such  that  1,050
young  steers  have been purchased and their daily weight gain has already proved most satisfactory.   The  new
pasture  areas  created  on Woodlands are now developing well.  It is planned that, within  the  next  eighteen
months   or  so,  Woodlands  alone  will  be  capable  of  turning  off  5,000  to  6,000  steers  per   annum.
Gubbagunyah/Oonavale will have a similar capacity once the breeders have been sold.  The high  quality  of  the
pastures  across the farms will serve to render cattle a distinctive second string to the Group's bow,  as  the
operations have in the past been heavily reliant upon cotton.

I  referred  in  my  interim statement to the intention to sell Mount Hope, together with  part  of  its  water
entitlement,  for some A$600,000.  In the meantime, it has been decided to retain the vast majority of its  
valuable water entitlement, which is in the course of being transferred to Warendi, and to sell the property 
chiefly as a dryland block.

As  shareholders  will  be aware, the manager, Mr Cam Turner and his wife, Mary Jane,  have  been  partners  in
Gubbagunyah Partnership from the outset.  Their initial share was 10%  but this was diluted to 3% when  further
funds  were raised at the time of the acquisition of Oonavale.  For personal reasons they decided to sell their
interest  and the Group, together with the other corporate partner, Bertam (UK) Limited ("Bertam"),  agreed  to
acquire their 3% on a basis pro rata to the existing holdings, at a price based on the valuation that I  quoted
in  last year's report.  Completion recently took place.  The cost to the Group was A$540,000 and its share  in
the property has accordingly increased from 87.3% to 90% with Bertam increasing from 9.7% to 10%.

Notwithstanding the difficult season, I remain convinced of the long-term merits of investment in the irrigated-
cotton  and beef-cattle sectors of Australia and I believe the Group's properties are well placed within  these

P E Hadsley-Chaplin

The  board  announces the following unaudited results and proposed dividend  for
the financial year ended 30 June 2003

For the year ended 30 June 2003

                                                                         2003             2002
                                                                �'000   �'000   �'000    �'000
Turnover (note 1)                                                       2,507            4,105
Cost of sales                                                          (2,544)          (2,859)
                                                                       -------          -------
Farm (loss)/profit                                                       (37)            1,246
Administrative expenses                                                 (268)            (194)
                                                                       -------          -------
Group operating (loss)/profit                                           (305)            1,052
Exceptional gain on sale of fixed-asset investments                     1,040              -
                                                                       -------          -------
Profit on ordinary activities before interest                            735             1,052
Income from fixed-asset investments                               3               50        
Interest receivable and similar income                            10              -         
Interest payable and similar charges                            (370)           (187)       
                                                               -------         -------      
                                                                        (357)            (137)
                                                                       -------          -------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                            378              915
Tax credit/(charge) on profit on ordinary activities (note 3)            127             (145)
                                                                       -------          -------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                             505              770
Equity minority interests                                                 67             (104)
                                                                       -------          -------
Profit on ordinary activities attributable to                                               
the members of Lendu Holdings PLC                                        572              666
Equity dividend proposed (note 2)                                        (34)            (337)
                                                                       -------          -------
Profit retained for the financial year                                   538              329
                                                                       =======          =======
Basic and diluted earnings per 5p share (note 4)                        4.21p            4.94p
                                                                       =======          =======
All operations are classed as continuing.

At 30 June 2003

                                                  2003              2002
                                         �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000
Fixed assets                                                          
Intangible assets                          -                -         
Tangible assets                          18,430          11,268       
Investments                                51              241        
                                        -------          -------      
                                                 18,481            11,509
Current assets                                                        
Stocks                                    488              553        
Debtors                                  1,042             539        
Cash at bank and in hand                  346              123        
                                        -------          -------      
                                         1,876            1,215       
                                        -------         --------      
Creditors: amounts falling due                                        
within one year                         (5,415)          (2,549)      
                                        -------          -------      
Net current liabilities                         (3,539)           (1,334)
                                                -------           -------
Total assets less current liabilities            14,942            10,175
Creditors: amounts falling due                                        
after more than one year                        (3,500)             (46)
Provisions for liabilities and charges             -               (147)
                                                -------           -------
                                                 11,442            9,982
Equity minority interests                        (624)             (800)
                                                -------           -------
                                                 10,818            9,182
                                                =======           =======
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called-up share capital                           682               674
Share premium account                             946               876
Revaluation reserve                              3,302             2,986
Profit and loss account                          5,888             4,646
                                                -------           -------
Total equity shareholders' funds                 10,818            9,182
                                                =======           =======


For the year ended 30 June 2003

                                                               2003               2002
                                                    �'000     �'000    �'000     �'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                      155                835
Returns on investments and servicing                                                
of finance                                                    (250)               (63)
Taxation                                                        9                  -
Capital expenditure and financial investment                 (5,237)             (391)
Equity dividend paid                                          (260)               (31)
                                                             -------            -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                   (5,583)              350
New borrowings - commercial bills                   5,772              1,673        
               - loan from Bertam (U.K.) Limited       81                 -          
Repayment of borrowings - commercial bills            -               (1,985)       
Capital element of hire-purchase payments            (52)               (59)        
                                                   -------            -------       
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                      5,801              (371)
                                                             -------            -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                    218                (21)
                                                             =======            =======
Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to net                                    
cash inflow from operating activities                                               
Group operating (loss)/profit                                 (305)              1,052
Depreciation charges                                           269                248
Amortisation of goodwill                                        33                 -
Gain on sale of tangible fixed assets                           -                 (14)
Provision for impairment in value of investments                -                  13
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                   65                (89)
Increase in debtors                                           (503)              (487)
Increase in creditors                                          408                 83
Exchange differences                                           188                 29
                                                             -------            -------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                      155                835
                                                             =======            =======

For the year ended 30 June 2003

                                                            2003          2002
                                                           �'000         �'000
Profit attributable to the members of the Company            572           666
Exchange differences on foreign-currency net investments   1,055           169
Tax on exchange differences                                  (35)            -
                                                          ------         ------
Total recognised gains and losses for the year             1,592           835
                                                          ======         ======

For the year ended 30 June 2003

                                                          2003            2002
                                                         �'000           �'000
Profit attributable to members of the Company              572             666
Equity dividend                                            (34)           (337)
                                                        -------         -------
                                                           538             329
Equity shares issued                                        78               4
Other recognised gains and losses relating to the              
year, net of tax                                         1,020             169
                                                        -------         -------
Net addition to equity shareholders' funds               1,636             502
Opening equity shareholders' funds                       9,182           8,680
                                                        -------         -------
Closing equity shareholders' funds                      10,818           9,182
                                                        =======         =======


1)  Turnover
    Turnover amounting to �2,507,000 (2002 �4,105,000) and the  farm
    loss  of  �37,000 (2002 profit of �1,246,000) related to cotton,
    livestock and cereal farming in Australia, the Group's principal

2)  Equity dividend proposed
    The  board recommends a dividend of 0.25p per 5p share  (2002  -
    2.50p).  Shareholders will be given the opportunity to elect  to
    receive the dividend in shares rather than in cash.

                                                       2003               2002
Amount per 5p share                                    0.25p              2.50p
Cost                                                  �34,000            �337,000
Payable on or after                                   17-11-03           20-11-02
Ex-dividend date                                      01-10-03           09-10-02
Record date                                           03-10-03           11-10-02
Post forms of election                                14-10-03           18-10-02
Final date for receipt of forms of election           03-11-03           11-11-02
Definitive share certificates posted                  17-11-03           18-11-02
First day of dealings in the new shares               18-11-03           19-11-02
                                                      =======            =======

3)  Tax   (credit)/charge  on  profit   on   ordinary
                                                                    2003                        2002
                                                                   �'000                        �'000
United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2002 - 30%)                   6                             -

Double taxation relief                                              (1)                            -
                                                                  -------                       -------
                                                                     5                             -
Overseas taxation                                                    15                            -
                                                                  -------                       -------
                                                                     20                            -
Deferred taxation - (reversal)/origination of timing differences   (147)                          145
                                                                  -------                       -------
                                                                   (127)                          145
                                                                  =======                       =======

4)  Earnings per share
    The  calculation  of the basic and diluted earnings per 5p share is based on the profit of  �572,000  (2002
    �666,000)  and  on  13,578,583 (2002 - 13,481,842) shares which is the average number of  shares  in  issue
    during the year.  There is no dilution of earnings in either year.
5)  Statutory information
    The  financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts
    for  the  years ended 30 June 2003 or 2002. The financial information for the year ended 30  June  2002  is
    derived  from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
    The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
    section  237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended  30  June  2003
    will  be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary
    announcement  and  will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's  annual  general
6)  Timetable
    The report and financial statements will be despatched to members on 14 October 2003 and the annual general
    meeting will be held on 14 November 2003.
7)  Distribution
    Copies  of the full report and financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2003 will be available  from
    M.  P.  Evans  (UK) Limited, 3 Clanricarde Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1HQ on and after  14  October

By order of the board
M.P.Evans (UK) Limited
25 September 2003

Enquiries: Peter Hadsley-Chaplin
Telephone  01892 516333
Fax        01892 518639
E-mail     peterhc@mpevans.co.uk