BAA airports report strong growth in November

BAA's seven UK airports saw the upturn in traffic in November, handling 9.9
million passengers, an increase of 6.8% on the same month last year and the
best result since January.

Amongst individual markets, a rapid improvement in long haul traffic
underpinned the acceleration in overall performance. North Atlantic routes grew
5.0%, up from a 1% increase in October. The 7.5% traffic increase on other long
haul routes contrasted with a 4.6% improvement in October, with part of the
additional traffic thought to have been generated by the Rugby World Cup.
European scheduled routes were 10.7% higher than a year ago and domestic
traffic grew 4.7%. European charter traffic was down by 3.6%.

With the exception of Aberdeen (-3.9%), all BAA's UK airports recorded
increases. Heathrow, up 4.4%, saw improved North Atlantic traffic whilst
Gatwick, up 4.2%, benefited from growth on domestic, European and long haul
routes. Stansted added 19.5% and Southampton added 82.6%, both stimulated by
the performance of new low fare scheduled services to European destinations. In
Scotland, Glasgow grew by 4.2% and Edinburgh by 6.0%.

In total, the number of air transport movements rose by 1.0% in November, while
the growth of 1.6% in cargo tonnage was the first monthly increase recorded
since March, reflecting improved conditions in the economies with which the UK

              For further information on BAA plc see               

BAA Traffic Summary : November 2003                                            
Terminal                        %   Fin year to        %   12 months          %
                                          date:                   to           
Passengers (000s) Month    Change Apr to Nov 03 Change**      Nov 03  Change***
Heathrow           5,058.9    4.4      44,001.0      0.2    63,029.2        1.0
Gatwick            1,871.2    4.2      22,185.0      0.8    29,822.6        1.6
Stansted           1,512.5   19.5      13,470.1     14.4    18,439.6       17.5
London Area Total  8,442.6    6.7      79,656.1      2.5   111,291.4        3.6
Southampton          105.7   82.6         948.8     66.8     1,174.4       48.5
Glasgow              555.2    4.2       6,089.5      3.7     8,118.1        5.0
Edinburgh            589.7    6.0       5,314.6      7.6     7,450.0        9.0
Aberdeen             196.3   -3.9       1,781.4     -2.9     2,521.4       -1.8
Scottish Total     1,341.2    3.7      13,185.4      4.3    18,089.4        5.6
BAA Total          9,889.5    6.8      93,790.3      3.2   130,555.2        4.1
Air Transport                   %    Fin year to         %   12 months        %
                                           date:                    to         
Movements        Month    Change*  Apr to Nov 03  Change**      Nov 03 Change**
Heathrow           37,962     1.3        308,887      -1.4     456,620     -0.5
Gatwick            16,666    -2.6        165,697      -1.3     235,092      0.9
Stansted           13,880     4.4        118,480       8.0     170,757     12.8
London Area        68,508     0.9        593,064       0.4     862,469      2.3
Southampton         2,828    30.3         23,778      22.3      32,170     14.9
Glasgow             6,595    -1.8         62,541      -0.1      88,655      0.3
Edinburgh           8,990     2.7         72,343      -0.5     105,812      0.6
Aberdeen            6,280    -6.3         53,885      -4.4      78,516     -5.0
Scottish Total     21,865    -1.4        188,769      -1.5     272,983     -1.2
BAA Total          93,201     1.0        805,611       0.4   1,167,622      1.8
Cargo                           %    Fin year to         %   12 months        %
                                           date:                    to         
(Metric Tonnes)  Month    Change* Apr to Nov 03   Change**      Nov 03 Change**
Heathrow          114,763     1.3        815,358      -3.7   1,221,938     -0.5
Gatwick            19,720    -8.7        148,933      -9.8     223,880     -8.0
Stansted           19,979    16.5        135,179       5.3     198,928      8.4
London Area       154,462     1.6      1,099,470      -3.6   1,644,746     -0.6
Southampton            27   -32.5            232     -16.1         336    -13.5
Glasgow               368    61.4          4,250      -6.8       5,115     -6.8
Edinburgh           2,237     1.2         17,420       9.5      24,558     19.6
Aberdeen              274    -7.7          2,435      -4.6       3,489     -8.7
Scottish Total      2,879     5.2         24,105       4.7      33,162     11.1
BAA Total         157,368     1.6      1,123,807      -3.4   1,678,244     -0.4
Above data excludes Air Taxi passengers and Air Taxi movements.                
* compared to the month of November 2002                                       
** compared to the eight months April to November 2002                         
*** compared to the twelve months to November 2002                             

Market Comparison: November 2003                            
                     BAA Total         BAA Total            
Market                  November 02  November 03            
                             (000s)       (000s)    % Change
Domestic                      2,033        2,128         4.7
Eire                            490          497         1.5
European Scheduled            3,475        3,846        10.7
European Charter*               504          486        -3.6
North Atlantic                1,322        1,388         5.0
Other Long Haul               1,437        1,544         7.5
Total                         9,261        9,890         6.8

* includes North African Charter

Note: Origins and destinations are classified according to ultimate origin or
destination of aircraft in the case of multi sector flights

Note: Figures for the market sectors have been rounded. Totals as per Traffic