StockLab Reports: Of Mice and Men

Las Vegas, NV -- November 26, 2018 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Early stage biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies often present a quandary for investors. The technology is generally difficult to understand and investors just can't fully picture the potential.
Except when that picture is an absolutely stunning, must-see video  from Wake Forest University of a mouse paralyzed by Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia restored to mobility in two days by a drug now headed to the patent portfolio of Spherix Incorporated (Nasdaq: SPEX). The drug, "KPC34," is a next generation treatment designed to overcome multiple resistance challenges and is also administered orally, which is critical for patients who cannot tolerate repeated cycles of chemotherapy. Importantly, the Company reports that the drug has doubled the mean survival time  of patients versus the current standard of care treatments.
Read that again. Doubled.

The brief video is jaw-dropping to say the least and helps affirm the recent merger agreement of Spherix and CBM BioPharma Inc, the private pharma company which obtains exclusive drug development rights of drugs like KPC34 from top-flight partners like Wake Forest University and the University of Texas at Austin.  Spherix and CBM agreed to merge earlier this month.

The merger will put the all-new Spherix right in the middle of a rapidly expanding oncological drug market that pharma industry publication DCAT Value Chain Insights reports topped $133 billion globally in 2017, and with spending on cancer drugs having doubled in the United States since 2012. (Source:  DCAT Value Chain Insights)

The same report also cites the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science  which projects a global market for oncology therapeutic medicines reaching $200 billion by 2022, averaging 10% to 13% growth during that time while the U.S. market is expected to reach $100 billion with an average growth rate of 12% to 15% for the same period. Additionally, spending on cancer drugs in the U.S. is expected to double by 2022, exceeding the nearly $50 billion in spending in 2017.

It warrants mention that Spherix is also aggressively pursuing opportunities in the arena of pancreatic cancer via another CBM project that will be added through the merger. Developed at the University of Texas at Austin, the drug DHA-dFdC has shown positive results in preclinical studies, inhibiting pancreatic tumor growth in clinically relevant transgenic mouse models. DHA-dFdC also overcomes tumor cell resistance to current chemotherapeutic drugs.

And while the mouse video is head turning, inspiring even, it is potentially the tip of the iceberg for a company which has come so very far, both in its science and in the enormous increase of intellectual property now headed inside the deal. Ultimately, Spherix's true value is unlikely to be fully recognized until it has successfully changed oncological care outcomes for mice andmen.

About Spherix
Spherix is committed to advancing innovation by active participation in all areas of the patent market. Spherix draws on portfolios of pioneering technology patents to partner with and support product innovation. Spherix has acquired over 100 patents from Rockstar Consortium Inc., and several hundred patents issued to Harris Corporation, covering a variety of methods and components involved in switching, routing, networking, optical and telecommunication sectors. The Spherix/CBM merger is pending approval.

About CBM BioPharma, Inc.
CBM BioPharma, Inc. ( ) is a privately held pharmaceutical company with exclusive drug development rights from world renowned partners like Wake Forest University and University of Texas at Austin. The Company has a team of leading drug development scientists who help advance their technology. The CBM platform focuses on the treatment of numerous cancers, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and pancreatic cancer.

About StockLab:
StockLab is powered by professional journalists with two-decades of experience in public markets. Each subject company that StockLab is contracted to cover is examined through a macro/micro approach that reviews larger events for its primary industry and how it might affect future market opportunities. First tier sources will be studied, cited, and offered to readers. Additionally, material events by the subject company will be noted for the readers' consideration. We often rely on industry experts, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal and other periodicals of established pedigree which have no relationship to the covered company whatsoever.
Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results. StockLab is the property of Integrity Media Inc. (IMI). IMI provides no assurance as to the subject company's plans or ability to effect proposed actions and cannot project capabilities, intent, resources, or experience. The subject company has reviewed and approved this report. This report is neither a solicitation to buy nor offer to sell securities and is for informational purposes only and shouldn't be used as basis for investment decisions. IMI isn't an investment advisor, analyst or licensed broker dealer and this report isn't investment advice. IMI has been paid $1,500 for this report by Hayden IR on behalf of and for the benefit of Spherix Incorporated. Paid reports constitute a conflict of interest as to IMI's ability to remain objective in communication regarding subject companies. Other articles linked to herein have not been individually vetted for accuracy.

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  • Penny stocks are subject to the SEC's penny stock rules, which may cause difficulties in liquidating micro-cap securities;
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  • Penny stock securities are often thinly traded, in which case you may have difficulties in liquidating your securities.
  • Penny stock securities by their very nature involve an extremely high degree of risk.
  • Because the Securities are penny stocks they are subject to the Securities and Exchange Commission's penny stock rules; as such, any investment in the Securities involves a high degree of risk and it may be difficult for any investor or Shareholder to resell the Securities.
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  • Many of the companies are subject to numerous risks particular to the industry that they engage in.
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  • Penny stocks are subject to the SEC's penny stock rules and subject broker-dealers to customer suitability rules and other requirements, which may lead to low volume in the securities and/or difficulties in selling the shares.
  • Many of the stocks of the Profiled Company qualify as "penny stocks" under the Securities and Exchange Commission's ("SEC") penny stock rules and regulations because, among other things, they have a price of less than $5.00 per share. Penny stocks are subject to material risks that you should be acutely aware of, as detailed below.
  • We do not assume any responsibility for forward-looking statements nor do we assume any responsibility for updating forward-looking statements
  • Use of this information is at your own risk and is presented only on an "as is" basis - in other words, you must conduct your own analysis of the risks associated with use of the Information, including its accuracy or reliability
  • Many penny stocks are thinly traded, which may lead to difficulties in selling your securities and extreme price volatility.
  • Penny stock companies are often subject to extreme regulatory oversight in the industry that they participate in.
  • Penny stock companies are often subject to extreme competition and most frequently have less brand name recognition, operational and personnel resources, technical resources, capital resources, or financing sources.
  • There is no "right time" to purchase or sell penny stocks or set of factors making it advisable to purchase a Profiled Company's securities "now", since at any time such stocks may be subject to price volatility, stock manipulation forces and other negative market forces.
  • A Profiled Company may have negative signs on the website that indicate various risks of investing in that individual issuer, as follows: (i) "Limited Information" for companies with financial reporting problems, economic distress, or that are unwilling to file required reports with the Pink Sheets; (ii) "Pink Sheets - No Information", which indicates companies that are unable or unwilling to provide disclosure to the public markets, to the SEC or the Pink Sheets; and (iii) "Caveat Emptor", signifying "Buyer Beware" that there is a public interest concern associated with a company's illegal spam campaign, questionable stock promotion, known investigation of a company's fraudulent activity or its insiders, regulatory suspensions or disruptive corporate actions.
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  • The stock price and trading volume of any Issuer that we advertise may increase significantly because of our dissemination of the Information and then significantly decrease because of our or others selling significant or massive quantities of an Issuer;
  • Many penny stock companies are subject to risks pertaining to the development stage nature of their business, including that they have failed to provide a proof of concept to their technology or business or their business plan has little if any merit whatsoever.
  • Many penny stock companies need financing, which they may be unable to obtain on favorable terms or at all.
  • Our advertising activities may cause trading volume of a Profiled Company's securities to temporarily increase by hundreds or thousands of percent, yet such trading volume may cease at any one time;
  • Our advertising activities may cause trading volume in Issuers to materially increase, yet such trading volume may cease at any one time, especially if we cease disseminating Information about the Issuers, which will cause difficulties in selling your securities or may be an unrealistic indicator of interest in the Issuer's securities.
  • The Information has no predictive value whatsoever of the future stock price of the Profiled Company's securities or its ability to be successful in its business objectives.
  • Should the SEC determine that inadequate information or irregularities have occurred with a Penny Stock Issuer, they may issue a trading suspension, which will suspend trading in the Issuer's securities and may for all intents and purposes permanently cease trading because broker-dealers may not accept trades in that Issuer’s securities.
  • The press releases, issuer profiles and information we provide represent only a small amount of information regarding the Issuer, which is insufficient to formulate an investment decision; as such, that information should only be a starting point from which you conduct an in-depth investigation of the issuer from available public sources, such as,,, and other available public sources; and
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You should conduct an in-depth investigation of the Profiled Company and its securities from the above or any other credible available sources, especially because we only present positive information and limited specific information which is an insufficient basis to invest in any stock, yet alone a penny stock; accordingly, you should proceed with an investigation to determine, among other things, information pertaining to the issuer's financial condition, operations, business model, and risks involved in the issuer's business.

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Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 requires that any person that uses the mails to publish, give publicity to, or circulate any publication or communication that describes a security in return for consideration received or to be received directly or indirectly from an issuer, underwriter, or dealer, must fully disclose the type of consideration (i.e. cash, free trading stock, restricted stock, stock options, stock warrants) and the specific amount of the consideration. In connection therewith, EMC has received the following compensation and/or has an agreement to receive in the future certain compensation, as described below.
EMC has been paid $35,000 from Spherix Inc,
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