Results include 6.78 g/t gold over 11 metres and 2.09 g/t gold over 27 metres at Peksou, and 6.46 g/t gold over 5 metres and 6.39 g/t gold over 6 metres at Ma North         

Golden Hill Property - Prospect Location Plan Map
Peksou Prospect - Drill Plan
Peksou Prospect - Representative Drill Section (A-A')
Peksou Prospect - Representative Drill Section (B-B')
Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) - Drill Plan
Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) - Representative Drill Section (A-A')
Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) - Representative Drill Section (B-B')

Teranga Gold Corporation ("Teranga" or the "Company") (TSX:TGZ) (OTCQX:TGCDF) is pleased to announce that early-stage diamond drilling has intersected additional high-grade, near surface and deeper gold mineralization at the Ma and Peksou prospects, both of which are situated on its Golden Hill property in Burkina Faso, West Africa.

Teranga has an earn-in agreement on the Golden Hill property with Boss Resources Limited (ASX:BOE) pursuant to which Teranga, as the operator, can earn an 80% interest in the joint venture upon delivery of a feasibility study and the payment of AUD2.5 million.

Teranga is actively drilling a number of prospects at Golden Hill – the most advanced of which are Ma, Peksou, Jackhammer Hill, C-Zone and Nahiri.  These prospects are located within approximately five kilometres from a central point (Figure 1 in Appendix 1).  The exploration program has advanced significantly over the past year, a metallurgical test program has been initiated, while the base line environmental plan is in the initiation phase and monitoring on site is expected to commence by mid-year 2018.   An initial resource on the most advanced prospects is expected by the end of 2018.

All diamond drill holes at the Peksou and Ma North prospects announced in this release intersected gold mineralization. Highlights include:

Peksou Prospect

  • 11 m @ 6.78 g/t gold including 2 m @ 27.01 g/t gold (GHDD-230) from 47 m downhole depth (DHD)
  • 16 m @ 2.23 g/t gold including 2 m @ 7.69 g/t gold (GHDD-234) from 106 m DHD
  • 14 m @ 2.84 g/t gold including 4 m @ 4.31 g/t gold (GHDD-237) from 41 m DHD
  • 27 m @ 2.09 g/t gold including 4 m @ 8.31 g/t gold including 1 m @ 26.37 g/t gold (GHDD-241) from 14 m DHD

Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion)

  • 5 m @ 3.80 g/t Au (GHDD-252) from 66 m DHD
  • 5 m @ 6.46 g/t Au including 1 m @ 17.34 g/t Au (GHDD-256) from 41 m DHD
  • 6 m @ 6.39 g/t Au including 1 m @ 20.30 g/t Au (GHDD-260) from 96 m DHD

“Teranga’s Golden Hill project is progressing rapidly. Today’s results from Ma North and Peksou expand known zones of gold mineralization at both prospects and confirm the potential of these targets and the project overall,” said Richard Young, President & CEO. “We have initiated preliminary technical work to progress in parallel with the drill program towards a goal of announcing an initial resource estimation for the most advanced prospects by the end of 2018. In addition, we have secured a $25 million financing commitment for future advancement of Golden Hill to feasibility study.  We are working toward becoming the next multi-asset, mid-tier gold producer in West Africa and these drill results from the Ma and Peksou prospects continue to increase our confidence that Golden Hill will play a role in realizing this vision.”

Peksou Prospect: 600-Metre Strike Extent

The Company’s diamond drilling at the Peksou prospect now covers a 600-metre strike extent (Figure 2 in Appendix 1) and extends locally to vertical depths approaching 100 metres.  Gold mineralization at Peksou is hosted both within mafic volcanic and granodiorite intrusive units where two distinct styles of alteration have been noted – one hematite dominant and the second sericite dominant.  With multiple favourable results from this latest drill phase, confidence in the interpretation has improved considerably and correlation of mineralized zones, both hole-to-hole and section-to-section, is greatly enhanced.  Representative sections are included (Figures 3 and 4 in Appendix 1).

Diamond drill results from recent drilling at Peksou are reported within this news release (Table 1).  Cumulative results from Peksou drilling are available on the Company’s website under Exploration.  

Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion): Third Mineralized Breccia Zone Discovered

Recent Ma North diamond drill results confirm that a third well-mineralized breccia zone (BZ-3) exists within the Ma structural complex where previous drilling had identified BZ-1 and BZ-2 (Figure 5 in Appendix 1).  The recent Ma North drilling focused on the mafic volcanic units hosting the western portion of the mineralized structural zone crossing both granodiorite intrusive and mafic volcanic hosts. Drilling at Ma North is at a very early-stage when compared to other portions of the Ma structural complex. However, early-stage hole-to-hole correlation is demonstrating excellent continuity of mineralization (Figures 6 and 7 in Appendix 1).  Additional drilling is planned to further evaluate Ma North both along trend and to depth where the breccia hosted mineralization remains open to expansion.

Diamond drill results from recent drilling at Ma North are reported within this news release (Table 2).  Cumulative results from Ma North drilling are available on the Company’s website under Exploration. 

“Our drilling program at Golden Hill continues to provide a series of excellent gold intersections at multiple prospects including these most recent results from Peksou and the confirmation of a third mineralized breccia zone at our most advanced prospect, the Ma structural complex,” said David Mallo, Vice President, Exploration. “Our most recent and ongoing drilling at Golden Hill includes a second phase program completed at the C-Zone prospect and initial drilling at both the A-Zone and B-Zone prospects. All three prospects lie to the immediate south of the Peksou prospect.”

Golden Hill Property

The Golden Hill property is comprised of three adjacent exploration permits covering 470 km2 located in southwest Burkina Faso in the central part of the Houndé Greenstone Belt. This belt hosts a number of high-grade gold discoveries, including the Siou, Yaramoko and Houndé deposits, the latter being contiguous with Golden Hill. To the south of Golden Hill is another large land position where active exploration programs are well underway.

Drilling Results Tables

Table 1: Peksou Prospect – Selected Drill Highlights

Hole # Northing * Easting * Elevation Azimuth Dip EOH (m) Interval  (m)* Core length (m)* Grade (g/t Au)
GHDD-228 1227453 452336 299 025 -50 174 18-19 1 2.50
              170-171 1 5.85
GHDD-229 1227581 452391 297 025 -50 178 55-57 2 3.20
GHDD-230 1227631 452285 299 025 -55 86 47-58 11 6.78
      Including       48-50 2 27.01
              69-74 5 2.13
      Including       69-70 1 9.12
GHDD-231 1227653 452244 299 025 -55 101 18-19 1 1.94
              25-27 2 3.13
              93-94 1 4.83
GHDD-232 1227736 452109 301 025 -50 122 59-81 22 1.38
      Including       69-73 4 2.55
              96-101 5 1.31
GHDD-233 1227699 452178 300 025 -50 119 6-9 3 1.55
              38-40 2 5.31
              45-46 1 2.63
              56-66 10 1.27
              70-73 3 2.41
GHDD-234 1227671 452169 300 025 -55 137 27-32 5 1.66
              80-83 3 1.88
              85-92 7 1.38
              96-101 5 1.17
              106-122 16 2.23
      Including       117-119 2 7.69
GHDD-235 1227712 452087 302 025 -55 152 81-85 4 8.06
GHDD-236 1227823 452044 302 025 -50 97 42-45 3 2.61
GHDD-237 1227684 452217 300 025 -50 68 41-55 14 2.84
      Including       41-45 4 4.31
GHDD-238 1227672 452255 299 025 -50 107 12-18 6 1.31
              62-64 2 2.55
GHDD-239 1227625 452321 298 025 -50 80 24-31 7 1.28
GHDD-240 1227586 452436 299 025 -50 80 29-30 1 2.62
              42-44 2 1.57
GHDD-241 1227753 452161 301 025 -60 75 4-8 4 2.30
              14-41 27 2.09
      Including       18-22 4 8.31
      Including       20-21 1 26.37
GHDD-243 1227871 451992 302 025 -50 74   Results Pending
* Intervals calculated with a 0.4 g/t Au cut-off and 2 metres maximum internal dilution. True widths are unknown. UTM's are WGS84-30N 
Intervals with grade x thickness (gram x metre) of 10 or higher are highlighted in bold.

Table 2: Ma North Prospect – Selected Drill Highlights

Hole # Northing * Easting * Elevation Azimuth Dip EOH (m) Interval  (m)* Core length (m)* Grade (g/t Au)
GHDD-251 1237898 452000 389 010 -45 120 83-85 2 1.34
              87-93 6 2.20
      Including       91-93 2 4.50
GHDD-252 1237946 451962 388 010 -45 80 66-71 5 3.80
GHDD-253 1237945 451882 384 010 -45 122 98-100 2 3.81
      Including       98-99 1 6.76
GHDD-254 1237960 451847 383 010 -45 120 96-101 5 1.81
      Including       100-101 1 5.68
GHDD-255 1237971 451802 383 010 -45 130 58-59 1 1.50
GHDD-256 1237943 452098 394 010 -45 119 41-46 5 6.46
      Including       42-43 1 17.34
GHDD-257 1237939 452141 398 010 -45 101 31-36 5 2.67
GHDD-258 1237901 452132 405 010 -45 89 67-71 4 2.45
GHDD-259 1237905 452092 400 010 -45 86 66-69 3 2.55
      Including       68-69 1 6.29
GHDD-260 1237873 452031 392 010 -45 116 96-102 6 6.39
      Including       96-97 1 20.30
GHDD-261 1237867 451947 387 010 -45 150 77-78 1 15.39
              90-92 2 2.24
              125-128 3 4.07
              134-135 1 12.83
GHDD-262 1237868 451910 385 010 -45 149   Results Pending
GHDD-263 1237867 451910 384 010 -45 170   Results Pending
* Intervals calculated with a 0.4 g/t Au cut-off and 2 metres maximum internal dilution. True widths are unknown. UTM's are WGS84-30N 
Intervals with grade x thickness (gram x metre) of 10 or higher are highlighted in bold.

Competent Persons Statements

Teranga's exploration programs in Burkina Faso are being managed by Peter Mann, FAusIMM. Mr. Mann is a full time employee of Teranga and is not "independent" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”). Mr. Mann has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a "Qualified Person" under NI 43-101. The technical information contained in this news release relating to exploration results are based on, and fairly represents, information compiled by Mr. Mann. Mr. Mann has verified and approved the data disclosed in this release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information. The RC and diamond core samples are assayed at the BIGGS Laboratory in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Mr. Mann has consented to the inclusion in this news release of the matters based on his compiled information in the form and context in which it appears herein. 

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"), which reflects management's expectations regarding Teranga's future growth and business prospects (including the timing and development of new deposits and the success of exploration activities) and opportunities. Wherever possible, words such as “objective to”, “likely”, “intend to”, “potential”, “belief”, “believe”, “expects”, “estimates”, “plans”, “anticipated”, “ability” and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “should”, or "will" have been used to identify such forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, all disclosure regarding possible events, conditions or results of operations, future economic conditions and anticipated courses of action. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this press release reflect management's current beliefs based upon information currently available to management and based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, Teranga cannot be certain that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions, opinions and analysis made by management in light of its experience, current conditions and its expectations of future developments that management believe to be reasonable and relevant but that may prove to be incorrect. These assumptions include, among other things, the ability to obtain any requisite governmental approvals, including renewals of the Golden Hill exploration permits in 2018, the accuracy of sampling, analytical and test data underlying the exploration results included herein, gold price, exchange rates, fuel and energy costs, future economic conditions, and anticipated future estimates of free cash flow. Teranga cautions you not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements.

The risks and uncertainties that may affect forward-looking statements include, among others: the inherent risks involved in exploration and development of mineral properties, including government approvals and permitting, changes in economic conditions, changes in the worldwide price of gold and other key inputs, changes in mine plans and other factors, such as project execution delays, many of which are beyond the control of Teranga, as well as other risks and uncertainties which are more fully described in Teranga's Annual Information Form dated March 29, 2017, and in other filings of Teranga with securities and regulatory authorities which are available at Teranga does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements should assumptions related to these plans, estimates, projections, beliefs and opinions change. Nothing in this document should be construed as either an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or sell Teranga securities. All references to Teranga include its subsidiaries unless the context requires otherwise.

About Teranga

Teranga is a multi-jurisdictional West African gold company focused on production and development as well as the exploration of more than 5,000 km2 of land located on prospective gold belts.  Since its initial public offering in 2010, Teranga has produced more than 1.4 million ounces of gold from its operations in Senegal, which as of June 30, 2017 had a reserve base of 2.7 million ounces of gold.  Focused on diversification and growth, the Company is advancing its Wahgnion Gold Project, with a recently released positive feasibility study, and conducting extensive exploration programs in three countries:  Burkina Faso, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire.  Teranga has a strong balance sheet and the financial flexibility to execute on its growth strategy.  The Company has nearly 4.0 million ounces of gold reserves from its combined Sabodala Gold operations and Wahgnion Gold Project.

Steadfast in its commitment to set the benchmark for responsible mining, Teranga operates in accordance with the highest international standards and aims to act as a catalyst for sustainable economic, environmental, and community development as it strives to create value for all of its stakeholders.  Teranga is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and a leading member of the multi-stakeholder group responsible for the submission of the first Senegalese Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative revenue report. The Company's responsibility report is available at and is prepared in accordance with its commitments under the United Nations Global Compact and in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.

Contact Information

Richard Young President & CEO T: +1 416-594-0000 | E:  

Trish MoranHead of Investor RelationsT: +1 416-607-4507 | E:



Figure 1: Golden Hill Property – Prospect Location Plan Map

Figure 2:   Peksou Prospect – Drill Plan

Figure 3:  Peksou Prospect – Representative Drill Section (A - A’)

Figure 4:  Peksou Prospect – Representative Drill Section (B - B’)

Figure 5:  Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) – Drill Plan

Figure 6:  Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) – Representative Drill Section (A - A’)

Figure 7:  Ma Prospect (Ma North Portion) – Representative Drill Section (B - B’)