RNS Number : 7513F

Versarien PLC

17 July 2019

17 July 2019

Versarien Plc

("Versarien" or the "Company" or the "Group")

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2019

Versarien Plc (AIM:VRS), the advanced engineering materials group, is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the year ended 31 March 2019.

Operational highlights

  --   Thirteen new graphene application collaborations and MOU agreements 
        secured during the year, with one entered into post period, 
        with partners based in the UK and overseas 
  --   Versarien joined the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre 
        ("GEIC") as a tier one member gaining access to development 
        and scale-up facilities worth c.GBP60 million 
  --   Continued investment in capital equipment as collaboration 
        agreements progress 
  --   Acquisition of Gnanomat S.L. ("GNA"), a company based in Spain 
        developing energy storage technology 
  --   Establishment of a US subsidiary, Versarien Graphene Inc., 
        to exploit opportunities in North America 
  --   UK Government continues to support the Company's international 
        expansion plans by seconding staff to Versarien, an 'Export 
  --   Polygrene(TM) launched, a new graphene enhanced polymer to 
        improve thermal and electricity conductivity 
  --   Mature businesses showing steady financial performance providing 
        stability for the emerging businesses 

Financial highlights

      --   Group revenues remained steady at GBP9.14 million (2018: GBP9.02 
      --   Adjusted LBITDA* of GBP1.1 million (2018: GBP0.8 million) 
      --   Loss before tax of GBP2.8 million (2018: GBP1.6 million) after 
            share based payments charge in the year of GBP0.7 million (2018: 
            GBP0.1 million) 
      --   Cash at 31 March 2019 of GBP4.3 million (2018: GBP2.3 million) 
      --   Successful fundraising of GBP5.2 million gross in September 
      --   Net assets increased by 66% to GBP13.3 million (2018: GBP8.0 

* Adjusted LBITDA (Loss before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) excludes exceptional items and share based payment charges.

Post Period Highlights

  --   Versarien became the first company in the world to complete 
        the US Graphene Council's 'Verified Graphene Producer' programme 
        validating our technology to customers and collaborators 
  --   First graphene orders received from the USA and Japan 
  --   Term Sheet signed with the Beijing Institute of Graphene Technology 
        ("BIGT") for China expansion 
  --   EU 'REACH' approval to produce up to 10 tonnes of graphene per 
        annum received 
  --   Appointment of Susan Bowen as a Non-executive Director 

Commenting on the results, Neill Ricketts, Chief Executive Officer of Versarien, said: "The year to 31 March 2019 has, again, been one of great progress for Versarien particularly in our emerging technologies businesses, globally and in the UK. The graphene businesses have delivered on our strategy of expansion into global markets and progress is being seen in our existing collaborations, as well as new collaborations being entered into. We look forward to showcasing our new technologies at future investor events.

"Having spent some time examining opportunities for expansion into China, the Board concluded that the best one lies with BIGT and consequently signed a term sheet with them in April 2019. A wholly owned foreign enterprise is being established and will be managed by BIGT on behalf of Versarien, with planned investment from a BIGT managed fund. BIGT will focus on both the manufacture and sale of our graphene in China using our patented technology.

"Opportunities in South Korea, Japan and India are emerging as a result of the support given to us by the UK Government seconded staff and we have established operations in North America, albeit they are at an early stage.

"New graphene production equipment has been installed in the UK and is now up and running at our Cheltenham manufacturing site which will enable us to meet the initial expected demands of our graphene based products. Testing of new equipment is underway which, if successful, would expand our production capacity to up to 30 tonnes per annum of high quality graphene. Manufacture and sale of graphene at these levels requires certain permissions under EU regulations and I am pleased to report that we have been successful in our registration and are now accredited to produce significant volumes of graphene under the EU rules for chemical production.

"Our mature businesses have focussed on efficiency gains and overall have returned acceptable results whilst also looking at opportunities for inclusion of graphene in their future products. This includes using graphene in headphones and mobile phone cases, through to producing Hexotene enhanced ceramics for use in satellite engines.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our continually supportive investor base and our employees for their hard work as we look forward to the future with optimism and confidence."

For further information please contact:

 Versarien Plc                               www.versarien.com 
 Neill Ricketts - Chief Executive Officer    +44 (0) 1242 269122 
 Chris Leigh - Chief Financial Officer 
 Cannacord Genuity Group Inc (Nominated 
  Adviser and Broker) 
 Bobbie Hilliam / Emma Gabriel               +44 (0)20 7523 8000 
 IFC Advisory (Financial PR and IR)          www.investor-focus.co.uk 
 Tim Metcalfe / Graham Herring / Heather 
  Armstrong                                  +44 (0) 20 3934 6630 

Notes to Editors:

About Versarien

Versarien Plc (AIM:VRS), is an advanced engineering materials group. Leveraging proprietary technology, the Group creates innovative engineering solutions for its clients in a diverse range of industries. Versarien has six subsidiaries operating under two divisions:

Graphene and Plastics

2-DTech Limited, which specialises in the supply, characterisation and early stage development of graphene products. www.2-dtech.com

AAC Cyroma Limited, which specialises in the supply of vacuum-formed and injection-moulded products to the automotive, construction, utilities and retail industry sectors. Using Versarien's existing graphene manufacturing capabilities, AAC will have the ability to produce graphene-enhanced plastic products. www.aaccyroma.co.uk

Cambridge Graphene Ltd, supplies novel inks based on graphene and related materials, using patented processes to develop graphene materials technology.


Gnanomat S.L. ("GNA"), based in the Parque Cientifico Madrid, Spain, is a company capable of utilising Versarien's graphene products in an environmentally friendly, scalable production process for energy storage devices that offer high power density, fast recharging and long lifetime for use in electrical vehicles and portable electronics products. www.gnanomat.com

Hard Wear and Metallic Products

Versarien Technologies Limited has developed an additive process for creating advanced micro-porous metals targeting the thermal management industry and supplies extruded aluminium. www.versarien-technologies.co.uk

Total Carbide Limited, a leading manufacturer in sintered tungsten carbide for applications in arduous environments such as the oil and gas industry. www.totalcarbide.com

Chief Executive's Statement

Versarien consists of two main business segments; Graphene and Plastic Products focussed on delivering graphene solutions through plastics and carbon fibre composites, and Hard Wear and Metallic Products focussed on delivering aluminium and tungsten carbide products.

Graphene and Plastic Products

The graphene businesses continue to make significant progress. We are very proud to be the first company in the world to receive independent verification from the US based Graphene Council that has declared our Nanene graphene nano-platelets meet their standards. Not only is this a confirmation of the quality of our product, but also provides us with a competitive advantage.

With the launch of Polygrene(TM) , we have again increased our range of graphene-based products, providing a polymer which can improve thermal and electrical conductivity.

The UK Government continues to provide support to Versarien with seconded staff and has also entered into partnership with us as an 'Export Champion'. This support enables us to increase our global presence and succeed in our global strategy. In China we now have many MOUs (multiple with Fortune 500 companies) which are project related across a multitude of sectors, with work either currently on-going or with preliminary discussions and testing taking place. In South Korea we have two collaboration agreements now in place and discussions with around 20 companies which are on-going and we are engaging with JETRO, a core government organisation for attracting inward investment in Japan. In India we are looking at opportunities for a joint venture arrangement with a suitable partner.

I am pleased to provide an update on our current commercial collaborations:

 Date entered    Description                    Current status 
 October 2017    Collaboration with             Development of applications continuing 
                  Israel Aerospace               with multiple partners, including 
                  Industries                     GEIC and Warwick Manufacturing 
                                                 Group ("WMG"). 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 November 2017   Collaboration with             Blow moulded bottle samples were 
                  Global Consumer                successfully produced at customer 
                  Goods Company                  facility. Samples currently being 
                                                 tested and assessed at customer 
                                                 facility and WMG. A new agreement 
                                                 has also been signed with a separate 
                                                 division of this company. The 
                                                 agreement will focus on the development 
                                                 of flexible packaging solutions 
                                                 and seek to utilise graphene properties 
                                                 in new and existing packaging. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 December 2017   Agreement with Global          Masterbatch testing completed 
                  Chemical Major                 with notable improvements in puncture 
                                                 resistance. Further tests underway 
                                                 with Graphinks and Hexotene. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 January 2018    Agreement with Global          First sample garments produced 
                  Apparel Manufacturer           and independently tested to industry 
                                                 standards by a recognised UK based 
                                                 test house. The results show wide 
                                                 improvement in key areas when 
                                                 compared to a non-graphene garment. 
                                                 The key areas included abrasion 
                                                 resistance, moisture and air permeability, 
                                                 water vapour and thermal resistance, 
                                                 stretch, wicking and drying rate. 
                                                 A Second batch of garments is 
                                                 currently being produced and will 
                                                 go to other engagement partners 
                                                 for wearer trials. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 February 2018   Medical Technology             Initial positive discussions have 
                  collaboration at               now been held with two leading 
                  Addenbrooke's hospital         global manufacturers of dressings 
                                                 and further multi-partner discussions 
                                                 will be held in the near future. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 February 2018   Agreement with the             Production relocation caused temporary 
                  shoemaker Vivobarefoot         delay to the project. Initial 
                                                 compounding of materials has now 
                                                 been successfully completed with 
                                                 different variations of materials 
                                                 and loadings. Further tests now 
                                                 underway and first samples to 
                                                 be produced. Commercial understanding 
                                                 over a launch product in place. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 March 2018      Collaboration with             Project held up due to change 
                  Team Sky (now Team             of sponsor. The parties will re-engage 
                  INEOS) for cycling             in September 2019. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 March 2018      Collaboration with             Sample parts have been sent to 
                  world leading aerospace        us for initial evaluation. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 April 2018      Agreement with Luxus           Active supply chain partner, who 
                                                 are working with us on various 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 May 2018        Consumer goods collaboration   Initial testing at limited loadings 
                  for polymer structures         showed a demonstrable improvement 
                  in plastics                    in potential use of plastics. 
                                                 Targets have now been set to achieve 
                                                 significant reductions in plastics 
                                                 use. Further development in bottle 
                                                 design and weight/percentage loadings 
                                                 has now commenced. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 June 2018       Agreement with Arrow           IP application submitted for initial 
                  Green Tech                     water-soluble polymer. Engagement 
                                                 underway in India with multiple 
                                                 companies across various sectors. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 June 2018       Commercial agreement           First earphones launched into 
                  with MediaDevil                the market in December 2018, with 
                                                 next generation products now being 
                                                 designed. In addition, new accessories 
                                                 such as phone cases with graphene 
                                                 have now been tested, with launch 
                                                 dates currently being planned. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 July 2018       Collaboration with             Trials continue with different 
                  ZapGo Ltd                      materials and loadings. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 August-2018     Sporting goods collaboration   Initial trials of a new Polygrene 
                                                 mix show significant improvement 
                                                 in outer soles with further development 
                                                 now underway. In addition, work 
                                                 has commenced on a new design 
                                                 for another variation of football 
                                                 shoe. Confirmation that this partner 
                                                 will also feature in the wearer 
                                                 trials for the garments referred 
                                                 to in the update with the global 
                                                 apparel manufacturer. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 August-2018     Collaboration with             Consortium of companies exploring 
                  Axia Materials,                further funding opportunities 
                  South Korea                    and potential new partners. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 August-2018     Construction materials         Collaboration progressing well 
                  collaboration with             with additional collaboration 
                  AECOM                          agreement signed to investigate 
                                                 graphene enhanced concrete structures. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 October-2018    Collaboration with             Testing underway at customer facility. 
                  Advanced Insulation 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 December 2018   Collaboration with             Work plan created with involved 
                  Chinese Aerospace              multiple partners, including GEIC 
                  Company                        and WMG. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 December 2018   MOU China Railway              Several projects are now underway 
                                                 including concrete projects which 
                                                 feature multiple partners, including 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 December 2018   LOI/MOU Tungshu                Our collaboration with Tungshu 
                  Optoelectronics                is continuing with a number of 
                                                 projects identified. These include 
                                                 flexible packaging, thermal interfaces 
                                                 for heat dissipation in electronics, 
                                                 thermoplastic components, various 
                                                 electrical devices and using graphene 
                                                 insole sensors in Tungshu's smart 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 March 2019      Further collaboration          Workplan created with involved 
                  with Chinese Aerospace         multiple partners, including GEIC 
                  Company                        and WMG. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 May 2019        Collaboration agreement        Initial workflow plan agreed and 
                  with BP Polymers               being implemented. 
                -----------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 

The level of our graphene related sales is mainly dependent upon the rate at which our collaborations progress. The year under review has seen significant progress which is expected to validate our business model and provide future sales growth from the current minimal levels. Alongside the collaborations, we have seen an increase in interest following our Graphene Council verification with our first orders from partners in USA and Japan post period end.

During the year we have invested in new plant and equipment aimed at increasing annual production capacity to three tonnes of graphene and one tonne of Hexotene by the end of 2019. This should enable us to meet the expected demand for our high-quality graphene-based products.

We are now in discussions with many cities, provinces and companies in China, and have signed a Term Sheet with BIGT in April 2019. Final contracts have yet to be completed, so there cannot be certainty, but the intention is that other interested parties and regions will form tier two investment opportunities in joint ventures to be agreed.

Since its acquisition in October 2018, GNA has been awarded a patent by the Oficina Espanola de Patentes y Marcas, the Spanish patent office, covering a method of obtaining nanomaterials composed of carbonaceous material and metallic oxides. This has also been filed under the PCT regime.

GNA has also recruited a new Chief Technology Officer and successfully completed the testing of its pilot production plant. It has also entered into collaboration agreements with two supercapacitor manufacturers and is in dialogue with a further three global supercapacitor manufacturers, as well as participating in the European Battery Alliance.

AAC Cyroma, our plastics business, was principally a strategic purchase to allow us to incorporate graphene into plastic products as well as providing revenue and cash flow in its own right. Its revenues have remained stable and returned a reasonable result whilst working with the first mover collaborations, such as with Media Devil and its own customer base, with samples being provided for customer testing.

Hard Wear and Metallic Products

Our Hard Wear parts business has performed in line with the previous year and a recent review of operations has been conducted to improve operational efficiencies. It is particularly pleasing that it has seen an increase it its recent order books and is now involved in a project involving the use of Hexotene in ceramics. We have previously stated that the thermal/aluminum products business is non-core, but nonetheless recent restructuring has improved its business performance.

Key performance indicators

As a Group that consists of mature products supporting the development of early stage technology products, we concentrate on the following financial metrics:

                                                           2019       2018 
                                                            GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Revenue                                                   9,140      9,024 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Gross margin percentage                                   27%        28% 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Loss before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, 
  exceptional costs and share based charges                (1,134)    (801) 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Cash used by Graphene and Plastic Products                (1,305)    (1,090) 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Cash used by Hard Wear and Metallic Products              (266)      (82) 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Cash raised/(utilised) by parent (before loans 
  to/from subsidiaries)                                    3,567      2,101 
                                                          ---------  --------- 
 Net Cash raised and generated/(used) by the Group         1,996      929 
                                                          ---------  --------- 

Current trading and outlook

The Group has started the new financial year very positively, with pleasing levels of revenue and profit from its Plastics and Hard Wear and Metallic businesses. With the investment in operational efficiencies made in the year ended 31 March 2019, we anticipate a further positive impact to the results in the current financial year.

We have also seen progress in the US, with four new collaboration agreements having been recently entered into in North America, and were pleased to announce that we received our first order in June 2019 for 12kg of our graphene from a US based company, operating in the oil and gas exploration sector. We also look forward to working with potential new US based partners following the American Graphene Summit in May 2019, where Versarien was a leading participant.

We also look to the future with great excitement regarding our expansion into China, South Korea and Japan which could bring significant growth for the graphene businesses. We have already seen our first order from a North American corporate research and development centre of a Japanese headquartered company. This customer is a global automotive components company that has operations in over 40 countries, employing in excess of 250,000 people.

This current year we expect, with confidence, to see the benefits of the many achievements and progress that we have accomplished during the year ended 31 March 2019, and the continued trend of increased orders for our products.

Neill Ricketts

Chief Executive Officer

Financial Review

Versarien's revenue for the year ended 31 March 2019 was GBP9.1 million (2018: GBP9.0 million) with operating losses before exceptional costs, depreciation, amortisation and share based payment charges of GBP1.1 million (2018: GBP0.8 million).

Exceptional costs were GBP0.4 million (2018: GBP0.03 million) as a result of the Group's focus on global expansion and growth through acquisition. The loss before tax for the year was GBP2.8 million (2018: GBP1.6 million), after share based payment charges of GBP0.7 million in the year (2018: GBP0.1 million).

It is the Board's intention to continue to align shareholder and senior staff interests through the award of share options rather than just remuneration. IFRS 2 (share based payments) dictates the accounting treatment of such options using simulations such as Black Scholes or Monte Carlo to try and determine the fair value of such awards. These models contain many assumptions, but one which has a material impact on the valuation is share volatility. Versarien, in line with many other AIM quoted shares, has seen a high level of volatility since being admitted to AIM. The consequence of this is that such simulation models allow for large share price movements resulting in a high charge in the year of GBP0.7 million (2018: GBP0.1 million). This is a non-cash movement in the accounts and is simply an accounting transaction required under IFRS 2 to reflect the potential future value of the shares.

As part of the expansion of our graphene businesses in the UK and overseas, we have continued to invest heavily in them. We are confident, that whilst revenues of any material amount have yet to be achieved, with the investment that we have made, the accreditations awarded and progress of our collaborations this year, significant future revenues will be achieved. Adjusted LBITDA for the graphene businesses was GBP1.1 million (2018: GBP0.9 million).

Our plastics business, AAC Cyroma has had a steady year, returning revenues of GBP4.7 million (2018: GBP4.6 million) and EBITDA of GBP0.2 million (2018: GBP0.4 million).

Our mature Hard Wear and Metallic businesses have provided stability to support the development of the emerging businesses, with Total Carbide returning revenues of GBP3.2 million (2018: GBP3.2million) and EBITDA of GBP0.5 million (2018: GBP0.5 million) and Versarien Technologies similarly returning revenues of GBP1.2 million (2018: GBP1.2 million) and adjusted LBITDA of GBP0.1 million (2018 GBP0.1 million).

Group net assets at 31 March 2019 were GBP13.3 million (2018: GBP8.0 million) following the acquisition of Gnanomat S.L. ("GNA"). The consideration for the acquisition was GBP2,647,000 settled by cash of GBP0.7 million, by way of GNA issuing new shares in its company to Versarien, and the issue of 1,316,278 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each in Versarien to existing GNA shareholders at an agreed price of 150 pence per share. In September 2018 the Group successfully raised GBP5.2 million before expenses, and at the year end the Group had cash of GBP4.3m (2018: GBP2.3 million), of which GBP0.6 million (2018: GBP1.1 million) had been drawn under the invoice finance facilities. As at period end the Company had GBP0.6 million of headroom in its invoice finance facilities (2018: GBP0.7 million). The Directors consider this sufficient for our current activities over the coming twelve months having made certain assumptions, further details of which are contained below.

Cash outflow from operating activities was GBP1.7 million (2018: GBP1.9 million). The Group invested GBP0.7 million, net of cash, in acquisitions (2018: GBPnil), GBP0.4 million (2018: GBP0.1 million) in capitalised development costs, and GBP0.5 million (2018: GBP0.3 million) in plant and machinery.

Going concern

The financial statements, which are not yet approved, have been prepared on a going concern basis, which the Directors believe to be appropriate for the following reasons:

-- The Group meets its day-to-day working capital requirements through careful cash management and the use of its invoice discounting facilities; and

-- As at 31 March 2019, the Group had cash balances totalling GBP4.3 million with GBP0.6 million of headroom on its invoice discounting facilities.

The Directors have prepared detailed projections of expected future cash flows for a period of twelve months from the date of issue of this preliminary statement. These show that the Group is expected to have sufficient cash available to meet its obligations as they fall due for the foreseeable future (at least twelve months). These projections assume modest sales growth in the mature revenue generating businesses and the continued utilisation of the invoice finance facilities.

After due consideration, the Directors have concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future (at least twelve months). For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

Chris Leigh

Chief Financial Officer

Group statement of comprehensive Income (unaudited)

Year ended 31 March 2019

                                                                2019      2018 
                                                    Notes    GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                                 2      9,140     9,024 
Cost of sales                                                (6,706)   (6,496) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Gross profit                                                   2,434     2,528 
Other operating income                                           148        63 
Operating expenses (including exceptional items)             (5,345)   (4,102) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss from operations before exceptional items                (2,343)   (1,477) 
Exceptional items                                       3      (420)      (34) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss from operations                                         (2,763)   (1,511) 
Finance costs                                                   (66)      (50) 
Finance income                                                     -         - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss before income tax                                       (2,829)   (1,561) 
Income tax                                                       117        63 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss for the year                                            (2,712)   (1,498) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss attributable to: 
- Owners of the parent company                               (2,473)   (1,381) 
- Non-controlling interest                                     (239)     (117) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
                                                             (2,712)   (1,498) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 
Loss per share attributable to the equity holders 
 of the Company: 
Basic and diluted loss per share                        5    (1.64)p   (1.00)p 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  -------- 

There is no other comprehensive income for the year.

Group statement of financial position (unaudited)

As at 31 March 2019

                                                                 2019      2018 
                                                      Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                         6     5,318     2,678 
Property, plant and equipment                             7     3,170     2,980 
Deferred taxation                                                  25        25 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
                                                                8,513     5,683 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Current assets 
Inventory                                                       2,253     1,961 
Trade and other receivables                                     2,141     2,437 
Current tax                                                       106        77 
Cash and cash equivalents                                       4,292     2,296 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
                                                                8,792     6,771 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Total assets                                                   17,305    12,454 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Called up share capital                                   8     1,536     1,486 
Share premium account                                     8    19,776    12,529 
Merger reserve                                                  1,256     1,256 
Share-based payment reserve                                       899       187 
Retained losses                                               (9,698)   (7,225) 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent company            13,769     8,233 
Non-controlling interest                                        (493)     (254) 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Total equity                                                   13,276     7,979 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          328       167 
Deferred tax                                                       69        64 
Long-term borrowings                                              708       456 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
                                                                1,105       687 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                        1,528     1,849 
Provisions                                                        174        80 
Current tax                                                       257       284 
Invoice discounting advances                                      603     1,117 
Current portion of long-term borrowings                           362       458 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
                                                                2,924     3,788 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Total liabilities                                               4,029     4,475 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 
Total equity and liabilities                                   17,305    12,454 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  --------  -------- 

Group statement of changes in equity (unaudited)

Year ended 31 March 2019

                                    Share            Share-based                Non-controlling 
                          Share   premium    Merger      payment  Accumulated          Interest           Total 
                        capital   account   reserve      reserve       losses           GBP'000          equity 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000                           GBP'000 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------------  -------------- 
At 1 April 2017           1,313     9,762     1,256          115      (5,844)             (137)           6,465 
Issue of shares             173     2,767         -            -            -                 -           2,940 
Loss for the year             -         -         -            -      (1,381)             (117)         (1,498) 
Share-based payments          -         -         -           72            -                 -              72 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------------  -------------- 
At 31 March 2018          1,486    12,529     1,256          187      (7,225)             (254)           7,979 
Issue of shares              50     7,247         -            -            -           -                 7,297 
Loss for the year             -         -         -            -      (2,473)             (239)         (2,712) 
Share-based payments          -         -         -          712            -                 -             712 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------------  -------------- 
At 31 March 2019          1,536    19,776     1,256          899      (9,698)             (493)          13,276 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------------  -------------- 

Statement of Group cash flows (unaudited)

Year ended 31 March 2019

                                                               2019       2018 
                                                   Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash used in operations                                9    (1,737)    (1,907) 
Interest paid                                                  (66)       (50) 
Corporation Tax paid                                              -        (9) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Net cash used in operating activities                       (1,803)    (1,966) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash 
 acquired)                                                    (673)          - 
Purchase of intangible assets                                 (434)      (148) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                     (541)      (280) 
Net cash used in investing activities                       (1,648)      (428) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Share issue                                                   5,155      3,069 
Share issue costs                                             (200)      (129) 
Finance leases (net of repayments)                              156          1 
Invoice discounting loan (repayments)/proceeds                (514)        382 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Net cash generated from financing activities                  4,597      3,323 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents              1,146        929 
Cash acquired on acquisition                                    850          - 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
 year                                                         2,296      1,367 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      4,292      2,296 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 

Notes to the Financial Statements (unaudited)

1. Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements consolidate the results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group").

The financial information included in this preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts of the Group for the years ended 31 March 2019 or 31 March 2018. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2018 is derived from statutory accounts upon which the auditors have reported. Their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The auditors work on the statutory accounts of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2019 is not yet complete.

Both the consolidated financial statements and the Company financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("IFRS").

2. Segmental reporting

At 31 March 2019 the Group was organised into two business segments. Central costs are reported separately.

Information reported to the Group's Chief Executive Officer for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of performance is focused on the two principal business segments of Graphene and Plastic Products and Hard Wear and Metallic Products and, accordingly, the Group's reportable segments under IFRS 8 are based on these activities.

Segment profit/(loss) represents the profit/(loss) earned by each segment, including a share of central administration costs, which are allocated on the basis of actual use or pro rata to sales. This is the measure reported to the Chief Executive Officer for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.

The segment analysis for the period ended 31 March 2019 is as follows:

                                          Graphene       Hard Wear 
                                       and Plastic    and Metallic   Intra-group 
                             Central      Products        Products   adjustments     Total 
                             GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Revenue                            -         4,729           4,416           (5)     9,140 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Gross profit                       -         1,064           1,370             -     2,434 
Other operating income             -           144               4             -       148 
Operating expenses           (1,430)       (2,582)         (1,274)          (59)   (5,345) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
(Loss) from operations       (1,430)       (1,374)             100          (59)   (2,763) 
Finance income/(charge)            3          (43)            (26)             -      (66) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
(Loss)/profit before tax     (1,427)       (1,417)              74          (59)   (2,829) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Total assets                  16,058         5,536           4,780       (9,069)    17,305 
 Total liabilities           (1,107)       (6,963)         (4,068)         8,109   (4,029) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Net assets/(liabilities)      14,951       (1,427)             712         (960)    13,276 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Capital expenditure              166           775              34             -       975 
Depreciation/amortisation         13           245             207            32       497 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 

The segment analysis for the period ended 31 March 2018 is as follows:

                                          Graphene       Hard Wear 
                                       and Plastic    And Metallic   Intra-group 
                             Central      Products        Products   adjustments     Total 
                             GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Revenue                            -         4,643           4,385           (4)     9,024 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Gross profit                       -         1,198           1,330             -     2,528 
Other operating income             -             9              54             -        63 
Operating expenses             (695)       (1,918)         (1,437)          (52)   (4,102) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
(Loss) from operations         (695)         (711)            (53)          (52)   (1,511) 
Finance income/(charge)            -          (21)            (29)             -      (50) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
(Loss) before tax              (695)         (732)            (82)          (52)   (1,561) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Total assets                   9,264         4,575           4,911       (6,296)    12,454 
Total liabilities              (897)       (5,358)         (4,345)         6,125   (4,475) 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Net assets/(liabilities)       8,367         (783)             566         (171)     7,979 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 
Capital expenditure                2           373              53             -       428 
 and impairment                    5           227             511            52       795 
--------------------------  --------  ------------  --------------  ------------  -------- 

Geographical information

The Group's revenue from external customers and information about its segment assets by geographical location are detailed below:

                  Revenue from external 
                        customers          Non-current assets 
                 -----------------------  -------------------- 
                        2019        2018       2019       2018 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
---------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
United Kingdom         7,577       7,657      6,203      5,683 
Rest of Europe         1,065       1,002      2,310          - 
North America            306           2          -          - 
Other                    192         363          -          - 
---------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
                       9,140       9,024      8,513      5,683 
---------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  --------- 

3. Exceptional items

                                                               2019      2018 
                                                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
Relocation and restructuring costs                               59        31 
Costs relating to expansion in China                            271         - 
Costs relating to setting up of the US subsidiary                28         - 
Acquisition costs                                                29         - 
Release of deferred consideration                                 -      (80) 
Impairment of development costs (note 6) net of deferred 
 grant income release                                             -        72 
Other                                                            33        11 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                                420        34 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

4. Dividends

As stated in the Company's AIM Admission Document, the Board will not be declaring or proposing any dividends until such time as the commercialisation of its product portfolio has generated sufficient distributable reserves from which to do so.

5. Loss per ordinary share

The calculation of the basic loss per share for the period ended 31 March 2019 and 31 March 2018 is based on the losses attributable to the shareholders of Versarien Plc divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The calculation of diluted loss per share is based on the basic loss per share adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options. However, in accordance with IAS 33 "Earnings Per Share" potential ordinary shares are only considered dilutive when their conversion would decrease the profit per share or increase the loss per share. As at 31 March 2019 there were 14,985,100 (2018: 8,222,830) potential ordinary shares which have been disregarded in the calculation of diluted loss per share as they were considered non-dilutive at that date.

                                    Loss   average 
                            attributable    number 
                                      to        of  Basic loss 
                            shareholders    shares   per share 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000       pence 
-------------------------  -------------  --------  ---------- 
Year ended 31 March 2019         (2,473)   151,129      (1.64) 
Year ended 31 March 2018         (1,381)   138,208      (1.00) 
-------------------------  -------------  --------  ---------- 

6. Intangible assets

                                          Goodwill   intangibles          Total 
                                           GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
At 1 April 2017                              2,167         1,395          3,562 
Additions                                        -           148            148 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
At 1 April 2018                              2,167         1,543          3,710 
Additions                                        -           434            434 
Disposals                                        -          (21)           (21) 
Acquisitions                                 2,264            20          2,284 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
At 31 March 2019                             4,431         1,976          6,407 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
At 1 April 2017                                  -           639            639 
Impairment                                                   191            191 
Amortisation charge                              -           202            202 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
At 1 April 2018                                  -         1,032          1,032 
Disposals                                                   (13)           (13) 
Amortisation charge                              -            70             70 
At 31 March 2019                                 -         1,089          1,089 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
Carrying value 
At 31 March 2019                             4,431           887          5,318 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 
At 31 March 2018                             2,167           511          2,678 
----------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ------------- 

The impairment of Other Intangibles in 2018 relates to development costs in Versarien Technologies Limited as per exceptional items, note 3.

Other intangible assets

                                     31 March 2019  31 March 2018 
                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Customer relationships/order books              81            113 
Development costs                              600            235 
Licence                                         48             33 
Intellectual property                          158            130 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total                                          887            511 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   7.         Property, plant and equipment 
                            Plant and      Leasehold 
                            equipment   improvements     Total 
Group                         GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
At 1 April 2017                 9,024            488     9,512 
Additions                         250             30       280 
Disposals                        (27)              -      (27) 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
At 1 April 2018                 9,247            518     9,765 
Additions                         541              -       541 
Acquisitions                       76              -        76 
Disposals                         (2)              -       (2) 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
At 31 March 2019                9,862            518    10,380 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
Accumulated depreciation 
At 1 April 2017                 6,386             20     6,406 
Charge for the year               372             30       402 
Disposals                        (23)              -      (23) 
At 1 April 2018                 6,735             50     6,785 
Charge for the year               393             34       427 
Disposals                         (2)              -       (2) 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
At 31 March 2019                7,126             84     7,210 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
Net book value 
At 31 March 2019                2,736            434     3,170 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 
At 31 March 2018                2,512            468     2,980 
-------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------- 

Plant and equipment include the following amounts where the Group is a lessee under finance leases and hire purchase contracts:

                              Group     Group 
                               2019      2018 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  --------  -------- 
Cost                          4,453     3,889 
Accumulated depreciation    (2,567)   (2,326) 
Net book value                1,886     1,563 
-------------------------  --------  -------- 

8. Called up share capital and share premium

                       Number  Ordinary     Share 
                    of shares    shares   premium     Total 
                         '000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------  ----------  --------  --------  -------- 
At 1 April 2017       131,331     1,313     9,762    11,075 
Issue of shares        17,334       173     2,767     2,940 
At 31 March 2018      148,665     1,486    12,529    14,015 
Issue of shares         4,959        50     7,247     7,297 
At 31 March 2019      153,624     1,536    19,776    21,312 
-----------------  ----------  --------  --------  -------- 

9. Cash used in operations

                                                           2019      2018 
                                                        GBP'000   GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Loss before tax                                         (2,829)   (1,561) 
Adjustments for: 
  Share-based payments                                      712        72 
  Depreciation                                              427       402 
  Amortisation                                               70       202 
  Impairment                                                  -       191 
  Disposal of non-current assets                              8         4 
  R&D tax credit repayment                                  117        72 
  Finance cost                                               66        50 
  Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables        424     (569) 
  Increase in inventories                                 (292)      (73) 
  Decrease in trade and other payables                    (440)     (697) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Cash flows from operating activities                    (1,737)   (1,907) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

10. Report and accounts

Copies of the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course once they are finalised and approved. Further copies may be obtained by contacting the Company Secretary at the registered office. In addition, the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts will be available to download from the investor relations section on the Company's website www.versarien.com.

- Ends -

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 17, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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