RNS No 3439c
2nd September 1997
                              THISTLE HOTELS Plc
     Announcement of Interim Results for the 28 weeks ended 13 July, 1997

                             28 weeks    Change   28 weeks   52 weeks
                            to 13/7/97     (%)       to         to
                                                   14/7/96   29/12/96
Turnover (# m)                160.2       +9.8      146.0     290.3
Gross Profits (#m)             62.9       +9.9      57.2      115.6
Operating Profit (#m)*         55.0       +8.9      50.6      103.3
Profit on sale of fixed        0.9        -30.8      1.3       3.4
assets (#m)
Profit before tax (#m)*        38.1       +58.4     24.1       60.1
Earnings per share (p)*        5.87       +17.2     5.01      10.23
Occupancy (%)                  65.4       +2.7      63.7       66.7
Average room rate (#)         59.08       +8.7      54.33     55.02
Room yield (#)                38.64       +11.6     34.61     36.70

*1996 figures stated before writedown of hotels and development sites of #87.8

 *  Turnover up 9.8% to #160.2 million
 *  Pre-tax profits increase by 58.4% to #38.1 million
 *  Occupancy and room rates up across all regions
 *  1,013 rooms refurbished including 706 in London
 *  1.4 pence per share interim dividend

Mr Rodney Price, Chairman of Thistle, said:
"I  am  pleased  to  announce an 8.9% increase in operating profits  to  #55.0
million  and a 58.4% increase in pre-tax profit to #38.1 million  for  the  28
weeks  to  13 July, 1997. While these results reflect a creditable improvement
in  operating  performance and provide the basis for a record  annual  profit,
they  nevertheless  fall  short of the demanding targets  which  we  have  set

"Current trading conditions, and the fact that historically the Group's  gross
profits  have tended to be weighted to the second half of the financial  year,
suggest that operating profit growth for the full year will be slightly  above
that achieved in the first half."
     Announcement of Interim Results for the 28 weeks ended 13 July, 1997


I  am  pleased  to  announce an 8.9% increase in operating  profits  to  #55.0
million  and a 58.4% increase in pre-tax profit to #38.1 million  for  the  28
weeks  to  13 July, 1997. While these results reflect a creditable improvement
in  operating  performance and provide the basis for a record  annual  profit,
they  nevertheless  fall  short of the demanding targets  which  we  have  set

Turnover increased to #160.2 million, up 9.8% from #146.0 million for the same
period in 1996. This was underpinned by an increase in average room rates  for
the  Group  of  8.7% to #59.08 from #54.33, while occupancy increased  by  1.7
percentage points from 63.7% to 65.4%.

Operating profit for the period, after adjusting for the property writedown in
1996,  increased by 8.9% to #55.0 million. After a strong start to  the  year,
operating  profit growth was held back by a disappointing performance  in  the
second  quarter, particularly from certain of our London and Scottish  hotels,
as  well  as  an  18.0%  increase  in  administrative  expenditure  which  was
attributable  to  new  sales  and marketing initiatives  together  with  costs
associated with operating as a listed public company.

Pre-tax  profits,  after  adjusting for the property writedown,  increased  by
58.4%  to  #38.1 million from #24.1 million. Earnings per share, on  the  same
basis,  increased by 17.2% to 5.87p. Earnings benefited from the reduction  in
interest  charges by #10.0 million from #27.8 million to #17.8  million  which
was  primarily  attributable to the lower absolute  level  of  debt  following
flotation of the Company in October last year. The tax charge of #1.9  million
is  calculated by reference to the estimated effective tax rate for  the  full
year and reflects the utilisation of prior year tax losses.

The  exceptional item of #0.9 million relates to the profit on disposal of The
Angus Hotel at Dundee in Scotland.

The  Board is declaring an interim dividend of 1.4 pence per share. This  will
be  paid  on  21 November 1997 to shareholders on the register on 17  October,


In  the  Group's  London hotels, which generated 66% of total  gross  profits,
turnover  increased by 12.1% to #90.4 million from #80.6 million, while  gross
profits  increased by 12.7% from #37.0 million to #41.7 million.   Room  sales
moved  ahead driven by increases in average room rates of 9.6% from #63.12  to
#69.21  and  occupancy  of  1.5 percentage points from  73.9%  to  75.4%.   In
particular, strong improvements in operating profits were recorded at three of
the  Group's largest hotels: The Tower, The Mount Royal and The Grosvenor, all
of  which have had significant amounts invested in refurbishing their  product
over the last three years and all of which outperformed their budgets for  the
period under review.

While the majority of the Group's other hotels in London have achieved year on
year growth in revenues and profitability in line with the stronger underlying
market,  a  number  of  hotels have generated profits at levels  significantly
lower  than expected. This has been particularly evident at hotels  which  are
currently undergoing major refurbishment, such as The Royal Horseguards, where
the   building   works  have  had  a  significant  effect  on   current   year
profitability. In addition, several of the Group's London hotels which are due
for refurbishment have under-performed the market.

During the first half 706 bedrooms, representing over 10% of our roomstock  in
the capital, have been refurbished. It is the Board's intention to continue to
prioritise the refurbishment of the Company's hotels in London. This will  not
only  include  those  hotels which are scheduled to be  rebranded  as  Thistle
hotels, but also the remaining three-star properties.

Having noted the overall increase in occupancy at our London hotels which rely
heavily on international traffic, it is pleasing to note that this includes an
increase  in the number of room nights sold to dollar denominated  markets  of
over  13,000 during the first half.  This reflects a return on our significant
sales  and marketing initiatives over recent years.  However, the appreciation
of  sterling does appear to have had an impact on volume from some  other  key
markets.   In  particular, the number of room nights sold to the European  and
Japanese  markets  versus  1996 fell by over 19,000  and  6,000  respectively.
Given that 1998 brochures will reflect prices based on current exchange rates,
it remains to be seen precisely what impact this will have on incoming traffic
next year.


In  England  and Wales turnover grew by 9.2% to #49.8 million and hotel  gross
profits  increased by 14.7% to #15.4 million. Average room rates increased  by
7.2%  to #48.02 from #44.78 while occupancy increased by 1.9 percentage points
to  57.4%  from  55.5%. Once again hotels which have undergone  renovation  in
recent  years  have  performed in line with or ahead  of  expectations.  These
included  The Grand, Bristol; The Park, Cardiff; The Quay Thistle, Poole;  The
Pinewood, Manchester; and The Arden, Stratford upon Avon.

Turnover in the Group's 24 Scottish hotels grew by a more modest 4.9% to #19.7
million  from  #18.8 million and gross profits increased by  10.8%  from  #5.4
million   to  #6.0  million.  This  improvement  fell  short  of  the  Group's
expectations  reflecting the fact that market conditions  in  Scotland  remain
weaker  than  those  in London and the rest of England.   Average  room  rates
increased  by  7.9%  to #42.52 from #39.40 while occupancy  increased  by  1.5
percentage  points  from 51.5% to 53.0%. We anticipate an improvement  in  the
second half, particularly bearing in mind the recent refurbishment to three of
our  largest hotels: The Glasgow Thistle, The King James in Edinburgh and  The
Aberdeen Airport Thistle.


The  Board  is committed to its programme of refurbishing, and where  possible
adding   new  rooms,  to  existing  hotels.   During  the  half  year  capital
expenditure  totalled #26.4 million.  This included 1,013 bedrooms,  of  which
706  were  in London.  The largest project is the refurbishment of  The  Royal
Horseguards Hotel.  Other major projects include ongoing refurbishment at  The
Tower  and  Mount  Royal Hotels, as well as upgrades to the roomstock  at  The
Barbican,  Charles  Dickens and Kennedy in London, the  Brighton  and  Glasgow
Thistles and The Strathallan at Birmingham.

The  complete  renovation  and upgrade to four star standard  of  Hendon  Hall
Hotel,  which will be relaunched as a Thistle Country House Hotel  later  this
year, is on track to be completed during the second half.

Against  a  difficult environment for obtaining necessary planning  and  other
consents, particularly in London, we also completed 54 new rooms.


In  June  the  Skean Dhu Airport Hotel was relaunched as The Aberdeen  Airport
Thistle following an upgrade of its bedrooms and public areas. A further seven
hotels (including Hendon Hall) are scheduled to be rebranded as Thistle hotels
in the second half. This will bring the total number in the portfolio to 58.


Progress  continues  to  be made in switching the mix  of  our  business  from
leisure  to  higher spend commercial traffic. In the first half of  the  year,
over 25,500 additional commercial room nights were sold compared with the same
period  last year. In total, 48.2% of room nights sold were to the  commercial
sector  versus 47.7% in 1996. The Company is targeting a business mix  of  50%
commercial, 50% leisure by the end of 1998.


During  the  period, the leasehold of The Angus at Dundee was sold  for  #3.35
million.  I am also pleased to report that non-refundable deposits  have  been
received pursuant to options granted over 2 of our smaller provincial  hotels.
Each  option  is  exercisable  within 18  months  subject  to  the  developers
obtaining planning approvals to redevelop the properties.

The  Board  has identified a number of other predominantly seasonal provincial
hotels which for various reasons do not fit within its overall strategic plan.
While  the proceeds from the sale of these hotels will not be material in  the
overall  context of the Group, it is nevertheless intended that these will  be
disposed of in due course.


Following  a  detailed  review  of  the  Company's  management  and  statutory
reporting  procedures by the Audit Committee, a number of  changes  have  been
made  to  the presentation of the Company's accounts. The most significant  of
these is the separate disclosure of disposal gains as exceptional items in the
Profit  &  Loss  Account.  The other changes involve the  reclassification  of
certain  items between gross profits and  administrative expenditure, none  of
which  have  any impact upon operating profits or the overall results  of  the
Group.  Comparative figures for 1996 have been restated accordingly.

As  previously  stated,  the lower interest charges  during  the  period  were
primarily   attributable  to  the  lower  absolute  level  of  debt  following
flotation. In June this year, the Company issued #60 million of 7.875% secured
debentures at an effective rate of 7.99% fixed for 25 years to June 2022.  The
net proceeds of the issue were used to repay existing debt facilities.  At the
same time, the terms of #105 million of bank loan facilities were renegotiated
at lower borrowing margins and their maturity extended to 2002 for #85 million
and  2007  for  the remaining #20 million.  As a result of these transactions,
the  Company's  #375 million term loans now have an average maturity  of  over
14.5 years.


The  Board  remains  confident that further growth in  profitability  will  be
supported  by  the buoyancy of the London and provincial UK  markets  and  the
Group's ongoing investment programme. Current trading conditions, and the fact
that historically the Group's gross profits have tended to be weighted to  the
second  half of the financial year, suggest that operating profit  growth  for
the full year will be slightly above that achieved in the first half.



                                        Before       After           
                                      revaluation revaluation
                                       writedown   writedown
                           28 Weeks    28 Weeks     28 Weeks     52 Weeks
                             ended       ended       ended        ended
                           13/07/97    14/07/96     14/07/96     29/12/96
                           Unaudited   Audited*     Audited*     Audited*
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
                             #000        #000         #000         #000
Turnover (Note 3)           160,240     145,978     145,978      290,337
Cost of sales               (97,313)    (88,728)    (88,728)    (174,737)
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
Gross profit (Note 3)        62,927      57,250      57,250      115,600
Administrative Expenses      (7,879)     (6,678)     (6,678)     (12,265)
Write down of hotels and          -           -     (87,797)     (87,797)
development sites
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
Operating Profit/(loss)      55,048      50,572     (37,225)      15,538
Profit on sale of fixed         900       1,350       1,350        3,399
Interest Payable            (17,813)    (27,844)    (27,844)     (46,610)
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
Profit / (loss) before       38,135      24,078     (63,719)     (27,673)
Taxation (Note 4)            (1,910)       (550)       (550)      (8,709)
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
Profit / (loss) for the      36,225      23,528     (64,269)     (36,382)
Dividends paid and           (8,642)          -           -      (40,716)
                           ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
Retained Profit / (loss)     27,583      23,528     (64,269)     (77,098)
for the period
                           =========   =========   =========    =========
Earnings / (loss) per         5.87       5.01       (13.68)       (7.24)
share (Note 5)
Adjusted earnings per         5.87       5.01         5.01        10.23
share (Note 5)

* Restated as described on page 4


                                13/07/97     14/07/96    29/12/96
                                Unaudited    Audited     Audited
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
                                  #000         #000        #000
Fixed assets                                                 
Tangible assets                 1,703,545   1,694,409   1,685,474
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
Current assets                                               
Stocks                              1,758       1,743       2,024
Debtors                            54,579      39,876      35,745
Investments                            52         311          52
Cash at bank and in hand            5,235         450         528
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
                                   61,624      42,380      38,349
Creditors (due within one          98,682      96,872      84,356
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
Net current liabilities           (37,058)    (54,492)    (46,007)
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
Total assets less current       1,666,487   1,639,917   1,639,467
Creditors (due after one          374,937     600,525     375,500
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
Net assets                      1,291,550   1,039,392   1,263,967
                                =========   =========   =========
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital           123,458      93,941     123,458
Share premium account             490,331     282,443     490,331
Revaluation reserve               456,585     456,585     456,585
Other reserves                     50,773      50,773      50,773
Profit and loss account           170,403     155,650     142,820
                                ---------   ---------   ---------
Shareholders' Funds             1,291,550   1,039,392   1,263,967
                                =========   =========   =========



                                        1997                   1996
                                      28 weeks               28 weeks
                                      Unaudited              Audited
                                       #000's                 #000's
For the 28 weeks ended 13                                               
July 1997
Cashflow from operating                       55,092                 52,481
activities (Note 2)
Returns on investments &                                                
servicing of finance
Interest paid                  (16,624)                 (32,948)        
                               --------                 --------        
Net cash outflow from                                                   
returns on investments
& servicing of finance                       (16,624)               (32,948)
Tax paid                                      (7,092)                     -
Capital expenditure &                                                   
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed     (26,441)                 (28,247)        
Sale of tangible fixed           3,174                    1,532         
                               --------                 --------        
Net cash outflow from                                                   
capital expenditure
& financial investment                       (23,267)               (26,715)
Equity dividends paid                        (12,346)                     -
                                             --------               --------
Cash inflow / (outflow)                       (4,237)                (7,182)
before use of liquid
resources and financing
Issue of ordinary share                                                 
New loans                       59,210                         -        
Repayment of loans             (45,000)                        -        
                               --------                 --------        
Increase / (decrease) in                      14,210                      -
                                             --------               --------
Increase / (decrease) in                       9,973                 (7,182)
                                             ========               ========
Reconciliation of net debt                                              
Increase / (decrease) in         9,973                   (7,182)        
cash in the period
Cashflow from (increase) /     (14,210)                       -         
decrease in debt
                               --------                 --------        
Change in net debt                            (4,237)                (7,182)
resulting from cashflows
Provision for finance costs                     (227)                     -
on debenture stock
Disposal of current asset                          -                      -
investment as dividend in
                                             --------               --------
Movement in net debt in the                   (4,464)                (7,182)
Net debt at beginning of                    (390,185)              (638,212)
                                             --------               --------
Net debt at end of period                   (394,649)              (645,394)

                                                          52 weeks
Cashflow from operating activities (Note 2)                     113,555
Returns on investments & servicing of finance                      
Interest paid                                        (53,665)      
Net cash outflow from returns on investments                       
& servicing of finance                                          (53,665)
Tax paid                                                           (579)
Capital expenditure & financial investment                         
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                    (51,610)      
Sale of tangible fixed assets                          3,180       
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                          
& financial investment                                          (48,430)
Equity dividends paid                                                 -
Cash inflow / (outflow) before use of                              
liquid resources and financing                                   10,881
Issue of ordinary share capital                                 237,405
New loans                                                  -       
Repayment of loans                                  (225,025)      
Increase / (decrease) in debt                                  (225,025)
Increase / (decrease) in cash                                    23,261
Reconciliation of net debt                                         
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the period           23,261       
Cashflow from (increase) / decrease in debt          225,025       
Change in net debt resulting from cashflows                     248,286
Provision for finance costs on debenture stock                        -
Disposal of current asset investment as dividend in                (259)
Movement in net debt in the period                              248,027
Net debt at beginning of period                                (638,212)
Net debt at end of period                                      (390,185)


1. Basis of preparation

The  interim  financial information, which was approved  by  the  Board  on  1
September 1997, has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies  set
out in the 1996 Annual Report and has been reviewed by the Company's Auditors,
Price Waterhouse.  Their review report is set out below.  The Group profit and
loss  account for the year ended 29 December 1996 and the Group balance  sheet
as  at  that date, are an abridged version of the statutory accounts for  that
period, which together with an unqualified audit report, have been filed  with
the Registrar of Companies.

2. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cashflow from operating

                                       1997         1996         1996
                                     28 weeks     28 weeks     52 weeks
                                    Unaudited      Audited      Audited
                                      #000's       #000's       #000's
Operating profit                      55,048      (37,225)       15,538
Depreciation charges                   6,096        4,252         8,787
Writedown of hotels & development          0       87,797        87,797
Decrease in stocks                       266          381           100
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors       (13,593)      (6,271)         (956)
Increase in creditors                  7,275        3,547         2,289
Net cash inflow from operating        55,092       52,481       113,555
3. Segment analysis                                                
                                       1997         1996         1996
                                     28 weeks     28 weeks     52 weeks
                                    Unaudited      Audited      Audited
                                       #000         #000         #000
a) Turnover by UK Region                                           
   London                             90,416        80,638      160,929
   England/Wales                      49,810        45,621       90,195
   Scotland                           19,736        18,819       37,913
                                    ---------     ---------    ---------
   Hotels Turnover                   159,962       145,078      289,037
   Non Hotels Turnover                   278           900        1,300
   Total Group Turnover              160,240       145,978      290,337
                                     ========     ========     ========
b) Gross Profit by UK Region                                       
   London                             41,672        36,969       74,684
   England/Wales                      15,367        13,399       27,170
   Scotland                            6,035         5,447       11,553
                                    ---------     ---------    ---------
   Hotels Gross Profit                63,074        55,815      113,407
   Other Operating                      (147)        1,435        2,193
                                    ---------     ---------    ---------
   Total Group Gross Profit           62,927        57,250      115,600
                                    =========     =========    =========

4. Tax

The  tax  charge  for  the  28 weeks ended 13 July, 1997  is  based  upon  the
estimated effective tax rate for the full year.

5. Earnings per share

Earnings  per share of 5.87p (1996: loss of 13.68p) are based on  the  Group's
profit  after taxation of #36,225,000 (1996: loss of #64,269,000) and  on  the
number  of shares in issue during the period of 617,289,588 (1996: 469,703,084
adjusted for the 1 for 2 consolidation in 1996).

Adjusted earnings per share in 1996 are based on profits after tax but  before
the  writedown  of hotels and development sites of #87.8 million  and  on  the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 469,703,084 at
the interim and 502,545,136 for the full year.


We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six months ended 13
July  1997  set out on pages 6 to 10 which is the responsibility of,  and  has
been  approved  by, the directors.  Our responsibility is  to  report  on  the
results of our review.

Our  review  was carried out having regard to the Bulletin 'Review of  Interim
Financial  Information', issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  This  review
consisted  principally  of applying analytical procedures  to  the  underlying
financial  data, assessing whether accounting policies have been  consistently
applied,  and  making enquiries of management responsible  for  financial  and
accounting  matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such  as  tests  of
controls  and  verification  of  assets and  liabilities,  and  was  therefore
substantially  less  in  scope  than an audit  performed  in  accordance  with
Auditing  Standards.  Accordingly we do not express an audit  opinion  on  the
interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

*   in  our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared  using
    accounting  policies consistent with those adopted by Thistle  Hotels  Plc
    in its financial statements for the year ended 29 December 1996, and
*   we  are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the
    interim financial information as presented.

Price Waterhouse
Chartered Accountants, Leeds

1 September 1997

     Key Operating Statistics      1997     1996     1996
                                 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks
                                --------- ------------------
     Occupancy %                                       
     London                        75.4     73.9     77.0
     England/Wales                 57.4     55.5     57.6
     Scotland                      53.0     51.5     55.8
                                 -------   -------  -------
     Group                         65.4     63.7     66.7
                                 =======   =======  =======
     Average Room Rate #                               
     London                       69.21     63.12    64.65
     England/Wales                48.02     44.78    44.52
     Scotland                     42.52     39.40    39.26
                                 -------   -------  -------
     Group                        59.08     54.33    55.02
                                 =======   =======  =======

Further  copies of this interim statement can be obtained from Thistle  Hotels
Plc,  at either 2 The Calls, Leeds LS2 7JU or Capital House, 25 Chapel Street,
London NW1 5JJ.

Press Enquiries:

Thistle Hotels                 Rodney Price
0113 243 9111                  Robert Peel

Hogarth Partnership            Nick Denton
0171 357 9477


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