RNS Number:2627F
SPG Media Group Plc
16 November 2004

                          SPG MEDIA GROUP PLC ("SPG")



*        Turnover                   #9.2 million   (2003: #10.9 million)
*        Return to pre-tax profit   #0.02 million  (2003: losses #(0.8) million)
*        Net debt reduced           #0.5 million   (2003: #1.8 million)
*        Operating costs reduced    #4.0 million   (2003: #5.4 million)
*        Earnings per share         0.02p          (2003: loss (0.82)p )

* Positive progress * Financial performance ahead of plan * Costs firmly under
control *

Increasingly cash generative

Steve Nicholson, Chairman of SPG, commented:

"We are delighted to report that the company is on track to deliver the planned
strategy with a return to half year profits ahead of expectations.

The rationalisation of advertising led products and planned migration to high
growth cash generative businesses progresses well with our overall operating
costs firmly under control.

The board is confident that the company is on track to return to sustained
profitability and growth"

Further Enquiries:

SPG Media Group Plc                                Tel. 020 7915 9660
Steve Nicholson, Chairman                          Tel. 020 7915 9731
Barrie Newton, Rowan Dartington                    Tel. 0117 933 0011

                              SPG MEDIA GROUP PLC

                             Chairman's Statement


In June 2004, I announced the group strategy to invest in building quality media
products that provide customers with cost effective marketing solutions to
deliver tangible and quantifiable results.

The group has made positive progress towards implementing this strategy with
substantial restructuring of the UK operations including significant
rationalisation of the traditional print publishing business.  A number of
historical products have been, and will continue to be, discontinued as we drive
the Group towards high growth, high margin, cash generative media products and

The cost base of the company is firmly under control with investments
specifically targeted at delivering the medium term vision of the company.

Investments in building a strong international presence, initially in Asia,
progress to plan with increased office space in Hyderbad, India, where we are
building a Group wide data centre with plans to relocate various related
operational functions.

Product development is progressing to plan with announcements and pilot product
launches scheduled over the coming months.

Trading Results:

The Group has returned to a first half profit through maintaining margins and
significantly reducing operating costs.

Revenues were marginally behind plan at #9.2 million with growth in both the
Internet and Events businesses in line with market expectation; the Internet
business contributed #3.0 million (2003: #2.6 million) and the Events business
#1.9 million (2003: #1.3 million).

The rationalised portfolio of print products contributed #4.2 million (2003:
#7.1 million) with performance marginally behind plan.  The print business is
stabilising and we remain confident that through continuing the migration
towards requested and subscription based publications, the business will return
to growth in future years.

Earnings per share are 0.02p (2003:loss (0.92)p). The board is not proposing an
interim dividend.

Net debt and cash flow:

The group is increasingly cash generative due to the positive impact of our
expanding Forums and Conferences business with reduced debtors and lower capital
expenditure leading to a further reduction in net debt to #0.5 million (2003:
#1.8 million).

Future Prospects:

Progress has been significant with the Group on track to deliver its strategy
and investment plans.

Financial performance is ahead of plan with a further modest improvement
anticipated in the second half.

The board remains confident that the strategy being implemented will lead to
sustained and profitable growth delivering long term value for our shareholders.

Steve Nicholson
16 November 2004


Year ended                                                               Six months       Six months
  31 March                                                                 ended 30         ended 30
      2004                                                                September        September
                                                                               2004             2003
  Restated                                                                                  Restated
 (audited)                                                              (unaudited)      (unaudited)
     #'000                                                                    #'000            #'000

    23,951    Turnover (note 2)                                               9,151           10,947
  (12,992)    Cost of sales                                                 (4,876)          (5,777) *

    10,959    Gross profit                                                    4,275            5,170
     (926)    Distribution costs                                              (203)            (459)
  (11,478)    Administration expenses                                       (4,013)          (5,425) *
        72    Operating profit / (loss) before exceptional                      143            (263)
   (1,517)    Exceptional items (note 3)                                       (84)            (451)
   (1,445)    Operating profit / (loss)                                          59            (714)
         8    Interest receivable and similar income                              2                -
     (104)    Interest payable and similar charges                             (40)             (57)
   (1,541)    Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities before                      21            (771)
         -    Taxation (note 5)                                                   -                -
   (1,541)    Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities after                       21            (771)
   (1,541)    Profit / (loss) attributable to equity                             21            (771)

         -    Dividends - equity                                                  -               -

   (1,541)    Retained Profit / (loss) for the period                            21            (771)

   (1.83)p    Basic earnings / (loss) per share (note 6) -                     0.02          (0.92)p
              Net basis

   (1.83)p    Diluted earnings / (loss) per  share (note 6) -                  0.02          (0.92)p
              Net basis

There were no recognised gains or losses other than those included in the profit
and loss account.  The results for each period are from continuing operations.


*    Certain disclosures have been reclassified to be consistent with the
treatment adopted in the 31 March 2004 accounts. There is no impact on the
reported loss for the period.

During the year the Group has adopted UITF 38 which has necessitated the
restatement of comparative periods.  See note 1 for details


    As at 31                                                                  As at 30    As at 30 September
   March 2004                                                           September 2004                  2003
     Restated                                                                                       Restated
    (audited)                                                              (unaudited)           (unaudited)
        #'000                                                                    #'000                 #'000

                 Fixed assets

        5,116    Intangible assets                                               5,061                 6,202
        3,038    Tangible assets                                                 2,786                 3,346
        8,154                                                                    7,847                 9,548
                 Current assets
        4,496    Stocks and work in progress                                     5,426                 4,836
        5,940    Debtors                                                         3,957                 5,907
          103    Cash at bank and in hand                                           87                   166
       10,539                                                                    9,470                10,909
                 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
      (8,167)    Trade and other creditors                                     (6,797)               (7,181)
        (444)    Bank loans and overdrafts                                       (583)               (1,856)
      (8,611)                                                                  (7,380)               (9,037)
        1,928    Net current assets                                              2,090                 1,872
       10,082    Total assets less current liabilities                           9,937                11,420
                 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than
            -    one year                                                            -                 (307)
      (1,179)    Provisions for liabilities and charges (note 9)               (1,013)               (1,134)            
        8,903    Net assets                                                      8,924                 9,979

                 Capital and reserves
        4,293    Called up share capital                                         4,293                 4,258
            -    Shares to be issued                                                 -                   357
         (86)    Own shares (note 4)                                              (86)                  (86)
        7,262    Share premium account (note 10)                                 7,262                 7,246
        7,874    Capital redemption reserve (note 10)                            7,874                 7,874
          733    Other reserves  (note 10)                                         733                   733
     (11,173)    Profit and loss account (note 10)                            (11,152)              (10,403)
        8,903    Shareholders' funds                                             8,924                 9,979


Year ended 31                                                              Six months        Six months
   March 2004                                                                ended 30          ended 30
                                                                            September         September
                                                                                 2004              2003
    (audited)                                                             (unaudited)       (unaudited)
        #'000                                                                   #'000             #'000

        2,199    Net cash inflow from operating activities                         99               471
                 Returns on investments and servicing of finance
            8    Interest received and similar items                                2                 -
         (44)    Interest paid                                                   (11)              (22)
          (9)    Interest element of finance lease payments                         -               (8)
                 Capital expenditure and financial investment
        (549)    Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                      (245)             (347)
                 Acquisitions and disposals
         (87)    Payment to acquire subsidiary undertaking                          -                 -
        1,518    Net cash flow before financing                                 (155)                94
        (152)    Capital element of finance lease payments                          -              (77)
        1,366    (Increase) /decrease in net debt in the period                 (155)                17

                 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
        1,366    Increase / (decrease) in cash in the period                    (155)                17
          152    Cash outflow from lease financing                                  -                77
        1,518    Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                   (155)                94
      (1,859)    Opening net debt                                               (341)           (1,859)
        (341)    Closing net debt                                               (496)           (1,765)


1.             Preparation of Interim Financial Statements

The abridged profit and loss account and balance sheet for the previous
financial year do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and are extracted from the latest
published statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004 which have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report on these accounts
was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 237 of the
Companies Act 1985.

                The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended
31 March 2004, except for the effects of adopting Urgent Issues Task Force
Abstract 38 "Accounting for ESOP trusts" ("UITF 38"), which has come into force
since the previous year end.  UITF 38 requires that the Company's shares held by
the Group's Employee Benefit Trust  ("EBT"), which were previously held within
fixed asset investments, be presented as a deduction from shareholders' funds.
The adoption of UITF 38 has been treated as a prior year adjustment with
comparative figures being restated accordingly. The adoption has resulted in the
restatement of the following primary statements and notes: the Consolidated
Profit and Loss Account; the Consolidated Balance Sheet; Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation; Earnings per share; Fixed asset investments; and the
Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds.

The impact of the prior year adjustment on brought forward net assets and the
profit for the 6 month period ended 30 September 2003 has been disclosed in note

These statements were approved by a committee of the Board of Directors on 16
November 2004 and are neither audited nor reviewed.

2.             Segmental reporting analysis

All of the turnover and operating profit is derived from international
business-to-business communication and originates in the UK.        The
geographical analysis of turnover by destination is as follows:

      2003/04                                                            2004/05              2003/04
    Full year                                                          Half year            Half year
        #'000                                                              #'000                #'000

        5,329      United Kingdom                                          1,854                2,499
       10,625      Europe (other than UK)                                  4,744                4,854
        5,773      United States of America                                1,928                2,724
        2,224      Other                                                     625                  870
       23,951                                                              9,151               10,947

3.             Exceptional items

The following exceptional items are included in administrative expenses:

      2003/04                                                            2004/05              2003/04
    Full year                                                          Half year            Half year
        #'000                                                              #'000                #'000

          677      Redundancy costs                                           84                  282
          340      Property provision                                          -                  169
          500      Impairment of intangible fixed asset                        -                    -
        1,517                                                                 84                  451

4.                   Own shares

At 30 September 2004, the Group's EBT held 1,214,395 Ordinary Shares in the
Company at an average value of 144p per share. As a result of the adoption of
UITF 38, the Group's EBT shares, which were previously held within investments,
are now presented as a deduction from shareholders' funds. The Ordinary Shares
were transferred at their value on 1 April 2003. The historical cost of the
Ordinary Shares is #1,755,000. The previous write-offs of this value have not
been reversed and remain in the profit and loss account as in the opinion of the
Directors these represent a realised loss for the Group.

The impact of adopting UITF 38 was accordingly to reduce net assets at 1 April
2003 by #86,000, and to increase the loss for the six months to 30 September
2003 by #88,000. Accordingly, net assets at 30 September 2003 are #174,000 lower
than previously reported.

5.             Tax charge

The annual effective tax rate is 30% (six months to 30 September 2003: 30%, year
ended 31 March 2004: 30%) but no credit has been taken for the operating loss as
there are currently no taxable profits against which it can be offset.

6.             Earnings per share

The earnings per share of 0.02p (six months to 30 September 2003: loss per share
(0.92)p) and the diluted earnings per share of 0.02p (six months to 30 September
2003: loss per share (0.92)p) have been calculated based on the attributable
profit to shareholders of #21,000 (six months to 30 September 2003: loss #

The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period (excluding
those held by the Group's EBT) were:

      2003/04                                                                        2004/05        2003/04
    Full Year                                                                      Half year      Half year
        '000s                                                                          '000s          '000s

       84,096 Basic                                                                   84,643         83,667
           21 Share option adjustment                                                      -              -
       84,117 Diluted                                                                 84,643         83,667

7.             Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from
operating activities

      2003/04                                                               2004/05             2003/04
    Full year                                                             Half year           Half year
        #'000                                                                 #'000               #'000

      (1,445)     Operating Profit / (loss)                                      59               (714)
          133     Amortisation of goodwill                                       55                  72
          500     Impairment of intangible fixed assets                           -                   -
        1,064     Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                         497                 554
        (347)     Stocks and work-in-progress                                 (930)               (687)
        1,062     Debtors                                                     1,983               1,095
        1,192     Creditors                                                 (1,370)                 132
           40     Provisions for liabilities and charges                      (195)                  19
        2,199     Net cash inflow from operating activities                      99                 471

8.             Analysis of net debt

       31 Mar 2004                                                      30 Sep 2004          30 Sep 2003
             #'000                                                            #'000               #'000

               103     Cash                                                      87                 166
             (444)     Borrowings                                             (583)             (1,856)
                 -     Finance lease obligations                                  -                (75)
             (341)     Net debt                                               (496)             (1,765)

9.             Provisions

                The movement in provisions for the six months was as follows:

As at 31 March 2004                                                                      1,179
Utilised                                                                                 (195)
Adjustment arising from discounting                                                         29
As at 30 September 2004                                                                  1,013

10.          Reserves

The movement on reserves for the six months was as follows:

                    Own Shares            Share           Capital           Other      Profit and         Total
                                        premium        redemption        reserves            Loss
                                                          reserve                         account
                         #'000            #'000             #'000           #'000           #'000         #'000
As at 31 March            (86)            7,262             7,874             733        (11,173)         4,610
2004 (as
Retained profit              -                -                 -               -              21            21
for the period
                          (86)            7,262             7,874             733        (11,152)         4,631

This statement is being sent to all shareholders.  It is available to the public
at SPG Media Group PLC's registered office at 55 North Wharf Road, London W2
1LA, and at the offices of Capita IRG Plc, the Company's registrars, The
Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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