RNS No 7484h
9th March 1999

         Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 1998
-    Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items up
     24.0% to #52.1m (#42.0m).

-    Underlying earnings per share up 15.4% to a record 11.75p (10.18p).

-    Net cash inflow from operating activities up 10.1% to #75.2m (#68.3m).

-    Record cash spend on acquisitions and capital expenditure of #105m

-    Annualised interest cover remains above 12 times.
-    Final dividend increased by 10.6% to 2.92p (2.64p) making a total of
     4.69p (4.24p) for the year.

Speaking today, Dr Alan Watkins, Chairman of Senior said:

"Senior has delivered a strong set of financial results for shareholders and
is well placed to deliver another robust performance in 1999."

For further information, please contact:

Senior Engineering Group plc               on 9 March 1999    0171 251 3801
                                           thereafter         01923  775547
Dr A K Watkins, Chairman
A R Parrish, Group Chief Executive
T B Garthwaite, Group Finance Director

Finsbury Limited                                              0171 251 3801

James Murgatroyd

Internet users will be able to view this announcement, together with other
information about the Senior Engineering Group, on the web site www.segplc.com

Notes to Editors:

Senior Engineering Group plc ("Senior") is a specialist international
engineering group with a market capitalisation of approximately #400 million.
It is organised into two principal divisions - Flexonics and Engineered
Products & Services.  The Flexonics Division, which provides 86% of the
Group's operating profits, is a world leading design and manufacturing
business specialising in thin-walled metallic flexible tubing and bellows,
servicing the Aerospace (including Space), Automotive and Specialised
Industrial markets.  Engineered Products & Services is comprised of Precision
Tube, Air Systems and Heat Treatment.

                      PRELIMINARY RESULTS

              For the year ended 31 December 1998

The Board set three key objectives for the Group in 1998, the first full year
with the strengthened management team. First, to deliver a good set of
financial results for shareholders; second, to develop the core Flexonics
businesses by capital investment and acquisition; and third, to improve the
performance and value of our Engineered Products & Services businesses.  I am
happy to report a strong performance in all three areas.

Financial Highlights

Group turnover for continuing businesses rose 7.6% to #509.6m (1997 -
#473.7m), producing operating profit before goodwill amortisation and
exceptional items of #52.1m, an increase of 24.0% (1997 - #42.0m). Return on
sales improved again to 10.2% (1997 - 8.9%). This represents a significant
milestone for the Group, achieving the Board's medium term objective of
generating double digit operating margins.

The Group achieved record pre-tax profits of #49.5m (1997 - #43.1m), an
increase of 14.8%. Earnings per share were 11.61p (1997 - 10.48p) and on an
underlying basis increased 15.4% to a record 11.75p (1997- 10.18p).

These results were achieved against a marked change in global economic
conditions midway through the year, which resulted in retreating demand in
certain parts of the business, adding increased pressure to the trading

In light of the Group's overall strong performance, the Board is recommending
a final dividend of 2.92p, making a total for the year of 4.69p (1997 -
4.24p), an increase of 10.6%. The dividend is covered 2.5 times by underlying
earnings per share.

- Flexonics
In the Flexonics division, turnover increased by 9.9% to #361.7m (1997 -
#329.2m).  Operating profits before goodwill amortisation rose 14.9% to
#44.7m (1997 - #38.9m), representing a further improvement in return on sales
to 12.4% (1997 - 11.8%).

In the Aerospace businesses, turnover was up an impressive 29.9% to #107.2m
(1997- #82.5m), largely due to the very significant growth in demand,
particularly from commercial space programmes and the increasing European
customer base.  The introduction by Senior of state-of-the-art working
practices, supported by substantial capital investment and superior service
levels, will give us the opportunity to leverage share from smaller
competitors in a market which is clearly undergoing a period of rapid

The Automotive businesses, despite intense competition in the industry,
recorded sales of #150.2m (1997 - #150.6m), reflecting increased
volumes at lower average prices, but at substantially improved operational
efficiency. This performance also reflects Flexonics' increasingly successful
response to the developing exhaust connector market, with the launch of lower
cost, next generation, patented products. Prospects for Automotive are
underpinned not only by further increased volumes of exhaust connectors
already being anticipated in the USA from the existing passenger car market,
but also by the expectation of supplying the larger, fast growing light truck
and sports/utility market. New product development, underpinned by tightening
environmental legislation, continues to provide significant additional
opportunities, most recently from Exhaust Gas Recirculating Tubes and Air
Tubes, the latter now specified across all V6 and V8 engines for General
Motors passenger cars in the USA.

Specialised Industrial, the original core business of Flexonics, generated
sales up 8.5% to #104.3m (1997 - #96.1m), an improvement achieved despite the
faltering semi-conductor market, thus demonstrating its underlying strength.
New products, such as the recuperator for land-based micro turbines and
Diamondback flexible gas hose, continue to provide attractive growth
- Engineered Products & Services
Turnover in Engineered Products & Services, comprising Precision Tube, Air
Systems and Heat Treatment, increased by 3.1% to #151.0m (1997 - #146.5m).
Operating profit before goodwill amortisation was lifted by 139% to #7.4m
(1997 - #3.1m). This commendable, if mixed, recovery was achieved in an
increasingly difficult trading environment and demonstrates our commitment to
enhancing the value of these assets.
- Cash Flow

Across the Group in 1998, there was an exceptional level of capital
expenditure (gross #37.5m) to introduce best working practice, increase
capacity and support our growing order book. In addition, we continued to
expand through acquisition, spending #67.5m on 13 businesses. The Group has
continued to demonstrate extremely strong cash generation, which has seen net
cash inflow from operating activities rise 10.1% to #75.2m (1997 - #68.3m).
The balance sheet has therefore remained robust.  Gearing was at a very
acceptable 51% at the year end with annualised net interest payable, post the
acquisition of Jet Products Corporation, covered more than 12 times.

Corporate Development

During 1998, the Group made acquisitions in all its business areas to broaden
its product range and widen its geographical coverage. The largest of these
was Jet Products Corporation, a USA manufacturer of precision engineered
aerospace components, ultimately acquired for #33.2m in November. Following
this acquisition, Aerospace is now the largest market sector within
Flexonics. Within Automotive, the Group has increased its geographical reach,
with exhaust connector manufacture now having been established in Brazil
through acquisition and in India through capital investment. The acquisition
of QSi in the USA secured the Group's Air Tube technology. In Specialised
Industrial, the acquisition of Bredan, the Danish speciality expansion joints
producer, stimulated a reorganisation of the Group's European bellows
manufacturing operations.

The Engineered Products & Services businesses have responded well to the cost
reduction and site rationalisation programmes undertaken in 1997. This on
going action, combined in 1998 with selected capital investments and several
acquisitions, has yielded substantially improved results.


On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of our employees for their
contribution throughout 1998. The strength of our performance reflects the
skills and dedication of each employee. To achieve record results in the face
of such difficult trading conditions is testimony to the energy and diligence
of all employees throughout the Group.


The Group is well placed to deliver another robust performance in 1999.

It will undoubtedly be a challenging year and it would be unwise to ignore
the lingering threat of a slowdown in global markets. The business is,
however, in excellent shape and effectively structured to meet its customers'
increasingly demanding requirements. The growing geographical diversity of
our markets, the wide range of technically sophisticated industries that we
serve, the strength of our order books and the high quality of our businesses
give us real confidence that we will continue to prosper.

Dr Alan Watkins
9 March 1999

For the year ended 31 December 1998
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                ------       ------
Continuing Operations                            489.1        473.7
 Acquisitions                                     20.5
Discontinued Operations                              -          5.6
                                                ------       ------
                                                 509.6        479.3
                                                ------       ------
Operating profit before 
amortisation of goodwill
Continuing Operations                             51.0         42.0
 Acquisitions                                      1.1
Amortisation of goodwill                          (1.1)           -
                                                ------       ------

Operating Profit                                  51.0         42.0
Profit on sale of fixed assets in                  0.9          1.2
continuing operations                           ------       ------

Profit on ordinary activities before              51.9         43.2
interest and taxation               
Interest receivable                                2.9          3.2
Interest payable                                  (5.3)        (3.3)
                                                ------       ------

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation     49.5         43.1
Tax on profit on ordinary activities             (14.2)       (11.2)
                                                ------       ------

Profit for the financial year                     35.3         31.9
Dividends                                        (14.3)       (12.9)
                                                ------       ------
Profit for the year                               21.0         19.0
                                                ------       ------
Earnings per share
Basic                                            11.61p       10.48p
Fully diluted                                    11.54p       10.44p
Underlying                                       11.75p       10.18p
                                                ------       ------
Dividends per share                               4.69p        4.24p
                                                ------       ------

For the year ended 31 December 1998
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                ------       ------
Profit for the financial year                     35.3         31.9

Currency translation differences on               (2.0)        (2.1)
overseas assets and goodwill                    ------       ------
Total recognised gains and losses                 33.3         29.8
relating to the year                            ------       ------

There is no material difference between profits as reported and those profits
restated on an historical cost basis.

At 31 December 1998
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                ------       ------
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill                      53.1            -
Tangible assets                                  125.3         90.0
Investments                                        0.6          0.8
                                                ------       ------
                                                 179.0         90.8
                                                ------       ------
Current assets
Stocks                                            75.6         61.4
Debtors                                          121.1        112.7
Investments - bank deposits                        8.6         11.1
Cash                                              23.2         21.1
                                                ------       ------
                                                 228.5        206.3

Creditors :
Amounts falling due within one year             (135.7)      (115.0)
                                                ------       ------
Net current assets                                92.8         91.3
                                                ------       ------
Total assets less current liabilities            271.8        182.1

Creditors : Amounts falling due after           (115.8)       (47.3)
more than one year

Provisions for liabilities and charges            (3.5)        (3.3)
                                                ------       ------
Net assets                                       152.5        131.5
                                                ------       ------

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                           30.7         30.5
Share premium                                      3.1          0.8
Other reserves                                    19.2         19.2
Profit and loss account                           99.3         80.3
                                                ------       ------
Shareholders' funds                              152.3        130.8

Minority interests - equity                        0.2          0.7
                                                ------       ------
Total capital employed                           152.5        131.5
                                                ------       ------

For the year ended 31 December 1998
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                ------       ------
Net cash inflow from operating                    75.2         68.3

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance
Interest received                            2.4          2.1
Interest paid                               (4.6)        (3.3)
                                           ------       ------
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance        (2.2)        (1.2)

Taxation paid 
U.K. corporation tax                        (2.9)        (4.1)
Overseas tax                               (11.5)        (6.9)
                                          ------       ------
                                           (14.4)       (11.0)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (37.5)       (23.4)
Sale of property, plant and equipment        2.4          1.7
Own shares purchased by the Employee
Benefit Trust                               (1.0)           -
Maturity of investments - bank deposits      3.1          2.5
                                          ------       ------

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure
and financial investments                  (33.0)       (19.2)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings        (63.7)       (31.1)
Net (debt assumed)/cash acquired
with subsidiary undertakings                (3.8)         0.1
Sale of business                               -         10.0
                                           ------       ------

Net cash outflow from acquisitions
and disposals                              (67.5)       (21.0)

Dividends paid on ordinary shares          (13.4)       (12.1)

Management of liquid resources
Maturity of short-term deposits              7.1          3.2
Investment in short-term deposits              -         (7.1)
                                           ------       ------

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
management of liquid
resources                                    7.1         (3.9)

Share issues                                 0.1          0.5
New loans initiated by Group                82.7          9.1
Repayment of existing loans                (24.1)        (7.0)
                                           ------       ------
                                            58.6          2.1
                                           ------       ------
Increase in cash in the period              10.5          2.5
                                           ------       ------

Notes :

1.  Segment Information

Group turnover, operating profit and net assets are analysed as follows:

a) By class of business          Turnover     Operating profit     Net assets
                              1998    1997      1998    1997      1998   1997
                                #m      #m        #m      #m        #m     #m
                             -------------      ------------     ------------
Flexonics                    361.7   329.2      44.7    38.9     123.6  105.1
Engineered Products
& Services                   151.0   146.5       7.4     3.1      51.5   45.9
                             -------------      ------------     ------------

Total                        512.7   475.7      52.1    42.0     175.1  151.0
Inter-segment sales           (3.1)   (2.0)        -       -         -      -
                             -------------      ------------     ------------

Total continuing
operations                   509.6   473.7      52.1    42.0     175.1  151.0
Discontinued operations          -     5.6         -       -       3.6    2.7
                             -------------      ------------     ------------

                             509.6   479.3      52.1    42.0     178.7  153.7
Amortisation of goodwill         -       -      (1.1)      -         -      -
                             -------------      ------------     ------------
                             509.6   479.3      51.0    42.0     178.7  153.7
                             -------------      ------------     ------------

Turnover and operating profit before amortisation of goodwill arising from
acquisitions of #14.4 million and #0.9 million, respectively, has been
included within Flexonics. Turnover and operating profit  before amortisation
of  goodwill  arising from acquisitions of  #6.5 million and  #0.2 million, 
respectively, has  been included  within Engineered  Products & Services.

Amortisation of goodwill arising on acquisitions materially relates to
businesses acquired within Flexonics.

Discontinued operations reflect the turnover and operating results of the
Thermal Engineering Division sold in January 1997.

b) By geographical market

                     Turnover by    Turnover by  Operating profit  Net assets
                     destination      origin         by origin
                     1998   1997    1998   1997    1998   1997    1998   1997
                       #m     #m      #m     #m      #m     #m      #m     #m
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------
United Kingdom      151.1  151.7   180.2  184.5    13.0   11.3    55.8   58.3
Rest of Europe      122.6  110.2    95.6   84.8     3.9    1.6    39.0   28.9
North America       217.2  191.3   225.6  200.3    35.4   29.1    75.4   58.7
Rest of World        27.5   27.7    12.0    8.5    (0.2)     -     4.9    5.1
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------

Total               518.4  480.9   513.4  478.1    52.1   42.0   175.1  151.0
sales                (8.8)  (7.2)   (3.8)  (4.4)      -      -       -      -
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------

Total continuing
operations          509.6  473.7   509.6  473.7    52.1   42.0   175.1  151.0
operations              -    5.6       -    5.6       -      -     3.6    2.7
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------
                    509.6  479.3   509.6  479.3    52.1   42.0    178.7 153.7
Amortisation of
goodwill                -      -       -      -    (1.1)     -        -     -
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------
                    509.6  479.3   509.6  479.3    51.0   42.0    178.7 153.7
                    ------------   ------------    -----------    -----------

c) Net assets reconciliation
                                                            1998       1997
                                                              #m         #m
Net assets, as above                                       178.7      153.7
Unallocated liabilities, net                                (0.7)      (2.9)
Intangible assets - goodwill                                53.1          -
Net borrowings                                             (78.6)     (19.3)
Net assets, per balance sheet                              152.5      131.5

2.    Dividends

The proposed final dividend is at the rate of 2.92p per share (1997 - 2.64p)
making 4.69p for the year (1997 - 4.24p) and, if approved, will be payable on
3 June 1999 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 30
April 1999.

3.    Earnings per Share

The  calculation of basic earnings per share and underlying earnings per share
are  shown below and have been based on the weighted average number of  shares
in  issue  and  ranking for dividend during 1998.  Fully diluted earnings  per
share allow for future exercise of all outstanding share options.

The  provision  of  an  underlying earnings per share  has  been  included  to
identify  the performance of the continuing operations before amortisation  of
goodwill and profit on sale of fixed assets.

                                       Total Group      Continuing operations
                                                      before exceptional items
                                      1998     1997         1998      1997
                                        #m       #m           #m        #m
                                     -----    -----        -----     -----
Operating  profit before              52.1     42.0         52.1      42.0
amortisation of goodwill
Amortisation of goodwill              (1.1)       -            -         -
Profit on sale of fixed assets         0.9      1.2            -         -
Interest payable, net                 (2.4)    (0.1)        (2.4)     (0.1)
                                     -----    -----        -----     -----

Profit before taxation                49.5     43.1         49.7      41.9

Taxation                             (14.2)   (11.2)       (13.9)    (10.9)
                                     -----    -----        -----     -----

Profit after taxation                 35.3     31.9         35.8      31.0
                                     -----    -----        -----     -----

Weighted average number
of shares       - basic              304.3m   304.5m       304.3m    304.5m
                                     -----    -----        -----     -----
                - fully diluted      306.1m   305.7m
                                     -----    ----- 
Earnings per share
                - basic              11.61p   10.48p
                                     -----    ----- 
                - fully diluted      11.54p   10.44p
                                     -----    ----- 
                - underlying                               11.75p    10.18p
                                                           -----     -----

4.    Group Cash Flow Statement

a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                 -----        -----
Group operating profit                            51.0         42.0
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets             15.8         15.9
Amortisation of goodwill                           1.1            -
Increase in stocks                                (4.7)        (1.1)
Increase in debtors                               (1.9)        (6.2)
Increase in creditors                             13.6         18.0
Working capital currency variations                0.3         (0.3)
                                                 -----        -----

Net cash inflow from operating activities         75.2         68.3
                                                 -----        -----

b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                                  1998         1997
                                                    #m           #m
                                                 -----        -----
Increase in cash in the period              10.5          2.5
Increase in loans                          (58.6)        (2.1)
(Decrease)/increase in liquid resources     (7.1)         3.9
Decrease in current asset
investments due after one year              (3.1)        (2.5)
                                           -----        -----

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows     (58.3)         1.8
Currency variations on net borrowings             (1.0)        (0.6)
                                                 -----        -----

Movement in net debt in the period               (59.3)         1.2
Net debt at 1 January                            (19.3)       (20.5)
                                                 -----        -----

Net debt at 31 December                          (78.6)       (19.3)
                                                 -----        -----

5.   Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                        Other reserves
                  Share    Share   Revaluation  Special  Total  Profit Total
                capital  premium                                & loss
                         account                               account
                     #m       #m           #m       #m     #m      #m     #m
At 1 January 1998  30.5      0.8          2.2     17.0   19.2    80.3  130.8
Profit for the
financial year-       -        -            -        -      -    35.3   35.3
Dividends             -        -            -        -      -   (14.3) (14.3)
Share issues        0.2      2.3            -        -      -       -    2.5
Currency variations   -        -            -        -      -    (2.0)  (2.0)
At 31 December
1998               30.7      3.1          2.2     17.0   19.2    99.3  152.3

6.   Status of Financial Information

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1998 or 1997 but is derived
from those accounts.  Statutory accounts for 1997 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, and those for 1998 will be delivered following the
Company's Annual General Meeting.  The auditors have reported on those
accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under
Sections 235, 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.



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