RNS No 4140r 
3rd September 1998

SENIOR,  a  specialist international engineering group,  today
announces its Interim Results for the half-year ended 30  June
                     Half-Year     Half-Year                Year
                     June 1998     June 1997      Change    1997
                         #m           #m                     #m
                     -----------   ---------    --------   -------
        TURNOVER          254.9     233.9         +9.0%     473.7
                     -----------   ---------    -------    -------
         PROFIT            24.9      19.7        +26.4%      42.0
                     -----------   ---------    -------     ------
EARNINGS PER SHARE          5.75p     5.04p      +14.1%      10.48p
                     -----------   ---------    -------     ------
        PER SHARE           5.77p     4.67p      +23.6%      10.18p
                     -----------   ---------    -------     ------
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE         1.77p     1.60p      +10.6%       4.24p
                     -----------   ---------    -------     ------              

*    Flexonics reports organic growth in operating profit of 18.9%.
*    North America provides 68.3% of Group's operating profit.
*    Board approves record levels of capital expenditure, primarily 
     for Aerospace.
*    Seven acquisitions completed in first six months.
*    Interim dividend is increased by 10.6%.
*    Balance Sheet remains strong with gearing of 37.2%.
Commenting on the results, Dr Alan Watkins, Chairman of Senior
"With  a  strong  set of interim results we are  well  set  to
deliver  further  progress in the  second  half.   The  United
States,  our  major market, remains in buoyant  condition  and
with  a much strengthened management team, we can look forward
to acquiring and integrating further businesses".
For further information, please contact:
Dr AK Watkins, Chairman                on 3.9.98: 0171 253 2252
AR Parrish, Group Chief Executive      thereafter: 01923 775547
TB Garthwaite, Group Finance Director
Ludgate Communications
Tim Davis                                         0171 253 2252
Internet  users  will  be  able  to  view  this  announcement,
together  with other information about the Senior  Engineering
Group, on the web site http://www.segplc.com
                 Senior Engineering Group plc
                    Interim Statement 1998
The results for the six months ended 30 June 1998 show further
significant  progress  in the achievement  of  the  three  key
objectives  established in 1997, firstly to  deliver  improved
results for shareholders, secondly to develop a sound base  on
which  to grow the business over the longer term and, thirdly,
to  ensure we have the right management in place to capitalise
on  the  many opportunities that exist for each of the Group's
Turnover  from  continuing operations  increased  by  9.0%  to
#254.9m (1997: #233.9m), providing operating profits of #24.9m
(1997:  #19.7m), an increase of 26.4%.  The trend of improving
return on sales evident at the last year end continued, rising
to 9.8% (1997: 8.4%).  At the pre-tax level, profits increased
by 15.7% to #24.3m (1997: #21.0m).
Despite  an increased tax charge, earnings per share  grew  by
14.1%  to  5.75p  (1997: 5.04p) with underlying  earnings  per
share  (which eliminates the one-off profit on sale  of  fixed
assets  reported last year) up 23.6% to 5.77p  (1997:  4.67p).
Your  Board  has  declared an interim dividend  of  1.77p,  an
increase of 10.6% compared to last year's 1.60p.  The dividend
will  be  paid  on  27  November 1998 to shareholders  on  the
register  at 30 October 1998.  As with last year, the  interim
dividend  is to be paid as a Foreign Income Dividend  ("FID").
Given the recent changes in legislation this will be the  last
FID,  restricting savings to the Group in Advance  Corporation
Tax to #1.3m this year.
We  have  continued  our policy of investing  heavily  in  the
businesses to maximise their efficiency and to ensure they are
properly equipped to capitalise on opportunities within  their
market  places.   During the period, net  capital  expenditure
totalled #12.0m (1997: #8.5m) and working capital increased by
#18.4m  (1997: #4.3m), the majority of both investments  being
within   the  Flexonics  businesses  in  order  to  meet   the
significant  opportunities  now  being  realised  within   the
aerospace  sector. The pace of this investment is expected  to
accelerate over the balance of this year and into next, as the
Group pursues its investment plans, particularly at Ketema for
which  we  recently  announced the largest  single  investment
programme in the Group's history, at US$21m.
During  this half year, a further #20m was invested  in  seven
acquisitions, in Scandinavia, Spain, Brazil and  the  USA,  as
part  of our continuing strategy of widening our product range
and  geographic coverage. The significant increase in  overall
investment has lifted the Group's net debt from #19.3m at  the
end  of  last  year to #52.7m, representing gearing  of  37.2%
(1997: 14.8%).  The Group's balance sheet remains strong, with
the  additional  expectation of a positive  net  cash  inflow,
before  investing and financing activities, in the balance  of
the year.
Thin walled, corrugated and tubular metallic products, focused
on   the  Automotive,  Aerospace  and  Specialised  Industrial
sectors.  Turnover #180.8m (1997: #162.0m);  operating  profit
#21.2m (1997: #17.7m).
Flexonics'  11.6% growth in sales was accompanied  by  another
encouraging  improvement in overall margins  to  11.7%  (1997:
10.9%).  Excluding the impact of acquisitions, and measured at
constant  exchange rates, this performance represents  organic
growth in operating profit of 18.9%.
Flexonics'  Automotive businesses continued to  capitalise  on
their  position  as  a leading supplier to the  world's  motor
manufacturers.   Despite the recent 7 week strike  at  General
Motors  in  the USA, sales were broadly maintained  at  #76.4m
(1997: #77.3m), representing 42.2% of Flexonics' overall sales
(1997: 47.7%). The results reflect the maturing market for the
traditional  exhaust  connector  together  with  the   growing
acceptance of Flexonics' newer range of engine applications  -
Exhaust Gas Recirculating Tubes and, most recently, Air Tubes.
Flexonics' Automotive business is expected to continue to grow
in the developed markets as environmental legislation tightens
still  further.   However,  more  significant  growth  -  both
organic  and via acquisition - is expected in new and emerging
markets.   In  pursuit of the latter, the  recently  concluded
acquisition  of three businesses in Brazil - Deltaterm,  Tecne
and  Teflex - for a total consideration of approximately  #13m
has  brought  to  the  Group important new  customers  and  an
expanded  geographic base.  In June of this year we  announced
the #0.7m acquisition of the remaining 45% of Inalsa-Flexonics
in  India, ahead of the #0.8m investment in its new automotive
product  line.    The  same  month  we  confirmed  the   #5.8m
acquisition of QSi Technologies in Pittsburgh, USA, which  has
brought  further innovative  medical and automotive technology
into the Group.
Our   Aerospace  companies  continue  to  experience  dramatic
growth.   Sales  rose  to #50.4m (1997: #36.8m),  representing
27.9% of Flexonics' total sales (1997: 22.7%).  This has  been
achieved  through meeting the increasing demands from existing
customers  and  winning business from new customers  for  both
traditional   aerospace   and,   increasingly,   space-related
business.    Ketema,   which   is  this   Division's   largest
contributor  to sales, is now benefiting from  its   US  $100m
order intake reported for last year.  In addition, significant
progress has also been made during the period in enhancing our
presence in the equally buoyant European market.  The  results
include orders from new European based customers together with
a   contribution  from  Bosman  BV,  Rotterdam,  designer  and
manufacturer  of  a  range  of highly  engineered  hot  engine
components,   which   was  acquired  in  February   1998   for
approximately #2.4m.
Sales  to  the broadly based and highly innovative Specialised
Industrial   sector  increased  to  #54.0m   (1997:   #47.9m),
representing 29.9% of total sales (1997: 29.6%) reflecting the
acquisition  for #4.4m in February 1998 of Bredan  Kompensator
Fabrik A/S, Denmark.  This overall performance is particularly
creditable  given  the  50% decrease in  sales  to  the  semi-
conductor market, where clearly the Group has not escaped  the
effects  of the Asian led, but now global, setback. Elsewhere,
significant  progress  has been  made  in  developing  further
applications for a combination of existing and new  customers.
Encouraging  growth is evident in both USA  and  Europe,  with
further progress anticipated in products targeted at the  land
based turbine, liquid natural gas and refrigeration markets.
Engineered Products & Services (EP&S)
Precision  welded tube, air systems (heating, ventilation  and
air   conditioning  equipment)  and  heat  treatment  (surface
treatment   of  metals).   Turnover  #75.7m  (1997:   #73.1m);
operating profit #3.7m (1997: #2.0m).
This Division has been the subject of extensive reorganisation
and  restructuring during the past year as well as  being  the
recipient   of  a  significant  capital  investment  programme
designed  to  improve  efficiency and to  raise  standards  of
quality and service.
Precision  Tube maintained its sales at #36.7m (1997:  #36.5m)
in  a  difficult  market characterised  by  weakening  prices.
However  margins  improved, largely  as  a  result  of  better
efficiencies  arising  from  the  ongoing  capital  investment
programme.   The period marked the satisfactory  commissioning
of both a new #2.8m tube mill and a new #1.5m furnace, with  a
further  new mill due to come on stream in the second  quarter
of  next year.  Progress was made in developing penetration of
the encouragingly resilient automotive market.  The Division's
strategic  move towards more value-added precision engineering
has  been assisted by the #1.1m acquisition in March of Accles
& Pollock.
Air  Systems'  sales were marginally reduced at #28.4m  (1997:
#29.4m).   These businesses have responded positively  to  the
reorganisation undertaken in the second half of 1997,  leading
to  a modest profit. The streamlined German companies are  now
better  positioned  to  benefit  from  the  slowly  recovering
construction market, a factor reflected by their  order  books
which  show encouraging recent increases.  Within  the  UK,  a
significant  ducting  contract from a  leading  semi-conductor
manufacturer has been deferred to 1999, limiting the  progress
achievable during the current year.
Despite  a  more challenging UK market,  Senior Heat Treatment
produced  a  good performance, with sales up 47.2%  at  #10.6m
(1997: #7.2m) reflecting full contributions from Nitrotec  and
Astra  Heat  Treatment,  both acquired  last  year.   As  with
Flexonics, the majority of the Group's heat treatment business
is  within  the  automotive sector, where it  is  the  UK  and
Spanish market leader.  Our efforts to capitalise on the fast-
growing  Spanish opportunities have been greatly  assisted  by
the acquisitions in February of the remaining 50% of the share
capital  of  Traitement Thermique Iberique, owner of  majority
interests  in  three  Spanish heat treatment  businesses,  for
approximately  #1.5m  and, in May, of Tratamientos  Sarasketa,
Bilbao for #2.5m.
Two additional senior management appointments were made during
the  period.   Peter  David joined in  January  from  Williams
Holdings  plc  as  Director  -  Operations  Development   with
particular responsibility for the post-acquisition integration
process.   In  April, Michael Oxborrow joined  as  Director  -
Senior  Asia. He joined from Van der Horst Ltd and has  worked
in  the  region  for  29 years.  Based  in  Singapore,  he  is
responsible  for the Group's existing business  in  Australia,
Singapore,  New Zealand and India, together with managing  the
Group's  increasing presence elsewhere in  the  Asian  market,
where Senior remains under-represented.
I  would  like  to  thank all employees for  their  continuing
efforts  and  enthusiasm,  often in the  face  of  challenging
markets,  and for their contribution to the growing success of
the Group.
YEAR 2000
A  detailed programme has been developed to ensure we are Year
2000  compliant.  This programme will have been  completed  by
mid 1999.
Despite the knock-on effects of Asian economic problems and  a
general  downturn  in UK engineering, we are nonetheless  well
set  to deliver further progress in the second half over 1997.
Most  importantly, the United States, increasingly  our  major
market,  remains  in  buoyant condition, especially,  but  not
solely,  in  aerospace  and  will  remain  the  focus  of  our
acquisition strategy.  Asia, at present values, also  provides
potentially   attractive   buying   opportunities   in    this
substantial  market,  where we remain optimistic  over  longer
term prospects.
With  a  much strengthened management team, we can confidently
manage  and improve what we  already have and look forward  to
acquiring and integrating further businesses.
Dr A K Watkins
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                         GROUP RESULTS
       for the half-year ended 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
                           Half-Year   Half-Year       Year
                           June 1998   June 1997       1997
                    Notes         #m          #m         #m
                           ----------  ----------    -------
Continuing operations          248.9       233.9      473.7
  Acquisitions                   6.0
Discontinued operations           -          5.6        5.6
                           ----------  ----------    -------
                               254.9       239.5      479.3
                           ----------  ----------    -------
Continuing operations           24.4        19.7       42.0
  Acquisitions                   0.5
Profit on sale of fixed 
assets in continuing 
operations                        -          1.6        1.2
                           ----------  ----------    -------
INTEREST AND TAXATION           24.9        21.3       43.2
Interest payable, net           (0.6)       (0.3)      (0.1)
                           ----------  ----------    -------
BEFORE TAXATION                 24.3       21.0        43.1
Tax on profit on ordinary 
activities                1     (6.8)      (5.7)      (11.2)
                           ----------  ---------     -------
AFTER TAXATION                  17.5       15.3        31.9
DIVIDENDS                       (5.3)      (4.9)      (12.9)
                            ---------  ---------     -------
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD           12.2       10.4        19.0
                            ---------  ---------     -------
EARNINGS PER SHARE       2       5.75p      5.04p      10.48p
                            ---------  ---------     -------
      PER SHARE          2       5.77p      4.67p      10.18p
                            ---------  ---------     -------
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE              1.77p      1.60p       4.24p
                            ---------  ---------     -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                as at 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
                         30 June     30 June      31 Dec.
                            1998        1997        1997
                Notes         #m          #m          #m
FIXED ASSETS             --------    --------     -------
Goodwill          3         11.1          -           -
Tangible assets            102.5        83.3        90.0
Investments                   -          0.8         0.8
                         --------    --------     -------
                           113.6        84.1        90.8
                         --------    --------     -------
Stocks                      69.7        61.6        61.4
Debtors                    123.5       110.6       105.8
Creditors including 
deferred tax              (111.5)     (101.0)     (107.2)
                         --------    --------     -------
                            81.7        71.2        60.0
                         --------    --------     -------
NET BORROWINGS             (52.7)      (24.4)      (19.3)
                         --------    --------     -------
NET ASSETS                 142.6       130.9       131.5
                         --------    --------     -------
Share capital               30.5        30.5        30.5
Share premium                0.9        87.6         0.8
Other reserves              34.9         2.2        34.9
Profit and loss account     75.5        10.6        64.6
                         --------    --------     -------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS        141.8       130.9       130.8
Minority interests           0.8          -          0.7    
                         --------    --------     -------
TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED     142.6       130.9       131.5
                         --------    --------     -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
       for the half-year ended 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
                       Half-Year   Half-Year        Year
                       June 1998   June 1997        1997
                              #m          #m          #m
                       ----------  ----------     -------
At beginning of period     130.8       129.1       129.1
Profit for the period       17.5        15.3        31.9
Dividends                   (5.3)       (4.9)      (12.9)
Arising on share issues      0.1         0.3         0.5
Goodwill                      -         (8.3)      (15.7)
Currency variations         (1.3)       (0.6)       (2.1)
                       ----------  ----------     -------
At end of period           141.8       130.9       130.8
                       ----------  ----------     -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
       for the half-year ended 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
                                    Half-Year   Half-Year    Year
                                    June 1998   June 1997    1997
                                           #m          #m      #m
                                    ----------  ----------  ------
GROUP OPERATING PROFIT                   24.9       19.7     42.0
Depreciation                              8.0        8.0     15.9
(Increase)/decrease in working
capital                                 (18.4)      (4.3)    10.4
                                    ----------  ----------  ------
 ACTIVITIES                              14.5       23.4     68.3
Interest paid, net                       (0.4)      (0.7)    (1.2)
Dividends paid                           (8.0)      (7.2)   (12.1)
Tax paid                                 (7.7)      (2.5)   (11.0)
                                    ----------  ----------  ------
 INVESTING AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES       (1.6)      13.0    44.0
Purchase of tangible fixed assets        (12.3)     (10.0)  (23.4)
Sale of property, plant and equipment      0.3        1.5     1.7
Acquisition of businesses                (20.0)     (19.1)  (31.0)
Disposal of business                        -        10.8    10.0
Proceeds from share issues, net            0.1        0.2     0.5
Currency variations on net
 borrowings                                0.1       (0.3)   (0.6)
                                    -----------  ---------  ------
(INCREASE)/DECREASE IN NET DEBT          (33.4)      (3.9)    1.2
NET DEBT AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD          (19.3)     (20.5)  (20.5)
                                    -----------  ---------  ------
NET DEBT AT END OF PERIOD                (52.7)     (24.4)  (19.3)
                                    -----------  ---------  ------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                      SEGMENT INFORMATION
       for the half-year ended 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
                      Turnover                  Operating Profit
            Half-Year   Half-Year   Year   Half-Year  Half-Year  Year
            June 1998   June 1997   1997   June 1998  June 1997  1997
                #m          #m       #m        #m         #m      #m
            ---------   ---------  ------  ---------  ---------  ----
Flexonics      180.8      162.0    329.2        21.2      17.7   38.9
Products & 
Services        75.7       73.1    146.5         3.7       2.0    3.1
            ---------   ---------  ------  ---------  --------- -----
Total          256.5      235.1    475.7        24.9      19.7   42.0
sales           (1.6)      (1.2)    (2.0)        -         -      -
            ---------   ---------  ------  ---------  --------- -----
operations     254.9     233.9     473.7        24.9      19.7   42.0
operations       -         5.6       5.6         -         -      -
            ---------   ---------  ------  ---------  --------- -----
               254.9     239.5     479.3        24.9      19.7   42.0
            ---------   ---------  ------  ---------  --------- -----
                     Turnover by Origin          Operating Profit 
                                                        by Origin
              Half-Year  Half-Year  Year   Half-Year  Half-Year  Year
              June 1998  June 1997  1997   June 1998  June 1997  1997
                  #m        #m       #m        #m        #m       #m
              ---------- ---------  -----  ---------  ---------  ----
United Kingdom     94.4      92.7   184.5        5.3     4.6     11.3
Rest of Europe     46.3      43.3    84.8        2.6     1.0      1.6
North America     111.4      95.9   200.3       17.0    14.0     29.1
Rest of World       4.8       4.1     8.5                 0.1
              ---------- ---------  -----  ---------  ---------  ----
Total             256.9     236.0   478.1       24.9    19.7     42.0
sales              (2.0)     (2.1)   (4.4)        -       -        -
              ---------- ---------  ------ ---------  ---------  ----
Total continuing 
operations        254.9     233.9   473.7       24.9    19.7     42.0
operations          -         5.6     5.6         -       -        -
              ---------- ---------  ------ ---------  ---------  ---- 
                  254.9     239.5   479.3       24.9    19.7     42.0
              ---------- ---------  ------ ---------  ---------  ----
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                     NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
       for the half-year ended 30 June 1998 (Unaudited)
1.   Tax  on  profit on ordinary activities for the half-year
     to  30  June  1998 has  been  charged  at 28%, being the 
     estimated rate applicable for the year ended 31 December  
     1998 (1997 actual - 26%).
2.   Earnings per share have been calculated on the  weighted
     average  number  of shares in issue during the period of 
     304.8m (1997 half-year - 304.4m;  1997 year  -  304.5m).  
     Underlying earnings  per  share  has  been  included  to  
     identify   the performance  of the continuing operations 
     before amortisation  of  goodwill  and profit on sale of 
     fixed assets.
3.   The  interim  accounts  have  been  prepared  using  the 
     accounting  policies  set  out  in   the   Group's  1997  
     Annual Accounts with the exception of goodwill   arising   
     on acquisitions   since  31  December  1997,  which   is   
     being  capitalised  and  amortised (#0.1m for 1998 half-
     year)  over  20  years  on  a  straight-line  basis  in 
     accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 10. Goodwill  
     previously eliminated  against  reserves  has  not been 
     reinstated  on  the  balance sheet.
4.   The  results for the year ended 31 December 1997 are an
     abridged  version of the Group's full accounts for that  
     year which received an unqualified auditors' report and 
     which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.


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