RNS No 4554u
4th September 1997
            for the half-year ended 30th June 1997
SENIOR, a specialist international engineering group, today
announces its Interim Results for the half-year ended 30th
June 1997.
                           Half-Year   Half-Year               Year
                           June 1997   June 1996    Change     1996
                                  #m          #m                 #m
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
   Continuing operations       233.9       231.5     +1.1%    451.3
   Discontinued operations       5.7        60.5              123.5
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
                               239.6       292.0    -17.9%    574.8
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
   Continuing operations        19.7        17.0    +15.8%     35.9
   Discontinued operations         -           -               (2.0)
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
                                19.7        17.0    +15.8%     33.9
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE      5.04p       3.80p    +32.6%  (1.29)p
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
UNDERLYING EARNINGS PER SHARE  4.67p       3.72p    +25.5%    7.64p
                              ------     -------    ------- -------
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE            1.60p       1.44p    +11.1%    3.82p
                              ------     -------    ------  -------
*    Flexonics provides organic growth in operating profit of 36.9%.
*    Growth in underlying earnings per share +25.5%.
*    Balance Sheet remains strong with gearing of only 18.6%.
*    Dividend increased by 11.1% and paid as a foreign income 
Commenting on the results, Dr Alan Watkins, Chairman of Senior said:
 "I   am   pleased   to  report  a  period  of   significant
 improvement   in   the   profitability   of   the    Group,
 particularly  in  our North American operations  which  now
 provide   over  70%  of  the  Group's  operating   profits.
 Flexonics continues to gather momentum... and looks set  to
 produce a strong contribution for the year...  Overall,  we
 continue  to be confident of another year of real  progress
 for the Group."
For further information, please contact:
Dr AK Watkins, Chairman                on 4.9.97 between 11.30 and
                                       15.30 0171 253 2252
AR Parrish, Group Chief Executive      thereafter 01923 775547
TB Garthwaite, Group Finance Director  
Ludgate Communications
Tim Davis                              0171 253 2252
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                    INTERIM STATEMENT 1997
I  am pleased to report a period of significant improvement in
the  profitability  of the Group, particularly  in  our  North
American operations which now provide over 70% of the  Group's
operating profits.
Although   sales  from  continuing  operations  were   largely
unchanged at #233.9m (1996 - #231.5m), operating profits  rose
15.8%  from #17.0m to #19.7m, increasing the margin  on  sales
from   7.4%   to   8.4%.   This  improvement,  together   with
exceptional income of #1.5m (arising out of an insurance claim
in  respect  of  a fire in the Flexonics factory  at  Dourdan,
France)  and significantly lower interest charges, have  given
rise  to an increase in profits before taxation of 29.6%  from
#16.2m to #21.0m.
Given  that  the  Group's sales are largely  achieved  in  the
country  of manufacture, the impact of exchange rate movements
predominantly arises from the currency translation of overseas
results.   With  the  strengthening  of  sterling  during  the
period, reported sales and operating profits have been reduced
by  6.2% and 5.6% respectively, with an overall adverse impact
on profit before tax of #1.0m.
The  interim  dividend is to be paid on  this  occasion  as  a
Foreign  Income  Dividend ("FID") saving the  Group  #1.2m  in
Advance  Corporation Tax ("ACT") in the full  year.   The  tax
charge  has  therefore been reduced from 30% in  1996  to  27%
expected  for  1997.   Earnings per share show  a  substantial
improvement from 3.80p to 5.04p, an overall increase of 32.6%.
Underlying  earnings  per  share,  which  eliminates   one-off
specified   exceptionals  and  the  impact   of   discontinued
operations, have increased by 25.5% from 3.72p to 4.67p.
Your  Board  has  declared an interim dividend  of  1.60p,  an
increase of 11.1% compared to last year's 1.44p.  The dividend
will  be  paid  on 28th November 1997 to shareholders  on  the
register at 31st October 1997.  Further consideration will  be
given  to the possible opportunity of also recommending a  FID
for  the final dividend, with corresponding cash benefits from
utilising  ACT paid and written off in prior years.
Operating cash flow increased substantially from #4.4m in  the
first  half  of  1996  to #23.4m in the period  under  review,
before  investing in near record levels of capital expenditure
of  #10.0m  (1996  -  #9.9m), still largely within  Flexonics.
After acquisition costs of #19.1m (Ketema, Inalsa and Nitrotec
Services) the Group's Balance Sheet remained strong  with  net
debt of #24.4m representing gearing of 18.6%.
Thin walled, corrugated and tubular metallic products, focused
on the Automotive, Aerospace and Industrial sectors.  Turnover
#162.0m (#150.0m); operating profit #17.7m (#13.1m).
Flexonics  has  delivered another excellent  performance  with
organic growth in operating profit, excluding acquisitions, of
36.9%.   This improvement, reflecting significantly  increased
efficiencies in the USA, has lifted overall margins from  8.8%
to 10.9%.
As   predicted   last  year,  the  Automotive  sector,   which
represents 47.7% of Flexonics' sales (#77.3m), saw  a  reduced
number   of   new  model  launches  during  the  period,   yet
nonetheless increased its sales by 15.2%.  Capital expenditure
in  the  first  half year totalled #3.7m, with the  new  South
African  operation expected to be ready to deliver product  in
the third quarter of this year.
The  Aerospace sector, which is now identified separately  and
represents  25.3% of Flexonics sales at #41.0m,  is  gathering
momentum, with organic sales growth of 17.8%.  The acquisition
for  $23.5m of Ketema, who design and manufacture a  range  of
complex,   high-technology  components  for  the   space   and
aerospace  markets,  is  already  making  a  contribution   to
earnings and is expected to provide significant growth in  the
second   half  year.   In  June,  we  announced  the  intended
acquisition   of   Bosman  Powersource  in  Holland,   another
manufacturer  of  highly  specialised  products  used  in  the
aerospace,  space and land based turbine markets,  for  #1.9m.
The due diligence process is continuing.
The  Industrial sector, representing the balance of  27.0%  of
Flexonics'  sales  at #43.7m, has operated in  generally  less
buoyant markets, particularly in Europe, which is reflected in
a modest (4.7%) overall reduction in sales.  Progress is being
made  in  reducing costs in line with demand while  maximising
the  product opportunities across the geographical  spread  of
the division, particularly with PTFE ("Teflon  TM"). The 
formation in June of the Indian  operation (Inalsa  Flexonics),  
at  a cost of #2.2m,  will  also  assist Flexonics'  drive into 
the fast developing Asian  and  Pacific Rim markets.
Engineered Products & Services
Precision  welded tube, air systems (heating, ventilation  and
air   conditioning  equipment)  and  heat  treatment  (surface
treatment  of  metals).  Turnover #73.1m  (#83.1m);  operating
profit #2.0m (#3.9m).
The Precision Tube and Air Systems businesses have operated in
particularly challenging markets.  Precision Tube, with  sales
of #36.5m, will not see the efficiency benefits of new capital
equipment  until  December, but has  already  announced  major
structural  changes  within the workforce  at  all  levels  to
reduce  costs.   Air  Systems,  with  sales  of  #29.4m,   has
experienced the considerable adverse impact in Germany  of  an
unusually cold and wet summer on the air conditioning business
and  this  more than offset considerable improvements achieved
in  previously underperforming businesses in the UK.
The  performance  of  the  Heat  Treatment  business  is,   as
predicted,  recovering with UK sales returning to  early  1996
levels  at  #7.2m,  providing significantly  improved  profits
overall (+57.2%) and margins of 15.1% (1996 - 8.5%).  In June,
we  announced the acquisition of Nitrotec Services for  #3.0m.
This  company  provides  a  range  of  unique  heat  treatment
processes  both directly and under licence, around the  world.
Investment is currently being made into expanding capacity  in
the    currently   small,  but  potentially  attractive,   Hot
Isostatic Pressing (HIPping) operation via a licence agreement
with  a  Californian  manufacturer.  The  new  equipment  will
become operational in the fourth quarter.
There  remains  significant potential to improve  the  overall
performance   and   returns   from   this   division   through
strengthened  management, improving efficiencies  and  raising
the standards of quality and service.  Carl Francis, currently
President  -  Specialist Equipment with Siebe  plc,  has  been
appointed  Division Director - Engineered Products &  Services
and will take up his new appointment on 16th September.
In  June  we announced the further strengthening of the  Board
with the appointment of two new executive directors.
Bill  Kowal,  Division Director - Flexonics North America,  is
responsible  for Flexonics in North America and  the  northern
Pacific Rim. His appointment underlines the importance of both
the  Flexonics business and of North America which  will  this
year become Senior's largest market.
Glenn  Timms  was appointed Director - Corporate  Development.
He  joined  the Group from Guinness PLC where he was  Head  of
Corporate  Finance  and  is  responsible  for  developing  and
implementing Senior's global acquisition programme.
Following  an excellent performance in the first half  of  the
year,   Flexonics  continues  to  gather  momentum  and   now,
representing 90% of the Group's operating profits,  looks  set
to produce another strong contribution for the year.  Although
Engineered  Products  & Services' results  remained  generally
disappointing, the benefits of the current rationalisation and
investment projects will begin to flow through during the next
twelve  months.   Overall,  we continue  to  be  confident  of
another year of real progress for the Group.
                                                Dr A K Watkins
                                            4th September 1997
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                         GROUP RESULTS
      for the half-year ended 30th June 1997 (Unaudited)
                          Half-Year  Half-Year       Year
                          June 1997  June 1996       1996
                    Notes    #000's     #000's     #000's
                            -------    -------    -------
Continuing operations       222,756    231,488    451,250
  Acquisitions               11,186
Discontinued operations 2     5,647     60,510    123,564
                            -------    -------    ------- 
                        1   239,589    291,998    574,814
                            -------    -------    -------
Continuing operations        18,657     17,076     35,896
  Acquisitions                1,077                    
Discontinued operations 2         -        (30)    (1,950)
                            -------     -------   -------
                        1    19,734     17,046     33,946
Profit on sale of fixed 
assets in continuing 
operations                    1,544        300        520
Loss on disposal of 
discontinued operations           -          -    (29,300)
                            -------     -------   -------
AND TAXATION                 21,278     17,346      5,166
Interest payable, net          (271)    (1,131)    (2,491)
                            -------     -------    -------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION   21,007     16,215      2,675
Tax on profit on 
ordinary activities     3    (5,672)    (4,702)    (6,575)
                            -------     -------   -------
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION    15,335     11,513     (3,900)
DIVIDENDS                    (4,880)    (4,405)   (11,651)
                             -------   -------    -------
PERIOD                       10,455      7,108    (15,551)
                             -------   -------    -------
PER SHARE               4     5.04p      3.80p    (1.29)p
                             -------   -------   -------
PER SHARE               4     4.67p      3.72p      7.64p
                             -------   -------   -------
DIVIDENDS PER SHARE           1.60p      1.44p      3.82p
                             -------   -------   -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
               as at 30th June 1997 (Unaudited)
                      30th June   30th June   31st Dec.
                           1997        1996        1996
                Notes    #000's      #000's      #000's
FIXED ASSETS            -------     -------     -------
Tangible assets          83,274      94,857      87,820
Investments                 841           -         947
                        -------     -------     -------
                         84,115      94,857      88,767
                        -------     -------     -------
Stocks                   61,594      76,990      64,476
Debtors           5     110,644     128,711     118,077
Creditors and 
provisions             (101,080)   (115,058)   (121,656)
                        -------     -------     -------
                         71,158      90,643      60,897
                        -------     -------     -------
NET BORROWINGS          (24,395)    (41,869)    (20,529)
                        -------     -------     -------
NET ASSETS              130,878     143,631     129,135
                        -------     -------     -------
Share capital            30,450      30,366      30,417
Share premium            87,594      87,068      87,390
Reserves                 12,834      26,197      11,328
                        -------     -------     -------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS     130,878     143,631     129,135
                        -------     -------     -------
      for the half-year ended 30th June 1997 (Unaudited)
                      Half-Year   Half-Year        Year
                      June 1997   June 1996        1996
                         #000's      #000's      #000's
                        -------     -------     -------
At beginning of period  129,135     140,934     140,934
Profit/(loss) for 
the period               15,335      11,513      (3,900)
Dividends                (4,880)     (4,405)    (11,651)
Arising on share issues     237       1,018       1,391
Goodwill                 (8,347)     (5,403)      7,071
Currency variations        (602)        (26)     (3,526)
Property revaluation          -           -      (1,184)
                        -------     -------     -------
At end of period        130,878     143,631     129,135
                        -------     -------     -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
      for the half-year ended 30th June 1997 (Unaudited)
                                 Half-Year   Half-Year      Year
                                 June 1997   June 1996      1996
                                    #000's      #000's    #000's
                                   -------     -------   -------
GROUP OPERATING PROFIT              19,734      17,046    33,946
Depreciation                         8,034       8,451    16,326
Increase in working capital         (4,329)    (21,135)   (7,332)
                                   -------     -------   -------
ACTIVITIES                          23,439       4,362    42,940
Interest paid, net                    (674)       (888)   (2,072)
Dividends paid                      (7,247)     (6,771)  (11,150)
Tax paid                            (2,519)     (2,490)   (7,626)
                                    -------    -------   -------
ACTIVITIES                          12,999      (5,787)   22,092
Purchase of tangible fixed 
assets                              (9,946)     (9,853)  (18,391)
Sale of property, plant and 
equipment                            1,488       2,816     3,211
Acquisition of businesses          (19,145)     (7,802)   (8,874)
Disposal of business                10,767           -         -
Proceeds from share issues, net        237       1,018     1,391
Currency variations on net 
borrowings                            (266)        519     2,822
                                   -------     -------   -------
(INCREASE)/DECREASE IN NET DEBT     (3,866)    (19,089)    2,251
NET DEBT AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD    (20,529)    (22,780)  (22,780)
                                   -------     -------   -------
NET DEBT AT END OF PERIOD          (24,395)    (41,869)  (20,529)
                                   -------     -------   -------
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
                     NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
      for the half-year ended 30th June 1997 (Unaudited)
1.   Segment Information
                   Turnover                     Operating Profit
         Half-Year  Half-Year     Year     Half-Year  Half-Year   Year
         June 1997  June 1996     1996     June 1997  June 1996   1996
            #000's     #000's   #000's        #000's     #000's #000's
           -------    -------  -------       -------    ------- ------
Flexonics  162,058    149,995  292,844        17,694    13,135  27,477
           -------    -------  -------       -------    ------- ------
& Services
 Tube       36,510     39,421   76,477           995     1,930   3,683
 Systems    29,367     35,475   69,663           (46)    1,317   3,041
 Treatment   7,224      8,201   14,814         1,091       694   1,695
           -------    -------  -------       -------   -------  ------
            73,101     83,097  160,954         2,040     3,941   8,419
           -------    -------  -------       -------   -------  ------
Total      235,159    233,092  453,798        19,734    17,076  35,896
sales       (1,217)    (1,604)  (2,548)            -         -       -
           -------    -------  -------       -------   -------  ------
operations 233,942    231,488  451,250        19,734    17,076  35,896
operations   5,647     60,510  123,564             -       (30) (1,950)
           -------    -------  -------       -------   -------  ------
           239,589    291,998  574,814        19,734    17,046  33,946
           -------    -------  -------       -------   -------  ------
2.     Discontinued operations reflect the turnover and operating 
       results of the Thermal Engineering Division sold in January 
3.     Tax on profit on ordinary activities for the half-year to 
       30th June 1997 has been charged at 27% being the  estimated
       rate applicable for the year ended 31st December 1997  (1996
       actual excluding  the  loss  on  disposal  of  the  Thermal
       Engineering Division - 30%).
4.    Earnings per share have been calculated on the  weighted
      average number of shares in issue during the period of 304.4m
      (1996 half-year - 303.1m; 1996 year - 303.5m).
      Underlying earnings per share has been included to identify 
      the performance of the continuing operations before
      exceptional items and reflects an estimated tax rate of 27%
      for the year (1996 actual - 31%).
5.    Debtors include an interest bearing secured loan note of
      #10.0m arising in respect of deferred consideration on the
      sale of the Thermal Engineering Division and is repayable in
      three equal instalments between 2003 and 2005.
6.    The results for the year ended 31st December 1996 are an
      abridged version of the Group's full accounts for that year
      which received an unqualified auditors' report and which have
      been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
                 SENIOR ENGINEERING GROUP plc
The interim dividend for 1997 declared today is to be paid  as
a  Foreign Income Dividend ("FID"), providing a benefit to the
Company  of  #1.22m  in  relievable  Advance  Corporation  Tax
When  a UK company pays a dividend it must account for ACT  to
the  Inland  Revenue  and  this can be  set-off  against  that
company's  UK  corporation tax liability.   As  a  substantial
portion of this Group's profits are earned and taxed overseas,
the  Company  has  a  comparatively small UK  corporation  tax
liability.   The  ACT which the Company  has  to  pay  on  its
dividends  has in the recent past exceeded the amount  it  can
set  against UK corporation tax and has been written-off.   By
paying  a  FID as declared the Company will be able to  obtain
relief of #1.22m of ACT arising on the interim dividend and if
future  FIDs are paid before 6th April 1999 then it should  be
possible  to utilise unrelieved ACT of up to #4.25m which  the
Company has paid and written-off in prior years.
Unlike  conventional dividends, FIDs do not entitle recipients
to  tax credits; however, the absence of a tax credit will not
affect the position of an individual shareholder who is liable
to income tax.  Furthermore, as a result of changes introduced
by  the Finance (No. 2) Act 1997, a number of other categories
of  shareholders  will now be unaffected by  receiving  a  FID
instead of a conventional dividend.  Pension funds (as defined
in  Section 231A of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988)
can  no  longer  claim  payment of  tax  credits  relating  to
dividends.   Similarly,  no claims for  payment  of  such  tax
credits   can  be  made  by  insurance  companies  as  regards
dividends  that relate to pensions business or by  members  of
Lloyd's  as  regards dividends in respect of  shares  held  in
their  premiums  trust funds.  In addition, companies  can  no
longer claim payments of tax credits by setting losses against
franked investment income.
An election that the interim dividend be treated as a FID will
mean that claims for payment of tax credits cannot be made  by
recipients  of  the dividend who are entitled to  make  claims
under   certain  tax  treaties,  who  are  individuals   whose
liability  to income tax on the dividend and the  related  tax
credit (had the dividend not been treated as a FID) would have
been  less than the tax credit, who are charities or who  hold
shares in the Company through Personal Equity Plans.  However,
given  the  significant benefit to the Company's earnings  and
therefore  to  the  value of the Group  generally,  the  Board
believes that the payment of this interim dividend as a FID is
in  the best interests of the Group and its shareholders as  a
While  consideration  will be given to recommending  that  the
final  dividend for 1997 should also be paid as a FID  in  due
course,  the  Company reserves the right to  pay  the  interim
dividend  payable  on  28th November 1997  as  a  conventional
dividend in the event that circumstances arise as a result  of
which in the Board's opinion, payment of the dividend as a FID
would no longer be in the best interests of the Company or the
shareholders as a whole.
An  explanatory letter will be sent to shareholders  with  the
Interim Report on 8th September 1997.

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