ProVen Planned Exit VCT plc 
Half-Yearly Report 
For the Six Months Ended 31 July 2012 
Financial Summary 
 Ordinary Shares                                       31 July 31 January 
                                                          2012       2012 
 Net asset value per share ("NAV")                       84.7p      88.7p 
 Dividends paid since launch                              6.0p       3.0p 
 Total return (NAV plus dividends paid since launch)     90.7p      91.7p 
 Mid market share price                                  87.0p      97.0p 
 'A' Shares                                            31 July 31 January 
                                                          2012       2012 
 Net asset value per share ("NAV")                        0.1p       0.1p 
 Dividends paid since launch                                 -          - 
 Total return (NAV plus dividends paid since launch)      0.1p       0.1p 
 Mid market share price                                   0.1p       0.1p 
Chairman's Statement 
I have pleasure in presenting the half year report for ProVen Planned Exit VCT 
plc (the "Company") for the period to 31 July 2012. 
Portfolio activity and valuation 
At 31 July 2012, the Company's unquoted investment portfolio comprised three 
investments at a cost and valuation of  GBP1.2 million. In addition, the Company 
held cash and liquidity funds of  GBP2.9 million. The liquid funds balance 
represents the initial fundraising proceeds, net of income and expenditure, held 
whilst the Investment Manager assesses the merits of investment opportunities 
under consideration and to meet future dividends and Company expenses. The 
unquoted investments are at an early stage of their development but are broadly 
progressing to plan and are valued at their initial investment cost. Further 
detail is provided in the accompanying Investment Manager's Report. 
The loss on activities after taxation was  GBP49,000, comprising a revenue loss of 
 GBP28,000 and a capital loss of  GBP21,000. The net asset value total return, 
comprising net asset value and dividends paid, was 90.7p per Ordinary Share and 
0.1p per 'A' Share. At this stage in the Company's development, revenue and 
realisations from qualifying investments tends to be low and the tax efficiency 
of distributing regular dividends results in a corresponding fall in net asset 
value per share. 
In accordance with the terms of the Offer, the Directors intend that the Company 
pays two dividends per year of 3p each, subject to the availability of 
sufficient cash reserves and distributable reserves. Since its launch, the 
Company has paid two dividends of 3p per Ordinary Share on 21 December 2011 and 
6 June 2012. 
I am pleased to announce the payment of a further dividend of 3p per Ordinary 
Share, an interim dividend for the year ending 31 January 2013. This will be 
paid on 21 November 2012 to shareholders on the register as at 9 November 2012. 
No dividend will be payable on the 'A' Shares. 
Share buybacks 
The Directors intend that, in the five years following the first allotment of 
shares, the Company will operate a policy of buying back its own shares for 
cancellation at a zero discount to net asset value. It should be noted, however, 
that a disposal of VCT shares within five years from allotment may result in the 
loss of the initial income tax relief. Given the intended life of the Company, 
it is not intended that any shares will be bought back after the 5th anniversary 
of the first allotment of shares. 
No shares were purchased by the Company during the period. 
Investor presentation 
The Investment Manager will be holding its annual VCT shareholder presentation 
on Monday 22 October 2012 at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn 
Fields,  London WC2A 3PE. This event provides shareholders with the opportunity 
to meet the Investment Manager, Board directors and other shareholders, and to 
hear directly from some of the portfolio companies. Shareholders should have 
received an invitation with the Company's annual report but if you have not and 
would like to attend, then please contact the Investment Manager at 39 Earlham 
Street, London WC2H 9LT or by telephone on 020 7845 7820. 
The Board also welcomes shareholder feedback and comments outside of formal 
events and meetings and can be contacted initially through the Investment 
Peter LR Hewitt 
Investment Manager's Report 
We have pleasure in presenting our half yearly report to 31 July 2012 for ProVen 
Planned Exit VCT plc. The broad economic backdrop has remained little changed 
for some time with funding for businesses remaining challenging. 
Portfolio performance and activity 
At 31 July 2012, the Company's unquoted investment portfolio comprised three 
holdings at a cost and valuation of  GBP1.2 million. In addition, the Company held 
 GBP2.9 million in cash and liquidity funds. 
During the six months to 31 July 2012, the Company completed two new 
investments: a  GBP600,000 investment in Cross Solar PV Limited and a  GBP400,000 
investment in Long Eaton Healthcare Limited ("LEH"). The Company's  GBP250,000 loan 
investment in Campden Media Limited was repaid in full, in accordance with the 
original investment plan. 
Cross Solar is a new solar installation company which is taking advantage of the 
Government backed feed-in-tariffs available on small scale solar installations. 
LEH provides pharmacy services in an existing health centre in Long Eaton, near 
Nottingham and is managed by APM Healthcare, in which other Beringea-managed 
VCTs have invested. APM Healthcare, through its subsidiary Community Pharmacies 
(UK) Limited, is establishing a number of niche pharmacies in conjunction with 
local GPs. These provide local operating freedom for GPs but with expert support 
and guidance from a centralised head office. 
The Company's other unquoted investment, Eagle-i Music Limited, was established 
to own and collect royalties associated with publishing rights in the music 
entertainment industry. It is progressing to plan and has been valued at cost. 
The main investor and parent company, Eagle Rock Entertainment Group Limited, is 
a long established, Grammy Award winning company which has received over 30 
Multi-Platinum, over 50 Platinum and over 90 Gold Discs, worldwide. Beringea- 
managed VCTs first invested in Eagle Rock in 2007 and the investment in Eagle-i 
Music was made alongside ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc. 
We have made good progress towards meeting the Company's investment targets 
under the VCT regulations. As an established VCT manager we see potential 
investment opportunities from range of advisers and intermediaries as well as 
being able to source opportunities through the existing portfolio of the other 
VCTs which we manage. The advantage of this dual approach has already been 
demonstrated with the investment portfolio. We look forward to identifying 
further attractive investment opportunities with the aim of ultimately 
delivering the targeted investment returns for shareholders. 
Beringea LLP 
Summary of Investment Movements 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
Additions (at cost) 
  Cross Solar PV Limited                600 
  Long Eaton Healthcare Limited         400 
                            Market                                     Realised 
                          value at                                        gain/ 
                        1 February      Disposal      Gain/(loss)     (loss) in 
                Cost          2012      proceeds     against cost        period 
                GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000             GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Campden Media                 250 
 Limited         250                         250                -             - 
Summary of Investment Portfolio 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                        Unrealised gain/(loss)   % of portfolio 
                         Cost Valuation          in the period         by value 
                         GBP'000      GBP'000                   GBP'000 
 Top venture capital 
 Cross     Solar     PV   600       600                      -            14.6% 
 Long  Eaton Healthcare                                                    9.7% 
 Limited**                400       400                      - 
 Eagle-i          Music   200       200                      -             4.9% 
                        1,200     1,200                      -            29.2% 
 Current asset                    1,002                                   24.4% 
 investments - 
 liquidity funds 
=-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 
 Cash at bank and in                                                      46.4% 
 hand                             1,905 
 Total investments                4,107                                  100.0% 
All venture capital investments are unquoted unless otherwise stated. 
*          Cross Solar PV Limited is also held by ProVen VCT plc and ProVen 
Growth and Income VCT plc. 
**        Long Eaton Healthcare  Limited is also held  by ProVen VCT plc, ProVen 
Growth and Income VCT plc and ProVen Health VCT plc. 
***      Eagle-i Music Limited is also held by ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc. 
ProVen  VCT plc and ProVen Growth and Income  VCT plc also hold an investment in 
Eagle  Rock Entertainment  Group Limited  which is  a significant shareholder in 
Eagle-i Music Limited. 
Unaudited Balance Sheet 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                                    31 July        31 
                                                       2012    January 
                                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments                                          1,200        450 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                                                 20         10 
 Current investments                                  1,002        380 
 Cash at bank and in hand                             1,905      3,523 
                                                      2,927      3,913 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (40)       (82) 
 Net current assets                                   2,887      3,831 
 Net assets                                           4,087      4,281 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up Ordinary Share capital                         5          5 
 Called up 'A' Share capital                              7          7 
 Share premium account                                    -          - 
 Special reserve                                      4,255      4,400 
 Capital reserve - realised                            (67)       (46) 
 Revenue reserve                                      (113)       (85) 
 Total equity shareholders' funds                     4,087      4,281 
 Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
 Ordinary Share                                       84.7p      88.7p 
 'A' Share                                             0.1p       0.1p 
Unaudited Income Statement 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
                                                                   Period ended 
                      Six months ended           Period ended        31 January 
                       31 July  2012            31 July  2011              2012 
                   Revenue Capital  Total   Revenue Capital  Total        Total 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Income                 33       -     33         -       -      -           13 
 management fee        (7)    (21)   (28)       (6)    (19)   (25)         (49) 
 Other expenses       (54)       -   (54)      (52)       -   (52)         (95) 
 Return on 
 ordinary             (28)    (21)   (49)      (58)    (19)   (77)        (131) 
 activities before 
 Tax  on  ordinary       -       -      -         -       -      -            - 
 attributable to      (28)    (21)   (49)      (58)    (19)   (77)        (131) 
 Basic and diluted 
 return per share 
 Ordinary Share     (0.6p)  (0.4p) (1.0p)    (1.3p)  (0.4p) (1.7p)       (2.9p) 
 'A' Share               -       -      -         -       -      -            - 
 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                                                   31 July       31 January 
                                                      2012             2012 
                                                      GBP'000             GBP'000 
  Opening shareholders' funds                        4,281                - 
  Proceeds from share issues                             -            4,714 
  Share issue costs                                      -            (157) 
  Total recognised return for the period              (49)            (131) 
  Dividends paid                                     (145)            (145) 
  Closing shareholders' funds                        4,087            4,281 
Unaudited Cash Flow Statement 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
                                                          Six months     Period 
                                                  ended 31 July 2012      ended 
                                                                     31 January 
                                         Note                   GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Net cash outflow from operating          A 
 activities                                                    (101)       (59) 
 Capital expenditure 
 Purchase of investments                                     (1,000)      (450) 
 Disposal of investments                                         250          - 
 Net cash outflow from capital 
 expenditure                                                   (750)      (450) 
 Equity dividends paid                                         (145)      (145) 
 Management of liquid resources 
 Purchase of current investments held as 
 liquidity funds                                               (622)      (500) 
 Withdrawal from liquidity funds                                   -        120 
 Net cash outflow from liquid resources                        (622)      (380) 
 Net cash outflow before financing                           (1,618)    (1,034) 
 Proceeds from Ordinary Share issue                                -      4,707 
 Proceeds from 'A' Share issue                                     -          7 
 Proceeds from Preference Share issue                              -         50 
 Redemption of Preference Shares                                   -       (50) 
 Share issue costs                                                 -      (157) 
 Net cash inflow from financing                                    -      4,557 
 (Decrease)/Increase in cash              B                  (1,618)      3,523 
 Notes to the cash flow statement: 
 A  Net cash flow from operating 
 Return on ordinary activities before 
 taxation                                                       (49)      (131) 
 Increase in debtors                                            (10)       (10) 
 (Decrease)/increase in creditors                               (42)         82 
   Net cash outflow from operating 
 activities                                                    (101)       (59) 
 B  Analysis of net funds 
 Beginning of period                                           3,523          - 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                   (1,618)      3,523 
 End of period                                                 1,905      3,523 
Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements 
1.     The unaudited half yearly results cover the six months to 31 July 2012 
and have been prepared in accordance with Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
revised January 2009 and in accordance with the accounting policies set out in 
the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 January 2012, which were prepared 
under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. 
2.     All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
3.     There are no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the 
Income Statement. 
4.     The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
5.     The comparative figures were in respect of the period ended 31 January 
2012 and the period ended 31 July 2011. 
6.     Basic and diluted return per Ordinary Share for the period has been 
calculated on 4,818,237 shares, being the weighted average number of shares in 
issue during the period. 
7.     Basic and diluted NAV per share for the period has been calculated on 
4,818,237 Ordinary Shares and 7,227,352 'A' Shares, being the number of shares 
in issue at the period end. 
8.     Dividends 
                                                                31 January 2012 
                                   Pence per     31 July 2012 
                                         share           GBP'000              GBP'000 
 Paid in the period 
 2012 final dividend paid on 6 June 2012 
                                           3.0            145                 - 
 2012 interim dividend paid on 21 
 December 2011 
                                           3.0              -               145 
                                                          145               145 
9.      Reserves 
                      Share                       Capital 
                    premium        Special      reserve -       Revenue 
                    account        reserve       realised       reserve   Total 
                       GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 February 
                          -          4,400           (46)          (85)   4,269 
 Return for the 
 period                   -              -           (21)          (28)    (49) 
 Dividends paid 
 in the period            -          (145)              -             -   (145) 
 At 31 July 2012 
                          -          4,255           (67)         (113) (4,075) 
The  special  reserve,  capital  reserve  -  realised  and  revenue  reserve are 
distributable reserves. 
10.    The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures for the 
period ended 31 January 2012 have been extracted from the financial statements 
for that period, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the 
Auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
11.    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half- 
yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 
"Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards 
Board and the half-yearly financial report includes a fair review of the 
information required by: 
a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
12.    Risks and uncertainties 
Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive, the Board is required in the 
Company's half-yearly results, to report on the principal risks and 
uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder 
of the financial year are as follows: 
(i)    investment risk associated with investing in small and immature 
(ii)   investment risk arising from volatile stock market conditions and their 
potential effect on the value of the Company's venture capital investments and 
the exit opportunity for those investments; 
(iii)  failure to secure approval as a VCT. 
In respect of (i) and (ii), the Board is satisfied with the Company's approach. 
The Investment Manager follows a rigorous process in vetting and careful 
structuring of new investments and monitors them, and the opportunity for exit, 
closely after the initial investment. 
In respect of (iii), the Company has been granted provisional approval as a 
venture capital trust. Full approval can, as with all VCTs, only be granted when 
all VCT rules have been met. This includes having at least 70% of the Company's 
investments in VCT qualifying investments, a target which the Company has until 
31 January 2014 to achieve. The Company's compliance with the VCT regulations is 
continually monitored by the Investment Manager, who reports regularly to the 
Board on the current position. The Company also retains PricewaterhouseCoopers 
to provide regular reviews and advice in this area. The Board considers that 
this approach reduces the risk of a breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal 
13.    Going concern 
The Directors have reviewed the Company's financial resources at the period end 
and conclude that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks. 
The Board confirms that it is satisfied that the Company has adequate resources 
to continue in business for the foreseeable future. For this reason, the Board 
believes that the Company continues to be a going concern and that it is 
appropriate to apply the going concern basis in preparing the financial 
14.    Copies of the unaudited half yearly results will be sent to shareholders. 
Further copies can be obtained from the Company's registered office and will be 
available for download from www.provenvcts.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: ProVen Planned Exit VCT plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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