RNS Number:0021S
Prospect Japan Fund Ld
09 April 2008



This is not the Company's Statutory Financial Statements. All figures are based
on the audited financial statements for the year from 1 January, 2007 to 31
December, 2007.

The preliminary announcement is prepared on the same basis as set out in the
previous year's annual accounts.


Performance - The Japanese small cap market suffered a year of negative returns
during 2007, with the Topix Small Companies Index down 10.55% for the year.
During the same period, the net asset value ("NAV") per share of the Company was
down 17.13%. A more detailed review of the Company's performance appears in the
Investment Advisor's Report. The shares ended the year trading at a discount of
5.77% (2006: 5.02%) to the underlying NAV per share.

On 20 November, 2007 the Board authorised borrowing of up to US$40,000,000. As
of the end of the year, the amount drawn down was US$23,309,646.

Dividend - As with previous years and in line with expectation, the Company has
not earned sufficient income to pay a dividend to shareholders.

Directorate - Mr. Rupert Evans is subject to annual re-election due to his
position as a Director of the Manager and, being eligible, has offered himself
for re-election. All of the other Directors are independent and this provides an
appropriate balance.

Having served as Chairman of the Prospect Japan Fund since inception of the
Fund, it is my intention to step down at the end of the current term, while
continuing to serve on the Board. I would like to take this opportunity to thank
my fellow Board Members for their support during my tenure.

The Board has considered the proposal for the re-election of each of the
above-named Directors and recommends to shareholders that they vote in favour of
the proposals.

Continuation Vote - In accordance with the Articles of Association of the
Company, a Special Resolution that the Company be wound up was considered at the
2005 Annual General Meeting. Shareholders voted against the Special Resolution
in line with the recommendations of the Board. A further continuation vote will
be held at the Annual General Meeting in 2008.

Directors' remuneration - The Board reviewed the level of remuneration received
and confirms that Directors' fees be increased to �20,000 per annum for the
Chairman, �17,500 per annum for the Chairman of the Audit Committee and �15,000
per annum for Directors. This increase became effective on 1 July, 2007
following the 2007 AGM.

Annual General Meeting - The Annual General Meeting of the Company is due to
take place on 22 May, 2008 at 16.00 at the Company's registered office at
Trafalgar Court, St Peter Port, Guernsey.

David Fitzwilliam-Lay

For the year from 1 January, 2007 to 31 December, 2007

Market Performance (%), US$ NAV
                                   1 Year          3 Year          5 Year
Prospect Japan Fund              (17.13%)           5.29%         102.26%

Topix Small                      (10.55%)          10.33%         113.17%

TSE2                             (15.77%)           2.93%         146.97%

Prospect Japan Fund inception date is 20 December 1994. Topix Small is the
capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the stocks not included in the
Topix 500 Index that are listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock
Exchange. TSE2 is the capitalization-weighted index of all companies listed on
the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As of August 2003, the benchmark
of the Prospect Japan Fund changed from TSE2 to Topix Small since its
characteristics with respect to average market capitalization more closely
resemble the investment strategy pursued by the portfolio. Above performance of
the Fund is net of fees and expenses and includes reinvestment of dividends and
capital gains. Source: Prospect Asset Management, Inc. Topix Small and TSE2
Index performance includes the reinvestment of dividends. Source: Bloomberg.


The fund had a difficult year in 2007 falling 17.13% versus 10.55% in the Topix
Small Index, the fund's benchmark index. The Japanese equity market has not only
been a major laggard relative to other stock markets in 2007, there has also
been a major disparity in performance between large and small cap areas of the
market. This has been a particularly challenging environment for the Prospect
Japan Fund. In addition, the severe correction in JREITs, where the portfolio
has a significant exposure, has had a negative impact. It is important to
emphasise in both small caps and JREITs that the primary driver of price falls
has been technical rather than fundamental, and that both these areas of the
market are extremely attractive from a valuation perspective.

Small cap stocks have had a brutal price correction over the last eighteen
months. Although there have undoubtedly been disappointments in some sectors of
the market, the key driver has been significant foreign disinvestment as a
result of fund redemptions across both traditional long only institutional and
retail funds and hedge funds. As a result Japanese corporate earnings have not
been this cheaply valued in decades and the positive gap between the earnings
yield and the bond yield is significantly above the level at the time the market
bottomed in 2003. In other words the entire 2003-2005 bull market has been
eliminated, and both risk aversion and disdain for Japanese small caps is at an
extreme. Against this backdrop if valuations are becoming stretched in areas
such as emerging markets, the case for Japan is compelling.

JREITs have also been hit hard as a result of redemption selling. The positive
carry between the cost of borrowing and rental yields remains compelling and the
managers firmly believe that the Japanese property market remains in its own,
desynchronized cycle. As a consequence we believe this sector is significantly


We expect domestic interest in equities to continue to improve, partly as the
recent rally in 10 year Government Bonds means that the dividend yield on the
equity market is now virtually identical to Japanese Government Bonds.
Historically this has provided a buy signal on equities albeit that a "cheap"
equity market may remain in place for some months. We note domestic Trust banks
have recently been significant buyers of the market. The rally in Government
Bonds also serves to highlight the positive "carry" in Japanese real estate,
whilst the correction in Japanese REITS means yields of around 3.5% are evident.
This is leading to renewed domestic retail interest, which has been further
enhanced by Yen strength making overseas purchases less attractive.

Clearly the equity market is cheap for a reason, which we believe to be that
corporate governance in Japan is at unacceptably poor levels particularly with
respect to minority shareholders. Yet we see continued strong interest in
private equity and other "activist" flows towards the Japanese market. Obviously
this is because booms in other regions such as Asia and emerging markets only
serve to highlight that Japanese assets are significantly undervalued. Whilst
"headlines" regarding corporate governance are often disappointing, M&A "deals",
albeit from a low base, are growing strongly. We expect further developments on
this front over the next year. The fund is extremely well positioned to benefit
from these opportunities.

The Prospect Japan Fund is a closed-end investment company incorporated in
Guernsey, and listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company's investment
objective is to achieve long-term capital growth from a portfolio of securities
primarily of smaller Japanese companies listed or traded on Japanese Stock
Markets. Past performance is no indication of future results

Prospect Asset Management, Inc.
April, 2008

The Preliminary Profits Announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on
07 April, 2008.

for the year from 1 January, 2007 to 31
December, 2007

                        Revenue        Capital          Total       Revenue        Capital          Total
                     01.01.2007     01.01.2007     01.01.2007    01.01.2006     01.01.2006     01.01.2006
                             to             to             to            to             to             to
                     31.12.2007     31.12.2007     31.12.2007    31.12.2006     31.12.2006     31.12.2006
                        In U.S.        In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S.        In U.S.        In U.S.
                        Dollars        Dollars        Dollars       Dollars        Dollars        Dollars

Investment income     4,211,861              -      4,211,861     4,508,557              -      4,508,557
Interest income           8,420              -          8,420        12,868              -         12,868
Losses on financial
assets at
fair value through            -   (36,372,395)   (36,372,395)             -   (20,120,554)   (20,120,554)
profit or loss
Foreign exchange              -          8,728          8,728             -        286,525        286,525

Total Income          4,220,281   (36,363,667)   (32,143,386)     4,521,425   (19,834,029)   (15,312,604)

Management fee      (3,321,188)              -    (3,321,188)   (3,442,395)              -    (3,442,395)
Other expenses      (1,803,964)              -    (1,803,964)   (1,898,594)              -    (1,898,594)
Loan Interest         (140,637)              -      (140,637)             -              -              -

Total Expenses      (5,265,789)              -    (5,265,789)   (5,340,989)              -    (5,340,989)

Loss for the year   (1,045,508)   (36,363,667)   (37,409,175)     (819,564)   (19,834,029)   (20,653,593)
before tax

Withholding tax       (277,620)              -      (277,620)     (312,211)              -      (312,211)

Loss for the year   (1,323,128)   (36,363,667)   (37,686,795)   (1,131,775)   (19,834,029)   (20,965,804)
after tax

Loss per Ordinary
Share -
Basic & Diluted                                       (0.369)                                     (0.202)

The above results relate to the continuing operations of the company.

The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement,
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue and capital columns
are both prepared under guidance published by The Association of Investment

for the year from 1 January, 2007 to 31 December, 2007

                          Capital                                    Capital        Capital      Reserve/
               Share   Redemption    Redemption        Revenue      Reserve/       Reserve/      Exchange
             Capital      Reserve       Reserve        Reserve      Realised     Unrealised   Differences          Total
             In U.S.      In U.S.       In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S.        In U.S.
             Dollars      Dollars       Dollars        Dollars       Dollars        Dollars       Dollars        Dollars
Balances at  102,824      312,685    96,730,082   (14,097,274)   142,497,446    (3,172,177)        36,295    222,409,881
1 January,

during the
Realised           -            -             -              -    17,527,718              -             -     17,527,718
gains on
Movement on
loss on
revaluation        -            -             -              -             -   (53,900,113)             -   (53,900,113)
Gains on           -            -             -              -             -              -         8,728          8,728
Deficit on         -            -             -    (1,323,128)             -              -             -    (1,323,128)
Repurchase   (1,754)        1,754   (3,409,237)              -             -              -             -    (3,409,237)
of shares

Balances at  101,070      314,439    93,320,845   (15,420,402)   160,025,164   (57,072,290)        45,023    181,313,849
31 December,

for the year from 1 January, 2006 to 31 December, 2006

                         Capital                                    Capital           Capital      Reserve/
              Share   Redemption    Redemption        Revenue      Reserve/          Reserve/      Exchange
            Capital      Reserve       Reserve        Reserve      Realised        Unrealised   Differences        Total
            In U.S.      In U.S.       In U.S.        In U.S.       In U.S.           In U.S.       In U.S.      In U.S.
            Dollars      Dollars       Dollars        Dollars       Dollars           Dollars       Dollars      Dollars
Balances at 105,354      310,155   102,139,113   (12,965,499)    97,585,899        61,859,924     (250,230)  248,784,716
1 January,

during the
Realised          -            -             -              -    44,911,547                 -             -   44,911,547
gains on
Movement on
loss on
revaluation       -            -             -              -             -      (65,032,101)             - (65,032,101)
Gain on           -            -             -              -             -                 -       286,525      286,525
Deficit on        -            -             -    (1,131,775)             -                 -             -  (1,131,775)
Repurchase  (2,530)        2,530   (5,409,031)              -             -                 -             -  (5,409,031)
of shares

Balances at 102,824      312,685    96,730,082   (14,097,274)   142,497,446       (3,172,177)        36,295  222,409,881

              as at 31 December, 2007

                                                                                  31.12.2007             31.12.2006
       Notes                                                                         In U.S.        In U.S. Dollars
              Non-current assets
         6    Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or        195,997,753            220,062,128

              Current assets
         7    Receivables                                                            894,083              1,578,511
              Cash and cash equivalents                                            8,431,150              1,933,210

              Total current assets                                                 9,325,233              3,511,721
              Current liabilities
              Bank overdraft                                                               -                203,529
         9    Short term borrowings                                               23,309,646                      -
         8    Payables                                                               699,491                960,439

              Net current (liabilities)/assets                                  (14,683,904)              2,347,753

              Total assets less current liabilities                              181,313,849            222,409,881

         10   Share capital                                                          101,070                102,824
         10   Redemption reserve                                                  93,320,845             96,730,082
         10   Capital redemption reserve                                             314,439                312,685
         11   Other reserves                                                      87,577,495            125,264,290

              Total equity                                                       181,313,849            222,409,881

              Ordinary Shares in issue                                           101,070,520            102,824,520

         2    Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                        1.79                   2.16

The Preliminary Profit Announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 07
April, 2008

for the year from 1 January, 2007 to 31
December, 2007

                                                  01.01.2007 to     01.01.2006 to
                                                     31.12.2007        31.12.2006
                                                        In U.S.           In U.S.
                                                        Dollars           Dollars

Cash flows from operating activities
Net cash outflow from operating activities            (673,045)       (2,075,197)

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investments                           (235,909,508)     (209,418,486)

Sale of investments                                 223,374,885       201,283,721

Net cash outflow from financing activities         (12,534,623)       (8,134,765)

Net cash outflow before financing                  (13,207,668)      (10,209,962)

Cash flows from financing activities
Repurchase of shares                                (3,409,237)       (5,409,031)
Short term borrowings                                23,309,646                 -

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing             19,900,409       (5,409,031)

Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                  6,692,741      (15,618,993)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net funds

Net cash inflow/(outflow)                             6,692,741      (15,618,993)

Effects of foreign exchange rate changes                  8,728           286,525

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year        1,729,681        17,062,149

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year              8,431,150         1,729,681

Reconciliation of net cash flow to
Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Cash and cash equivalents                             8,431,150         1,933,210

Bank overdraft                                                -         (203,529)
                                                      8,431,150         1,729,681


NOTE 1 Principal Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting

The Financial Statements have been prepared for the first time in accordance
with policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRS") issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the "IASB") and
as adopted by the European Union, and interpretations issued by the
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee.

The financial information in these financial statements has been prepared on the
basis of standards applicable as at 31 December, 2007.

In accordance with the transitional provisions set out in IFRS 1 "First-time
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards" and other relevant
standards, the Company has applied IFRS in force as at 31 December, 2007 in its
financial reporting with effect from 1 January, 2006. Previously, the Company
followed UK accounting standards issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board and
the pronouncements of its Urgent Issues Task Force, along with relevant
Statements of Recommended Practice (collectively, UK GAAP). No adjustments have
been made to comparative period figures as a result of adoption of IFRS. Where
the presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice
(the "SORP") for Investment Trusts issued by the Association of Investment
Companies, is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have
sought to prepare the financial statements on a basis compliant with the
recommendations of the SORP.


Although the disclosure of certain items has changed and the cashflow statement
is now prepared in accordance with IAS7 "Cashflow Statements", there has been no
material effect on the amounts recorded in the financial statements.

Basis of Preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the
historical cost convention adjusted to take account of the revaluation of the
Company's investments at fair value.


Income arising on the investments is recognised when the right to receive them
has been met and is recorded gross of withholding tax. Bank interest is
accounted for on an accruals basis.


The Company is responsible for all normal operating expenses including stamp and
other duties and charges incurred on the acquisition and realisation of
investments and audit fees. All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.
Expenses are allocated to the revenue account including those which are
incidental to the purchase or disposal of an investment as required under IAS


All of the Company's investments have been designated at fair value through
profit or loss at the time of acquisition. Investments are initially recognised
at fair value, being the costs incurred in their acquisition. Any transaction
costs are expensed in the income statement. After initial recognition,
investments are measured at fair value.

As it is the intention of the Directors to invest only where either a listing or
alternative form of realising can be expected within a reasonable time, the
investments are considered to be held for trading and as such are designated at
fair value through profit or loss.

Listed investments held at the balance sheet date are valued at bid prices
quoted on the principal stock exchange on which the investments are traded.
There were no unlisted investments held at 31 December, 2007. Gains and losses
arising from changes in fair value are presented in the Income Statement in the
period in which they arise.

All "regular way" purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the
"trade date", i.e. the date that the Company commits to purchase/sell the
financial asset. "Regular way" purchases or sales are purchases or sales of
financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame generally
established by regulation or convention in the market place.

Foreign Currencies

(i) Functional and presentation currency

The Company's functional and presentational currency is United States Dollar.

(ii) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency assets and liabilities, including investments at valuation, are
translated into U.S. Dollars at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet
date. Investment transactions and income and expenditure items are translated at
the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transactions. Gains and losses on
foreign exchange are included in the Income Statement.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are defined as cash in hand, demand deposits and
highly liquid investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash and
subject to insignificant risk of change in value. Cash and cash equivalents at
the year end constituted demand deposits.

Interest Bearing Borrowings

Interest bearing borrowings are recognised on the Company's Balance Sheet when
the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument and
are carried at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Standards, interpretations and amendments to published statements not yet

At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following
standards and interpretations, which have not been applied in these financial
statements, were in issue but not yet effective:

- IFRS 2 - Share Based Payments - Amendment relating to vesting conditions and

  (Effective date - 1 January 2009)

- IFRS 3 - Business Combinations - Comprehensive revision on applying the
  acquisition method

  (Effective date - 1 January 2009)

- IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements - Comprehensive revision
  including requiring a statement of

  comprehensive income (Effective date - 1 January 2009)

- IAS 23 (Revised) - Borrowing costs - Comprehensive revision to prohibit
  immediate expensing

  (Effective date - 1 January 2009)

- IAS 27 - IAS 28 and IAS 31 - Consequential amendments arising from amendments
  to IFRS 3 (Effective date -

  1 January 2009)

- IAS 32 - Financial instruments presentation - Amendments relating to puttable
  instruments and obligations arising

  on liquidation (Effective date - 1 January 2009)

- IFRIC 11- IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions (Effective date - 1
  March 2007)

- IFRIC 12 - Service Concession Arrangements (Effective date - 1 January 2008)

- IFRIC 13 - Customer Loyalty Programmes (Effective date - 1 July 2008)

- IFRIC 14 - IAS 19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding
  Requirements and their

Interaction (Effective date - 1 January 2008)

The Directors anticipate that the adoption of these Standards in future periods
will have no material financial impact on the financial statements of the

NOTE 2 (Deficit)/Return per Ordinary Share - Basic & Diluted and Net Asset Value
per Ordinary Share - Basic & Diluted

The deficit per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted has been calculated based on
the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares of 102,119,176 and a net deficit
of US$37,686,795 (2006: on 103,723,178 Ordinary Shares and a net deficit of

There were no dilutive elements to shares issued or repurchased during the year.

The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - Basic and Diluted has been calculated
based on the number of shares in existence at the balance sheet date 101,070,520
(2006: 102,824,520) and shareholders' funds attributable to equity interests of
US$181,313,849 (2006: US$222,409,881).

                                                      31.12.2007   31.12.2006
                                                         In U.S.      In U.S.
                                                         Dollars      Dollars
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share -                        1.79         2.16
Basic and Diluted

NOTE 3 Taxation

The Company has been granted Exempt Status under the terms of The Income Tax
(Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 to income tax in Guernsey. Its
liability is an annual fee of �600. With effect from 1 January, 2008 Guernsey
taxation legislation was changed, with the standard rate of income tax for
Guernsey resident companies now 0%. There is no impact on the Company with
regard to this change as it will continue to apply for Exempt Status.

The amount disclosed as taxation in the Income Statement relates solely to
withholing tax suffered at the source of income in the investing country, Japan.

Note 4 Management Fee

The management fee is payable to the Manager, Prospect Asset Management (Channel
Islands) Limited, monthly in arrears at a rate of 1.5% per annum of the Net
Asset Value, which is calculated as of the last business day of each month.
Total management fees for the year amounted to US$3,321,188 (2006: US$3,442,395)
of which US$231,287 (2006: US$283,790) is due and payable at the year end. The
Management Agreement dated 1 December, 1994 shall remain in force until
determined by the Fund, or upon the Manager giving the Fund not less than three
months' notice in writing, subject to additional provisions included in the
agreement regarding a breach by either party.

Note 5 Other Expenses
                                                   31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                                      In U.S.       In U.S.
                                                      Dollars       Dollars
       Brokers' commission                            571,257       615,281
       Administration and secretarial fees*           553,683       573,711
       Custodian's fees and charges**                 293,358       357,305
       General expenses                               217,865       227,571
       Directors' remuneration                        121,207        81,608
       Auditors' fees                                  46,594        43,118

                                                    1,803,964     1,898,594

*The administration and secretarial fees are payable to Northern Trust
International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited, monthly in
arrears and is 0.25% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, which is calculated as
of the last business day of each month. Total administration and secretarial
fees for the year amounted to US$553,683 (2006: US$573,711) of which US$38,548
(2006: US$92,200) is due and payable at the year end.

**The Fund's custodian changed with effect from 3 September, 2007, from HSBC
Custody Services (Guernsey) Limited to Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited. The
custodian's fees and charges payable to HSBC Custody Services (Guernsey) Limited
were 0.10% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, which is calculated as of the
last business day of each month. Custodian's fees and charges payable to
Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited, monthly in arrears, is 0.08% of the Net Asset
Value of the Fund, which is calculated as of the last business day of each
month. Total custodian's fees and charges for the year amounted to US$293,358
(2006: US$357,305) of which US$13,317 (2006: US$18,027) is due and payable at
the year end.

Note 6  Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

                                                    31.12.2007      31.12.2006
                                                       In U.S.         In U.S.
                                                       Dollars         Dollars
        Opening book cost                          223,234,305     160,396,796
        Purchases at cost                          235,632,928     209,144,749
        Proceeds on sale                         (223,324,908)   (191,218,787)
        Realised gains on sale                      17,527,718      44,911,547

        Closing book cost                          253,070,043     223,234,305

        Closing unrealised                        (57,072,290)     (3,172,177)

        Fair value as at 31                        195,997,753     220,062,128
        December, 2007

Note 7 Receivables
                                                  31.12.2007     31.12.2006
                                                     In U.S.        In U.S.
                                                     Dollars        Dollars
       Amounts due from brokers                      130,200        180,177
       Dividends receivable                          630,308      1,398,334
       Other receivables                             133,575              -

                                                     894,083      1,578,511

Note 8 Payables
                                                  31.12.2007     31.12.2006
                                                     In U.S.        In U.S.
                                                     Dollars        Dollars
       Amounts due to brokers                         79,129        355,709
       Other creditors                               620,362        604,730

                                                     699,491        960,439

Note 9 Short Term Borrowings

On 20 November, 2007 the Company entered into a drawdown loan agreement of up to
US$40,000,000 with Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). As at 31 December, 2007 the
loan amount drawn down was US$23,309,646.

In connection with the facility agreement, the Company entered into a Guernsey
law security interest agreement in favour of RBS over its custody accounts held
with Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited.

The loan may be applied for investment leverage purposes only and shall be
repaid on the latest of (i) the day falling 364 days from the date of the
drawing down of the loan, and (ii) any extension date agreed by the the Company
and RBS.

Note  Share Capital, Share Premium, Redemption Reserve & Capital Redemption
10    Reserve

      Authorised Share Capital                                       31.12.2007
      Number of shares                                                  In U.S.
      150,000,000                    Ordinary Shares of US$0.001        150,000

       60,000,000                    "C" Ordinary Shares of             600,000
                                     US$0.01 each

      Issued and fully paid Shares
      Ordinary Shares                          Share    Redemption   Redemption
                                             Capital       Reserve      Reserve
      Number of shares                       In U.S.       In U.S.      In U.S.
                                             Dollars       Dollars      Dollars
      102,824,520   Balance at 1             102,824    96,730,082      312,685
                    January, 2007
                    Shares acquired
                    and cancelled
      (1,754,000)   during the year          (1,754)   (3,409,237)        1,754

      101,070,520   Balance at 31            101,070    93,320,845      314,439
                    December, 2007

Ordinary Shares are not puttable instruments. As such they are not required to
be classified as debt under IAS 32.

IFRIC Interpretation 2: 'Members' Shares in Co-operative Entities and Similar
Instruments' paragraph 7 states "Members' share is equity if the entity has an
unconditional right to refuse redemption of the members' share". As defined in
the Articles of Association, redemption of Ordinary Shares is at the sole
discretion of the Directors, therefore the Ordinary Shares have been classified
as equity.

Ordinary Shares carry the right to vote at general meetings of the Company and
to receive dividends and, in a winding-up rank may participate in surplus assets
remaining after settlement of any outstanding liabilities of the Company.

The Company may purchase, subject to various terms as set out in the Articles, a
maximum of 7,706,950 Ordinary Shares, equivalent to 7.6% of the Issued share
capital of the Company as at 31 December, 2007. During the year, shares were
purchased and cancelled as follows:-

                                              Price per     Percentage of
Date                             Shares         In U.S.     share capital
2 February, 2007                175,000           2.080             0.17%
15 June, 2007                   500,000           2.164             0.49%
3 August, 2007                   50,000           2.064             0.05%
13 August, 2007                 400,000           1.980             0.40%
26 October, 2007                310,000           1.680             0.31%
5 November, 2007                220,000           1.700             0.22%
21 November, 2007                25,000           1.693             0.02%
26 November, 2007                54,000           1.743             0.05%
27 November, 2007                20,000           1.740             0.02%

                              1,754,000                             1.73%

Note Other Reserves

                                                      Capital      Capital        Capital
                                    Accumulated      Reserve/     Reserve/       Exchange
                                         Losses      Realised   Unrealised    Differences          Total
                                        In U.S.       In U.S.      In U.S.        In U.S.        In U.S.
                                        Dollars       Dollars      Dollars        Dollars        Dollars
     Balances at 1 January, 2007   (14,097,274)   142,497,446  (3,172,177)         36,295    125,264,290

     Movements during the year
     Realised gains on                        -    17,527,718            -              -     17,527,718
     investments sold
     Movement on unrealised loss
     revaluation of investments               -             - (53,900,113)              -   (53,900,113)
     Gain on foreign exchange                 -             -            -          8,728          8,728
     Deficit on ordinary            (1,323,128)             -            -              -    (1,323,128)

     Balances at 31 December,      (15,420,402)   160,025,164 (57,072,290)         45,023     87,577,495

Note Reconciliation of Deficit on Ordinary Activities to Net Cash Outflow from Operating
12   Activities

                                                                               31.12.2007     31.12.2006
                                                                                  In U.S.        In U.S.
                                                                                  Dollars        Dollars
     Revenue deficit on ordinary                                              (1,323,128)    (1,131,775)
     activities for the year
     Decrease/(increase) in dividends                                             634,451    (1,001,048)
     receivable and other receivables
     Increase in other creditors                                                   15,632         57,626

     Net cash outflow from                                                      (673,045)    (2,075,197)
     operating activities

Note Analysis of financial assets and liabilities by
13   measurement basis
                                                                Designated         Loans,          
                                                                   at fair    receivables
                                                                     value   and payables          Total
                                                                         �              �              �

     Financial Assets
     Investments designated at fair value                      195,997,753              -    195,997,753
     through profit or loss
     Cash and cash equivalents                                           -      8,431,150      8,431,150
     Receivables                                                         -        894,083        894,083
                                                               195,997,753      9,325,233    205,322,986
     Financial Liabilities
     Payables                                                            -        699,491        699,491
     Loans payable                                                       -     23,309,646     23,309,646
                                                                         -     24,009,137     24,009,137

                                                                Designated         Loans,          Total
                                                                   at fair    receivables
                                                                     value   and payables
                                                                         �              �              �

     Financial Assets
     Investments designated at fair value                      220,062,128              -    220,062,128
     through profit or loss
     Cash and cash equivalents                                           -      1,933,210      1,933,210
     Receivables                                                         -      1,578,511      1,578,511
                                                               220,062,128      3,511,721    223,573,849
     Financial Liabilities
     Payables                                                            -        960,439        960,439
     Cash and cash equivalents                                           -        203,529        203,529
                                                                         -      1,163,968      1,163,968

Note 14 Related Party Transactions

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the
other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making
financial or operational decisions.

The Directors are responsible for the determination of the investment policy of
the Group and have overall responsibility for the Group's activities.

Mr Rupert Evans is a Director of the Manager.

Directors' fees are disclosed in Note 5. The basic fee payable to Directors is
�15,000, the Chairman of the Audit Committee �17,500 and the Chairman of the
Board �20,000.

Note 15 Financial Instruments

In accordance with its investment objectives and policies, the Company holds
financial instruments which at any one time may comprise the following:

* securities held in accordance with the investment objectives and policies

* cash and short-term debtors and creditors arising directly from operations

* borrowing used to finance investment activity

* derivative transactions including investment in warrants and forward currency

* options or futures for hedging purposes

The financial instruments held by the Company principally comprise equities
listed on the stock market in Japan. The specific risks arising from the
Company's exposure to these instruments, and the Manager/Investment Adviser's
policies for managing these risks, which have been applied throughout the year,
are summarised below.

Capital Management

The fair value of the Company's financial assets and liabilities approximate
their carrying amounts at the balance sheet date.

The Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Company's
ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for
shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal
capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.

The Company may not borrow or otherwise use leverage exceeding 25% of its net
assets for investment purposes, to meet redemption request or to settle
facilities for specific investments such as bridge financing.

In connection with the loan facility agreement with RBS, the Company entered
into a Guernsey law security interest agreement in favour of RBS over its
custody accounts held with Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited.

The Company may purchase a maximum of 7,706,950 Ordinary Shares, equivalent to
7.6% of the Issued share capital of the Company as at 31 December, 2007,
provided that;

* The total number of shares repurchased from the AGM date does not exceed

* The minimum price to be paid (exclusive of expenses) be US$0.001; and

* If the shares are trading on the London Stock Exchange at a discount to the
  lower of the undiluted or diluted Net Asset Value;

Market Price Risk

The Company's investment portfolio - particularly its equity investments - is
exposed to market price fluctuations which are monitored by the Manager/
Investment Adviser in pursuance of the investment objectives and policies.
Adherence to investment guidelines and to investment and borrowing powers set
out in the scheme particulars mitigates the risk of excessive exposure to any
particular type of security or issuer.

Exceptional risks associated with investment in Japanese smaller companies may

a) greater price volatility, substantially less liquidity and significantly
smaller market capitalisation, and

b) more substantial government intervention in the economy, including
restrictions on investing in companies or in industries deemed sensitive to
relevant national interests.

Market price sensitivity analysis

The sensitivity of the Company to market price risk can be approximated by
applying the percentage of funds invested measuring the impact that a movement
in the Topix Small Index would have. At 31 December 2007 this approximation
would produce a positive/negative movement in the net assets of the Company of
US$862,390 (2006: US$1,210,342) for a 1% positive/negative movement in the

Foreign Currency Risk

The Company principally invests in securities denominated in currencies other
than United States Dollar, the funcional currency of the Company. Therefore, the
balance sheet may be affected by movements in the exchange rates of such
currencies against the US Dollar. The Manager/Investment Advisor has the power
to manage exposure to currency movements by using forward currency contracts. No
such instruments were held at the date of these Financial Statements.

It is not the present intention of the Directors to hedge the currency exposure
of the Company, but the Directors reserve the right to do so in the future if
they consider this to be desirable.

The treatment of currency transactions other than in US Dollars is set out in
Note 1 to the Financial Statements under "Foreign Currencies".

The Company's net currency exposure is as
                                                  31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                                 Investments   Investments
                                                       In US         In US
                                                     Dollars       Dollars
Japanese Yen (Y21,969,388,133, 2006:             195,997,753   220,062,128

Other (Liabilities)/Assets
US Dollars                                      (23,844,998)     (704,371)
Sterling (�50,073,2006:�3,068)                        99,973       (6,005)
Japanese Yen (Y1,015,661,053, 2006:                9,061,121     3,058,129

                                                (14,683,904)     2,347,753

Interest Rate Risk

The Company may invest in fixed and floating rate securities. The income of the
Company may be affected by changes to interest rates relevant to particular
securities or as a result of the Manager/Investment Adviser being unable to
secure similar returns on the expiry of contracts or sale of securities. The
value of fixed interest securities may be affected by interest rate movements in
the future. Interest receivable on bank deposits or payable on bank overdraft
positions will be affected by fluctuations in interest rates, however the value
of the underlying cash positions will not be affected.

Increases in interest rates may increase the costs of the Company's borrowings.
The rate of interest on each RBS drawdown loan for each interest period is the
percentage rate per annum which is the aggregate of the applicable; (i) margin,
(ii) LIBOR and (iii) mandatory cost. Interest on the loan is payable monthly in
arrears. For the year ended 31 December, 2007 the interest accrued on the loan
was US$140,637.

As at 31 December, 2007, the Company only has significant exposure to interest
rate risk regarding the loan facility and cash and cash equivalents.

Interest rate sensitivity analysis

At the reporting date, if all other variables were assumed to hold constant, a
1% increase/decrease in interest rates would increase/decrease interest paid on
the Company's borrowings by US$21,367 and increase/decrease interest received on
cash and cash equivalents by US$100,845.

Fair Value

All assets and liabilities are carried at fair value with the exception of short
term borrowings which are carried at amortised cost using the effective interest
rate method.

Short term Debtors and Creditors

Trade and other receivables do not carry interest and are short term in nature.
They are stated at nominal value as reduced by appropriate allowances for
irrecoverable amounts in the case of receivables.

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter in realising assets
or otherwise raising funds to meet financial commitments.

On 20 November, 2007 the Company entered into a drawdown loan agreement of up to
US$40,000,000 with Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). As at 31 December, 2007 the
loan amount drawn down was US$23,309,646. In connection with the facility
agreement, the Company entered into a Guernsey law security interest agreement
in favour of RBS over its custody accounts held with Northern Trust (Guernsey)
Limited. The loan may only be applied for investment leverage purposes only and
must be repaid on the latest of (i) the day falling 364 days from the date of
the draw down of the loan, and (ii) any extension date agreed between the
Company and RBS.

The Company invests primarily in listed securities. In a review of trading in
the period after the balance sheet date, it was found that the securitites were
realisable in the following proportions;

                                31.12.2007    31.12.2006

On demand                              13%           33%
1-6 months                             60%           67%
6-12 months                            27%            0%

Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty will be unable or
unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Company.

In accordance with the investment restrictions as described in its placing
Memorandum, the Company may not invest more than 10% of the Company's gross
assets in securities of any one company or issuer. However, this restriction
shall not apply to securities issued or guaranteed by a government or government
agency of the Japanese or US Governments. In adhering to these investment
restrictions, the Company mitigates the risk of any significant concentration of
credit risk arising on broker and dividend receivables.

Note 16 Segmental Reporting

The Directors are of the opinion that the Company operates in single business
and geographical segments, being investment business in Japan.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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