LEI: 213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   OneSavings Bank plc: Trading update 
   Published: 06.05.2020 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Trading update 
   OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB' or 'the Group'), the specialist lending and 
retail savings group, today issues its trading update for the period 
from the 1(st) January 2020 to date. 
   -- Organic originations of GBP1.5bn in the first three months of 2020 (Q1 
      2019 statutory: GBP799m for OSB and GBP710m for Charter Court Financial 
      Services Group ('CCFS')). 
   -- Underlying1 net loans and advances increased by 5% in the first quarter, 
      excluding the impact of structured asset sales. On an underlying1 basis, 
      after structured asset sales, net loans and advances as at 31 March 2020 
      remained unchanged at GBP18.2bn (31 December 2019: pro forma underlying2 
      GBP18.2bn). On a statutory basis, net loans and advances were GBP18.4bn 
      (31 December 2019: GBP18.4bn). 
   -- Underlying1 and statutory retail deposits of GBP16.3bn as at 31 March 
      2020 (31 December 2019: pro forma underlying2 GBP16.2bn, statutory 
   -- Underlying1 net interest margin ('NIM') for the first three months of 
      2020 broadly flat to full year 2019 pro forma underlying2 NIM of 266bps. 
   -- On a pro forma basis the CET1 ratio would have been 17.2% as at the end 
      of December 2019 (reported 16.0%), after removing the final dividend and 
      reducing risk weighted assets ('RWAs') by c. GBP287m relating to 
      structured asset sales in January 2020. 
   -- Strong operational resilience across both the UK and India. 
   1. Underlying refers to results and ratios which exclude exceptional 
items, integration costs and other acquisition-related items arising 
from the Combination with CCFS. 
   2. Pro forma underlying refers to ratios and results which assume that 
the Combination with CCFS occurred on 1 January 2018 and include 12 
months of results from CCFS and exclude exceptional items, integration 
costs and other acquisition-related items arising from the Combination 
with CCFS. 
   Andy Golding, CEO of OneSavings Bank, said: 
   "I am extremely proud of the resilience that OSB has demonstrated in the 
current difficult conditions. Our customers are at the heart of 
everything we do and we have concentrated on delivering the continuity 
and quality of service they expect of us. We entered the crisis with 
exceptionally strong capital and liquidity positions which allowed us to 
rapidly assist those concerned about potential financial difficulty by 
offering payment holidays on a self-certified basis. We demonstrated our 
flexibility by redeploying our employees to meet the large increase in 
call volumes. We started the year with a strong pipeline of new business 
and continue to lend to new and existing customers, prudently and with a 
reduced suite of products. We have enhanced our underwriting to accept 
desktop valuations due to the inability to perform physical valuations 
at present. 
   The UK and global economies continue to experience unprecedented 
uncertainty stemming from COVID-19. It is too soon to say what the 
longer term impact will be on our business, but we entered this period 
with a strong and secured balance sheet, sensible LTVs and strong risk 
management capabilities equipping us well to navigate the current 
situation. I would like to finish by taking the opportunity to thank all 
of my colleagues for their resilience, dedication, support and hard work 
which have allowed us to continue to provide our customers with the 
quality service they expect through these difficult times." 
   Operational resilience 
   Our current priority is to assist our customers to the best of our 
ability through the coronavirus crisis, and it is paramount to protect 
the safety and wellbeing of our employees. More than 75% of our 
employees, including 85% in India, are currently working from home, 
supported by appropriate technology. Our small branch network remains 
open, and those who work in offices are doing so under strict distancing 
protocols. In India, we have been granted a number of Government 
licences for critical staff to attend offices in three locations, 
further enhancing our operational resilience. 
   As expected, the Group saw an increased level of enquiries relating to 
both mortgage and savings products as soon as the crisis began. 
Resources were redeployed to best respond to additional call volumes 
from mortgage borrowers requesting our assistance in providing payment 
holidays. We are pleased with how quickly we were able to act, and 
mortgage call volumes have now reduced to normal levels. 
   We are making good progress on the integration with CCFS. There are 
detailed plans for each workstream in place with a number of them 
already completed. An early success is the integration of the capital 
markets team, who delivered three successful securitisations and two 
remunerative structured asset sales during the first quarter. 
   Capital and liquidity 
   A strong capital and liquidity position is crucial in the current 
uncertain economic environment in order for us to maintain our position 
as a leading specialist lender and to continue to support all of our 
   OSB entered 2020 with an extremely strong CET1 ratio of 16.0% (pro forma 
CET1 of 17.2% as at 31 December 2019, after removing the final 2019 
dividend and reducing RWAs by c. GBP287m relating to structured asset 
sales in January 2020). 
   The Group remains highly liquid and in March took early action to 
increase liquidity given the uncertain economic outlook, by drawing an 
additional GBP645m through the Index Long-Term Repo ('ILTR') scheme on 
19 March. We closed the first quarter with total drawings under the 
scheme of GBP855m. To date, we have also seen steady net retail deposit 
inflows for both Kent Reliance and Charter Savings Bank, with strong 
demand during the ISA season and high levels of retention amongst 
customers with maturing fixed rate products. 
   The liquidity coverage ratios increased during the first quarter to 247% 
and 170% for OSB and Charter Court Financial Services, respectively (31 
December 2019: 199% and 145%, respectively). 
   The Group has applied for the Bank of England's Term Funding Scheme for 
SMEs ('TFSME') and anticipates an initial borrowing allowance of c. 
GBP1.7bn. It is intended to use the funding from the initial allowance 
to refinance and extend the duration of drawings under the Bank of 
England's ILTR scheme and the previous TFS scheme. 
   In March 2020 the Group securitised GBP1bn of organically-originated 
mortgage assets under the Canterbury Finance programme retaining all of 
the notes, including GBP860m of AAA rated senior bonds. This transaction 
provides a sizeable pool of collateral that significantly increases the 
contingent wholesale funding options available to us through commercial 
repo transactions. Once approved, the bonds can also be used, in place 
of whole loan mortgage collateral, against the Bank of England ILTR, TFS 
and TFSME facilities at significantly reduced haircuts. 
   Net interest margin ('NIM') 
   Underlying NIM(1) for the first quarter of 2020 was broadly flat to full 
year 2019 pro forma underlying NIM(2) of 266bps. However the cost of the 
additional liquidity the Group is prudently holding, and delays in the 
retail savings market passing on the base rate cuts in full, are a 
current and potential future drag on NIM. In partial mitigation, rates 
in the retail savings market are continuing to fall and the Group has 
kept pricing on fixed rate mortgages unchanged and also expects to 
benefit from the Bank of England TFSME scheme. The Group intends to use 
the TFSME to refinance its drawings under the TFS scheme for another 
four years and to refinance drawings under the ILTR scheme at a lower 
rate. The Group had previously planned to start repaying the original 
TFS scheme in 2020. In addition, NIM may also be impacted by changes in 
borrower behaviour, leading to revised prepayment rate, expected life 
and redemption profile assumptions in EIR income recognition. 
   New business 
   We are continuing to focus on serving our customers as well as we can, 
despite the wider standstill and impact of Government restrictions on 
the housing market. Towards the end of March and throughout April, we 
concentrated on our existing pipeline of applications, and ensured that 
resources were available to support those customers who wished to take a 
payment holiday. 
   OSB continues to support existing and new customers by accepting 
applications across our core businesses. However, given the current 
uncertain economic situation, we are operating with tightened criteria 
for LTVs and loan sizes to remain within our risk appetite, and meet 
valuer criteria for enhanced desktop valuations whilst physical property 
valuations remain unavailable. We continue to offer product transfers to 
qualifying customers whose mortgages approach maturity. 
   Payment holidays 
   OSB has responded rapidly to support our customers who may be facing 
financial difficulty by offering self-certified payment holidays of up 
to three months. Take-up levels have been high, but many people 
requesting payment holidays are doing so to prudently safeguard 
cashflow. Market research amongst Buy-to-Let landlords conducted on 
behalf of OSB(3) indicates that rents are still being received, with 
only 12-15% of landlords who have requested a payment holiday giving the 
reason as 'tenants having stopped paying rent' 
   As at the end of April 2020, the Group granted payment holidays to c.24k 
accounts, equivalent to 26.7% of the Group's mortgage book by value(4) . 
Volumes of requests were high when the scheme was first announced, but 
have since reduced significantly. 
   The percentage of loans and advances in three months plus arrears as at 
the end of March, was 1.3% for OSB and 0.4% for CCFS (31 December 2019: 
1.3% and 0.3%, respectively). We have a high quality secured lending 
book with strong LTVs, with the weighted average LTV of the loan book at 
68% for OSB and 70% for CCFS as at 31 December 2019. 
   The Group, in line with the industry and guidance from regulators, does 
not consider payment holidays as an automatic transfer from stage 1 to 
stage 2 under IFRS 9. It is too early to predict how borrowers will 
behave after the end of the payment holiday or what the potential 
macroeconomic impact of the current crisis will be. However the Group 
receives updated macroeconomic scenarios from its advisors on a regular 
basis, the latest version of which is shown in the table below. Applying 
these updated scenarios as at 31 March 2020 would result in an 
approximate doubling of the Group's expected credit loss provision 
balance versus the balance of GBP42.9m as at 31 December 2019. 
                                                    Scenario (%) 
---------  -----------    -------------------  ----------------------- 
Scenario   Probability    Economic measure     Year end 2020  Year end 
            weighting                                             2021 
---------  -----------    -------------------  -------------  -------- 
Base case      40         GDP                            (6)         4 
                           Unemployment                  7.8       7.1 
                           House price growth         (14.3)     (0.3) 
---------  -----------    -------------------  -------------  -------- 
Upside         30         GDP                            (3)         4 
                           Unemployment                  7.0       5.5 
                           House price growth         (11.9)       6.5 
---------  -----------    -------------------  -------------  -------- 
Downside       23         GDP                            (9)         3 
                           Unemployment                  9.3       9.5 
                           House price growth         (19.4)    (10.0) 
---------  -----------    -------------------  -------------  -------- 
Severe          7         GDP                           (10)         3 
 Downside                  Unemployment                  9.8      10.4 
                           House price growth         (21.0)    (14.8) 
---------  -----------    -------------------  -------------  -------- 
   The economic outlook remains uncertain, and the future level of arrears 
and impairment charges may worsen depending on the longevity of the 
COVID-19 pandemic and related containment measures, as well as the 
longer term effectiveness of central bank, government and other support 
   2020 Executive remuneration 
   Members of the Group Executive Committee have volunteered to forgo their 
2020 cash bonus. Half of their 2020 cash bonus will be retained in the 
business and the remaining half will be donated to charity. The minimum 
to be donated has been underwritten at GBP250k by the Group, with a 
GBP100k donation to Shelter which offers support and advice to those 
facing housing issues or homelessness across the UK. The remainder will 
be donated to charities that serve homeless people in the UK communities 
in which the Group is based and to provide medical equipment to a local 
hospital in India. 
   (1) Underlying NIM excludes exceptional items, integration costs and 
other acquisition-related items arising from the Combination with CCFS. 
   (2) Pro forma underlying NIM assumes that the Combination with CCFS 
occurred on 1 January 2018 and includes 12 months of results from CCFS 
and excludes exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items arising from the Combination with CCFS. 
   (3) Independent research conducted for OSB by BDRC and Savanta, April 
   (4) Excludes development finance, asset finance and funding lines. 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Alastair Pate t: 01634 838 973 
   Brunswick Group 
   Robin Wrench / Simone Selzer t: 020 7404 5959 
   Analyst presentation 
   A webcast and a conference call will be held at 10:00am on Wednesday 6 
May and both will be available on the OneSavings Bank website at 
www.osb.co.uk/investors/results-reports-presentations. Registration is 
open immediately. 
   About OneSavings Bank plc 
   OneSavings Bank plc (OSB) began trading as a bank on 1 February 2011 and 
was admitted to the main market of the London Stock Exchange in June 
2014 (OSB.L). OSB joined the FTSE 250 index in June 2015. On 4 October 
2019, OSB acquired Charter Court Financial Services Group plc (CCFS) and 
its subsidiary businesses. OSB is a specialist lending and retail 
savings Group authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority, part of 
the Bank of England, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 
and Prudential Regulation Authority. 
   OneSavings Bank 
   OSB primarily targets market sub-sectors that offer high growth 
potential and attractive risk-adjusted returns in which it can take a 
leading position and where it has established expertise, platforms and 
capabilities. These include private rented sector Buy-to-Let, commercial 
and semi-commercial mortgages, residential development finance, bespoke 
and specialist residential lending, secured funding lines and asset 
   OSB originates mortgages organically via specialist brokers and 
independent financial advisers through its specialist brands including 
Kent Reliance for Intermediaries, InterBay Commercial and Prestige 
Finance. It is differentiated through its use of highly skilled, bespoke 
underwriting and efficient operating model. 
   OSB is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through the 
long-established Kent Reliance name, which includes online and postal 
channels as well as a network of branches in the South East of England. 
Diversification of funding is currently provided by securitisation 
programmes, the Term Funding Scheme and the Bank of England Indexed 
Long-Term Repo operation. 
   Charter Court Financial Services Group 
   CCFS focuses on providing Buy-to-Let and specialist residential 
mortgages, mortgage servicing, administration and credit consultancy and 
retail savings products. It operates through its three brands -- Precise 
Mortgages, Exact Mortgage Experts and Charter Savings Bank. 
   It is differentiated through risk management expertise and best-of-breed 
automated technology and systems, ensuring efficient processing, strong 
credit and collateral risk control and speed of product development and 
innovation. These factors have enabled strong balance sheet growth 
whilst maintaining high credit quality mortgage assets. 
   CCFS is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through its 
Charter Savings Bank brand. Diversification of funding is currently 
provided by securitisation programmes, the Term Funding Scheme and the 
Bank of England Indexed Long-Term Repo operation. 
   Important disclaimer 
   This document should be read in conjunction with the documents 
distributed by OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB') through the Regulatory News 
Service ('RNS'). This document is not audited and contains certain 
forward-looking statements, beliefs or opinions, including statements 
with respect to the business, strategy and plans of OSB and its current 
goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition, 
performance and results. Such forward-looking statements include, 
without limitation, those preceded by, followed by or that include the 
words 'targets', 'believes', 'estimates', 'expects', 'aims', 'intends', 
'will', 'may', 'anticipates', 'projects', 'plans', 'forecasts', 
'outlook', 'likely', 'guidance', 'trends', 'future', 'would', 'could', 
'should' or similar expressions or negatives thereof. Statements that 
are not historical facts, including statements about OSB's, its 
directors' and/or management's beliefs and expectations, are 
forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements 
involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend 
upon circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Factors that 
could cause actual business, strategy, plans and/or results (including 
but not limited to the payment of dividends) to differ materially from 
the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed 
in such forward-looking statements made by OSB or on its behalf include, 
but are not limited to: general economic and business conditions in the 
UK and internationally; market related trends and developments; 
fluctuations in exchange rates, stock markets, inflation, deflation, 
interest rates and currencies; policies of the Bank of England, the 
European Central Bank and other G8 central banks; the ability to access 
sufficient sources of capital, liquidity and funding when required; 
changes to OSB's credit ratings; the ability to derive cost savings; 
changing demographic developments, and changing customer behaviour, 
including consumer spending, saving and borrowing habits; changes in 
customer preferences; changes to borrower or counterparty credit 
quality; instability in the global financial markets, including Eurozone 
instability, the potential for countries to exit the European Union (the 
"EU") or the Eurozone, and the impact of any sovereign credit rating 
downgrade or other sovereign financial issues; technological changes and 
risks to cyber security; natural and other disasters, adverse weather 
and similar contingencies outside OSB's control; inadequate or failed 
internal or external processes, people and systems; terrorist acts and 
other acts of war or hostility and responses to those acts; geopolitical, 
pandemic or other such events; changes in laws, regulations, taxation, 
accounting standards or practices, including as a result of an exit by 
the UK from the EU; regulatory capital or liquidity requirements and 
similar contingencies outside OSB's control; the policies and actions of 
governmental or regulatory authorities in the UK, the EU or elsewhere 
including the implementation and interpretation of key legislation and 
regulation; the ability to attract and retain senior management and 
other employees; the extent of any future impairment charges or 
write-downs caused by, but not limited to, depressed asset valuations, 
market disruptions and illiquid markets; market relating trends and 
developments; exposure to regulatory scrutiny, legal proceedings, 
regulatory investigations or complaints; changes in competition and 
pricing environments; the inability to hedge certain risks economically; 
the adequacy of loss reserves; the actions of competitors, including 
non-bank financial services and lending companies; and the success of 
OSB in managing the risks of the foregoing. 
   Accordingly, no reliance may be placed on any forward-looking statement 
and no representation, warranty or assurance is made that any of these 
statements or forecasts will come to pass or that any forecast results 
will be achieved.  Any forward-looking statements made in this document 
speak only as of the date they are made and it should not be assumed 
that they have been revised or updated in the light of new information 
of future events. Except as required by the Prudential Regulation 
Authority, the Financial Conduct Authority, the London Stock Exchange 
PLC or applicable law, OSB expressly disclaims any obligation or 
undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking statements contained in this document to reflect any 
change in OSB's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, 
conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. For 
additional information on possible risks to OSB's business, please see 
Risk review section in the OSB 2019 Annual Report and Accounts. Copies 
of this are available at 
www.osb.co.uk and on request from OSB. 
   Nothing in this document and any subsequent discussion constitutes or 
forms part of a public offer under any applicable law or an offer to 
purchase or sell any securities or financial instruments. Nor does it 
constitute advice or a recommendation with respect to such securities or 
financial instruments, or any invitation or inducement to engage in 
investment activity under section 21 of the Financial Services and 
Markets Act 2000. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to 
future performance. Nothing in this document is intended to be, or 
should be construed as, a profit forecast or estimate for any period. 
   Liability arising from anything in this document shall be governed by 
English law, and neither the Company nor any of its affiliates, advisors 
or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or 
otherwise) for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this document 
or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with this document. 
Nothing in this document shall exclude any liability under applicable 
laws that cannot be excluded in accordance with such laws. 
   Certain figures contained in this document, including financial 
information, may have been subject to rounding adjustments and foreign 
exchange conversions. Accordingly, in certain instances, the sum or 
percentage change of the numbers contained in this document may not 
conform exactly to the total figure given. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 06, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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