RNS No 3865e
1st December 1998

                    NETWORK TECHNOLOGY PLC
  Preliminary Results for the Year ended 30th September 1998

Network  Technology, which designs, manufactures  and  markets
technologies  for computer network and Internet  applications,
announces   preliminary  results  for  the  year  ended   30th
September 1998.

*    Turnover increased to #18.2m (1997: #16.8m).

*    As  indicated  in  the third and fourth  quarter  trading
     statements,  the  results  have  been  affected  by   the
     economic  downturn  in the Far East with  a  slowdown  in
     demand  for  traditional printserver  products  from  the
     Group's Japanese Customers.

*    Change   in   accounting  policy  in  relation   to   R&D
     expenditure.   All R&D expenditure to be written  off  in
     the year in which it is incurred.

*    Pre-tax   profits  of  #1.01m  (1997  restated:   #3.29m)
     reflect   both  factors.   Had  the  accounting  policies
     remained  unchanged, pre-tax profits of #2.3m would  have
     been achieved (1997:  #4.2m).

*    Recommended  final  dividend of 0.55p  net  per  ordinary
     share making 1.10p net for the year (1997:  1.25p).

*    Net cash of #2.41m at the year end.

*    New  product  development has progressed well.   The  new
     Data Storage System is now being shipped and a number  of
     the   leading  computer  network  OEM's  have   expressed

*    Further  new products coming to market with good customer

*    Graham  Woodhead, Chairman said:  "We are confident  that
     our  new technologies will make strong progress in  their
     respective  markets and form the backbone of  the  future
     progress  of the Group as they start to make  a  positive
     contribution to the Group's profitability.   We  continue
     to  look  for  opportunities to use our  skills  base  to
     develop niche products to complement our existing range."

*    Klaus  Bollmann, Chief Executive added:  "I am  confident
     that  with  the  strategy we have in place  and  the  new
     products  that  are  now coming to market,  we  are  well
     placed to return to a growth situation."

For further information:
                                      Lulu Bridges
Graham Woodhead, Chairman             Tavistock Communications
Klaus Bollmann, Chief Executive       Tel:  0171 600 2288
Paul Cottrell, Finance Director       
Network Technology PLC                Mike Styles
Tel:  01444 870 408                   Credit Lyonnais Securities
                                      Tel:  0171 588 4000

Chairman's Statement


During the second half of the year, like many other companies,
we  have  been affected by the downturn of the Asian economies
and  in  particular  a slowdown in orders  from  our  Japanese
customers,  historically our largest market.   We  highlighted
this  trend  in  both  our  third and fourth  quarter  trading
statements, when we revised our expectations for the year.

The Group must remain at the forefront of its technologies and
the  R&D  expenditure is an essential element of  the  Group's
future  development.   In relation to  this  expenditure,  the
Board   has  taken  the  decision  to  adopt  a  more  prudent
accounting  policy.  All R&D expenditure  will  now  be  fully
expensed  as  incurred. This has had an effect on the  results
for  the year to 30th September 1998.   The Group must  remain
at  the  forefront of its technologies and the R&D expenditure
is  an  essential  element of the Group's future  development.
The  results for the year ended 30th September 1997 have  been
restated to reflect this change in policy.

Turnover  increased  during  the year  to  #18,203,000  (1997:
#16,841,000) principally due to the successful integration  of
JRL Systems and Nextus which were acquired during the previous
financial  year  and  the acquisition of Bits  per  Second  in
November 1997.

However,  pre-tax profits decreased from #3.29m (as  restated)
to #1.01m, reflecting the impact of the downturn in demand for
our  printserver products from our Japanese customers and  the
change  in accounting policy.  The profit before tax  for  the
year  under  the  previous accounting policy would  have  been
#2.3m  (1997:  #4.2m).  R&D expenditure for the year under the
new policy was #2.6m (1997:  #1.9m).

These  figures also reflect an exceptional charge of  #182,000
relating to an aborted acquisition during the year.

With  an  increased tax charge, earnings per share were  1.03p
(1997  restated:  6.82p).  The Directors  are  recommending  a
final dividend of 0.55p net per ordinary share, which together
with  the interim dividend of 0.55p net makes a total for  the
year  of  1.10p net (1997: 1.25p). The dividend, if  approved,
will be paid on 1st March 1999 to shareholders on the register
as at 11th December 1998.

The net cash position at the year end was #2.41m.


Our  performance  for the second half of  the  year  has  been
severely  affected  by the downturn in the Far  East  markets,
with  sales  of  our  printserver  products  to  our  Japanese
customers being only 58% of the level achieved for the similar
period last year.

You  will be aware from my previous statements, that the Board
has  been making every effort to reduce the Group's dependence
upon these products, in anticipation of such a downturn. I  am
pleased to report that we have maintained our position as  the
market leader and are continuing our close relationships  with
our  Japanese  customers  so that we are  well  positioned  to
capitalise on our high quality reputation when the Far Eastern
markets inevitably begin to recover.

Over  the  last two years we have taken significant  steps  to
develop  new  technologies to expand our product range  within
our niche areas of computer network and Internet technology.

Our  most  significant development is HBM's  patented  Network
Data  Storage System, a CD-ROM based archive system   that  is
readily  adaptable  to  suit any size of  business  and  which
dramatically reduces the storage space required by traditional
archiving  systems.  Bits per Second, our software  subsidiary
has developed the HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) System
Software,  which is being sold in conjunction  with  the  Data
Storage System, but may also be sold as generic software.

A  number of the leading computer network OEM's have expressed
interest in the system and I hope to be able to report further
progress in my trading statement for the first quarter of  the
year.   In  the meantime, the first deliveries of the  system,
branded  as  Ringdale,  were made in September  1998  and  the
positive  reaction  we have received from  customers  is  most
encouraging.  The data storage market is estimated to be worth
$16  billion  (source:   IDC) and we are  confident  that  our
system  provides an effective solution to the ever  increasing
demands of data storage.

At  JRL  we have further strengthened the management team  and
turnover is now improving steadily.  We have developed the new
Touch  Operator Panel, which is a full colour LCD touch  panel
display  to enhance our range of plotters.  The device,  which
is  now  in  full  production, will also  be  offered  to  OEM
customers in Japan, Europe and the USA.  We believe that  this
technology  will be easily adaptable for other  uses  such  as
photocopiers and printers.  The Board is optimistic about  the
prospects  for  JRL  which  combines controller,  network  and
operator  panel  technologies for wide format plotters  world-

Our  semiconductor  subsidiary AB-Semicon  has  completed  the
development  of its AB180-20 microprocessor chip.   The  chip,
which  is now in production, will be integrated into  all  our
future  printserver  products.   The  chip's  performance  has
exceeded  our expectations and should enhance the  performance
of  our  range  of  printserver products well  into  the  next
Millennium.  The chip, which may also have applications within
the mobile telecoms and automotive markets, also gives us cost
benefits for our range of products.

I  made  reference earlier in my statement to the  exceptional
costs associated with an aborted acquisition.  It was our hope
to  acquire a well known brand within the networking  products
industry in order to improve the distribution channel for  the
technologies being developed by HBM, JRL and Bits  per  Second
and  those  technologies  that are  currently  only  exploited
through our OEM customers.  Since the acquisition was aborted,
significant effort has been made to enhance the Ringdale brand
name  and  as a result the German and US offices,  which  were
started  as  franchises, were acquired in full at the  end  of
September 1998.

Research and development

During  the  year  we invested some #2.6m  in  R&D,  with  the
majority being invested in the development of our Data Storage
System.  As mentioned earlier in my statement, we have decided
to  adopt  a more prudent policy with regard to R&D  with  all
expenditure  being  written-off in the year  in  which  it  is


Although  there  is little sign at present  of  the  Far  East
markets  recovering,  by maintaining  our  presence  with  our
traditional  customers we are optimistic that we will  benefit
from any economic improvements.

We  are  confident that our new technologies will make  strong
progress in their respective markets and form the backbone  of
the  future  progress of the Group as they  start  to  make  a
positive  contribution  to  the  Group's  profitability.    We
continue to look for opportunities to use our skills  base  to
develop niche products to complement our existing range.

                                               Graham Woodhead
                                             1st December 1998

                    Chief Executives Review

The  year to 30th September 1998 has proved difficult for  the
Group  with  the  decline  in the  market  in  Japan  for  our
printserver  products.  Sales for these products have  reduced
with  the  deterioration  of the Far East  economies,  but  as
market leader we have maintained our share of this market.

As I indicated in last year's report, our strategy has been to
address  our dependence upon our traditional markets with  the
development of new product lines.  We are confident that these
advanced  new  product lines will help to compensate  for  the
downturn   in  the  market  for  our  traditional  printserver
products  and  enable the Group to return  to  a  position  of
growth over the coming years.


During   the  year  we  have  invested  in  our  manufacturing
capability  for  our  new  products  whilst  introducing  cost
efficiencies for our existing high volume products.

The   design   team's  achievements  this   year   have   been
significant, with the successful development of our  NetAudio.
Player and the IP Router.  These products and the addition  of
e-mail  capability  for  all  our printserver  devices  should
enhance our ability to supply leading edge technology  to  our
existing OEM customers.

The  manufacturing  line  for  our  Data  Storage  System  was
completed  towards the end of the year.  This was the  largest
multi-disciplined development that the Group has ever  engaged
in  and we are very pleased to have brought the product to the
market  in  such  a  short  time.   Due  to  Software  Quality
Assurance issues, the project was delayed by two months and so
did   not   contribute  positively  to  this  year's  results.
However, deliveries of the system have now commenced and I  am
confident  that  it will make a positive contribution  in  the
current year.

N&R Circuits

This  was  another  profitable year for  N&R  Circuits,  which
produces  printed  circuit  boards for  integration  into  the
Group's products, despite a severe fire in the processing area
of  the  plant  in West Sussex.  I would like to  commend  the
management  and  staff for their hard work and  stamina  which
enabled us to re-establish the plant in a very short period of
time.   N&R  is fully operational again and set for  continued

JRL & Nextus

During the year, we enhanced the manufacturing capability  for
JRL to manufacture the new LCD touch panel display and the new
plotter  controller which is due to begin production in  early
December.  It is our intention to re-organise Nextus  and  JRL
in  a  similar way to the UK operations, which will result  in
one  company combining the marketing, design and manufacturing
and  another - Ringdale - undertaking the channel sales.   The
staff  and management have shown enormous commitment  to  this
Bits per Second

Bits   per   Second,  our  software  development   subsidiary,
continues  to  develop application software  for  the  storage
system  and  has  successfully completed the  HSM  Server  and
Backup and Retrieval Software.  Some of this development  will
be  able to be sold as generic back up software.  However, our
success  in  this  will  depend upon our  ability  to  recruit
sufficient  product managers while the window  of  opportunity


Ringdale  has  performed  well and we  are  pleased  with  the
success we have achieved in building Ringdale as a brand.

As part of our continued commitment to Ringdale, at the end of
September 1998, we acquired control of Ringdale Inc,  USA  and
Ringdale  GmbH, Germany, which was satisfied by the  issue  of
new ordinary shares in Network Technology.

With full control of the Ringdale brand we are well positioned
to  build the brand further.  To do this effectively  we  will
market  some of our new technology in the form of  unique  and
popular products under the Ringdale brand.


AB-Semicon  has successfully completed its AB-1 microprocessor
core,  despite some technical difficulties from our suppliers.
All our new products are now using the AB180-20 microprocessor
chip which uses the AB-I core, a unique processor architecture
developed by our design team.

Initially, the AB180-20 chip will be used in-house within  our
embedded  network  interface cards.  Ultimately,  it  will  be
marketed  for other applications within the networking  sector
and initial market feedback has been encouraging.

We  are pleased that we have successfully developed a PCI chip
that  can be used in our printserver range and at a lower cost
than  the  traditional  add-on  card.   The  first  successful
designs  have  been shipped in the form of an HP EIO-FL  Fibre
Optics Ethernet Network Printer Interface.

The Management Team

We  have brought together a strong team of people in both  the
USA  and UK.  We are aware that in order to attract and retain
the  right  calibre of people we need to incentivise  them  by
participating  in  the Group's growth.  We will  therefore  be
seeking to extend the current employee share option scheme  at
the   Annual  General  Meeting  to  bring  it  in  line   with
international practices.
Future Prospects

I am confident that with the strategy we have in place and the
new products that are now coming to market, we are well placed
to return to a growth situation.

The  Data  Storage System, software and hardware products  are
all  at the leading edge of technology.  Our ability to deploy
our products in their respective markets continues to improve,
as  Ringdale UK shows, and we will endeavour to repeat this in
our overseas Ringdale companies in the US, Germany and Japan.

We  start the new financial year optimistic that we can return
the  Group to a position of growth, despite the fact that  the
Far East economies continue to be depressed.
                                                Klaus Bollmann
                                               Chief Executive
                                             1st December 1998
                  Group Profit & Loss Account
                                                 Year to         Year to
                                                 30.9.98         30.9.97
                                                   #'000           #'000
Existing operations                               17,901          16,841
Acquisitions                                         302               -
                                                --------        --------
Continuing operations                             18,203          16,841
Cost of sales                                    (8,762)         (7,654)
                                                --------        --------
Gross profit                                       9,441           9,187
Operating expenses before                                               
  exceptional item                               (8,348)         (5,890)
Exceptional item - abortive                                             
  acquisition costs                                (182)               -
                                                --------        --------
Group operating profit                               911           3,297
Share of losses of associated                                           
  undertakings                                      (41)               -
                                                --------        --------
Total operating profit                               870           3,297
Interest receivable and similar income               200              44
Interest payable and similar charges                (58)            (50)
                                                --------        --------
Profit on ordinary activities                                           
  before taxation                                  1,012           3,291
Tax on profit on ordinary activities               (642)         (1,093)
                                                --------        --------
Profit on ordinary activities                                           
  after taxation                                     370           2,198
Equity dividends                                   (396)           (429)
                                                --------        --------
Retained profit for the financial year              (26)           1,769
                                                ========        ========
Earnings per ordinary share                        1.03p           6.82p
                                                --------        --------

                          Group Balance Sheet
                                        As at                  As at
                                       30.9.98                30.9.97
                                     #'000      #'000      #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                                                
Intangible assets                                   -                      -
Tangible assets                                 3,726                  3,138
Investments                                       322                    230
                                              -------                -------
                                                4,048                  3,368
Current assets                                                              
Stocks                               4,376                 3,899            
Debtors                              3,426                 5,093            
Cash at bank and in hand             2,410                 3,312            
                                   -------               -------            
                                    10,212                12,304            
Amounts falling due within                                                  
  one year                         (4,231)               (4,473)
                                   -------               -------            
Net current assets                              5,981                  7,831
                                              -------                -------
Total assets less current                                                   
  liabilities                                  10,029                 11,199
Creditors: amounts falling due                                                  
  after more than one year                       (89)                  (220)
Provisions for liabilities                                                  
  and charges                                       -                   (46)
                                              -------                -------
Net assets                                      9,940                 10,933
                                              =======                =======
Capital and reserves                                                        
Called up share capital                         3,588                  3,575
Share premium account                           7,975                  8,043
Capital redemption reserve                         12                     12
Profit and loss account                       (1,635)                  (697)
                                              -------                -------
Equity shareholders' funds                      9,940                 10,933
                                              =======                =======
                          Group Cash Flow Statement
                                        Year to               Year to
                                        30.9.98               30.9.97
                                     #'000      #'000      #'000       #'000
Net cash inflow from operating                                              
  activities                                    2,625                  1,338
Returns on investments and                                                  
  servicing of finance
Interest received                      200                    44            
Interest paid                         (36)                  (32)            
Interest element of hire                                                    
  purchase payment                    (22)                  (18)
                                   -------               -------            
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                              
  returns on investments and                                                
  servicing of finance                            142                    (6)
Corporation tax and overseas                                                
  tax paid                                    (1,156)                (1,145)
Capital expenditure & financial                                             
Payments to acquire tangible                                                
  fixed assets                     (1,443)               (1,250)
Receipts from sales of fixed                      
  assets                                13                    17
Other investments                    (131)                 (230)            
                                   -------               -------            
Net cash outflow for capital                                                
  expenditure and financial investment        (1,561)                (1,463)
Payments to acquire                                                         
  subsidiary undertakings                       (286)                (1,329)
Equity dividends paid                           (466)                  (316)
                                              -------                -------
Cash outflow before use of liquid                                           
  resources & financing                         (702)                (2,921)
Issue of share capital                   0                 5,500            
Expenses set against share                                                  
  premium account                     (68)                 (993)
Decrease in debt                     (132)                  (41)            
                                   -------               -------            
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                                   
  from financing                                (200)                  4,466
                                              -------                -------
(Decrease)/Increase in cash                                                 
  in the period                                 (902)                  1,545
                                              =======                =======


1.   The financial information set out in these pages does not
     constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years
     ended 30 September 1997 or 1998 but is derived from those
     accounts.   The results for the year ended  30  September
     1997,  as  shown  in this statement, have  been  restated
     following  the change in accounting policy  described  in
     the  Chairman's statement and do not constitute statutory
     accounts  within  the  meaning  of  section  240  of  the
     Companies  Act  1985,  but have  been  derived  from  the
     statutory  accounts for the year ended 30 September  1997
     which  have  been filed with the Registrar of  Companies.
     Statutory  accounts for 1998 will be filed following  the
     Company's  Annual  General Meeting.   The  auditors  have
     reported on the accounts for 1997 and 1998; their reports
     were  unqualified and did not contain a  statement  under
     section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2.   The  Annual  General Meeting will be held on  1  February
     1999  at 12.00 noon at the Brighton Thistle Hotel,  Kings
     Road, Brighton, East Sussex.


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