RNS Number : 0623U 
Mulberry Group PLC 
18 June 2009 

18 June 2009 - Embargoed until 7am 
MULBERRY GROUP PLC ("Mulberry" or the "Group") 
Mulberry Group plc, 
the AIM listed luxury brand announces sales growth of 14% to GBP58.6 million 
(2008: GBP51.2 million) and profit before tax of GBP4.2 million (2008: GBP5.2 
million). This is the sixth successive year of sales growth, delivered during a 
period of significant economic challenge and uncertainty. 
  *  Sales increased by 14% to GBP58.6 million (2008: GBP51.2 million) 
  *  UK retail sales growth of 15%, like for like growth of 2% 
  *  Wholesale sales increased by 15% 
  *  Profit before tax ahead of market expectations at GBP4.2 million (2008: GBP5.2 
  *  Cash of GBP3.7 million (2008: GBP10.2 million) 
  *  UK retail sales for the first 10 weeks of the current financial year up 26%, 
  like for like up 21% 
"We have achieved another year of strong sales growth, delivering an increase of 
14% for the year. These results reflect the continued investment in the brand. 
With our strong balance sheet we are well placed to continue to build Mulberry 
as a global brand. The current financial year has started well." 
| Pelham PR                                       |                                                      | 
| David Wynne-Morgan                              |                                        0207 337 1503 | 
| Gavin Davis                                     |                                        0207 337 1515 | 
| Kate Catchpole                                  |                                        0207 337 1512 | 
|                                                 |                                                      | 
| Altium Capital                                  |                                                      | 
| Ben Thorne                                      |                                        0207 484 4076 | 
| Melanie Szalkiewicz                             |                                        0207 484 4187 | 
Chairman's statement 
The Group has completed a successful year with sales growth of 14% to GBP58.6 
million (2008: GBP51.2 million). Sales grew by 29% during the first half and 
then slowed from September 2008 running up to Christmas as the economic 
uncertainty intensified. Subsequently, UK wholesale and retail sales picked up 
strongly during the last two weeks of December 2008 and continued to show good 
growth compared to the prior year through to 31 March 2009. 
 The result of 
this last quarter performance in the UK was that profit before tax was ahead of 
market expectations at GBP4.2 million (2008: GBP5.2 million). A final dividend 
of 2 pence per share will be recommended for approval by shareholders (2008: 2 
 We continued to invest in the business both in the UK and 
internationally, using retained profits and cash flow to invest in new shops, 
developing new products, strengthening the management team and increasing 
expenditure on marketing. This strategy has enabled the Group to continue to 
grow and increase market share despite demanding market conditions. 
Group's balance sheet is strong with no debt. Stocks have risen due to growth in 
the business and because production and purchases were planned and committed in 
anticipation of higher sales before the downturn in the economy. Production and 
purchases have been adjusted for the forthcoming year and the benefits of this 
are expected to flow through as a reduction in working capital and an increase 
in cash. The Group's positive cash position means that it is able to continue to 
pursue its growth objectives. 
The business has continued to perform well despite the global slowdown. While 
Mulberry's performance has been strong, the Group has not been immune to broader 
market conditions. Starting in mid-September 2008, sales slowed in all markets, 
but the pattern was not uniform with the USA being hardest hit. 
in the UK was variable but sales returned to healthy growth during the last two 
weeks of December 2008 and this was sustained through to the financial year end. 
We resisted pressure from other retailers to go on sale early resulting in 
planned margins being achieved during the important Christmas period. The upturn 
in sales performance coincided with the introduction within our Spring 2009 
collection of the Mitzy family of bags which have become immediate best sellers. 
We have also benefited from an increase in demand from tourists, particularly in 
London, due to the weaker pound. Accessories remain our core business and 
continue to account for over 90% of Group sales. Handbags have continued to be 
the mainstay of the accessories business. 
 In the UK we opened shops in 
Leeds and the new Westfield development in west London. Our UK retail business 
grew by 15% during the year and like for like shop sales increased by 2%. Online 
sales grew by 38% year on year helped by the introduction of a US dollar 
denominated site during November 2008 and a Euro denominated site during 
February 2009. Our online presence has become a key channel for the development 
of Mulberry as a modern global luxury brand. 
 The Group's wholesale sales 
for the year grew by 15%. Growth slowed during the second half as buyers became 
increasingly cautious; however, our order book for the Spring Summer 2009 season 
grew by 3% compared to the prior year. 
 In Asia, our Korean business with 
our partner SHK continues to make good progress with the opening of a further 
department store shop in shop, bringing the total to six plus two duty free 
outlets. As previously reported, the arrangements with our Japanese partner 
finished during January 2009. Since that date, we have been working directly 
with the influential Isetan department store in Tokyo. Our business with our 
partner Club 21 in the rest of Asia continues satisfactorily. 
 In Europe, 
our partners opened 2 new shops in Athens and Copenhagen Airport during the 
financial year. While in the Middle East, our partners opened 2 new shops in 
Dubai and Kuwait. 
Our UK shops have continued to perform well since the financial year end. During 
the first ten weeks of the current financial year, total retail sales in the UK 
were 26% above prior year with like for like sales up 21%. A pattern has 
developed with like for like sales in our full price shops increasing by 11% and 
in our off price stores by 45%. This growth in sales has been due to continued 
demand for the Group's products combined with the success of the new Mitzy 
family of bags and increased demand from tourists. Despite this, we remain 
cautious given the weak domestic economy. 
 Our wholesale customers remain 
very cautious and this is reflected in their reduced buying budgets. This is 
despite the fact that the sell through of Mulberry products remains strong. We 
have planned on the basis of third party wholesale orders dropping year on year 
by approximately 15% for the Autumn Winter 2009 season and 4% for Spring Summer 
2010 season. 
 During the year to 31 March 2010, our international partners 
are scheduled to open three further shops in Athens, Qatar and Helsinki Airport 
 In Asia, our Korean partner continues to perform well and 
opened another department store shop in shop during May 2009 bringing the total 
to seven plus two duty free outlets. One further shop in shop is planned for 
Korea in early 2010. 
 As announced on 14 May 2009, we have reached an 
agreement with our joint venture partner in the USA to take full control of the 
wholesale and retail business in the US. Our retail operation will be focused on 
the two shops in New York and the wholesale business which will be controlled by 
the Mulberry team in London. This will allow the US website which is operated 
from the UK to be integrated with the rest of the US business, which in turn 
will simplify marketing and administration. The arrangement has been agreed in 
principle and is subject to the completion of legal formalities. In the meantime 
Mulberry assumed management control of these US operations from 1 April 
 As previously reported, we have outgrown our existing London 
premises and are continuing to work on a project to relocate our London offices 
and showrooms during 2010. 
 Overall we have made a very positive start to 
the current financial year. However, we remain cautious due to the uncertain 
economic climate. 
The Board is recommending the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares of 2 
pence per share (2008: 2 pence) which will be paid on 21 August 2009 to ordinary 
shareholders on the register on 24 July 2009. 
I would like to thank all of our staff for their enthusiasm and commitment which 
are so important to the brand's future development. The achievements of the last 
year are a direct result of their efforts and would not have been possible 
without them. 
Godfrey Davis 
Chairman and Chief Executive 
17 June 2009 
 Financial review 
Gross margin 
The Group's gross profit as a percentage of revenue has remained consistent with 
the prior year at 60%. Although some pressure on costs was experienced due to 
the devaluation of sterling, this has been counteracted by the increase in the 
proportion of retail sales to wholesale sales, which carry a higher 
Net operating expenses for the year increased by GBP5.4 million to GBP31.2 
million (2008: GBP25.8 million). This increase reflects GBP2.1 million of 
additional costs associated with expanding the retail network, GBP1.5 million 
increase in employee costs, GBP0.8 million of extra marketing investment in 
building the international Mulberry brand and GBP0.2 million incurred with the 
reorganisation of the US business. This reflects our investment in growing the 
Group and providing a firm foundation for the future. 
The decrease in net finance income of GBP0.1 million has resulted from the fall 
in interest rates achieved on cash held on deposit and through the decrease in 
cash balances held on deposit throughout the year. 
The Group reported an effective tax rate of 38.2% (2008: 33.7%), resulting in a 
tax charge of GBP1.6 million (2008: GBP1.8 million). The increase in the 
effective rate compared to the prior year is due to the withdrawal of Industrial 
Building Allowances (3.1%) and the non-deductible expense for share based 
payments (1.4%). The accounting for the withdrawal of Industrial Building 
Allowances under IFRS gives rise to a one-off deferred tax expense. 
Balance Sheet 
Capital expenditure on tangible fixed assets for the year totalled GBP2.4 
million (2008: GBP2.6 million) and included the fit out of the new stores opened 
during the year. The expenditure of GBP0.4 million on intangible fixed assets 
reflects the ongoing investment in the Group's new ERP system, the retail module 
of which was rolled out during February 2009. 
 Stock levels have increased 
by GBP7.0 million to GBP14.8 million (2008: GBP7.8 million) resulting from the 
growth of the business and the impact of sales falling below expectations during 
the second half of the year. Purchasing decisions are made six months in advance 
of the selling season and therefore when sales declined during the autumn of 
2008, the inflow of goods could not be stemmed in the short term. Purchases have 
been adjusted to reflect the current trading conditions and with the objective 
of reducing stocks to normal levels by the end of the current financial 
The principal source of funds was cash generated from operations which amounted 
to GBP6.2 million (2008: GBP6.1 million) during the year before changes in 
working capital. The net cash balance has reduced to GBP3.7 million (2008: 
GBP10.2 million) due primarily to the extra investment in stock. 
Shareholder return 
The basic earnings per share for the year declined by 25% to 4.5p (2008: 6.0p). 
This reflects the 19% reduction in pre-tax profit and the significant increased 
tax charge explained above. 
Roger Mather 
Group Finance Director 
17 June 2009 
  Consolidated income statement 
Year ended 31 March 2009 
|                                          |          |        2009 |        |         2008 | 
|                                          |          |     GBP'000 |        |      GBP'000 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Revenue                                  |          |      58,585 |        |       51,174 | 
| Cost of sales                            |          |    (23,449) |        |     (20,622) | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Gross profit                             |          |      35,136 |        |       30,552 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Administrative expenses                  |          |    (31,627) |        |     (25,979) | 
| Other operating income                   |          |         421 |        |          201 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Operating profit                         |          |       3,930 |        |        4,774 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Share of results of associates           |          |          34 |        |           63 | 
| Finance income                           |          |         229 |        |          473 | 
| Finance expense                          |          |        (16) |        |        (124) | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Profit before tax                        |          |       4,177 |        |        5,186 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Tax                                      |          |     (1,596) |        |      (1,750) | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Profit for the year                      |          |       2,581 |        |        3,436 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Attributable to:                         |          |             |        |              | 
| Equity holders of the parent             |          |       2,581 |        |        3,436 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
|                                          |          |       pence |        |        pence | 
| Basic earnings per share                 |          |         4.5 |        |          6.0 | 
| Diluted earnings per share               |          |         4.5 |        |          6.0 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense           |        |              | 
| Year ended 31 March 2009                                          |        |              | 
|                                          |          |        2009 |        |         2008 | 
|                                          |          |     GBP'000 |        |      GBP'000 | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Profit for the year                      |          |       2,581 |        |        3,436 | 
| Exchange differences on translation of   |          |         278 |        |          309 | 
| foreign operations                       |          |             |        |              | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Total recognised income and expense for  |          |       2,859 |        |        3,745 | 
| the year                                 |          |             |        |              | 
|                                          |          |             |        |              | 
| Attributable to:                         |          |             |        |              | 
| Equity holders of the parent             |          |       2,859 |        |        3,745 | 
  Consolidated balance sheet 
At 31 March 2009 
|                                          |         2009 |        |         2008 | 
|                                          |      GBP'000 |        |      GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets                       |              |        |              | 
| Intangible assets                        |        2,527 |        |        2,095 | 
| Property, plant and equipment            |        8,872 |        |        8,454 | 
| Interests in associates                  |          295 |        |          242 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
|                                          |       11,694 |        |       10,791 | 
| Current assets                           |              |        |              | 
| Inventories                              |       14,830 |        |        7,785 | 
| Trade and other receivables              |        6,032 |        |        5,548 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                |        3,710 |        |       10,237 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
|                                          |       24,572 |        |       23,570 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Total assets                             |       36,266 |        |       34,361 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Current liabilities                      |              |        |              | 
| Trade and other payables                 |     (10,726) |        |     (10,894) | 
| Current tax liabilities                  |      (1,024) |        |        (917) | 
| Obligations under finance leases         |            - |        |         (10) | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
|                                          |     (11,750) |        |     (11,821) | 
| Non-current liabilities                  |              |        |              | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                 |        (132) |        |         (17) | 
| Obligations under finance leases         |            - |        |          (4) | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
|                                          |        (132) |        |         (21) | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Total liabilities                        |     (11,882) |        |     (11,842) | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Net assets                               |       24,384 |        |       22,519 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Equity                                   |              |        |              | 
| Share capital                            |        2,871 |        |        2,871 | 
| Share premium account                    |        7,007 |        |        7,007 | 
| Own share reserve                        |         (49) |        |            - | 
| Revaluation reserves                     |            - |        |           18 | 
| Capital redemption reserve               |          154 |        |          154 | 
| Special reserve                          |        1,467 |        |        1,467 | 
| Foreign exchange reserve                 |          493 |        |          215 | 
| Retained earnings                        |       12,441 |        |       10,787 | 
|                                          |              |        |              | 
| Total equity                             |       24,384 |        |       22,519 | 
  Consolidated cash flow statement 
At 31 March 2009 
|                                            |         2009 |        |         2008 | 
|                                            |      GBP'000 |        |      GBP'000 | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Operating profit for the year              |        3,930 |        |        4,774 | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Adjustments for:                           |              |        |              | 
| Depreciation of property, plant and        |        1,723 |        |        1,231 | 
| equipment                                  |              |        |              | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets          |          217 |        |          137 | 
| Loss on sale of property, plant and        |          287 |        |           12 | 
| equipment                                  |              |        |              | 
| Effects of foreign exchange                |        (117) |        |         (61) | 
| Share based payments charge/(credit)       |          203 |        |          (5) | 
| Operating cash flows before movements in   |        6,243 |        |       6,088  | 
| working capital                            |              |        |              | 
|                                            |      (7,045) |        |      (1,097) | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Increase in stocks                         |              |        |              | 
| Increase in debtors                        |        (484) |        |      (1,679) | 
| (Decrease)/increase in creditors           |        (205) |        |        2,772 | 
| Cash (used in)/generated by operations     |      (1,491) |        |        6,084 | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Corporation taxes paid                     |      (1,374) |        |      (1,685) | 
| Interest paid                              |         (16) |        |        (121) | 
| Preference dividends paid                  |            - |        |         (56) | 
| Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating   |      (2,881) |        |        4,222 | 
| activities                                 |              |        |              | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Investing activities:                      |              |        |              | 
| Interest received                          |          229 |        |          473 | 
| Purchases of property, plant and equipment |      (2,313) |        |      (2,418) | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Proceeds from sale of property, plant and  |           11 |        |           32 | 
| equipment                                  |              |        |              | 
| Acquisition of intangible fixed assets     |        (362) |        |        (389) | 
| Net cash used in investing activities      |      (2,435) |        |      (2,302) | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Financing activities:                      |              |        |              | 
| Dividends paid                             |      (1,148) |        |        (861) | 
| Repayments of borrowings                   |            - |        |      (1,250) | 
| Repayments of obligations under finance    |         (14) |        |         (50) | 
| leases                                     |              |        |              | 
| Proceeds on issue of shares                |            - |        |          207 | 
| Investment in own shares                   |         (49) |        |            - | 
| Net cash used in financing activities      |      (1,211) |        |      (1,954) | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents  |      (6,527) |        |         (34) | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of  |       10,237 |        |       10,271 | 
| year                                       |              |        |              | 
|                                            |              |        |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   |        3,710 |        |       10,237 | 
1.Basis of preparation 
The financial information in this announcement, which was approved by the Board 
of Directors on 17 June 2009, does not constitute the Company's statutory 
accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009 or the year ended 31 March 2008, but 
is derived from these accounts. 
 Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 
March 2008 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for the 
year ended 31 March 2009 will be delivered following the Company's Annual 
General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their reports 
were unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and 
did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 
 Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary 
announcement has been completed in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards (IFRS), this announcement itself does not contain sufficient 
information to comply with IFRS. 
2.Accounting policies 
The Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 have been 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
as adopted for use in the European Union. 
3.Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per ordinary share has been calculated by dividing the profit for 
the year by 57,419,505 (2008: 56,968,275) ordinary shares, being the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the profit for the year 
excluding the interest and finance costs relating to the preference shares by 
57,438,950 (2008: 57,832,347) potential ordinary shares. These shares take into 
account the exercise of unexercised dilutive options and the diluting effect of 
the preference shares prior to their conversion during April 2007. 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year includes 
those held by the Mulberry Group Plc Employee Share Trust. 
4.    Dividends 
The dividends approved and paid during the year are as follows: 
|                                                  |         2009 |        |         2008 | 
|                                                  |      GBP'000 |        |      GBP'000 | 
|                                                  |              |        |              | 
| 2.0p (2008: 1.5p) per share on 5p ordinary       |        1,148 |        |          861 | 
| shares                                           |              |        |              | 
The Directors are recommending the payment of a final dividend of 2.0p per 
ordinary share (2008: 2.0p) to be paid on 21 August 2009 to ordinary 
shareholders on the register as at 24 July 2009. This proposed final dividend is 
subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not 
been included as a liability in these financial statements. 
5.    Information 
Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to 
shareholders. Further copies can be obtained from Mulberry Group plc's 
registered office at The Rookery, Chilcompton, Somerset, BA3 4EH. 
of this announcement are available for a period of one month from the date 
hereof from the Company's registered office, and from the Company's nominated 
adviser, Altium Capital Limited, 30 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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