RNS Number : 0039T 
Morson Group PLC 
21 September 2010 

| Immediate release             |             21 September 2010 | 
                                Morson Group PLC 
                            ("Morson" or the "Group") 
              Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2010 
Morson (AIM: MRN.L) the UK's leading provider of technical contracting personnel 
to the aerospace and defence, nuclear and power, rail and other technical 
industries, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 
30 June 2010. 
·      Solid trading performance across all sectors in line with Directors' 
o  revenue up 0.9% to GBP221.8m (H1 2009: GBP219.9m); 
o  net fee income (gross profit) down 7.7% to GBP16.7m (H1 2009: GBP18.1m); 
o  profit from operations down 0.6% to GBP5.4m (H1 2009: GBP5.5m); 
o  profit before taxation up 7.7% to GBP5.3m (H1 2009: GBP4.9m); 
o  adjusted profit before taxation* down 22% to GBP4.2m  (H1 2009: GBP5.4m); 
o  basic EPS of 8.33 pence (H1 2009: 7.48 pence); and 
o  adjusted EPS| of 7.05 pence (H1 2009 : 8.70 pence). 
·      Net Debt has increased during the period to GBP18.8m, up GBP7.8m from 
GBP11.0m at 31 December 2009, largely due to the acquisition of Wynnwith. 
·      Key new or extended contract wins including: 
| o        |          | o        |            | 
|          | Chubb    |          | Costain    | 
|          |          |          |            | 
| o        |          | o        |            | 
|          | Ericsson |          | Bombardier | 
·              Acquisitions of Wynnwith (June 2010) and Acetech (July 2010) with 
integration progressing well. 
·              Overseas recruitment operations commenced in Brazil and Germany. 
·              Market conditions remain challenging but with positive longer 
term prospects. 
·              Interim dividend maintained at 2.0 pence per share (H1 2009: 2.0 
pence per share). 
*Adjusted profit before taxation is profit before taxation of GBP5.3m (H1 2009: 
GBP4.9m), excluding the fair value movement on the derivative financial 
instrument of GBP0.5m (H1 2009: GBP0.2m), amortisation of intangible fixed 
assets GBP0.2m (H1 2009: GBP0.6m) and exceptional income GBP0.7m (H1 
2009: cost GBP0.1m). 
| Adjusted EPS is net profit attributable to equity holders adjusted for 
exceptional items, amortisation of intangible fixed assets and fair value 
movement on the derivative financial instrument values as detailed in 
Gerry Mason, Non Executive Chairman, said: 
"The Group has historically remained resilient in difficult economic cycles and, 
whilst we have been affected by the scale of the current UK economic recession, 
we have performed well. 
"The move into our new headquarters bringing together Morson International and 
Morson Projects gives the business an added impetus, increasing opportunities 
for cross selling our services and providing a modern and efficient environment 
conducive to taking the Group forward in the coming years. We will continue to 
build on our experience and capability and plan intelligently to progress our 
longer term prospects and develop future opportunities, including consideration 
of appropriate acquisitions. Whilst we expect market conditions to remain 
challenging into 2011, we firmly believe that the prospects for the Group and 
its long term future growth are encouraging." 
For further information please contact: 
Morson Group plc 
                                               0161 707 1516 
 Ged Mason, 
 Paul Gilmour, Financial Director 
Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking (Nomad) 
                      0845 270 8600 
 Matt Davis, Matt Cheetham 
Buchanan Communications 
                                  0207 466 5000 
 Diane Stewart, James Strong, 
Carrie Clement 
Chairman's Statement 
As anticipated the year to date has seen the challenging underlying market 
conditions continue. The Board expects these trading conditions to carry on 
through to the year end and into 2011. Against this backdrop I am pleased to 
report solid interim results for Morson, in line with our expectations. The 
Group has also recently completed two acquisitions, adding to the client base, 
service offering and geographic presence of the Group and increasing our market 
share. Maximising the opportunities these bring by applying Morson's working 
practices and economies of scale will be a focus during the remainder of this 
The move into the new Head Office premises just prior to the start of the year 
has given a tangible boost to our staff, provided a greatly enhanced working 
environment, increased business development opportunities and improved 
presentation of the Group to our clients. 
Our recruitment activity has been steady over the period with a number of 
pleasing contract wins, adding to a variety of renewals and contract extensions 
that will support and maintain revenues into the future. Contractor rate 
inflation remains subdued and margins remain competitively priced, as is to be 
expected. We continue to actively promote our offering to clients as one that 
can deliver cost savings through the application of efficient delivery models of 
engineering resource supply. Our client base is spread but biased toward the 
private sector; we estimate circa 70:30 private:public based revenue derivation. 
The strategic defence review is the area of public sector spending that holds 
most potential to affect our revenues and this is anticipated to become clearer 
in October when the government announces its proposals. The significant majority 
of revenue remains sourced via framework agreements with substantial clients. 
More marginal trade and permanent recruitment activity have both been steady 
during the period at a relatively low base level. The newly acquired business 
streams, which are discussed in more detail below, will almost entirely add to 
the recruitment business segment. 
Engineering design consultancy and management activity delivered by Morson 
Projects has kept its focus on the nuclear and civil aerospace markets. The new 
Head Office facilities give Morson Projects greater opportunity to outsource 
significant client engineering projects. This design and consultancy capability 
differentiates us from much of our competition and gives us an understanding of 
client needs and the ability to be flexible in our offering.  Morson Projects 
will promote these services to the new clients gained via the acquisitions made. 
We believe that the Group is well placed and has extensive experience to trade 
through these difficult economic trading conditions, delivering efficient 
business services to clients and gaining advantage from this in terms of market 
We have recently announced two acquisitions, completed either side of the 
reporting period end, and the Board is excited by the opportunities that they 
The acquisition of the business and assets of the Wynnwith Group from its 
administrator was achieved via a 51% owned new subsidiary, Morson Wynnwith 
Limited, on 9th June 2010, just prior to the end of the reported period. Revenue 
included in the Group results for the period was GBP5.3 million (representing 
circa four weeks' trade), which would infer an annualised run-rate of 
approximately GBP70 million. We are pleased to announce that all key contracts 
have been retained. This is the largest acquisition Morson has made to date and 
complements the existing operations very well with its focus on aerospace, 
defence and rail sectors along with several complementary niche areas. It is 
also pleasing to report that the acquisition has resulted in an exceptional gain 
being realised from the transaction as good collections of debt acquired have 
been achieved, reflecting the strength and retention of client relationships. 
The quantum of this is estimated at some GBP0.7 million at present (net of 
acquisition costs of GBP0.2 million) and in accordance with accounting standards 
this will be finalised and fully reported on within the Annual Report and 
Accounts. The Wynnwith business acquired had been historically loss-making and 
thus a period of restructuring and assessment must clearly take place and this 
is underway at present. There will be notable costs involved in this exercise, 
which will be incurred and charged to the second half of this year. The Board 
are confident that Morson Wynnwith will be profitable in 2011. 
The acquisition of the business of Acetech Services Limited ("Acetech") was 
achieved just after the close of the reporting period (9th July 2010) and saw 
the Group take over the operations of the UK "in-house" recruitment business of 
the Babcock Group. We have gained lengthy contracts to supply to the UK Babcock 
Marine and Rail divisions together with the staff, database and contacts, which 
will help this business grow and supplement our wider supply to the Babcock 
Group, itself recently enlarged following its acquisition of the VT Group 
Financial highlights 
Net fee income for the first six months was GBP16.7 million, a decrease of 7.7% 
from 2009 levels of GBP18.1 million, although comparing well with the preceding 
six months result of GBP16.6 million (year to 31 December 2009: GBP34.8 
million).  Revenues of GBP221.8 million are slightly above the prior year 
comparative of GBP219.9 million and in line with the preceding six month period. 
Adjusted profit from operations of GBP4.9 million has been achieved, in line 
with our expectations. The comparatives to the prior year and preceding period 
are set out below: 
|                         |     6mth |     6mth |     6mth | Change | Change | Change | 
|                         |       to |       to |       to |    A-B |    A-C |    B-C | 
|                         | 30.06.10 | 30.12.09 | 30.06.09 |        |        |        | 
|                         |        A |        B |        C |        |        |        | 
|                         |     GBPm |     GBPm |     GBPm |      % |      % |      % | 
| Revenue                 |    221.8 |    216.7 |    219.9 |   2.4% |   0.9% |  -1.4% | 
| Net fee income          |     16.7 |     16.6 |     18.1 |   0.5% |  -7.7% |  -8.2% | 
| Overheads               |   (11.8) |   (10.5) |   (12.0) |  12.5% |  -1.2% | -12.1% | 
| Amortisation            |    (0.2) |    (0.6) |    (0.6) | -71.5% | -71.5% |   0.0% | 
| Exceptional net gain    |      0.7 |        - |        - |        |        |        | 
| on acquisition          |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| Exceptional head        |        - |    (0.3) |    (0.1) |        |        | 194.5% | 
| office relocation       |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| cost                    |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| Profit from             |      5.4 |      5.2 |      5.5 |   4.3% |  -0.6% |  -4.7% | 
| operations              |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| Adjusted profit from    |      4.9 |      6.1 |      6.2 | -19.9% | -20.4% |  -0.7% | 
| operations              |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| (excluding amortisation |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| of intangible fixed     |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| assets and exceptional  |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| items)                  |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
|                         |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| Interest                |    (0.7) |    (0.8) |    (0.8) | -10.3% |  -9.2% |   1.2% | 
| Adjusted profit         |      4.2 |      5.4 |      5.4 | -21.2% | -22.0% |  -0.9% | 
| before taxation         |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| (excluding              |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| amortisation of         |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| intangible fixed        |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| assets, exceptional     |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| items and fair value    |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
| adjustments)            |          |          |          |        |        |        | 
Overheads in the period are GBP0.2 million lower than the comparative period in 
the prior year. This is despite both the new Head Office increased cost, an 
anticipated GBP0.4 million, and the recognition of GBP0.5 million of overhead 
for the Morson Wynnwith business. We have continued to focus on the overhead 
base throughout the business. Savings identified and delivered have helped keep 
costs down and achieve adjusted operating margins of 2.2% (H1 2009: 2.8%) and 
the costs of these actions have been absorbed within results for the period. 
Exceptional income of GBP0.7 million relates to the acquisition of the business 
of Wynnwith Group Limited and comprises the net gain in the purchase of assets 
released to the income statement of GBP0.9 million less non-recurring 
acquisition costs of GBP0.2 million. Further costs in relation to the 
restructuring and integration of this business will be incurred through the 
remainder of this year. 
Across the Group net fee income split across temporary recruitment, permanent 
recruitment and engineering design consultancy was GBP12.9 million, GBP0.4 
million and GBP3.4 million respectively (H1 2009: GBP14.4 million, GBP0.4 
million, GBP3.3 million). 
During the last two years recruitment markets have seen several companies 
reporting large swings in profitability and even losses. The relative stability 
shown by Morson demonstrates the business model adopted and differentiates us 
from companies that are focused primarily on permanent recruitment, which 
traditionally suffers more in economic downturns. 
Adjusted profit before taxation* was GBP4.2 million, down 22.0% (H1 2009: GBP5.4 
million). The Group's conversion ratio, calculated as the ratio of adjusted 
profit from operations to net fee income was 29.4% (H1 2009: 34.1%), which has 
reduced due to the more difficult trading environment and the Wynnwith 
acquisition. However, given current market conditions the Board feels this is a 
good result, firmly within the upper quartile of our sector. 
Our financing requirements increased during the period in large part due to the 
GBP7.8million cash consideration paid for the Wynnwith transaction. The Group's 
invoice discounting facility at the period end was drawn to GBP20.0 million (H1 
2009: GBP18.8 million; H2 2009: GBP11.1 million) against committed facilities of 
up to GBP50.0 million. Our GBP5 million revolving credit facility was undrawn 
(2009: GBPnil) and the overdraft was GBPnil (H1 2009: GBP0.3 million; H2 2009: 
GBPnil). Cash was GBP1.2million (H1 2009: GBP0.3 million; H2 2009 GBP0.1 
million). Our invoice discounting facility is entirely typical for the contract 
recruitment industry and has proved very efficient and cost effective for the 
Group over the last eighteen years. 
We are pleased to announce that during September 2010 negotiations with our 
current finance provider Barclays Bank have resulted in extension of our 
existing core finance facility, for invoice discounting to 31 March 2014. Our 
additional GBP5 million revolving credit facility  runs to 23 March 2011 and we 
are currently negotiating an extension of this which we believe will be achieved 
on an acceptable basis. 
Net assets of the Group at 30 June 2010 were GBP59.5 million (H1 2009: GBP54.6 
million; H2 2009 GBP57.4 million). 
Going Concern 
The Directors are satisfied that this condensed set of financial statements 
should be prepared on a going concern basis - further details are included in 
note 1 to this half yearly report. 
The Company is maintaining an interim dividend of 2.0 pence per share (H1 2009: 
2.0 pence per share) which reflects our firm confidence in the future prospects 
of the business. This interim dividend is proposed to be paid on 29 October 2010 
to shareholders on the register on 1 October 2010. The ex-dividend date will be 
29 September 2010. 
Board Changes 
We report that Karl Monaghan, Non-executive Director, has stepped down from the 
Board with effect from today, 21st September 2010. Following his resignation 
from the Board Karl will continue to assist the Group on a consultancy basis in 
the identification and assessment of acquisition opportunities. Morson intends 
to appoint an additional non-executive director in due course. On behalf of the 
Board I would like to thank Karl for his efforts and commitment since the 
Company's flotation in 2006 and we look forward to working with Karl in his new 
role as a consultant to the Company. 
Sector review: Morson International Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Services 
Over the first half of 2010 we have experienced more clients refocusing on cost 
savings and efficiencies in their human capital resourcing. Whilst this 
rationale can have a short term negative impact, it offers longer term 
opportunities to introduce our efficient managing agent and project design 
capabilities, creating new growth areas and potentially larger numbers of 
contractors on assignment. We are actively marketing these benefits to improve 
our market share. 
All core sectors of Aerospace and Defence, Nuclear and Power and Rail and 
Transport have seen varying but broadly sustained demand for our services. As 
previously reported, the prevailing wider economic and more specific market 
conditions saw adverse margin pressure and volumes impacted from Q2 2009, 
continuing downward through to the end of that year. We feel the market has 
"bottomed" and over the last six months have seen broadly steady conditions. 
This is manifesting itself in low activity levels and margin awareness but is 
also something that we believe is being felt across our competitor base. 
We remain confident that the provision of outsourced engineering and technical 
human resources is a resilient market and holds sustainable long-term prospects. 
In the future we believe skill shortages and ongoing investment in long-term 
infrastructure and engineering innovation is required in the United Kingdom, 
which will require the support of market leading organisations such as Morson. 
Aerospace and Defence 
Performance in this sector, the largest in the Group, has again been strong, 
benefiting from core substantial agreements with Xchanging/BAE Systems, Airbus 
and Thales. 
Morson's strength in this sector is that it spans both military and civil 
aircraft programme development and we have seen somewhat of a shift in activity 
through this period towards the civil side. There remain notable projects 
requiring specialist skills such as the Queen Elizabeth carrier, Airbus 320 and 
Bombardier Learjet 85 programmes. In relation to the Defence Sector, we 
anticipate that the forthcoming UK Government's Defence Review, due October 
2010, will provide greater clarity with regard to future spending focus and 
activity. We do not feel our current level of defence business will materially 
change as several projects are maintenance driven and outsourcing remains a 
competitive and cost effective way for projects to be discharged. 
The civil aerospace market is very competitive and investment into new "green" 
technologies which deliver savings on fuel and engine maintenance is fundamental 
to its future. Morson has experience of this and is working with clients in the 
development and modification of existing and of conceptual aircraft and engine 
programmes, requiring significant specialist skills and technical engineering 
Nuclear and Power 
We have experienced slightly increasing levels of business in this area over the 
last six months. As explained in our 2009 report the second half of this year 
will however see a reduction in revenue due to our Magnox contract falling away. 
Nevertheless we remain excited about future opportunities. The UK nuclear new 
build programme has been initiated, albeit currently at low levels and with 
varying degrees of urgency, by some of the major power providers and consortia 
set up to bid for and deliver power to the market. Morson has relationships with 
many of these and has been providing engineering talent in this field for over 
thirty years. Morson supplied over 400 engineers over the project life of the 
last PWR nuclear plant to be built at Sizewell and is geographically very well 
placed to take advantage of the emerging energy markets. The potential for 
growth in this sector is evident and increasing and will result in demand for 
specialised human capital and engineering consultancy services, with the timing 
dependent on macro-economic factors. At present the maintenance of existing 
power stations is also key and this activity must continue through any build 
cycle, before turning into decommissioning work. Morson aims to play an 
important role in the support, maintenance, new build and eventual 
decommissioning of the UK's current nuclear power renaissance. 
Rail and Transport Infrastructure 
The Group provides expertise and workforce resource solutions to both the London 
Underground and the National Overground Networks. Activity under our core 
framework contracts has been slightly suppressed over the period as within the 
London Underground environment there has been a period of change as Transport 
for London has consolidated operations previously let under Metronet and 
Tubelines operations. We are pleased to advise that we have bid for and been 
awarded renewed contracts to extend our supply into this wider business. We 
supply a variety of white collar engineering skills and also the hands on skills 
of track workforces, safety critical resource and other track maintenance and 
enhancement skills. 
Overground activity with Network Rail has been at a low level, however we 
anticipate this will increase over the coming periods via maintenance works and 
the London Cross Rail project. We continue to enhance our market position in 
this area and have the addition of contracts to support Babcock Rail and Thales, 
whilst the Wynnwith acquisition also brings several other client relationships 
that we can develop. 
Other developing markets 
The Group continues to explore a number of markets that hold potential for 
future growth. In particular the telecoms market holds potential with customers 
who have global overseas operations. The last period has seen operations 
commence in Brazil, together with the opening of an office in Hamburg, Germany. 
Other overseas investment opportunities and regions are  being explored. In the 
period the total overseas recruitment office revenues are minor at GBP1.1 
million and slightly loss-making, however collectively we expect these overseas 
operations to be a net contributor at operating level in the second half of the 
Morson Projects: Provision of Engineering Design Consultancy and Management 
This business segment has also seen a challenging environment with reduced 
workloads and competitive pressure on margins. However Morson Projects has the 
diversity across Aerospace, Nuclear and our expanding Energy and Power offering 
to adapt and exploit opportunities. The current lower level of military 
aerospace activity is therefore balanced by our groundbreaking work with 
Bombardier Canada in assisting them on the Learjet 85 programme. This involves 
significant levels of design using lightweight composite materials and we feel 
this expertise is something that will be embraced in most future aircraft design 
and modification. Within the Nuclear offering we continue to bid for and win 
substantial levels of design engineering works for the Sellafield site, this 
being transferrable skills and knowledge which we believe will also be needed 
for new build sites. Morson Projects remains a key differentiator for the Group 
and as clients seek cost effective solutions to deliver programme efficiencies 
we will be promoting this outsourcing option. 
Growth strategy 
The difficult economic environment has undoubtedly played a part in slowing the 
growth pattern of the Group. However the business remains strong and Morson's 
growth strategy remains unchanged. This is to combine organic growth from our 
long-term embedded client relationships and the demonstrable savings and 
efficiencies that Morson can deliver to its clients with the consideration of 
selective acquisitions with the right prospects, opportunities and business 
Trading and outlook 
The Group has historically remained resilient through difficult economic cycles 
and, whilst we have been affected by the scale of the current UK economic 
recession, we have performed well. This reflects our strategic focus on 
temporary rather than permanent recruitment; the diversity of sectors covered 
and their infrastructure bias; Morson Projects' outsourcing capacity; and 
Morson's core resource skills capability. We will continue to build on these 
using our experience and, as in prior periods, plan intelligently to progress 
our longer term prospects and develop future opportunities. 
Morson provides scarce engineering talent to specialised engineering sectors, 
mostly related to long-term infrastructure projects and the maintenance of some 
of the UK's prime assets. We have continued to win new contracts and retenders. 
We have won new business with clients in and connected to all our specialist 
sectors, particularly Nuclear, Rail, Aerospace and Defence and expect to 
announce further progress over the next twelve months. 
Bringing together the headquarters of the two operating business segments gives 
Morson an added impetus, a more united business development approach and great 
benefit, providing a modern and efficient environment conducive to taking the 
Group forward in the coming years. We aim to increase market share and sustain 
growth through a variety of organic initiatives and other business 
opportunities. Whilst we are well aware that the present economic environment 
might provide acquisition opportunities we will be disciplined when evaluating 
Current trading conditions remain challenging, however the executive management 
team at Morson, and indeed many of our key staff who play an important role, 
have been with the Group for a considerable time and have seen Morson's ability 
to grow and meet the challenges faced over several economic cycles. We will use 
this experience and firmly believe that the prospects for the Group and its long 
term future growth are encouraging. 
Gerry Mason 
Non-executive Chairman 
21 September 2010 
| Condensed            |           |           |           |           | 
| consolidated income  |           |           |           |           | 
| statement            |           |           |           |           | 
| for the six months   |           |           |           |           | 
| ended 30 June 2010   |           |           |           |           | 
|                      |           |           |           |           | 
|                      |           | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                      |           |       six |       six |      year | 
|                      |           |    months |    months |           | 
|                      |           |     ended |     ended |     ended | 
|                      |           |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                      |           |           |           |  December | 
|                      |           |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                      |      Note |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Continuing           |           |           |           |           | 
| operations           |           |           |           |           | 
| Revenue              |           |   221,841 |   219,892 |   436,627 | 
| Cost of sales        |           | (205,110) | (201,759) | (401,854) | 
| Gross profit         |           |    16,731 |    18,133 |    34,773 | 
| Administrative       |           |           |           |           | 
| expenses:            |           |           |           |           | 
| -amortisation of     |           |     (174) |     (611) |   (1,222) | 
| intangible fixed     |           |           |           |           | 
| assets               |           |           |           |           | 
| -exceptional items   |           |           |           |           | 
| net gain on          |         2 |       681 |         - |         - | 
| acquisition          |           |           |           |           | 
| head office          |       3   |         - |     (110) |     (434) | 
| relocation cost      |           |           |           |           | 
| -other               |           |  (11,813) |  (11,954) |  (22,456) | 
| administrative       |           |           |           |           | 
| expenses             |           |           |           |           | 
| Profit from          |           |     5,425 |     5,458 |    10,661 | 
| operations           |           |           |           |           | 
|                      |           |           |           |           | 
| Fair value movements |           |       512 |       172 |       530 | 
| on derivative        |           |           |           |           | 
| financial instrument |           |           |           |           | 
| Finance cost         |           |     (682) |     (751) |   (1,511) | 
| Profit before        |           |     5,255 |     4,879 |     9,680 | 
| taxation             |           |           |           |           | 
| Taxation             |         4 |   (1,285) |   (1,487) |   (2,434) | 
| Net profit for the   |           |     3,970 |     3,392 |     7,246 | 
| period               |           |           |           |           | 
| Attributable to:     |           |           |           |           | 
| Equity holders of    |           |     3,712 |     3,350 |     7,193 | 
| the parent           |           |           |           |           | 
| Minority interests   |           |       258 |        42 |        53 | 
|                      |           |     3,970 |     3,392 |     7,246 | 
| Earnings per share   |           |           |           |           | 
| From continuing      |           |           |           |           | 
| operations           |           |           |           |           | 
| Basic (pence)        |         5 |      8.33 |      7.48 |     16.07 | 
| Diluted (pence)      |         5 |      8.19 |      7.42 |     15.91 | 
The Group has no recognised gains or losses in the current and prior period or 
prior year other than those reported above and therefore no separate condensed 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income has been presented. 
All activity has arisen from continuing operations. 
| Condensed consolidated balance   |           |           |           | 
| sheet                            |           |           |           | 
| at 30 June 2010                  |           |           |           | 
|                                  | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                                  |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                                  |           |           |  December | 
|                                  |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                                  |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets               |           |           |           | 
| Goodwill                         |    32,945 |    32,945 |    32,945 | 
| Other intangible assets          |       565 |     1,350 |       739 | 
| Property, plant and equipment    |     3,790 |     2,526 |     3,282 | 
| Deferred tax asset               |       106 |       486 |       252 | 
|                                  |    37,406 |    37,307 |    37,218 | 
| Current assets                   |           |           |           | 
| Trade and other receivables      |    90,781 |    74,523 |    69,485 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |     1,238 |       271 |       130 | 
|                                  |    92,019 |    74,794 |    69,615 | 
| Total assets                     |   129,425 |   112,101 |   106,833 | 
| Current liabilities              |           |           |           | 
| Trade and other payables         |  (47,968) |  (35,007) |  (36,098) | 
| Current tax liabilities          |   (1,373) |   (1,928) |   (1,176) | 
| Obligations under finance leases |      (47) |     (100) |      (61) | 
| Bank overdrafts and loans        |  (19,991) |  (19,078) |  (11,064) | 
| Derivative financial instrument  |     (551) |   (1,421) |   (1,063) | 
| Current and total liabilities    |  (69,930) |  (57,534) |  (49,462) | 
| Net current assets               |    22,089 |    17,260 |    20,153 | 
| Net assets                       |    59,495 |    54,567 |    57,371 | 
|                                  |           |           |           | 
|                                  |           |           |           | 
| Equity                           |           |           |           | 
| Issued capital                   |     2,267 |     2,267 |     2,267 | 
| Share premium account            |    37,607 |    37,607 |    37,607 | 
| Retained earnings                |    20,074 |    15,126 |    18,087 | 
| Other reserves                   |     (815) |     (526) |     (694) | 
| Equity attributable to equity    |    59,133 |    54,474 |    57,267 | 
| holders of the parent            |           |           |           | 
| Minority interest                |       362 |        93 |       104 | 
| Total equity                     |    59,495 |    54,567 |    57,371 | 
| Condensed            |           |           |           |           | 
| consolidated         |           |           |           |           | 
| cash flow statement  |           |           |           |           | 
| for the six months   |           |           |           |           | 
| ended 30 June 2010   |           |           |           |           | 
|                      |           |           |           |           | 
|                      |           | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                      |           |       six |       six |      year | 
|                      |           |    months |    months |           | 
|                      |           |     ended |     ended |     ended | 
|                      |           |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                      |           |           |           |  December | 
|                      |           |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                      |      Note |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                      |           |           |           |           | 
| Net cash inflow from |         7 |     3,168 |    11,465 |    21,277 | 
| operating activities |           |           |           |           | 
| Investing activities |           |           |           |           | 
| Purchases of         |           |   (1,350) |     (744) |   (1,566) | 
| property, plant and  |           |           |           |           | 
| equipment            |           |           |           |           | 
| Proceeds on disposal |           |        30 |        16 |        36 | 
| of property, plant   |           |           |           |           | 
| and equipment        |           |           |           |           | 
| Acquisition of       |           |   (7,749) |         - |         - | 
| subsidiaries         |           |           |           |           | 
| Net cash used in     |           |   (9,069) |     (728) |   (1,530) | 
| investing activities |           |           |           |           | 
| Financing activities |           |           |           |           | 
| Dividends paid       |           |   (1,783) |   (1,792) |   (2,686) | 
| Purchase of own      |           |     (121) |         - |     (204) | 
| shares               |           |           |           |           | 
| Repayments of        |           |      (14) |      (71) |     (110) | 
| obligations under    |           |           |           |           | 
| finance leases       |           |           |           |           | 
| Net cash used in     |           |   (1,918) |   (1,863) |   (3,000) | 
| financing activities |           |           |           |           | 
| Net                  |           |   (7,819) |     8,874 |    16,747 | 
| (decrease)/increase  |           |           |           |           | 
| in cash and cash     |           |           |           |           | 
| equivalents          |           |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash        |           |  (10,934) |  (27,681) |  (27,681) | 
| equivalents at       |           |           |           |           | 
| beginning of         |           |           |           |           | 
| period/year          |           |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash        |           |  (18,753) |  (18,807) |  (10,934) | 
| equivalents at end   |           |           |           |           | 
| of period/year       |           |           |           |           | 
| Condensed           |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| consolidated        |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| statement of        |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| changes in equity   |  |         |   Share |          |         |           |         | 
| for the six months  |  |   Share | premium | Retained |     Own |  Minority |   Total | 
| ended 30 June 2010  |  | capital | account | earnings |  shares | interests |  equity | 
|                     |  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
|                     |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| At 1 January 2009   |  |   2,267 |  37,607 |   13,520 |   (526) |        51 |  52,919 | 
| (audited)           |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
|                     |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Retained profit for |  |       - |       - |    3,350 |       - |        42 |   3,392 | 
| the period          |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Dividends paid      |  |       - |       - |  (1,792) |       - |         - | (1,792) | 
| Share-based         |  |       - |       - |       48 |       - |         - |      48 | 
| payments            |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| At 1 July 2009      |  |   2,267 |  37,607 |   15,126 |   (526) |        93 |  54,567 | 
| (unaudited)         |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
|                     |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Retained profit for |  |       - |       - |    3,843 |       - |        11 |   3,854 | 
| the period          |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Dividends paid      |  |       - |       - |    (894) |       - |         - |   (894) | 
| Share-based         |  |       - |       - |       48 |       - |         - |      48 | 
| payments            |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Purchase of own     |  |       - |       - |        - |   (204) |         - |   (204) | 
| shares              |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Exercise of share   |  |       - |       - |     (36) |      36 |         - |       - | 
| options             |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| At 1 January 2010   |  |   2,267 |  37,607 |   18,087 |   (694) |       104 |  57,371 | 
| (audited)           |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
|                     |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Retained profit for |  |       - |       - |    3,712 |       - |       258 |   3,970 | 
| the period          |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Dividends paid      |  |       - |       - |  (1,783) |       - |         - | (1,783) | 
| Share-based         |  |       - |       - |       58 |       - |         - |      58 | 
| payments            |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| Purchase of own     |  |       - |       - |        - |   (121) |         - |   (121) | 
| shares              |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
| At 30 June 2010     |  |   2,267 |  37,607 |   20,074 |   (815) |       362 |  59,495 | 
| (unaudited)         |  |         |         |          |         |           |         | 
Notes to the condensed set of financial statements 
1. Basis of preparation 
This unaudited condensed set of financial statements has been prepared using 
accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards 
(IFRSs). The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation 
are followed in the condensed set of financial statements as applied in the 
Group's latest annual audited financial statements except for IFRS 3 (Revised 
2008) "Business Combinations" which has been adopted in the period. Whilst the 
financial figures included in this half-yearly report have been computed in 
accordance with IRFSs applicable to interim periods, this half-yearly report 
does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim report as that 
term is defined in IAS 34. 
The comparative figures are an abridged version of the Group's full financial 
statements and, together with other financial information contained in these 
interim results, do not constitute statutory financial statements of the Group 
as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Those financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and include an auditors' report which 
was not qualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the 
auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and 
did not contain statements under Section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 
Going Concern 
The Directors are required to satisfy themselves as to whether the condensed set 
of financial statements of the Group should be prepared on a going concern 
basis. As part of the ongoing duties and activities of the Board there is 
continual assessment of the Group's financial and commercial performance. This 
review does consider business risks and uncertainties that exist and takes 
account of how wider economic circumstances can impact these. It includes due 
consideration and assessment of potentially adverse and testing situations. The 
Board looks forward and appropriate forecasts of financial performance and 
assessment of future business opportunities and challenges are regularly made. 
The Directors have also considered the financial support required for these 
anticipated income streams and note that during the period the Group's financing 
arrangements have been successfully extended until 31 March 2014 for its invoice 
discounting facility. The additional GBP5 million revolving credit facility runs 
to 23 March 2011 and is currently being renegotiated. The directors believe this 
will be achieved on an acceptable basis. Having properly considered the matter 
the Directors conclude that they are satisfied that this condensed set of 
financial statements should be prepared on a going concern basis. 
2. Acquisition of a subsidiary 
On 9 June 2010 the Group announced the formation of a 51% owned subsidiary, 
Recruit Now Ltd, since renamed to Morson Wynnwith Limited. This subsidiary 
acquired the business and assets of Wynnwith Group Limited ('Wynnwith') and the 
issued share capital of Wynnwith SRL, its Italian trading subsidiary, out of 
administration for a total cash consideration of GBP7,749,000. 
Wynnwith provides technical and engineering personnel to a range of blue chip 
clients in the aerospace, defence, marine, electronics and rail industries. 
Management have adopted IFRS 3 (revised 2008) "Business Combinations" during the 
current period. Initial assessment of the fair value of assets acquired is in 
excess of the consideration paid and the resultant negative goodwill of 
GBP898,000 has been released in full to the income statement. 
As the business combination described took place in the final month of the 
period the initial assessment of fair value is considered to be provisional and 
further assessments are expected to be made and will be reported in full at the 
year end. 
Exceptional costs relating to the acquisition were GBP217,000, consisting 
largely of professional fees. These exceptional costs, combined with the release 
of negative goodwill, result in net exceptional income of GBP681,000. Further 
significant costs are expected to be incurred throughout the second half of 2010 
as reorganisation and integration with the wider Morson Group continues. 
3. Exceptional head office relocation costs 2009 
In the prior periods, operating costs of GBP434,000 (H1 2009: GBP110,000; H2 
2009 GBP324,000) were presented as exceptional in relation to the relocation of 
the Group's head office, which occurred in December 2009. This comprised 
GBP271,000 (H1 2009: GBP110,000; H2 2009: GBP161,000) relating to the 
accelerated depreciation and final write down of fixed assets at the previous 
premises at Darwen House and Stableford Hall and GBP163,000 (H1 2009: GBPnil; H2 
2009 GBP163,000) of costs directly associated with the move. This included an 
accrual for professional fees, relocation costs and overtime costs incurred 
which were directly related to the relocation and would not otherwise have been 
incurred. No further move costs have been recognised as exceptional in the 
current period. 
4. Taxation 
Tax for the six month period is charged at 28% (six months ended 30 June 2009: 
28%; year ended 31 December 2009: 28%). The effective rate of current tax for 
the six months ended 30 June 2010 is 22.5% (six months ended 30 June 2009: 
30.5%; year ended 31 December 2009: 22.9%) after taking into consideration 
expenses not deductible for tax purposes and income not taxable. The effective 
tax rate is also impacted by the recognition of research and development tax 
5. Earnings per share 
The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and 
numbers of shares: 
|                                  | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                                  |       six |       six |      year | 
|                                  |    months |    months |           | 
|                                  |     ended |     ended |     ended | 
|                                  |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                                  |           |           |  December | 
|                                  |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                                  |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Profit for the financial         |     3,712 |     3,350 |     7,193 | 
| period/year used for the         |           |           |           | 
| calculation of basic earnings    |           |           |           | 
| per share                        |           |           |           | 
| Exceptional items                |           |           |           | 
| - net gain on acquisition        |     (323) |         - |         - | 
| (minority interest excluded)     |         - |       110 |       434 | 
| - head office relocation cost    |           |           |           | 
| Amortisation of intangible       |       174 |       611 |     1,222 | 
| assets                           |           |           |           | 
| Fair value movements on          |     (512) |     (172) |     (530) | 
| derivative financial instruments |           |           |           | 
| Tax effect of adjustments at 28% |        90 |         - |      (46) | 
| (2009: 28%)                      |           |           |           | 
| Earnings for the purposes of     |     3,141 |     3,899 |     8,273 | 
| adjusted earnings per share      |           |           |           | 
Weighted average number of shares: 
|                                  |  Unaudited |  Unaudited |    Audited | 
|                                  |        six |        six |       year | 
|                                  |     months |     months |            | 
|                                  |      ended |      ended |      ended | 
|                                  |    30 June |    30 June |         31 | 
|                                  |            |            |   December | 
|                                  |      2010  |       2009 |       2009 | 
|                                  |     Number |     Number |     Number | 
| Weighted average number of       | 44,580,399 | 44,808,750 | 44,766,798 | 
| shares for the purposes of basic |            |            |            | 
| earnings per share               |            |            |            | 
| Effect of potentially dilutive   |            |            |            | 
| ordinary shares:                 |            |            |            | 
| - share options                  |    730,325 |    342,000 |    453,760 | 
| For diluted earnings per share   | 45,310,724 | 45,150,750 | 45,220,558 | 
| Earnings per share:              |            |            |            | 
| - basic (pence)                  |       8.33 |       7.48 |      16.07 | 
| - diluted (pence)                |       8.19 |       7.42 |      15.91 | 
| Adjusted earnings per share:     |            |            |            | 
| - basic (pence)                  |       7.05 |       8.70 |      18.48 | 
| - diluted (pence)                |       6.93 |       8.64 |      18.30 | 
The adjusted earnings per share has been calculated on the basis of continuing 
operations pre-amortisation, fair value movement on derivative financial 
instrument and exceptional items (see notes 2 and 3). The Directors consider 
that the adjusted earnings per share calculation gives a better understanding of 
the Group's underlying earnings per share. 
6. Dividends on equity shares 
|                                  | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                                  |       six |       six |      year | 
|                                  |    months |    months |           | 
|                                  |     ended |     ended |     ended | 
|                                  |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                                  |           |           |  December | 
|                                  |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                                  |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Amounts recognised as            |           |           |           | 
| distributions to equity holders  |           |           |           | 
| in the period:                   |           |           |           | 
| -| final dividend for the year    |     1,783 |         - |         - | 
| | ended 31 December 2009 of 4.0  |           |           |           | 
| | pence per ordinary share       |           |           |           | 
| -| interim dividend for the year  |         - |         - |       894 | 
| | ended 31 December 2009 of 2.0  |           |           |           | 
| | pence per ordinary share       |           |           |           | 
| -| final dividend for the year    |         - |     1,792 |     1,792 | 
| | ended 31 December 2008 of 4.0  |           |           |           | 
| | pence per ordinary share       |           |           |           | 
|                                  |     1,783 |     1,792 |     2,686 | 
The Directors have proposed an interim dividend of 2.0 pence per share in 
respect of the six months ended 30 June 2010 
7. Notes to the Group Cash Flow Statement 
Reconciliation of profit from operations to net cash from operations 
|                                  | Unaudited | Unaudited |   Audited | 
|                                  |       six |       six |      year | 
|                                  |    months |    months |           | 
|                                  |     ended |     ended |     ended | 
|                                  |   30 June |   30 June |        31 | 
|                                  |           |           |  December | 
|                                  |      2010 |      2009 |      2009 | 
|                                  |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Profit from operations           |     5,425 |     5,458 |    10,661 | 
| Depreciation of property, plant  |       381 |       440 |     1,075 | 
| and equipment                    |           |           |           | 
| Amortisation of intangible       |       174 |       611 |     1,222 | 
| assets                           |           |           |           | 
| Exceptional items                |           |           |           | 
| - net gain on acquisition (see   |     (681) |         - |         - | 
| note 2)                          |           |           |           | 
| - head office relocation cost    |         - |       110 |       163 | 
| (accelerated depreciation amount |           |           |           | 
| included in depreciation line)   |           |           |           | 
| (see note 3)                     |           |           |           | 
| Share option charge              |        58 |        48 |        96 | 
| (Profit)/loss on sale of fixed   |      (17) |         4 |       (2) | 
| assets                           |           |           |           | 
| Operating cash flows before      |     5,340 |     6,671 |    13,215 | 
| movements in working capital     |           |           |           | 
| (Increase)/decrease in           |  (11,006) |       718 |     5,565 | 
| receivables                      |           |           |           | 
| Increase in payables             |    11,273 |     5,436 |     5,893 | 
| (Increase)/decrease in           |     (815) |       343 |       534 | 
| inventories                      |           |           |           | 
| Cash generated by operations     |     4,792 |    13,168 |    25,207 | 
| Income taxes paid                |     (942) |     (952) |   (2,419) | 
| Interest paid                    |     (682) |     (751) |   (1,511) | 
| Net cash generated from          |     3,168 |    11,465 |    21,277 | 
| operating activities             |           |           |           | 
8. Post balance sheet event 
On 9 July 2010 the business, contracts and fixed assets of Acetech Personnel 
Limited ("Acetech") were acquired for a cash consideration of GBP2.35 million. 
Acetech is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Babcock International Group PLC 
("Babcock") and provides recruitment and workforce services, on a preferred 
supplier basis, to Babcock's UK Marine and Rail businesses. Acetech currently 
engages approximately 450 contractors providing services under these contracts. 
Contracts have been agreed with Babcock for a minimum five year term for the 
continuation of supply of contractor 
Independent review report to Morson Group PLC 
We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 
2010, which comprises the condensed consolidated income statement, the condensed 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated 
balance sheet, the condensed consolidated cash flow statement, the condensed 
consolidated statement of changes in equity and related notes 1 to 8.  We have 
read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and 
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial 
This report is made solely to the company in accordance with International 
Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim 
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued 
by the Auditing Practices Board.  Our work has been undertaken so that we might 
state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an 
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent 
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than 
the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the directors.  The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly 
financial report in accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.  The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial 
report have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies the group 
intends to use in preparing its next annual financial statements. 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial 
information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report for the six months ended 30 June 2010  is not prepared, in all material 
respects, in accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange. 
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors 
Manchester, United Kingdom 
21 September 2010 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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