RNS Number : 6744B

Kier Group PLC

09 October 2020

9 October 2020

Kier Group plc

Publication of the 2020 Annual Report

The Company has today made available on its website at https://www.kier.co.uk/investors/annual-report-2020/ its annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 June 2020 (the "Annual Report"), The Annual Report will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism shortly, where it will be available for inspection at https:// data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism .

The Company announced its results for the year ended 30 June 2020 on 17 September 2020. Additional information has been extracted from the Annual Report and is included in the Appendix to this announcement for the purposes of compliance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

For enquiries, please contact:

Phil Higgins

Deputy Company Secretary


The Company's Legal Entity Identifier is 2138002RKCU2OM4Y7O48.

Cautionary statement

This announcement does not constitute an offer of securities by the Company. Nothing in this announcement is intended to be, or intended to be construed as, a profit forecast or a guide as to the performance, financial or otherwise, of the Company or the group of companies of which the Company is the holding company whether in the current or any future financial year. This announcement may include statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "estimates", "anticipates", "expects", "intends", "plans", "target", "aim", "may", "will", "would", "could" or "should" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future and may be beyond the Company's ability to control or predict. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to, general economic and business conditions, industry trends, competition, changes in government and other regulation, changes in political and economic stability and changes in business strategy or development plans and other risks. Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations, the Company does not accept any obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


The information in this Appendix has been extracted as unedited full text from the Annual Report, subject to certain non-material amendments,

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board's assessment of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group and a summary of the key controls and mitigating actions are each summarised below. The Board considers these to be the most significant risks facing Kier. Not all risks facing the business are listed and the risks are not listed in any order of priority.

 Principal         Description                            Mitigating actions 
 Health and        Failure to maintain a safe 
  safety            and sustainable environment            *    Continued focus on the five basics of SHE risk 
                    and prevent a major incident.               management; 
                    The Group's operations are 
                    inherently complex and potentially 
                    hazardous and require the              *    Implementing the Group's new sustainability framework, 
                    continuous management of                    'Building for a Sustainable World'; and 
                    safety, health and sustainability 
                                                           *    Setting a tone from the top, through activities such 
                    COVID-19 impact: high.                      as senior management visible leadership tours. 
                    During COVID-19, the Group 
                    has worked closely with 
                    its people, clients and 
                    suppliers to ensure that 
                    its sites and offices are 
                    able to continue to operate 
                    safely and in accordance 
                    with Government guidelines. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Legislation       Failure to manage effectively 
  and regulation    changes in legislation and              *    Regular engagement with Government and Government 
                    regulation.                                  agencies with respect to the Group's performance; 
                    The sectors in which the 
                    Group operates are subject 
                    to increasing scrutiny from             *    Monitoring of, and planning for, the impact of new 
                    stakeholders, oversight                      legislation and regulations; and 
                    from regulators and requirements 
                    introduced by new legislation 
                    or regulation.                          *    Collaborative engagement with external stakeholders. 
                    COVID-19 impact: no material 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Funding           Failure to maintain adequate 
                    funding or liquidity.                   *    Effective cash forecasting and working capital 
                    Reduced availability of                      management; 
                    financing options resulting 
                    in an inability to maintain 
                    adequate funding or financial           *    Following COVID-19, the Group has agreed waivers with 
                    liquidity and an inability                   its lenders in respect of the financial covenants for 
                    to execute the Group's strategy              the test period ended 30 June 2020 and has agreed 
                    effectively.                                 revised financial covenants which will apply for the 
                                                                 going concern period; 
                    COVID-19 impact: medium. 
                    The Group has worked with 
                    its clients and supply chain            *    Collaborative engagement with customers, HMRC, 
                    to maintain liquidity during                 pension scheme trustees, banks, lenders and sureties; 
                    COVID-19. The Group has                      and 
                    agreed waivers and revised 
                    financial covenants with 
                    its lenders and worked with             *    Exit, substantial exit or restructuring of non-core 
                    other stakeholders to ensure                 businesses to reduce net debt. 
                    sufficient flexibility under 
                    its principal finance facilities 
                    remains available. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Market sector     A general market or sector 
  performance       downturn may materially                 *    Evaluate markets, including the impact of 
                    and adversely affect the                     macroeconomic factors and the associated market risk 
                    Group's ability to secure                    of specific events (for example, Brexit); 
                    The Group's performance 
                    is affected by macroeconomic            *    Review the Group's pipeline of future work to 
                    factors which affect UK                      identify market trends and plan accordingly; and 
                    business in general and/or 
                    the markets in which the 
                    Group operates.                         *    Maintain a broad sector focus to mitigate against the 
                                                                 decline of a particular sector. 
                    COVID-19 impact: high . 
                    COVID-19 has resulted in 
                    high levels of macroeconomic 
                    sector uncertainty and volatility 
                    and has resulted in the 
                    UK entering a recession. 
                    This has, in turn, adversely 
                    affected the Group's financial 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Contract          Failure to manage contracts 
  management        effectively at each stage               *    Adhere to the Group's contract risk governance 
                    of a project's lifecycle.                    framework; 
                    The Group has a number of 
                    large and complex contracts 
                    in progress at any one time.            *    Identify early warnings of under-performing 
                    Failure to manage the risks                  contracts; and 
                    associated with these contracts 
                    could materially and adversely 
                    affect the Group's financial            *    Timely and accurate reporting of contract 
                    performance.                                 performance. 
                    COVID-19 impact: medium. 
                    COVID-19 has resulted in 
                    certain projects being delayed 
                    or suspended and the Group 
                    incurring additional costs 
                    as a result. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 People            Failure to retain key employees 
                    and identify future leaders.            *    Focus on skills development and retention plans for 
                    The Group's employees are                    the talent pipeline; 
                    critical to its current 
                    performance. The Group needs 
                    to identify, retain and                 *    Create an effective, inclusive work environment, 
                    motivate people with the                     through our Performance Excellence culture; and 
                    right skills, experience 
                    and behaviours and to identify 
                    tomorrow's leaders.                     *    Clear and effective communication with the workforce. 
                    COVID-19 impact: high. 
                    The Group has implemented 
                    a number of measures relating 
                    to its employees, including 
                    temporary pay reductions, 
                    furlough and requiring more 
                    agile working practices 
                    (including working from 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Supply chain      Failure to maintain effective 
                   working relationships with               *    Develop long-term relationships with critical 
                   the supply chain; following                   subcontractors; 
                   COVID-19, supply chain insolvencies. 
                   The Group relies on its 
                   supply chain for the delivery            *    Continue to seek to reduce supply chain payment 
                   of its projects. Maintaining                  terms; and 
                   close and effective working 
                   relationships with the supply 
                   chain is therefore a priority            *    Review the supply chain to ensure alternative 
                   for the Group. Following                      delivery mechanisms are available and appropriate 
                   COVID-19, the risk of insolvencies            contingencies are in place. 
                   in the supply chain has 
                   COVID-19 impact: medium. 
                   The Group has worked closely 
                   with its supply chain to 
                   ensure that projects can 
                   be delivered. There has 
                   been an increase in the 
                   number of insolvencies within 
                   the supply chain as a result 
                   of COVID-19 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Strategy          The Group fails to deliver 
                    its strategy.                           *    Delivery of our Performance Excellence culture; 
                    The delivery of the Group's 
                    strategy is of fundamental 
                    importance to its future                *    Continued focus on cash management; and 
                    COVID-19 impact: low.                   *    Effective communication with stakeholders. 
                    The Group believes that 
                    COVID-19 has affected its 
                    short-term performance, 
                    rather than the longer-term 
                    delivery of its strategy. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Brexit            The UK left the EU on 31               The Group has identified 
                    January 2020, with a transition        potential risks relating 
                    period currently running               to, for example, the 
                    to 31 December 2020. Currently,        supply chain, the 
                    the UK's long-term relationship        workforce and the 
                    with the EU remains unclear.           supply and cost of 
                                                           materials and has 
                                                           set up contingency 
                                                           plans in respect of 
                                                           these risks. The Group 
                                                           keeps these plans 
                                                           under review, in the 
                                                           light of political 
                                                           developments. In particular, 
                                                           the Group continues 
                                                           to work with its supply 
                                                           chain to develop plans 
                                                           to ensure continuity 
                                                           of potentially critical 
                                                           supplies and has developed 
                                                           plans with respect 
                                                           to those members of 
                                                           its workforce who 
                                                           are nationals of EU 
                                                           member states and 
                                                           wish to continue to 
                                                           work in the UK. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 COVID-19          The COVID-19 pandemic has              As the UK continues 
                    had, and may continue to               its exit from lockdown, 
                    have, a material and adverse           Government restrictions 
                    effect on the Group's results          and requirements are 
                    of operations and a number             closely monitored 
                    of the Group's stakeholders,           so as to ensure continued 
                    including its employees,               compliance. Particular 
                    clients and supply chain.              areas of focus include: 
                    The extent of the effect               Compliance with the 
                    of COVID-19 on the Group               Group's site operating 
                    and its stakeholders depends           procedures; 
                    on a range of factors, including       Ensuring the continued 
                    its effect on the wider                supply of materials 
                    economy in general, measures           and availability of 
                    taken by Government in response        the supply chain, 
                    to it, including the proposed          wherever possible; 
                    increase in UK infrastructure          and 
                    investment, and the effects            Supporting the Group's 
                    of any re-occurrence of                workforce to continue 
                    the pandemic.                          to operate as effectively 
                                                           as possible in the 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Emerging          The Group has identified 
  Risks             the following as principal, 
                    emerging risks: 
                    The continued impact of 
                    COVID-19 on the Group's 
                    sites and operations; 
                    The UK's recession, following 
                    COVID-19; and 
                    The operational, financial 
                    and commercial effects of 
                    climate change disruption 
                    on the Group. 
                  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 

Related party transactions

Identity of related parties

The Group has a related party relationship with its, key management personnel, the pension schemes in which its employees participate and the joint ventures listed below.

Transactions with key management personnel

The Group's key management personnel are the Company's Executive and the Non-executive Directors. Transactions with these individuals are identified in the Directors' Remuneration Report on pages 101 to 121 of the Annual Report.

In addition to their salaries, the Group also provides non-cash benefits to the Directors and contributes to their pension arrangements as disclosed on page 113 of the Annual Report. Key management personnel also participate in the Group's share option programme (see note 28 of the consolidated financial statements).

Key management personnel compensation comprises:

                                                         2020   2019 
                                                         GBPm   GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Emoluments as analysed in the Directors' Remuneration 
 Report                                                   2.2    5.2 
Employer's national insurance contributions               0.3    0.6 
------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Total short-term employment benefits                      2.5    5.8 
Share-based payment charge                                1.8    0.7 
------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
                                                          4.3    6.5 
------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

Transactions with pension schemes

Details of transactions between the Group and pension schemes in which its employees participate are detailed in note 9 of the consolidated financial statements.

Transactions with joint ventures

                                       2020   2019 
                                       GBPm   GBPm 
------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Construction services and materials   237.1  278.2 
Staff and associated costs             10.2   10.0 
Management services                    13.4   16.0 
Interest on loans to joint ventures     0.8    0.6 
Plant hire                              1.4    1.3 
------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
                                      262.9  306.1 
------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

Equity loans due from joint ventures are analysed below:

                                         2020  2019(1) 
                                         GBPm     GBPm 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
Kier Cross Keys Holdco 1 LLP             35.0     35.0 
Kier Community Living Topco 1 LLP        32.1     32.1 
Kier Trade City Holdco 1 LLP             17.6     12.7 
Solum Regeneration (Twickenham) LLP      14.5     14.2 
Kier (Newcastle) Investment Ltd          10.1     10.1 
Kier (Southampton) Investment Limited    10.0     10.0 
Kier Richmond Holdings Limited            9.9      9.9 
Watford Health Campus Partnership LLP     9.7      7.0 
Solum Regeneration (Bishops) LLP          7.2      5.0 
Kier Cornwall Street Holdings 1 LLP       6.5      6.5 
Kier Cornwall Street Holdings 2 LLP       6.5      6.5 
Solum Regeneration (Guildford) LLP        6.2      3.4 
50 Bothwell Street Holdco 1 LLP           5.6      5.2 
Easingwold Holdco 1 LLP                   4.7      2.9 
Stokesley Holdco 1 LLP                    4.2      2.7 
Driffield Holdco 1 LLP                    2.5      2.5 
Winsford Holdings 1 LLP                   2.4      1.2 
Solum Regeneration (Kingswood) LLP        2.2      0.1 
Solum Regeneration (Epsom) LP             1.4      5.3 
Solum Regeneration (Redhill) LLP          1.4      1.2 
Solum Regeneration (Maidstone) LLP        0.7      0.6 
Solum Regeneration (Surbiton) LLP         0.3      0.1 
Solum Regeneration Holding 1 LLP          0.2      0.2 
Solum Regeneration Holding 2 LLP          0.2      0.2 
Solum Regeneration (Walthamstow) LLP      0.1      2.0 
Solum Regeneration (Haywards) LLP         0.1      0.4 
KCK Peterborough Holdco 1 LLP               -      4.8 
Strawberry Percy Holdings 1 LLP             -      1.6 
Strawberry Percy Holdings 2 LLP             -      1.6 
Tri-link 140 Holdings 1 LLP                 -      1.4 
Notaro Kier LLP                             -      1.3 
Black Rock Holdco 1 LLP                     -      1.2 
Kier Sovereign LLP                          -      0.8 
                                        191.3    189.7 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------- 

1 The comparative figure for Kier Cross Keys Holdco 1 LLP has been restated by GBP3.9m from GBP38.9m to GBP35.0m to reflect the equity loan provided to the joint venture by Kier only.


Trading balances due from joint ventures are analysed below:

                                            2020   2019 
                                            GBPm   GBPm 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Kier Community Living LLP                   12.7    4.2 
Kier Cross Keys Dev LLP                      0.8    6.0 
Stokesley Devco LLP                          0.6    3.3 
Hackney Schools for the Future 2 Limited     0.6      - 
Easingwold Devco LLP                         0.4    0.5 
Kier (Southampton) Investment Limited        0.3      - 
Driffield Devco LLP                          0.2    0.4 
Black Rock Devco LLP                         0.1      - 
Dragon Lane LLP                              0.1      - 
Kier Trade City LLP                          0.1      - 
Tri-Link 140 LLP                               -    3.8 
Hackney Schools for the Future Limited         -    1.4 
Winsford Devco LLP                             -    0.8 
Kier Richmond Limited                          -    0.3 
Team Van Oord Limited                          -    0.1 
KCK Peterborough Devco LLP                     -    0.1 
                                            15.9   20.9 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

Directors' responsibility statements

The Directors consider that the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group and Company's position and performance, business model and strategy.

Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed in the Annual Report confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the Company financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 101 'Reduced Disclosure Framework', and applicable law), give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Company;

-- the Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Group;

-- the Directors' Report in the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group and Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces; and

-- so far as the Directors are aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Group and Company's auditors are unaware; and they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Group and Company's auditors are aware of that information.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 09, 2020 08:30 ET (12:30 GMT)

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