RNS No 3647b
1st December 1998

                    KENWOOD APPLIANCES PLC

  Sales hit by slowdown in consumer spending in key markets.
              Restructuring programme accelerated

                                    6 months to   6 months to
                                        2/10/98       3/10/97
Sales                                    #73.4m        #81.5m
Operating Profit                          #3.2m         #4.6m
Profit before tax and exceptionals        #0.9m         #2.2m
Profits before tax                        #0.8m         #0.4m
Borrowings                               #39.7m        #47.4m
EPS                                        1.1p          0.1p
Dividend                                      -             -
Gross Margins                             36.7%         35.1%

*Restated for FRS 12

David Nash, Chairman, said today:

"Sales  and  profits in the first half were hit by  a  serious
slowdown  in consumer spending in the UK and a number  of  our
other  key  markets,  coupled with the turbulence  in  markets
outside  Europe.  Despite these difficult trading  conditions,
the progress made in improving gross margins was maintained.

"As  a  result  of  tight control of capital  expenditure  and
working  capital, borrowings were reduced substantially.   The
Directors are not recommending an interim dividend."

Colin Gordon, Chief Executive, said today:

"The current difficult trading environment has accelerated the
need  to  implement  Kenwood's strategy of  moving  away  from
vertically  integrated manufacturing and focusing  upon  brand
marketing.  As part of this strategy there will be a number of
important  product launches in the second half.  A  series  of
measures  to cut costs and increase competitiveness,  such  as
moving  the  manufacture  of  more  product  lines  to  China,
centralising  European warehousing operations and streamlining
our international businesses, are being implemented.

"As  ever,  the full year results will be dependent  upon  the
Christmas season. However, at this stage the Board anticipates
the  disappointing  market conditions will continue  and  that
profits for the second half will be no higher than those  made
in the first half."

For further enquiries:

Kenwood  Appliances Plc          T: 0171 282 8000 (today only)
Colin   Gordon,  Chief  Executive   01705 476 000 (thereafter)
Graham Wickenden, Group Finance Director

Citigate Dewe Rogerson           T: 0171 282 8000
Simon Rigby
Alex Brown

01 December 1998


                    KENWOOD APPLIANCES PLC


Sales  of continuing operations for the half-year were  #73.4m
compared to #80.4m last year. This represents a fall of  8.7%.
Profits  before  tax and exceptionals were #0.9m  compared  to
#2.2m  for  1996/7. The margin improvements of last year  were
maintained  and gross margins increased to 36.7%  from  35.1%.
Tight  controls  on  capital expenditure and  reduced  working
capital resulted in borrowings reducing by #7.7m to #39.7m  in
the past twelve months.


     After  a  promising  start there was a significant  sales
     slow  down in the second quarter. Turnover fell  8.3%  to
     #19.7m. Core market categories for Kenwood, such as  food
     processors  and  fryers  were weak,  however,  percentage
     gross margins showed an encouraging improvement.
     Ariete  performed  well; domestic turnover  increased  by
     2.0%  to  26.6 billion Lira (#9.3m) and exports  grew  by
     37.0%  to  22.1  billion Lira (#7.7m).  A  new  range  of
     kitchen appliances was launched at the end of the  period
     and  sales of the steam broom, Vapori, to the U.S.,  have
     been encouraging.
     Better  weather in Italy resulted in a sales increase  of
     50% in the rate of sell out in the domestic market, which
     contributed  to  a reduction in debtors. Working  capital
     was  reduced  to #6.1m compared to #10.2m at 3rd  October
     Overseas Subsidiaries
     In  France,  new  product launches and better  sales  mix
     resulted  in  a  significant improvement in contribution.
     Germany  also showed an improved contribution  over  last
     year,  but  remains a difficult market and  a  new  sales
     strategy  has been implemented. The subsidiaries  outside
     Europe  were  affected  by  the  economic  turmoil   with
     significant  sales declines recorded in Malaysia  (-52%),
     Singapore (-13%), South Africa (-11%) and New Zealand  (-
     Export Markets - Kenwood Distributors
     The  impact  of the increase of the strength of  sterling
     last year continued to hit sales, which were 20% down  at
     #12.4m.  Margins were maintained. Trading in  Russia  was
     severely  disrupted  by  the economic  downturn,  however
     Kenwood's  conservative  trading  policies  have  ensured
     minimal exposure to bad debt.  A change of distributor in
     the  largest export market, Australia, has resulted in  a
     temporary sales decline.

     Manufacturing & Product Sourcing


     Manufacturing employment was reduced by 129 to 674 in the
     six   months.   The  move  out  of  primary   engineering
     activities  has  been  successfully  completed.   Further
     models are currently being transferred to China.


     Third party manufacture in China rose to 29% from 26%  as
     the  Group's  policy  of outsourcing  more  product  took
     effect. Over capacity exists within the region and  as  a
     result cost prices are expected to continue to fall.


The  restructuring  programme, instigated in  1997,  is  being
* A  further reduction in the UK workforce was implemented  in
  May at a cost of #940k, involving 89 redundancies.
* Total worldwide employment has fallen by 646 to 2346 (-22%).
* Outsourcing European logistics is progressing.
* Excess property on the Havant site is for sale.
* We  anticipate  closing  or streamlining  a  number  of  our
  overseas sales subsidiaries.


Prospects  have materially worsened in the UK since mid-summer
with  declining consumer confidence resulting in reduced sales
and  destocking by certain customers.  Much will depend on the
Christmas  season  although the Group is not anticipating  any

After a strong first half in Italy, the outlook for the second
half  is less buoyant. France continues to improve. There  is,
however, no prospect of an early recovery in the Asia  Pacific
or Eastern European markets.

In the light of these more difficult trading circumstances the
Board  anticipates  the disappointing market  conditions  will
continue  and  that profits for the second  half  will  be  no
higher  than  those made in the first half.  Consequently  the
Board   is  accelerating  its  strategy  to  move  away   from
vertically  integrated manufacturing and to focus  upon  brand
marketing.  As part of this strategy there will be a number of
important  product launches in the second half.  Additionally,
the  manufacture  of further products will be  transferred  to
China,  European  warehousing  is  being  outsourced  and  the
distribution structure streamlined.

Group Profit & Loss Account

                                     As restated  As restated
                           Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                         6 months to 6 months to      year to
                             2/10/98     3/10/97       3/4/98
                                #000        #000         #000

Continuing operations         73,362      80,380      168,371
Discontinued operations            -       1,085        1,966
                           _________   _________    _________
                              73,362      81,465      170,337

Cost of sales               (46,458)    (52,841)    (110,465)
                           _________   _________    _________
Gross profit                  26,904      28,624       59,872

Distribution costs          (14,465)    (14,837)     (34,518)
Administrative expenses      (7,686)     (7,350)     (13,314)
                           _________   _________    _________
                            (22,151)    (22,187)     (47,832)
                           _________   _________    _________
                               4,753       6,437       12,040

Other operating
 expenditure                 (1,564)     (1,812)      (1,745)
                           _________   _________    _________
Operating profit:
Continuing operations          3,189       4,412        9,935
Discontinued operations            -         213          360

                               3,189       4,625       10,295

Exceptional items:
- fundamental reorganisation   (105)     (1,791)      (3,713)
- profit on sale of operation     -           -          569

Bank interest receivable         37         126          603
Interest payable             (2,308)     (2,556)      (5,297)
                           _________   _________    _________
                             (2,271)     (2,430)      (4,694)
                           _________   _________    _________

Profit on ordinary
 activities before taxation     813         404        2,457

Tax on ordinary activities     (317)       (360)      (2,191)
                           _________   _________    _________

Profit attributable
 to members of the
 parent company                 496          44          266

Earnings per share             1.1 p       0.1 p        0.6 p
Fully diluted
 earnings per share            1.1 p       0.1 p        0.6 p

Group Balance Sheet

                                       As restated As restated
                            Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                              2/10/98      3/10/97     3/4/98
                                 #000         #000       #000
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets          36,261       39,778     37,058
Investments                     1,927        1,927      1,927
                            _________    _________  _________
                               38,188       41,705     38,985
                            _________    _________  _________
Current assets
Stocks                         31,860       31,149     32,203
Debtors                        48,416       52,781     45,776
Cash at bank and in hand       12,898       12,937     20,470
                            _________    _________  _________
                               93,174       96,867     98,449
                            _________    _________  _________
Creditors: amounts
 falling due
 within one year
Borrowings                   (51,991)     (58,881)   (54,598)
Trade and other creditors    (43,760)     (41,281)   (45,770)
                            _________    _________  _________
Net current liabilties        (2,577)      (3,295)    (1,919)
                            _________    _________  _________

Total assets less
 current liabilities           35,611       38,410     37,066
                            _________    _________  _________

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year
Borrowings                      (645)      (1,437)    (1,328)

Provisions for
 liabilities and charges       (119)        (455)    (1,153)
                            _________    _________  _________
                               34,847       36,518     34,585
                             ========     ========   ========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital         4,586        4,586      4,586
Share premium                  25,101       31,101     25,101
Special reserve                 2,180            -      2,180
Profit and loss account         2,980          831      2,718
                            _________    _________  _________
                               34,847       36,518     34,585
                             ========     ========   ========

Group Statement of Cash Flows
                           Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                         6 months to  6 months to    year to
                             2/10/98      3/10/97     3/4/98
                                #000         #000       #000

Operating profit               3,189        4,625     10,295
Depreciation                   3,565        3,845      7,090
Loss/(profit) on
 disposal of fixed assets        133            -       (74)
 in stock                      1,126      (1,949)    (4,529)
 in debtors                  (1,675)      (2,644)      4,828
 in creditors                (1,890)      (2,022)      2,232
                            ________     ________   ________
                               4,448        1,855     19,842
Cash outflow from
 exceptional items           (1,203)      (2,828)    (3,589)
                            ________     ________   ________

Net cash inflow/(outflow)
 from operating activities     3,245        (973)     16,253

Returns on investment and
servicing of finance         (2,315)      (2,199)    (4,686)

Taxation                       (644)        (394)    (3,477)

Capital expenditure          (2,525)      (2,907)    (4,539)

Acquisitions and disposals     (244)        (192)        646

Financing - (increase)/
 decrease in debt            (3,736)        (967)     33,446
                            ________     ________   ________
 in cash in the period       (6,219)      (7,632)     37,643
                            ________     ________   ________
Reconciliation to net debt
 in cash in the period       (6,219)      (7,632)     37,643
Cash outflow/(inflow)
 from decrease/(increase)
in debt and lease financing    3,736          967   (33,446)
                            ________     ________   ________

Change in net debt
 resulting from cash flows   (2,483)       (6,665)     4,197
Translation difference       (1,799)          924      1,987
                            ________     ________   ________
Movement in net debt
 in the period               (4,282)      (5,741)      6,184
Opening net debt            (35,456)     (41,640)   (41,640)
                            ________     ________   ________
Closing net debt            (39,738)     (47,381)   (35,456)
                            ________     ________   ________

Turnover & Segmental Analysis

                           Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                         6 months to  6 months to    year to
                             2/10/98      3/10/97     3/4/98
                                #000         #000       #000
Turnover by destination:
Sales to third parties
United Kingdom                20,889      22,889      46,337
Continental Europe            36,725      38,271      85,748
Rest of the World             15,748      20,305      38,252
                            ________    ________    ________
                              73,362      81,465     170,337
                             =======     =======     =======

Turnover by origin:
United Kingdom                35,348      42,563      86,073
Continental Europe            37,806      35,194      82,289
Rest of the World             19,364      27,447      53,297
                            ________    ________    ________
                              92,518     105,204     221,659
                             =======     =======     =======

Inter-segment sales:
United Kingdom                 4,034       5,698      12,109
Continental Europe            10,969      10,749      26,100
Rest of the World              4,153       7,292      13,113
                            ________    ________    ________
                              19,156      23,739      51,322
                             =======     =======     =======

Sales to Third parties:
United Kingdom                31,314      36,865      73,964
Continental Europe            26,837      24,445      56,189
Rest of the World             15,211      20,155      40,184
                            ________    ________    ________
                              73,362      81,465     170,337
                             =======     =======     =======

1 Consolidated profit & loss account (before FRS12 adjustment)

                           Unaudited     Unaudited
                         6 months to   6 months to   Year to
                             2/10/98       3/10/97    3/4/98
                                #000          #000      #000

Continuing operations         73,362        80,380   168,371
Discontinued operations            -         1,085     1,966
                            ________      ________  ________
                              73,362        81,465   170,337

Cost of sales                (46,458)      (52,841) (110,465)
                            ________      ________  ________
Gross profit                  26,904        28,624    59,872

Distribution costs           (14,465)      (14,837)  (34,518)
Administrative expenses       (7,686)       (7,350)  (13,314)
                            ________      ________  ________
                             (22,151)      (22,187)  (47,832)
                            ________      ________  ________
                               4,753         6,437    12,040

Other operating expenditure   (1,564)       (1,812)   (1,745)
                            ________      ________  ________
Operating profit:
Continuing operations          3,189         4,412     9,935
Discontinued operations            -           213       360

                               3,189         4,625    10,295

Exceptional items:
- profit on sale of operation      -             -       569

Bank interest receivable          37           126       603
Interest payable              (2,308)       (2,556)   (5,297)
                              ________      ________  ________
                              (2,271)       (2,430)   (4,694)
                               ________      ________  ________

Profit on ordinary
 activities before taxation      918         2,195     6,170

Tax on ordinary activities      (358)         (549)   (2,191)
                                ________      ________  ________
Profit attributable
 to members
of the parent company            560        1,646      3,979

Earnings per share               1.3 p        3.7 p      9.0 p

Fully diluted
 earnings per share              1.3 p        3.7 p      9.0 p

Notes continued

2    Due to the implementation of FRS12, (Provisions and
     Contingencies), the financial statements in respect of
     the previous year have been restated by way of a prior
     year adjustment.  The impact on the results for the
     current period is immaterial.

3    The interim financial statements are unaudited and do not
     constitute full accounts within the meaning of the
     Companies Act 1995.  Figures for the financial year to 3
     April 1998 have been extracted from the financial
     statements which have been delivered to the Registrar of
     Companies on which the Auditors have given an unqualified

4    Except for the effects of the implementation of FRS 12
     explained in Note 1 above the financial statements have
     been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set
     out in the Group's 1998 statutory accounts.

5    A copy of the announcement will be sent to shareholders,
     additional copies can be obtained from the Company
     Secretary, Kenwood Appliances Plc, New Lane, Havant,
     Hants PO9 2NH.



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