RNS No 6156k
30th June 1998
                    KENWOOD APPLIANCES PLC
      Preliminary results for the year ended 3 April 1998

# million                               1997/98      1996/97

                                      170.3         203.2
Operating profit                                    
                                      10.3          8.8
Profit before exceptionals and tax                  
                                      5.6*          4.1
Exceptional items -operating                        
                  -non-operating      0.0           (0.9)
                                      0.6           (14.6)
Profit before tax                                   
                                      6.2           (11.4)
Net borrowings                                      
                                      35.5          41.6
Gross margins                                       
                                      35.2%**       32.4%
Earnings per share                                  
                                      8.7p          (29.3p)

* #9.6m at constant exchange rates
** 36.9% at constant exchange rates

David Nash, Chairman, said today:

"The  Kenwood recovery continues, with a 37% increase in  pre-
tax  profits  before exceptionals.  This was achieved  despite
the  continuing strength of sterling which reduced full year's
profits  by  #4m.  On a constant currency basis profits  would
have   been  134%  ahead.  Tight  cash  control  resulted   in
borrowings  reducing by #6.1m to #35.5m, after spending  #3.6m
on restructuring charges.

"Whilst these results are encouraging, there is still more  to
do  to  restore the Group to a stronger trading and  financial
position,  and,  at this stage, the Board is not  recommending
the payment of a dividend."

Colin Gordon, Chief Executive, said today:

"Following  my  appointment last year, I  announced  a  profit
improvement programme designed to improve margins,  lower  the
fixed  cost  base and reduce borrowings.  Since then,  margins
have  increased from 32.4% to 35.2%, the fixed cost  base  has
been  cut  by  #4.8m  and borrowings have  been  significantly

In addition a number of other issues have been addressed:

* Our workforce has been reduced by 19%;
* The  non  core  UK  printing business  was  sold  making  an
  exceptional profit of #0.6m;
* The  Group  has  exited  low added value  basic  engineering
  activities in the UK without disruption;
* Mizushi, the Italian air conditioning business, has achieved
  breakeven  and  significantly reduced  its  working  capital
  despite adverse weather conditions in Italy last Summer; and
* A Group marketing function has been established in line with
  our strategy of becoming an agile brand led business.

Trading in the first quarter in the two core businesses of the
UK  and  Ariete is satisfactory and in line with expectations.
However,   trading  in  export  markets  has   been   impacted
commercially  and  financially by the continuing  strength  of
sterling  and  the Far East crisis. Action has been  taken  to
reduce costs further but it will take some time to recover the
export sales which have been lost in the past year as a result
of   the   strength  of  sterling.  Nevertheless   the   Board
anticipates,  that  whilst  profits  in  the  first  half  are
expected  to be somewhat lower than last year, the  full  year
should   show   further  progress  in  the  Kenwood   recovery

For further enquiries:

Kenwood                          T: 0171 282 8000 (today only)
Colin   Gordon,Chief  Executive     01705 476 000(thereafter)

Citigate Communications            T: 0171 282 8000
Simon Rigby or Alex Brown

                    KENWOOD APPLIANCES PLC
Financial Results

Following a year of product rationalisation and a strong focus
on margins, sales for the year were #170.3m compared to
#203.2m last year. This represents a fall of 16%, of which
currency accounted for a reduction of nearly #16m (8%).

Profit before tax and exceptional charges was #5.6m (and would
have been #4.0m higher at constant exchange rates) compared to
#4.1m for 1996/7, an increase of 37% (134% at constant
currency). Margins improved from 32.4% to 35.2% as a result of
improved sales mix, manufacturing fixed cost reductions and
purchasing savings. Margins would have been 36.9% at constant
exchange rates.

The sale of Print 4, the UK printing business, resulted in an
exceptional profit of #0.6m.

Profit before tax was #6.2m compared to a loss of #11.4m in
1996/7. Earnings per share were 8.7p (1996/7 loss per share of

Whilst these results are encouraging, there is still more to
do to restore the Group to a stronger trading and financial
position. The Board is therefore not recommending a dividend
payment for the year 1997-98.


During the year net borrowings were reduced by #6.1m to #35.5m
after spending #3.6m of the restructuring charges provided in
1996/7. Stocks were #2.0m higher at the year-end, partially as
a result of the longer supply chain with more products being
sourced in China. Debtors were reduced by #7.2m, of which
Mizushi accounted for #4.1m.

Gearing was reduced from 129% to 105%.

Increased interest rates offset the impact of reduced
borrowings and as a result the net interest charge was only
slightly lower at #4.7m. Interest cover improved from 1.8 to
2.2 times.

Kenwood Recovery Programme

A profit improvement programme was introduced last year with
the objectives of improving margins, lowering the fixed cost
base and reducing borrowings. The results achieved in the past
year have been as follows: -

* Gross margins have increased from  32.4% to 35.2%;
* Fixed costs fell by #4.8m and at the year end the Group
  employed 534 fewer people than in March 1997 - a reduction of 19%;
* Borrowings were reduced by #6.1m at the year-end;
* In addition, a Group marketing function has been established
  in line with the strategy of becoming an agile brand-led

#9.9m of the exceptional charges taken in 1996/7 were for
fundamental restructuring of the business. In the year #3.6m
was spent primarily on redundancies and on reshaping the UK
manufacturing operation.

Trading Report


     Turnover fell by 15% reflecting a soft market in core
     Kenwood categories such as food processors, where the
     market declined by 11.5%. Overall Kenwood market share
     declined from 13.9% to 12.1%, partly as the result of
     rationalising the product range. There were share gains
     in the stand mixer, toaster and liquidiser categories.
     The strategy of focusing on profit rather than turnover
     resulted in the prior year's margin decline being
     reversed and a significant overall increase in gross
     margin being achieved.
     Italy - Ariete
     A strong performance was achieved with domestic sales
     increasing 13% to 73.9 billion lire (#26m) and exports
     increasing 26% to 23.3 billion lire (#8m). Market share
     in Italy grew 0.2% to 6.3%. Passi, the puree machine,
     maintained its sales at over 350,000 units. The most
     successful new product introduction in the Group was
     Vapori, a steam broom, which was launched in July 1997.
     Backed by television advertising in Italy, this product
     sold 260,000 pieces.
     Italy - Mizushi
      A breakeven position was achieved despite another poor
     summer for the portable air conditioning business which
     resulted in a further sales decline. Extended credit
     balances were reduced by one third to 8bn lire (#2.6m).
     Overseas Subsidiaries
     France, following the appointment of new supervisory
     management and the launch of the Passi showed a second
     half recovery, but Germany continued to disappoint and
     was hard hit by continuing difficult market conditions.
     South Africa, one of the more important Kenwood
     subsidiaries, performed well.
     In Asia Pacific, New Zealand had an excellent year, but
     the other subsidiaries still suffered as a result of the
     financial crisis. However, the Group's exposure to the
     Far East markets was limited to 7% of turnover.
     Third Party Distributors
     Export sales to third party distributors were hard hit in
     the second half of the year by the strength of sterling.
     For the full year turnover declined by 9.5% to #27.6m.
     Margins, however, were slightly better than in the
     previous year. Good growth was achieved in some of the
     larger markets, particularly Australia (+52%) and Israel


     A major transformation of the Havant plant has been
     commenced in the year, with the size of the facility cut
     by 50% and direct manufacturing headcount reduced by 28%
     to 671 employees.
     The lower added value basic engineering activities of die
     casting and metal stamping have been out sourced. "Build
     to order" capability was introduced on the high value
     Chef and new Cuisine mixer lines with the objective of
     driving down stock and increasing service levels.
     Negotiations are well advanced for the sale of the lease
     of a UK warehouse, which will close in September 1998.
     The Ariete operation is now a pilot plant for new
     products and the Mizushi plant has been further down
     sized to reflect the reduced trading levels.
     The transfer of the kettle production to China was
     successfully completed in May 1997 and the motor winding
     capacity was also increased during the year. Tricom
     turnover increased by 19% and now represents 28% of the
     Group's production. A partnership agreement was signed
     with a key supplier and a new food processor and the
     latest deep fryer sourced from this Company.


Trading in the first quarter in the two core businesses of the
UK and Ariete is satisfactory and in line with expectations.
However, trading in export markets has been impacted
commercially and financially by the continuing strength of
sterling and the Far East crisis. Action has been taken to
reduce costs further but it will take some time to recover the
export sales which have been lost in the past year as a result
of the strength of sterling. Nevertheless the Board
anticipates that whilst profits in the first half are expected
to be somewhat lower than last year, the full year should show
further progress in the Kenwood recovery programme.

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 3 April 1998

                                           1998        1997
                                          Total       Total
                                 Note     #'000       #'000
Turnover                            1
Continuing operations                   168,371     201,273
Discontinued operations                   1,966       1,920

                                        170,337     203,193
Cost of sales                          (110,465)   (137,272)
Gross profit                             59,872      65,921

Distribution costs                     (34,518)    (38,653)
Administrative expenses                (13,314)    (17,290)

                                       (47,832)    (55,943)
                                         12,040       9,978
Other operating expenditure             (1,745)     (2,018)

Operating Profit

Continuing operations                     9,935       7,784
Discontinued operatons                      360         176
                                         10,295       7,960
Exceptional items:
Continuing operations                         -    (14,575)
Discontinued operations                     569           -

Income from listed investments                -          57
Bank interest receivable                    603         358
Interest payable                        (5,297)     (5,159)
                                        (4,694)     (4,744)
Profit/(Loss) before taxation             6,170    (11,359)

Tax on profit on ordinary activities    (2,191)    (2,064)

Profit/(Loss) attributable to
 members of the parent Company            3,979    (13,423)

Dividends                                     -     (1,490)

Retained Profit/(Loss) for the year       3,979     (14,913)

Earnings/(Loss) per share                   8.7p      (29.3p)
Adjusted earnings per share                 9.0p        2.9p

Group Balance Sheet

                                         3 April     4 April
                                            1998        1997
                                           #'000       #'000
Fixed Assets
Tangible fixed assets                    37,809       41,571
Investments                               1,927        1,927
                                         39,736       43,498

Current Assets
Stocks                                   32,203       30,236
Debtors                                  45,776       52,960
Cash at bank and in hand                 20,470       20,652
                                         98,449      103,848

Creditors: amounts falling
 due within one year                  (103,046)   (107,996)

Net current liabilities                 (4,597)      (4,148)

Total Assets less
 Current Liabilities                     35,139       39,350

Creditors: amounts falling
 due after more than one year           (1,328)      (7,032)

Provision for Liabilities
 and Charges                               (55)        (121)
                                         33,756       32,197
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                   4,586        4,586
Share premium                            25,101       31,101
Special reserve                           2,180            -
Profit and loss account                   1,889      (3,490)
Shareholders' funds-equity interest      33,756       32,197

Group Statement of Cash Flows

                                         Year to     Year to
                                         3 April     4 April
                                            1998        1997
                                           #'000       #'000

Cash flow from operating activities      16,253      12,873

Returns on investment and
 servicing of finance                    (4,686)     (4,724)

Taxation                                 (3,477)     (2,147)

Capital expenditure                      (4,539)     (8,729)

Acquisitions and disposals                   646       (763)

Equity dividends paid                          -     (4,585)

Financing                                 33,446     (7,950)
Increase/(decrease) in cash
 in the period                            37,643    (16,025)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt (note 17)

Increase/(decrease) in
 cash in the period                       37,643    (16,025)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/
decrease in debt and lease financing     (33,446)     7,950
Change in net debt resulting
 from cash flows                           4,197     (8,075)
Net financing leases                           -           -
Translation difference                     1,987       4,273

Movement in net debt in the period         6,184     (3,802)
Net debt at 4 April 1997                 (41,640)   (37,838)

Net debt at 3 April 1998                (35,456)    (41,640)

1. Turnover and segmental analysis for the year ended 3rd
April 1998

                                      Year ended  Year ended
                                          3.4.98      4.4.97
                                           #'000       #'000

Turnover by destination:
Sales to third parties
United Kingdom                           46,337       54,806
Continental Europe                       85,748      105,263
Rest of the World                        38,252       43,124
                                       ________     ________
                                        170,337      203,193
                                       ________     ________

Turnover by origin:
United Kingdom                           86,073       96,358
Continental Europe                       82,289       98,916
Rest of the World                        53,297       57,250
                                       ________     ________
                                        221,659      252,524
                                       ________     ________

Inter-segment sales:
United Kingdom                         (12,109)      (9,412)
Continental Europe                     (26,100)     (25,569)
Rest of the World                      (13,113)     (14,350)
                                       ________     ________
                                       (51,322)     (49,331)
                                       ________     ________

Sales to third parties:
United Kingdom                           73,964       86,946
Continental Europe                       56,189       73,347
Rest of the World                        40,184       42,900
                                       ________     ________
                                        170,337      203,193
                                       ________     ________

The above accounts do not constitute full accounts within the
meaning of the Companies Act.  Full accounts to the year 3
April 1998, which have not yet been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies, will be circulated to shareholders.

The auditors have issued an unqualified audit report.

Copies of this announcement are available to members of the
public at the Company's registered office, New Lane, Havant,
Hampshire PO9 2NH.



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