22 December 2009 
                               INTANDEM FILMS PLC 
                   ("Intandem", the "Company" or the "Group") 
                     Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2009 
Intandem  (AIM:  IFM), a London based international film group, today  announced 
its preliminary results for the year ending 30 June 2009. 
·    Elimination of overdraft 
·    Staff costs down 50% 
·    Directors' remuneration reduced by 25% 
·    Sale of equity stake in Radical Publishing raising GBP450,000 in cash 
·    Appointment by US Financial institution to represent library of 13 new films 
·    Advanced stage negotiations for non-cash settlement of GBP5.7milliom loan 
Gary Smith, CEO of Intandem, commented: 
"I  am  pleased  to report that, despite market turmoil during the  period,  the 
actions taken by your Board, particularly post the year end, have resulted in  a 
substantial  reduction  of  overheads,  an  increase  in  the  number  of  films 
represented and the elimination of the bank overdraft. The Company  is  also  in 
advanced negotiations to eliminate a loan to the Company of GBP5.7million. 
"Since  the  year  end,  Intandem has been appointed by  a  US  based  financial 
institution  to  represent thirteen new films. These include  `Johnny  Mnemonic' 
(Keanu  Reeves), `I'll Sleep When I'm Dead' (Clive Owen) and `Nine  and  a  Half 
Weeks  2'  (Mickey Rourke). This appointment is a clear indication of  the  high 
professional  standing with which we are held by members  of  the  US  financial 
"We are entering the new financial year in a much stronger position and look  to 
the future with confidence - thank you to all our staff who have worked hard  to 
get us here." 
Intandem Films plc                      Tel: 020 7851 3800 
Gary Smith, Chief Executive 
Broker and Nominated Adviser            Tel: 020 7448 4400 
Antony Legge, Astaire Securities PLC 
Financial PR 
Bishopsgate Communications              Tel: 020 7652 3350 
Robyn Samuelson/Siobhra Murphy 
The Report and Accounts for the Year to 30 June 2009, including the notice of 
the Company's annual general meeting to be held at 114-116 Charing Cross Road, 
London, WC2H 0JR on 28 January 2010 at 12:00 noon, will be posted to 
shareholders on the 23 December 2009 and will be available from the Company's 
website www.intandemfilms.com. 
Chairman's Statement 
I  am  pleased  to  report that, despite market turmoil during the  period,  the 
actions taken by your Board, particularly post the year end have resulted  in  a 
substantial  reduction  of  overheads,  an  increase  in  the  number  of  films 
represented and the elimination of the bank overdraft.  The Company is  also  in 
advanced negotiations to eliminate a loan to the Company of GBP5.7million. 
Intandem  is  in a much stronger financial position coming out of the  recession 
which the Board believes will benefit the Company as it builds its portfolio  of 
films over the next 12 months. 
Turnover  reduced  from GBP1,166,000 to GBP616,410 primarily  as  a  result  of  the 
reduction of GBP365,000 in library sales. Operating losses increased from GBP633,591 
to  GBP991,593  caused  by  the reduction in turnover and non-cash  exchange  rate 
losses  of over GBP300,000 as a result in the change in the sterling value of  its 
US  loan. The employment costs actually reduced by almost GBP100,000 but there was 
a  GBP120,000  swing in the accounting cost of share option schemes. Pre-tax  loss 
rose to GBP1,906,679 from GBP1.38 million as the interest charges on the dollar loan 
increased as a result of weaker sterling. This resulted in a loss per  share  of 
2.29p compared with 1.66p in 2008. 
Action taken by the Board during the year and post the year end 
There  were  four  main areas on which the Directors focussed  -  these  include 
reducing  running costs, increasing working capital, increasing  the  number  of 
films  represented by Intandem and eliminating the outstanding  loan  -  all  of 
which are detailed below. 
Reduction in running costs 
The  skill in reducing overheads is to achieve significant results in such a way 
that  the  Company does not lose its efficiency. Intandem is primarily a  growth 
company and the Board has consistently remained focussed on continuing to  bring 
quality films into the Company for representation. 
At  the  same  time,  we  examined closely the total  cost  base,  ranging  from 
Directors'  and  staff costs, office overheads and professional advisors.  As  a 
result,  Directors'  cash  costs were reduced by 25% and  the  staff  costs  are 
running  at  50%  of  last  years' cost as a result of redundancies  and  salary 
reductions. The same skill level remains within the Company. 
After  the year end, the Company's office lease came up for renewal and we moved 
office in November 2009 at an annual cost saving of GBP30,000 (excluding an  eight 
month rent free period). 
Overall  approximately GBP300,000 has been taken out of the cost  base  since  the 
start  of  last  financial year and this should be reflected  in  the  operating 
results for the current financial year. 
Increase in working capital 
The  primary  goal was to eliminate the bank overdraft on the basis  that  banks 
were  under  pressure and when a company is at the mercy of banks, it  increases 
its  risk  profile. Therefore the Board took the decision to sell the  Company's 
equity  stake in the Los Angeles based comic book publisher, Radical  Publishing 
Inc  in  September 2009. It received approximatelyGBP450,000 cash for the  shares, 
representing a profit of approximately GBP300,000 which will be reflected  in  the 
current year's accounts. 
The Board is pleased to report that the Company has never breached its overdraft 
facility and has now eliminated the facility altogether. 
Chairman's Statement 
Increase the number of films represented 
Intandem  earns  fees  from  representing films and  commissions  on  all  sales 
generated.  During  the  year  to 30 June 2009, only  two  new  films  commenced 
production  although  the  Company has been appointed to  represent  many  other 
films.  The problem in the year to June was the tightening of financing  sources 
for  film  production  as a result of the credit crunch  which  meant  that  the 
production of films has been delayed. This is an industry-wide problem but there 
are  signs  that  the  sources  of funds for film  production  are  starting  to 
I am also pleased to report that since the year end, Intandem has been appointed 
by  a  US  based financial institution to represent a library of thirteen  films 
which  were previously managed by another film company. The films include Johnny 
Mnemonic  (Keanu  Reeves)  and  I'll Sleep When  I'm  Dead  (Clive  Owen).  This 
appointment  is a clear indicator of the high professional standing  with  which 
Intandem is held by members of the US financial community. 
The  Company has been appointed to represent some large US based films for which 
it  is  negotiating production finance. These include Your Perfect Angel, a  $25 
million  romantic  comedy  to be directed by Donald Petrie  (Miss  Congeniality, 
starring  Sandra  Bullock,  and How to Lose a Guy in  Ten  Days,  starring  Kate 
Hudson)  and  produced by Bill Mechanic (ex President of Twentieth Century  Fox) 
and Arnold Rifkin (former partner of Bruce Willis). 
Elimination of loan 
In  2006,  the Company took out a loan from a US based financial institution  to 
acquire five films at a cost of $9.63 million. The loan was secured against  the 
revenues of the five films and an interest reserve was established to cover  the 
estimated interest cost for the three year term of the loan. The interest on the 
loan,  which  has  been 15% for the last two years, had to  be  charged  to  the 
Group's  profit  and  loss account, even though it did not  affect  the  Group's 
operating cash position as it was paid from the interest reserve. 
The Board has examined several options to repay the loan and I am pleased to 
report we are currently in advanced negotiations with the financial institution 
for a non-cash settlement of this debt.  A further announcement will be made to 
shareholders in due course. 
While the losses reported in these financial statements are disappointing, I  am 
confident  about  what the future holds for Intandem.  The  Board  has  taken  a 
prudent  view  in  preparing  the accounts and has  provided  for  all  possible 
doubtful  debts and accrued for any deferred salary costs. Many of the costs  in 
these  accounts  are non-recurring, such as the high interest  cost  on  the  US 
dollar loan. 
I  am  very satisfied with the actions we have taken during the course of  these 
very difficult global trading conditions; I am confident these will result in  a 
much  stronger set of accounts starting with the six months ending  31  December 
I  would  like to thank all my Board colleagues and members of staff, both  past 
and  present,  for their excellent attitude, hard work and total belief  in  our 
strategy.  I  look forward to reporting improved results for the next  financial 
Shareholders   can   follow  the  Company's  progress   via   its   website   at 
Gary Smith 
21 December 2009. 
Consolidated and Company Balance Sheet 
as at 30 June 2009 
                                                     Group                  Company 
                                                2009        2008        2009        2008 
                                   Notes           GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment         10       3,237       3,010           -           - 
Investment in subsidiaries            11           -           -     223,152     223,152 
Financial assets                      12   2,006,676   1,790,335           -           - 
Intercompany loan                                  -           -   1,139,167     961,120 
                                           2,009,913   1,793,345   1,362,319   1,184,272 
Current assets 
Trade receivables                     13     257,212     330,774           -           - 
Other receivables                     13     237,076     405,578           1           1 
Cash and cash                         13     314,017     800,242           -           - 
                                             808,305   1,536,594           1           1 
Total assets                               2,818,218   3,329,939   1,362,320   1,184,273 
Equity and 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                 83,175      83,175      83,175      83,175 
Share premium                                840,314     840,314     840,314     840,314 
Merger reserve                               252,506     252,506           -           - 
Foreign exchange                              18,367       3,990           -           - 
Retained earnings                         (5,780,672) (3,618,003)   (255,396)   (197,292) 
                                          (4,586,310) (2,438,018)    668,093     726,197 
Deferred income                                    -       1,354           -           - 
Intercompany loan                                  -           -     157,876     157,876 
Convertible loan                      15     450,000     367,500     450,000     292,500 
Loan                                         181,785           -      50,000           - 
Loan note                             16   5,722,085   4,737,338           -           - 
                                           6,353,870   5,106,192     657,876     450,376 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other                       18   1,050,658     661,765      36,351       7,700 
                                           1,050,658     661,765      36,351       7,700 
Total liabilities                          7,404,528   5,767,957     694,227     458,076 
Total equity and                           2,818,218   3,329,939   1,362,320   1,184,273 
The  financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and  signed  on 
its behalf on 21 December 2009. 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 30 June 2009 
                                           2009       2008 
                                Notes         GBP          GBP 
Sales                                   210,664    575,100 
Executive producer fees                  59,788          - 
Commissions                             113,586     276,185 
Recoverable project costs               210,434     312,209 
Other income                             21,938       2,676 
                                        616,410   1,166,170 
Cost of sales 
Recoverable expenses                   (210,434)   (312,209) 
Amortisation of film asset             (126,156)   (517,146) 
Gross profit                            279,820     336,815 
Staff costs                     4      (329,638)  (295,341) 
Depreciation                             (2,283)   (13,203) 
Other external charges                 (939,492)  (661,862) 
Loss from operations            5      (991,593)  (633,591) 
Finance costs                   6      (925,407)  (785,558) 
Interest income                 7        10,321     39,308 
Loss before tax                      (1,906,679)(1,379,841) 
Income tax expense              8             -        - 
Loss for the year from               (1,906,679)  (1,379,841) 
continuing operations 
Loss per share 
Basic                                    (2.29)pence  (1.66)pence 
Diluted                                  (2.29)pence  (1.66)pence 
All  the  amounts derive  from 
continuing operations. 
Consolidated and Company Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 30 June 2009 
Group                         Share      Share     Merger   Foreign    Retained          Total 
                            Capital    Premium    Reserve  Exchange    Earnings 
                                  GBP          GBP          GBP         GBP           GBP              GBP 
Balance as at 1 July 2007    83,175    840,314    252,506     8,791  (2,124,338)      (939,552) 
Changes in equity for the 
year to 30 June 2008 
Exchange differences on           -          -          -    (4,801)          -         (4,801) 
translation of foreign 
currency balances 
Credit on issue of share          -          -          -         -     (113,824)     (113,824) 
Loss for the year                 -          -          -         -   (1,379,841)   (1,379,841) 
Total recognised income and       -          -          -    (4,801)  (1,493,665)   (1,498,466) 
expense for the year 
Balance as at 30 June 2008   83,175    840,314    252,506     3,990   (3,618,003)   (2,438,018) 
Changes in equity for the 
year to 30 June 2009 
Exchange differences on           -          -          -  (247,207)           -      (247,207) 
translation of foreign 
currency balances 
Credit on issue of share          -          -          -         -         5,594        5,594 
Loss for the year                 -          -          -         -    (1,906,679)  (1,906,679) 
Total recognised income and       -          -          -  (247,207)   (1,901,085)  (2,148,292) 
expense for the year 
Balance as at 30 June 2009   83,175    840,314    252,506  (243,217)   (5,519,088)  (4,586,310) 
Company                              Share    Share   Retained      Total 
                                   Capital  Premium   Earnings 
                                         GBP        GBP          GBP          GBP 
Balance as at 1 July 2007           83,175  840,314   (149,775)   773,714 
Changes in equity for the 
year to 30 June 2008 
Loss for the year                        -        -    (47,517)   (47,517) 
Total recognised income and              -        -    (47,517)   (47,517) 
expense for the year 
Balance as at 30 June 2008          83,175  840,314   (197,292)   726,197 
Changes in equity for the 
year to 30 June 2009 
Loss for the year                        -        -    (58,104)   (58,104) 
Total recognised income and              -        -    (58,104)   (58,104) 
expense for the year 
Balance as at 30 June 2009          83,175  840,314   (255,396)   668,093 
Consolidated and Company Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 30 June 2009 
                                           Group               Company 
                                      2009      2008       2009      2008 
                            Notes        GBP         GBP          GBP         GBP 
Cash flows from operating 
Cash (used in)/from          21    167,086   692,169   (178,849)  (84,600) 
operating activities 
Interest paid                     (925,407) (785,558)   (28,651)  (15,400) 
                                  (758,321)  (93,389)   207,500) (100,000) 
Cash flows from investing 
Purchases of property,              (2,510)   (1,775)         -         - 
plant and equipment 
Investment in film assets                -         -          -         - 
Investment in associate                  -   (75,120)         -         - 
Investment in subsidiary                 -         -          -         - 
Interest received                   10,321    39,308          -         - 
Net cash (used in)/from              7,811   (37,587)         -         - 
investing activities 
Cash flows from financing 
Net proceeds from financing  16          -         -          -         - 
of film assets 
Repayment of loan                        -   (54,161)         -         - 
Issue of new loan                  181,785 
Proceeds on issue of         15     82,500   175,000          -         - 
convertible loan notes 
Net cash from financing            264,285   120,839          -          - 
Net increase/(decrease) in        (486,225)  (10,137)         -          - 
cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents          800,242   810,379          -          - 
at beginning of year 
Cash and cash equivalents          314,017   800,242          -          - 
at end of year 
Bank balances and cash             314,017   800,242          -          - 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
for the year ended 30 June 2009 
1.   Presentation of financial statements 
   The  financial  statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
   Financial  Reporting Standards (IFRS) and with those parts  of  the  Companies 
   Act,  2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial reports 
   have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
   The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted 
   accounting  principles  requires  the use of estimates  and  assumptions  that 
   affect  the  reported amounts of assets and liabilities at  the  date  of  the 
   financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses  during 
   the  reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best 
   knowledge  of  the  amount, event or actions, actual  results  ultimately  may 
   differ from those estimates. 
   Accordingly,  the  directors  wish to draw attention  to  the  nature  of  the 
   production  of  feature films, which is a project related  business,  and  are 
   therefore  prone to postponements and cancellations of planned projects.   The 
   cash  forecast  of  the group builds upon the premise of a certain  number  of 
   production starts in the upcoming 12 months and therefore the ability  of  the 
   group  to generate income and cash flows is dependant on these projects coming 
   to  fruition.   Similarly,  the future income streams  of  recently  completed 
   films cannot be always be reliably ascertained at the Balance Sheet date,  but 
   management  has  a  reasonable expectation that the group will  have  adequate 
   resources  to continue its operations for the foreseeable future and therefore 
   provide  the necessary support to the company.  For this reason, the Directors 
   have  determined that the financial statements should continue to be  prepared 
   on the going concern basis. 
2. Accounting policies 
   The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below. 
   Basis of consolidation 
   The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements  of 
   the  Company  and enterprises controlled by the Company (and its subsidiaries) 
   and  are  made up to 30 June each year. Control is achieved where the  Company 
   has  the  power to govern the financial and operating policies of an  investee 
   enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its activities. 
   The  financial  statements  of  Intandem  Films  Plc  have  been  prepared  in 
   accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).  These 
   financial reports have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
   The  financial statements have been prepared under the merger accounting rules 
   as permitted under IFRS 3 - Business Combinations. 
   Where  necessary,  adjustments  are  made  to  the  financial  statements   of 
   subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with  those  used 
   by other members of the Group. 
   All   significant  intercompany  transactions  and  balances   between   Group 
   enterprises are eliminated on consolidation. 
   Revenue recognition 
   Revenue,  which excludes value added tax, represents executive producer  fees, 
   commissions and recoverable expenses. Revenue comprises the fair value of  the 
   consideration  received  or  receivable for the sale  of  goods  and  services 
   provided  in the ordinary course of the Company's activities. Revenue  derived 
   from the Company's principal activities is recognised as follows: 
   Executive  producer  fees  and  recoverable  expenses  are  recognised  on   a 
   receivable basis where the contract is signed. 
   Sales  commission is only recognised upon delivery of the film to the Company. 
   If   receipt  of  the  revenue  is  dependent  on  the  fulfilment  of  future 
   contractual  obligations, then revenue is not recognised  until  those  future 
   obligations have been fulfilled. 
   Interest  income  is accrued on a time basis, by reference  to  the  principal 
   outstanding and at the interest rate applicable. 
   Dividend  income from investments is recognised when the shareholders'  rights 
   to receive payment have been established. 
   Foreign currencies 
   Transactions  in  foreign currencies are initially recorded at  the  rates  of 
   exchange  prevailing  on the dates of the transactions.  Monetary  assets  and 
   liabilities  denominated  in such currencies are re-translated  at  the  rates 
   prevailing  on the balance sheet date. Profits and losses arising on  exchange 
   are included in the net profit or loss for the period. 
   The  charge  for current tax is based on the results for the year as  adjusted 
   for  items  which  are  non-assessable or disallowed. It is  calculated  using 
   rates  that  have been enacted or substantively enacted by the  balance  sheet 
   Deferred  tax  is  accounted  for using the liability  method  in  respect  of 
   temporary differences arising from differences between the carrying amount  of 
   assets  and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding  tax 
   basis  used  in the computation of taxable profit. In principle, deferred  tax 
   liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and  deferred 
   tax  assets  are  recognised to the extent that it is  probable  that  taxable 
   profits  will be available against which deductible temporary differences  can 
   be  utilised. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the  temporary 
   difference  arises from goodwill (or negative goodwill) or  from  the  initial 
   recognition  (other  than  in  a business combination)  of  other  assets  and 
   liabilities  in  a transaction which affects neither the tax  profit  nor  the 
   accounting profit. 
   Deferred  tax  liabilities  are recognised for taxable  temporary  differences 
   arising  on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interest in  joint 
   ventures,  except  where  the Group is able to control  the  reversal  of  the 
   temporary  difference  and it is probable that the temporary  difference  will 
   not reverse in the foreseeable future. 
   Deferred  tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply  when  the 
   asset  or  liability is settled. Deferred tax is charged or  credited  in  the 
   income  statement,  except  when  it relates  to  items  credited  or  charged 
   directly  to  equity, in which case the deferred tax is  also  dealt  with  in 
   Deferred  tax  assets and liabilities are offset when they  relate  to  income 
   taxes  levied by the same taxation authority and the Group intends  to  settle 
   its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis. 
   Property, plant and equipment 
   Fixtures   and  fittings  and  office  equipment  are  stated  at  cost   less 
   accumulated depreciation. 
   Depreciation  is  charged so as to write off the cost or valuation  of  assets 
   over  their  estimated useful lives, using the straight-line  method,  on  the 
   following bases: 
      Fixtures and fittings    25% 
      Office equipment   25% 
   The  assets'  residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and  adjusted  if 
   appropriate,  at  each  balance  sheet date. An  asset's  carrying  amount  is 
   written  down  immediately to its recoverable amount if the  asset's  carrying 
   amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. 
   Gains  and  losses  on  disposals are determined  by  comparing  the  disposal 
   proceeds with the carrying amount and are included in the income statement. 
   Leases  are  classified  as finance leases whenever the  terms  of  the  lease 
   transfer  substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the  lessee. 
   All other leases are classified as operating leases. 
   Rentals  under  operating  leases are charged to the  income  statement  on  a 
   straight-line basis over the period of the lease. 
   At  each  balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying  amounts  of  its 
   tangible  and  intangible assets with finite lives to determine whether  there 
   is  any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If  any 
   such  indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is  estimated  in 
   order  to  determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). Where  it  is 
   not  possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual  asset,  the 
   Group  estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit  to  which 
   the asset belongs. 
   If  the  recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated 
   to  be  less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash- 
   generating  unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. Impairment losses  are 
   recognised as an expense immediately. 
   Where  an  impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount  of  the 
   asset  (cash-generating  unit) is increased to the  revised  estimate  of  its 
   recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not  exceed 
   the  carrying  amount that would have been determined had no  impairment  loss 
   been  recognised  for  the  asset (cash-generating unit)  in  prior  years.  A 
   reversal  of  an  impairment loss is recognised as income immediately,  unless 
   the  relevant  asset  is  carried at a revalued  amount,  in  which  case  the 
   reversal  of  the  impairment  loss  is treated  as  a  revaluation  increase. 
   However, impairment losses relating to goodwill may not be reversed. 
   The  Group  classifies its investments depending on the purpose for which  the 
   investments  were  acquired. Management determines the classification  of  its 
   investment at initial recognition and re-evaluates this designation  at  every 
   reporting date. 
   The  fair value of unquoted investments is based on valuation techniques.  The 
   Group  assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence 
   that a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. 
   Financial instruments 
   The  Company classifies its financial instruments in the following categories: 
   at   fair  value  through  profit  or  loss,  held  to  maturity,  loans   and 
   receivables,  and  available-for-sale.   The  classification  depends  on  the 
   purpose   for  which  the  financial  instrument  was  acquired.    Management 
   determines  the  classification  of  its  financial  instruments  at   initial 
   recognition  and  re-evaluates this designation at each  financial  year  end. 
   When  financial  assets are recognised initially, they are  measured  at  fair 
   value,  being  the  transaction price plus directly  attributable  transaction 
   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
   Financial  assets  at fair value through profit or loss are  financial  assets 
   held  for  trading.   A  financial asset is classified  in  this  category  if 
   acquired  principally for the purpose of selling in the  short  term.   Assets 
   are  carried  in  the  balance sheet at fair value with  gains  or  losses  on 
   financial  assets  at  fair value through profit or  loss  recognised  in  the 
   income statement. 
   Loans and receivables 
   Loans  and  receivables  are non derivative financial  assets  with  fixed  or 
   determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market, do not  qualify 
   as  trading  assets and have not been designated as either fair value  through 
   profit  or  loss or available-for-sale.  Such assets are carried at  amortised 
   cost  using  the  effective  interest  rate  method.   Gains  and  losses  are 
   recognised  in  income  when  the loans and receivables  are  derecognised  or 
   impaired, as well as through the amortisation process. 
   Held to maturity investments 
   Non  derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed 
   maturity  are classified as held to maturity when the Company has the positive 
   intention  and ability to hold to maturity.  Held to maturity investments  are 
   carried at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.  Gains  or 
   losses  are  recognised  in  income when the  investment  is  derecognised  or 
   impaired,  as well as through the amortisation process.  Investments  intended 
   to be held for an undefined period are not included in this classification. 
   Available-for-sale financial assets 
   After initial recognition available-for-sale financial assets are measured  at 
   fair  value with gains and losses being recognised as a separate component  of 
   equity  until  the  investment is derecognised  or  until  the  investment  is 
   determined  to  be  impaired  at  which  time  the  cumulative  gain  or  loss 
   previously reported in equity is included in the income statement. 
   The  fair  value  of  unquoted investments is based on  appropriate  valuation 
   techniques.  These include using recent arm's length transactions,  discounted 
   cash  flow  analysis and pricing models.  Otherwise assets will be carried  at 
   The  Company  assesses at each balance sheet date whether there  is  objective 
   evidence  that a financial asset or a group of financial assets  is  impaired. 
   If  there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on an unquoted  equity 
   instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot  be 
   reliably  measured has been incurred, the amount of the loss  is  measured  as 
   the  difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present  value  of 
   estimated  future cash flows discounted at the current market rate  of  return 
   for a similar financial asset. 
   Impairment of non-financial assets 
   Non-current assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or  changes  in 
   circumstances  indicate that the carrying amount may not be  recoverable.   An 
   impairment  loss  is recognised for the amount by which the  asset's  carrying 
   value  exceeds its recoverable amount.  The recoverable amount is  the  higher 
   of  an  asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use.  Value in  use 
   is  based on the present value of the future cash flows relating to the asset. 
   For  the  purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at  the  lowest 
   levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows. 
   Impairment of financial assets 
   Available-for-sale financial assets 
   If  an  available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, an  amount  comprising 
   the  difference between its cost and its fair value is transferred from equity 
   to  the  income  statement.   Any  reversal of  an  impairment  of  an  equity 
   instrument  classified as available-for-sale is not recognised in  the  income 
   Assets carried at amortised cost 
   If  there  is  objective  evidence  that  an  impairment  loss  on  loans  and 
   receivables  carried at amortised cost has been incurred, the  amount  of  the 
   loss  is  measured as the difference between the asset's carrying  amount  and 
   the  present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the  financial 
   asset's  original effective interest rate.  The carrying amount of  the  asset 
   is reduced, with the amount of the loss recognised in administration costs. 
   If  in  a  subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases  and 
   the  decrease  can  be  related objectively to an event  occurring  after  the 
   impairment  charge was recognised, the previously recognised  impairment  loss 
   is  reversed.  Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognised  in 
   the  income statement, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does 
   not exceed its amortised cost at the reversal date. 
   Assets carried at cost 
   If  there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on an unquoted  equity 
   instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot  be 
   reliably  measured, has been incurred, the amount of the loss is  measured  as 
   the  difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present  value  of 
   estimated  future cash flows discounted at the current market rate  of  return 
   for a similar financial asset. 
   Trade receivables 
   Trade  receivables are recognised initially at fair value less  provision  for 
   impairment.  A  provision for impairment of trade receivables  is  established 
   when  there  is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to  collect 
   all amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. The amount  of 
   the  provision is the difference between the asset's carrying amount  and  the 
   present  value  of  estimated future cash flows, discounted at  the  effective 
   interest  rate.  The  amount  of the provision is  recognised  in  the  income 
   Cash and cash equivalents 
   Cash  and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. Cash  and 
   cash  equivalents  comprise cash in hand, deposits held at  call  with  banks, 
   other  short term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three 
   months  or  less,  and  bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are  included  within 
   borrowings in current liabilities on the balance sheet. 
   Borrowings  are  recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction  costs 
   incurred.   Borrowings  are  subsequently  stated  at  amortised   cost.   Any 
   difference  between  proceeds (net of transaction costs)  and  the  redemption 
   value  is recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings 
   using the effective interest rate method. 
   Borrowings  are  classified as current liabilities unless  the  Group  has  an 
   unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at  least  twelve 
   months after the balance sheet date. 
   Trade payables 
   Trade payables are stated at their nominal value. 
   Equity instruments 
   Equity instruments are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct  issue 
   Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a  result 
   of  a  past  event which it is probable will result in an outflow of  economic 
   benefits that can be reasonably estimated. 
   Share based compensation 
   The  fair  value  of  employee share option schemes is measured  by  a  Black- 
   Scholes  pricing model. Further details are set out in note 14. In  accordance 
   with  IFRS  2  `Share-based Payments', the resulting cost is  charged  to  the 
   income  statement  over the vesting period of the options. The  value  of  the 
   charge is adjusted to reflect expected and actual levels of options vesting. 
   The  Group  operates an equity-settled, long term incentive plan  designed  to 
   align  management interests with those of shareholders. The fair value of  the 
   employee's  services  received in exchange for the grant  of  the  options  is 
   recognised  as  an expense. The total amount to be expensed over  the  vesting 
   period  is  determined by reference to the fair value of the options  granted, 
   excluding  the  impact  of  any non-market vesting  conditions  (for  example, 
   pro?tability  and  sales  growth targets). Non-market vesting  conditions  are 
   included  in  assumptions about the number of options  that  are  expected  to 
   become  exercisable.  At  each  balance sheet date,  the  entity  revises  its 
   estimates  of  the number of options that are expected to become  exercisable. 
   It  recognises the impact of the revision of original estimates,  if  any,  in 
   the  income statement, and a corresponding adjustment to equity. The  proceeds 
   received  net of any directly attributable transaction costs are  credited  to 
   share  capital  (nominal  value)  and  share  premium  when  the  options  are 
   Financial risk management 
   The  Group  uses  a limited number of financial instruments, comprising  cash, 
   short-term  deposits,  bank loans and overdrafts and  various  items  such  as 
   trade  receivables  and payables, which arise directly  from  operations.  The 
   Group does not trade in financial instruments. 
   Financial risk factors 
   The  Group's  activities expose it to a variety of financial  risks:  currency 
   risk,  credit  risk,  liquidity risk and cash  ?ow  interest  rate  risk.  The 
   Group's  overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability  of 
   financial  markets  and  seeks to minimise potential adverse  effects  on  the 
   Group's financial performance. 
   a) Currency risk 
   The  Group  operates internationally and is exposed to foreign  exchange  risk 
   arising  from  various currency exposures, primarily with respect  to  the  UK 
   pound  and  US  dollar.  Foreign exchange risk arises from  future  commercial 
   transactions,  and  recognised assets and liabilities. Foreign  exchange  risk 
   arises   when   future  commercial  transactions  or  recognised   assets   or 
   liabilities  are denominated in a currency that is not the Group's  functional 
   b) Credit risk 
   The  Group  has no significant concentrations of credit risk and has  policies 
   in  place  to  ensure  that sales are made to customers  with  an  appropriate 
   credit history. 
   c) Liquidity risk 
   Prudent  liquidity  risk management implies maintaining  sufficient  cash  and 
   available  funding through an adequate amount of committed credit  facilities. 
   The  Group  ensures  it  has adequate cover through the availability  of  bank 
   overdraft and loan facilities. 
   d) Cash flow interest rate risk 
   The  Group  finances its operations through a mix of cash  flow  from  current 
   operations  together  with  cash on deposit and  bank  and  other  borrowings. 
   Borrowings are generally at floating rates of interest and no use of  interest 
   rate swaps has been made. 
   Fair value estimation 
   The  nominal value less impairment provision of trade receivables and payables 
   are  assumed  to  approximate their fair values. The fair value  of  financial 
   liabilities  for  disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting  the  future 
   contractual  cash flows at the current market interest rate that is  available 
   to the Group for similar financial instruments. 
3. Segmental reporting 
   The  Group  is  organised  into  four  main  business  segments:  Film  sales, 
   Executive producer fees, Sales commission and Recoverable project costs. 
   Primary reporting format - business segments 
    2009              Film   Executive        Sales     Recoverable  Unallocated       Total 
                     sales    producer  commissions    project cost                    Group 
                         GBP           GBP            GBP               GBP            GBP           GBP 
    Revenue        210,664      59,788      113,586         210,434       21,938     616,410 
    Operating       84,508      59,788      113,586               -   (1,249,473)   (991,593) 
    Interest             -           -            -               -     (925,407)   (925,407) 
    Interest             -           -            -               -       10,321      10,321 
    Profit/(loss)   84,508      59,788      113,586               -   (2,164,559) (1,906,679) 
    before tax 
    Income tax           -           -            -               -            -           - 
    Profit/(loss)   84,508      59,788      113,586               -   (2,164,559) (1,906,679) 
    for the year 
    Segment assets                                                     2,818,218   2,818,218 
    Segment                                                            1,050,658   1,050,658 
    Other segment 
    Capital                                                                2,510       2,510 
    Depreciation                                                           2,283       2,283 
    Other non cash                                                         5,594       5,594 
   Primary reporting format - business segments 
    2008              Film   Executive        Sales     Recoverable  Unallocated       Total 
                     sales    producer  commissions    project cost                    Group 
                         GBP           GBP            GBP               GBP            GBP           GBP 
    Revenue        575,100           -      276,185         312,209        2,676   1,166,170 
    Operating      257,954           -      276,185               -   (1,167,730)   (633,591) 
    Interest             -           -            -               -     (785,558)   (785,558) 
    Interest             -           -            -               -       39,308      39,308 
    Profit/(loss)  257,954           -      276,185               -   (1,913,980) (1,379,841) 
    before tax 
    Income tax           -           -            -               -            -           - 
    Profit/(loss)  257,954           -      276,185               -   (1,913,980) (1,379,841) 
    for the year 
    Segment assets                                                     3,529,939   3,529,939 
    Segment                                                              661,765     661,765 
    Other segment 
    Capital                                                                 1,775      1,775 
    Depreciation                                                           13,203     13,203 
    Other non cash                                                              -          - 
   Unallocated costs represent corporate expenses. 
   Segment  assets  include  property,  plant  and  equipment,  receivables   and 
   operating cash. 
   Segment  liabilities  comprise  operating liabilities  and  exclude  corporate 
   Capital expenditure comprises additions to property, plant and equipment. 
   Secondary reporting format - geographic segments 
   The  Group  manages its geographic segments on a global basis. The UK  is  the 
   home country of the parent. 
                                              2009        2008 
                                                 GBP           GBP 
    Revenue                                616,410   1,166,170 
    Assets                               2,818,218   3,529,939 
    Capital expenditure                      2,510       1,775 
4. Staff costs 
   Staff costs for the Group during the year: 
                                              2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Wages and salaries                     309,428   368,297 
    Social security costs                   14,616    40,868 
    Cost of employee share schemes           5,594  (113,824) 
    Total staff costs                      329,638   295,341 
   The  average number of people (including executive directors) employed by  the 
   Group during the year was: 
                                              2009      2008 
                                               No.       No. 
    Head office and administration               9        10 
5. Loss from operations 
   Loss from operations has been arrived at after charging: 
                                              2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Depreciation                             2,283    13,203 
    Auditors' remuneration 
       Audit services                       13,927    16,424 
       Other services                          895       989 
   The other services comprises tax compliance work (year ended 30 June 2008: 
   tax compliance work). 
6. Finance costs 
                                              2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Interest paid on bank overdrafts and   925,407   785,558 
7. Interest income 
                                              2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Interest on bank deposits               10,321    39,308 
8. Income tax expense 
                                              2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Current tax                                  -         - 
    Deferred tax (note 17)                       -         - 
    Taxation attributable to the Company         -         - 
    and its subsidiaries 
   Domestic  income tax is calculated at 30 per cent of the estimated  assessable 
   profit for the year. 
   The  charge  for  the  year can be reconciled to the  profit  per  the  income 
   statement as follows. 
    Group                                    2009    %        2008     % 
                                                GBP                GBP 
    Loss before tax                    (1,906,679)      (1,379,841) 
    Tax on the domestic income tax       (572,004)  30    (413,952)   30 
    rate of 30% (2008:30%) 
    Tax effect of: 
    - expenses that are not                 4,495            3,133 
    deductible in determining 
    taxable profit 
    - charge in respect of options          1,678                - 
    and warrants issued during the 
    - losses carried forward to           565,831           410,819 
    future years 
    Tax expense and effective tax               -     -           -    - 
    rate for the year 
9. Loss per share 
                                                 2009        2008 
                                                    GBP           GBP 
    Loss for the purpose of basic loss    (1,906,679)  (1,379,841) 
    per share 
    Loss for the purpose of diluted loss  (1,906,679)  (1,379,841) 
    per share 
    Number of shares                            2009         2008 
                                                 No.          No. 
    Weighted average number of ordinary 
    - for the purposes of basic loss per  83,175,000   83,175,000 
    - for the purposes of diluted loss    83,175,000   83,175,000 
    per share 
10.Property, plant and equipment 
    Group                         Fixtures   Office 
                                       and   equipm    Total 
                                  fittings      ent        GBP 
                                         GBP        GBP 
    At 1 July 2008                  39,825   12,989   52,814 
    Additions                            -    2,510    2,510 
    Disposals                            -        -        - 
    At 30 June 2009                 39,825   15,499   55,324 
    Accumulated depreciation 
    At 1 July 2008                  38,929   10,875   49,804 
    Charge for the year                709    1,574    2,283 
    Disposals                            -        -        - 
    At 30 June 2009                 39,638   12,449   52,087 
    Carrying amount 
    At 30 June 2009                    187    3,050    3,237 
    At 1 July 2008                     896    2,114    3,010 
11.Investments in subsidiaries 
                                Group           Company 
                             2009      2008    2009     2008 
                                GBP         GBP       GBP        GBP 
    Shares in subsidiary 
    At 1 July                   -         - 223,152  223,152 
    Additions                   -         -       -        - 
    At 30 June                  -         - 223,152  223,152 
   Details of the Company's subsidiaries at 30 June 2009 are as follows: 
    Name of           Place of    Proporti Proport  Principal 
    subsidiary        incorporati on of    ion of   activity 
                      on and      ownershi voting 
                      operation   p        power 
                                  interest held 
    Intandem          England &   100      100      Film sales & 
    Pictures Ltd      Wales                         marketing 
    Intandem          England &   100      100      Dormant 
    Entertainment     Wales                         company 
    Intandem Film     USA         100      100      Film rights 
    fund 1 LLC                                      ownership 
12.Financial Assets 
                                    Group           Company 
                                2009        2008    2009     2008 
                                   GBP           GBP       GBP        GBP 
    Available-for-sale       150,717     150,717       -        - 
    At fair value through  1,855,959   1,639,618       -        - 
    profit and loss 
                           2,006,676   1,790,335       -        - 
   Available-for-sale financial assets consist of investment in unquoted  shares, 
   which by their nature have no fixed maturity date or coupon rate. 
   Financial  assets  held  at  fair  value  through  profit  and  loss  comprise 
   ownership of films, all of which are denominated in US dollars. 
Post Balance Sheet Event 
Since  30 June 2009, the above available-for-sale financial assets include a  10% 
stake in Radical Publishing Inc which makes up the majority of available-for-sale 
financial  assets and was disposed on 11 September 2009 for a total consideration 
of  $750,000.  The stake was originally acquired in two equal instalments in July 
2007  and January 2008 for a total cost of GBP150,617 ($300,000).  As a result  the 
disposal represents a profit of approximately GBP300,000 on the investment. 
Intandem  will  continue  its  close working relationship  with  Radical  and  is 
developing a number of films based on its intellectual property. 
13.Other financial assets 
                                         2009      2008 
                                            GBP         GBP 
    Trade receivables                 257,212   330,774 
    Other receivables: 
         Recoverable sales and         82,746   231,848 
         marketing expenses 
         Pre production advances       89,340    87,429 
         Rent deposit                  34,300    34,300 
         Prepayments                   20,314    20,314 
         Other debtors                 10,376    31,687 
                                      237,076   405,578 
   The   directors  consider  that  the  carrying  amount  of  trade  and   other 
   receivables approximates their fair value. 
   Bank  balances  and  cash comprise cash and short-term deposits  held  by  the 
   Group  treasury  function.  The carrying amount of these  assets  approximates 
   their fair value. 
   Credit risk 
   The  Group's  credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade  receivables. 
   The  amounts  presented  in the balance sheet are net of  any  allowances  for 
   doubtful  receivables,  estimated by the Group's  management  based  on  prior 
   experience and the current economic environment. 
   The  credit  risk  on  liquid funds is limited because the counterparties  are 
   banks  with  high  credit  ratings  assigned  by  international  credit-rating 
14.Share-based payment 
   At  30  June 2009, options over 16,100,000 ordinary shares under the  Intandem 
   Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) Plan were outstanding. 
      Date       At       Granted   Exercised  Forfeited         At      Exercise/      Exercise/ 
        of   1 July                 /vested                 30 June    Share price   Vesting date 
     grant     2008                                            2009                  From        To 
  01.05.09       -     16,100,000           -          -  16,100,000        0.84p  01.05.12   01.05.19 
                 -     16,100,000           -          -  16,100,000 
   Employee share options 
   Options  over  shares  in  the Company are awarded to eligible  employees  and 
   directors of the Group. There are no employees of the Company, Intandem  Films 
   Plc, and any share option cost is charged to Intandem Pictures Limited. 
   The options exercise period commences on the third anniversary of the date  of 
   the  grant of the option and ends on the day which is the day before the tenth 
   such  anniversary. Exceptionally, and subject to the discretion of the  Board, 
   options  may  be  exercised earlier than three years following  grant  on  the 
   cessation of the option holder's employment. 
   For  options  granted  on 01 May 2009 no option may be  exercised  unless  the 
   profit before tax as disclosed in the published consolidated accounts for  any 
   one  of  the financial years ending 30 June 2010, 30 June 2011, 30 June  2012, 
   30 June 2013 is greater than GBPNIL. 
   The  estimated fair value of each option granted in the EMI share option  plan 
   was  calculated  by  applying  the Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model.  The 
   assumptions used in the calculation were as follows: 
    Date of grant                           01 May 2009 
    Share price at grant                     0.84 pence 
    Exercise price                           0.84 pence 
    Number of employees                               9 
    Shares under option                      16,100,000 
    Expected volatility                            169% 
    Expected dividend                               Nil 
    Contractual life                           10 years 
    Risk free rate                                   1% 
    Estimated fair value                      GBP0.008339 
    of each option 
   Further details of the share option plan are as follows: 
    Group                            2009                    2008 
                               Number    Weighted      Number   Weighted 
                                   of     average          of    average 
                              options     price GBP     options   price GBP 
    Outstanding at the              -           -   8,950,000    0.0387 
    start of the period 
    Granted during the     16,100,000      0.0084           -         - 
    Forfeited                       -           -  (8,950,000)   0.0387 
    Exercised                       -           -           -         - 
    Outstanding at the     16,100,000      0.0387           -         - 
    end of the period 
    Exercisable at the              -           -           -         - 
    end of the period 
   Expenses charged to the profit and loss in the year in respect of share  based 
   payments are as follows: 
                                Group           Company 
                             2009        2008    2009     2008 
                                GBP           GBP       GBP        GBP 
Expenses arising from: 
- share option plans         5,594     60,514       -        - 
-Reversal of lapsed              -   (174,338)      -        - 
    share options 
    - issue of share             -        -         -        - 
    option warrants 
15.Convertible loan notes 
   During  the  year  ended 30 June 2009 the Company repaid all convertible  loan 
   notes  issued previously and has issued new convertible loan notes of GBP450,000 
   of  unsecured,  non-transferable convertible loan notes to one  investor,  the 
   details of which are as follows: 
   -the  loan  notes  may  be irrevocably converted in full into  10,000,000  new 
     ordinary shares of the Company, or a lower amount pro rata at a price of 4.5 
     pence, at any time other than the Company's close periods in each year until 
     31 December 2011. 
   -interest  is  payable  on the loan notes at 6% per annum (was  originally  8% 
     until 1 December 2008). 
   -any  new  shares  allotted on conversion will rank pari passu  with  existing 
     ordinary shares in issue other than for dividends declared and with a record 
     date prior to conversion. 
   -at  any  time  after 31 December 2009, the investor may request repayment  of 
     all  or  part  of the loan together with any interest due, upon  giving  one 
     complete calendar month's notice in writing to the Company. 
   -in  the  event  that part of the loan is repaid by the Company, the  investor 
     may  still elect to convert the outstanding balance into new ordinary shares 
     and  the number of new shares issued on conversion will reduce pro-rata from 
   -the  Company  may  repay  the loan at any time after 31  December  2011  upon 
     giving one complete calendar month's notice in writing to the investor. 
16.Loan notes 
   On  21  November  2006,  the Group issued loan notes of $7.2  million  secured 
   against  the  revenues of four new films. After deducting  the  costs  of  the 
   transaction  and the cost of the four films, cash released to  the  Group  was 
   $2.90  million  of  which $1.08 million was retained in  an  interest  reserve 
   account  and $1.75 million was available to the Group. No corporate guarantees 
   have been given in respect of repayment of the loan notes other than from  the 
   revenues from the four films acquired. 
   On  22  January  2007,  the Group issued loan notes of $2.43  million  secured 
   against  the  revenues  of  one new film. After deducting  the  costs  of  the 
   transaction  and  the cost of the film, cash released to the Group  was  $0.79 
   million  of  which $0.36 million was retained in an interest  reserve  account 
   and  $0.43  million was available to the Group. No corporate  guarantees  have 
   been  given  in  respect of repayment of the loan notes other  than  from  the 
   revenues from the film acquired. 
17.Deferred tax 
   At  the  balance  sheet  date, the Group has unused tax losses  of  GBP1,591,697 
   available for offset against future profits. No deferred tax assets have  been 
   recognised  in  respect of this amount due to the unpredictability  of  future 
   profit streams. 
18.Other financial liabilities 
   Trade  and  other  payables  principally  comprise  amounts  outstanding   for 
   purchases and ongoing costs. 
   The   directors   consider  that  the  carrying  amount  of   trade   payables 
   approximates to their fair value. 
19. Operating lease commitments 
   Lessee activity 
                                  Group           Company 
                                2009     2008    2009   2008 
                                   GBP        GBP       GBP      GBP 
    Minimum lease payments    65,881   64,342      -       - 
    under operating leases 
    recognised in loss for 
    the period 
   At  the  balance sheet date, the Group had outstanding commitments under  non- 
   cancellable leases, which fall due as follows. 
                                  Group           Company 
                                2009     2008    2009   2008 
                                   GBP        GBP       GBP      GBP 
    Within one year           42,145   61,750       -      - 
    In the second to fifth     6,885   36,637       -      - 
    years inclusive 
    After five years               -        -       -      - 
                              49,030   98,387       -      - 
   Operating  lease  payments represent rentals payable  by  the  Group  for  its 
   office property and equipment. 
   The  property rental lease is for a five year term and rentals are  fixed  for 
   the  term  of  the  lease.  The initial rent free period  is  amortised  on  a 
   straight line basis over the full term of the lease. 
   The  lease terms on office equipment is for three years and rentals are  fixed 
   for the term of the lease. 
20.Related party transactions 
   Directors' and executives' remuneration 
   Remuneration paid to directors and other members of key management during  the 
   year was as follows: 
                                  Group           Company 
                                2009     2008    2009   2008 
                                   GBP        GBP       GBP      GBP 
    Salaries                 162,505  261,466  11,200 11,200 
    Consultancy fees         132,533  171,850  13,200 13,200 
   Gary  Smith,  a  director  of the Company supplied services  to  the  business 
   through  his  company, Edge Venture Capital Limited.  The total value  of  his 
   services charged to the profit and loss account for the period ended  30  June 
   2009 amounted to GBP119,333 (year ended 30 June 2008: GBP142,650). 
   John  James, a non-executive director of the Company supplied services to  the 
   business.  The  total  value of his services charged to the  profit  and  loss 
   account  for the period ended 30 June 2009 amounted to GBP13,200 (year ended  30 
   June 2008: GBP13,200). 
   All  intergroup  transactions  between group enterprises  were  eliminated  on 
21. Note to the cash flow statement 
    Group                                     2009         2008 
                                                 GBP            GBP 
    Loss for the year                   (1,906,679)  (1,379,841) 
    Adjustments for: 
     - Finance expense/(income)            915,086      746,250 
     - Depreciation                          2,283       13,203 
     - Amortisation of financial asset     126,156      517,146 
    held for resale 
     - Movement in foreign exchange        395,043            - 
    Changes in working capital: 
     - Charge for share options/warrants     5,594     (113,824) 
    issued during the year 
     - Increase in trade and other         242,064      916,450 
     - Increase/(decrease) in trade and    387,539       (7,215) 
    other payables 
    Cash used in operations                167,086      692,169 
    Company                                   2009      2008 
                                                 GBP         GBP 
    Loss for the year                      (58,104)  (47,517) 
    Adjustments for: 
     - Finance expense/(income)             28,651    15,400 
    Changes in working capital: 
     - Increase in trade and other        (178,047)  (60,183) 
      - Increase/(decrease) in trade and    28,651     7,700 
    other payables 
    Cash used in operations               (178,849)  (84,600) 

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From Sep 2024 to Oct 2024 Click Here for more Intandem Films Charts.
Intandem Films (LSE:IFM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Oct 2023 to Oct 2024 Click Here for more Intandem Films Charts.