Kontich,   Belgium   -   London,   UK  -  16 May,  2011 -  Hansen  Transmissions 
International  NV ("Hansen",  "the Group"  or "the  Company") (LSE ticker 'HSN') 
today announces its results for the 3 months ended 31 March 2011 and for the 12 
months ended 31 March 2011. 
  * Revenue of 379 million EUR for the Continuing Group (wind gearboxes) is down 
    -15.7% vs. previous financial year, in line with guidance for the financial 
    year 2011 of approximately -15% revenue decrease 
  * EBITDA[1] margin for the Continuing Group was 10.0% of revenue compared to 
    9.3% the previous year reflecting the benefit of ongoing cost measures 
  * Net loss of -15.9 million EUR for the Group, compared to a net loss of -8.6 
    million EUR previous year 
  * Improved balance sheet with net financial debt[2] at 20.0 million EUR at 31 
    March 2011, down from 128.8 million EUR as at March 2010, driven by 
    divestment, working capital management and ongoing cash generation 
  * Divestment of the Industrial Gearbox business in March 2011 has resulted in 
    a significantly improved capital structure, better capacity utilization and 
    a strategic focus on wind energy 
  * New products pipeline growing with delivery of several multi-megawatt 
  * Continuing progress with diversifying product portfolio and customer base 
  * Outlook financial year 2012: 
      * Volatile wind turbine market results in limited short term visibility 
        for Hansen 
      * Hansen's current expectation for revenue growth for the financial year 
        2012 ranges between +5% and +15% compared to the financial year 2011 
[1] EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation 
[2]Net Financial Debt = Long and short term loans and borrowings minus cash and 
short-term deposits 
Alex De Ryck, CEO of Hansen commented: 
"Despite  the ongoing challenging environment, Hansen made important progress on 
its  strategic agenda in the 2011 financial  year, and managed its business with 
flexibility in response to changing customer needs and a changed market. 
Our  product portfolio  grew throughout  the year,  with the delivery of several 
prototypes for new wind turbine gearboxes which will begin production for serial 
delivery at various stages over the next 12 months. 
As a result of the divestment of the Industrial Gearbox business in March 2011, 
we  are  now  able  to  focus  all  our resources on further developing the wind 
gearbox business, which has a much larger potential global market, and to reduce 
some  of the overhead  costs associated with  excess capacity which has impacted 
profitability  in recent years. We will seek to maximise the use of our existing 
While  the outlook for revenue growth  remains uncertain, Hansen's balance sheet 
is  strong, margins are  improved and cash  generation is healthy. This, coupled 
with our diverse customer base and enhanced product pipeline, leaves Hansen in a 
strong industry position for both the short and the long term." 
The  wind  sector  globally  remains  impacted  by the challenging macroeconomic 
climate. Government subsidies, third-party financing and regulatory support have 
all  been affected and this  has resulted in increased  uncertainty for the wind 
industry.  The European and US wind markets  continue to work through the impact 
of  these  issues  and  the  situation  has been compounded by lower electricity 
demand in these markets, not currently supporting the wind industry. 
On  the other hand, the  Chinese and Indian markets  continue to outperform with 
successful local wind turbine manufacturers. Governments worldwide are reviewing 
their  long  term  energy  policies,  driven  by increasing gas and coal prices, 
increasing environmental awareness and the desire for security of energy supply. 
With  the  growth  that  we  can  see  in  these markets there are reasons to be 
positive,  however,  Hansen's  current  visibility  over the full financial year 
2012 remains limited. 
Hansen's  current expectation  for revenue  growth for  the financial year 2012 
ranges  between +5% and +15% compared to  the financial year 2011. This guidance 
will be updated quarterly. 
Our  confidence in the medium and  longer-term fundamentals of the wind industry 
remains unchanged and we continue to be well positioned with a growing portfolio 
of products and customers. 
Hansen will host an analyst presentation on the financial year 2011 results: 
With: Alex De Ryck, CEO 
      Jan Willem Ruinemans, CFO 
On:   Monday 16 May 2011 - 10.00 am UK 
At:   Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
      Merrill Lynch Financial Centre 
      2 King Edward Street 
      London EC1A 1HQ 
      Dial-in details: 
      Dial-in numbers:                  UK Direct:             0208 996 3920 
                                        International Direct:  +44 208 996 3920 
                                        Pass code:             899 655 
A replay of this analyst presentation will be available on the Investor 
Relations section of Hansen's website as from Monday evening 16 May 2011 on: 
The  full Annual Financial Report for  the financial year 2011 will be available 
as from 31 May 2011. 
Hansen will hold its annual shareholders' meeting for the financial year 2011 on 
30 June 2011 in Kontich, Belgium. 
The financial information reported in this release is presented in EUR 000 and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by  the European Union.  The full annual  report containing the 
Consolidated  Financial Statements for the  12 month period ended 31 March 2011 
including the Auditor's Report will be available and published on the website of 
Hansen  under  the  Investor  Relations  section  on  31 May 2011. The financial 
information in this report is in compliance with IFRS. 
               |    For the|% change|    For the   For the 3 |      %|For the 3 
               | year ended|        | year ended       months| change|    months 
               |   31 March|        |   31 March       period|       |    period 
               |       2011|        |       2010        ended|       |     ended 
               |           |        |                31 March|       |  31 March 
               |           |        |                    2011|       |      2010 
               +-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
               |  Unaudited|        |  Unaudited    Unaudited|       | Unaudited 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
CONTINUING     |     (EUR000)|        |     (EUR000)       (EUR000)|       |    (EUR000) 
GROUP          |           |        |                        |       | 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
Revenue        |    378,668|  -15.7%|    449,372       94,206|  +8.5%|    86,781 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
EBITDA [1]     |     37,855|   -9.3%|     41,756       10,340|  +2.5%|    10,082 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
EBITDA Margin  |      10.0%|        |       9.3%        11.0%|       |     11.6% 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
Net            |           |        |                        |       | 
Profit/(loss)  |           |        |                        |       | 
from continuing|           |        |                        |       | 
operations     |   (18,570)|       -|    (5,648)      (1,769)|      -|     1,692 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
Net            |           |        |                        |       | 
Profit/(loss)  |           |        |                        |       | 
from           |           |        |                        |       | 
discontinued   |           |        |                        |       | 
operations     |      2,675|       -|    (2,916)        (471)|      -|     (380) 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
Net            |           |        |                        |       | 
Profit/(loss)  |           |        |                        |       | 
Group          |   (15,895)|       -|    (8,564)      (2,240)|      -|     1,312 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
EPS            |           |        |                        |       | 
from continuing|           |        |                        |       | 
operations (in |           |        |                        |       | 
EUR)             |    (0.028)|        |    (0.008)      (0.003)|       |     0.002 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
EPS            |           |        |                        |       | 
from           |           |        |                        |       | 
discontinued   |           |        |                        |       | 
operations (in |           |        |                        |       | 
EUR)             |      0.004|        |    (0.004)      (0.001)|       |   (0.001) 
=--------------+-----------+--------+------------ -----------+-------+---------- 
Net financial  |           |        | 
debt[2] Group  |     19,953|    -85%|    128,798 
Purchase       |           |        | 
property, plant|           |        | 
& equipment    |           |        | 
Group          |     23,425|        |     79,321 
Headcount Group|      1,390|        |      2,193 
[1]EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
[2]Net Financial debt is calculated as long-term and short-term financial debts 
minus cash and short-term deposits 
(*) Note: divestment of Industrial Gearbox business in March 2011 
The Company applied IFRS 5 for discontinued operations in the annual accounts 
related to the completion of the disposal of the industrial gearbox division in 
March 2011. IFRS 5 discontinued operations was not applicable for the annual 
accounts of 31 March 2010. However in the annual accounts of 31 March 2011, the 
presentation of the comparative Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 
March 31, 2010 has been adjusted in accordance with IFRS 5 discontinued 
operations. The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement have not been 
adjusted in accordance with IFRS 5 discontinued operations. 
The  Group's results for financial year  2011 were significantly impacted by the 
volatility  and challenges  in the  wind market.  Revenue for the full financial 
year decreased 15.7% from the level achieved for the previous financial year, in 
line  with the Company's  guidance for the  financial year 2011 of approximately 
15% decrease in revenue. 
Cash  flow from operating activities was 100.5 million EUR in the financial year 
2011 for  the Group. Net  Working Capital decreased  by 64.1 million EUR for the 
Group  in  the  financial  year,  driven  by working capital efficiencies in the 
Continuing  Group and  28.0 million EUR  relating to  the conversion  of working 
capital to cash as part of the divestment of the industrial business. 
The  Hansen Group  invested 23.4 million  EUR in  property, plant  and equipment 
during  the financial year  which consisted entirely  of maintenance capex, much 
lower than the 79.3 million EUR investments in property, plant and equipment the 
previous  year as  Hansen continues  to maximise  existing capacity utilisation. 
Following the divestment of the Industrial Gearbox business in March 2011, there 
was  a  decrease  of  some  1,100 MW  of  available  wind  gearbox manufacturing 
capacity.  Net financial debt position stood  at 20.0 million EUR as at 31 March 
2011, compared with 128.8 million EUR a year earlier. 
Market update 
In  the calendar year 2010, new installations  of wind energy turbines worldwide 
reached  approximately 39,000 MW, representing  an increase of  some 3% over the 
installations  of  2009. Current  forecasts  by  BTM  (Source:  BTM  Consult Aps 
"International  Wind  Energy  Development  -  World  Market Update 2010" - March 
2011) anticipate an average annual growth rate of approximately 16% until 2015, 
with an annual additional capacity installed in 2015 of approximately 81,000 MW. 
Hansen's position 
Hansen  is one of  the world leaders  in multi-MW Wind  turbine gearboxes, has a 
strong position in Europe, the US and India and has continued to perform well in 
these markets. 
Despite  the challenging  market conditions  in financial  year 2011, Hansen has 
successfully  maintained its strong  position with its  clients. Hansen's client 
portfolio  however has lost market share with Chinese wind turbine manufacturers 
taking  an increasing share of the market. Hansen has intensified its client and 
product  diversification program  over the  last two  years to align itself with 
this market evolution and will continue to do so. 
In  March 2010, a  contract was  signed with  Sinovel, the  leading wind turbine 
supplier  in the  Chinese market,  for the  delivery of  gearboxes for  multi MW 
turbines.  The contract  with Sinovel  is currently  the principal  contract for 
Hansen  in China. The delivery of the first prototypes gearboxes for Sinovel was 
achieved  in the financial year 2011 and serial delivery has already begun in Q1 
of  financial year 2012. Hansen delivers these gearboxes out of its wind gearbox 
plant in Tianjin, China. 
We  have been working with two unnamed customers in China and the prototypes and 
initial  deliveries have now been made. However,  the Chinese market is seeing a 
consolidation  trend among  the larger  wind turbine  manufacturers, and  we are 
therefore  not  expecting  that  these  customers  will provide the Company with 
significant  volumes in the  near future. Hansen  continues to look  to grow its 
Chinese  customer  base  and  its  share  of  business  with  the larger Chinese 
manufacturers. We remain optimistic of further progress. 
In  addition to our  focus on continued  client diversification, Hansen has been 
working  intensively on  further developing  its wind  gearbox product portfolio 
with  new products to  be released to  the wind turbine  market in the short and 
medium term. 
The  product portfolio  grew throughout  the year,  with the delivery of several 
prototypes for new wind turbine gearboxes which will begin production for serial 
delivery at various stages over the next 12 months. 
The  new models for which prototypes have been delivered in financial year 2011 
include  multi-megawatt products such as a  6.15 MW offshore gearbox for REpower 
and a 3.0 MW gearbox for Sinovel in China. 
Several  other new products are in the prototype development phase and scheduled 
for serial delivery to our customers in the next 24 months. 
In  the  financial  year  2011, Hansen  invested  12.9 million EUR in Research & 
Development,  representing 3.4% of  revenue and  an increase  of +8% compared to 
11.9 million  EUR in the  financial year 2010. The  Group's intention is to keep 
the  level of Research & Development at  3% to 4% of revenue in the coming years 
to support the continuing efforts to further diversify the product portfolio. 
Hansen  has three  dedicated wind  turbine gearbox  plants in Belgium, India and 
China  resulting in an overall global  manufacturing capacity of 7,600 MW in the 
financial  year 2011. This available manufacturing  capacity should allow Hansen 
to  satisfy important  volume increases,  without the  need for  significant new 
capital expenditure. 
The  Company's sales  in wind  turbine gearboxes  decreased from 4,484 MW in the 
financial year 2010 to 4,111 MW in the financial year 2011. 
The  reported revenue decline of  15.7% was due to a  reduction in deliveries of 
wind  turbine gearboxes to one of its customers, partially offset by an increase 
of deliveries to its other customers across all geographies. 
The  average price per MW for wind  turbine gearboxes decreased in the financial 
year  2011 to  approximately  92,000 EUR  from  approximately 100,000 EUR in the 
previous year, mainly driven by the change in sales mix to lower MW products. 
The following table provides a condensed overview of Hansen's cost of sales: 
                    For the year | % of revenue |   For the year | % of revenue 
                           Ended |              |          Ended | 
                   31 March 2011 |              |  31 March 2010 | 
                       Unaudited |              |      Unaudited | 
                          (EUR000) |              |         (EUR000) | 
                                 |              |                | 
 Sales of goods          378,668 |              |        449,372 | 
 Cost of sales           317,850 |        83.9% |        381,970 |        85.0% 
                                 |              |                | 
 Gross profit             60,818 |        16.1% |         67,402 |        15.0% 
The  improvement in Gross Profit Margin,  to 16.1% from 15.0% the previous year, 
was  mainly  a  result  from  the  positive  effect  of operational cost savings 
initiatives, and supply chain optimizations, including increased localization of 
the  supply  chain  in  India  and  China.  This improvement in gross margin was 
achieved  notwithstanding an increase in  depreciations and amortization of 6.0 
million EUR, or 1.6% Gross Profit Margin. 
Sales,  distribution and administrative costs increased from 56.9 million EUR to 
57.4 million EUR. 
The  Company  continues  to  explore  and  exploit  opportunities to maintain an 
appropriate  cost  base,  in  line  with  activity  levels,  as  well  as pursue 
efficiency programs throughout the Group. 
Jan Willem Ruinemans started as CFO of the Company in September 2010. 
He  became a member of the Board of Directors in February 2011. Prior to joining 
Hansen Transmissions International Jan Willem was Chief Financial Officer and an 
Executive  Board  member  of  BE  Semiconductor  Industries NV,  a leading Dutch 
manufacturer  of assembly equipment for the global semiconductor and electronics 
industry.  Prior to that, Jan Willem worked  at Royal Philips Electronics NV for 
13 years  in a  number of  senior financial  management positions. Jan Willem is 
responsible for Information Technology, Human Resources and Finance. 
Mohan Nagamangala Srinivasan became COO of the Company in September 2010. 
Mohan  was one  of the  first executives  hired by  Hansen in  India in November 
2007. He  joined  as  executive  Director  of  Hansen's  Wind  Gearbox  Plant in 
Coimbatore,  India. As an executive  Director and member of  the Board of Hansen 
Drives  Ltd, the subsidiary of Hansen Transmissions in India, Mohan has been key 
to   the  successful  development  of  the  Coimbatore  manufacturing  facility. 
Previously,  he had  more than  20 years experience  in the automotive component 
industry, holding senior management positions in companies including Visteon, as 
Managing Director in Thailand and MICO, a Bosch company. His work has focused on 
improving  operational efficiency and the successful completion of major capital 
investment  projects in both auto components and renewable energy, both in India 
and internationally. 
Stefan Lammens became Chief Sales & Marketing Officer of the Company in February 
Stefan  joined Hansen in 1997 and  has been a member  of the Executive Committee 
since  2007. During this period, he was  active in various technical, commercial 
and managerial roles within Hansen. Stefan holds a Ph.D. in applied science. 
With  effect  from  13 May  2011, Gerotech  BVBA  (represented  by its permanent 
representative  Georges Roobaert) retired from duties as member of the Executive 
Committee  of the Company. Up to  September 2012, Gerotech BVBA will continue to 
be available to the Group as a consultant on selected projects. 
In  the financial year 2011, the Company reduced its headcount from 2,193 at the 
end of March 2010 to 1,390 at the end of March 2011. This decrease includes 737 
employees  that were part of the  divestiture of Hansen Industrial Transmissions 
In  Belgium, the  number of  employees decreased  from 1,544 at 31 March 2010 to 
923 at 31 March 2011. 
The  wind  sector  globally  remains  impacted  by the challenging macroeconomic 
climate. Government subsidies, third-party financing and regulatory support have 
all  been affected and this  has resulted in increased  uncertainty for the wind 
industry.  The European and US wind markets  continue to work through the impact 
of  these  issues  and  the  situation  has been compounded by lower electricity 
demand in these markets, not currently supporting the wind industry. 
On  the other hand, the  Chinese and Indian markets  continue to outperform with 
successful local wind turbine manufacturers. Governments worldwide are reviewing 
their  long  term  energy  policies,  driven  by increasing gas and coal prices, 
increasing environmental awareness and the desire for security of energy supply. 
With  the  growth  that  we  can  see  in  these markets there are reasons to be 
positive,  however,  Hansen's  current  visibility  over the full financial year 
2012 remains limited. 
Hansen's  current expectation  for revenue  growth for  the financial year 2012 
ranges  between +5% and +15% compared to  the financial year 2011. This guidance 
will be updated quarterly. 
Our  confidence in the medium and  longer-term fundamentals of the wind industry 
remains unchanged and we continue to be well positioned with a growing portfolio 
of products and customers. 
The financial information reported in this release is presented in EUR 000 and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by  the European Union.  The full annual  report containing the 
Consolidated  Financial Statements for the  12 month period ended 31 March 2011 
including the Auditor's Report will be available and published on the website of 
Hansen  under  the  Investor  Relations  section  on  31 May 2011. The financial 
information in this report is in compliance with IFRS. 
Statement from Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren BCVBA, Hansen's statutory 
auditor, represented by Rudi Braes 
"The auditor has confirmed that the audit procedures on the consolidated 
financial statements are substantially complete and that this did not reveal any 
material adjustments which should be reflected in the financial information, 
included in the press release." 
Selected   financial  information  extracted  from  the  consolidated  financial 
statements   prepared  in  accordance  with  International  Financial  Reporting 
Consolidated Income Statement             For the year ended|For the year ended| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                            31 March 2011   |  31 March 2010   | 
                                                      (EUR000)|            (EUR000)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                        IFRS|              IFRS| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                   Unaudited|         Unaudited| 
                                                            |                  | 
Sale of goods                                        378,668|           449,372| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Revenue                                              378,668|           449,372| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Cost of sales                                      (317,850)|         (381,970)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Gross profit                                          60,818|            67,402| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Other operating income                                 2,606|             5,688| 
                                                            |                  | 
Sales and distribution costs                        (22,178)|          (23,742)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Administrative expenses                             (35,216)|          (33,110)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Research and development                            (12,902)|          (11,930)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Operating profit / (loss)                            (6,872)|             4,308| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance revenue                                        4,256|             5,335| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance costs                                       (18,077)|          (16,679)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit / (loss) before tax                          (20,693)|           (7,036)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Income tax expense                                     2,123|             1,388| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit / (loss) for the period from                         |                  | 
continuing operations                               (18,570)|           (5,648)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Profit/(loss) for the period from                           |                  | 
discontinued operations                                2,675|           (2,916)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Net profit / (loss)                                 (15,895)|           (8,564)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Earnings per share from continuing and                      |                  | 
discontinued operations attributable to                     |                  | 
the equity holders of the parent during                     |                  | 
the year (in EUR per share)                                   |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Basic earnings per share                                    |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
From continuing operations                           (0.028)|           (0.008)| 
                                                            |                  | 
From discontinued operations                           0.004|           (0.004)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Diluted earnings per share                                  |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
From continuing operations                           (0.028)|           (0.008)| 
                                                            |                  | 
From discontinued operations                           0.004|           (0.004)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Total shares (in units) - weighted                          |                  | 
average                                          670,104,208|       670,104,208| 
                                                            |                  | 
Diluted Shares (in units) - weighted                        |                  | 
average                                          670,104,208|       670,104,208| 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet                                As at |       As at | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                        31 March |    31 March | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                            2011 |        2010 | 
                                                          (EUR000) |      (EUR000) | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                       Unaudited |   Unaudited | 
                                                                 |             | 
 ASSETS                                                          |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Non-current assets                                              |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Property, plant and equipment (net)                     511,159 |     586,898 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Goodwill and Intangible assets (net)                      4,207 |      11,409 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Other receivables                                           553 |           - | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Deferred tax assets                                           - |       1,400 | 
                                                         515,919 |     599,707 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Current assets                                                  |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Inventories (net)                                       112,363 |     161,996 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Trade receivables                                        85,561 |     121,839 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Other receivables                                        19,832 |      17,186 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Cash and short-term deposits                            140,365 |     149,124 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Deferred charges                                         14,475 |      16,230 | 
                                                         372,596 |     466,375 | 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                            888,515 |   1,066,082 | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                          |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent             |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Issued capital                                           17,966 |      17,966 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Share premium                                           419,563 |     419,563 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Reserves                                                143,340 |     161,438 | 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                            580,869 |     598,967 | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Non-current liabilities                                         |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                   128,866 |     234,171 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Derivative financial instruments                          1,156 |       4,965 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Provisions for other liabilities and charges                204 |       2,536 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Retirement benefit obligations                            1,677 |       3,800 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Deferred income (grant)                                   4,163 |       4,475 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Deferred tax liability                                   23,784 |      34,732 | 
                                                         159,850 |     284,679 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Current liabilities                                             |             | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Trade and other payables                                 84,571 |      94,469 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                    31,452 |      43,751 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Derivative financial instruments                            300 |         918 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Taxes payable                                                34 |         158 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Provisions                                                4,374 |       5,015 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Accrued charges                                          26,444 |      36,901 | 
                                                                 |             | 
 Deferred income (grant)                                     621 |       1,224 | 
                                                         147,796 |     182,436 | 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                       307,646 |     467,115 | 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                            888,515 |   1,066,082 | 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement          For the year ended|For the year ended| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                               31 March 2011|     31 March 2010| 
                                                      (EUR000)|            (EUR000)| 
                                                            |                  | 
                                                   Unaudited|         Unaudited| 
                                                            |                  | 
Operating activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Loss before tax from continuing                             |                  | 
operations                                          (20,693)|          (11,742)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Loss before tax from discontinued                           |                  | 
operations                                             1,119|                 -| 
                                                            |                  | 
Non cash                                                    |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Depreciation and impairment of property,                    |                  | 
plant and equipment                                   46,582|            40,609| 
                                                            |                  | 
Amortization and impairment of intangible                   |                  | 
assets                                                 1,408|             1,277| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of property,                        |                  | 
plant and equipment                                        2|             (181)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance revenue                                      (4,256)|           (1,474)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Finance costs                                         16,863|            16,962| 
                                                            |                  | 
Movements in provisions, pensions and                       |                  | 
government grants                                    (4,767)|               485| 
                                                            |                  | 
Employee benefit expense                               1,075|               685| 
                                                            |                  | 
Receipt of government grants, not                           |                  | 
included in movement of government grants                  -|           (5,170)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Working capital adjustments                                 |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables              36,278|            60,177| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in other receivables             (2,646)|             4,358| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in deferred charges                1,755|           (3,685)| 
                                                            |                  | 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                    49,633|            47,005| 
                                                            |                  | 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other                      |                  | 
payables                                             (9,898)|          (66,293)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Increase(decrease) in accrued liabilities           (11,060)|             1,136| 
Income tax paid                                        (871)|           (2,136)| 
Net cash flows from operating activities             100,522|            82,013| 
                                                            |                  | 
Investing activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                   |                  | 
equipment                                                  -|               313| 
                                                            |                  | 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment           (23,425)|          (79,321)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Purchase of intangible assets                          (888)|           (1,294)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Disposal of subsidiary, net of cash                         |                  | 
disposed                                              51,224|                 -| 
                                                            |                  | 
Gain on disposal of discontinued                            |                  | 
operations                                           (2,004)|                 -| 
                                                            |                  | 
Interest received                                      3,207|             1,514| 
                                                            |                  | 
Receipt of government grants                              69|             6,035| 
Net cash flows used in investing                            |                  | 
activities                                            28,183|          (72,753)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Financing activities                                        |                  | 
                                                            |                  | 
Interest paid                                       (14,695)|          (14,483)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Repayment of borrowings                            (135,000)|          (43,516)| 
                                                            |                  | 
Proceeds from borrowings                              17,844|            71,359| 
Net cash flows from financing activities           (131,851)|            13,360| 
                                                            |                  | 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            (3,146)|            22,620| 
                                                            |                  | 
Net foreign exchange difference                      (5,615)|               108| 
                                                            |                  | 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                 149,124|           126,396| 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March                140,365|           149,124| 
 Financial Year 2011 
 (Financial Year ending 31 March 2011) 
 FY 2011 Full Year Results 
|16 May 2011              |Press Release Annual Results FY 2011                | 
|                         |Annual Financial Report Financial Year 2011         | 
|31 May 2011              |available                                           | 
|30 June 2011             |Annual Shareholders' Meeting Financial Year 2011    | 
 Financial Year 2012 
 (Financial Year ending 31 March 2012) 
|Q1 2012 Update           |                                                    | 
|25 July 2011 (*)         |Interim Management Statement Q1 2012                | 
|1H 2012 Results          |                                                    | 
|27 October 2011 (*)      |Press Release First Half 2012 Results               | 
|Q3 2012 Update           |                                                    | 
|9 February 2012 (*)      |Interim Management Statement Q3 2012                | 
|FY 2012 Full Year Results|                                                    | 
|16 May 2012 (*)          |Press Release Annual Results Financial Year 2012    | 
|                         |Annual Financial Report Financial Year 2012         | 
|29 May 2012 (*)          |available                                           | 
|28 June 2012             |Annual Shareholders' Meeting Financial Year 2012    | 
 (*) publication dates are subject to final confirmation 
For more information 
|Investor Relations                                                          | 
|Hans Ooms                                                   |+32 3 450 58 62| 
|De Villermonstraat 9                                        |               | 
|2550 Kontich - Belgium                                      |               | 
|hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com                        |               | 
|http://www.hansentransmissions.com/en/investorrelations.html|               | 
| Maitland                                    | 
| Sarah Hamilton           | +44 20 7395 0464 | 
| shamilton@maitland.co.uk |                  | 
About Hansen Transmissions 
Hansen Transmissions International NV is an established global wind turbine 
gearbox designer, manufacturer and supplier, with a leading position (by MW 
supplied) in the wind turbine gearbox market. 
The Company supplies gearboxes to the world's major manufacturers of gear-driven 
wind  turbines  throughout  the  world.  Hansen's  wind  energy  activities have 
established  dedicated  international  service  networks.  In  addition  to  its 
principal  state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities  located in Lommel, Belgium 
Hansen  has a production  plant for wind  turbine gearboxes in Coimbatore, India 
and  an assembly  and testing plant for  the Chinese market, located in Tianjin, 
China.  Hansen has currently wind  turbine gearbox manufacturing capabilities of 
7,600 MW   per   annum.   Strong   in-house  R&D  operations  maintain  Hansen's 
technological  leadership  and  the  Company  employs approximately 1,400 people 
Forward Looking Statements 
This press release may include statements that are "forward-looking statements". 
In some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of 
forward-looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "estimates", 
"forecasts", "plans", "prepares", "projects", "anticipates", "expects", 
"intends", "may", "will", "should" or other similar words. Forward-looking 
statements may include, without limitation, those regarding Hansen's financial 
position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management for future 
operations (including development plans and objectives relating to Hansen's 
products) and the wind turbine and gearbox markets. Such forward-looking 
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors 
which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Hansen, or 
industry results, to be materially different from any future results, 
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking 
statements. Such forward looking statements are based on numerous assumptions 
regarding Hansen's present and future business strategies and the environment in 
which Hansen will operate in the future. These forward looking statements speak 
only as of the date of this press release. Hansen expressly disclaims any 
obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in Hansen's 
expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or 
circumstances on which any such statement is based. 
Principal Risks & Uncertainties 
Hansen's  activities as a global wind turbine gearbox designer, manufacturer and 
supplier  imply that it faces  a number of risks  and uncertainties. If any or a 
combination of the principal risks and uncertainties, as outlined below, were to 
materialize, it could affect the future performance of the Company. 
Within  the  framework  of  Hansen's  Enterprise  Risk Management, a regular and 
systematic  identification and management of the  principal risks is ensured, as 
risk  management  is  an  integral  part  of  how  Hansen plans and executes its 
business strategies. 
Strategic risks 
-  Hansen  continues  to  face  the  consequences  of  uncertain  macro-economic 
conditions.  The business environment could be  influenced by a reduced business 
confidence  and a decline in capital expenditure leading to lower demand for our 
products  and more challenging market conditions. Wind farm operators are facing 
difficulties  in  attracting  equity  and/or  debt  capital  or  other  means of 
financing capital investments. 
Recognizing  the  challenge  of  the  current  business  environment, Hansen has 
implemented  strategies  aimed  at  maintaining  its  position  as a leading and 
preferred  supplier  of  gearboxes  for  wind  turbine applications and has been 
successful in expanding its customer base. 
-  The  markets  in  which  Hansen  operates  are highly competitive in terms of 
pricing,  product quality  and reliability,  product development  lead time, and 
customer  service. A  continued decline  in market  demand could  increase price 
competition even further. 
The  expansion of  manufacturing facilities  in India  and China,  including the 
local  sourcing of  raw materials  and components,  is part  of our  strategy to 
supply  our products  worldwide at  competitive conditions. Additionally, Hansen 
has invested in the development of market intelligence and local sales forces in 
the emerging markets. 
-  Hansen's business  environment requires  it to  keep pace  with technological 
challenges  and develop new products to meet customers' requirements in terms of 
quality  and reliability. As the markets in which we operate are known for their 
highly  innovative technologies, we are  committed to continuously designing new 
and  updating existing products and investing  in innovative gear technology and 
bearing-application technology. 
Despite   Hansen's   continued   and  significant  commitment  to  research  and 
development,  our  products  and  technologies  could  fail to meet the required 
levels  of  quality  and  reliability.  Moreover,  competitors  may  be  able to 
introduce  new technology  or products  faster than  Hansen, which could have an 
adverse impact on future revenues and Hansen's market share. Hansen continues to 
aim  for highly reliable  and high-quality products  and, for the financial year 
2011, has  maintained its budget  for research and  development at approximately 
3% to 4% of revenue. 
-  Hansen's  success  in  the  field  of  gearboxes  for  wind turbines could be 
jeopardized  by  a  substantially  increased  application  of  "gearless" wind 
turbine   technologies.  Hansen  continues  to  invest  in  the  development  of 
innovative  gearbox technology, aimed at  maintaining the advantages of gearbox- 
driven  wind  turbines  in  terms  of  weight, transport, installation costs and 
overall   turbine  reliability  -  such  as  Hybrid  and  Integrated  drivetrain 
Operational risks 
-  Hansen relies upon a number of third  parties for the supply of raw materials 
and  components, for which  there is significant  international demand. Hansen's 
performance  depends in part on a reliable and effective supply chain management 
for  raw materials and components  to all of our  plants. Using third parties to 
design  and manufacture and test components  can reduce our control over quality 
assurance, product delivery schedules and costs. 
Hansen,  through its Supplier Quality Assurance programme, continuously monitors 
its suppliers in terms of quality, cost and timely delivery. 
In the event that Hansen becomes subject to product liability or warranty claims 
caused  by defective raw materials or  intermediate components supplied by third 
parties  it  will  attempt  to  seek  compensation  from  the relevant supplier. 
 However,  if a claim cannot be asserted against a supplier, or claims cannot be 
recovered  from either the relevant supplier  or from Hansen's insurer, Hansen's 
financial  condition  and  results  of  operations could be materially adversely 
In  response to these  risks, Hansen has  a standing practice  whereby its legal 
department  systematically screens  both client  and supplier  contracts for the 
presence  of balanced  clauses in  respect of  product liability and warranties. 
Additionally,  Hansen is buying appropriate product liability insurance coverage 
from  the  international  insurance  market  and  is actively investigating on a 
regular  basis  if  additional  transferring  of  product liability and warranty 
claims  to insurance or other  financial product is required  and possible at an 
affordable cost. 
-  Hansen depends on a limited number of customers in the wind turbine market. A 
customer might cease to buy or develop new gearboxes with Hansen for a number of 
reasons,  such as a  customer's decision to  expand into gearbox production, the 
perception  of  Hansen  in  part  as  a  direct  competitor or the fact that the 
competition  would be able to  produce at a more  competitive price or introduce 
new  gearbox technology within  a shorter time  frame. The loss  of any of these 
customers could result in lower-than-expected revenue. 
In  response to  this risk,  Hansen develops  strategies and allocates resources 
towards  the development  of innovative  gear technology and bearing-application 
technology  aimed  at  the  production  of  reliable  and  quality  gearboxes at 
competitive  conditions. Additionally Hansen continues to focus on the expansion 
of its client and product portfolio. 
-  Hansen can be exposed to quality problems in our value chain processes, which 
comprise  all  steps,  from  research  and development to production, marketing, 
sales and servicing of our products. Design errors, production errors or quality 
issues  related to raw materials or components  supplied, can lead to quality or 
reliability  issues, and resulting reputational damage, product liability and/or 
warranty claims. 
Recognizing  the  importance  of  potential  product  liability  and/or warranty 
claims,  Hansen continues  to invest  substantial resources  in R&D  in order to 
maintains  its  quality  and  reliability  standard. Quality management systems, 
certified  under ISO 9001 standards, are applied to R&D, production and assembly 
activities.  Thorough  and  systematic  quality  controls  are  in place at both 
Hansen's production and assembly sites, as well as at its suppliers. 
-  Hansen's ability to  manufacture and sell  its products at  a competitive and 
profitable  price is  affected by  the price  fluctuations of  raw materials and 
intermediate  components which  it uses  in the  production of gearboxes. We may 
neither  be  able  to  pass  on  increased  costs  immediately  and fully to our 
customers,  nor obtain immediate  and full price  reductions from our suppliers, 
and yet customers expect to benefit from falling commodity prices. 
To  counter these risks, Hansen is actively seeking both dual and local sourcing 
of  raw  materials  and  intermediate  components. Additionally, Hansen seeks to 
include  in both  client and  supplier contracts  balanced clauses in respect of 
price evolution and adjustment. 
-  Hansen's  business  remains  dependent  upon  the contributions of Directors, 
Management,  Engineers and  other employees  and on  its ability  to attract and 
retain  key personnel  at every  site with  the necessary skills and experience. 
Hansen  could, if  the macro-economic  conditions remain  uncertain or  if other 
industries  show better job  opportunities, be unable  to attract and retain the 
right  people. Such failure  could have an  impact on its  ability to design and 
produce wind turbine gearboxes. 
At  regular intervals, Hansen conducts benchmark studies on the wages and on the 
employee  benefits  of  its  employees.  We  have  also  engaged in a multi-year 
campaign  to ensure that  each employee will  enjoy recognition by reward, which 
implies  individual objective  setting and  appraisal. Additionally, Hansen will 
continue  to  increase  the  number  of  employees  benefiting from a career and 
succession  planning.  Finally,  in  recognition  of  the importance of employee 
engagement,  Hansen  has  improved  its  engagement  monitoring of all employees 
through an on-line survey campaign. 
Financial risks 
-  Hansen  could  be  adversely  affected  by foreign exchange rate fluctuations 
resulting  from the  translation of  revenues and  costs from foreign currencies 
into  euro. Additionally, a  continued strong euro  could have an  impact on our 
competitive position as some of our competitors could benefit from a substantial 
portion of their costs being created in weaker currencies. 
In  response to  the foreign  exchange risk,  Hansen aims  to include a currency 
adjustment  mechanism in  its client  contracts. In  respect of the local supply 
contracts  in  non-euro  currencies,  the  Company  aims  to maximize on natural 
hedging to offset any negative consequences of currency fluctuations. 
-  Hansen's  financing  costs  may  be  affected  by  interest  rate volatility. 
Increases  in interest rates are likely to increase the interest cost associated 
with  the Group's debt - the main financing  of the Group concerns floating rate 
debt -  and may increase the  cost of future borrowings,  which could affect the 
Group's  earnings and  financial position.  The Group's  policy is to manage its 
interest  cost by entering into interest  rate derivatives, which are designated 
to hedge underlying interest bearing loans and borrowings. 
-  Hansen's  future  financing  costs  may  be  significantly  influenced by our 
operational  results,  cash  flow  and  working  capital  evolutions. A negative 
development  of our operational  results, cash flow  or net debt  may lead to an 
increase of our financing costs. 
-  If customers were  not to be  successful in generating  sufficient revenue or 
securing  access to capital markets, they could be unable to pay, or could delay 
payment  of, the  amounts owed  to Hansen,  which may  adversely affect Hansen's 
financial position and results. 
For more information regarding interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, credit 
risk,   liquidity   risk,  please  see  "Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial 
Compliance risks 
-  Hansen is  subject to  various environmental  and health  and safety laws and 
regulations  in the jurisdictions  where it has  operations. Compliance to these 
laws  and regulations, existing  or future, could  result in substantial ongoing 
compliance costs or operating restrictions. We could face liabilities related to 
environmental  damage or health and safety  incidents that are beyond the limits 
or coverage of our insurance policies. 
Hansen  implemented  environmental  management  systems  at  all  production and 
assembly  sites  by  the  end  of  the  current  financial  year,  ensuring that 
environmental objectives as well as compliance with all relevant legislation are 
achieved.  Creating a healthy  and safe working  environment for all of Hansen's 
employees  is  a  key  element  of  its  Social  Policy,  engaging employees and 
stakeholders  in  a  cycle  of  planning,  execution  and  systematic follow-up, 
monitoring and improvement of health & safety objectives. 
-  Hansen's success depends in part on its ability to protect current and future 
technologies,  processes and products,  and to defend  its intellectual property 
rights.  Hansen's failure  to protect  these rights  could result in competitors 
manufacturing similar products, which could adversely affect Hansen's ability to 
exclusively market its own products in the relevant geographical markets. 
Maintaining  and expanding its portfolio of patents is a key element in Hansen's 
strategy.  New achievements in terms of  products or manufacturing processes are 
screened  for  patent  registration  opportunities.  At  the  same time, Hansen, 
assisted  by external consultants, is screening  the market for any intellectual 
property infringements on its patent portfolio. 
-  Hansen's worldwide  operations expose  it to  risks associated with different 
legal  and taxation regimes, foreign  exchange controls and economic conditions. 
Changes  to these regulations  could lead to  higher tax or operational expenses 
and  restrict  Hansen's  ability  to  offer  its  services  and  products  in  a 
competitive  manner,  thus  having  a  detrimental  impact  on  its business and 
Hansen  relies upon  both internal  resources, being  its legal  department, and 
external  resources, such as  law firms, tax  advisors and other consultants, to 
anticipate  any changes in legislative and regulatory requirements that may have 
an impact on our operations. 
-  Hansen's activities imply that it could be subject to risks relating to legal 
or  regulatory proceedings.  Occasionally, we  become subject  to proceedings of 
various natures. 
Hansen  aims to be fully compliant with  any relevant law or regulation, as well 
as  the terms  of any  contract it  enters into.  To that  effect both its legal 
department,  and -  where required  - external  resources are engaged to achieve 
this.  The  above  can  however  not  exclude  that  the outcome of any legal or 
regulatory  proceeding  could  have  a  negative  impact  on Hansen's results or 
Press Release (PDF): 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Hansen Transmissions International NV via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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