Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

Registration Number 1950/038232/06

("Harmony" or "Company")

JSE Share code: HAR

NYSE Share code: HMY

ISIN Code: ZAE 000015228

Results for the first quarter ended 30 September 2008

The quarter at a glance:

- Total gold production up by 6% and grade increased by 4%

- Good signs of operational improvement

- Management restructuring and refocusing

- Good progress with projects, particularly at Morobe JV

- Rand/gold price marginally down, but likely to remain robust in medium to

  long term

- Debt levels reduced, despite significant capex

- Seven fatalities during quarter

- Cash operating costs (R/kg) up by 9%, as input costs (electricity and labour)


- Cash operating profit down by 19%

Financial summary

for the first quarter ended 30 September 2008

(All results exclude Discontinued Operations, unless otherwise stated)

                               Quarter   Quarter
                               September June   
                               2008      2008   
Gold produced          � kg     12 342    11 694 
                       � oz     396 803   375 970
Cash costs             � R/kg   151 827   138 940
                       � $/oz   607       556    
Cash operating profit  � Rm     808       995    
                       � US$m   104       128    
Basic profit/(loss)    � SAc/s  118       (60)   
                       � USc/s  15        (8)    
Headline profit/(loss) � SAc/s  8         38     
                       � USc/s  1         5      

                               Q-on-Q   September
                               variance 2007     
Gold produced          � kg     6%       13 699   
                       � oz     6%       440 432  
Cash costs             � R/kg   (9%)     134 549  
                       � $/oz   (9%)     590      
Cash operating profit  � Rm     (19%)    297      
                       � US$m   (19%)    41       
Basic profit/(loss)    � SAc/s  297%     (133)    
                       � USc/s  288%     (19)     
Headline profit/(loss) � SAc/s  (79%)    (35)     
                       � USc/s  (80%)    (5)      

Harmony's Annual Report, Notice of Meeting, Sustainable Development Report and
its Annual Report filed on a Form 20F with the United States' Securities and
Exchange Commission for the year ended 30 June 2008 are available on our
website at www.harmony.co.za.

Chief executive officer's review


We made pleasing progress during the quarter under review towards fulfilment of
our vision to create a sustainable company that generates earnings to fund
dividends and growth.

Increased volumes, improved average grade and consequent higher gold production
demonstrate clearly that the measures we have applied in implementing our
`back-to-basics' philosophy during our stabilisation phase of our strategy,
have delivered the stability we need to implement the next phase of our
strategy, being organic growth.

There is a very notable turn for the better in the morale of the greater
Harmony team. Our people are getting excited about the business again and their
particular roles in it, which is evidenced by our productivity figures.

Safety improvement remains a critical priority requiring immediate and decisive
action. Despite our best efforts to ensure a safer workplace, seven
work-related fatalities occurred during the quarter, compared with four in the
previous quarter.


We are deeply saddened by the deaths of seven of our colleagues and I extend my
heartfelt condolences to their families, friends and workmates.

Those who died were: Elandsrand employees Diago Vasco Bila, a winch driver, and
Mpeo Moeti and Magatsela Mangaliso, both rock drill operators; Tshepong
employees Nokanyo Gcasamba, a locomotive operator, and Zinikele Yam, a utility
vehicle driver; Target employee Mokutu Amos Qondile, a load-haul-dumper
operator and Unisel employee Kali Makase, a rock drill operator.

Although our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) for the quarter improved
against that for the 2008 financial year, our Reportable Injury Frequency Rate
(RIFR) and Fatality Injury Frequency Rate (FIFR) for the quarter both

Gold market

There was only a 3% drop in our average gold price received of R217 295/kg
($869/oz), compared with R224 036/kg ($897/oz) in June 2008, despite the
turmoil in global financial markets during the quarter. Notwithstanding
evidence to suggest that gold still fulfils its historic role as the investment
of last resort for many nervous investors in these circumstances, it seems
reasonable to assume that gold price volatility will continue until the
financial storm starts to abate.

We remain bullish about the fundamentals for the metal in the medium and longer
term. However, with economic deposits in mining locations harder to come by and
exploration and development budgets under extreme pressure, supplies of new
gold into the market are likely to continue to shrink.

Operating performance

Overall we have seen some good improvements. Total gold production for the
quarter from continuing operations increased by 6% to 12 342 kg, reflecting a
1% increase in volumes to 4.6 million tonnes and a 4% improvement in the
average recovered grade to 2.68 g/t.

Total underground gold production was 8% higher at 11 191 kg due to a 2%
increase in tonnes milled from underground to 2.3 million tonnes and a 5%

improvement in the average underground recovered grade to 4.79 g/t.

Tonnes milled for our surface operations remained fairly constant at 2.2
million tonnes for the quarter. The average grade was 12% lower from 0.58 g/t
in June 2008 to 0.51 g/t, resulting in an 11% decline in surface gold
production to 1 151 kg. The decrease in grade was mainly due to a reduction in
the kilograms recovered from plant clean-ups.

Productivity has improved, but we need to remain focused on attaining ore
reserve management excellence and quality mining throughout our operations to
ensure that we meet our productivity targets.

It is no coincidence that operation-by-operation comparisons show that our best
safety performers, notably Masimong, Bambanani and the Virginia operations, are
emerging also as our best producers and that our worst safety performers, being
Elandsrand and Target are under-performing in terms of production.

The lesson is obvious and we have not been slow to act. Elandsrand is now in
`intensive care'. Chief Operating Officer, Alwyn Pretorius, has been
re-assigned to lead Elandsrand's management in a safety and production
turnaround strategy and until this assignment is completed, Bob Atkinson,
Executive: Projects, will act as Chief Operating Officer of the remaining
operations in the North Region. At Target, new management has been appointed
from within and outside the Company to ensure that we turn the value of the
orebody to account.

Financial performance

An increase in operating costs as well as a decrease in the gold price received
for the quarter under review, resulted in a decrease in cash operating profit
of R187.1 million when compared with the June 2008 quarter. Operating costs
increased by R249.2 million, 15% higher when compared with the June 2008
quarter, mainly due to higher power costs (specifically Eskom's 20% general
tariff increase effective from the beginning of July and higher winter
tariffs), annual wage increases effective from July 2008 and stores price hikes
of 16%. Quarter on quarter our power bill rose by 43% and our labour bill by
13% (which is inclusive of the holiday leave allowance). Power as a percentage
of our total costs increased from 10% to 13%.

Capital expenditure for the quarter decreased by 25% from R1.3 billion in the
June 2008 quarter to R993 million in the September 2008 quarter. The decrease
was as a result of Newcrest Mining Limited funding the remaining capex
requirements of the Hidden Valley project as prescribed by Stage 2 of the joint
venture, as from August 2008 when the joint venture came into effect.

Cash costs and capital expenditure were both influenced by our decision to lift
the ceiling on abnormal expenditure items from R50 000 to R250 000 and to
allocate these to operating costs going forward, rather than to capital
expenditure as in the past. This is another step, amongst many, we have taken
in our drive to decentralise decision-making downward to general manager level.


During the quarter, we engaged very constructively with Eskom and have secured
the baseline power allocations for all of our current operations and
undertakings to supply the additional power required for our Elandsrand,
Phakisa and Doornkop projects. This will accommodate the build-up requirements
on these operations as the projects come on line and are commissioned. We
remain committed to partaking in as much power-saving efforts that are


Cooke Assets

We announced on 19 December 2007 that our wholly-owned subsidiary, Randfontein
Estates Limited (Randfontein), had entered into agreements with Pamodzi
Resources Fund 1, LL.P (PRF), in terms of which certain uranium and gold assets
of Randfontein (Cooke Assets) would be sold into Rand Uranium (Proprietary)
Limited (Rand Uranium), for a purchase consideration of US$420 million.

The delay in meeting the conditions precedent, Harmony benefiting from the cash
flow during this period, the turmoil in the global financial markets and other
market-related adjustments resulted in a renegotiation of the purchase
consideration. A revised purchase consideration of US$348 million for the Cooke
Assets has been agreed. Harmony will receive a total purchase consideration of
US$209 million for 60% of the issued share capital of Rand Uranium.

The majority of the conditions precedent, including the approvals from the
Minister of Minerals and Energy and the issuance of a certificate of
registration by the National Nuclear Regulator, have been fulfilled. It is
anticipated that the remaining conditions precedent will be fulfilled on or
before 20 November 2008 and the transaction will become effective on 21
November 2008.

In exchange for 60% of the issued share capital of Rand Uranium, Harmony will
receive US$40 million on the effective date of the transaction, a further
US$157 million, plus interest thereon at 5% per annum, on 22 April 2009 and the
balance of the purchase consideration of approximately US$12 million as soon as
the second stage of the transaction (which relates to its Old Randfontein
assets), is finalised. This is anticipated to be on or shortly after 22 April
2009. PRF's investors, affiliates of First Reserve and AMCI Capital, have
provided Harmony with a guarantee in respect of the payment of the above
amounts. In addition, PRF will pledge its shares in Rand Uranium to Harmony as
security for PRF's obligation to pay the purchase consideration to Harmony.

Since entering into the agreements with PRF, Rand Uranium has been formed as a
stand-alone company, information on the building of a potential uranium plant
has been compiled and consultants have been involved with feasibility,
metallurgical and environmental studies in respect of the extraction of
uranium. Management capacity under the leadership of John Munro has been built
up. Harmony will supply certain corporate services for a limited period and an
agreement has been entered into for milling of the underground ore.

We believe that the dual commodity (gold and uranium) mix should combine to
make the Cooke Assets a viable, low-cost operation and look forward to a
mutually beneficial partnership with PRF in developing the significant uranium
resource base as a platform for future growth opportunities within the West

Mt Magnet

We have resumed our efforts to sell our Mount Magnet operation in Australia,
following our termination of the sales agreement with Monarch Gold in August
2008. The operation is on care and maintenance, which we estimate will cost us
some A$5 million per year.


Exploration in Papua New Guinea, under the auspices of our Morobe Joint Venture
with Newcrest Mining Limited, focused primarily on the Wafi-Golpu Nambonga
North brownfields prospect and the Morobe Consolidated Tenements Upper Bulolo
brownfields prospect during the quarter. In respect of the former, work is on
schedule to achieve a mineral resource estimate by the end of calendar 2008. At
the latter, a significant and exciting new development, trenching is in
progress and diamond drilling is scheduled to begin in December 2008.

Social and Labour Plans

We continue to make substantive progress in the implementation of our Social
and Labour Plans. While this is essential to ensure retention of our licence to
operate, it is also an enormously satisfying fulfilment of our commitment to be
relevant to communities in which we do business.

During the quarter, we have contributed, with various other interested and
affected parties, towards three major land development projects. These are:

the Secunda West project, which will comprise 12 313 residential units covering
all income levels, schools, community facilities, shops, sports amenities and
green spaces;

the Middelvlei/Droogeheuwel (Mohlakeng Ext 11)project, which will include all
housing options, schools, social amenities and

provisions for business development and the Phakisa Estate near Welkom,
whichenvisages the establishment of a township comprising 6 500 residential

Looking ahead

While we remain mindful of the need to continue to apply the core principles of
our `back to basics' philosophy initiated in August 2007 � most diligently in
those of our operations that have been slower to turn around than we would have
hoped � I believe we are well embarked on the `organic growth' phase of our
three-phase growth plan to June 2012.

We now have sufficient latitude to focus more closely on delivery of our
various organic growth projects in South Africa and of the Hidden Valley
project in Papua New Guinea, also to clear our debt burden and strengthen our
balance sheet, positioning to look towards the third `organic-acquisition'
phase of our strategy from June 2009.

Note of thanks

I wish to thank each Harmony employee for her/his contribution in building a
sustainable company.

Chief Executive Officer

Graham Briggs



                                                               Quarter ended(1)
                                                         Notes 2008            
                                                               R million       
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                                        2 682           
Cost of sales                                            2     (2 225)         
Production cost                                                (1 874)         
Amortisation and depreciation                                  (308)           
Impairment of assets                                           �               
Employment termination and restructuring costs                 (12)            
Other items                                                    (31)            
Gross profit                                                   457             
Corporate, administration and other expenditure                (97)            
Exploration expenditure                                        (39)            
Other income/(expenses) � net                            3     505             
Operating profit/(loss)                                        826             
Profit/(loss) from associates                                  1               
Profit on sale of investment in associate                      1               
Impairment of investment in associate                   6      (112)           
Loss on sale of investment in joint venture                    �               
Mark-to-market of listed investments                           �               
Loss on sale of listed investments                             �               
Impairment of investments                                      �               
Investment income                                              77              
Finance cost                                                   (85)            
Profit/(loss) before taxation                                  708             
Taxation                                                       (234)           
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations                   474             
Discontinued operations                                        4               
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operations                     (72)            
Net profit/(loss)                                              402             
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)                     5               
� Earnings/(loss) from continuing operations                    118             
� (Loss)/earnings from discontinued operations                  (18)            
Total earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)               100             
Diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)             5               
� Earnings/(loss) from continuing operations                    117             
� (Loss)/earnings from discontinued operations                  (18)            
Total diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)       99              

                                                  Quarter ended  Quarter ended 
                                                  (1)            (1)           
                                                  June           September     
                                                  2008           2007          
                                                  R million      R million     
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                           2 620          2 140         
Cost of sales                                     (2 284)        (2 063)       
Production cost                                   (1 625)        (1 843)       
Amortisation and depreciation                     (222)          (201)         
Impairment of assets                              (316)          �             
Employment termination and restructuring costs    (50)           �             
Other items                                       (71)           (19)          
Gross profit                                      336            77            
Corporate, administration and other                                            
expenditure                                       (49)           (72)          
Exploration expenditure                           (62)           (44)          
Other income/(expenses) � net                      (9)            (15)          
Operating profit/(loss)                           216            (54)          
Profit/(loss) from associates                     (68)           �             
Profit on sale of investment in associate         �              �             
Impairment of investment in associate             (95)           �             
Loss on sale of investment in joint venture       (2)            �             
Mark-to-market of listed investments              �              33            
Loss on sale of listed investments                �              (459)         
Impairment of investments                         (1)            �             
Investment income                                 86             67            
Finance cost                                      (131)          (121)         
Profit/(loss) before taxation                     5              (534)         
Taxation                                          (246)          2             
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations      (241)          (532)         
Discontinued operations                                                        
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operations        170            (34)          
Net profit/(loss)                                 (71)           (566)         
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)                                     
� Earnings/(loss) from continuing operations       (60)           (133)         
� (Loss)/earnings from discontinued                                            
operations                                        42             (9)           
Total earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)  (18)           (142)         
Diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share                                     
� Earnings/(loss) from continuing operations       (60)           (133)         
� (Loss)/earnings from discontinued operations     42             (9)           
Total diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share  (18)           (142)         


(1) There are no year ended figures, this being the first quarter of the
financial year.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financials statements.



                                  Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended
                                  September     June          September    
                                  2008          2008          2007         
                                  R million     R million     R million    
Net profit/(loss) for the period  402           (71)          (566)        
Attributable to:                                                           
Owners of the parent              402           (71)          (566)        
Non-controlling interest          �             �             �            
Other comprehensive income/(loss)                                          
for the period, net of income tax 88            (73)          360          
Foreign exchange translation                                               
profit and loss                   119           (86)          27           
Mark-to-market of                                                          
available-for-sale investments    (31)          13            333          
Total comprehensive income/(loss)                                          
for the period                    490           (144)         (206)        
Attributable to:                                                           
Owners of the parent              490           (144)         (206)        
Non-controlling interest          �             �             �            


                                            At          At         
                                            September   June       
                                            2008        2008       
                                      Notes (Unaudited) (Audited)  
                                            R million   R million  
Non-current assets                                                 
Property, plant and equipment               27 020      27 556     
Intangible assets                           2 213       2 209      
Restricted cash                             181         78         
Restricted investments                      1 512       1 465      
Investments in financial assets             48          67         
Investment in associate               6     34          145        
Trade and other receivables                 127         137        
                                            31 135      31 657     
Current assets                                                     
Inventories                                 752         693        
Trade and other receivables                 875         875        
Income and mining taxes                     54          82         
Cash and cash equivalents             8     1 186       413        
                                            2 867       2 063      
Non-current assets classified as held                              
for sale                              4     1 408       1 537      
                                            4 275       3 600      
Total assets                                35 410      35 257     
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                             
Share capital and reserves                                         
Share capital                               25 904      25 895     
Other reserves                              777         676        
Accumulated loss                            (1 430)     (1 832)    
                                            25 251      24 739     
Non-current liabilities                                            
Borrowings                            7     176         242        
Deferred income tax                         3 008       2 990      
Provisions for other liabilities and                               
charges                                     1 297       1 273      
                                            4 481       4 505      
Current liabilities                                                
Trade and other payables                    1 528       1 372      
Provisions and accrued liabilities          295         287        
Borrowings                            7     3 363       3 857      
                                            5 186       5 516      
Liabilities directly associated with                               
non-current assets classified as held                              
for sale                              4     492         497        
                                            5 678       6 013      
Total equity and liabilities                35 410      35 257     
Number of ordinary shares in issue          403 424 148 403 253 756
Net asset value per share (cents)           6 259       6 135      

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated
financial statements.


                                           Issued share Other    
                                           capital      reserves 
                                           R million    R million
Balance � 30 June 2008                      25 895       676      
Issue of share capital                     9            �        
Deferred share-based payments              �             13       
Comprehensive income for the period        �             88       
Balance at 30 September 2008               25 904       777      
Balance � 30 June 2007                      25 636       (349)    
Issue of share capital                     16           �        
Deferred share-based payments              �             9        
Comprehensive income/(loss) for the period �             360      
Balance at 30 September 2007               25 652       20       
                                           loss         Total    
                                           R million    R million
Balance � 30 June 2008                      (1 832)      24 739   
Issue of share capital                     �             9        
Deferred share-based payments              �             13       
Comprehensive income for the period        402          490      
Balance at 30 September 2008               (1 430)      25 251   
Balance � 30 June 2007                      (1 581)      23 706   
Issue of share capital                     �             16       
Deferred share-based payments              �             9        
Comprehensive income/(loss) for the period (566)        (206)    
Balance at 30 September 2007               (2 147)      23 525   


                                                       Quarter ended 
                                                  Note 2008          
                                                       R million     
Cash flow from operating activities                                  
Cash generated by operations                           670           
Interest and dividends received                        82            
Interest paid                                          (112)         
Income and mining taxes paid                           (1)           
Cash generated by operating activities                 639           
Cash flow from investing activities                                  
(Increase)/decrease in restricted cash                 (103)         
Net proceeds on disposal of listed investments         �             
Net additions to property, plant and equipment         798           
Other investing activities                             10            
Cash generated/(utilised) by investing activities      705           
Cash flow from financing activities                                  
Long-term loans raised                                 �             
Long-term loans repaid                                 (588)         
Ordinary shares issued � net of expenses                8             
Dividends paid                                         �             
Cash (utilised)/generated by financing activities      (580)         
Foreign currency translation adjustments               7             
Net increase in cash and equivalents                   770           
Cash and equivalents � beginning of period              415           
Cash and equivalents � end of period              8     1 186         


                                               Quarter ended Quarter ended
                                               June          September    
                                               2008          2007         
                                               R million     R million    
Cash flow from operating activities                                       
Cash generated by operations                   1 506         54           
Interest and dividends received                97            69           
Interest paid                                  (117)         (59)         
Income and mining taxes paid                   (67)          (12)         
Cash generated by operating activities         1 419         52           
Cash flow from investing activities                                       
(Increase)/decrease in restricted cash         2             274          
Net proceeds on disposal of listed investments �              1 310        
Net additions to property, plant and equipment (1 267)       (833)        
Other investing activities                     (190)         (51)         
Cash generated/(utilised) by investing                                    
activities                                     (1 455)       700          
Cash flow from financing activities                                       
Long-term loans raised                         136           2 088        
Long-term loans repaid                         (12)          (1 802)      
Ordinary shares issued � net of expenses        23            19           
Dividends paid                                 (6)           �            
Cash (utilised)/generated by financing                                    
activities                                     141           305          
Foreign currency translation adjustments       (38)          20           
Net increase in cash and equivalents           67            1 077        
Cash and equivalents � beginning of period      348           494          
Cash and equivalents � end of period            415           1 571        



1.   Accounting policies

(a)   Basis of accounting

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period ended 30
September 2008 have been prepared using accounting policies that comply with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), which are consistent with
the accounting policies used in the audited annual financial statements for the
year ended 30 June 2008. These condensed consolidated interim financial
statements are prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting,
and should be read in conjunction with the financial statements for the year
ended 30 June 2008.

2.   Cost of sales

                              Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended
                              September     June          September    
                              2008          2008          2007         
                              (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)  
                              R million     R million     R million    
Production costs              1 874         1 625         1 843        
Amortisation and depreciation 308           222           201          
Impairment of assets          �              316           �            
Provision for rehabilitation                                           
costs                         6             12            �            
Care and maintenance cost of                                           
restructured shafts           12            29            9            
Employment termination and                                             
restructuring costs           12            50            �            
Share-based compensation      13            19            10           
Provision for post-retirement                                          
benefits                      �              11            �            
Total cost of sales           2 225         2 284         2 063        

3.   Other income/(expenses) � net

Included in other income is R523 million profit on sale of 30.01% of Harmony's
Papau New Guinea gold and copper assets to Newcrest Mining Limited, as
previously announced.

4.   Non-current assets held for sale and Discontinued operations

The assets and liabilities related to Mount Magnet (operations in Australia)
have been presented as held for sale following approval of the Group's
management and Board of Directors on 20 April 2007. During fiscal 2008, we
entered into an agreement with Monarch Gold Mining Company ("Monarch") for the
sale of these operations. However, during July 2008 we were advised that
Monarch had placed itself in volantary administration and on 1 August 2008 the
Administrator indicated that Monarch would not proceed with the proposed
purchase and consequently the purchase agreement has been terminated. 
Management is still intent on the disposal of Mount Magnet despite the asset
being classified as held for sale for more than 12 months.

The assets and liabilities relating to the Cooke 1, Cooke 2, Cooke 3, Cooke
plant and relating surface operations (operations in the Gauteng area) have
been presented as held for sale following the approval of the Group's
management on 16 October 2007. These operations were also deemed to be
discontinued operations.

Included in (loss)/profit from discontnued operations is an impairment charge
for the Mount Magnet assets for R152 million, relating to the decrease in the
fair value less costs to sell at 30 September 2008.

5.   Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share

Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share is calculated on the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue for the quarter ended 30 September 2008: 403.1
million (30 June 2008: 402.8 million, 30 September 2007: 399.5 million).

The fully diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share is calculated on weighted
average number of diluted ordinary shares in issue for the quarter ended 30
September 2008: 404.6 million (30 June 2008: 405.2 million, 30 September 2007:
402.8 million).

                                September   June        September  
                                2008        2008        2007       
                                (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
                                R million   R million   R million  
Total earnings/(loss) per                                          
ordinary share (cents):                                            
Basic earnings/(loss)           100         (18)        (142)      
Fully diluted earnings/(loss)   99          (18)        (142)      
Headline earnings/(loss)        24          65          (41)       
Reconciliation of headline                                         
Continuing operations                                              
Net profit/(loss)               474         (241)       (532)      
Adjusted for (net of tax):                                         
(Profit)/loss on sale of                                           
property, plant and equipment   (553)       32          (2)        
Loss on sale of listed                                             
investment                      �           �             392        
Impairment of investments       �           1           �          
Loss on sale of joint venture   �           2           �          
Profit on sale of associate     (1)         �           �          
Impairment of investment in                                        
associates                      112        95          �          
Impairment of property, plant                                      
and equipment                   �           159         �          
Impairment of intangible assets �           105         �          
Headline profit/(loss)          32         153          (142)      
Discontinued operations                                            
Net (loss)/profit               (72)        170         (34)       
Adjusted for (net of tax):                                         
Profit on sale of property,                                        
plant and equipment             (14)        (90)        �          
Impairment of property, plant                                      
and equipment                   152         30          7          
Headline profit/(loss)          66          110         (27)       
Total headline profit/(loss)    98          263         (169)      

6.   Investment in associate

On 27 February 2008, Pamodzi Gold Limited bought the Orkney operations from the
Harmony Group for a consideration of 30 million Pamodzi Gold Limited shares. 
This resulted in Harmony Gold Mining Company owning 32.4% of Pamodzi Gold
Limited. At 30 September 2008, management tested for impairment of the
investment in associate. An additional amount of R112 million (June 2008: R91
million) was impaired and accounted for in the income statement. The book value
at 30 September 2008, after taking impairment and loss from associate into
account, was R34 million (June 2008: R145 million).

7.   Borrowings

                                                September   June     
                                                2008        2008     
                                                (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                                R million   R million
Unsecured borrowings                                                 
Convertible unsecured fixed rate bonds          1 649       1 626    
Africa Vanguard Resources (Proprietary) Limited 32          32       
                                                1 681       1 658    
Less: Short-term portion                        (1 649)     (1 626)  
Total unsecured long-term borrowings            32          32       
Secured borrowings                                                   
Westpac Bank Limited*                           183         258      
Africa Vanguard Resources (Doornkop) (Pty)                           
Limited (Nedbank Limited)                       201         194      
Nedbank Limited                                 1 482       2 000    
Less: Unamortised transaction costs             (8)         (11)     
                                                1 858       2 441    
Less: Short-term portion                        (1 714)     (2 231)  
Total secured long-term borrowings              144         210      
Total long-term borrowings                      176         242      
Total current portion of borrowings             3 363       3 857    
Total long-term borrowings                      3 539       4 099    

* The future minimum lease payments to Westpac Bank Limited are as follows:

                                    September   June     
                                    2008        2008     
                                    (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                    R million   R million
Due within one year                 46          57       
Due between one and five years      156         228      
                                    202         285      
Future finance charges              (19)        (27)     
Total future minimum lease payments 183         258      

8.   Cash and cash equivalents


                                September   June     
                                2008        2008     
                                (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                R million   R million
Continuing operations           1 186       413      
Discontinued operations         �            2        
Total cash and cash equivalents 1 186       415      

9.   Commitments and contingencies

                                                   September   June     
                                                   2008        2008     
                                                   (Unaudited) (Audited)
                                                   R million   R million
Capital expenditure commitments                                         
Contracts for capital expenditure                  512         1 164    
Authorised by the directors but not contracted for 2 467       1 720    
                                                   2 979       2 884    
This expenditure will be financed from existing                         
resources and where appropriate, borrowings.                            
Contingent liabilities                                                  
Guarantees and suretyships                         18          18       
Environmental guarantees                           303         171      
                                                   321         189      

Contingent liability

On 18 April 2008, Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited was made aware that it
has been named or may be named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed in the U.S.
District Court in the Southern District of New York on behalf of certain
purchasers and sellers of Harmony's American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs").
Harmony has retained legal counsel, who will advise Harmony on further
developments in the U.S.

10. Subsequent events

Sale of Randfontein's Cooke Assets

The majority of the conditions percent, have been fulfilled. It is anticipated
that the remaining conditions precedent will be fulfilled on or before 20
November 2008 and the transaction will become effective on 21 November 2008.

A revised purchase consideration of US$348 million for the Cooke Assets has
been agreed. Harmony will receive a total purchase consideration of US$209
million for 60% of the issued share capital of Rand Uranium.

In exchange for 60% of the issued share capital of Rand Uranium, Harmony will
receive US$40 million on the effective date of the transaction, a further
US$157 million, plus interest thereon at 5% per annum, by 22 April 2009 and the
balance of the purchase consideration of approximately US$12 million as soon as
the second stage of the transaction, which relates to its Old Randfontein
assets, is finalised , which is anticipated to be on or shortly after 22 April
2009. Pamodzi Resources Fund 1, LLP's ("PRF") investors, affiliates of First
Reserve and AMCI Capital, have provided Harmony with a guarantee in respect of
the payment of the above amounts. In addition, PRF will pledge its shares in
Rand Uranium to Harmony as security for RPF's obligation to pay the purchase
consideration to Harmony.

11. Segment report

The Group early adopted IFRS 8 � Operating Segments, in the 2008 financial
year. The standard requires a "management approach", under which segment
information is presented on the same basis as that used for internal reporting
to the chief operating decision-maker ("CODM").

The Group has only one product, being gold. In order to determine operating and
reportable segments, management reviewed various factors, including
geographical location as well as managerial structure. It was determined that
an operating segment consists of a shaft or a group of shafts managed by a
single general manager and management team.

After applying the quantitative thresholds from the standard, the reportable
segments were determined as:

Tshepong, Phakisa, Bambanani, Masimong, Target, Doornkop, Elandskraal, Evander
operations, Virginia operations, Cooke operations (held for sale and
discontinued) and Papua New Guinea. All other operating segments have been
grouped together under Other � underground or Other � surface, under their
classification as either continuing or discontinued.

The comparative segment reports have been restated for these changes.

When assessing profitability, the CODM considers the revenue and production
costs of each segment. The net of these amounts is the cash operating or loss.

Therefore, cash operating profit has been disclosed in the segment report as
the measure of profit or loss.

The CODM does not consider depreciation or impairment and therefore these
amounts have not been disclosed in the segment report.


                                        Production operating    
Continuing operations         Revenue   cost       profit/(loss)
South Africa                  R million R million  R million    
Tshepong                      410       250        160          
Phakisa                       23        18         5            
Bambanani                     256       171        85           
Doornkop                      55        59         (4)          
Elandsrand                    332       245        87           
Target                        127       118        9            
Masimong                      282       169        113          
Evander operations            346       238        108          
Virginia operations           485       377        108          
Other operations              114       92         22           
Other operations              252       137        115          
Total South Africa            2 682     1 874      808          
Papua New Guinea              �         �          �            
Total international           �         �          �            
Total continuing operations   2 682     1 874      808          
Discontinued operations                                         
Cooke operations              338       248        90           
Other operations              �         �          �            
Total discontinued operations 338       248        90           
Total operations              3 020     2 122      898          

                              Capital               Tonnes
Continuing operations         expenditure           milled
South Africa                  R million   Kilograms t'000 
Tshepong                      51          1 904     354   
Phakisa                       105         109       30    
Bambanani                     11          1 188     142   
Doornkop                      83          255       110   
Elandsrand                    95          1 530     288   
Target                        61          588       167   
Masimong                      33          1 272     235   
Evander operations            50          1 609     306   
Virginia operations           39          2 198     568   
Other operations              11          538       137   
Other operations              54          1 151     2 262 
Total South Africa            593         12 342    4 599 
Papua New Guinea              400         �         �     
Total international           400         �         �     
Total continuing operations   993         12 342    4 599 
Discontinued operations                                   
Cooke operations              53          1 564     801   
Other operations              �           �         �     
Total discontinued operations 53          1 564     801   
Total operations              1 046       13 906    5 400 


                                        Production operating    
Continuing operations         Revenue   cost       profit/(loss)
South Africa                  R million R million  R million    
Tshepong                      366       245        121          
Phakisa                       �         �          �            
Bambanani                     203       202        1            
Doornkop                      71        63         8            
Elandsrand                    273       241        32           
Target                        106       91         15           
Masimong                      171       191        (20)         
Evander operations            351       249        102          
Virginia operations           341       342        (1)          
Other operations              93        114        (21)         
Other operations              165       105        60           
Total South Africa            2 140     1 843      297          
Papua New Guinea              �         �          �            
Total international           �         �          �            
Total continuing operations   2 140     1 843      297          
Discontinued operations                                         
Cooke operations              350       236        114          
Other operations              305       330        (25)         
Total discontinued operations 655       566        89           
Total operations              2 795     2 409      386          

                              Capital               Tonnes
Continuing operations         expenditure           milled
South Africa                  R million   Kilograms t'000 
Tshepong                      52          2 345     386   
Phakisa                       62          �         �     
Bambanani                     25          1 275     238   
Doornkop                      71          454       126   
Elandsrand                    84          1 753     289   
Target                        34          688       150   
Masimong                      30          1 096     241   
Evander operations            70          2 244     372   
Virginia operations           42          2 188     574   
Other operations              16          595       134   
Other operations              31          1 061     2 047 
Total South Africa            517         13 699    4 557 
Papua New Guinea              161         �         �     
Total international           161         �         �     
Total continuing operations   678         13 699    4 557 
Discontinued operations                                   
Cooke operations              43          2 240     834   
Other operations              116         1 996     870   
Total discontinued operations 159         4 236     1 704 
Total operations              837         17 935    6 261 

The full set of the results for the first quarter ended 30 September 2008 is
available on our website at www.harmony.co.za

Forward-looking statements

This quarterly report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of
the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect
to Harmony's financial condition, results of operations, business strategies,
operating efficiencies, competitive positions, growth opportunities for
existing services, plans and objectives of management, markets for stock and
other matters. Statements in this quarter that are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" for the purpose of the safe harbor provided by
Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Forward-looking
statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements
include financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions,
statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future
operations, products and services, and statements regarding future performance.
Forward-looking statements are generally identified by the words "expect",
"anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates" and similar expressions.
 These statements are only predictions. All forward-looking statements involve
a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors and we cannot assure you
that such statements will prove to be correct. Risks, uncertainties and other
factors could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements, including, among others, those relating to
the future business prospects, revenues and income of Harmony, wherever they
may occur in this quarterly report and the exhibits to this quarterly report,
are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of the senior management
of Harmony and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking
statements. As a consequence, these forward-looking statements should be
considered in light of various important factors, including those set forth in
this quarterly report. Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from estimates or projections contained in the forward
looking statements include, without limitation:

- overall economic and business conditions in South Africa and elsewhere;

- the ability to achieve anticipated efficiencies and other cost savings;

- increases or decreases in the market price of gold;

- the occurrence of hazards associated with underground and surface gold

  mining; the occurrence of labour disruptions;

- availability, terms and deployment of capital;

- changes in Government regulation, particularly mining rights and

  environmental regulations;

- fluctuations in exchange rates;

- currency devaluations and other macro-economic monetary policies; and

- socio-economic instability in South Africa and regionally.

This report was approved by the Board of Directors and is signed on their
behalf by:

G Briggs                B Abbott                  Virginia       
Chief Executive Officer Intern Financial Director 31 October 2008



Corporate Office

Randfontein Office Park

PO Box 2

Randfontein, 1760

South Africa

Corner Main Reef Road  

and Ward Avenue        

Randfontein, 1759      


South Africa                                 

Telephone: +27 11 411 2000

Website: http://www.harmony.co.za


P T Motsepe (Chairman)*                      

G Briggs (Chief Executive Officer)           

F Abbott (Interim Financial Director)        

J A Chissano*1                               

F F T De Buck*, Dr C Diarra*+,               

K V Dicks*, Dr D S Lushaba*, C Markus*,      

M Motloba*, C M L Savage*, A J Wilkens*

(* non-executive)

(1 Mocambican)                               

(+ US/Mali Citizen)                          

Investor Relations Team

Esha Brijmohan                               

Investor Relations Officer                   

Telephone: +27 11 411 2314

Fax: +27 11 692 3879

Mobile: +27 82 922 4584             

E-mail: esha@harmony.co.za          

Marian van der Walt

Executive: Corporate and Investor Relations

Telephone: +27 11 411 2037

Fax: +27 86 614 0999

Mobile: +27 82 888 1242

E-mail: marian@harmony.co.za

Company Secretary

Khanya Maluleke                              

Telephone: +27 11 411 2019

Fax: +27 11 411 2070

E-mail: Khanya.maluleke@harmony.co.za

South African Share Transfer Secretaries

Link Market Services South Africa (Proprietary) Limited

(Registration number 2000/007239/07)

5th Floor, 11 Diagonal Street

Johannesburg, 2001

PO Box 4844

Johannesburg, 2000

South Africa

Telephone: +27 86 154 6572

Fax: +27 11 834 4389

United Kingdom Registrars

Capita Registrars

The Registry

34 Beckenham Road


Kent BR3 4TU

United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 870 162 3100

Fax: +44 208 636 2342

ADR Depositary

The Bank of New York Mellon Inc

101 Barclay Street

New York, NY 10286

United States of America

Telephone: +1888-BNY-ADRS

Fax: +1 212 571 3050

Trading Symbols

JSE Limited                   HAR 
New York Stock Exchange, Inc. HMY 
NASDAQ                        HMY 
London Stock Exchange Plc     HRM 
Euronext, Paris               HG  
Euronext, Brussels            HMY 
Berlin Stock Exchange         HAM1

Registration Number 1950/038232/06

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa

ISIN: ZAE 000015228


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Harmony Gold (LSE:HRM)
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