RNS Number:4181Q
H&T Group PLC
19 March 2008

Preliminary results

For the year ended 31 December 2007

H&T Group ("H&T" or the "Group"), the UK's largest pawnbroker by size of pledge
book, is pleased to announce its preliminary results for the year ended 31
December 2007

Financial highlights
                                                                          2007 �m       2006 �m      Change %

Gross profit                                                                 27.7          23.3         +18.6
Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortisation ("EBITDA")         11.4           9.4         +20.8
before exceptional items
Operating profit before exceptional items                                    10.0           8.0         +24.1
PBT before exceptional items                                                  7.2           4.7         +52.5
PBT                                                                           7.4           2.0        +261.5
Basic EPS excluding exceptional items                                      14.72p        11.91p         +23.6
Basic EPS                                                                  15.17p         3.65p        +315.6
Proposed final dividend                                                      3.4p          3.0p         +13.3
Pledge book                                                                  27.9          25.2         +10.4

Operational highlights

*             Excellent growth in all revenue lines

*             Total number of stores reached 89 at 31 December 2007 (2006: 77)
with 12 new stores opened during the year: seven acquisitions and five

*             Full roll-out of gold purchasing in store, providing customers
with a quicker, fairly valued cash solution

*             Successful placing of 3.6 million shares in May 2007 raising over
�7 million for store expansion

*             Recent acquisitions will serve as a springboard for some regional
development of strong pawnbroking markets in Yorkshire and the South coast

John Nichols, Chief Executive of H&T Group commented

"My fellow directors and I are extremely pleased with this set of results where
operating profit before exceptional items reached the �10 million milestone.

Against wider perception, the more difficult economic climate is not
automatically a driver for our pawnbroking business. We have seen strong growth
in turnover and gross profit across all business segments.

The demand for gold asset-backed lending remains strong and the business is
continuing to benefit from the rise in the price of gold through higher margin
on disposition. Our core stores continue to deliver growth while our investment
in new stores and acquisitions offer good profit prospects for the future years.

I have every reason to look to the future with confidence."


H&T Group plc                                           Tel: 0870 9022 600
John Nichols, Chief Executive
Laurent Genthialon, Finance Director

Hawkpoint (Nominated adviser)                           Tel: 020 7665 4500
Lawrence Guthrie/Sunil Duggal

Numis Securities (Broker)                               Tel: 020 7260 1000
Lee Aston/Charles Farquhar

College Hill                                            Tel: 020 7457 2020
Gareth David/Paddy Blewer

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to report that 2007 has seen excellent growth in all areas of the
business with H&T's 2007 profit before tax and exceptional items reaching �7.2

Financial Performance

The Group has delivered a year of double digit growth in gross profit, EBITDA
(before exceptional items), profit before tax and exceptional items and number
of stores.  Gross profit increased by 18.6 per cent. to �27.7 million (2006:
�23.3 million).  EBITDA before exceptional items increased by 20.8 per cent. to
�11.4 million (2006: �9.4 million).  Operating profit before exceptional items
increased by 24.1 per cent. to �10.0 million (2006: �8.0 million).  We also
opened 12 additional stores during 2007, taking the total number of stores at 31
December 2007 to 89.

Secondary placing

On 16 May 2007, H&T completed the placing of 3.6 million new ordinary shares to
existing shareholders, all UK institutions. This provided the Group with �7
million of additional finance for its store expansion programme in which it
invested �3.6 million during the year.

Final Dividend

In accordance with the dividend policy declared at the time of the flotation,
the directors are pleased to recommend a final dividend of 3.4 pence per
ordinary share (2006: 3.0 pence). This dividend will be paid to all shareholders
on the register at the close of business on 16 May 2008.


Since the beginning of 2008 our expansion programme has continued and as of
today we have already opened four new stores - two by acquisition and two
greenfields. This takes the total current number of stores to 93. We are
confident in the Group's prospects for 2008. H&T will prosper through a mix of
continued growth in the established estate, development of the 18 greenfield
stores opened over the last three years and profit enhancement from the recent
acquisitions. The current high price of gold should also provide some profit
opportunities in the short term.

The hard work and commitment of staff has been central to achieving 2007's
result and I would like to thank all of them for that.

Peter J Middleton

Chief Executive's Review


2007 was a record year for H&T on a number of metrics.  Our business model has
proved scaleable, with new stores and continued improvements to our existing
businesses driving strong growth.

During 2007, H&T has set a number of new records. Turnover and gross profit of
all business segments increased by double digit figures. Pawnbroking activities,
comprising Pawn Service Charge and Disposition, represented 87 per cent. (2006:
88 per cent.) of total 2007 gross profit and grew 17 per cent. year on year.
Gold asset-backed lending continues to see strong demand both in existing and
new markets. At the same time financial services activities, comprising Cheque
Cashing and Other Financial Services, represented 13 per cent. (2006: 12 per
cent.) of total 2007 gross profit and grew 29 per cent. year on year.  The
transition in 2006 of the back office functions of Cheque Cashing and Pay Day
Advance in-house gave us the opportunity to market these products more
effectively during 2007.

H&T remains the UK's leading pawnbroker by size of pledge book and had 89
outlets across the UK at the end of 2007. The estate increased by the record
number of 12 stores (2006: nine) during 2007. Of these, five were greenfield
stores and seven were acquired branches. The acquisitions located in Yorkshire,
Nottinghamshire and the South Coast will give us access to new markets where
pawnbroking has historically been strong.  We will be looking at expanding in
those regions through a regional hub system and take full advantage of market

The continuing growth we derive from our established and greenfield stores
combined with profit-enhancing acquisitions has led to record profits.
Operating profit before exceptional items reached �10.0 million in 2007 (2006:
�8.0 million), a 24.1 per cent. increase on 2006.

Review of Operations

Pawn Service Charge

H&T has been the largest pawnbroker in the UK based on the size of the pledge
book for many years and as at 31 December 2007 had a pledge book of �27.8
million (2006: �25.2 million). As indicated in the "develop and establish new
products and services" section of this review, the growth in the pledge book was
impacted by the full roll out of gold purchasing. The increase in pledge book
combined with an improved yield translated to an 11.9 per cent. increase in Pawn
Service Charge.  Maintaining this market leading position remains a priority for
the Group.


The sale of forfeited items to the general public ("Retail") is the most
important element of Disposition, generating higher margins when compared with
items that are sold in auction or scrap.  Although the general trading
environment on the high street deteriorated during the last quarter of 2007, I
am delighted to report that trading remained good for H&T and we achieved
turnover growth of 18.8 per cent. year on year (11.7 per cent. LFL) while
increasing Retail gross profit margin to 49.4 per cent. (2006: 44.2 per cent.).
This has resulted in gross profit increasing by 32.6 per cent. between 2006 and
2007. This very strong performance is a result of the continued investment in
training, marketing and a wider product range.

In 2007, Scrap gross profit reached �1.5 million (2006: �1.1 million). This �0.4
million increase is as a result of the increase in the price of gold (�0.2
million) and higher Scrap volumes (�0.2 million).

Other Financial Services

Cheque Cashing and Pay Day Advance

In January 2006, H&T brought in-house the back office for underwriting the
in-store Cheque Cashing and Pay Day Advance businesses, enabling the Group to
manage both products internally saving the fees previously paid to a third
party.  It has also allowed us to apply our own expertise in managing this
product without the restrictions imposed by a third party.

Our experience in 2007 on Cheque Cashing appears to go against the market trend.
Whilst our competitors reported difficult times and reducing turnover, H&T
turnover grew by 7 per cent. on a like-for-like basis.  Although this is
encouraging we acknowledge that this is in the face of a changing market.  Pay
Day Advance continues to provide excellent growth.   We did however experience a
small increase in the percentage of bad debt which was expected in the context
of a rapidly expanding loan book.

In 2007, gross revenues from Cheque Cashing increased to �2.2 million (2006:
�1.9 million) and Pay Day Advance increased to �2.9 million (2006: �1.8

The revenues net of bad debt from Cheque Cashing and Pay Day Advance increased
to �3.4 million (2006: �2.6 million).


The KwikLoan product has continued to develop as a medium term alternative for
our Pay Day Advance customers.  As in 2006 our focus has been on the development
of Pay Day Advance, with KwikLoan growing alongside it.  We believe there is
further opportunity to grow the KwikLoan product through the development of the
loan term, loan value and the customer base.

The KwikLoan loan book increased from �0.4 million to �0.5 million in the 12
months to 31 December 2007.  KwikLoan gross profit increased by 45.5 per cent.
during the same period.

Point of sale development

In 2006 we commenced the development of our new point of sale system which will
unify the current store and head office systems which have developed over a
number of years with one, purpose built, application to support all current
business activities.

The use of new technology will result in some improvement in operational
efficiency, but more importantly, will simplify store operations to enable us to
achieve the full potential of the existing product range and implement new
products more easily.

Although the development of our new point of sale system is taking longer than
originally anticipated, the project remains within budget and is expected to be
fully rolled out into all stores by late summer.  Since the beginning of the
project we have incurred capital expenditure of �1.3 million and the total cost
including implementation is expected to be in the region of �1.8 million.

Business Overview and Strategy

Our growth strategy is based on two main streams. Each of them is progressing in
line or ahead of the Board's expectations.

1.         Expand geographical footprint

The significant fragmentation in the UK pawnbroking market will continue to
provide the Group with acquisition opportunities.  In addition, there remains
substantial opportunity for organic growth with a significant number of towns
with an appropriate population size and demographic mix to support a greenfield

H&T's strategy at IPO was to develop 30 units between 2006 and 2008, both
through greenfield stores and acquisitions, using current resources whilst
maintaining cash flow and earnings growth at an appropriate level.  During 2007,
we added 12 outlets (2006: nine) to the store portfolio - five greenfield and
seven acquisitions. Two of the acquisitions opened up new regions to us, in
Yorkshire and the South coast, and can now be used as a regional hub to further
develop these key markets.  We would expect to grow the store footprint by a
similar number during 2008 and exceed the original 30 unit target.

Initially, new pawnbroking units tend to be loss-making.  As a consequence,
expanding the store base can suppress short term earnings growth but provides
significant medium term benefit.

The Group is actively pursuing acquisitions to accelerate the consolidation of
the industry.  During the year the Group issued 3.6m shares to raise additional
capital of �7m, of which �3.4m remained at the year end.  This new capital and
the headroom available on existing borrowing facilities provide the Group with
the resources to complete a number of further transactions.  The H&T Board will
make acquisitions selectively, appraising each opportunity fully before
proceeding with a transaction.  Consequently, the timing and nature of these
transactions depends on the availability of appropriate opportunities.

Our greenfield stores are performing well and are on average exceeding our
expectations in terms of pledge book growth.  Whilst encouraging, we note that
given the maturity of these stores they will not have a significant impact on
revenues in the immediate term.  These stores will nevertheless deliver a
greater contribution to group profitability over the next few years.

2.         Develop and establish new products and services

During 2007 we introduced the purchase of gold and jewellery into all of our
stores.  This minimises the time required to access the asset for disposition
and also enables simpler communication with the customer.  Whilst this has the
effect of reducing the pledge book as customers who would previously pledge now
sell, it allows a more efficient use of capital as those goods are held for only
30 days, rather than up to eight months for a pledge.

The strategy in 2008 is to further develop gold purchasing and to expand the
portfolio of unsecured products, using the Pay Day Advance and KwikLoan models
to their best advantage.  All of these products provide customers with a simple
and accessible route to cash, a service that is invaluable, especially in the
current credit climate.  We believe that through cautious development we can
expand our customer base, whilst maintaining an acceptable risk profile.

The prepaid card continues to attract new customers to the stores although the
general market awareness has taken longer to develop than anticipated.

Review of the Pawnbroking Market


The competitive environment has not changed substantially in the last year.

The pawnbroking industry remains very fragmented.  Although there are no
official statistics, the National Pawnbrokers Association estimates that there
are around one thousand pawnbroking locations in the UK.

In this environment it is critical to maintain the high levels of customer
service in store and by doing so we will continue to be the first choice for our


There have been no changes to regulation that will have an impact on the
products and services we offer.

Current Trading and Outlook

The increasing awareness of the pawnbroking industry will undoubtedly provide
opportunities in the coming year.  I believe that the current portfolio of
pawnbroking and other financial services products will enable H&T to capitalise
on those opportunities.

Against wider perception, the general economic climate is not necessarily a
driver for our business - we do not and have not seen the pawnbroking industry
as cyclical. Our success has been based on the fundamentals of a well run
business, with the focus on the customer and an understanding of the
opportunities to grow within a fragmented market.  We remain confident that we
can achieve further success.

Finally I would like to recognise the hard work and commitment of our staff year
after year and give them full credit for our 2007 business achievements.  Thank
you all.

John G Nichols
Chief Executive

Finance Director's Review

Due to the materiality of the amount of exceptional items in 2006 and in order
to have meaningful comparatives in 2007, some of the metrics used to report
performance are presented excluding these exceptional items.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

In accordance with the AIM's reporting regime, the Group has adopted
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for the financial year
ended 31 December 2007 rather than UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("
UK GAAP") as the basis to report its financial results. This transition has lead
to some differences between reported numbers under IFRS and UK GAAP that are
simply a result of the accounting framework change and are not a reflection of a
change in business performance. The Group released on 1 August 2007 a report on
the impact of IFRS (relative to UK GAAP) on H&T's results which is accessible on
the Group's website (www.handtgroup.co.uk).

Turnover and gross profit

Turnover in 2007 grew 19.5 per cent. to �38.4 million compared with �32.1
million in 2006. Total gross profit in 2007 increased by 18.6 per cent. to �27.7
million (2006: �23.3 million) driven by the turnover growth across all business

Other direct expenses and Administrative expenses

The other direct expenses in 2007 were �12.8 million compared with �10.9 million
in 2006. The 18.0 per cent. increase in other direct expenses was primarily
driven by the development of twelve additional stores and the overall increase
in business volumes. At the same time the Group's administrative expenses before
exceptional items increased by �0.4 million from �4.4 million in 2006 to �4.8
million in 2007.

Operating profit

During 2007, EBITDA before exceptional items increased by 20.8 per cent. to
�11.4 million (2006: �9.4 million). The Group recorded a 24.1 per cent. increase
in operating profit before exceptional items reporting �10.0 million in 2007
compared with �8.0 million in the previous year. Exceptional expenses in 2006 of
�1.9 million were incurred as part of the IPO. After taking account of the
exceptional items, H&T's operating profit was �10.0 million in 2007 compared
with �6.1 million in 2006.

Finance costs and similar charges

Finance costs before exceptional items decreased by �1.2 million from �3.9
million in 2006 to �2.7 million in 2007.  This reduction was a result of the
restructuring of bank facilities and loan notes at the time of H&T's admission
to AIM in May 2006 combined with the unspent new money raised in May 2007 which
has temporarily been used to reduce the level of borrowings. The restructuring
in May 2006 incurred an exceptional charge of �0.8 million in the 2006 financial
year (2007: �nil).

Profit before taxation

Profit before taxation and exceptional items increased by �2.5 million from �4.7
million in 2006 to �7.2 million in 2007. The 2007 result was impacted by a �0.2
million (2006: �0.05 million) exceptional profit relating to the disposal of a
freehold property while the 2006 result included a �1.9 million exceptional
administrative expense relating to H&T's admission onto AIM and �0.8 million of
debt restructuring costs. As a result, the Group recorded a profit before
taxation of �7.4 million in 2007 compared with a profit before taxation of �2.0
million in 2006.


The 2007 effective corporation tax rate excluding exceptional items was 31 per
cent. (30 per cent. in 2006).

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share for 2007 were 15.17p compared with 3.65p in 2006.
Diluted earnings per share for 2007 was 15.14p compared with 3.65p in 2006.
After adjusting for exceptional items referred to in the profit before taxation
section, adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 23.6 per cent. from
11.91p  in 2006 to 14.72p in 2007.


The H&T Board has recommended a final dividend of 3.4 p per share (2006: 3.0 p)
giving a total dividend per share of 5.0 p for 2007 (2006: 3.0 p).

Cash flow and capital expenditure

The Group generated cash of �6.3 million in 2007 from operations (2006: �7.6
million). This result was impacted by the increase in receivables (�3.2 million)
driven by the growth in the pledge book and loan portfolio and in inventories
(�2.1 million) between 2006 and 2007. The Group invested �3.6 million (2006:
�1.0 million) in the acquisition of pawnbroking and cheque cashing businesses
and assets.

Capital expenditure during the year was �1.9 million (2006: �1.6 million). Of
this, �1.5 million related to new stores opened or acquired during the period
and store refurbishments. The Group also spent �0.4 million in store and head
office new hardware for both the existing and future EPOS systems. An investment
of �0.2 million in the new EPOS software was reported in intangible assets.

New money/ debt structure

The Group placed 3.6 million new shares in May 2007 raising �7.0 million net of

The Group repaid �1.5 million of facility A debt in 2007. Net debt (before
unamortised debt issue costs) was �32.2 million at 31 December 2007 compared
with �34.7million at 31 December 2006.  The Group has in place a hedging
agreement fixing the interest rate on �35.0 million of banking debt for a period
ending 30 June 2009.

Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)

ROCE, defined as profit before tax excluding exceptional items, interest
receivable, finance costs and movement in fair value of interest rate swap as a
proportion of net current assets and tangible and intangible fixed assets
(excluding goodwill), increased from 20.2 per cent. in 2006 to 21.7 per cent. in

Laurent P Genthialon
Finance Director

This announcement includes 'forward-looking statements'. These statements
contain the words "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "estimate", "expect", and
words of similar meaning. All statements other than statements of historical
facts included in this announcement, including, without limitation, those
regarding the Group's financial position, business strategy, plans and
objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and
objectives relating to the Group's products and services) are forward-looking
statements that are based on current expectations. Such forward-looking
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important
factors that could cause the actual results, performance, achievements or
financial position of the Group to be materially different from future results,
performance, achievements or financial position expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on
numerous assumptions regarding the Group's operating performance, present and
future business strategies, and the environment in which the Group will operate
in the future. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of
this announcement. Past performance cannot be relied upon as a guide to future

Consolidated income statement
Year ended 31 December 2007

                            Note         Before                              Before                  
                                    exceptional  Exceptional      2007  exceptional  Exceptional     2006
                                          items        Items     Total        items        Items    Total
                                          �'000        �'000     �'000        �'000        �'000    �'000

Revenue                       2          38,363            -    38,363       32,115            -    32,115
Cost of sales                          (10,699)            -  (10,699)      (8,787)            -   (8,787)

Gross profit                  2          27,664            -    27,664       23,328            -    23,328

Other direct expenses                  (12,844)            -  (12,844)     (10,886)            -  (10,886)
Administrative expenses                 (4,836)            -   (4,836)      (4,399)      (1,903)   (6,302)

Operating profit                          9,984            -     9,984        8,043      (1,903)     6,140

Investment revenues                          35            -        35           27            -        27
Other gains                                   -          201       201            -           46        46
Finance costs                 3         (2,706)            -   (2,706)      (3,936)        (801)   (4,737)
Movement in fair value of                 (151)            -     (151)          561            -       561
interest rate swap

Profit before taxation                    7,162          201     7,363        4,695      (2,658)     2,037

Tax charge on profit          4         (2,232)         (52)   (2,284)      (1,421)          386   (1,035)

Profit for the financial                  4,930          149     5,079        3,274      (2,272)     1,002

                                             Note                            2007                        2006
                                                                            Pence                       Pence
Earnings per share
From continuing operations
Basic                                          5                            15.17                        3.65

Diluted                                        5                            15.14                        3.65

All results derive from continuing operations.

Consolidated income statement
Year ended 31 December 2007

                                                                           2007                       2006
                                                                          �'000                      �'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                                                 16,415                    14,899
Other intangible assets                                                   1,480                       804
Property, plant and equipment                                             6,093                     5,396

                                                                         23,988                    21,099

Current assets
Inventories                                                               6,720                     4,237
Trade and other receivables                                              36,105                    31,869
Cash and cash equivalents                                                 1,966                     2,108
Derivative financial instruments                                              -                       133
Assets held for sale                                                          -                        37

                                                                         44,791                    38,384

Total assets                                                             68,779                    59,483

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                                (3,322)                   (3,510)
Current tax liabilities                                                 (1,193)                      (88)
Borrowings                                                              (1,766)                   (1,255)
Derivative financial instruments                                           (18)                         -

                                                                        (6,299)                   (4,853)

Net current assets                                                       38,492                    33,531

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                                             (31,651)                  (34,617)
Deferred tax liabilities                                                  (365)                     (407)
Provisions                                                                (119)                         -

                                                                       (32,135)                  (35,024)

Total liabilities                                                      (38,434)                  (39,877)

Net assets                                                               30,345                    19,606

                                                                           2007                       2006
                                                                          �'000                      �'000
Share capital                                                             1,754                      1,574
Share premium account                                                    23,994                     17,112
Retained earnings                                                         4,597                        920

Total equity                                                             30,345                     19,606

Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Year ended 31 December 2007
                                                                           Share     Retained
                                                              Share      premium   (deficit)/
                                                            capital      account     earnings        Total
                                                              �'000        �'000        �'000        �'000

At 1 January 2006                                             1,000            -        (502)          498

Profit for the financial year                                     -            -        1,002        1,002

Total income for the financial year                               -            -        1,002        1,002

Issue of share capital                                          574       17,790            -       18,364
Share issue costs                                                 -        (678)            -        (678)
Share option credit taken directly to                             -            -           19           19
Corporation tax on share options                                  -            -          401          401

At 1 January 2007                                             1,574       17,112          920       19,606

Profit for the financial year                                     -            -        5,079        5,079

Total income for the financial year                               -            -        5,079        5,079

Issue of share capital                                          180        7,164            -        7,344
Share issue costs                                                 -        (282)            -        (282)
Share option credit taken directly to                             -            -          105          105
Dividends paid                                                    -            -      (1,507)      (1,507)

At 31 December 2007                                           1,754       23,994        4,597       30,345

Consolidated cash flow statement
Year ended 31 December 2007
                                                                        Note             2007         2006
                                                                                        �'000        �'000

Net cash from/(used by) operating activities                             6              2,647        (254)

Investing activities

Interest received                                                                          35           27
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                     267          118
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                            (2,155)      (1,936)
Purchases of intangible assets                                                          (242)        (706)
Acquisition of trade and assets of businesses                                         (3,550)      (1,013)

Net cash used in investing activities                                                 (5,645)      (3,510)

Financing activities

Dividends paid                                                                        (1,507)            -
Repayments of borrowings                                                              (2,700)     (19,500)
Increase in borrowings                                                                      -        6,251
Net proceeds on issue of shares                                                         7,063       17,687

Net cash from financing activities                                                      2,856        4,438

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    (142)          674

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                          2,108        1,434

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                                1,966        2,108

Notes to the preliminary announcement
Year ended 31 December 2007

1.      Financial information and basis of preparation

The financial information has been abridged from the audited financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

The financial information set out in this document does not constitute the
company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007, but is derived
from those accounts.  Statutory accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and those for 2007 will be delivered following the
company's annual general meeting.  The auditors have reported on those accounts;
their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s.237(2) or
(3) Companies Act 1985.

Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has
been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('
IFRS'), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to
comply with IFRS.  The Group will be publishing full financial statements that
comply with IFRS later this month.

2.      Business and geographical statements

Business segments

For reporting purposes, the Group is currently organised into five segments -
Pawnbroking, Retail, Scrap, Cheque cashing and Other financial services.  The
principal activities by segment are as follows:


Pawnbroking is a loan secured against a collateral (the pledge).  In the case of
the group over 98% of the collaterals against which amounts are lent is
jewellery made of gold and/or diamonds. The pawnbroking contract is a six month
credit agreement bearing a monthly average interest rate of 8%. The contract is
governed by the terms of the Consumer Credit Act 2007 (previously the Consumer
Credit Act 2002). If the customer does not redeem the goods by repaying the
secured loan before the end of the contract, the Group is required to dispose of
the goods either through public auctions if the value of the pledge is over �75
(disposal proceeds being reported in this segment) or, if the value of the
pledge is under �75, through public auctions or the Retail or Scrap activities
of the Group.


The Group's retail proposition is primarily gold and jewellery and almost all
retail sales are forfeited items from the pawnbroking pledge book or purchased
second-hand jewellery. The retail offering is complemented with a small amount
of new jewellery.

2.         Business and geographical segments (continued)


Items that are damaged beyond repair, are slow moving or surplus may be smelted
and sold at the current gold spot price less a small commission.

Cheque cashing:

This segment comprises two products:

O                   Third Party Cheque Encashment which is the provision of cash
in exchange for a cheque payable to our customer for a commission fee based on
the face value of the cheque.

O                   Pay Day Advance which is a simple form of credit where the
advance is repaid by post dated cheques presented by the customer at the point
of the loan. H&T applies a 13% charge per 30 days on the value of the advance.
At the end of the 30 days, the customer has a choice to either extend the
advance for another 30 days, repay the advance or allow the cheques to be
deposited in the Group's bank account.

Both products are subject to bad debt risk which is reflected in the commissions
and fees applied.

Other financial services:

This segment comprises:

O                   KwikLoan product which is an unsecured loan repayable over
12 months of up to �750. H&T earns approximately �300 gross interest on a �500
loan over 12 months.

O                   The Prepaid debit card product where H&T earns a commission
when selling the card or when the customer is topping up their card.

Only the KwikLoan product is subject to bad debt risk which is reflected in the
interest rate offered.

Segment information about these businesses is presented below:

                              Pawnbroking        Retail       Scrap       Cheque        Other     Consolidated
                                                                         cashing    financial             Year
                                                                                     services            ended 
                                     2007          2007        2007         2007         2007             2007
2007                                �'000         �'000       �'000        �'000        �'000            �'000
External sales                     17,122        11,024       6,602        3,356          259           38,363

Total revenue                      17,122        11,024       6,602        3,356          259           38,363

Segment result                     17,122         5,443       1,484        3,356          259           27,664

Gross profit is stated after charging bad debt expenses and the direct costs of
stock items sold or scrapped in the period. Other operating expenses of the
stores are included in other direct expenses. The Group is unable to
meaningfully allocate the other direct expenses of operating the stores between
segments as the activities are conducted from the same stores, utilising the
same assets and staff. The Group is also unable to meaningfully allocate Group
administrative expenses, or financing costs or income between the segments.
Accordingly, the Group is unable to meaningfully disclose an allocation of items
included in the income statement below Gross profit, which represents the
reported segment results.

The Group does not apply any inter-segment charges when items are transferred
between the pawnbroking activity and the retail or scrap activities.

2.    Business and geographical segments (continued)
                                                                                      Other     Consolidated
                                                                        Cheque    financial             Year
                                  Pawnbroking     Retail     Scrap     cashing     services            ended
                                         2007       2007      2007        2007         2007             2007
                                        �'000      �'000     �'000       �'000        �'000            �'000
Other information

Capital additions (*)                       -          -         -           -            -            1,154
Depreciation and                            -          -         -           -            -            1,368
amortisation (*)
Impairment losses recognised               80          -         -       1,637          799            2,516
in income

Balance sheet

Segment assets                         32,283      6,182       537       2,089          531           41,622

Unallocated corporate                                                                                 27,157

Consolidated total assets                                                                             68,779

Segment liabilities                         -      (149)         -        (58)         (95)            (302)

Unallocated corporate                                                                               (38,132)

Consolidated total                                                                                  (38,434)

(*)        See below

2.      Business and geographical segments (continued)
                                                                                       Other     Consolidated
                                                                         Cheque    Financial             Year
                                  Pawnbroking    Retail      Scrap      cashing     Services            ended
                                         2006      2006       2006         2006         2006             2006
2006                                    �'000     �'000      �'000        �'000        �'000            �'000
External sales                         15,299     9,278      4,731        2,629          178           32,115

Total revenue                          15,299     9,278      4,731        2,629          178           32,115

Segment result                         15,299     4,250        972        2,629          178           23,328

                                                                                       Other     Consolidated
                                                                         Cheque    financial             Year
                                  Pawnbroking    Retail      Scrap      cashing     services            ended
                                         2006      2006       2006         2006         2006             2006
Other information                       �'000     �'000      �'000        �'000        �'000            �'000

Capital additions (*)                       -         -          -            -            -            1,643
Depreciation and                            -         -          -            -            -            1,358
amortisation (*)
Impairment losses recognised               66         -          -          901            4              971
in income

Balance sheet

Segment assets                         28,930     4,180         57        1,273          399           34,839

Unallocated corporate                                                                                  24,644

Consolidated total assets                                                                              59,483

Segment liabilities                         -     (143)          -         (58)         (69)            (270)

Unallocated corporate                                                                                (39,607)

Consolidated total                                                                                   (39,877)

2.         Business and geographical segments (continued)

(*) The Group cannot meaningfully allocate this information by segment due to
the fact that all the segments operate from the same stores, and the assets in
use are common to all segments.

Geographical segments

The Group's operations are located entirely in the United Kingdom and all sales
are within the United Kingdom. Accordingly, no further geographical segments
analysis is presented.

3.      Finance costs

                                                                                         2007         2006
                                                                                        �'000        �'000

Interest on bank overdrafts and loans                                                   2,451        2,684
On other loans                                                                              -          896
Other interest                                                                             11           16

Total interest expense                                                                  2,462        3,596

Exceptional items                                                                           -          801
Amortisation of loan issue costs                                                          244          340

                                                                                        2,706        4,737

The �801,000 exceptional charge in 2006 relates to costs expensed associated
with the arrangement fees of the bank loan restructuring.

The �896,000 interest charge on other loans in 2006 relates to interest payable
on loan notes from the previous controlling party, The Rutland Fund.

4.      Tax charge

(a)              Tax on profit on ordinary activities

                                        Before                                  Before
                                   Exceptional   Exceptional      2007     Exceptional   Exceptional      2006
                                         Items         Items     Total           Items         Items     Total
                                         �'000         �'000     �'000           �'000         �'000     �'000
Current tax
United Kingdom corporation tax
charge/(credit) at 30% (2006 -
30%) based on the profit for the
year                                     2,329             -     2,329           1,362         (402)       960
Adjustments in respect of prior            (2)             -       (2)            (14)         (250)     (264)

Total current tax                        2,327             -     2,327           1,348         (652)       696

Deferred tax
Short term timing differences,           (136)            52      (84)              71            16        87
origination and reversal

Effect of change in tax rate              (26)             -      (26)               -             -         -
Adjustments in respect of prior             67             -        67               2           250       252

Total deferred tax                        (95)            52      (43)              73           266       339

Tax charge on profit                     2,232            52     2,284           1,421         (386)     1,035

4.         Tax charge (continued)

(b)              Factors affecting the tax charge for the year

The tax assessed for the year is higher than that resulting from applying the
standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30% (2006 - 30%).  The differences
are explained below:

                                        Before                                  Before
                                   Exceptional                    2007     Exceptional     Exceptional       2006
                                         items        items      Total           items           items      Total
                                         �'000        �'000      �'000           �'000           �'000      �'000

Profit before taxation                   7,162          201      7,363           4,695          -2,658      2,037

Tax charge/(credit) on profit at         2,149           60      2,209           1,409           (797)        612
standard rate

Effects of:
Disallowed expenses and                     44          (8)         36              24             395        419
non-taxable income
Change in tax rate                        (26)            -       (26)               -               -          -
Adjustments to tax charge in                65            -         65            (12)              16          4
respect of previous periods

Total actual amount of current           2,232           52      2,284           1,421           (386)      1,035
tax charge

From April 2008, the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK will decrease
from 30% to 28%. This new rate has been used to calculate any deferred tax
expected on timing differences that are expected to reverse in a period when the
new rate applies.

In addition to the amount charged to the income statement, �401,000 of tax
relief available to the Group arising on share options exercised in 2006 was
credited directly to accumulated profits in the year ended 31 December 2006.

5.          Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year
attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary
shares.  With respect to the Group these represent share options granted to
employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the
Company's ordinary shares during the year.

5.         Earnings per share (continued)

The directors also present an adjusted earnings per share as the directors
consider that it reflects the Group results on a comparable basis once
non-recurring items are taken into consideration. All the adjustments made to
the non-adjusted earnings per share in arriving at adjusted earnings per share
are for exceptional items disclosed separately on the face of the consolidated
income statement. Other than for the adjusting items, the calculation is the
same as for the statutory per share amounts.

Reconciliations of the earnings per ordinary share and weighted average number
of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                                          Year ended 31 December 2007             Year ended 31 December 2006
                                               Weighted                               Weighted
                                                average     Per-share                  average      Per-share
                                 Earnings        number        amount    Earnings       number         amount
                                    �'000     of shares         pence       �'000    of shares          pence

Earnings per share basic            5,079    33,487,898         15.17       1,002   27,489,310           3.65

Effect of dilutive securities
Options                                 -        64,573        (0.03)           -          388              -

Earnings per share diluted          5,079    33,552,471         15.14       1,002   27,489,698           3.65

Earnings per share - basic          5,079    33,487,898         15.17       1,002   27,489,310           3.65
IPO costs                               -             -             -       1,903            -           6.92
Fixed assets disposal               (201)             -        (0.60)        (46)            -         (0.17)
Debt issue costs                        -             -             -         801            -           2.91
Tax adjustment                         52             -          0.15       (386)            -          (1.4)

Adjusted earnings per share
 - basic                            4,930    33,487,898         14.72       3,274   27,489,310          11.91

Effect of dilutive securities
Options                                 -        64,573        (0.03)           -          388              -

Adjusted earnings per share
 - diluted                          4,930    33,552,471         14.69       3,274   27,489,698          11.91

6.      Note to the cash flow statement

                                                                                     2007              2006
                                                                                    �'000             �'000

Profit for the year                                                                 5,079             1,002

Adjustments for:
Investment revenues                                                                  (35)              (27)
Other gains and losses                                                              (201)              (46)
Finance costs                                                                       2,706             4,737
Movement in fair value of interest rate swap                                          151             (561)
Movement in provisions                                                                119                 -
Income tax expense                                                                  2,284             1,035
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                       1,260             1,154
Amortisation of intangible assets                                                     107               204
Share-based payment expense                                                           105                19
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                                    (8)              (12)

Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                           11,567             7,505
Increase in inventories                                                           (2,073)             (734)
Increase in receivables                                                           (3,203)             (298)
Increase in payables                                                                   39             1,152

Cash generated from operations                                                      6,330             7,625

Income taxes paid                                                                 (1,221)             (291)
Debt restructuring cost                                                                 -             (801)
Interest paid                                                                     (2,462)           (6,787)

Net cash from/(used by) operating activities                                        2,647             (254)

Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on
the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly
liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less.

Interest paid in 2006 includes �3,191,000 of interest that arose in previous
periods, and was added to the principal amount of borrowings at 1 January 2006.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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