RNS Number:6050C
H&T Group PLC
22 August 2007

H&T Group plc

"H&T" or "the Group"

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2007

H&T Group plc, which trades under the H&T Pawnbrokers and Get>Go brands, is the
UK's leading pawnbroking business by size of pledge book. The Group today
announces its Interim Results, for the period ended 30 June 2007.

Financial highlights (under IFRS)

                                                                       6 months to      6 months to        Change
                                                                      30 June 2007     30 June 2006
                                                                                #m               #m             %
Gross profit                                                                  12.8             10.6         +20.9
Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortisation
   (EBITDA) before exceptional items                                           4.6              3.7         +26.3
Operating profit before exceptional items                                      4.0              3.1         +30.1
Operating profit                                                               4.0              1.2        +242.0
Pledge book                                                                   25.6             24.3          +5.4

Operational highlights

*         Interim dividend declared of 1.6p per share payable on 15 October 2007

*         Successful placing in May 2007 at 204p raising #7m for store
acquisition and expansion programme

*         6 new stores have opened since the beginning of the year giving a
current total of 83 stores

John Nichols, Chief Executive, comments:

"This is an excellent result for the first half of 2007 with all product lines
showing double digit growth and gold asset backed lending continuing to prove a
success.  We are capitalising on the opportunities we described at last year's
IPO, both in terms of revenue growth and development of our store base through
new builds and acquisitions. We have also declared an interim dividend of 1.6p
per share. Christmas remains a key season for our retail segment so provided
current retail conditions continue, we can look forward to the outturn of the
full year with confidence."

                                                                  21 August 2007


H&T Group plc                                  Tel: 0870 9022 600
John Nichols, Chief Executive
Laurent Genthialon, Finance Director

Hawkpoint (Nominated adviser)                  Tel: 020 7665 4500
Lawrence Guthrie/Sunil Duggal

Numis Securities (Broker)                      Tel: 020 7260 1000
Oliver Hemsley/Charles Farquhar

College Hill                                   Tel: 020 7457 2020
Gareth David/Paddy Blewer

Report of the Chief Executive Officer and Finance Director

H&T Group plc is pleased to report a very positive trading performance for the
first six months of 2007 ("H1 2007"). Gross profit for H1 2007 was #12.8 million
compared with #10.6 million for the first six months of 2006 ("H1 2006"), an
increase of 20.9%. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
("EBITDA") before exceptional items rose by 26.3% from #3.7 million in H1 2006
to #4.6 million in H1 2007.

The directors have approved a 1.6p interim dividend (nil pence last year). This
will be payable on 15 October 2007 to all shareholders on the register at the 
close of business on 14 September 2007.

In May 2007, H&T completed the placing of 3.6 million new ordinary shares to
existing shareholders, all leading UK institutions, and provides the Group with
#7 million of additional finance for its store expansion programme.

In accordance with the AIM Rules for Companies, this is the first period when H&
T will use International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") accounting
standards rather than UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practices ("UK GAAP") as
the basis to report its financial results. This transition may lead to some
differences between reported numbers under IFRS and UK GAAP that are simply a
result of the accounting framework change and are not a reflection of a change
in business performance.

Pawnbroking activities, comprising Pawn Service Charge and Disposition,
performed well in the first six months of 2007 with gross profit increasing by
16.2% on the equivalent period last year, driven by an increase in pledge book
yield. The jewellery retail element has experienced growth in both revenue
(21.6%) and gross margin (39.1%) between H1 2006 and H1 2007.

The financial services segment's gross profit increased by 63.0% between H1 2006
and H1 2007; this strong performance was driven by growth across the financial
services product range including cheque cashing, pay day advance and KwikLoan.

In line with the Group's growth strategy, H&T has continued to grow its store
estate with two new stores opening in the first half of 2007. Since 30 June
2007, the Group has acquired an additional four stores. Taking into
consideration these six new stores H&T currently operates through 83 stores
across the United Kingdom.

Operational review


-                Pawnbroking activities contributed #11.1 million (H1 2006: #9.5
million) or 87% of the Group gross profit in H1 2007 (H1 2006: 90%).

-                The Group's pledge book was #25.6 million at 30 June 2007
(#24.3 million at 30 June 2006).

-                Pawn Service Charge rose to #8.4 million in H1 2007, an
increase of 10.8% on H1 2006 (#7.6 million).

-                Disposition combines contributions from both the retail and
scrap operations. The retail segment recovery experienced in H2 2006 continued
in the first half of 2007 with retail gross revenues up by 21.6% on
H1 2006 (12.9% on a like for like basis). The improvement in the retail gross
profit margin in 2006 continued in H1 2007 with the retail gross profit margin
rising from 39.8% in H1 2006 to 49.6% in H1 2007. This translated in an increase
in retail gross profit of 39.1%, from #1.4 million in H1 2006 to #2.0 million in
H1 2007. Scrap gross profit increased by #0.2 million between H1 2006 and H1
2007, driven by higher volume of scrap sales.

Financial services:

-                In H1 2007, the Group financial services activities contributed
#1.7 million (H1 2006: #1.1 million) or 13% of the Group's gross profit (H1
2006: 10%).

-                The transition to in-house facilities for the underwriting of
cheque cashing and pay day advances implemented in early 2006 has enabled H&T to
drive both volumes and margins. The cheque cashing and pay day advance gross
profit increased from #1.0 million in H1 2006 to #1.6 million in H1 2007, an
increase of 60%.

-                KwikLoan, the Group's unsecured loan product, doubled its loan
book from #0.3 million at
30 June 2006 to #0.6 million at 30 June 2007 (#0.4 million at 31 December 2006).
The pre-paid debit card product continues to attract new customers to the stores
although the general market awareness of the product has taken longer to develop
than anticipated. As a result, the pre-paid debit card operation has made only a
small contribution to the Group's H1 2007 results. However, the H&T Group Board
believes there is further potential in this product driven by the increased
convenience it grants to the consumer.

Strategy review

Update on business acquisitions

On 16 May 2007, the Group announced the placing of 3.6 million new ordinary
shares to finance the expansion of its store estate, in particular to fund the
cash element of acquisitions and the working capital required to grow these
businesses.  At the time of the placing, H&T had already acquired a store in
Willesden, which was subsequently relocated to a nearby H&T store, and a store
in Wolverhampton. The contribution of these two new stores to the H1 2007
results was limited due to the timing of their acquisitions (mid May 2007).
Four stores for which key terms and exclusivity had been agreed in May 2007 were
acquired on 20 August 2007.

Exclusivity terms have been signed for a further 6 stores and completions are
expected to take place between September and November 2007 and terms are being
progressed on further opportunities.

Update on Greenfield sites

The Group opened one Greenfield store in H1 2007 (one in H1 2006) in Watford.
Leases have been signed in respect of four further sites and subject to planning
consents these stores will be opened during the second half of 2007.

Update on new point of sale development

The development of the replacement point of sale system for the business remains
within budget and the full roll out is expected in the second half of 2007 as

Trading outlook

The Board is pleased with the overall trading performance of the Group which
remains in line with expectations.

Seasonality within the business means that the second half of the year tends to
make a larger contribution to the full year result than the first half.  The
extent of the impact of seasonality is affected by retail sentiment,
particularly during the Christmas period.  The business has good prospects for
growth driven by a combination of further branch openings in the second half of
the year together with recent and scheduled store acquisitions.

Financial review

The financial results provided in the main body of this report have been
prepared using IFRS. For information only, we have included in the appendix the
Group's financial results under pro-forma UK GAAP and a reconciliation between
the pro-forma UK GAAP and IFRS. We should also point readers to the Group's
report on the impact of IFRS (relative to UK GAAP) on H&T's results released on
1 August 2007 and accessible on the Group's website (www.handtgroup.co.uk).

Turnover and gross profit

Turnover for the first six months of 2007 amounted to #17.3 million compared
with #14.5 million for the corresponding period in 2006; a 19.5% increase driven
by strong growth across all of the Group's activities. The improvement in retail
gross margin together with the growth in Pawn Service Charge and financial
services resulted in H1 2007 total gross profit of #12.8 million, an increase of
20.9% on H1 2006 (#10.6 million).

Administrative expenses

The Group's administrative expenses before exceptional items increased from #7.5
million in H1 2006 to #8.8 million in H1 2007.  The increase was mainly due to
the higher number of stores owned by the Group (additional ten stores), the
development of the authorisations and collections back office and cost
inflation. There were no exceptional expenses in H1 2007 while #1.9 million were
incurred as part of the Initial Public Offer ("IPO") in H1 2006.

Operating profit

The Group recorded an operating profit before exceptional items of #4.0 million
for H1 2007 compared with #3.1 million in H1 2006. Earnings before interest,
taxation, depreciation, amortisation and exceptional items increased by 26.3%
between H1 2006 (#3.7 million) and H1 2007 (#4.6 million). After taking account
of the exceptional items, operating profit in H1 2007 was #4.0 million compared
with #1.2 million in H1 2006.

Other gains

The Group disposed of a freehold property in H1 2007 resulting in an exceptional
gain of #0.2 million (#nil in H1 2006).

Finance costs and similar charges

Finance costs before exceptional items decreased by #1.1 million from #2.5
million in H1 2006 to #1.4 million in H1 2007.  This reduction resulted from the
repayment of the Rutland loan notes and the restructuring of bank facilities at
the time of the Group's admission to AIM in May 2006. The financial
restructuring in 2006 incurred an exceptional charge of #0.8 million. Had this
restructuring and IPO been effective from the beginning of 2006, the Board
estimates that the interest payable before exceptional items would have been
#1.6 million for H1 2006.

Under IFRS, movements in the fair value of the Group's interest rate swap are
recognised in the income statement. As a result, the Group recorded changes in
the fair value of the instrument amounting to income of #0.5 million in H1 2007
compared with income of #0.2 million in H1 2006.

Financial review (continued)

Profit/(loss) before taxation

The Group recorded a profit before taxation of #3.3 million in H1 2007 compared
with a loss before taxation of #1.9 million in H1 2006. In H1 2006, the Group
incurred #2.7 million exceptional costs compared with
#0.2 million of exceptional profit in H1 2007. Profit before taxation, fair
value hedge accounting and exceptional items in H1 2007 was #2.6 million
compared with #0.6 million in H1 2006. Profit before taxation and exceptional
items in H1 2007 was #3.1 million compared with #0.8 million in H1 2006.

Earnings/(loss) per share

Basic earnings per share for H1 2007 was 7.15 pence compared with basic loss per
share of 7.99 pence in H1 2006. After adjusting for exceptional items, adjusted 
basic earnings per share for H1 2007 was 6.64 pence compared with 1.81 pence in 
H1 2006.


The directors have approved a 1.6p interim dividend (nil pence last year)
payable on the 15 October 2007. In June 2007, the Group paid a 3p final dividend
for the 2006 financial year results.

Interim Financial Statements

Unaudited consolidated income statement
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007

                                             6 months ended 30 June 2007           6 months ended 30 June 2006
                             Note             Before  Exceptional                   Before  Exceptional       
                                         Exceptional        Items              Exceptional        Items
                                               Items     (Note 4)       Total        Items     (Note 4)       Total
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited   Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited   Unaudited
                                               #'000        #'000       #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

Continuing operations
                     Revenue                  17,269            -      17,269       14,453            -      14,453
               Cost of sales                 (4,459)            -     (4,459)      (3,856)            -     (3,856)

                Gross profit                  12,810            -      12,810       10,597            -      10,597

     Administrative expenses                 (8,827)            -     (8,827)      (7,534)      (1,896)     (9,430)

            Operating profit                   3,983            -       3,983        3,063      (1,896)       1,167

            Depreciation and       3           (664)            -       (664)        (620)            -       (620)
                     EBITDA*                   4,647            -       4,647        3,683      (1,896)       1,787

Investment revenues                                8            -           8           11            -          11
Other gains and losses       4                     -          196         196            -            -           -
Finance costs                7               (1,409)            -     (1,409)      (2,479)        (800)     (3,279)
Movement in fair value of                        481            -         481          229            -         229
interest rate swap

Profit/(loss) before                           3,063          196       3,259          824      (2,696)     (1,872)

Tax on profit/(loss)         5                 (947)         (36)       (983)        (399)          400           1

Profit/(loss) for the period                   2,116          160       2,276          425      (2,296)     (1,871)

Earnings/(loss) per ordinary                                           7.15 p                              (7.99) p
 share - basic               6
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary                                           7.14 p                              (7.99) p
 share - diluted             6

*EBITDA: Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation

The consolidated income statement for the 12 months ended 31 December 2006 is
provided in note 2.

Unaudited consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007
                                                  Note         6 months         6 months         12 months
                                                                  ended            ended             ended
                                                                30 June          30 June       31 December 
                                                                   2007             2006              2006
                                                              Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited
                                                                  #'000            #'000             #'000

Opening total equity                                             19,606              498               498

Profit/(loss) for the period                                      2,276          (1,871)             1,002
Dividend paid                                       10            (945)                -                 -
Deferred tax credit on share based payments                           -                -               400
taken directly to equity

Total of recognised income and expense for the period            20,937          (1,373)             1,900

Issue of new shares                                  8            7,063           17,687            17,687
Share option charge taken directly to equity                         44                -                19

Closing total equity                                             28,044           16,314            19,606

Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
At 30 June 2007

                                                                At 30 June        At 30 June   At 31 December
                                                                      2007              2006             2006
                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                                 Note                #'000             #'000            #'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                                            15,300            14,346           14,899
Other intangible assets                                              1,216               554              804
Property, plant and equipment                                        5,594             4,825            5,396
                                                                    22,110            19,725           21,099

Current assets
Inventories                                                          6,290             4,442            4,237
Trade and other receivables                                         33,198            30,908           31,869
Assets held for sale                                                     -                58               37
Cash and cash equivalents                                            1,368             1,220            2,108
Derivative financial instruments                                       614                 -              133
                                                                    41,470            36,628           38,384

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                           (3,322)           (3,843)          (3,510)
Current tax liabilities                                              (857)              (50)             (88)
Bank overdrafts and loans                                          (2,860)           (1,043)          (1,255)
Derivative financial instruments                                         -             (199)                -
                                                                   (7,039)           (5,135)          (4,853)
Net current assets                                                  34,431            31,493           33,531

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                                        (28,034)          (34,846)         (34,617)
Deferred tax liabilities                                             (463)              (58)            (407)
                                                                  (28,497)          (34,904)         (35,024)
Total liabilities                                                 (35,536)          (40,039)         (39,877)
Net assets                                                          28,044            16,314           19,606

Share capital                                  8                     1,754             1,574            1,574
Share premium                                                       23,995            17,113           17,112
Share option reserve                                                    63                 -               19
Retained earnings                                                    2,232           (2,373)              901
Total equity                                                        28,044            16,314           19,606

Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007
                                                                   6 months         6 months        12 months 
                                                                      ended            ended            ended
                                                                    30 June          30 June      31 December
                                                                       2007             2006             2006
                                                                  Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                                                      #'000            #'000            #'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit/(loss) for the period                                          2,276          (1,871)            1,002
Adjustments for:
Investment revenues                                                     (8)             (11)             (27)
Other gains and losses                                                (196)                -             (46)
Finance costs                                                         1,409            3,279            4,737
Movement in fair value of interest rate swap                          (481)            (229)            (561)
Income tax expense                                                      983                1            1,035
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                           623              526            1,154
Amortisation of intangible assets                                        41               94              204
Share based payment expense                                              44                -               19
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                      (8)              (7)             (12)

Operating cash flows before movements in working                      4,683            1,782            7,505

Increase in inventories                                             (1,772)            (939)            (734)
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                                    (898)              456            (298)
(Decrease)/increase in payables                                       (195)            1,721            1,152

Cash generated from operations                                        1,818            3,020            7,625

Income taxes paid                                                     (158)            (150)            (291)
Debt restructuring cost                                                   -            (800)            (801)
Interest paid                                                       (1,287)          (1,299)          (6,787)

Net cash from/(used by) operating activities                            373              771            (254)

Investing activities
Interest received                                                         8               11               27
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment                   260               42              118
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                          (1,021)          (1,462)          (2,642)
Acquisition of trade and assets of businesses                       (1,377)                -          (1,013)

Net cash used in investing activities                               (2,130)          (1,409)          (3,510)

Financing activities
Dividends paid                                                        (945)                -                -
Repayments of borrowings                                            (6,450)         (23,663)         (19,500)
Increase in borrowings                                                    -            6,400            6,251
Proceeds on issue of shares                                           7,063           17,687           17,687
Increase in bank overdrafts                                           1,349                -                -

Net cash from financing activities                                    1,017              424            4,438

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                  (740)            (214)              674

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      2,108            1,434            1,434

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                            1,368            1,220            2,108

Notes to the Interim Financial Report

Note 1 Basis of preparation

The AIM rules require that the next annual consolidated financial statements of
the Group for the year ending 31 December 2007, be prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU.   The
company published its statement on the impact of the adoption of IFRS on 1
August 2007 which is available on the company website at www.handtgroup.co.uk
and the financial information presented in that document has been used as the
comparative information for the year ended 31 December 2006 and the period ended
30 June 2006.

The directors have applied the same accounting policies, as set out in the
document on the impact of the adoption of IFRS, which they expect to apply when
the first annual IFRS financial statements are prepared for the year ended 31
December 2007. This documented was audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, the Group
auditors. The document, which includes their audit opinions on the IFRS opening
consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2006, and the IFRS consolidated
balance sheet as at 31 December 2006 is available from www.handtgroup.co.uk.

The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2006 or for the period
ended 30 June 2006 do not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. A copy of the statutory accounts for the
year 31 December 2006, prepared under UK GAAP, has been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified auditors' report which made
no statement under sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

This interim financial report is unaudited.

Note 2 Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                         Note          Before      Exceptional            Total
                                                                  Exceptional   Items (Note 4)
                                                                      Audited          Audited          Audited
                                                                        #'000            #'000            #'000

Continuing operations
Revenue                                                                32,115                -           32,115
Cost of sales                                                         (8,787)                -          (8,787)

Gross profit                                                           23,328                -           23,328

Administrative expenses                                              (15,285)          (1,903)         (17,188)

Operating profit                                                        8,043          (1,903)            6,140

Depreciation and amortisation                      3                  (1,358)                -          (1,358)
EBITDA                                                                  9,401          (1,903)            7,498

Investment revenues                                                        27                -               27
Other gains and losses                             4                        -               46               46

Finance costs                                      7                  (3,936)            (801)          (4,737)
Movement in fair value of interest rate                                   561                -              561

Profit before taxation                                                  4,695          (2,658)            2,037

Tax on profit                                      5                  (1,421)              386          (1,035)

Profit for the financial year                                           3,274          (2,272)            1,002

Earnings per ordinary share - basic                6                                                       3.65
Earnings per ordinary share - diluted              6                                                       3.65

Notes to the Interim Financial Report (continued)

Note 3 Depreciation and amortisation

Operating profit is stated after charging:

                                                      6 months ended      6 months ended              Year ended
                                                        30 June 2007        30 June 2006        31 December 2006
                                                           Unaudited           Unaudited                 Audited
                                                               #'000               #'000                   #'000

Depreciation on property, plant and equipment                    623                 526                   1,154

Amortisation charge on intangible assets                          41                  94                     204

                                                                 664                 620                   1,358

Note 4 Exceptional items

During the first 6 months of 2007, the Group disposed of one freehold property
(6 months ended 30 June 2006: nil and year ended 31 December 2006: one which was
leased back as an operating lease) generating a profit of #196,000 (6 months
ended 30 June 2006: #nil and year ended 31 December 2006: #46,000).

During the first 6 months of 2006, the Group incurred a charge of #1,896,000 (6
months ended 30 June 2007: #nil and year ended 31 December 2006: #1,903,000) as
part of administrative expenses relating to the Initial Public Offering (IPO)
and #800,000 (6 months ended 30 June 2007: #nil and year ended 31 December 2006:
#801,000) as part of finance costs relating to the restructuring of the bank
facilities held by the Group following the IPO.

Note 5 Taxation

The taxation charge for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 has been calculated by
reference to the expected effective corporation tax and deferred tax rates for
the full financial year to end on 31 December 2007. The underlying effective
full year tax charge is estimated to be 30.1% (6 months ended 30 June 2006:
48.4% and year ended 31 December 2006: 30.3%).

Note 6 Earnings/(loss) per share

Basic earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the
period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary
shares.  With respect to the Group these represent share options granted to
employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the
Company's ordinary shares during the period.

The directors also present an adjusted earnings/(loss) per share as the
directors consider that it reflects the Group results on a comparable basis once
non recurring items are taken into consideration. All the adjustments made to
the non-adjusted earnings/(loss) per share in arriving at adjusted earnings/
(loss) per share are for exceptional items disclosed separately on the face of
the consolidated income statement. Other than for the adjusting items, the
calculation is the same as for the statutory per share amounts.

Notes to the Interim Financial Report (continued)

Note 6 Earnings/(loss) per share (continued)

Reconciliations of the earnings/(loss) per ordinary share and weighted average
number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                              Unaudited                       Unaudited                        Audited
                       6 months ended 30 June 2007      6 months ended 30 June 2006   Year  ended 31 December 2006
                    Earnings    Weighted Per-share   (Loss)/    Weighted  Per-share Earnings    Weighted Per-share
                                 average    amount  earnings     average     amount              average    amount
                       #'000   number of     pence             number of      pence    #'000   number of     pence
                                  shares               #'000      shares                          shares

Earnings/(loss) per
share basic            2,276  31,863,607      7.15   (1,871)  23,426,675     (7.99)    1,002  27,489,310      3.65

Effect of dilutive
Options                    -      57,538    (0.01)         -           -          -        -         388         -

Earnings/(loss) per
share diluted          2,276  31,921,145      7.14   (1,871)  23,426,675     (7.99)    1,002  27,489,698      3.65

Earnings/(loss) per    2,276  31,863,607      7.15   (1,871)  23,426,675     (7.99)    1,002  27,489,310      3.65
share - basic
IPO costs                  -           -         -     1,896           -       8.09    1,903           -      6.92
Fixed assets           (196)           -    (0.62)         -           -          -     (46)           -    (0.17)
Debt issue costs           -           -         -       800           -       3.41      801           -      2.91
Tax adjustment            36           -      0.11     (400)           -     (1.70)    (386)           -    (1.40)

Adjusted earnings
per share - basic      2,116  31,863,607      6.64       425  23,426,675       1.81    3,274  27,489,310     11.91

Effect of dilutive
Options                    -      57,538    (0.01)         -           -          -        -         388         -

Adjusted earnings
per share - diluted    2,116  31,921,145      6.63       425  23,426,675       1.81    3,274  27,489,698     11.91

Note 7 Finance costs
                                                          6 months             6 months                      Year
                                                             ended                ended                     ended
                                                      30 June 2007         30 June 2006          31 December 2006
                                                         Unaudited            Unaudited                   Audited
                                                             #'000                #'000                     #'000

Interest payable on bank loans and                           1,265                1,360                     2,684
On loan notes                                                    -                  896                       896
Other interest                                                  22                   15                        16
Amortisation of debt issue costs                               122                  208                       340

                                                             1,409                2,479                     3,936
Exceptional items - note 4                                       -                  800                       801

Total finance costs                                          1,409                3,279                     4,737

Notes to the Interim Financial Report (continued)

Note 8 Share capital

                                                   At 30 June 2007      At 30 June 2006   At 31 December 2006
                                                         Unaudited            Unaudited               Audited
                                                                 #                    #                     #

(Ordinary Shares of #0.05 each)
# Sterling                                               2,098,500            2,098,500             2,098,500

Number                                                  41,970,000           41,970,000            41,970,000

Allotted, called up and fully paid

(Ordinary Shares of #0.05 each)
# Sterling                                               1,754,285               1,574,285            1,574,285
                                                        35,085,706              31,485,706           31,485,706

The reconciliation of the movement in share capital and share premium account is
set out below:

                                                                           Share premium
                                                                                 account                 Total
                                                      Share capital                              share capital
                                                          Unaudited            Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                              #'000                #'000                 #'000

At 1 January 2006                                             1,000                    -                 1,000
Issue of share capital                                          574               17,790                18,364
Issue expenses                                                    -                (677)                 (677)

At 30 June 2006                                               1,574               17,113                18,687
Issue expenses                                                    -                  (1)                   (1)

At 31 December 2006                                           1,574               17,112               18,686
Issue of share capital                                          180                7,164                7,344
Issue expenses                                                    -                (281)                 (281)

At 30 June 2007                                               1,754               23,995               25,749

Notes to the Interim Financial Report (continued)

Note 9 Business combinations

The Group made the following acquisitions during the period:

                                                                      Total            Total              Total
                                                                   6 months         6 months               year
                                  Acquisition  Acquisition            ended            ended              ended
                                            1            2
                                                               30 June 2007     30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                                                                  Unaudited        Unaudited            Audited
                                        #'000        #'000            #'000            #'000              #'000
Assets acquired:
Intangible assets                          74          175              249                -                163
Property, plant and equipment               -           15               15                -                  -
Retail inventory                            -          281              281                -                  -
Current trade and other                   142          289              431                -                297

Cash and cash equivalent                    -           18               18                -                  7
Total assets acquired                     216          778              994                -                467
Cash                                      236        1,159            1,395                -              1,020

Total consideration                       236        1,159            1,395                -              1,020

Goodwill                                   20          381              401                -                553

The Group will present further disclosures with respect to the acquisition as
required by IFRS 3, "Business Contributions", in the financial statements for
the year ending 31 December 2007.

Note 10 Dividends

On 16 May 2007, the shareholders approved the payment of a 3.0p final dividend
for 2006 which equates to a dividend payment of #945,000. The dividend was paid
on 4 June 2007.

On 21 August 2007, the directors approved a 1.6p interim dividend (30 June 2005:
nil pence) which equates to a dividend payment of #563,000 (30 June 2006: #nil).
 The dividend will be paid on 15 October 2007 to shareholders on the share
register at the close of business on 14  September 2007and has therefore not
been provided for in the 2007 interim results.

Appendix 1

Reconciliation of proforma UK GAAP* to IFRS

Six months ended 30 June 2007 (unaudited)            Profit before tax                 Tax     Profit after tax
                                                                 #'000               #'000                #'000
Proforma UK GAAP *                                               2,688               (961)                1,727
IAS 12 Deferred tax on business combinations                         -                  28                   28
IAS 17 Lease incentives                                            (1)                   -                  (1)
IAS 19 Holiday pay accrual                                       (229)                  69                (160)
IAS 38 Intangible assets amortisation                             (24)                   -                 (24)
IAS 39 Interest receivable recognition                            (59)                  18                 (41)
IAS 39 Interest hedging fair value                                 481               (137)                  344
IFRS 3 Business combinations: reversal of                          403                   -                  403
goodwill amortisation

IFRS                                                             3,259               (983)                2,276

Six months ended 30 June 2006 (unaudited)              Loss before tax                 Tax       Loss after tax
                                                                 #'000               #'000                #'000

Proforma UK GAAP *                                             (2,307)                  (8)             (2,315)
IAS 12 Deferred tax on business combinations                         -                   25                  25
IAS 17 Lease incentives                                             11                  (3)                   8
IAS 19 Holiday pay accrual                                       (199)                   60               (139)
IAS 39 Interest receivable recognition                            (25)                    7                (18)
IAS 39 Interest hedging fair value                                 229                 (69)                 160
IFRS 3 Business combinations: reversal of                          384                    -                 384
goodwill amortisation
Change in accounting policy for stock                               35                  (11)                 24

IFRS                                                           (1,872)                    1             (1,871)

Year ended 31 December 2006 (audited)                Profit before tax                  Tax        (Loss)/profit
                                                                 #'000                #'000      after tax #'000

Proforma UK GAAP *                                                 669                 (903)               (234)
IAS 12 Deferred tax on business combinations                         -                    48                  48
IAS 17 Lease incentives                                             15                   (5)                  10
IAS 19 Holiday pay accrual                                           -                     -                   -
IAS 38 Intangible assets amortisation                              (9)                     -                 (9)
IAS 39 Interest receivable recognition                            (15)                     4                (11)
IAS 39 Interest hedging fair value                                 561                 (168)                 393
IFRS 3 Business combinations: reversal of                          779                     -                 779
goodwill amortisation
Change in accounting policy for stock                               37                  (11)                  26

IFRS                                                             2,037               (1,035)               1,002

* The UK GAAP applied in this appendix to prepare the proforma UK GAAP figures
above is defined as that which was applicable to the Group's UK GAAP statutory
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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